1973-12-10 PHA Public Hearing was held by The December 10, 1973, at Town Hall, County, New York in the matter of Present: . M Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on Mill Street,Wappingers Falls, Dutchess Newsprin0 Ordinance. Louis Diehl, Supervisor Louis Clausen, Councilman Leif Jensen, Councilman Harry Holt Councilman Stephen Saland, Councilman Elaine Snowden, Town Clerk Others Present'r William Horton, Highway Superintendent Allan Rapplepaa, Attorney to The Town The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavit of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized by Albert Osten of the W & S D News. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made a part thereof of the minutes of this Hearing). Mr. Diehl asked for those who wished to speak for or against the Ordinance. Joseph Incornato,- He asked about 3 years ago Wappinger Conservation sponsored a Reclamation Project. They wentLthrough developments in the Town of Wappinger to determine feasibi1Lty of recycling aluminum & glass,not newspaper. Thy had a good response but economics were against them - money to run truck, and, they needed volunteers. They finally decided to have a central point at the Imperial Plaza. The Scouts took it over eventually, but it is a government function and The Town should take it over. Herb Arndt - Oakwood Knolls - Mr. Arndt asked does this Ordinance say that it prohibits all private organizations from making collections. Would this exclude the Scouts. Collection from Monday thru Friday as stated in,the Ordinance would exclude Saturday for the Scouts. Vincent Francese - He thought there should be an enforcement section in the Ordinance because that's where the trouble always comes with Town Ordinances. Louis Eck - He asked did they take into consideration the financial cost to the Town? You have to have two men and a truck stead for one week. If you do a job do it right, not on half a fact. It could cost $25,000 a year. William Horton - 340 Homes - 70 man hours, four man to a truck picks up two tons of paper daily, daily papers weight 4 lbs., 280 gallons gas to cover these homes plus inside storage, as they will not accept the paper wet. Dr. Melvin Engleman - I am interested because of conservation. If paper was eliminated from disposal problem we would get considerable life added to the landfill area.. We should be thinking about saving the paper at any event, before you know it, we'll run out of it. He spoke to Mr. Schueler in the Town of Poughkeepsie and they aremaking a profit collecting news- paper. They collect $21.00 a Ton. In sixteen months time it will un- doubtedly be higher. The bundles can be weather proofed. He does not want 11S -3 /d- e to see the scouts ruled out, but to have a systematic orderly collection system, it should be seen by the 'ratan. Edward Hawksley - This Ordinance is at an appropriate time. 30% of solid waste is newspaper, approximately $22;000 a year could be made on paper according to his rough calculations. William Bulger - I am not opposed for the purposes set forth tonight but I think the Town should adopt the Ordinance if that is what they are inclined toward but adopt one that does what it says its supposed to do. What you are saying in this ordinance is that the contract I have with a private pick-up contractor is illegal. Will he reduce the rates since h6'is removing less garbage per pick-up. The Ordinance as drawn up, addresses itself to a town not like ours. He pointed out many discrpancies in the Or- dinance, it is to vocabulary, collection areas are not roamed, curb service and how many curbs actually exist in the town,rear door service which are few an andfar between in the Town & also give the Highway Superintendent title to what he has picked up when actually it should be given to the Town. For these reasons he suggested that they work toward a better defined Ordinance than the one prepared. Frank Newman, Old State Rd., I represent the Scouts of the Town of Wappinger made up of eight groups, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, & Explorers. They were the first to collect paper & they started at $5.00 a ton then up to $7.00 a ton back to $5.00 up to $12.00 whyen they started to make money & now that it's up to $21.00 a ton, the Town wants to take the opportunity away. They only need occasional help from the Town not steady men and truck, it has been hardly any cost to the Town only when Bill Horton helped out when the Army Reserve went on maneumers. They should be prepared to take more glass & aluminum with the paper because you can't do one without all of it. Paul Garrell, Wheeler Hill Road - I feel that the least government involved would get the jone the best. The volunteer people are doing a good job, they should be encouraged. He also had a suggestion, the newsboy that delivers the paper could pick up the old one from the day before. He comes with a full load and goes home with a full load and then they could sell them. Herb Arndt - Troop 60 - I have been involved nearly four years and the income amounted to $300 or $400 a year which has helped supply funds to them in pursuing their activities and is healthly for them. If The Town Collects on weekdays it will hurt activites of the Scouts and retard their pregram. People will naturally take the easy way of putting papers at the curb instead of hauling them to the plaza. Edward Hawksley did not think the intent of the Ordinance was to hurt the scouts. Collection of paper on Town -wide basis cannot be done voluntary - too much. Louis Eck - Ordinance should be changed, unless you can enforce it right way and pickups the right way until it is 100% correct. In the meantime the Scouts should call people & tell them to save their papers for them. Mr. t,lsen moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mr. Jensen and unaimously carried. The Hearing closed at 7:55 P. M. (��"�'.c Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk ..�► . ale®„r .,r. r. NEWS DISPLAY ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AX 7 — 3724 20 EAST MAIN STREET - WAPPINGERS FALLS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE Inas n • Town Board of. tin Town of W wit conduct a public herring at !tie Town Nail - Mill Street, Wapoingers Fats. New,York an Monday. tlecam • 10.-1973, at:1:00 p.m. -EST, to hear , pe womsancarningan.ardtanc,e of. IAa' Yi ant=ot 'as.aat forth .below- -' , N l�MiF ^ W 1N7K'NCEDFTEORTII "N R,INT_DRC1 ..: -SECTIONTh' ... .._ pursuant a. Section IX of tnii4onm Law Of • the, Sate .of New York for the_ promatlm►of public welfare.and health,' andgeraeal-welfare.of the corm rthy,. in - the protection • and eraser- vationof the property of the Town and ail Itsdnhabitantsendof peaty and good order10the contrOiling and regidating of newsprintdisposal . in the Town- ofWappin incorporatedvillagevillage the a Is of any provide for the•enforcement thereof. SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS. 'For the Me - purposa of this ordinance. e following terms phrases, words.- and their derivations shall have the meaning given herein_ When not inconsistent with Me context, words used In the present tense *dude the future; words in the - plural number include the singular , number and words in the singular number Include **plural number. The word "snail” is always mandatory and rot merely directory. A "Commercial Area" shalt mean aWare where business, Industrial, or tdgm manufacturing enterprises are boated: or operating, or any area not classifiedas residential. B. "Si- .• .. t of Highway" shall meeenn or refer to the. Highway SsipC. ay" shall mean that day In i which a holiday is officially celebrated and reoognlzed by the Town Board. D. **Operate" shall mean to pick up, collection otherwise perform E. "Person" shall mean any person, than, partnership, association, cor- sporation, company or organization of "P F.ata Property" stab mean any ��yYyathr that at used as a public "ResidarMhl Area" shall mean an area primarily mod and occupied for residential purposes: H. "tlawsprtnt" shall mean• any paper W 01 3. 3. called a nclIECTION ECT► PRE PRACTICES IN COLLECTION D ISTRICTS. Separation of refuse,ga ashes and other ktnda ctrefuse refuses/wail be placed and maintained in separate containers except that - refuse in the form of ; newspaper - waste : (discarded I n r$) shall be Plate and m hied for pick up, collection end, to collection, a. No employee Of the Town in the , cause of his duties shalt be required to enter a building or structure together or coiled- any refuse. No employee shall accept or receive any tip or gratuity for the performance*? his duties or solidi money for any purpose in connection therewith. • D SPOSAL SUPERVISEDN AND BY All r effuse accNumulated OFHIGHWAYS. cool collection district shalt be collected, conveyed and disposed of under the supervision of the Superintendent the ayuthoriitty log make reegu rhich egulations and location of wastee collection, type such other matters, pertaining 10 the collection, conveyance, and disposal as shall be found necessary, and to change and modify the same, after notice as required tionsyare i� con�ryotos1�he provisions hereunder, orSpEegiroCTIION 8. PENALTIES. Any person fail ni assoc atm or corporation separate newsprint from other garbage and failing to cornpty with this ordinance Is guilty of a violation punishable by a fine not exceeding 525.00. Adopted: Effective: AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York. County of Dutchess. Town of Wappinger. Beatrice Osten Town being times of Wappinger. Dutchess duly sworn. says that he hereinafter was. the Co•1 of the County, New York. is andt �iar- 1ais W. & S.D. NEWS. a newspaper printed and published every Thursday in the year in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County. New York. and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for one week successiye1y yla" in sa�h week. comQincing on the OOH' day of �' 19.. , and on the following dates thereafter. namely on becearker and ending on the day of 19%3 both days inclusive. Subscribed and sworn to beforeeniter 73 this 6th day of Notary Public My commission expires ALBERT M. CSTEN NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE CF NEW YORK QUALIFIED IN DUT;::IEES COUNTY #14.8240760 COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 30, 18,.. 11 ' I 't TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER OF ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER AS SET FORTH BELOW ----"NEWSPRINT ORDINANCE. AFFIDAVIT OF STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) says: POSTING ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes and That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on November 30th, 1973, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on the !! Newsprint Ordinance, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, Mill Street, in the Village of Wappingers Falls, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. ..,/C1 ft tip Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Sworn to before me this /t day Notary Public / - - • WARRANT To LOUIS DIEHL , Supervisor Town of WAPPINGER , County of PUS , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of WAPPINGER , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 10thday of DECEMBER , 19.73.., in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. NAME OF CLAIMANT AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT 937 Dorothy B. Landolfi 47.00 A1450.1 938 Howard D. Webster 27.50 A1110.4 939 Howard D. Webster 5.40 A1110.4 940 Elaine H. Snowden 29.20 A1410.4 941 ISusan J. Pike 9.70 88010.4 942 Arthur Waddle 30.00 A1110.4 943 :2eorge Wells 377.80 A3510.1 944 :3eorge Wells 166.66 A1620.1 945 :Pauline Egan 60.50 A1220.4 OTHER INFORMATION 946 ;Rudolph E. Lapar,P.E. 833.32 A1440.4 A1110.4 1.00 A1410.4 9.96 A1355.4 947 'Elaine H. Snowden 27.94 A1220.4 1li.30 A1620.4 4.68 1.00 948 ,)r. D. J. Hannigan 549.00 A3510.4 949 'wincent Paino 20.00 A1620.4 950 :ustciat Cleaning Contr. 125.00 A1620.4 951 '3arvey Miller 200.00 A1620.4 952 iiouis Diehl 57.00 A1220.4 953 ! iar117 Acker 409.05 A7110.4 954 '3ylvia Guarino 75.00 A7020.1 955 Eierbert Cole 60.00 A7110.4 A1420.4 375.00 956 Allan E. Rappleyea 666.66 81420.4 291.66 957 Kenneth Croshier 40.95 A7140.4 958 Lee Cornell 38.25 A7140.4 959 J & B Parsons,Inc. 25.00 A8510.4 In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of this 11th day of DECEMBER , 1973 [SEAL] WAPPINGER Town Clerk To WARRANT LOUIS DIEHL , Supervisor Town of WAPPINGER , County of DUWHESS , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of WAPPINGER , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 10thday of DECKER , 19 73 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. NAME OF CLAIMANT 1AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT OTHER INFORMATION Sloper-Willen Community 960 Ambulance Service,Inc. :1,070.10 A4540.4 961 New York Telephone 556.67 A1620.4 962 Vince's Oil Service 13.07 A1620.4 963 Vince's Oil Service 19.83 A1620.4 964 Vince's Oil Service 94.29 A1620.4 965 Vince's Oil Service 12.98 A1620.4 966 Vince's Oil Service 58.05 A1620.4 967 Vince's Oil Service 25.95 A1620.4 968 New York Communications 533.00 A1650.4 969 Xerox Corporation 298.72 A1620.4 970 Poughkeepsie Newspapers 61.31 86410.4 971 W. and S. D. News 48.24 86410.4 The Lawyers CO -Operative 972 Publishing Cooped* 30.65 A1110.4 973 Great Bear Spring Co. 41.00 A1620.4 974 Williamson Law Book Co. 78.72 *1220.4 975 Williamson Law Book Co. 52.73. A1110.4 976 Capitol Highway Materials 328.40, *3310.2 977 Capitol Highway Materials 22.00, A3310.2 978 West Publishing Company 16.00 A1110.4 979 West Publishing Company 10.00 A1110.4 980 Central Hudson 16.20, A3310.4 981 Central Hudson 253.28 A1620.4 982 American Red Cross 323.40 A7140.4 1n Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of 973 this 11th day of DSR -' [SEAL] WAPPINGER Town Clerk To WARRANT LOUIS DIEHL , Supervisor Town of WAPPINGER , County of DIMNESS , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of WAPPINGER , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 10th day of DECEMBER , 19 73 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM NAME OF CLAIMANT 'AMOUNT FUND OR OTHER INFORMATION No. ALLOWED ACCOUNT 983 A. .J. Brooker Co. Inc. 16.87 A1620.4 984 R. J. Brooker Co., Inc. 47.61 A1355.4 A9060.8 231.46 985 Hartford Life Ins. Co. 1,036.87 B9060.8 805.41 986 1H. B. Office Match.Inc. 2.65 A1110.4 987 !Mc Combs 3.00 A1110.4 redit Bureau of 988 Poughkeepsie 60.00 A1355.4 989 'Eggleston Office Equip. 185.45. A1620.2 990 'Eggleston Office Equip. 3.78 B3620.2 991 'John N. Lucas and Son 17.50 A1410.4 992 grey Hardware Company 29.28 A1450.4 993 !Burroughs Corporation 15.95 A1220.4 994 !Avon Self Service Market 46.90 A1620.4 995 'Ralph Vinall 708.00 A7110.1 996 'South Road Pharmacy 2.52 A7110.2 Wappingers Sand & 997 Gravel Corp. 210.00 A7110.4 998 'Joseph P. Mc Cosaicla 300.00 A7110.4 999 'George Schlathaus 32.00 A7110.4 1000 Pray's Nursery 284.00 A7110.4 1001 Dray Hardware Company 7.12 A7110.4 1002 Lafayette Radio 49.95 A7110.4 1003 B. J. Marin B Sons Inc. 68.67 A7110.4 1004 Dave Alexander, Inc. 11,600.00 A7110.4 1005 A-1 Pence Ccaapany N 46.80 A71104 In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of this lith day of DECEMBER , 19 73 [SEAL] WAPPINGER Town Clerk WARRANT To LOUIS DIEHL , Supervisor Town of WAPPINGER , County of DUTCHESS , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of WAPPINGER , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 10th day of , 19 73 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and DSR a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. NAME OF CLAIMANT 1006 Chief Electronics Inc. 1007 Chief Electronics Inc. 1008 Beacon Distributing Co. 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 Spec. Diets. Vou. * 272 AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT 458.65 28.20 200.00 /S Sylvan Lake Telephone Co. -0.25' A7140.4 A7140.4 A7140.4 A1620.4 OTHER INFORMATION Rudolph E. Leper, P.B. ,867.26 DRAINAGE C TRUCTIC�i PROTECT Dave Alexander, Inc. 5 ,288.45 DRAINAGE C TRUCTICN PROJECT -BOND ACCT. (De Garmo Hills) Dave Alexander, Inc. 3 ,108.71 CENTRAL WAPP. WATER CCNTRACT #2 Lombardi & Son, Inc. 511,275.22 Allan E. Rappleyea 1,000.00. Rudolph E. tapas, P. E. 41,878.99 1 28.15 441,454.15 R. H. Linge, Inc. Lasbardi & Son, Inc. Rudolph E. Leper, P. E. 2,469.81 Charles A. Cortellino 9.82 Daniel F. MacNamee &Co.26,955.00 Urey Hardware Company 4.99 Ikretfa 51 16(# 3.09 CENTRAL WAVP. WATER IMP. BOND ACCOUNT CENTRAL WA . WATER IMP. 3Q) ACCOUNT CENTRAL WA P. WAVER IMP. BOND ACCOUNT WAPPINGER ER IMPR. *l WA WAPP. SEWEllt IMP. ACCOUNT WAPP. SEMI IMP. BOND ACCOUNT ENV. CONS. 'COUNCIL ACCOUNT CONTRACT Marts Field Tennis Courts) Si1ER /MFR. ill BOND ACCT. I I #BY RESOLUTION OF TOWN BOARD 12-10-73 RETURN OF $50100 CASH ROAD OPENING BOND TO REISSLER-R IT BLDG. CORP. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hanrl and the Seal of the Town of this lath day of DECEMBER , 197_ ---- [SEAL] (b a o R n WAPPINGER Town Clerk SPECIAL DISTRICTS WARRANT To 1.01J1S DIEHL Town of WAPPINGER , Supervisor , County of wvwkiw, S , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of WAPPINGER , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the IOth dayof DECEMBER , 19 73 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificae thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. 252 253 254 955 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 NAME OF CLAIMANT Arthur Waddle Central Hudson Central Hudson Camo Pollution Central Hudson Central Hudson Camo Pollution AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT 46.50, Gas & Elm' 137.88 Gas & Ela 184.29 Control 51.00 Gas & Slec 165.75 Gas & E 105.38 Control 68.00 54.00 1 166.32 t Gas & Elect 497.22 1 Gas & E1ej 29.15 52.00 137.82- I 7,031 400.001 80.001 575.00 I 5.65 I 137.85- 75.00 80.57 I 56.37 Camo Pollution Control Axton -Cross Company Central Hudson Central Hudson 263 I Camo Pollution Control 264IIilSwift Parts Supply 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 I 272 I Gen.Fund Vouc. 945 Hydra-Numatic Sales Co. Lafko Associates Inc. Lafko Associates Inc. P. & 0. Sand & Gravel Sm ith & Loveless Div. Axton -Cross Company Wallace & Tiernan Div. Urey Hardware Company Pauline Egan OTHER INFORMATION SSI -8130.4 15.50 583-8130.4 15.50 SS2-8130.4 15.50 SW1-8320.4 SS1-8130.4 51-8130.4 SW2-8320.4 532-8130.4 SS2-8130.4 153-8130.4 552-8130.4 SS3-8130.4 SS3-8130.4 SS3-8130.4 553-8130.4 SS3-8130.4 S83-8130.4 553-8130.4 SS3-8130.4 SS3-8130.4 S83-8130.4 531-8130.4 S82-8130.4 SW1-8320.4 SS1-8130.4 SS3-8130.4 553-8110.1 25.00 25.00 .46 28.07 32.23 SS3-8130.4 25.00 SW2.8320.4 8.61 SS2-8130.4 11.20 In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of WAPPINGER this llth day of DECEMBER , 19 73 [SEAL] Town Clerk SPECIAL DISTRICTS WARRANT To LOUIS DIEHL , Supervisor Town of WAPPINGER , County of �,�,.a, ysaS , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of WAPPIHGER , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 10th day of DECEMBER , 19 ?3 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM NAME OF CLAIMANT AMOUNT FUND OR OTHER INFORMATION No. ALLOWED ACCOUNT Gen*Fund SS2-8130.4 1.20 Voucher 947 Elaine H. Snciden 3.36 SS3-8130.4 2.16 (Petty Cash) -ria---e(,4 'I 1 /1G,/if In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of this lith day of Dgi'.a'••e.' , 1973 [SEAL] WAPPINGER Town Clerk HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT To WARRANT oui4s D. Diehl , Supervisor Town of...WappLnger , County of..Dutchess , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of _______WapRin.r , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 10k. th day of December , 197.3..., in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. NAME OF CLAIMANT 238 Agway Petroleum Corp. 2)9 Dave Alexander, Inc. 240 Spoor-Lasher Co. Inc. 241 Thalman Equipment Co. 242 Ralph C. Herman Co. 243 Rowe -Rutledge 244 Walter Smith Melding 245 Bennett Enterprises 246 Edward Ehrbar, Inc. 247 Wi tchev Gas i Service 248 Hudson River Sales Corp. 249 8 t K Auto Supply 250 Mack Trucks 251 Thalman Equipment 252 Urey Hardware Company 253 H.O. Penn Machinery 254 Acme Tank i Truck 255 B.F. Goodrich Company 256 Clove Excavators 257 Ralph C. Herman Company 258 1Clove Excavators 1AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT 370.69 1871.57 451.50 DR5110.4 n OTHER INFORMATION 31.80 OR5110.4 -9.;S: DIj5110.4 2769.00 DM5130.2 30.55 DM5130.4 19.40 128.60 2.44 7.25 1090.74 79.98 8.57 8.95 .78 166.76 70.00 1130.84 1031.25 OS5142.4 237.89 n 1020.90 vsz9, yc 11 -22,64 In Witness Whereof, I havg hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of Wappi nger this i 0th day of December , 1973.... [SEAL] Town Clerk