2007-04-04 SPMTOWN CLERK
FAX: (845) 298-1478
Town of Wappinger
Town Board Meeting
April 4', 2007
7:30 PM
Final Agenda
7:30 PM Meeting called to order on April 4t', 2007 at Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Rd,
Wappingers Falls, NY.
I. Call to Order
H. Discussion
A. Tow Truck Local Law - Tow Truck Operators
III. Adjournment
Call to Order
Supervisor Ruggiero called the Meeting to order at 7:34 PM.
Joseph Ruggiero
Town of Wappinger
William Beale
Town of Wappinger
Vincent BettinaTown
of Win
Maureen McCarthy
Town of Wappinger
Joseph Paoloni
Town of Wappinger
Councilman Bettina and Councilman Paoloni had previously notified the Town Clerk and
Town Supervisor that they would not be in attendance. Councilman Paoloni was ill and
Councilman Bettina had a family emergency.
A. Tow Truck Local Law
Supervisor Ruggiero opened the discussion at 7:35 PM. He then gave a brief background
of the topic and asked Al Roberts, Town Attorney, to discuss the details of the Local Law and
the goals of the Town. Mr. Roberts explained the method of creating this Local Law. Similar
Local Laws of several other municipalities throughout the State were researched in coming up
with the Town of Wappinger version. The primary purposes are increasing safety at the scene of
the accident, leveling the playing field and providing a prompt response time to clear damaged
vehicles from public highways. Mr. Roberts then went over the bullet points of his memo to the
Town Board. Supervisor Ruggiero opened the floor to the public for comments.
The first resident to speak was Tom Masch of Momma's Towing, 150 Old Post Road.
Mr. Masch's first comment was that he was opposed to zones as the Town Attorney had
described. He claimed that Town of Wappinger tow operators maintain a 15 minute or less
estimated time of arrival (ETA). The problem, as he sees it, is when operators from other towns
come in for calls. The out-of-town operators drive at unsafe and illegal speeds and have ETA's
of 15 minutes or more. Mr. Masch also disagreed with the section addressing tow fees. He
stated that each tow is different and calls for a different fee. Another topic mentioned had to do
with abandoned cars. Mr. Masch informed the Town that it needs to work with tow operators
with the paperwork and processing of abandoned cars. Mr. Masch and Mr. Horan discussed the
section in the Vehicle and Traffic Law pertaining to abandoned cars. Mr. Horan then clarified
the intent of the law in regards to the fees section. The Town does not intend to set a flat rate for
all tow operators. The intent is that all operators would provide the Town with set fees so that
the Town, and all its residents, would know that they are being charged fairly and with
uniformity. Mr. Masch replied that he charges according to the people that he tows. The fees
are set with the intention of retaining customers.
The second resident to speak was Mike Valentino, Chief of the New Hackensack Fire
Department. He claimed that the list does not help him out on accident scenes at all. He wanted
to know why the list doesn't make it mandatory to only permit Wappinger tow operators.
Supervisor Ruggiero and Al Roberts explained that the Town could not prohibit non -town tow
operators from doing business in the Town. Mr. Valentino responded that this Local Law would
not help him at all then. He is concerned that his fire fighters stand in the road for 40-50 minutes
waiting for tow trucks that come from other Towns. Supervisor Ruggiero asked what the cause
of the long response time is. Chief Valentino answered that it was due to tow operators that are
not Town operators getting called to accidents in Wappinger. Mr. Roberts again explained to the
Chief that the Town does not have the authority to limit tow truck operations to Town of
Wappinger operators. The Town could regulate response time to address this issue. Supervisor
Ruggiero explained that an operator that did not respond within the required time limit would be
taken off the list. Councilwoman McCarthy added that the Town would be monitoring the
reports. Mr. Roberts pointed out that the operator would be suspended at first and if it continued
he would be removed. Supervisor Ruggiero explained to all in attendance the legal background
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and related proceedings that dealt with the topic of prohibiting out-of-town businesses.
Councilman Beale added that he was also a supporter of limiting the tow operations to Town of
Wappinger tow operators until he discovered that this practice is unlawful. He now supports the
setting of a time limit requirement. Supervisor Ruggiero asked the Chief to see page twelve of
the Local Law for more information on the revocation of tow permits.
Jennifer Niznik, a representative of Lee's Auto Body, 24 Marshall Road, was the next
resident to speak. Mrs. Niznik mentioned a case in New Paltz in which tow operations were
limited to operators located within the Town of New Paltz. She went on to say that this whole
process got started in response to local tow operators that were having problems. At the same
time, she voiced her concerns to the Sheriffs Department. The Sheriffs Department has since
responded to the operator's requests. Mrs. Niznik stated that the memo sent out by the Sheriffs
Department sets the tow list to include Town of Wappinger tow operators only. Mr. Horan
explained again that, in accordance with Section 89 of the General Municipal Law,
municipalities are forbidden by State Law to restrict any contracts or agreements within the
Town solely to residents or businesses located within the Town boundaries. Mr. Roberts further
described litigation pertaining to this topic. He informed her that the information that she was
bringing up has already been researched and discounted by his staff. It is his firm's unequivocal
opinion that the Town could not restrict the operations in that fashion and it was supported by at
least two cases and the Attorney General's Office. Mrs. Niznik then pointed out that the Town of
Poughkeepsie and Town of LaGrange has notified her that, under no circumstances, would she
be allowed on their tow lists. Supervisor Ruggiero replied that the Town of Wappinger was not
going to follow suit. Just because another township is going in the wrong direction does not
mean that Wappinger will go in the wrong direction. If tow operators in Poughkeepsie and
LaGrange can respond within the required time limit, they would be permitted to operate within
the Town of Wappinger. Mrs. Niznik asked if the Town Board was comfortable allowing
outside tow operators to operate in Wappinger even though the other Towns would not permit
Wappinger tow operators to operate within their boundaries. Supervisor Ruggiero answered that
the Town Board could not control what other townships do. Mr. Roberts pointed out that he has
been in contact with Mr. Peter B. O'Connell, 130 Washington Avenue, Albany, N.Y. Mr.
O'Connell represents the Empire State Towing and Recovery Association. He advised that the
tow operators seek assistance from that organization. Mrs. Niznik stated that the Dutchess
County Sheriff and the New York State Police have set policies to limit tow operations to
businesses within the Town of Wappinger and that the Town is trying to override that action.
She claimed that the Board is changing it to let everyone else operate within the Town.
Supervisor Ruggiero answered that the New York State Police and Dutchess County Sheriffs
Department have stated that they will follow whatever Local Law the Board adopts. Mr. Horan
informed the resident that if she went to the Town of LaGrange and asked to be put on their list
and was denied that opportunity, she would have a clear cut case to argue. The Court of
Appeals, 2nd Circuit, and Attorney General's Office have all spoken and are in agreement that
towns cannot deny access to a tow list for out-of-town businesses. Mrs. Niznik asked why the
Town can't just let the Sheriffs keep doing what they are doing.
Tommy Masch addressed the Board again. He pointed out that there was another section
of General Municipal Law, Section 80, which requires response time and reasonable redemption
of the vehicle to be satisfied in conducting tow operations.
Charles McCluskey, of 2598 South Avenue, informed the Board of an unethical practice
that his relative experienced in the City of Poughkeepsie during the 1980's. His father was in a
minor accident during which there was only minor cosmetic damage to his tail light. A police
officer demanded that the vehicle be towed from the scene. The tow operator towed the vehicle
one block, unhooked it and charged an unreasonable fee. Mr. McCluskey asked what assurance
he would have that this same situation would not happen with the passage of this Law.
Supervisor Ruggiero replied that the Law does not mandate that the vehicle be towed from the
scene. It also lets the resident choose their own tow truck if they so choose.
The next resident to address the Board was Bob Gorman, of Gorman's Garage Inc. in
Poughkeepsie, New York. Mr. Gorman is affiliated with the Empire State Towing Association.
He has been involved with the City and Town of Poughkeepsie in the process of setting towing
policies. One issue that Mr. Gorman wanted to discuss was the discretion that the officer on the
scene has. When an officer has to choose a close tow operator because of an emergency
situation, there is the potential of compromising the effectiveness of the tow list. He went on to
say that the problem with response time has to do with the officer's ability to assess the situation
and notify a tow operator. He thanked the Board, on behalf of the Tow Association, for starting
the process of establishing tow policies. Councilman Beale asked if Mr. Gorman was referring
to page seven of the Local Law. Mr. Gorman mentioned a response to that section that was sent
to the Town by Pete O'Connell. Supervisor Ruggiero replied that the Board did not have that
letter. Mr. Horan discussed the contents of the letter. The letter explained that a police
dispatcher would maintain a tow log book. It would list the officer on the scene, what tow truck
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was called and why an officer chose a truck that was not on the list. Councilwoman McCarthy
asked that the log show the reason that an officer deviates from the tow list. Councilman Beale
mentioned that a reason that he would want that paragraph in the Local Law is that an officer on
the scene may need the assistance of a close tow operator to extricate a crash victim. Supervisor
Ruggiero added that the Town does something like this with mutual aid calls for the ambulance
district. Someone in the audience asked who would be taking complaints about specific tow
operators. The Supervisor responded that the Town Clerk would take those complaints.
Al Roberts asked if the representatives from the Sheriffs Department and New York
State Police had any comments. They did not have any comments. Discussion about the 500
foot buffer zone followed. Supervisor Ruggiero asked Chief Valentino if the 500 foot distance
should be increased. The Chief answered that it leaves the tow operators an opportunity to chase
accidents. He commented that he sometimes arrives at an accident and discovers that the officer
in charge of the scene has not called for a tow truck. Supervisor Ruggiero explained to the Chief
that this was not a tow truck issue; it is an incident management issue. The Chief also
commented that a 500 foot rule would be pointless if you were going off of a call list. He asked
why you would need ten tow trucks sitting 500 feet away. Mr. Gorman explained that it could be
an advantage. If the officer on the scene needed immediate help, he would have a pool to choose
from. Mr. Horan added that you could include text in the law to prohibit tow truck operators
from obstructing traffic or interfering with the scene outside of 500 feet. Mr. Gorman explained
the reasoning for the 500 foot buffer. Chief Valentino asked that the Law state that the operator
needs to stay with his vehicle.
Frank Paulo, Assistant Chief of the New Hackensack Fire Department, brought up the
issue of solicitation on the scene. He stated that tow truck operators are listening to the scanners
and arriving on the scene before the emergency response personnel. Supervisor Ruggiero asked
how the Town could prevent that. Renato Pistolesi, a representative of All Tow and Action
Automotive, 33 Market Street, recommended that the Law not allow the 500 foot buffer and that
the officer on the scene handle the situation properly. He went on to say that it may take a fatal
accident caused by a tow truck before someone takes action. He stated that the Sheriffs town -
based list is simple and is working. There are several tow truck operators in Wappinger and
Wappingers Falls that can handle the work load. The operators that come from out of town are
causing the problems. He addressed the issue about an accident victim having a say in who tows
the vehicle. An accident victim may be shaken up on the scene and agree to let an operator tow
the car. Then the car may end up out on Route 44 or Smith Street.
Gary Borden, a representative of Dutchess Garage, 2755 West Main Street, was the next
resident to speak. Mr. Borden stated that outside tow truck operators are staging around
Wappinger waiting for accidents like vultures. He notified the Board that they have the power to
stop this activity by banning chasing in Wappinger. Supervisor Ruggiero asked if it would be
sufficient to not include the 500 foot buffer zone and focus on authorizing tow operators that are
called by the Sheriff and State Police dispatchers. All Wappinger-based tow operators in
attendance replied that the answer is to only allow Wappinger tow operators. Assistant Chief
Paulo understood what both the operators and the Town were saying: the operators wanted only
Wappinger tow truck operators to be allowed to tow in Wappinger and the Town has already
stated that that is not a valid option. He went on to say that the 20 minute response time standard
that would be in place would help. Eventually the operators that could not respond in the
required time would be kicked off the list. Mr. Borden replied that the Town would not kick an
operator off the lista Supervisor Ruggiero informed Mr. Borden that he was incorrect. Mrs.
Niznik again claimed that the Sheriffs Department has already decided that the best thing to do
is limit the number of tow operators and only include Town operators. The Wappinger operators
will not fight over calls if they know that only Wappinger operators are going to be on the list
and out-of-town operators will stop coming down to Wappinger if they know that they will not
be allowed to operate within the borders of Wappinger. Councilman Beale asked what would
happen when a LaGrange tow operator challenged the Sheriffs tow list. Sergeant Hughes, from
the Dutchess County Sheriffs Department, added that the Sheriffs Department is under no
obligation to supply vendors with commerce. If that were the case, there would be taxi lists and
locksmith lists. If a vendor asks to be on the list, he will be assigned to a territory. The
territories happen to be set up along township lines because they are well defined. They also
have a 20 minute response requirement. Sergeant Hughes went on to discuss the concerns about
"hasty decisions". If "hasty decisions" are made, the Deputy is required to include the reason for
the decision in the report. Supervisor Ruggiero asked how the Sheriffs tow list fell apart.
Sergeant Hughes explained that the Sheriffs Department used to allow a tow operator to be on
the list for three townships. Over the past three years, the County has grown so much that it was
taking operators extended lengths of time to respond to a call. Supervisor Ruggiero asked the
Fire Department personnel in attendance if they noticed an improvement since the Sheriffs
Department changed the list. Chief Valentino and Assistant Chief Paulo replied that they have.
The Supervisor asked if the Town should then forget about the 500 foot rule and issue tickets to
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any operators that show up to a scene without being called from the list. Mr. McCluskey pointed
out that the operators have figured out how to circumvent the 20 minute requirement.
Councilman Beale and Mr. McCluskey agreed that the 20 minute rule could work if enforced.
Lee Niznik, of Lee's Auto Body, 24 Marshall Road, pointed out that the he did not want to have
to sit at Dunkin Donuts in order to solicit accident victims. He asked how the list would work if
tow operators are already on the scene by the time the officer gets there. Mrs. Niznik added that
she drives by accident scenes without being called, but only to ensure that other operators are not
chasing. Gary Borgia, of Dutchess Garage, 2755 West Main Street, commented that he was on
the Sheriffs list since August and received no calls until the list was changed. Supervisor
Ruggiero asked the tow operators that were in attendance if they were all Town of Wappinger
tow operators. Half of the audience was Wappinger tow operators. Councilwoman McCarthy
asked if the list was working better since the Sheriffs made it a "township list". Rich Dingee, of
Dingee's Towing, 117 Parker Avenue, Poughkeepsie, commented that the Sheriffs list is against
the law. He said that he could not figure out what the problem was. He heard people claim that
it took too long for tow trucks to arrive and then the same people complained that tow trucks
were arriving before the police officers. Supervisor Ruggiero explained that the Local Law is
aimed to address confusion at the scene, make the scene safer and provide a fair rotational list to
work from. Mr. Dingee understands the feelings of the Wappinger tow operators. He doesn't
want Wappinger tow operators in Poughkeepsie. He thinks that the 20 minute limit will
eliminate most of the problem. Discussion followed.
Supervisor Ruggiero asked Sergeant Hughes to go over the minimum qualifications for a
tow operator to be on the list. Graham Foster noted that the new Sheriffs system seems to be
working. He recommended that the Town table the issue for a while to see if it continues to
work. Supervisor Ruggiero added that the Town could have a modified version that addresses
the "chasing" scenario. Councilman Beale again stated that he is concerned what will happen
when an out-of-town operator challenges the legality of the policy. He brought up other parts of
the Local Law that are definitely needed. Supervisor Ruggiero pointed out that, if the Town was
to yield to the Sheriffs Department to maintain the list and monitor operators, and the Town
receives information that a tow operator is not cleaning up an accident scene, the Sheriffs
Department might not remove that operator. Mrs. Niznik replied that a tow operator would not
make the same mistake if the Sheriffs Department made them return to clean up the scene.
Councilwoman McCarthy asked if that actually happens. Councilman Beale replied that it does
Mr. Horan made the point that the City of New York has eliminated chasing. Only the
operator that is called from the list may respond to the scene. The vehicle owner does not have
the option to choose an operator. Mr. Borgia, Councilman Beale and Mr. McCluskey all
disagreed with that policy. Assistant Chief Paulo clarified that an accident victim had the right
to choose the yard that the car is towed to even if the tow operator is called off the list.
Discussion followed.
Supervisor Ruggiero summed up the discussion that took place. He stated that the Board
needs to take the dialogue of the discussion into account and then take a look at the legislation
again. He thanked all in attendance for showing up and taking part. The discussion was then
closed at 9:24 PM.
III. Adjournment
1. Motion To: adjourn at 9:24 PM
MOVER: William Beale, Councilman
SECONDER: Maureen McCarthy, Councilwoman
AYES: Joseph Ruggiero, William Beale, Maureen McCarthy
ABSENT: Vincent Bettina, Joseph Paoloni
The Meeting Adjourned at 9:24 PM.
10 hn C.(Masterson
Town Clerk
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