1976-01-12 RGMAGENDA
JANUARY 12, 1976
Supervisor Town Justices Bldg. Insp. Zng. Adm.
Bldg. Insp. Annual (Historians Year End l::<.ti,4).1
a. H. Mangold re: DWS Holdings, Inc. requesting water service
to Cranberry Hills Dev.
b. Peter Tavolacci representing Naro Subd. requests posting
Performance Bond, and return of Cash posted
c. Julius Gerzof requests replacement of Cash Bond w/Surity Bond
for Sects. II & III Ye Olde Apple Orchard
d. Sidney Fetner, Pres of Corp for Village Crest, requests Speed
Limit reduction on Maloney Rd.
e. Camo Pollution Control Recommendations:
1. Wildwood Sewer - New Chlorinator
2. Complaints of back-up at 34 Robert Lane
f. Rudolph Lapar Reports
1. Mr. Gronyko-Vorndran Drive
2. Release of Permits - W.S.Imp. #1
3. Regarding letter of 12/9/75 from Rains, Pogrebin & Scher;
4. Repair of Rockingham Pumps
g. Sup. Diehl re: Increase in charges for Ambulance Service
h. Boyle Electric Co. report and estimate of cost for repair
of faulty wiring in Ta,in Building
i. NYS Dept. of Trans. Notice of Order for Town Area Speed Limit
Spook Hill Rd. area
j. James Spratt, Comm. Dutchess Co. Dept. Public Works
1. Report on Load Limit -Co. Bridges in T/W
2. Report on New Hackensack Rd. intersection
k. Notices of Public Hearings-Taan of Poughkeepsie (3)
1. State Bd. of Equalization acknowledgement of receipt
for Review of the Equalization
m. James J. Lyons re: Tcrn Dog Wardens
in Village
n. Jerard Hankin re: easement agreement w/Wappinger Park Homes,
Inc. for lot on Cayuga Drive
o. Resignation of Ann Albrecht as P/T clerk to Zng. Adm.
p. Mrs. Serbino-36 Robert Lane- Mailbox
q. Bid for Sporting Equipment- Recreation Commission
of Complaint
assuming responsibilities!
�.-••i/1A CiirSrt-�.lLnoc•" Z11-4) e.re,
Local Law providing for the Licensing of Plumbers
a. Mr. Wu - Connection to Rockingham Farms
b. Exposed Wiring - Fleetwood Sewer Plant
c. Centennial Chairperson and Committee
d. R. E. Lapar - Phase II, Down Stream Drainage Study
Kenneth Santos.. re: Argan Dev. Corp, -1) U D
f. M. Morris re: rezoning request
The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger was held on January 12, 1976, at 8:00 P.M. at the Town
Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, New York.
Supervisor Diehl called the meeting to order at 8:15 P.M.
Louis Diehl, Supervisor
Louis Clausen, Councilman
Leif Jensen, Councilman
Nicholas Johnson, Councilman
Frank Versace, Councilman
Elaine Snowden, Town Clerk
Others Present:
Rudolph Lapar, Engineer to the Town
Allan Rappleyea, Attorney to the Town
The reports for the month of December were received from the
Supervisor, Building Inspector, Town Justices and the Zoning Ad-
ministrator as well as the Annual Report from Virgigia Ferris,
Town Historian and Building Inspector. A letter was also received
from Mrs. Anderson, Zoning Administrator, regarding efforts on her
part to have Mr. Sid Shapiro to correct violations of his salvage
yard: so that a Salvage Yard License could be issued to him. She
requested direction from the Board. And further, the Town Clerk
informed the Board that she had received approval from Audit and
Control for Wappinger Sewer Improvement #2.
MR. DIEHL moved that, with reference to Mrs. Anderson's communica-
tion regarding Sid Shapiro not renewing the Salvage Yard License
until the Attorney to the Town investigates it and advises the Board
as to what action they should take.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen
Motion Unanimously Carried
MR. CLAUSEN moved that the regular December reports from the Super-
visor, Town Justices, Building Inspector and Zoning Administrator;
the Historians, Building Inspectors Annual Report; and the approval
from Audit and Control for Wappinger Sewer Improvement #2 be accepted
and placed on file.
Seconded by Mr. Jensen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
A letter was received from Harold V. Mangold, representing and
on behalf of D.W.S. Holdings, Inc. requesting water service to
the D.W.S. Holdings Inc. project known as Cranberry Hills Develop-
MR. DIEHL moved that, since Mr. Lapar has been instructed to make
a study, which has not as yet been completed, directed that subject
to the completion of the study, and receipt of it by the Board, Mr.
Mangold's request be tabled to a future meeting.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen
Motion Unanimously Carried
The following letters, requesting the return of cash bonds posted
with the Town were received:
December 4, 1975
Planning Board
Town of Wappinger
Town Hall
Wappingers Falls, New York
Attention Chairman
Upon advice of the Town Attorney, I am told that the cash bond
provisions of your sub -division and planning ]aws are not
applicable any more. In connection with the Naro Sub -Division,
my clients have deposited with the Town, a certified check in
the amount of $45,218.20, as and for the performance bond
mentioned above.
Since the regulations have changed, my clients now ask that the
amount posted be returned and in its place, ,either a commercially
available Surety Bond in the same amount, or in the alternative,
a letter of credit from the Danbury Savings and Loan Association,
Inc. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated and
awaiting your reply, I remain
Very truly yours,
s/ Peter P. Tavolacci
December 23, 1975
Town Board
Town of Wappinger
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, New York
I hereby request that the cash bond now held by you as a
maintenance bond on Section II and III of Ye Olde Apple Orchard
be replaced by a surety bond of a New York State insurance company,
licensed to do business in the State of New York.
Please advise the precise language you require the Bonding
Company to incorporate in the bond, setting forth the expiration
date of the bond. Please bear in mind the date you approved the
roads as being in compliance with your requirements and authorized
payment of the sums for such work (July 10th, 1975).
Thanking you for your attention and early advise in this
matter, I am,
Very truly yours,
s/ Julius Gerzof
MR. JENSEN moved that the request from Mr. Tavolacci and Mr.
Gerzof be referred to Mr. Rappleyea, Mr. Lapar and Mr. Horton for
their review and report to the Board.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen
Motion Unanimously Carried
A letter was received from Dennis O'Sullivan, Vice President of
the Management Brokerage and Investors Corp. (operators of Village
Crest Apts.) requesting a 25 MPH on Maloney Rd. from Rt. 376 to
east of the apartment complex.
MR. CLAUSEN moved that the Town Clerk request of the New York State
Department of Transportation a speed limit of 30MPH for Maloney Road.
Seconded by Mr. Jensen
Motion Unanimously Carried
A report was received from Camo Pollution Control Inc. recommending
that the Engineer to the Town look into the feasibility of install-
ing a new chlorinator at the Wildwood Wastewater Treatment Plant,
as the model currently in use is an obsolete mode 1.
MR. DIEHL moved that the Town Clerk request from Matthew Ryan,
Comptroller the amount of available monies in the Wildwood Sewer
District before the Board makes any recommendation toward the
purchase of a new chlorinator.
Seconded by Councilman Clausen
Motion Unanimously Carried
A report was received from Camo Pollution Control, Inc. regarding
a complaint -sewer back-ups at 34 Robert Lane. At the time the
back-up was checked they were unable to locate a manhole upstream
of #36 Robert Lane. There is a pipe, which appears to be a spur,
and Camo wishes to be advised as to the responsibilities in the
event of problems with this line.
MR. JENSEN moved to refer this to Mr. Lapar, to ascertain what
remedial action, if any, can be taken, and what the cost would
be to that district.
Seconded by Councilman Clausen
The following report was received:
Motion Unanimously Carried
December 18, 1975
Town Board, Town of Wappinger
Rudolph E. Lapar, P.E. P.C.
Engineer to the Town
Vorndran Drive Problem --Mr. Gromyko
On June 10, 1974 my office indicated in a memo to the Town Board
that the total solution to the Vorndran Drive Storm Drainage
Problem would cost approximately $137,000.
On November 13, 1974 I met with Mr. William P. Horton on Vorndran
Drive and it was suggested that a new inlet basin and line be
placed at the western side of Vorndran Drive and run down the
south side of Deer Run to an existing drainage stream.
A cursory view indicates that the construction, if limited to
the above, could be done for approximately $25,000. However, due
to the lack of grade in the area and the possibility of additional
drainage work beyond that contemplated, it is recommended that a
total study of the area be authorized before any decision is made.
It is our opinion that this is similar to Oakwood Knolls and Mr.
Valvo's problem.
Very truly yours,
s/ Rudolph E. Lapar
MR. DIEHL moved to authorize Rudolph Lapar to make a complete study,
subject to weather conditions, and advise the Board if this $25,000
will correct the problem, and the pitch is there. Further, request
Mr. Lapar to combine this study with Mr. Horton, with regard to
Robert Lane, in Oakwood Knolls, specifically in back of the Valvo
property for a study.
Seconded by Mr. Johnson
Motion Unanimously Carried'
Notification was received from Mr. Lapar's office regarding several
more sewer lines that had been approved in the Wappinger Sewer
Improvement Area by the Dutchess County Health Department. These
lines are now acceptable for use.
Mr. Diehl directed that the two reports from Mr. Lapar's office
regarding additional sewer lines available for use be received
and placed on file.
MR. CLAUSEN moved that the Clerk to the Water and Sewer Department
be directed to send out notifications at the next billing time
that all connections are accomplished, and the residents may now
hook up.
Seconded by Mr. Jensen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
A letter was received from Mr. Lapar which references a letter
received by him from Mona N. Glanzer, with Rains, Pogrebin & Scher,
who are of council to the New York State Association of Land Sur-
veyors Inc. Their concern was with pages 17 & 18 of the Town of
Wappinger "Street Specifications" which refer to certain certiftpations
required by licensed professional engineers.
MR. DIEHL moved to refer this matter to Mr. Rappleyea, Attorney
to the Town.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen
Motion Unanimously Carried
The following report was received:
December 19, 1975
Town Board
Town of Wappinger
Town Hall -Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, N.Y.
Re: Repair of Rockingham Pumps
At the December 8, 1975 meeting of the Town Board of the Town
of Wappinger, the Board asked me to look into the cost figures
for the repair and upgrading of the sewage pumps at the Town of
Wappinger Rockingham Farm Sewage Treatment Plant.
We have taken care of that problem in the bid and specifications
that were awarded to Lafko Associates, Inc.
The equipment necessary to repair said pumps has been included as
part of said project and it is our agreement with Camo Pollution
Control that once those parts are available, they will be placed
into the pumps by Camo Pollution Control, Inc.
Very truly yours,
s/ Rudolph E. Lapax, P.E.
MR. DIEHL moved that Mr. Lapar's report be received and placed
on file with a copy sent to the operators.
Seconded by Mr. Jensen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
A recommendation was received from Supervisor Diehl regarding
increasing the Town charges for Sloper-Willen Ambulance Service
from $ 35.00 to $55.00.
Mr. Diehl referred his recommendations for an increase in Town
charges for ambulance service to the Miscellaneous Committee,
Messrs. Clausen and Johnson, for further investigation and report
back .at the next -Board meeting.
3 Vd 5
At the request of Supervisor Diehl, Boyle Electric Company
submitted an estimate for remedying existing electrical hazards
in the Town Hall Building for a total of $275.00. Mr. Diehl in
turn obtained a verbal okay from the Building Committee to authorize
Vincent -Boyle to proceed at the earliest possible time. Mr. Diehl
wished to confirm this action.
MR. DIEHL moved that the estimate submitted by Boyle Electric
Company for repairs to the Town Hall and Offices, for $375.00 be
approved and Mr. Boyle instructed to correct the hazards existing
in the Town Building at the earliest possible time.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Notice was received from the New York State Department of Trans-
portation establishing a 30 MPH area speed limit within the Spook
Hill Area - but excluding Spook Hill Road, Losee Road, Myers Corners
Road and All Angels Hill Road,
MR. CLAUSEN moved to request of the New York State Department of
Transportation a linear speed limit for both Spook Hill Road and
Losee Road with a copy of the original request to the proper author-
Seconded by Mr. Johnson
Motion Unanimously Carried
January 5, 1976
Town Board of Wappinger
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, New Yrk
Re: Load Limits -County Bridges
Town of Wappinger
As per your request through Town Clerk Snowden, I had my Engineering
Division review the load characteristics of all County bridges in
the Town of Wappinger.
Results of this review indicate that only three structures are not
capable of accommodating the legal load limits as prescribed by
State law. The three structures are noted below with respective
weight limits. Signs noting these limits will be posted.
t 6
WP -9X Robinson Lane 18 ton limit
WP -20X Brown Road 10 ton limit
WP -22X Montfort Road 18 ton limit
It should be noted that vehicles in excess of legal size or weight
per the Vehicle and Traffic Laws, should not be operating on public
highways without appropriate permits from governing agencies.
Very truly yours,
s/ James Spratt, P.E.
MR. CLAUSEN moved that Mr. Spratt's letter re: load limits County
Bridges -Town of Wappinger be received and placed on file.
Seconded by Mr. Jensen
Motion Unanimously Carried
A letter was received from Mr. Spratt in which he indicated that
the request by the Town for providing two lanes of traffic on New
Hackensack Road has been designated and final plans have been
reviewed by New York State Department of Transportation, the
request for Old Hopewell Road and Route 9 is new to him and he
will request of his engineers to make necessary investigations
of the matter.
MR. CLAUSEN moved to acknowledge the receipt of Mr. Spratt's letter
regarding both New Hackensack Road and Old Hopewell Road at their
intersection with Route 9, and further ask him if he would check
the flooding conditions that exist on New Hackensack Road east of
the intersection of Route 9 in the vicinity of Imperial Boulevard and
Seconded by Mr. Jensen
Motion Unanimously Carried
Notices of Public Hearings were received from the Town of Pough-
keepsie for changes to the ;Town of Poughkeepsie Zoning Ordinance
to be held January 21st and February 3rd, 1976.
MR. CLAUSEN moved that these Notices of Public Hearings be referred
to -,Council, and if he decides the Town of Wappinger should be
represented at these hearings he be authorized to do so.
Seconded by Mr. Jensen
Motion Unanimously Carried
An acknowledgement was received from the New York State Board of
Equalization,and Assessment regarding the matter of the review
of the equalization made by the Dutchess County of Dutchess
November 25, 1975.
MR. JENSEN moved to receive the Notice of Complaint from the New
York State Board of Equalization and Assessment and place it on
Seconded by Mr. Johnson
Motion Unanimously Carried
A letter was received from James J. Lyons, Village of Wappingers
Falls Attorney, written at the request of the Board of Trustees.
The request was for the Town Board to consider adoption of an
enabling resolution which would permit the Town of Wappinger Dog
Warden to enforce the provisions of the newly added Subdivision 6
of Section 119 Agriculture & Markets Law, relating to dogs within
the geographic limits of a Village.
MR. DIEHL moved to refer this matter to Mr. Rappleyea for his
interpretation of the Law.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen
Motion Unanimously Carried
The following letter was received:
January 5, 1976
Hon. Louis Diehl, Town Supervisor
Town Hall
Town of Wappinger
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, NY
Re: Wappinger Park Homes, Inc.
Dear Lou:
Enclosed herewith please find a photocopy of a portion of
the filed map known as Indian Ridge. I have outlined in red
the last lot on the left hand side of the street known as Cayuga
Drive. This lot is owned by Wappinger Park Homes, Inc. with a
notation that it is for a future water storage tank.
it has come to my attention that the town is currently using
for a portion of this property as a turn around for its maintenance
equipment. My clients have no objection to this, however, they
are concerned that the town will acquire a perscriptive easement.
Therefore, I would propose that the town enter into an easement
agreement for the use of part of this property as a turn around
for a ten year period at the sum of $1.00.
May I respectfully request that this matter be taken up as
soon as possi1-)le and certainly within the next thirty days.
Trusting thisis satisfactory.
Ritter & Hankin
s/ Jerard S. Hankin
Mr. Diehl commented that he had spoken to Mr. Horton on this matter,
and Mr. Horton had indicated several years ago another person had
obtained ownership of said land.
MR. DIEHL moved that Mr. Rappleyea and/or Mr. Lapar investigate
the ownership of'this land so requested to be entered as an ease-
ment to the Town.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen
Motion Unanimously Carried
The following letters were received:
7 Tanglewood Drive
Wappingers Falls, N.Y.
January 7, 1976
Town Board Members
Town of Wappinger
Due to personal reasons, kindly accept my resignation as
a part-time clerk to the Town of Wappinger effective Friday,
January 9, 1976.
It has been a pleasure both working and meeting so many
fine people in the course of my duties. For this I am most grateful
s/ Ann Marie Albrecht
Town Board
Town of Wappinger
7 Tanglewood Drive
Wappingers Falls, N.Y.
January 12, 1976
In an effort to clarify my decision to resign my position
of part-time clerk to the Town of Wappinger, I would like to
make a statement.
Upon reading in the Poughkeepsie Journal, Sunday, January 4,
1976 that therewas a question as to the need or the lack of a
need for a part-time clerk in the zoning department, I was both
surprised and embarrassed. Would I have been dismissed if the
vote would have gone another Way?
I have been an employee of the Town for one and one half years.
During this time I have been kept busy and have had nothing but
favorable comments from '_oth Mr. Jensen and Mr. Johnson who have
had occasion to attend different Town meetings at which I have
taken the minutes.
I realize with the economy of today, there is need to consider
cutting back. If my position has been a consideration toward this
end, I believe I should have been made aware of it personally or
through my immediate supervisor.
I am a wife and mother first, and with a family to consider,
I do not wish to be placed in the public eye without being made
aware of it first. I realize publicity comes with being employed
by the Town of Wappinger, but I do not believe it is fair in this
particular instance. Publicity as it was presented in the Pough-
keepsie Journal and the Southern Dutchess News raised questions
among the people in the area; questions I could not answer.
The need for my particular job could be easily investigated
if you spend a short time in the zoning, building and planning
departments of the Town of Wappinger. I sincerely hope this will
be done.
I have worked hard for the Town of Wappinger because I have
had the motivation and enjoyed my work and all the people at the
Town Hall. My immediate supervisor, Ms. Sylvia Anderson has been
my guiding light. She has shared me with any other department who
needed me at vacation or sick time. She has alwyys lent me a hand
when it became confusing or busier than I could handle on my own.
I am sorry that I have had to leave her at a time when the
new Zoning Ordinance,wiil become a thing of reality, but I feel
strongly that I have been done an injustice and would prefer not
to place myself in a position such as this again.
s/ Mrs. Ann Marie Albrecht
Mr. Diehl commented that neither he nor any member of the Board had
any intent of questioning Mrs. Albrecht's work, her past performance
was exemplary, no reflection was intended on her personal work, it
was merely a question of ascertaining whether the work load necess-
itated her being there. He would prefer not to accept Mrs.
Albrecht's resignation at this time, but rather, have the Miscellan-
eous Committee look into the need of whether a secretary is needed
in the Zoning Administrator's office, and if it is found the need
is not there, again, it is not a reflection on Mrs. Albrecht. Mr.
Johnson stated he had worked with Mrs. Albrecht (Zoning Board of
Appeals) and felt badly she had taken tfiis personally. He has
already started interviewing all the people involved in an attempt
to ascertain if there is truely a need or not. Mr. Clausen felt
the initial incident was untimely, and it was unfortunate that the
employees of the Town are treated the way they are at times He
believed it should have been handled in a more professional manner,
discussed amongst the Board rather than in front of the press. He
hoped that in the future discussions be held privately first. Mr.
Jensen stated that at the Reorganizational Meeting, all he had re-
quested was to table that appointment until the Board could have a
discussion or a survey could have been accomplished, rather than
run into it at that meeting. He too, hoped that the Board, in the
future, could sit down and discuss appointments before they are
brought before a meeting.
A memo was received from Mr. Diehl's office, noting a complaint
received in said office from Mrs. Cerbino, 36 Robert Lane regarding
her mailbox, which she claimed was hit at the time of the Christmas
Mr. Diehl, due to Mr. Horton's absence at tonight's meeting,
directed the Town Clerk to again refer the memo to Mr. Horton
asking for his decision in investigations of the alleged statement
by Mrs. Cerbino that the Highway trucks hit her mailbox.
The Recreation Commission had advertized for bids for Baseball
equipment and the following recommendation was received:
January 12, 1976
Town Board
Town of Wappinger
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, N.Y.
The Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission recommends that
the bid received for Boys, Girls and Men's Baseball Equipment for
1976 be awarded to Letterii Sporting Goods Company. This was the
only bid received and the figure quoted is under the budgeted
amount. Notal bid amount was $3,296.80.
This equipment was put out to formal bid, and although it
was sent out to several sporting good companies, Letterii was the
only company who brought the bid in on January 7, 1976 at 11:00 A.M.,
which was the advertised bid opening date.
Yours truly,
s/ Hugh J. Maurer, Chairman
Recreation Commission
MR. CLAUSEN moved to accept the recommendation of the Recreation
Commission and award the bid to Don Letterrii's Sporting Goods
for Boys, Girls and Men's Baseball Equipment for the total bid of
Seconded by Mr. Versace
Motion Unanimously Carried
The following letter was received:
Jan. 9, 1976
Town Board
Town of Wappinger
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, N.Y.
I would like to recommend the following persons to be appointed
to the Conservation Council:
Mrs. Joseph DeAngelo
Mrs. Frances Reese
Mr. Lynn Huber
In addition I recommend that Mr. Ed Hawksley be appointed
Thank you sincerely,
s/ Charles A. Cortellino
MR. DIEHL moved to accept Mr. Cortellino's recommendations for
additional names for the Town of Wappinger Conservation Advisory
Council and hereby appoint Mrs. Frances Reese, Mrs. Geraldine
DeAngelo and Mr. Lynn Huber as members of the Town of Wappinger
Conservation Advisory Council with terms ending July 1, 1977, and
further appoint Mr. Edward Hawksley as co-chairman to said Council.
Seconded by Mr. Jensen
Motion Unanimously Carred
Under Committee Reports, Mr. Jensen mentioned that all the other
participating municipalities, along with Wappinger, received Audit
and Control approvals for Tri -Municipal. The Commission has directed
the Engineers to move forward with the grant application by forward-
ing said approval orders and any other pertinent data to the New
York State Department of Environmental Conservation. This will be
done this week, and hopefully, he will be able to report further
at the next meeting.
Under Resolutions, a proposed Local Law providing for Licensing
of Plumbers had been prepared by the Attorney to the Town but was
tabled, due to the fact that the Board was looking into other
avenues and further reports will be forthcoming.
The following report was received:
December 29, 1975
Supervisor & Town Board
Town of Wappinger
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, New York
Re: Connection of Mr. William Wu,
Rockingham Farms,Sewer District
This is in response to your letter of December 11, 1975 „
addressed to Mr. John E. Railing, regarding the connection of
Mr. William Wu to the Rockinttham Farms Sewer District.
This Department has no objection to this connection to the
district, since we feel that Mr. Wu's case could best be resolved
by such a connection. Such a request is viewed as an emergency
request, and future requests of this type will be evaluated on an
individual basis.
The connection of Mr. Wu to the Rockingham Farms Sewer District
does not reduce the number of additional hook-ups that are being
allowed pending improvements to the Rockingham Farms Sewer Plant.
These 46 lots will still be allowed to connect, in toto, to the
plant as agreed-upon improvements are completed.
I trust that this answers your questions in this regard. If
you have any questions, feel free to call me at 485:9826.
Very truly yours,
Jack Hill
Public Health Administrator
By s/ William J. Mikula
Public Health Engineer
Div. Environ. Health Serv.
MR. JENSEN moved to grant permission to Mr. William Wu to connect
as a tenant to the Rockingham Farms Sewer District subject to the
following conditions:
1. The connection is to be made at Mr. Wu's expense, and
subject to inspection by the Town Plumbing Inspector.
2. That the tap fee of $500.00 be paid prior to connection
to the sewer line.
3. That Mr. Wu agrees to pay double the sewer service charge
as that of the district residents.
4. That Mr. Wu agrees that he will become part of any sewer
district or sewer improvement area formed in thefuture which would
include his property under ordinary circumstances, and he hereby
agrees to waive any objections to the formation of such district
or improvement area.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen
The following letter was received:
Mr. Louis D. Diehl, Supervisor
Wappinger Town Hall
Mill Street
Wappingers•Falls, N.Y.
Dear Mr. Diehl:
This letter
addressed to Mr.
to the Fleetwood
Motion Unanimously Carried
December 23, 1975
Re: Fleetwood Manor
Sewage Treatment Plant
is a follow-up to my letter of December 10, 1975
Rudolph E. Lapar concerning proposed improvements
Manor Sewage Treatment Plant.
In addition to the improvements mentioned in the above refer-
enced letter to Mr. Lapar, it is recommended that the exposed wiring
leading from the control building t� the sludge pumps be properly
insulated and buried.
This Department would appreciate a response to this request.
If you have any questions in regards to this letter, feel free to
call me at 485-9826.
Very truly yours,
Jack R. Hill
Public Health Administrator
By: s/ William J. Mikula
Public Health Engineer
Div of Environ. Health
MR. DIEHL moved that the Town Clerk notify Camo Pollution Control
Inc. William J. Mukula, Public Health Engineer Division of Environ-
mental Health Services and Mr. William Horton, of the cooperation
of Mr. Horton in digging the trench and 8overing it at the Fleetwood
Manor Sewage Treatment Plant, and that the now exposed wiring be
buried by Camo at a cost quoted by Mr. Cacchio at not more than
Seconded by Mr. Jensen
Motion Unanimously Carried
The following letter, having been tabled at the December meeting
was placed before the Board.
November 19, 1975
Town Board
Town of Wappinger
Town Hall - Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, N.Y.
Re: Downstream Drainage Phase II
In accordance with the Board's direction at the October Town
Board meeting, Bill Horton and I met on November 18, 1975 and,
after some discussion, recommend the following areas be investiga-
ted in Phase II of the eventual Total Town of Wappinger Downstraam
Drainage Study:
1. Some 22,000 feet in the New Hackensack Heights-
Diddell Road area tributary to the Wappingers Creek.
2. Some 19,000 feet along the southwest branch of Hunter's
Creek toward Montclair Apartments, the proposed Stony -
kill Mall, and the Chelsea Ridge Shopping Center.
3. Some 18,000 feet along the southeast branch of Hunter's
Creek toward the Fleetwood Subdivision.
The appropriation necessary to complete this study is $30,000.
Very truly yours, s/ Rudolph E. Lapar, P.E.
�4 5 lat
MR. DIEHL moved that the Town Clerk request of the Town Comptroller
Mr. Ryan, a recommendation as to whether funds would be available
for the Downstream Drainage Study, Phase II, and report back to
the Board at their next regular meeting.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mr. Incoronato being recognized by the Chair questioned why some
of these projects were not put to bid.
A letter from Kenneth Santos, representing Argan Development Corp.
had originally requested to be heard regarding proposed plans for
a PUD but had subsequently requested to have hisname removed from
the Agenda.
The request of Mr. M. Morris regarding a rezoning request was
tabled, due to the fact that there would be a re -introduction of
the proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance this evening.
Mr. Lynn Huber, being recognized by the Chair requested a financial
statement of the funds turned over to the Town at the time of the
purchase of the Water and Sewer Plants for. Mid -Point Park (Royal
Ridge Development). He wishes to know how -much money is remaining
in the account.
MR. DIEHL moved to direct Mr. Ryan, Comptroller, to prepare a
financial statement of the expenditures of the $25,000.00 donation
received by the Town of Wappinger at the time of purchase of the
Mid -Point Park Water and Sewer Plants.
Seconded by Mr. Johnson
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mrs. Dagney Anderson, being recognized by the Chair, questioned
the Board with regard to a letter she had received from Mrs. Sheila
Gordon relating to the Tri -Municipal Sewer District.
The following Resolution was offered by SUPERVISOR DIEHL who
moved its adoption:
Section t: The Zoning Ordinance and Map of the Town of Wappinger
adopted January 29, 1963, is hereby further amended to read as
See the attached "Proposed Zoning Ordinance, Town of Wappinger,
New York, revised December, 1975, containing Articles I -Article
VII and Copy of Proposed Zoning Map dated October, 1974, revised
March 1975 and December, 1975".
Section 2: This Ordinance shall take effect upon adoption and
publication as provided by Town Law
Seconded by Mr. Clausen
Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes
MR. DIEHL moved that a public hearing be held on March 1, 1976
at 7:30 P.M. at the Wappinger Junior High School Remsen Avenue,
Wappingers Falls, New York for the purpose of hearing all interested
persons on an Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance and. Maps of
the Town of Wappinger.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen
Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes
Mr. Incoronato, being recognized by the Chair, commented that he
had seen in the papers where Lloyd's Shopping Center, was seeking
to put a gas station on their property on Route 9. He mentioned
that it would be within 1,000 feet of an existing gas station which
would be in violation of the proposed new Zoning Ordinance. He
hoped the Town Board would relay this information to the Planning
Board to defer any further action on it until the new Zoning
Ordinance had its public hearing.
Mr. Jensen responded that he believed Lloyd's would have to sub-
divide first, since they could not even under present zoning meet
the 1,000 feet distance, since Lloyd's property, to the northern
boundary is well within this distance. He would assume they would
presently be denied on that basis.
MR. CLAUSEN moved that the Town Clerk and the Attorney to the
Town draw up a statement to be delivered the best way possible
to the Zoning Board of Appeals that they are made aware of all
actions this evening.
Seconded by Mr. Versace
Motion Unanimously Carried
MR. CLAUSEN moved that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by
Mr. Jensen and unanimously carried.
The meeting adjourned at 9:33 P.M.
Elaine H. Snowden
Town Clerk
Reg. Mtg. 1/12/76