1975-04-15 PHA Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on April 15, 1975, at 7:30 P. M.at Wappinger 'Junior High. Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York in the matter of Providing for a Planned Unit Development of Certain Hereinafter Described Lands in the Town of Wappinger. Present: Louis Diehl, Supervisor Leif Jensen, Councilman Frank Versace, Councilman Stephen Saland, Councilman Absent: Louis Clausen, Councilman Others Present: Jon Adams, Attorney (Representing Allan Rappleyea, Attorney to the Town) Elaine H. Snowden, Town"Clerk The Town Clerk offered for the record the affidavit of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized by Albert Osten of the W & S D News. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made a part thereof of the minutes of this Hearing). The motion was made to waive the reading of the Ordinance since the Law was lengthy. Recommendations from Dutchess County Dept. of Planning and Town Planning Board were read and also a letter from Rudolph LaPar, Engineer to the Town. The first person to speak was Mr.Specter P.E., Land Surveyor and Planner repre- senting the applicant. He has been involved in planning the property for over 1 z years. He stated for the record that they were in agreement with the Town Board.concerning municipal facilities. He went into detail on the number of units, an equivilency of 120 single family residents with regard to schoml population the public uses to be deeded ever tatal almost 206 acres. They pian on industry near or under the flight path at the airport and residents awd.yrdEftledt.* *Wh9Y11141101tor operated in every way with the Town Board and the Planning Board as to changes and suggestions. A map was presented and explained to the public. Mr. Hickman, Attorney for the applicant, pointed out that people that pay taxes & have investments do have certain rights that are due consideration & he would hope the Town Board would take action on this, he would not want the owners deprived of the use of the land. Mr. Keen - New Hackensack Road - What is a clear zone? Since Dutchess County Dept. of Planning recommended against this, does this open any areas that you can or can- not act on this. The attorney explained in some instances it may require a greater majority of the Board to pass it such as it is 4 to 1, instead of 3 to 2. Mr. Corbin - VanDeWater Drive - Where will water and sewer be disposed? Pat McCarthy, Hackensack Heights - When will municippl water & sewer be available? Mr. Gillen - Hackensack Hgts.- In regard to shopping centers for this project, he asked the Board if they had driven through Red Oaks Mill at the peek of traffic time? How can they handle any more? Mr. Robinson - Hackensack Htgs. Where will they hook the sewer ,into before the Tri -Municipal? How many children gate they anticipate will be in the development? Robert Elliott - Harbor Hill Road - Mr. Elliott asked Mr. Spector how they arrived at a figure of $772,000 for school tax? Mr. McCarthy, - Hackensack Htgs. - he was concerned about additional usage of thier road. Carol Rogers - VanDeWater Drive - thought the schools already had problems with overcrowding - this would only add to it. Cheryl Sneyens asked about the price range of these units. Mr. Carthy said the bedroom with a den could be used as a two bedroom. Jean Beahan - Hackensack Htgs.- Will the contour of the land be changed during the construction of this project. Mr. Strohm concerned about traffic on Rt. 376, if shopping centers are being considered. What would be the impact of population in that area? Jean Beahan asked what was MTS Contracting Corp.? Mrs. Robinson asked what is meant by office research? Catherfine Conway asked about the number of cars they thought would be using Maloney Road? Michael Hirkala - What would this PUD be classified as under the new Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Strohm - What is the number of residential acres that are included in this development and is it zoned R-40? Charles Simonsen ---Hackensack Htgs. He noted that this road would be designated for emergency vehicles only, he wanted to suggest that as soon as building per- mits was signed he wanted that point enforced that it would be strictly for emergency only, not to be used fur construction purposes & it should be legally cone. Mrs. Disbrow - Are they taking into consideration that Vassar Road is building up, other developments in the town also East Fishkill & Fishkill are considering shopping areas & they are all within the school district. Mr. Keen asked for a date for the new Zoning Ordinance, they have been talking about,it for quite awhile but here they were considering Zoning Changes. Mr. Elliott asked about a 3000' warehouse that was to be erected that he thought was mentioned earlier. Mr. Saland moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mr. Jensen and unanimously carried. The Hearing closed at_9:43 P.M. /I cm aiAlk Elaine H. Snowden Tnrnn C 1 a rtr (53 W. and S. P. NEWS DISPLAY ADVERTISING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Tovm Board of -the Town of Wappinger will conduct a Public Hearing at Wap pinger Junior High School, Remsen Avenue, Town of Wapoinger, Village of Wappingers Fails, Dutchess County, New York, at 7:30 P.M. EDST on Tuesday, April 159h, 1975, on An. Or dinance Providing for a Planned Unit Development of Certain Hereinafter Described Lands in the Town of .Wap pinger, Dutchess County, New York, a which time all interested persons will be • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AX 7 - 3724 20 EAST MAiN STREET - WAPPINGERS FALLS H. The area on said map designated "shopping" and being 15.921 acres shall be rezoned -to a Planned Unit Development classification, but its uses shalt be restricted 10 those set forth in the Town of Wappinger - Zoning Or- dinance under, the classification- Of "shopping center"(SC). and the lay -out; of the structures,shalt,be generally in - accord with .the,map made: by M.M. Spector and;."n0porated.. herein -:by r reference and tgs'd` i n'ih- Town Clerk. ..: 1. TheLocergsatirenap designated '"office research's=and being 35 acres, r. mare' or less;,-Shatt. be changed to a Planned-. Unit. • Development classification, -.but' its: uses ,,shall be restricted bysthe Planning .Board. to those uses set forth .in the --Town; of+' Wappinger Zoning Ordinance under the, provisions of the "office research district" (OR), and the general lay -out of the buildings shalt be in accord with the map made by M.M. Spector in - withcorrated theTohereinerk. by reference and filed pown Cl Section 3. This Ordinance 'shall etre effective upon adoption,- posting and publication as provided by Town Law. heard. - NOTICE IS -FURTHER GIVEN Ma the referenced map is filed 'with the Town Clerk -and is available for puelic inspection between the hours 'of r9:00. A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Monday .theough Friday at the Town Clerk's Off ice). Mil Street, Wappingers Falls,. New 1tark, AN ORDINANCE PROWDING.FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OF CERTAIN HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED LANDS IN THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER,`.OUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK. BE IT ORDAINED by the Towr, Board bf the Town of Wappinger as follows: Section 1. Pursuant to Section 460 of the Zoning Ordinance, the following descrioed parcel of land shall be rezoned on tine Zoning Map of the Town of Wappinger to a Planned Unit Development. DESCRIPTION PROPERTY OF H.L. ASSOCIATES 011 that certain piece or parcel of land sauale and being in- she Town of Wap p:r.'ers, County of Dutchess. State o New York and described as follows: PARCEL IA_. `- BEGINNING at an -iron pipe found a tre intersection of three stone waifs, sail . point being at the common point o •parcels IA, 1B AND 11 -of -the propert hereby described;•thence N3,34 deg 42'10"E,- 1574.05 feet to an iron pie thence 9415 deg..44'19"E;. 1195.31 fee tnreugn .an .iron pipe to the southerl boundary of Maloney;_Road;,'_thenc along said boundary and -along -a fent Inc the following courses and distance! 533 deg. 30'17"E; 800.00 feet;- N 42 des 57'02"e63.34 feet to a 24 inch tree; N4 seq. 19'40"E-,:' 548.50 feet; . N73 dec 44'37"E; 99.60 feet;- 576 deg. 08'27"e e9.C6 feet; 557 deg. 18'00"E, 99.70 feet r a 13 inch tree: 540 deg-, 03'01'.'E, 54,5 feet; 556 deg. 41'18"E, 90.80 -feet to fence tine on the westerly -boundary C property now or formerly of Pen Central Railroad Co. - hence along sat boundary and along4 fence line th following courses and distances: SC deq. 14'17"E, 1753.0W feet;' 554 def 27'14"W, 31.76 feet;.' 986 00 feet to the re ns of a 10 Inc tree; thence along a ence line and it remains of a stone wall the followir courses and distances: 320 deg. 52'02"V 1129.00 feet.*522 deg. 21'02"W, 186.57 fel to a corner;.523 deg. 36'53"E, 670.79 fe to a corner; S60 deg. 49'31"W, 526.00 fel to a corner; 532 deg, 59'42c'E, 153.00 fe to a corner; 569 deg. 16'56"W, 484.1 feet; 567 deg. 35'44"W, 450.00 feet. to corner; 512 deg. 56'31"E, 403.00 feet to corner; 559 deg. 53'30" W, . 588 de, 43'22" W, 8.34 feet taa-corner; N32 de 15'a9" W, 1000.79 feet an 18 inch tree; thence N27 deg. 47'37" through a field, 559.22 feet to a corse thence along the remains of a fence li and stone wall -the following courses a distances: 9456 deg. 42'58" E, 16.4.88 ft to an iron pipe; thence N56 deg.42'58" 150.11 feet to an iron pipe at a cornt thence N33 deg. 12'08"W, 303.10 feet tt point on the easterly boundary Hackensack Heights Road; thence ala said boundary the following courses distances: N56 deg. 47'52"E, 59.99 fe on a curve ro the left with a radius 282.72 feet, 177.54 feet: N20 deg. 49'04" 214.50 feet; on a curve to the teft witt radius of350.80feet,105.74feet; NO3 di 32'51"E, 81.12 feet: on a curve to the 9 with a radius of 275.00 feet; 77.16 feet 11 point; thenCe N57 deg. 34'39"E leavi said boundary line, 251.64 feet 90 a poll thence N33 deg: 23'13"W, 361.81 feet to iron pipe; thence N34 deg. 19"4" 188.20 feet to 3n iron pips; thence h deg. 56'56"W, 126.15 feet 10 an iron pip t.,.,....i,...,.. +.,,.. Un..,..l .en.,..". --- the following courses .nd distances: Mat deg. 51'08"W, -115.60 feet; N30 deg. 55'28"W, 127.33 feet; N32 deg.28'08"W, • 158.24 feat; N32 deg. 53'47'W, 161.06 - feet; N31 deg. 41'07"W; 299.60 feet 90 the.,, point of beginnin 128 acres,. more or less+,, 3r. PARCEL 18 BEG I NN ING at an iron pipe found at Me intersection of three stone walls, said point being at the common point of = Parcels IA, IB and 11 of the property hereby describeo; *thence 556 deg... 46'38"W along a fence line and stone wall, 350.16 feet;, thence 534 deg. 54'17"E, 159.54 feet to Me northwesterly edge of the cui-de•sac of Hackensack Heights Road; thence on a curve to the left with a radius of 50.00 feet along said edge of cul-de-3ac, 52.36 feet; thence N34 deg. 58'17"W, 159.54 feet; thence 557 . deg.29'34"w along a- fence line, 338.76 feet to an iron pin; thence along a fence line S56 deg. 52'44"w, 606.60 feet to a corner post; thence 565 deg. 25'27"W - through a field, 1132.87 to an iron pin; thence N89 deg. 03'15"W along a fence line, 525.42 feet to the easterly boundary of Route 376; thence N01 deg. 43'50"W. ' along said boundary, -339.07 feet to a corner; thence •leaving- sea bounas.t, - and alon3fence fine' the following c@ 47 . a H- tt taY own ouse 2 BR 1, 4 aa" 270' N 4961 8 Tew0 House • 3 BR 90 Detached - Up to 4 BR : 38 41 tc Totals ; tl 1. , li 100 pct. 450 1 p The land within that area not so Used shall be maintained as open space under . such conditions as. may be impas ed b the Planning Board of the Town of Wappinger. E. The area on said map designated . "Park" comprising of 10.547 acres shall be conveyed to- the Town of Wappinger t Mr park purposes. F. The area on said map designated "pia ygrovna'• comprising of 16.777aCres snail be developed and maintained in such a manner as may be approved 133.-::1 the Planning Board of the Town of Wapoinger as recreation lands to be used in conjunction with the residential - i development. G. The areas on said ma designated • "InduStrial" 7691 - 25.584 acres and 20424 ng acsiofres shallrbe changed to a Planned Unit Development classification, but its uses. shall be restricted to those.uses provided In the Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance under the zoning Classiticatfon-"GMeral industry" (GI) and further providing that the building location and lay -out shall generally be in accord with a map - attached hereto and made part hereof made by M.M. Spector, P. E. Which map shall be incorporated herein by reference Menthe and which said map . shell be filed in Me Town Clerk's Office, AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York. County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. DP,Ae.Q4LOA of the Town of Wappinger. Dutchess County, New York. being duly sworn. says that he is, and it the several times hereinafter was, theCo-•Iidi,kk.r.-•Pub1ish¢vf W. & S.D. NEWS, a newspaper printed and published every Thursday in the year in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County. New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for ...Otis ...week successively...0=A ..in each week. commencing on the....3rd...day 11%5, and on the following dates thereafter. namely on and ending on tbe...3lzd...day of. 19.5 both days inclusive. • Subscribed and sworn to before me this...3rd. day of A.pri1. 19...75 Notary Public My commission expires /11_1.7_72T l-.1. 1.E'I1'OfK (i:sl!,l'boiuti cXl r=;gni, 3'3.1 TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER AFFIDAVIT OF OF POSTING AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OF CERTAIN HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED LANDS IN THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: /33C_ That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on April 3, 1975, your deponent posted a a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on an Ordinance Providing for a Planned Unit Development of Certain Hereinafter Described Lands in the Town of Wappinger, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, Mill Street, in the Village of Wappingers Falls, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. Sworn to before me this day of (4,46t, 1975. t�C ty Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger ANTHONY41 P. SILVESTRI Notary Pa 17I'V ?WARY FUE :IC, STUE G; V.F`!I YORK RE:,IOi:.i: lil QUTGHF.°L' L'oi6TY "'COMMISSION EXPIRES MANCH 30, 1P 7