1974-02-25 PH9 6 A- A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on Monday, February 25, 1974, at the Town Hall, Village of Wappingers Falls, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, New York on an Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Wappinger (PUD Amendment). Supervisor Diehl opened the Hearing at 8:20 P.M. Present: Louis Diehl, Supervisor Louis Clausen, Councilman Leif Jensen, Councilman Stephen Saland, Councilman Frank Versace, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Others Present: Allan Rappleyea, Attorney to the Town Rudolph Lapar, Engineer to the Town The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavit of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized by Albert Osten of the W&SD News. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made a part thereof of the minutes of this Hearing). The Town Clerk also offered for the record the recommendations from Dutchess County Planning Board and the Town Planning Board. Supervisor Diehl asked if anyone wished to speak for or against the amendment. There were none present who wished to speak. Mr. Clausen moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mr. Saland and carried. The Hearing closed at 8:55 P1M. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN'THE MATTER AFFIDAVIT OF QF POSTING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER ' (AMENDING PUD ORDINANCE) STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is.the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on February 14, 1974, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on an' Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Wappinger, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, Mill Street, in the Village of Wappingers Fals, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. Sworn to before me this 1.-.c3 ;iCI14 C 7 1974 Notary 6 CA If -011_1 Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger ANTHONY P. SILVESTRI NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YON RESIDING IN OUTGUESS COUNTY-, COMMISSION EXPIRES 11.411010,1i.� 966 9f C W. and S. P. NEWS • DISPLAY ADVERTISING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE Mat the; Town Board of the TOwn Of WePPMgU- Tillcidl,tpublic rhearing e at the. MITI tew Wappingers Falls. New Yak on ~day, February; 25th, Meat 1:00 P.M. EDST, to hear all persons concerning An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Wappinger (Amending PUD Ordinance). f The following Ordinance was In - traduced by Councilman Clausen who • moved Its adoption: M Ordinance amending the tonlnp Ordinance of the Town of WappIngee. Be It Ordained by the Town Board of Me Town of Wappinger SECTION 1. Section 460.31 shall be amended to read as follows: Section 460.31 • Minimum Area Under normal circumstances, they fora Planned minimum arearequirementsitDevelopment elnt District fore Planned llnit Dov p shall be Sevenf dive (75) contiguous acres of land. Where the applicant can demonstrate that the characteristics Of his holdings will meet the oblectives of this article, the Town Board may con- siderrofects with less acreage. SECTION 2. , Section 460.42 shall be amended to reed as follows: Section 460.42 • Application for Sketch Plan Approval 1. In order to allow the Town Board Ind the developer 10 reach an un- derStandIng on basic design requirements prior to detailed design Investment, the developer shall submit a sketch plan of his proposal to the Town Board. The sketch plan shall be ap• proximately to scale, though It need not be to the precision of finished engineering drawing; and It shall clearly show fie following Information: a. The location and types of the venous uses and thetr areas In acres: b. The outlines of the interior roadway system and all existingrights-of-way and easements, wheter public or private; c. Delineation Of the various residential areas Indicating for each such area Its extent, size and cam• positIon In terms of total number Of dwelling units, percentage allocation by dwelling unit type and the calculation of Me residential density in dwelling units Per gross acre for each such area; 1140.00 d. A computation of the lend coverage with buildings and paved parking area. e. The Interior open space system; 1. The overall drainage system; g. A location map showing uses and Ownership of abutting lands; h. Provisions for providing sewers, SWeter and any Other utilities required. 2. In addition, the following documentation shellaccompany the *etch plan: a. Evidence that the proposal is mmpatlble with the goals of IOcal and area wide plans, 11 any; b. General statement as tO how Common open space Is to be Owned and maintained; • c. If the development Is to be staged,a general Indication of how the staging Is I to proceed. Whether or not the developmentdIs to be staged, the sketch •. tendeof d total p-oleect she show the in- tended dA phoA metes o copy of albounds deeds from wttldt f111e or ownership Is clalmed; f. A Ilei or copy of all covenants and restrictions. i 3. The Town Board may review the a sketch plan and its related documents. 20 EAST w'e CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AX 7 - 3724 AIN STREET • WAPPINGERS FALLS d. Existing watercourses and ap- plicable p- pte!c.,al dlocae.Asipin shOwrqltlOn, proposed use and height 01 all buildings, ationof all parking and truck -loading areas, wIth access and egress drives thereto; tOcatlon and proposed development of all open spaces including ' parks, playgrounds, and open reser- vations; location o1 outdoor storage, If any; location of ell existing or proposed site Improvements, Including drains, culverts retaining wells and fences) ' description of method of sewage disposal, type and description of water system and location of such fecllltiesl location and size of alt signs; locaflaI and proposed development Of buffer areas; location and design of 11 ting facilities; end the amount of building area proposed for non-residential uses, if mSECTION 5. Section 460.55 shall be amended to read as follows: Detailed Sitetion Plan App • lication. on the FInA. Within sixty (60) days of the receipt of the application for final site plan ap• proval, the Planning Board shell render .3 a decision to the applicant end so notify the Town hoard. it rho decision Is made e within the sixty•day period, the final site k plan shall be considered apppproved. 1. Upon approving an appllcatlon, the n Planning Boarryd shall arddorse Its ap• 0 shall forward on a 11 to tof he Buihe ldl ingeInspn and ector and the Town Board. The Building In. , spector may then Issue a building permit to the applicant It the prolecf conforms-., to all other applicable requirements. 2. Upon dlsepproving an application, the Planning Board shall 50 nform the BuildingInspector. The Planning Board shall aso notify the applicant and the Town Board in wr Iling o1 Its decision and Its reason for disapproval. A copy Of the t appropriate minutes may suffice for thla,,q notice, SECTION 6. Thls ordinance shall take.,- effect upon adoption, posting and,f publication es provided by Town Law. Seconded by Mr. Versace. • SECTION 3. Section 460.43 shall be c h•amended to reed as follows: Section 460.43 • Application for PUD Districting 1. Upon Its own determination the i Town Board may seta date for and may;. conduct a public hearing for the purpose of considering PUD Districting for the d in accordance with the prpocedures lanicant's.,established under Section " 264 and Section 265 of the Town Lew or Other applicable law. 2. The Town Board shell refer the ippllcat)on to the County Plena no ; BBooard and the Town Planning Board for analysis and recommendations pursuant i� IT the provisions of Section 239-m of the # General Municipal Law and the .¢ provisions of this Zoning Ordinance end the Town Board shell also refer the application to the Town Engineer for his •evlew. SECTION 4. Section 460.50 shall be mended to read es follows: Section 460.50 • See Plan Approval recess After the approval by the Town Board of a Planned Unit Development ap• plication for preliminary see plan op- 1 prove) shall be to the Flaming Board - and shell be accompanied by the following infurmaticn prepared by e licensed engineer, architect and -or ,I landscape arc+llect: 1. M area map showing applicant's. entire holding, that portion of the ep•' pllcant's property under consideration,'; and all properties, subdivision, streets, I end easements, within five hundred ,+ (500) feet of applicant's property. 2. A topographic map showing contour Intervals Of not more than five (5) feet Of elevation !hell be provided. 3. A preliminary site plan Including the tolbw)ny Inlormetlon: a. Title of drawing, Including name and address of applicant. b. North point, scale and dell. c. Boundaries of Me property pbttd 10 K•le. SECTION 4. Stenon 46'j($hall ba" amended to read as follows: Section 460.50 • Site Plan Approval Process After the approval by the Town Board ' I of a Planned Unit Development ap• ,plicatlan for preliminary site plan ap- •proval shall be to the Planning Board and shall be accompanied by the I following information prepared by • • licensed englnerr, architect and -or ; landscape architect: 1. An area map showing applicant's • entire holding, that portion of the ap•'1. pllcant's property under consideration,' and all properties, subdivision, streets, •, and easements, Within five hundred (500) feet o1 applicant's property. • 1.A topographic map showing contour • Intervals of not more than flys (S) feat of elevation shall be provided. 3. A preliminary site plan Including the following Information: and addreof ss of drawing, pplkenIncluding name b. North point, scale and data, c. BB! ndaries of plottede property plotted • AFFIDAVIT OP PUBLICATION State of New York. County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. Beatrice Osten of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. being duly sworn, says tat he ishnd it the several Co-Editor-Publishegf • times hereinafter was. the W. & S.D. NEWS. a newspaper printed and published every Thursday in the year In the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for ot}g.. week successively.... Me. In each week. commencing on she..... Mtbday of.. gebAtlax7.... 1924, and on the following dates thereafter, namely on and ending on the 1411bay of...EebaCuaJ;ji .. 19.70 both days inclusive Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1k th ... day of... ,Feb tuary t974 My commiuton expires Notary Public ALBERT M. OSTEN NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW Y8s`Ek QUALIFIED IN OUTCHESS COUNTY 014-8240760 OQMMIRSION EXPIRES MARCH 80, 4