NOVEMBER 10, 1975
1. Supervisor Call Meeting to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Accept Minutes
4. Reports of Officers: Supervisor, Town Justices,
'``• Building Inspector, Zoning Adm.
5. Petitions and Communications
a. V. Dangler -Roads in Ye Olcie Apple Orchard
b. Jack Emanuel re: Street Light -Kent Rd.
c. Planning Bd. re: Tall Trees Sect. 4
d. Memo from Sup. Diehl re: Appt. of 3rd Dog Warden
e. Resignation of Jim Eberhardt, Bi -Centennial Chrm.
f. B. Hermans re: Cert. of Occupancy in Rockingham
Sewer Distr.
g. Deed offered for Kent Ridge Dev. Rd.
h. Request from Wapp.Central School use voting machines
i. Camo Pollution re: Wildwood Sewer District
j. Camo Pollution re: Fltwd Water Dist. outages
k. Richard Barger re: Thornacres Sect. 2 Rd.,
1. Jerard Hankin re: Serenity Homes, Inc.
m. W. Ifill re: removal of parcels from Public Sale
n. Notification from Audit & Control granting approval
Ardmore Hills Water Mmpr. Area
o. Ping. Bd. re: Kent Ridge Sect 1
p. Notification from Town Pokeepsie re Public Hearing
on Zoning Ord. Changes
q. Change Order request from Lapar Contract #8
6. Reports of Committees
7. Resolutions
a. Central Hudson Amendments to Street Lighting Contr.
8. Unfinished Business
9. New Business
10. Adjournment
The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger was held on November 10, 1975 at 8:00 P.M. at the Town
Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, New York.
Supervisor Diehl called the meeting to order at 8:04 P.M.
Louis Diehl, Supervisor
Louis Clausen, Councilman
Leif Jensen, Councilman
Stephen Saland, Councilman
Frank Versace, Councilman
Elaine Snowden, Town Clerk
Others Present:
William Horton, Superintendent of Highways
Allan Rappleyea, Attorney to the Town
Rudolph Lapar, Engineer to the Town
The Minutes of the Special Meetings of September 23, September 30,
October 1, October 9, October 16, 1975, having been previously sent
to the Town Board members were now placed before them for their
MR. SALAND moved the Minutes of the Special Meetings of September
23, September 30, October 1, October 9 and October 16th, 1975 as
submitted by the Town"`Clerk be and they are hereby approved.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen
Motion Unanimously Carried
Reports for the month of October were received from the Supervisor,
Town Justices, Building Inspector and Zoning Administrator.
MR. CLAUSEN moved the reports be accepted and placed on file.
Seconded by Mr. Saland.
Motion Unanimously Carried
A request had been received from Vincent Dangler to be placed on
the Agenda to speak before the Board regarding conveyance of roads
in Ye Olde Apple Orchard. Mr. Dangler was not present, therefore
Supervisor Diehl recommended the matter be held temporarily in order
to discuss it with Mr. Rappleyea.
A letter was received from Jack Emanuel, 100 Kent Road requesting
a street light on Kent Road between the intersections of All Angels
and Applesauce Lane, since this is a very dark location.
Mr. Diehl commented that lights can only be installed at Town/County
road intersections.
MR. CLAUSEN moved that the authorization be made to install a
street light at the intersection of Kent Road with All Angels Hill
Seconded by Mr. Saland.
Motion Unanimously Carried
The following letter was received from the Planning Board:
October 15th, 1975
Town Board
Town of Wappinger
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, NY
RE: Tall Trees, Section 4 Subdivision
At the October 6th, 1975 meeting, Mr. David Flitt ofRoundtree
Builders was granted an additional six month extenseion of preliminary
approval for the above -captioned subdivision.
Mr. Flitt advised the Planning Board at said meeting that your
Board was requiring that he comply with item number one as stated
in a letter from the Dutchess County Department of Health dated
March 5th, 1975 regarding the upgrading of the water system.
At this time, The Planning Board would appreciate being advised
as to whether or not the Town will be responsible for compliance
of items two through five as stated in the above-mentioned letter.
The Pl4nning Board would appreciate a reply at your earliest
possible convenience. Thank you for your consideration.
Very truly yours,
s/ Betty -Ann Russ, Secr.
T/W Planning Board
Supervisor Diehl recommended that the Town Clerk forward the
Resolution, stating to Mr. Flitt that he was responsible for
item #1 of the County's list, to the Planning Board. Mr. Saland
noted that the Town has no intention of waiving items 2-5, if that
was the question.
MR. CLAUSEN moved to send a letter to the Planning Board indicating
that item #1 is the responsibility of the Builder, and item 2-5
is normal operation and maintenance and the Town, or whomever is
maintaining the Plant, will assume the responsibility.
Seconded by Mr. Jensen
Motion Unanimously Carried
A memo was received from Supervisor Diehl indicating the temporary
appointment of William Nepfel as a third Dog Warden Tor the Town,
pending confirmation of this appointment by the full Board.
MR. CLAUSEN moved that William Nepfel be appointed as a third Dog
Warden for the Town of Wappinger, compensation for said duties to
be the same as the other two wardens.
Seconded by Mr. Jensen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mr. Jensen, while on the subject of Dog Wardens, noted having
received some complaints about not being able to get in touch with,
or receiving returned calls, from the Wardens.
MR. JENSEN moved that the possibility of employing an answering
service for the Wardens be investigated.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen.
Motdcn Unanimously Carried
A letter of resignation as Chairman of the Bi -Centennial Committee
was received from Jim Eberhardt.
MR. CLAUSEN moved to accept Mr. Eberhardt's resignation with thanks
for the efforts he had expended for the Town.
Seconded by Mr. Saland.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mr. Saland requested a letter be sent to Mr. Eberhardt thanking
him for his efforts on behalf of the Town and the Bi -Centennial.
The following letter was received:
October 23, 1975
Town Board
Town of Wappinger
Town Hall, Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, New York
Re: Certificates of Occupancy in the
Rockingham Sewer District
The developers building in the Rockingham Sewer District,
the ones who have paid the $500.00 for hook-up of each lot, will
be ready soon to ask for the Certificates of Occupancy.
Please advise us on the status of the treatment plant so
that we may give the builders an approximate date of completion.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Yours truly,
s/ Bruno Hermans
Building Inspector
Mr. Lapar indicated that this project had been bid, only one bid
was received, which was rejected by the Board, and it is again
out for bid.
A Deed had been offered by Henry T. Sachs, Louis R. Sachs and
Frank R. Buyakowski for a small parcel of land on the westerly
side of Kent Road for Kent Ridge Subdivision. This parcel was
offered at the request of William Horton, Highway Superintendent
for road purposes.
MR. CLAUSEN moved to accept the Deed offered by the Sachs and
Mr. Buyakowski for the purpose of straightening Kent Road as recom-
mended by the Highway Superintendent.
Seconded by Mr. Jensen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
A request was received from Wappingers Central School District for
the use of seven of the Town of Wappinger Voting Machines for the
School Referendum on December 17th and also two machines for a School
Vote on November 12, 1975.
MR. JENSEN moved that the Wappinger Central School District be
granted permission to use seven of the Town of Wappinger voting
machines to be used at Ketcham High School and Wappinger Junior High
on November 12 and December 17, 1975 under the supervision of the
Town of Wappinger Voting Machine Custodians.
Seconded by Mr. Saland Motion Unanimously Carried
MR. DIEHL moved that it is the understanding of the Town Board
that monies in Down Stream Drainage Account are to be used on an
overall basis throughout the Town as needed, or as recommended
by the Engineer to the Town, with the utimate decision lying with
the Town Board.
Seconded by Mr. Jensen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
The following report was received:
October 17, 1975
Town Board
Town of Wappinger
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, New York
Re: Wildwood Sewer District,
Town of Wappinger
On june 14, 1975, we were called to the home of Mr. Losthelio,
7 Malestorme Road in regard to sewage backing up into his home.
Prior to our arrival Lafko Associates had been summoned by other
residents and had located and dug up some of the manholes on the
mainline. We found a blockage between the manhole in front of
the driveay at 14 Malestorme and the manhole in front of 10
Malestorme Road.
The Town of Poughkeepsie Water Control Department responded
to our call with their power rodding equipment and dislogged the
blockage. We will request that the Town Highway Department flush
this line in the near future and will add it to our troublesome
lines to be flushed periodically.
Mr. Losthelio did note that as soon as the blacktop was
removed from the top of the manhole in front of his home the sewage
flow into his home discontinued. We would recommend that the town
engineer look into the possibility of installing risers on these
Very truly yours,
Camo Pollution Control Inc.
s/ George B. Cacchio, Pres.
Mr. Lapar further reported that on Saturday he inspected Kent Road
among others, and there are many manholes in the systems of the Town
put in by developers that are a good 18" to 2' under ground. He
believes all of them should be raised.
Mr. Saland suggested that, if the problem is one that can be found
throughout the Town that the Engineer and Highway Superintendent
provide the Board with some type of comprehensive breakdown of all
these manholes that would require being brought to the proper eleva-
tion, and with that give the Board a cost figure, so the Town can
take appropriate action on it. In this one instance, perhaps the
Board should expedite it and give it their attention. Mr. Jensen
hoped the answer would be received by next month.
The following report was received:
October 17, 1975
Town Board
Town of Wappinger
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, New York
Re: Fleetwood Water District Outages
We have received several complaints from Fleetwood Water
District customers that our services are inadequate. All complaints
are answered as soon as personnel can be dispatched.
The Fleetwood Water District, as you are aware, is in need
of a great deal of corrective maintenance. Wiring and motor control
protection is inadequate. It is our opinion that it is not necessary
for a man to be stationed at this facility on a twenty-four per day
The town may wish to look into the feasibility of an early
alarm warning device in order that a minimum number of customers
be without service during times of outages. This system seems to
plagued with numerous power failures. It is then necessary for
our operators to manually reset all contxis and wait for the
system to resume full pressure.
Please advise if the town wishes us to take any further action.
Very truly yours,
Camo Pollution Control Inc.
s/ George B. Cacchio, Pres.
MR. DIEHL moved that the Board have Camo investigate the cost of
an early alarm system - lights and bells - for the Fleetwood Water
District, and report back to the Board.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
The following letters were received:
3 56
October 30, 1975
Mrs. Elaine Snowden
Town Clerk, Town of Wappinger
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, N.Y.
Re: Thornacres, Section II
Att: Town Board
Dear Mrs. Snowden:
This letter is to request that the Town of Wappinger take over
the roads in the above captioned sub,,division.
All roads have been put in according to Town specifications.
Very truly yours,
s/ Richard G. Barger
October 31, 1975
Town Board
Town of Wappinger
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, N.Y.
Re: Thornacres, Section 2
Caroline Street East - 0+0 - 910
Concurrent with our request to the Town Board to take over the
road designated as Caroline Street East, we would respectfully
request that the performance security in the amount of $9, 100.00
plus the accrued interest, be returned to the Thornacres Develop-
ment Corp.
It is our understanding that after our conference with Mr. Horton,
Town Highway Superintendent, that the amount of $6,097.00 will
remain on deposit with the Town as maintenance security for one
Very truly yours,
s/ Richard G. Barger, P.E.
William Horton, Highway Superintendent recommended the acceptance
of Caroline East, in Thornacres Section II.
Mr. Clausen suggested, since the Town has run into problems in
the past, that it be established as a policy of the Board not to
accept any road in the Town from any developer unless they are
accompanied by as builts of storm sewers and/or water and sewer
lines are offered.
MR. CLAUSEN moved that it be a policy of the Town Board not to
accept any roads from any developer unless a submission of "as
builts" accompanies the request for acceptance.
Seconded by Mr. Saland.
Motion Unanimously Carried
MR. CLAUSEN moved to accept the recommendation and accept Caroline
East in Thorn Acres Section II as and for Town Roads, subject to
the receipt by the Town of "as builts" for the storm sewer system,
and further, authorize the release of the cash performance bond,
in the amount of $9,100.00 with accrued interest which is held in
escrow by the Supervisor of the Town of Wappinger.
Seconded by Mr. Saland.
Motion Unanimously Carried
MR. CLAUSEN moved that the Attorney and Engineer to the Town and
the Highway Superintendent supply to the Board any informtion
necessary to update the Highway Specifications requiring the "as
builts" in the acceptance of roads.
SEconded by Mr. Jensen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
The following letter was received:
October 31, 1975
Louis D. Diehl, Supervisor
Town of Wappinger
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, N.Y.
Dear Sir,
In accordance with your letter of October 28, 1975 we have
withdrawn the two parcels from Public Auction as identified below.
1. Description: Map
Tax map grid no:
Formerly assessed
County tax deed:
2. Description: Map
Tax map grid no:
Formerly assessed
County tax deed:
39 Block 1 Lot 35.2
to: Vincent G. Brancato
135-/623 1/31/73
39 Block 1 Lot 35.1.2
to: Dutchess Associates Inc.
1401/874 2/20/75
We also refer you to a memo from Commissioner James Spratt,
Department of Public Works attached herewith. We will therefore
3 5.8
await a decision of the Wappinger Town Board.
Very truly yours,
s/ Wilmer M. Ifill
Director, Real Property
Tax Service Agency
MR. CLAUSEN moved that the Attorney to the Town be instructed to
negotiate a sale price for these two parcels.
Seconded by Mr. Saland.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mr. Diehl indicated that these two parcels consisted of approximately
5 acres, and was located off Imperial Boulevard and to the rear of
the Grand Union Store. It would appear that the total price would
be for the total 5 acres $6,500.00. The Board is taking the liberty
of purchasing this property at Tax Sale and would utilize it for
general Town purposes to be designated at a later date.
It was requested by the Supervisor that the Town Clerk so notify
Mr. Ifill of the Board's action.
Mrs. Snowden informed the Board that she had received and placed on
file the approval from Audit and Control for the Ardmore Hills
Water Improvement Area.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mr. Jensen recommended that a letter be sent to the petitioners
from Ardmore Hills informing them that the approval has been granted,
and it is expected construction can be started this Spring if no
legal action impedes the Town.
The following letter was received:
November 3rd, 1975
Town Board
Town of Wappinger
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, NY
Re: Kent Ridge, Section One Subdivision - 4 lots on Kent Road
3 59
The Planning Board would like to again express their concern
with regard to the capacity of the Oakwood Knolls treatment plant
as the Board has recently granted final approval to the above -
captioned subdivision.
We would appreciate being advised as to just what the actual
"head count" for the plant is in order to insure that the capacity
of the Oakwood Knolls plant -is not over-extended.
The Planning Board would greatly appreciate a reply at your
earliest possible convenience. Thank you for your consideration.
Very truly yours,
s/ Robert A. Steinhaus, Chrmn
T/W Planning Board
MR. DIEHL moved that the Attorney and Engineer to the Town from
information supplied by the Dutchess County Department of Health,
answer the questions and request of the Planning Board with copy
to the Town Board.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Notification was received from the Town of Poughkeepsie of a
Public Hearing to be held on December 2, 1975.
MR. DIEHL moved to receive said notice and place it on file and
further, notify the Town of Wappinger Planning Board that the
Town Board requests a member of the Planning Board to attend to
represent the Town Board.
Seconded by Mr. Saland.
Motion Unanimously Carried
A request for approval of Change Order #1 for Storm Sewer Contract
#8 was received from Rudolph Lapar as follows:
October 28, 1975
1. Add approximately 40 linear feet of
36" RCP - Class IV @ $30.00/ft
2. Clean outfall stream a distance of
600 linear feet $ 3.00/ft
- $1,200.00
- 1,800.00
6 0
Project: Wappinger Sewer Improvement #1 -Contract #1A Expansion
of Oakwood Knolls Sewage Treatment Plant
Contractor: Hall & Company, Inc.
Location: Phyllis Drive, Town of Wappinger
Description of Change:
1. Sandblast & paint 2" struts in Primary Clarifiers $482.00
2. Furnish & install overload relays, H.O.A. Switches
and wiring for the Blower Building 389.00
3. Furnish and install six (6) 3" Gate valves in the
sludge air lift lines 1,087.10
Agreed Increase in Contract Amount $1,958.10
MR. CLAUSEN moved to grant approval of Change Order #1 for Storm
Sewer Contract #8 as recommended by Mr. Lapar.
Seconded by Mr. Jensen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
MR. JENSEN moved to grant approval for Wappinger Sewer Improvement
Area #1 Contract #1A - Change Order #4.
Seconded by Mr. Saland
Motion Unanimously Carried
Supervisor Diehl reported that Dave Alexander, low bidder for the
Wappingers Park Storm Sewer Project was in, and informed him he
was moving in equipment this week.
The following letter was received:
October 31, 1975
Town Clerk, Town of Wappinger
Town Hall
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, N.Y.
Attention: Mrs. Snowden
Re: Serenity Homes, Inc. vs. the Town Board
of the Town of Wappinger
Dear Mrs. Snowden:
This is to confirm our phone conversation of last week
whereby I requested that a bond in reference to the above
entitled action and the acceptance of said bond be placed
on the Town Board Agenda for Monday evening, November 10,
If the Board is looking for the background in this matter
as you know, the case was argued in the New York Court of
Appeals, which affirmed the Appellate Division Order, which
requires the Town to accept the bond from my client and return
the cash it is currently holding.
If there is anything else, which the Board requires prior
to November 10, 1975, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Ritter & Hankin
s/ Jerard S. Hankin
Mr. Rappleyea updated the Board as to where the Town now stood
with regard to the litigation involving Serenity Homes. The
developer was successful in the Supreme Court. The developer
asked the Appellate Division to remove the stay and require the
Town to accept the surety bond, the Appellate Division did that
and subsequently upon further appeals the Court of Appeals affirmed
the Appellate Division's decision. The Town is now in a position
to have to accept surety bonds in this instance. The developer,
in this case, will have to get an extension from the Planning Board,
since, due to lengthy litigation the two year period stipulated
in the Highway specifications has elapsed. He recommended in this
case, that the Board accept the surety bond of Serenity Homes Inc.
to replace the cash assurety that the Town has and return the cash
MR. JENSEN moved that the Supervisor be authorized and directed to
refund the cash assurety bond, held in escrow, for Serenity Homes,
Inc. and accept the surety bond offered by Serenity Homes, Inc. as
recommended by the Attorney to the Town.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
MR. JENSEN moved that a letter be directed to Mr. Rappleyea,
Attorney to the Town, giving him permission to send a letter for
the Town Board to our State Legislators to see if the section of
law relating to surety bonds can be changed.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
There were no Committee Reports.
The Board was in receipt of proposals from Central Hudson Gas &
Electric Corp. to amend the Street Lighting Contracts for Cameli
Acres Street Lighting District; Chelsea Street Lighting District,
Hughsonville Street Lighting District and the street lighting
supplied for the General Town. The matter was again placed before
them for their consideration.
The following resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN CLAUSEN who
moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the agreement dated May 19, 1975 with Central Hudson
Gas & Electric Corporation for lighting the streets and highways
in the Chelsea Lighting District and Hughsonville Lighting District
and General Town Charge have been amended to include Section B.2.c.,
Electric Fuel Cost Adjustment and revised Section C, with said amend-
ment to be effective September 1, 1975, and
WHEREAS, the Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation has
submitted an amendment to include Section B.2.c and revised Section
C three months prior to said effective date,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the amendments dated May
19, 1975 as submitted by the Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation
be and they are hereby approved, and it is further
RESOLVED, that Supervisor Louis D. Diehl be and is hereby
authorized to execute said amendments on behalf of the Chelsea
Lighting District, Hughsonville Lighting District and General Town
Seconded by Mr. Jensen
Resolution Unanimously Adopted
The following resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN CLAUSEN who
moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the agreement dated August 27, 1975 with Central
Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation for lighting the streets and
highways in the Cameli Acres Lighting District has been amended
to include Section B.2.c., Electric Fuel Cost Adjustmant and
revised Section C, with said amendment to be effective December
1, 1975, and
WHEREAS, the Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation has
submitted an amendment to include Section B.2.c and revised Section
C three months prior to said effective date,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the amendment dated
August 27, 1975 as su'Dmitted by the Central Hudson Gas & Electric
Corporation be and is hereby approved, and it is further
RESOLVED, that Supervisor Louis D. Diehl be and is hereby
authorized to execute said amendment on behalf of the Cameli
Acres Lighting District.
Seconded by Councilman Jensen
Resolution Unanimously Adopted
The following Resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN CLAUSEN who
moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Town Superintendent of Highways has been
requested to remove snow from County roads, and to sand or
otherwise treat them for the purpose of removing the danger
of ice and snow, by the Commissioner of Public Works of
Dutchess County, in accordance with Article 6. Section 135-a
of the Highway Law, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Superintendent be and is herein
authorized to perform such work as is found necessary, at the
hourly rate as fixed by the State Commissioner of Transportation
for the renting and hiring of such equipment, for the Winter
season 1975-1976.
Seconded by Mr. Jensen
Resolution Unanimously Adopted
The following Resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN CLAUSEN who
moved its adoption:
The Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to execute
on behalf of the Town of Wappinger contracts for the purchase
of easements from the following parties:
1. Henry and Bernice Kowalsky
2. Douglas and Marjorie Deppe
Seconded by Mr. Versace
Resolution Unanimously Adopted
The following Resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN CLAUSEN who
moved its adoption:
WHEREAS the developer of Ye Olde Apple Orchard Section 2
and 3 has requested the Town of Wappinger to accept as Town Roads
the streets, easements and other facilities as set forth on said
maps and as set forth in deeds to the Town of Wappinger and
WHEREAS by previous resolution the Town of Wappinger has at
the request and direction of said owner paid a portion of the
funds held as a bond for the completion of said facilities,
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Wappinger does
hereby accept those roads as shown on the said maps known as Ye
Olde Apple Orchard Section 2, being Map No. 3552 and Ye Old Apple
Orchard Section 3 being Map 3975 (both Map numbers being those
numbers set by the Dutchess County Clerk) and be it further
RESOLVED that the Supervisor and Comptroller refund to the
depositor all funds on deposit with the Town with the following
1. The sum of $22,000.00 to be held as a road maintenance
bond in accordance with Town Specifications.
2. The sum of $10,000.00 to be held until the water lines are
accepted and the issues regarding the recreation lands in
Section 2 are resolved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said developer shall file with the
Town Clerk a written agreement and "as built" plans approved by
the Engineer to the Town in form approved by the Attorney to the
Town setting forth the conditions upon which items one and two
are retained and upon such filing and approval the funds to be
released pursuant to this resolution shall be paid to said
Seconded by Mr. Versace
Resolution Unanimously Adopted
A Public Hearing having been held on the Town of Wappinger Budget
for the year 1976, the matter of adoption was placed before the
Board for their consideration.
MR. CLAUSEN moved to hold a Special Meeting on November 14, 1975
at 4:00 P.M. at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, New
York to consider the adoption of the 1976 Town of Wappinger Budget,
and any other business that may properly come before the Board.
Seconded by Mr. Jensen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
The following letter was offered by Mrs. Alberta Roe and read:
November 10, 1975
To Mr. Diehl and members of Town of Wappinger Board and all who
may be here tonight.
I wish first to make a statement and second a request.
1. Yesterday, Sun. Nov. 9, 1975 I was witness to a day's work by
Town employees with Town equipment grading and leveling in the
field behind my home which is to be a recreation field. The workman
were questioned as to wether they were being paid and the answer was
yes - double time for overtime on Sunday.
2. This is an outrageous expenditure of taxpayers money.
I ask that this Board delay approval of the Budget until they
can honestly say it is as low as possible - until they have looked
into all sections and departments to be certain that money is not
being so foolishly spent in other area's as well.
With the economy as it is all unnecessary expenses should
be cut to the bone - or out - Has this truly been done?
Thank you,
s/ Alberta Roe
Mr. Diehl defended the first question by indicating that the
Town was saving money by utilizing highway employees and equipment
as opposed to hiring more costly outside contractors.
Eleanor Parascandola, being recognized by the Chair, informed the
Board that whomever was operating the equipment for the Town while
working on the Rockingham Recreation area, had a child aboard his
equipment with him. She didn't feel that this should be allowed.
Ed Hawksley, being recognized by the Chair, stated he and others
in the Fleetwood Development were experiencing sulphur smell in
their water, was there any equipment available that'the Town could
install in the plant to remove this offensive odor. Mr. Diehl
answered there was equipment available, but also, the Town had
held informational hearings on this problem, and the residents
of the area who attended them indicated to the Town that they
preferred putting up with the odor rather than incur additional
expenses to alleviate the problem.
Mrs. DeAngelo, being recognized by the Chair, mentioned the fact
that there had been, of late, a very disagreeable odor from the
Wildwood Sewer Plant.
Mr. Clausen asked Mr. Rappleyea, in regard to a surface drainage
problem that was brought to the Board's attention several months ago,
whether or not a date had been set to appear before the County Board
of Representatives to personally inquire of the situation on New
Hackensack Road - need for an increased size culvert. Mr. Rappleyea
responded that he, Mr. Diehl and Mr. Lapar had already appeared
before the Board in connection with this matter. Mr. Diehl reported
further, and added that Mr. Versace and Mr. Lapar met with Mr. Spratt
in regard to the culverts, and Mr. Spratt had stated that if the
County left the money in the Budget for 1976, he will put it in.
Mr. Clausen, along these lines, stated that the Board had con-
sistently asked the Dutchess County Department of Public Works to
put a permanent foundation, or road, in on the shoulder of New
Hackensack Road for a right lane.
MR. CLAUSEN moved that letter be written to Mr. Spartt, as a
reminder, that the Town has requested the paving of the right
shoulder for a right hand egress from New Hackensack Road and
Old Hopewell Road at their intersection with Route 9, with a
copy to the three Town County Representatives.
Seconded by Mr. Saland.
Motion Unanimously Carried.
MR. CLAUSEN moved that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Mr.
Jensen, and unanimously carried.
The Meeting adjourned at 9:19 P.M.
Elaine H. Snowden
Town Clerk
Reg. Mtg. 11/10/75