1973-03-12 RGM1
MARCH 12, 1973
3. Accept Minutes
Supervisor Town Justices .Building Inspector
Judge Bulgers Annual Report
General Fund: Highway: .
74-44 7,1ALc
a. Peter Murphy re: drainage problems (Fleetwood)
b. J. Gerzof re: Lift Station Kent Rd.
c. Chelsea & Hughsonville Fire Districts re: Fire Code
d. S. Pike,- recommendation on Shapiro
e. John Holler - iequest permission to attend monthly meetings'
f. L. Eck re: Town hall & other subjects pertaining to good
and welfare of the Town
g. M. Mohnach re: Central Wappinger Water District
h. Resignation of A. Cooke from Zoning Board of Appeals
John.Haubennestel re: drainage problem
a. Repeal of Section 412.02
b. Route 9 rezoning
c. Bids for Highway Trucks and Loader
a. Martin Leskow re: Dedication of Leskow Circle,- Recreation land
b. .S. Piketre: "Mobil Home" definition amendment..
• •
' 4
4 14
The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger was held on March 12, 1973, at the Town Hall, Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, New York.
Supervisor Diehl called the meeting to order at 9:16 P.M.
Louis Diehl, Supervisor
Louis Clausen, Councilman
Leif Jensen, Councilman
Stephen Saland, Councilman
Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk
Harry Holt, Councilman
Others Present:
William Horton, Superintendent of Highways
Allan Rappleyea, Attorney to the Town
Rudolph Lapar, Engineer to the Town
The Minutes of the February 12, 1973 Regular Monthly Meeting and
the Special Meeting of March 5, 1973, having been previously sent
to the Town Board members, were now placed before them for their
MR. SALAND moved the minutes of the February 12, 1973 Regular
Monthly Meeting and the March 5, 1973 Special Meeting, as submitted
by the Town Clerk be and they are hereby approved.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen.
Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays
The monthly reports were received from the Supervisor, Town Justices
and Building Inspector, also the Annual Reports from the Town
MR. CLAUSEN moved the monthly reports and the Town Justices Annual
Reports be accepted and placed on file.
Seconded by Mr. Jensen.
Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays
Bills received for payment were as follows:
General Fund $ 14,423,53 OKSD $294.40 F1tSD $524.72
Highway Fund 3,706.08 OKWD 131.83 F1tWD 233.74
RFSD 686.70
MR. CLAUSEN moved the bills be paid, subject to audit.
Seconded by Mr. Jensen.
Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays
Supervisor Diehl directed that the matter of Tall Trees Water
Improvement be taken as the next order of business.
A Public Hearing having been duly held on March 12, 1973 on the
Establishment of the Tall Trees Water Improvement Area in the
Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, Pursuant to Article
12c of the Town Law; Affidavits of Posting and Publication offered
for the record at the hearing, and all persons desiring to be heard
were heard, the matter was placed before the Board for their consid-
The following Order was moved by COUNCILMAN CLAUSEN, seconded by
Councilman Saland, and unanimously carried:
WHEREAS a map, plan, and •report have been prepared in such
manner and in such detail as has heretofore been determined by
the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger relating to the Establish-
ment of a proposed Water Improvement Area known as the Tall Trees
Water Improvement in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New
York, pursuant to Article 12c of the Town Law, and
WHEREAS said map, plan, and report have been duly filed in
the Clerk's office of the Town of Wappinger for public inspection;
WHEREAS said map, plan, and report were prepared by Rudolph
E. Lapar, a competent engineer, duly licensed by the State of
New York, showing the boundaries of the proposed district and a
general plan of the water system, and
WHEREAS an order was duly adopted by the Town Board reciting
the filing of said map, plan, and report, the improvements proposed,
the boundaries of the proposed improvement area, and the estimated
expenses thereof and specifying March 12th, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. as
the time in the said Town Hall in the said Town of Wappinger, as
the place where the said Town Board would meet to consider the
map, plan, and report and to hear all -persons interested in the
subject thereof, concerning the same, and
WHEREAS, a hearing in the matter was duly held by the Board
on this 12th day of March, 1973, commencing at 7:30 P.M. at the
Town Hall in the said Town and considerable discussion upon the
matter having been had and all persons desiring to be heard
having been duly heard including many of the residents in person
and various other persons speaking in favor of the establishment
of the proposed improvement area;
NOW, upon the evidence given upon such hearing and upon
motion of Mr. Clausen, Councilman, seconded by Mr. Saland,
Councilman and unanimously passed, it is
RESOLVED AND DETERMINED, that (a) the map, plan and report
has been filed with the Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger for
public inspection and it duly complies with Article 12c of the
Town Law and it is otherwise sufficient; (b) all the property
and property owners within the proposed improvement area are
benefited thereby; (c) all the property and property owners
benefited are included within the limits of the proposed improve-
ment area, and (d) it is in the public interest to establish
the Tall Trees Water Improvement #1, and it is further
RESOLVED AND DETERMINED, that the establishment of a water
improvement area as proposed in said map, plan, and report be
approved; that the improvement therein mentioned be constructed
and the service therein mentioned be provided for upon the
required funds being made available or provided for; and that
such improvement area shall be designated and known as the "Tall
Trees Water Improvement" shall be bounded and described as set
forth on Schedule A attached hereto.
RESOLVED, that the proposed improvement, including costs -of
rights of way, construction costs, legal fees andallother
expenses shall be financed as follows: -by a bond issue extend-
ing over a thirty year life period, and it is further
RESOLVED AND DETERMINED that the maximum amount to be
expended for said improvement is $80,000.00 and it is further
RESOLVED AND DETERMINED that the aforesaid bonds which are
to be issued, together with the interest thereon, are to be paid
for in the first instance by assessments levied upon the several
lots or parcels of land within the improvement area as described
aforesaid in just proportion to the amount of benefit which
the improvements shall confer upon the lots or parcels within
said improvement area; and it is further
RESOLVED AND DETERMINED that the Town Clerk shall, within
ten (10) days after the adoption of this resolution, file
certified copies hereof, in duplicate, in the office of the
State Department of Audit and Control at Albany, New York,
together with an application by this Board, in duplicate for
permission to create the improvement area herein; and that such
application shall be executed by and on behalf of the Town Board
by the Supervisor of the Town, and it is further
RESOLVED AND DETERMINED that the resolution shall take
effect immediately upon the -adoption and as provided by Town Law.
ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situate in the County of
Dutchess and. State of New York bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the southerly side of
Wheeler Hill Road, said point being the northerly
most corner of the herein described proposed
improvement, said point also being the northerly
most corner of Lot 1 as laid down on a map entitled
"Section One - Subdivision Map of Tall Trees" on
file in the Dutchess County Clerk's Office as
Map #3250, thence in a southeasterly direction
along the northerly lines of Lots 1, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 of Map #3250,
the following bearings and:. distances:
South 44°-02'-50" East 460.85 feet
South 44°-34'-00' East. 603,46 feet
South 42°-41'-40" East 53.55 feet
South 44°-17'-20" East 478.00 feet
to a point, said point being at the northerly
intersections of Lots 63 and 64 as laid down on
a map entitled "Map of Tall Trees -Section 2"
on file, in the., Dutchess County Clerk's Office
as Map #3354, thence first in a southeasterly
direction and thence a southwesterly direction
along the northern line of Lot 63 and the wes-
terly Lines, of Lots 63, 62., 61, 60., 59, and
Recreation and Water Storage Areas of Map #3354,
the following bearings and distances:
South 440-17'-20"
South 42°-31'-20"
South 45°-59'-20"
South 41°-02'-20"
East - 212.99 feet
East - 120.34 feet
East - 141.04 feet
West -1212.86 feet
to a point, said point being the southerly corner
of the Recreation Lot, thence in a westerly direc-
tion along the southwesterly lines of the Recrea-
tion Area, unnumbered lot, Lots 56, 55, 54, 53 ,
52, 51, 50, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, and the area re-
tained for well water supply, the following bear-
ings and distances:
North 34°-23'-30" West - 433.78 feet
North 44°-09'-50" West - 750.14 feet
North 440-25'-40" West - 492.33 feet
North 44 -23'-10" West - 445.98 feet
to a point on Wheeler Road, said point being
the westerly corner of the area retained for well
water supply, thence in a northeasterly direction
along the southerly side of Wheeler Hill Road the
following bearings and distances:
North 43°-02'-09"
North 43°-02'-09"
North 43°-02'-09"
North 42°-21'-00"
North 43°-41'-50"
North 43°-41'-50"
North 43°-41'-50"
or place:of beginning.
- 258.00 feet
- 100.00 feet
- 75.00 feet
- 347.97 feet
- 75.98 feet
- 100.00 feet
- 180.0.0 feet to the point
Mr. Peter Murphy, 17 Fleetwood -Drive, wrote the Board outlining
several problems he was experiencing regarding sewerage back up
and drainage problems,and. requested to speak before the Board
on these conditions. In addressing the: Board/elaborated first
on the drainage in: the. back of his property. He noted that where
the drainage in the rear of his property had been installed, not
having been seeded or planted, cars, motorcycles etc. were driving
through. He felt that a dozen plantings would _prevent this.
Also, the land behind still remains swampy, attracting mosquitoes
in the summer. Mr. Lapar answering Mr. Dieh1's question as to
whether the contractor had fulfilled his obligations, stated
that it was his recollection that the Fleetwood Homeowners Associa-
tion was going to fill in that whole area after the pipe was instal-
led, this planapparently falling by. the wayside. There was no
plan to put in plantings, again -working on the assumption that
the residents were going to utilize this area. The matter of
fill was discussed, andbeing deemed far too expensive (aside from
1 -
the fact there were no funds allocated in. the budget for such a
project), no conclusion was reached. Mr. Murphy, going into the
sewerage back=up problem that both he and his neighbor Mr. Baer
have experienced, indicated that they both would appreciate some
kind of preventative maintenance program in relation to cleaning
out the sewer pipes. There was some discussion -about the Town
purchasing a roto -rooter for all the districts for a preventative
maintenance programas opposed to digging up a section of pipe in
the vicinity of Mr. Baer's and Mr. Murphy's home. (Mr. Lapar
believed the problem was a slight dip in the main pipe in front
of or slightly below these two residences, creating the buildup
causing the stoppage). Mr. Baer urged the Town to consider a
periodic maintenance program.
Mr. Diehl suggested, with recommendationof the Board, that Mr.
Lapar get with Mr. Waddle and find out the cost of such a rotary
that would take care of this type of situation in this and other
sewer areas, and if necessary, continue with periodic cleaning
out. Mr. Jensen indicated that he had unofficially spoken with
Mr. Waddle on this. Mr. Diehl asked Mr. Lapar to check to see how
serious Mr. Murphy's and Mr. Baer's problem was and estimate the
cost of correcting it by digging up and replacing -the pipe. There•
were no recommendations to relieve either problem.
The following letter was received from Julius Gerzof.
February 14, 1973
Honorable Louis Diehl
Supervisor, Town of Wappinger
Town Hall
Wappinger, New York
Dear Sir:
I wish to bring to your attention my letter of November
2, 1972, in which we advised you that the lift station on
Russett Lane, off_Pippen Lane, in the development area of
Ye Olde Apple Orchard was transferred to the Town approx-
imately two years ago, and further, that the -same is enclosed
by a cyclone fence.
The lift station is several feet above grade and must be
lowered by the Town sothat the roads may be installed, Until
this is attended to, the roads at this point cannot be installed
and constitutes a hazard.
We intend to proceed..with,the roads as soon as weather
conditions permit, and apply for permits. Work must start
immediately on the lowering of the lift station so that it
will not impair or impede the installation of the roads, which
so far, has precluded the issuance of permits, to our great
A copy of this letter was sent to Vincent Kelley, P.E.,
but we never received a response from him either.
Very truly yours,
Julius M. Gerzof
February 19, 1973
Town Board
Town of Wappinger
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, New York
Re: Rockingham Sewer District
Ye Olde Apple Orchard
Attention: Supervisor Diehl:
I have received a copy of a letter addressed to the Town Board
from Mr. Gerzof referring to a Pump Station on Russett Lane
which appears to be obstructing development -of theadjacent road.
Mr. Gerzof appears to be expecting a reply of some sort from me
although I cannot imagine why.
My recollection of this situation is that the subject pump station
was located, installed and elevations set by the developer with
no assistance or approval of any Town agents or :employees. Its
location and elevation should have been set by reference to the
subdivision plan since it was all part of one package and all
the responsibility of the developer to do correctly.
It occurs to me that, while the District may own the pump station,
it is the developers responsibility to now make the subdivision
roads and elevations conform to existing pump station elevations
by revising plans and elevations as may be necessary.
Very truly yours,
s/ Vincent C. Kelley, P.E.
MR. DIEHL moved that the Town Clerk forward Vincent Kelley's
recommendation to Mr. Gerzof.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen.
Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays
Letters were received from both the Hughsonville and -Chelsea_
Fire Districts requesting that the Town Board consider writing a
fire code that would be more adequate. It is their feeling that
the New York State Fire Code is not adquate with respect to fire
protection for the many proposed multiple dwellings and commercial
developments now under consideration in the Town of Wappinger.
Mr. Diehl recommended that the Fire Committee, Messrs. Jensen and
Holt, work with the three Fire District Chiefs (Chelsea, Hughsonville
and New Hackensack) in regard to updating our fire code, and perhaps
Mr. Holler could contact all the chiefs and arrange a meeting.
A recommendation was received from Susan Pike, Zoning Administrator,
regarding the issuance of a Salvage Yard License for Sid Shapiro
(Mid -Hudson Auto Wreckers). Her recommendation was to issue a
temporary license, six month.iicense_be issued with the condition
that the fencing and screening required by the Zoning Board of
Appeals be completed within the six-month period. (The temporary
period to extend to July 1, 1973).
MR. JENSEN moved that a Temporary Salvage Yard License be issued
to Sid Shapiro, subject to the conditions stipulated by Miss Pike.
Seconded by Mr. Saland.
Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays
A request was received from John Holler, to attend monthly luncheon
meetings of the Mid -Hudson Valley Chapter of the New York State
Building Officials Conference; members of the Town of Wappinger
Planning Board and Susan Pike,
sion to attend a field trip to
Zoning Administrator request permis-
the Communities of Columbia, Mary-
land and Reston, Virginia, arranged by the New York State Office
of Planning Services, Friday and Saturday, May 4th and 5th, 1973;
and, Arthur Waddle requests permission to attend a two week course
on Water at Syracuse University March 19 through March 30, 1973.
MR. DIEHL moved that these requests be granted, and their legi-
timate expenses be a Town charge.
Seconded by Mr. Jensen.
Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays
Mr. Eck, having requested to speak before the Board regarding
the Town Hall and other subjects, began with the existing Town
Hall, its' antiquated facilities and people working in an office
that is unfit to live in. He wants the public to know the situation.
It was turned over to a committee and all the committee says is
"they're working on it", and he criticized the fact that when they
found a place on Myers Corners Road it was put to a vote, but the
public was left uninformed as to the condition of the present
facility and ignorant of the real needs of the Town. Nothing has
.been done since, except talk about the piece -of junk across the
street, which is =even -worse than this. Mr. Diehl interrupted,
stating that the -Town:isrinvestigating, and looking at all avenues
and trying to expedite it as fast as possible in the right way. Mr.
Eck ended this part of the discussion by stating that it was a
disgrace for a first class Town to be limited in an area like this.
He then launched into a discussion on the notices being sent out by
Cole Layer . Trumble on, °the County reappraisal, . then,. noting Mr.
Leskow's name on the agenda said that he had presented evidence at the
last Board meeting why that thing dbuldn't be taken over .jLeskow
Circle). It should only be taken over like he recommended it should.
The following letter was received:
Dogwood -'Hill Road
Wappingers Falls, N.Y.
February 28, 1973
Wappingers Town Board
Wappingers Falls, N.Y.
Dear Sirs:
I recently learned that Dogwood Hill Road is going to be
included in the extended Town of Wappinger water district by
the summer of 1974. Some residents on Dogwood Hill Road are
experiencing serious water shortages now. A new house is being
built on the street which no doubt will cause a further drop
in the water table. My well is 420' deep and we are pumping
it dry on the average of 3&4 times daily. While we have water
to use, the recovery rate is slow enough to be a real problem.
Some of the residents have found that taking their laundry
to laundromats has helped conserve water for other purposes
If we are having difficulties now, one:can only:.wo nder
how serious the situation will be during the summer months
when water levels will drop even further.
Since you plan to run_a water main over DeGarmo Hill
this spring, -we sincerely:hope'you will include our street in
the earliest possible phase of construction.
Yours truly,
2/ Martin G. Mohnach
Mr. Diehl recommended this be placed on file, since it is subject
to the approval of the Water Improvement Area, and since Mr. Lapar
is aware of Mr. Mohnach's request, will take it into consideration
if it is feasible'engineering wise in this direction.
The Clerk informed the Board that she had received the resignation of
Allen B. Cooke from;the Zoning _Board of -Appeals (due to his appoint-
ment•to the .'Town .of Wappinger Planning Board). :This resignation
creates a vacancy on
Mr. Diehl, on behalf
the Townlof Wappinger Zoning:Boardc;of Appeals.
of himself and the Board, gave credit to
Mr. Cooke for his service as a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals
and he was most happy to see him serving on the Planning Board.
The following resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN .SALAND,_who
moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, that Nicholas Johnson be and he hereby is appointed
to fill the vacancy on the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of
Wappinger which has occurred by reason -of the resignation of.
Allen B. Cooke, and it is further
RESOLVED, that the said Nicholas Johnson be and he hereby
is appointed to fill such vacancy for the remainder of the term
which shall expire on February 1, 1977.
Seconded by Councilman Jensen
Roll Call Vote:
Supervisor Diehl Aye
Councilman Clausen Aye
Councilman Holt Absent
Councilman Jensen Aye
Councilman Saland Aye
Resolution Duly Adopted
The following letter, addressed to Supervisor Diehl, was read:.
March 5, 1973
Mr. Louis D. Diehl
Town Supervisor
Town of Wappinger
Wappingers Falls, ..New York
Dear Mr. Diehl:
For some time this office has received numerous complaints
that residents in the Town of Wappinger bordering on Imperial
Boulevard, a privately owned road, contributed to a drainage
problem which during the winter has caused hazardous conditions
and necessitated the owner to provide additional salt, sand and
services in the area.
I recently wrote Sue Pike, your Zoning Administrator, in
regard to the matter, and received a reply dated February 28, copy
of which is attached.
The purpose of this letter is to request the assistance
of the Town of Wappinger, requesting residents bordering the pre-
mises to refrain from introducing additional water onto the road.
The interest of.the Village of Wappingers is to eliminate the
additional effluent and salt, sand and other extraneous material
from entering our storm sewer from the privately owned sewer on
Imperial Boulevard.
It is of course a recognized fact -by thisoffice that if
water is directed from one neighbor onto another neighbor's proper-
ty, it is -a matter of concern between the individual property owners.
Your cooperation in obtaining some relief from this problem
will be very much appreciated.
Very truly yours,
s/ John. W. Haubennestel
MR. JENSEN moved that Allan Rappleyea, Attorney to the Town,
receive a copy of this letter, and review it for content.
Seconded_by Mr. Saland.
Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes. 0 Nays.
The following letter was received:
Town Board
Town of Wappinger
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, N.Y.
March 7, 1973
Re: Wappinger Sewer;. Improvement #1
COB.tract #1-:
Central-Wappinger Water Improvement
Contract #1
On December 20, 1972, at 11:00 A.M., bids for the above
contracts were opened and read by the Town Clerk of the Town -of
The results were as follows:
Bellino Bros.
Lombardi & Son, Inc. Const. Co., Inc.
1st of 4 Sewer $ 453,401.00 $ 618,445.00
Water 240,050.00 374,187.50
Total :693,451.00 992,632.50
2nd of 4. Sewer 453,401.00 618,445.00
Water 243,890.00 .' 378,002.50
Total 697,291.00 997,437.50
3rd of 4 Sewer 481,709.50 649,886.50
Water 240,050.00 374,187.50
Total 721,759.60 1,024,074.00
4th of 4 Sewer 481,709.50 649,886.50
,Water 243,890.00 -• 378,992.50
Total 725,599.50 1,028,878.00
I have examined the bids and find the bids of Lombardi & Son,
Inc. to be in _order.
I, therefore, recommend that the Town Board award the contracts
to Lombardi & Son, Inc., the low bidder.
I also recommend that the alternate bids be awarded.
It is recommended that for Central Wappinger Water Improve-
ment #1, ductiie*-iron pipe be selected because if its greater
It is also recommended that for Wappinger Sewer Improvement
#1, Alternate #1 for the larger pipe be awarded, with the knowledge
that the pipe size can be reduced at a later date if necessary.
It is further recommended that since these contracts can be
awarded separately, all contracts be signed as soon as it is
legally possible.
I am.enclosing a bid analysis sheet for your perusal.
"Verytruly yours
s/ Rudolph E. Lapar
Mr. Rappleyea indicated that the recommendation for the bid for
the Sewer Improvement should be the only one to be taken into
consideration, since the Water Improvement would be a bit premature.
The following resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN JENSEN:
RESOLVED, that, upon the recommendation of Rudolph E. Lapar,
P.E., the bid for Wappinger Sewer Improvement #1 Contract #1, with
Alternate ##1, be awarded to Lombardi & Son, Inc. -and further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor as Chief Fiscal Officer, be
authorized and empowered to sign the contract with Lombardi & Son,
Inc. as low bidders for the Wappinger Sewer Improvement #1.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen.
Roll Call Vote:
Supervisor Diehl Aye
Councilman Clausen Aye
Councilman Jensen Aye
Councilman Saland Ave
Resolution Duly Adoptedf
The following letters were received: c
March 8, 1973 ,
Town Board,
Town of Wappinger
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, New York
Regarding the proposed "Tall Trees, Section 3" subdivision,
at. the March_5, 1973 meetingLthe Planning Board of the Town of
Wappinger made the following recommendation.
The planning Board recommends that a fee of $100.00 per
approved lot on the final subdivision plat be accepted in lieu
of a land contribution.
Town Board
Town of Wappinger
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls,._New York
Respectfully ;yours
s/ Betty -Ann Geoghegan,
Secr. Torn of Wappinger
Planning -Board
March 9, 1973
We hereby offer $700.00 as funds in lieu of dedication
of recreation land for our 7 -lot subdivision located in the
Tall Trees development.
Your Planning -Board required, -in its approval of our
subdivision, that money be offered in lieu of land. This offer
is made in compliance with the conditions of that approval.
Yours truly,
s/ David J. Flitt Pres.
f Roundtree Builders Corp.
MR. CLAUSEN moved that the $700.00 fee(representing 7 lots. $100.00
per'lot) be accepted in lieu of dedicAted land for Recreation in the
Tall Trees Section 111 Subdivision.
Seconded by Mr. Jensen.
Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays
A letter was received from Donald J. Schroedertrequesting the Town
of Wappinger assist the Wappingers Area Pop Warner Football League
financially by paying the cost of the field lighting. It is estimated
by them that the annual operating costs, electrically for this field
(Wappinger Central Junior High School) will be under $400.00.
Mr. Diehl recommended that the author of the letter be notified
that the Lighting Committee (Messrs. Clausen & Saland) is going to
investigate into what possibilities or what avenues we may take
towards their request.
Mr. Jensen, under' Committee reports, referring to securing costs
estimates and bidding for splash boards required around the Rocking-
ham Farms Sewer Plant facility, as requested by Mr. Waddle, requested
the Clerk to write a letter to the Engineer to the District on this
matter. (A letter from Arthur Waddle had been received with regard
to this problem) .
A Public Hearing having been duly held on the proposed repeal of
Section 412.02 of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance, the matter
was placed before the Board for thier consideration.
Mr. Saland, indicating the receipt of a letter from the Town of
Wappinger Planning Board on both Section 412.02 and the Route 9
rezoning proposal, hoped that the Town Board could meet with the
Planning Board before making any determining decision.
Mr. Diehl directed that action be tabled on the repeal of Section
412.02 of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance; Route 9 Rezoning;
and the Mobile Home definition amendment until a meeting is held
with the Town of Wappinger Planning Board.
Bids were received and opened on March 7, 1973 for two dump trucks
and an Articulated Payloader for the_Highway Department, and the
recommendation of the Highway Superintendent on acceptance of the
bids was placed before the Board for their consideration.
The following Resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN JENSEN who moved
its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Town of Wappinger Highway Superintendent, being
desirous of purchasing two (2) Dump Trucks with Plow Equipment,
and one (1) Articulated Payloader, was granted permission from the
Town Board on February 12, 1973.to seek bids, and - --
WHEREAS several, bids having been received and opened on
March 7, 1973, the Highway Superintendent recommended that the
bids for the two (2 ), Dump Trucks with ,Plow equipment, be awarded to
Lindco Truck Sales, Inc., and the Articulated Payloader bid be
awarded to H.O. Penn Machinery Co., :Ines,
RESOLVED, that, upon the recommendation of the Highway Super-
intendent, the bid for two (2) Dump Trucks with Plow equipment be
awarded to Lindco Truck Sales, Inc. @$28,400.00, as meeting and/or
exceeding the Specifications, and
RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Highway Superin-
tendent, the bid for the Articulated Payloader be awarded to H.O.
Penn Machinery Co., Inc. @ $37,319.00 as meeting and/or exceeding
the specifications.
Seconded by: Councilman Clausen
Roll Ca11 Vote:
Supervisor Diehl
Councilman Clausen
Councilman Jensen
Councilman Saland
The matter of the dedication of Leskow Circle and Recreation Land
from Martin Leskow was placed before the Board.
Eugene Parlin, representing Martin Leskow, addressed the Board on
behalf of his client. He pointed out first, a Planning Board
recommendation of February 6, 1973 approving
a decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals of
this subdivision, also
August 8, 1972. He noted
that the' Planning Board recommended that. $100.00 be taken in lieu
of dedication of Recreation Land, whereas the Zoning Board of Appeals
decision was made subject to the deeding of some non -buildable land
to the Town. Mr. Leskow was prepared to deed over the land within
Leskow Circle, however, he is very interested in protecting this
land and asks that it be subject to a number of things, one of
which is it be kept unimproved, and if at some future date if the
Town decides they don't want the land, it revert back to him instead
of selling the land to some developer.
Mr. Diehl stated that it was the first time he had heard a request
made of the Board directing or limiting the use of dedicated land
for Recreation and stating the Town would deed it back and so forth.
Subject to further discussion, he would look to counsel for advice.
Mr. A . Rappleyea stated that, as he had advised Mr. Leskow, the
Zoning Board of Appeals directed him to offer the land to the
Town pursuant to that direction. Seemingly, Mr. Parlin is in
doubt as to meaning of the Zoning Board of Appeals decision. He
would, therefore, recommend that the matter be referred to the
Zoning Board of Appeals for clarification of their decision.
Mr. Parlin pointed out the Planning Board's recommendation of the
acceptance of cash in lieu of land, and Mr. Rappleyea replied it
was not the decision ofthePlanning Board to make, -the Zoning Board
of Appeals had clearly stated that the land was, to be offered to
the Town Board as a condition ofapproving of a variance as to lot
sizes. This was the first time the deed for this property has been
MR. JENSEN moved that this matter be referred back to the Zoning
Board of Appeals, and possible, the Town Board can sit in executive
session on this matter.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen.
Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays
70' #
Mr. Leskow tendered a deed on Leskow Circle for the Board and the
Attorney to the Town to review.
A letter was received from Hugh J. Maurer, Chairman of the Recrea-
tion Commission, inquiring if there had been any land dedicated
for recreational purposes in the Apple Ridge Development.
Mr. Diehl directed this inquiry be directed to the Attorney to the
Town for his investigation.
The following Order was moved by COUNCILMAN SALAND, seconded by
Councilman Clausen, and unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS a map, plan, and report have been prepared in such
manner and in such detail as has heretofore been determined by
the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger relating to the establish-
ment of a proposed Water Improvement -Area to be known as the
Watch Hill Water Improvement Area, in the Town of Wqpinger,
Dutchess•County, New York, pursuant to Article 12c of the Town
Law, and
WHEREAS said map, plan, and report have been duly filed in
the Clerk's_ Office of the Town of Wappinger for public inspection,
WHEREAS said map, plan, and report were prepared by Rudolph
E. Lapar, a competent engineer, duly licensediby the State of
New York, showing the boundaries of the proposed Improvement
Area. andgeneral plan:for-the water system, and
WHEREAS' the improvements proposed asset forth in said plan
and report consist of water supply, water storage facilities,
water mains, pumping stations and associated .facilities located.
in the Town of Wappinger, and
WHEREAS the improvement will provide for the Watch Hill
Development, of the Town of Wappinger, and said lands in the
Town of Wappinger are bounded and described generally as follows:
Beginning at a point on the Town Line, Town of
Wappinger, on the North and Town of Fishkill on the South,
said point being the intersection of said Town Line with lands
of now or formerly Carlson and running thence along lands of
now or formerly said Carlson, along lands of now or formerly
Perry, along lands of now or formerly Rosenfeld, along lands
of now or formerly Dougherty, along lands of now or formerly
Creo, along lands of now or formerly Webb, along lands of
now or formerly Larren, along lands of now or formerly
Cadwallader, along lands of now or formerly Streeter, along
lands of now or formerly Suozzo, along lands of now or
formerly M. Mirras, along lands of now or formerly Leskow,
along lands of now or formerly Nelson and along lands of now
or formerly Rose, the following: North 34-31-50 East 192.90
feet to a point; thence North 56-02-20 East 97.57 feet to a
point; thence North 60-27-40 East 123.98 feet to a point;
thence North 55-27-20 East 185.16 feet to a'point; thence
South -25-19-30 East 82.36 feet to a'point; thence South 78-22-30
East 97.01 feet to a point; -thence South 75-53-00 East 126.73
feet to a point; thence South 88-55-50 East 25.29 feet to a
point; thence North 48-14-30 East 362.64 feet to a point;
thence North 61-36-40 East 442.04'feet to a point; thence North
77-21-10 East 284.03 feet to a point; thence North 76-04-30
East 339.73 feet to a point; thence North 75--01-20 East. 528.11
feet to a point; thence North 73-18-50 East 173.00 feet to a
point; thence North 58-21-50 East 191.52 feet to a point;
thence North 62-48-10 East 97.54 feet to,a point; thence North
72-21-20 East 115.56 feet to a point; thence North 68-49-10
East ]21.83 feet to a point; thence North 73-39-00 East 255.69
feet"to a point; thence South 7-48-20 East 530.12 feet to a
point; thence South 70-24-50 West 314.26 feet to a point;
thence South 71-22-10 West 150.88 feet to a point; thence South
68 -33 -50 -West 75.55 feet to a point; thence South 15-52-10
East 47.83 feet to a point; thence South 3-40-20 East 104.60
feet to a point; thence South 9-35-50 East 269.14 feet to a
point; thence South 13-29-30 East 161.11 feet to a point;
thence North 77-40--10 East 375.05.fee t to a point; thence North
66-44-10 East 202.71 feet to a point; thence North 72-59-30
East 184.93 feet to a point; thence -.North 73-50-30 East 803.12
feet to a point; thence North 72-09-20 East 270.00 feet to a
point; thence North 72-27-30 East 123.15 feet to a point;
thence North.73-12-10 East 1872.90 feet to a point; thence
North 69-11-10 .East 184.80 feet to a point; thence North 73-03-10
East 528.10 feet to a point; thence South.62-028-00 East
247.64 feet to a point; thence North 24-58-45 East 258.40 feet
to -a point; thence South 68-07-50 East 25.29 -feet to -a point;
thence South 55-18-50 East 25.11 feet to a point; thence South
24-58-45:_West 247.75 feet toa::point;.thence:South,62-28-00
East 175.95 feet to a point;thence South 23-17-10 East 271;78
feet to a point; _.thence : No.rth 60=58-10_:West 145.58 feet .to a
point;, thence( South -:33=08=50 -West 1158.41 feet to a :point;
thence Solith 731439-10 West. 454.62 feet to. a point; thence ,
South.73-00-10 West 600.00:feet to.a_point; thence South
74-01-10 West 125.80 to a point; thence South•73-21-10.West
150 feet more or less to a point on the aforesaid Town Line,
Town of Wappinger on the Northv_andr.Town .of East Fishkill
on the South; thence along said Town Line, over and through
lands of now or formerly Leskow and over andthrough lands of
now or formerly S. Arkaway, Northwesterly 5970 feet more or
less to the. point of beginning; containing 166 acres of
land be the. same more or less.
WHEREAS,;it:is:proposed that said improvements are to be
installed with no cost b the Improvement Area in that the developer
of the land will install the water supply facilities, water mains
and pumpting�stations'and associated facilities., and the:proposed:-
Improvement Area will contract.with the Brinkerhoff Water Company,
Inc. for a supply of water, and
WHEREAS, it is: now desired to.:call_a:public._hearing pursuant
to Section 209Qi .-Subdivision. 3; of .the.:Town Law; :
ORDERED by the .Town::Board-of the: Town- of Wappinger, Dutchess
County, New York, as follows: :: _..
Section 1. , A..meeting of the Town Board: -of the Town of
Wappinger, DutchessviCounty; NewiYork, shailube held . inu then: Town
Hall, Mill Street, .Village _ of..Wappingers:Falls, :Neva York in
said Town on the. 27th day. ofs_March 1973 -at 7:30 P.M; . Eastern
Standard Time, to hold a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed
improvements and the plan, report, and map prepared and filed in
connection therewith, at which all persons interested in the
subject thereof -may be heard concerning the same, and to take
such action thereon as is required or authorized by law.
Section 2. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed
to give notice of such public hearing by publishing a copy of
this order once in the Wappingers and Southern Dutchess News,
the official newspaper, and by posting a copy hereof upon the
bulletin board of her office, such publication and posting to
be made not less than ten (10) nor more than twenty (20) days
before the date set herein for said public hearing.
Section 3. This Order shall take effect immediately.
s/ Leif Jensen
Louis Clausen
Stephen Saland
Louis Diehl
The following. Order was moved by COUNCILMAN SALAND, seconded by
Councilman Clausen., and unanimously carried:
WHEREAS a map, plan, and report have been prepared in such
manner and in such detail as has heretofore been determined by
the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, relating to the estab-
lishment of a proposed Sewer Improvement Area to be known as the
Wappinger Watch Hill Sewer Improvement Area in the Town of
Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, pursuant to Article 12c of
the Town Law, and
WHEREAS said map, plan, and report have been duly filed in
the Clerk's Office of the Town of Wappinger for public inspection,
WHEREAS said map, plan, and report were prepared by
Rudolph E. Lapar, a competent engineer, duly licensed by the
State of New York, showing the boundaries of the proposed Improve-
ment Area and a general plan for the sewer system, and
WHEREAS the improvements proposed as set forth in said plan
and ,report consist of sanitary sewer facilities, sewer mains,
pumping stations and associated facilities located in the Town
of Wappinger, and
WHEREAS the, improvement will provide for the southern area
of the Town of Wappinger, and said lands in the Town of Wappinger
are bounded and described generally as follows:
Beginning at a point in the most easterly corner of Lot 8B,
as shown on a map of Dutchess Park, Section 4B, dated
February 9, 1972, revised March 7, 1972, prepared by
Burgess & Behr, P.C., Carmel, N.Y. and filed in the office
of the,County Clerk of Dutchess County on March 24, 1972,
running thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING and along the
northerly line of said lot 8B of Dutchess Park, Section 4B,
along the Town Line (reputed) dividing the Town of Wappinger
on the north and the Town of Fishkill on the south, and
running along the northerly bounds of Dutchess Park, Section
4B, along the northerly bounds of Brinkerhoff Watch Hill,
Sections 3 and 4, -and along otherlands of the Grantor,
North 85-57-56 West 2743.73 feet
to a point in the line of lands now or formerly of Carlson;
thence along lands now or formerly of Carlson, the following
courses and distances
North34-31-50 East 192.90 ft.
North 56-02-20 East 97.57 ft.
North 60-26-40 East 123.98 ft.
North 55-27-20 East 185.16 ft.
South 25-19-30 East 82.36 ft.
South 78-22-30 East 97.01 ft.
South 75-53-00 East 126.73 ft.
South 79-20-30 East 358.71 ft.
South 88-55-50 East 25.29 ft.
North 48-14-30 East_362.64 ft.
North 61-36-40 East 442.05 ft.
and North 63-18-20 East.139.66 ft.
to lands now or formerly of Perry; thence along lands now
or formerly of Perry, andklands:now or formerly,of-Rosenfild,
North 77-21-10 East 284.03 ft.
and North 76-04-30 East 60.68 ft.
to a pointp thence through other -lands of the Grantor, the
following courses and distances:
' •.
to the
48-09-00 East 573.97 ft.
30-56-57 East 163.80 ft.
19-57-30 East 12500 ft.
46-31-22 East 55.90 ft.
19-57-30 East 242.47 ft..
64-29-00 West 136.83 ft.
72-57-00 West 20.06 ft.
WHEREAS, it is proposed that there will be no cost for the
establishment of said Sewer Improvement Area in that the developer
of the land involved herein will install the facilities and dedi-
cate the same to the Improvement_Area without cost to the
Improvement Area, and the Improvement Area will contract with
the Town of Fishkill, acting on behalf of the Dutchess Park
School District, for services in treatment of the effluent; and
WHEREAS, it is ndw desired%to calla public hearing pursuant
to Section 209Q, Subdivision3, of the Town Law;
ORDERED by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess
Countyi New.York, asfollowsi
Section 1. rA meeting of -the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, shall be held in the Town
Hall, Mill Street, Village -of Wappingers Falls, New York, on the
27th day of March, 1973, at 8:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Ti-
to hold a public hearing:on-the aforesaid'proposed improvements
and the plan, report, and map prepared and filed in connection
therewith at which all persons interested in the subject thereof
may be heard concerning the same; -and to take such action thereon
as is required or authorized by law.
Section 2. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed
to give notice of such public hearing by publishing a copy of
this order once in the Wappingers and Southern Dutchess News, the
official newspaper, and by posting a copy hereof upon the bulletin
?4 i
board of her office, such publication and posting to be made
not less than ten (10) dor more than twenty (20) days before
the date set herein for said public hearing.
Section\..3. This Order shall take effect._ immediately.
-c ,
s/ Leif Jensen
.Louis Clausen
Stephen Saland
Louis Diehl
Mr. Clausen recommended that:the:Town Clerk be .directed to
request the Planning Board to meet.with the Town Board at 8:30 P.M.
on March 27th to discuss the "Mobile Home" dafinitton, Route 9
rezoning and:repeal of Section 412.02;
Mr. Rappleyea informed the Board that, under the V&T Law the Town
has certain obligations to pick up abandoned vehicles and the Board
should designate some person to perform that function and Miss Pike
seems to be the most logical one since she has been involved in
this area.
MR. CLAUSEN moved that Susan Pike, Zoning Administrator be designa-
ted as the Town of Wappinger.Official _who will be in charge of
handling the disposition of abandoned vehicles.
Seconded by Mr. Jensen.
Roll Call Vete: 4 Ayes 0 Nays
Mr. Joseph !nco'ronato, being recognized by the Chair,. commented
briefly on a recent quote by NYS Water Commission in relation to
consideration of the repeal of Section 412.02. The article referred
to a study of water resources of the Southeastern portion of the
State, which projected a water shortage in the year 2000. Mr. Eck
countered that by repealing that section the cost of central water
would be almost prohibitive to the residents.
MR. SALAND moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Clausen and unanimously
The meeting adjourned at 10:54 P.M. ��►
Elaine H. Snowden
Town Clerk
, Supervisor
, County of DUTCHESS , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
WAPPINGER , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
.12th day of March , 19.7.x.__, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
41 Walter S. Pratt & Sons, 20.4a SS3-8130.4
47 Central Hudson 591.55 SS3-8130.4
SS1-8130.4 24.21
ss2-8130.4 24.21
Mach Cemical Co. Inc. 72 5 cc1.8130 24.23
SS1-8130.4 4.59
44 William F. Mihans. Jr. 13.78: SS2-8130.4 4.59
SS3-8130.4 4.60
Sw1-8320.4 4.24
45 Urey Hardvare Co. 89.07 SS1 8130.4 46.35
SS2-8130.4 6.56
SS3-8130.4 31.92
SW2-8320.4 38.88
46 Axton -Cross Company 155.52 SS2-830.4 ? 1F; 64
47 Cain Sewer Cleaning Service 21.40 SS2-8130.4
48 N & S Supply Corn. 1.9C SS2-813Q-4
49 Central Hudson ,49.42_ SS2-813Q_4
50 Torres Equipment Co_ 14.1(1 Sire-uV-1-4
51 (antral Hiirlcnn 19n 5q SW2-8320.4
52 R. H. Linae. Inc. 8.07 SS1-8130.4
53 H.O.Penn Machinery Co. 1.0.25- SS1-8130.4
54 Central Hudson 700 9} SS1-R110.4 .
55 Central Hudson 127.55 SW1-8320.4
14 nn 543-8110.4
Gen. Fund Vouch?r
107 Elaine Snow1'
Petty Cazh
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of Wappngex
this 13th day of MaxQb. , 19.23...
Town Clerk
To Louis D. Diehl
Town of WaPPinfrw
, Supervisor
, County of Dutehsss , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
, and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
, 19 73 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, ydu are hereby authorized
the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
12th day of Mersh
a certificate thereof having been
and directed to pay to each of
hereinafter stated:
23 Dutehsss Quarry G Supply 17.82
24 Spew-Lashsr Co. Inc 857.78
2501 C1ws Excavators, Inc. 748.16
26 Theisen Equipment Cs Inc 3.50
27 R.N. tinge, Ins.
28 Ursy Hardware Company
29 O.F. Osodrich Cowpony
O.R. Goodrich Company
Ralph C. Herman CO inc
004 huts Supply, Inc
Midway Oss i Service
Aare Tank i Truck Corp
Rowe- Rut 1 ods
Rsya1 Sala & Supply
Hudson River Sates Garp
Johnston & Johnston
*mar Associates, Inc. 135.73
Wsltsr Smith Melding
Ellison Products
H.O. Penn Machinery
Terra Equipment Co
44 James J. Osisley Trse Co
45 Intsrnati acsl Sett Co
In Witness Whereof, I havwrch unto set
this 1 •-•• -day f
320.00 D$5140.4
402.57 005142.4
704 ea
my hand and the Seal 73 a Town of Waffinilsr
.44100644W -Q -
Town Clerk
To LOUIS D. DIEHL , Supervisor
Town of
, County of PLITCH iS.a , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
, and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
ch , 19..1, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
12th day of
a certificate thereof
and directed to pay
hereinafter stated:
44 Arthur Wadt1a
95 Arthur Waddle
New York Hilton Hotel
97 Francis Sherpw
98 Norma O'Rourke
99 Custom Cleaning Contr_
100 Sylvia C. Guarino
101 Pauline Egan
102 George Wells
103 Elaine H. Snowden
104 Sloper-Willen
105 Philip E. Stillerman
106 H. D. Web is .er
107 Elaine H. Snowden
108 Susan J. Pike
109 Allen B. Cooke
110 Rudolph E. Lapar
111 Allan Rappleyea
112 Holiday Inn - Downtown
113 Daniel J. Hannigan,DVM
114 James T. Guarino
115 Urey Hardware Co.
' 00 ✓ A111n_4
314.40. A 1920.5
1,174.81.. A 1920.5
166.66_' A 1620.1
332.50. A 1330.1
125.00 r A 1620.4
24.75 A 1220.4
764 17 ' A 177n 4
260.58. A 3510.1
55.00. A 1410.4
3,070.08. A 4540.4
130.30. A up _4
73.75 . A 1110.4
'3 0 �3� 3 111436 . I 11
At Rockefeller Center
P.O. Bog 4147 Church St.Station
N.Y.,N.Y. L0049
2.60 1 B 8010.4
SS3 8110.4 (14,007
23.50 -' A 1920.5
A 1440.4
833.32. Sxi**Ritx B 1.440.4
A 1420.4
666.66 - 8 1420.4
701 E. Genesee St.
80.00 1 A 1920.5 Syracuse. N.Y. 13210
337.16- A 35.0.4
231.20 - A 3510.1
12.28 - A 7110.4
116 Urey Hardware Co. 7.38. A 1620.4
In Witness Whereof, I haveher unto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of Wappin9,er
this 13th day of March , 1973
Town Clerk
, Supervisor
, County of nvTCEIESS_ , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
To LOUIS D. DIEHL , Supervisor
Town of wAPPIKER , County of. _DIITCHE.SS. , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
VA.P.P.INGER. and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
32th day of Ma -.?l t in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
120 73.001,
121 Marshall & Sterlina.Inc. a3.5
122 Shaker.Travi
123 Marine Midland Bank
124 Holiday
125 Hartford Life Ins. Co 1,701.55i
Labor-Mana ement Relatiorn spryine
1612 X St. N.W.
SA* 808,Washxngton.DC
National Commercial Bank
& Trust Company
Popper Electric Company
Marchall & Sterlina.Inc.
43R _or% • A liASn
19.90 • A 1620.4
A 'pain c
A 9060.8 231.46
A 9060.8 231.46
126 Hartford Life Ins. Co. 1.163.47- B 9060.8 932.01
127 R.J. BronkerCo, Inc. 154.O' A 1620.7 I
128 Eggleston Office Equip. 138.55 # A 1620.7 I
129 IN. and S.D. News 54.24.'I
B 6410.4
130 ki. And S.D. Neka 164in A
n..cfi./ I
131 Williamson Law Book Co„Eja4!iLiuD_A
132 Central Hudson 170.71 ' A 1620.4 1.
133 Central Hudson I 16,201 A 3310,4 I
134 The Pendell Pres 3 1 13.15L A 1110.4 1
135 Xerox Corporation 1 231.98, A 1620.4 1
136 Radio Shack 9.18 i A 1110.4 I
137 I I B M 88 4 I
138 'Great Bear SpringCo. 1 30.00 # A 1620.4 1
In Witness Whereof, I have ereunto ifsermly hand and the Seal of the Town of.AapAinger ,
this 13th day of: March
, 1973
Town Clerk
, Supervisor
Town of WAEPINGER. , County of...DIITC}E.S.S , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
SiAPRINGER , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
12th day of Mardi 19.23..., in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
139 Burroughs Corporation 81.55v A 1220.4
140 Ralph Vinall 316.00 e A7110.4
141 Goldsmith Bros. 8.35 . A 1220.4
142 George Schlathaus 11.50 # A 7110.4
143 Power Test Petroleum Dist 376.5 A 1620.4 i
8 8010.4
144 Clifford Thorne 9,50 B 8020.4
New York Telephone 465.fifi, A 1620.4
13.50 A 1620.4
Pitney -Bowes,
q 3 !)-
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of Wappinger
this 13th March day of , 19 73
Town Clerk
4 fr
A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger on March 12, 1973, at Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers
Falls, Dutchess County, New York in the matter of the Establishment
of the Tall Trees Water Improvement Area.
Supervisor Diehl opened the Hearing at 7:39 P.M.
Louis Diehl, Supervisor
Louis Clausen, Councilman
Leif Jensen, Councilman
Harry Holt, , Councilman
Stephen Saland, Councilman
Elaine Snowden, Town Clerk
The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavit of Posting
and Publication duly signed and notarized by Albert Osten of the
W&SD News. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made a part
thereof of the minutes of this Hearing).
Mr. Diehl asked the Town Attorney to present details.
Mr. Rappleyea asked Mr. Lapar, Engineer to the Town to give sworn
testimony. He was sworn in by the Town Clerk. He was questioned
by the Attorney as to his education and present occupation, where
he maintains his office and if he had prepared a map and plan of
this district.
Mr. Rappleyea asked what parcel of land was involved. He was told
Tall Trees I and II Subdivision developed by Angelo Williams. The
facilities consisted of a well, pump house and storage house, the
system served approximately 63 residents and there would be another
7 lots added.
When asked about costs, Mr. Lapar stated acquisition would be
$55,000, metering of the whole area or repairing existing meters
$4,000, some problems with water pressure which would have to be
corrected, total bonding $80,000, - average cost to residents $85
per year plus O&M charge - total $146.25 for a year.
The Hearing was then opened to the public.
Arthur Platt, Bowdoin Lane, asked about a nursing home in the area
drilling for a well, would it affect their water pressure. If they
are drwaing from their system, where do they stand (district residents.
What happens from now on - when will the Town take it over.
Mr. Diehl said it was up to when the Town Board would act - it
could be tonight.
Mr. Rappleyea explained the mechanics - after Town Board approval
the next step would be Audit & Control, issuance of bonds. After
that approval hopefully within 60 days, they would also need
approval from New York State Department of Environmental Conserva-
tion, Dutchess County Department of Health and Public Service Com-
mission/ He thought within 6 months, the Town would be operating
the system.
Mr. Eck discussed the hearing of the PSC and the rate that Mr.
Raker had set. He then debated with Mr. Lapar and Mr. Rappleyea
on the amount of lots and houses that were in the district. Mr.
Lapar had based his report on 80 lots, even though there aren't
80 homes, these lots are in the district and if developed, they
must be served.
Mr. Eck then went into the price of pipe Mr. Lapar quoted in his
Mr. Platt, resident of Tall Trees spoke for the other residents,
they appreciate the Town's concern for them and they definitely
were in favor of the Town purchasing the system. They had requested
this and he stated that their main concern was two -fold, the first
order of business as he stated was to get the system out of Harry
Raker's hands, no matter what the cost, it couldn't be more than
Mr. Raker's demands and how would they be billed.
It was explained they would be billed quarterly on a metered basis
and for a short period they would not have to make payments on
indebtedness, maybe not for two years.
No one else spoke.
Mr. Clausen moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Jensen and
The Hearing closed at 8:42 P.M. ((` n
QUC.t� lei —
Elaine H. Snowden
Town Clerk
ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes and
That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting
Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess.
and State of New York.
That on March 1st, 1973, your deponent posted a
copy of the attached notice of public hearing on the
Establishment of the Tall Trees Water Improvement Area
in the Town of Wappinger, on the signboard maintained by
your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town
of Wappinger, Mill Street, in the Village of Wappingers
Falls, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York.
Sworn to before me this -,771
day 1973.
Notary Public
Elaine H. Snowden
Town Clerk
Town of Wappinger
W. and S.D.
AX 7 — 3724
LPLEASE TAKE NOTICE. • Mat the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger will
nduct a public hearing at the. Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, New •
ork,on Monday Maras 12, 1173; at 7:30 P.M. EST to hear all persons concerning
the Matter of the Establishment of the Tall. Trees Water Improvement Ares, In
accordetca with the following. Order.
At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger hid as the Town Hall In
the Village of Wappingers Falls. Butanes County, -New York, cel the 12th day of -
February, 1973.
• 1. Supervisor Louis D. Blah
2. Councilman Louis Clausen
3. Councilman Harry F. Nolt-
e. 4lutcllman Leif W. Jansen
5. CbuncHman Stephen M. Shand :- •'
Absent: NONE
WHEREAS a map, plan; and report have been prepared In such manner and In
such detail as has heretofore been determined by the Town Board of the Town
Wappinger rel acing to the eitablishment of a proposed Water Improvement Area
be knower as the Tall Trees Water Improvement Area In the Town of Wappinger
Dutchess Count1',New York, pursuant loArt kle 12cOM, Tom Law, and .
WHEREAS said map, plan and report have been duly filed in the Clerk's office of
the Town of Wappinger for pubtie'lnspectlon, and- .;;,;. ` •,:.;
WHEREAS said map, plan, and report were prepared by Rudolph E: LaPar, a'
competent engineer, dulyllansed by the Siete of New York3ltowing the boon:'
Menlo, fhe pAposedafatprovernent Ares and a genera, planter the water system:,
and -;x.'S7A:.! - s
-WHEREAS Inc dmprovm
eenri-proposed as, set- fonh in'said plan and report
Oonalst oNNeel er amply. wester storage fedi it lea, water malns,'purnping stations and;
elssociatedfacfNNesloeated In lbeTown Of Wappinger, and -
WHEREA4th.i npMeneenf'wIlI provide for, the Tall Inimidsvelopntwit.In,rte
Town tot Wapp(npur, and salt lands 111.1110, Town of, Wappinger, aqe, bounded 'ant
%Msclbed generally as follows ;:k- •.a- -. r . , ,-•. t pr r. •:� .v a 'ler,
leeigrry st tpoMY,on th�,sauthaly s de of Wheeler Hill Road.:v id.point Mhfp
rho rljl ,`,eras comer oT the deacrlbed proposed Improvement, -
H also being 1M norlharly mott`corner of lot 1 aalaid down, on a min entitled -
Ion One -Subdivision Mapaf Tail Trees"on Me In Inc Dulcless County Clerk*
lest as Map fb.3250. thence In. a southeasterly direction along the northerly Brier
of Lots 1, 3. 4, 5, 6, 7,,E 9,10011, 12,I3,. 14, and 15 of Map No. 3250, the following
bearings and distances:-, •+•—
SoNh Mdeg.-02'-Sr Eine 460.14 feet .
South Mdeg.-34'-CO" East 801.46 feet
South atop. -41'-40" East 53.55 feet
South 44da9. -17' • 20" East 478.00fee
to a point, sald,poInt being et Inc northerly Intersections of Lots 63 and 64 as 1914:
'crown on a map entitled "Map of Tal( Trees • Section 2" on file in Inc Dutchess
County Clerk's Office as Map No. 3354, thence first In a southeasterly direction and
'mance a soul,' westerly direcbn along the northern lineal Lot 63 and the westerly
litesof Lots 63, 62, 61, 60, 59, and Recreation and Water Storage Meas of Map No.,
3354, the blbwing bearings and distances:
Sount 44 dse . -17' - 20" East • 212.99 feet
South 42 deg . • 31' - 20" East • 120.34 fee
So ulh 45 deg, - 59' • 20" East • 141.04 fee
South 41 deg. •01'.20"yet -1212.66 fee
to 9 point, said point being me"southerly corner of the Racreetlon Lot, thence In a
westerly direction along the southwesterly lines of the Recreation Area, un -
num bored lot, Lots 56, 55. S4, 51 52.51.50, 49, 4, 47, 46, 45, and the area retained for
well water supply, the following bearings and distances: •
North 34 deg. • 23' • 30" Wee - 413.73 feet
North 44 deg. • 09' - 50" Wast - 750.14 fen
Norm 44 dog . -25' - 40" West -492.33 feet
Norm M deg . • 27.10" West -445.911feet
To a point on Nhaelr Hill Road, said point being the westerly comer of the area
retained forwell water supply, thence In a northeasterly direction along Inc
southerly 'Woof Wheeler Hill Road the following bearings and distances;
North O deg . • 02' -OP" East • 254100 feet
Norm Odeg: -02' - OP" East -100.00 feat
North 43 deg. •02'.09" East-75.00feet
North 42 deg. -21' • CO" East - 347.97 feet
North 43 deg. • 41' • 50" East - 75.96 feet
Norm O deg - - 41' • 50" East -100.00 feet
North 43deg.-41'•50" East - 160.00 feet Mthe pointorplaceof beginning.
WHEREAS. the maximum amount proposed to be expended for said Im•
prbvement Is $80,000.00 and the proposed method of financing to be employed
consists of the Issuance of serial bonds Of said Town pursuant to the Local Finance
L , to mature In annual installments over a period' not exceeding thirty years
nbi• N Inc first Instance by assessments levied upon Inc several lots or parcels
nd within the benefited area hereinbefore described in lust proportion to the
unt of benefit whian Inc improvements shall confer upon such lots or parcels, 1
EREAS, it Is now desired to call a public hearing pursuant to Section 209Q. ,
division Tot The Town Law;
ORDERED by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County,
New York, as follows:
Section 1. A meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess',
County, New York, shall be held in the Town Hall, Town of Wappinger, in said Town
on the 12th of March, 1973, at 7:30 P.N., Eastern Daylight Time, to hold a public
hearing on the aforesaid proposed Improvements and the plan, report, and map ;
prepared and filed in connection therewith at which all persons Interested in the
Subject thereof may be heard concerning the same, and to take such action thereon
as is required or authorized by Iaw.
Section 3 TheTown Oerkishereby authorized and directed to give notice Of such
public hearing by publishing a Dopy of this order once in the Wappingers and
Southern Dl4Chess News, the official newspaper, and by posting a copy hereof upon
Inc bulletin Loard of her office, such publication and posting to be made not less
than ten (10) nor more man twenty (20) days before the date set herein for said
public hearing.
Section 3. This ORDER snap take effect immediately.
.s- Louts D. Diehl
5- Louis Clausen I
s- Harry F. Holt
s- Leif W. Jensen
s- Stephen M. Saland
AdspiW February 12, 1,73
State of New York.
County of Dutchess.
Town of Wappinger.
Beatrice Osten
of the
Town of Wappinger, Dutcheu County, New York,
being duly sworn, says that he is, and Et the several
times hereinafter was. theCo-Editor-Pub 11.shew
W. & S.D. NEWS. a newspaper printed and published
every Thursday in the year in the Town of Wappinger.
Dutchess County. New York. and that the, annexed
NOTICE was duly published In the said newspaper for
one week successively ..... 4:1.Cein each week,
commencing on the 1st day of.. Get'
19..7,4nd on the following dates thereafter, namely on
and ending on the... 1-P.1 ...day of..1>CChh
19.7.3 both clays inclusive.
r �(� c9
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this...1.St day of March
Notary Public
My commission expires
#14-8240760 7