SEPTEMBER 11, 1972
Supervisor Call Meeting to Order
2. Roll Call
Superbisor, Town Justices, Building Inspector
General Fund OKSD F1tSD
Highway Fund OKWD F1tWD
A. Peddlers License Applications
b, Letters from V. Francese, S. Pike, L. Diehl requesting
permission to attend conferences.
c. Letter from Ping.Bd.. re recommendation Logan rezoning
d.. Letter from M.Leskow re: acceptance of Leskow Circle
as Town. Rd.
e. Alexander -Klein Soil Mining Permit
f. Tax Reviews served on Town Clerk: Wappingers Apts. Co.
Wappingers Apts. 2nd Co. & Albert Foreman, nominee
for Dutchess Assoc. Co.; Leewood Arms Apts. Invesco
Holding Corp., Land Properties Co.
g. Appoint Dog Enumerators
h. Letters from V.Kelley & Julius Gerzof,re inspection
program RFSD, YOAO.
i.` Notice of Public Hearing, Village of WF re gas pumps
Sparkle Plenty Car Wash
j. Central Wappinger Water Improvement Area, approval
from Audit & Control
k. Letter from W. Ifill re Cole-Layer-Trumble Co.
1. Letter from Supr. Office asking permission to put
delinquent water &::sewer bills on 1973 Tax Roll
Schuele Rezoning
a. Report from R.Lapar re Kent Rd. Drainage Problem
b. Letter . from R.Lapar re Helen Dr. Drainage.`;;:
c. Petition re water condition Pye Lane
d. Letter from S.Pike re VanDeCarr Kennel
A1111111111 ii1H1
The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger was held on September 11, 1972 at the Town Hall, Mill
Street, Wappingers Falls, New York.
Supervisor Diehl called the meeting to order at 8:15 P.M.
Louis Diehl, Supervisor
Leu4s Clausen, Councilman
Harry Holt, Councilman
Leif Jensen, Councilman
Stephen Saland, Councilman
fEiaine H. Snowden,• Town Clerk
Others Present:
-William Horton, Superintendent~of Highways
Allan Rappleyea, Attorney to the Town
Rudolph Lapar, Engineer to the Town
Reports from the Supervisor, Building Inspector and Town Justices
were received for the month of August.
MR. CLAUSEN moved the Supervisor, Town Justices, and Building
Inspector Reports be accepted and placed on file.
Seconded by Mr. Jensen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Bills received for _payment were as follows
General Fund: $16,679 MOD: $167..56 ,FltSD: $123..,69
Highway Fund: 16,051.18 OKWD: 422.76 FLtWD: 181.75
MR. CLAUSEN° moved )the :_billsr_be paid, subject to .audit.
Seconded by Mr. Holt.
Motion Unanimously Carried
t ft It
it Nolt, with regard .t0 the bills rendered for last month,
there.wa€s:a bili for the ,•services' of Engineers :(Barger & Russ) back
in (1966, for Fleetwood,= , and he was wondering .where the funds would
come from to pay that, as there's nothing in the Capital Fund'for
Fleetwood now. Since they couldn't find the aolirce of funds last
month, their were reluctant to 'approve it. Mr. Diehl stated he
believed, subject!to the Attorney, that:,this engineering study was
previoushto the District,- but he wasn't sure of thea work before,
and what., the Town is obligated to, arid at this time: have Mr. Rappleyea
establ.ish :Wha a work was .,donenand,.what : theoTown is obligated to:,pay.
Daniel J. Hannigan, County Representative Was present and was
- . • ..!!
respectfully requested to come forward to answer any questions
from the floor regarding County level problems, Mr. Eck questioned
him regarding the County reappraisal and the Poughkeepsie-Wappinger
;1 • 0. ; -(11
Landfill site. Joseph Incoronato asked what the County was doing to
re -institute a recycling program. He recommended the present land-
fill site be used as a primary site adaptable to bw,ingin4icin some
highly mechanized equipment. He furtherrecommended,that;aarters
be licensed and it be mandatory- forthem, to. piek. Up.recyblables once
or twice a week if a recycling project were initiated.
Mr. Diehl directed that iteM 4C oh the Agenda be the fit8t:order of
The following letter was receiVed:'
August 22,-1972'
Town liqbard
Town of Wappinger
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, New York
At the August 21, 1972 meeting, the Planning Board of the
Town of Wappinger recommended that the rezoning request of
Mary & Thomas Logan, Jr., Annamae & Joseph Gutmann, Helen &
Harry.Gutmann and Daniel Milner'be denied.'
The Planning Board recommended denial as it has been their
policy to recommend rezoning only when an:intended use, Specific
or general, for the property has been submitted.
Respectfully yours,
s/ Betty -Ann Geoghegan, Secr.
TOwh oiappingerIPIanninTABd.
'MR. DIEHL moved that this Town Board concur and agree with' the C
Planning 'Board, and recommend .their findings be reoeived an&plaCed
on file; -
Seconded by Mr. Clausen.
Motion' Unatiimously Carried'
Mr. Rappleyea-waS'Hasked.'to ekplain this'action-to ,tileresidentgd
present. "He.stated-that-it'effect the Board -has arlecbednoitog
take any further -action on the request- The other alternatIvehm
. would- have -been to introdUce an Ordinance, ;g0 through:thdPimbliOns
3 204
of a public hearing, and then disapproving it formally by resolu-
tion at -a following-meeting.r This particular application, effect-
ually, is dead. The applicants would: have to reapply to the Town
Board 'and start fresh with .a new 'petition. : :
Applications were received from 'Terry LaCrosse; James Broadwater,
Larry Crane, Stan Minasian,,: Gerard Tardif and Larry' Albert for
Hawking & Peddling Lecenses. These applications had been referred
the the Dutchess County Sheriff's Department, and returned indicating
no criminal records on file.
MR. CLAUSEN moved to approve the applications and grant Larry Crane,
Stan Minasian, Gerard Tardif, Terry LaCrosse, James Broadwater, and
Larry Albert licenses for Hawking & Peddling in the. Town of Wappinger.
Seconded by Mr. Holt.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Requests were received from Vincent Francese, Town Justice to
attend the New York State Magistrates Conference, Kerhonkson, New
York, September 24-27, 1972; Susan Pike, Zoning Administrator to
attend the Annual Planning & Zoning Institute, Monticello October
15-17, 1972; and Louis Diehl Supervisor, to attend both the Annual
Meeting of New York State Conservation -Commission September 22-24
at Lake Minnerwaska, New York and Seminar New York State Department
of Environmental Conservation development September 12, 1972 at
Nassau County.
MR. CLAUSEN moved that permission be granted Mr. Francese, Miss
Pike 'and Mr. Diehl:- -to: attend their respective meetings, and that
their legitimate:expenses_be a Town charge.
Seconded by Mr. -Holt.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Requests were received from Martin Leskow;'fMr. & Mrs. Albert Sitterly
and Mr. & Mrs. Leander DeGuis-e requesting -that :Leskow Circle be
accepted -:as- _a Town _road.
Mr. Horton indicated that they would have to meet the old Private.
Road Specifications of 1966 by October 30, 1972. They have not
met these specifications as yet if they meet it by October 30,
1972, he might have a recommendation.
MR. CLAUSEN moved to table the three requests regarding Leskow
Circle until the next Town Board meeting, and directed that Mr.
Leskow be so notified that the road must be done by October 30,
1972.. �.
Seconded by Mr. Holt.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Klein and Alexander resubmitted their application for a Soil Mining
Permit on their property located --at Route 9 and Hopewell Road..
Mr. Rappleyea recommended that this request be held in abeyance
until all of the things they are supposed to-do on_the other one_
are completed.
MR. SALAND-.moved that;: the Klein -Alexander application for a •permit
to extract_ natural -resources on_their .property at Route 9 -and
Hopewell Road_be,held in abeyance until all prior work. is completed.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen.
'Motion Unanimously Carried:
Mrs. Snowden informed the Board thatf:she had been served on August
24, 1972 with Tax Reviews from Wappingers'Apts. Co., Wappingers
Apts. 2nd Co. & Albert Foreman, nominee for Dutchess Associates Co.;
and also been served on September 1, 1972 by Leewood Arms Apts.,
Invesco Holding Corp., and Land Properties Co. with Tax Reviews.
MR. CLAUSEN moved that Joseph D. Quinn, Jr. Attorney be appointed
to answer and defend, on behalf of the Town of Wappinger the Tax
Reviews served by Wappingers Apts. Co., Wappingers Apts. 2nd.Co.
and Albert Foreman, nominee for Dutchess Associates JCo., and
that Allan Rappleyea, Attorney, be appointed to answer and defend,
on behalf of the Town of Wappinger, the Tax Reviews served by
Leewood Arms Apts., Invesco Holding Corp. and Land Properties • Co.
Seconded by Mr. Holt.
Motion Unanimously Carried
MR HOLT moved to appoint Janet Dean and Barbara Visciarelli as
the Dog Enumerators for 1973. . 1: ,
Seconded by Mr. Clausen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
The following letters were received:
August 31, 1972
Town of Wappinger
Mrs. Elaine Snowden
Town Clerk
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, New York
On August 7th, 1972, a letter was sent to you.notifyingH'you
of our intention to install improvements which included water,
sewer, storm drainage and roads in our property in Wappingers
Falls, filed map of "Ye Olde Apple Orchard Section I and II".
On:- Thursday,. August 24th, . 1972, this improvement program
started; -:On Monday, August 28th, 1972, an attempt was made by
Mr. Dangler to_set up an inspection program with the Engineer
of the Rockingham.Sewer'District to inspect the sewer installa-
tion under way. Another attempt -was made on: Tuesday August 29th,
After a discussion with Vincent Kelly, Mr. Chazen's represen-
tative, it was ob®ious to Mr. Dangler that Mr. Chazen was not
going to comply with our request. Immediately following our
telephone conversation with Mr. Kelly, we sent a telegram to
the Town and to Mr. Chazen, .explaining our position. In our
last effort to cooperate with the Town, we held off the back!
filling of the newly installed_ sewer lines from Wednesday August
30th4 1972 to Thursday, to Thursday,. August .31s -t,.1972', -as we
indicated we would do in the telegram. Another request was made
by us for inspection to the Chazen office on Thursday August 31st
just prior to back filling_.
Please be advised that: our Engineer, Mr. Richard Barger, was
requested by us to make the required inspections, and will continue
to make such inspections until the work is completed, on the sewer
lines. When the work on the water, storm_drainage lines androads
are started, we will continue to use Richard Barger, but will
notify Rudolph E. Lapar and William Horton, your -town representa-
tives on all such installations involving this work.
Under thecircumstances, you must appreciate that we have.
contractual obligations which amount to virtually hundreds of
thousands of dollars, and which we must honor. We, of course
cannot be prejudiced by a dispute which the Municipality may have
with its designated representative. Therefore, until another
such representative :is designated, or the representative now
concerned is.directed byTou to immediately comply to our request
for inspection, we must proceed as we have been proceeding, based
on the inspections of our engineer.
Unless you respond immediately to the contrary,, weunderstand
that this arrangement is satisfactory to you, and you understand
the urgency of our situation, should any question arise inthe
Very truly yours,
s/ Julius M. Gerzof
August 31, 1972
Town Board
Town of Wappinger
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, New York
Re: Rockingham Sewer District
Ye Olde Apple Orchard.
Attention: , Supervisor. Diehl
Gentlemen.:= c
We are in receipt of several pieces of correspondence and a
telegram from the agents of Ye Olde Apple Orchard notifying the
Town and our office that sewer line construction is beginning
on Section III of the subject subdivision. The nature of the
communications is that the work requires scheduled inspection:
and should be approved as it progresses.
We were advised by phone today by Mr. Dangler that a portion of
the work is ready for inspection. I told Mr. Dangler that 1
would not inspect. _
We have been over this ground'before when it -was determined -'that
full time inspection:by:District Employees would be used and Mr.
Lapar. was assigned the task. • Subsequently Mr. Lapar reported
to the Board that he:could not afford. to. employ and pay:a full._
time_ person to inspect sporatic construction work. Our position
is=the_ same
In the matter of "Scheduled" inspection as referred to in the
letter to the Board by Mr. Gerzof, dated August 7, such inspection
as far as the District is concerned is of little value.
Either theinspection.- is by a resident inspector through the
whole of the construction period includingtesting or the whole
burden. -of inspection and subsequent certification should be'
laid upon the developers Engineer.
We will do whatever the Board directs us to do in this matter,
but under no circumstances will we inspect anywork on a "scheduled"
inspection -basis that might, in, any way, be construed as an approval.
Please advise.
-Very truly yours,
s/ Vincent C. Kelley, P.E.
2 OS
MR. CLAUSEN moved, with regard to the installation of sewer lines
r' r
in Ye Olde Apple Orchard, that an inspection be made on a daily
basis by Vincent C. Kelley, P.E. or his representative, and that
the expenses of said inspection be borne by the developer. Further,
that Julius Gerzof be notified by telegram, and a copy of said be
sent to Mr. Quinn, Attorney to the Rockingham Farms Sewer District.
Seconded by Mr. Saland.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Notice of Public Hearing was received from the Village of Wappingers
Falls Zoning Board of Appeals for a hearing to be held on September
12, 1972, on an appeal from Sparkle Plenty Car Wash to grant a
variance to allow them to install gas pumps on the car wash property.
MR. JENSEN moved that the Town Clerk be directed to write a letter
to the Village of Wappingers Falls Zoning Board of Appeals notify-
ing them that the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger wishes to go
on record as being strongly opposed a variance which would allow
placing gas pumps at the Sparkle Plenty Car Wash.
Seconded by Mr. Holt.
Motion Unanimously. Carried
Mrs. Snowden informed the Board that she had received and placed
on file the order from the Department of Audit and Control granting
the application to provide a water improvement to be known as
Central Wappinger Water Improvement Area, on August 30, 1972.
MR. HOLT moved to accept the Order from Audit & Control regarding
the Central Wappinger Water Improvement and place it on file.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
A letter was received from Mr. Ifill answering the Board's inquiry
regarding the County reappraisal. He indicated that the Town's
letter was forwarded to Cole-Layer-Trumble Company since they were
doing the work.
MR. SALAND moved to answer Mr. Ifill's letter, letting him know
the Board doesn't consider his letter a proper response to the
Board's prior letter as it did not contain the information asked
for, with a copy to Cole -Layer & Trumble.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
A letter was received from the Supervisor's Office requesting
the Board's permission to forward to the County any delinquent
water and sewer bills, in arrears as of September 30, 1972, to
be placed on the Tax rolls of 1973.
MR. HOLT moved that permission be granted for delinquent water
and sewer bills, as of September 30, 1972, to be placed on the
Tax Rolls of 1973.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
The following letters were received:
September 11, 1972
Town Board
Town of Wappinger
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls; N.Y.
Re: Wappinger Sewer Improvement #1
Stage #1
As per our discussions with the New York State Department
of Environmental -Conservation, it is our intention to proceed
with plans and specifications for the rehabilitation on the
Oakwood Knolls Plant and construction: of a trunk. linefrom
Robert Lane, east on Myers Corners Road to Spook Hill Road;
thence, southerly along Spook Hill Road to Old Hopewell Road..
Lines will also be placed along Hopewell Road.
With authorization from the Board, we will be pleased to
bid this work as soon as possible.
Very truly: yours,
/ Rudolph -E. Lapar, P.E.
.September 11, 1972
Town Board
Town of Wappinger
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, N.Y.
Re: Central Wappinger Water: Improvement
Stage #1
It is our opinion that the contract for the installation
of water mains for the Central Wappinger Water Improvement should
be placed at the same time as the sewer line construction of
the Wappinger Sewer Improvement #1.
Although some delays may be encountered in obtaining various
approval from the New York State Department of Environmental
Conservation, it is possible to bid the work and then award the
bids as approval is granted.
I, therefore,- request the authority to bid the contracts
of Wappinger Sewer Improvement #1 - Stage ##1, and the facilities
of the Central Wappinger Water Improvement together, and although
separate contracts must be awarded, only one contractor with the
combined lowest bid will be awarded the contract.
Very truly yours,
s/ Rudolph E. Lapar, P.E.
The. following Resolution was introduced by COUNCILMAN HOLT
who moved its adoption.,
WHEREAS RUDOLPH E.-LAPAR has°provided-the:Town Board:of the:
Town of Wappinger with a general outline of the plan of construction
for the first phase of the Wappinger Sewer Improvement Area #1,
WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger has concurred
in this general plan, now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED that RUDOLPH E. LAPAR is authorized to complete
the detailed- plans and specifications for said project and to put
said project .out •for public bidding.
Seconded by: Councilman Clausen
Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes
Resolution Duly Adopted
The following Resolution was introduced by COUNCILMAN HOLT
who moved its adoption:
WHEREAS Central Wappinger Water Improvement #1 has been
approved by the New York State Department of Audit and Control,
now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED. that RUDOLPH E. LAPAR is authorized to prepare
and put out for public bidding the first phase of the construction
of Central Wappinger Water Improvement and ALLAN E. RAPPLLYEA.is
authorized to and directed to commence legal proceedings to acquire
by negotiations or condemnation the private water systems with the
Central Wappinger Water Improvement Area.
-Secondedlby: Councilman Clausen
Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes
Resolution Duly Adopted
The following letter was received:
Mr. Louis.D.,ADiehl, Supervisor
Town of Wappinger .
Town Hall
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, New York
Dear Mr. Dieh]}:
September 1, 1972
Portion -VA Hospital
Reservation, Castle
Point, New York
(V -NY -454F)
We are pleased to announce that the enclosed deed upon execution
by your agency will transfer the subject proparty to the Town of
Wappinger for public park and recreation purposes under Public
Law 91-485.
Please have the proper official (s) execute the deed and have it
recorded. Werequest thatyouprovide us with six copies of the
recorded deed for distribution to the proper Federal agencies.
Under separate cover you will also receive a certificate of transfer
which .you may wish to exhibit in an appropriate location for public
viewing. The certificate of transfer indicates in handsome, scroll
print the law under which the property is conveyed, the name of the
property, the date of conveyance and is signed by the Secretary
of the Interior and the Director of the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation.
We look forward to further association with you in the years to come
and if we can- be'Yof assistance in answering any questions that you
may have regarding thesubjectproperty or the Surplus Property
Program, please contact us. We ask that you send the =six -copies
of the recorded deed to the address on our letterhead.
Sincerely yours,
s/ Ronald M. Pyle, Chief
Division of Federal Coordination
Under Committee Reports, Charles Cortellino submitted the following:
Fishkill Environmental Council would like to map Fishkill
Creek from start to tend. Each Town would contribute towards
chemical and biological analysis. Expected cost to each Town
$100-$200. Then the causes of pollution would be identified.
I'm on two committees on Dutchess County Environmental Council:
1. Job Description for Executive Director and 2. Order of
Priorities <solid,waste appears to be the highest).
s/ Charles Cortellino
MR. HOLT moved to ask for more clarification from Mr. Cortellino
and more information whereby the, County , is not doing the job,
and they feel they can do it as a substitute then the Board should
receive this information ,for .it.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen.
Motion Unanimously • Carried
Mr. Jensen reported that the Zoning Advisory Committee is going
to meet on September 13th, and will resume their activities. He
also mentioned the Southern Dutchess 1990 will meet at the Town
Hall September 27th.• It's to be an open meeting, and .will be a
presentation of what has been accomplished to date.
Mr. Holt reported,on the Narcotics Guidance Council. One good sign
was that of the inaugurating.of a youth drug abuse center down on
Market Street,' Poughkeepsie. The'Wappinger Guidance Council is
recruiting for any level of interest, young, old, ex -addicts -
anyone who feels they have an interest and would like to assist.
The Council is beginning to take shape again. >
Mr. Diehl, commenting on the Board's interest in a number of drain-
age problems in the .Town, some dating back to over .a year ago; Kent
Road, Brothers Road, Cameli Acres, Be,lai7re Lane aff Losee Road,
Martz Field, Gary Place, Dennis Road, Myers_Corners, Wappingers
Park Area, Fleetwood Area, Amherst extension, and two more coming
up tonight, Kent Road and Helen Drive.
MR. DIEHL moved that Rudolph Lapar investigate the_cost and establish
the engineering data.needed,•and also instruct Allan Rappleyea to
prepare necessary bonding for such action if it's approved by the
Seconded by Mr. Jensen.
Motion -Unanimously Carried
Mr. Clausen commented" that, along with these roads, there -is a
drainage problem on Widmer Road which Mr. Lapar might or might
not be aware of. The Town, years ago, had installed a drainage
ditch, the pipe ended at a culvert and the water doesn'.t go -any-
where.-: He asked Mr. Lapar to look into this and possibly include
it:;along'with-"the .other drainage problems.
Mrs. Hickman mentioned she had a severe drainage:problem at the:
corner of Pine Hill Road and New Hackensack -Road, the drainage -
basins are above ground level. Mr. Diehl requested Mr. Horton and
Mr. Lapar to contact Mr. Petrovits about Mrs. Hickman's problem,
and report back"to.the Board at the next"illeeting.'.
Mrs. Lepore, Pine Hill Road, also complained of drainage problems.
Mr. Clausen, stated that the Board is in receipt of:a letter from
the Village of Wappingers Falls, indicating that they would appre-
ciater:having the - first xoption' on the present Town Hall Building
if and when the Town decides to move.
MR. CLAUSEN moved that the Town Board indicate to the Village that
they would have first option on any"purchase price that the Town
might have.
Seconded by Mr. Holt_
Motion Unanimously Carried
The "question of.the rezoning request of Mr. Eugen Schuele was
placed .again beforefthe Board, since the public hearing had been
held an said petition.
MRS.; JENSEN moved to table the request due to further information
being received by the Board.
Seconded by Mr. Saland.
Motion Unanimously Carried
A request for the transfers of funds was received from the Super-
visor's Office.
The following resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN CLAUSEN who
moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the sum of $17,000 has been appropriated to account
#B9730.7 - Bond Anticipation Note, Interest. This account has
been overexpended and overdrawn by ,the sum of $375.00. In order
to meet bills presented for payment, the additional monies were
obtained from account #B9710.7 — SerialBondsand Interest. We,
therefore, recommend that the Town Board authorize the transfer
of the sum of $375.00 from account #B9710.7 to account. #B9730.7
in order to eliminate the overdraftandreimburse said account,
and in order to ratify and confirm the previously unauthorized
RESOLVED, that the sum of $375.00 be and -the same hereby is
approrpiated to account #B9730.7 and that -the said sum is hereby
transferred thereto from account #B9710.7.
WHEREAS, the sum of $2,550.00 will become due and payable
October 10, 1972, for a bond presented for payment. There has
been no appropriation to account #B9730.6 Bond Anticipation Note
and Principal. We,, therefore recommend that the Town Board
authorize the transfer of the sum of $2,550.00 from account
#B9710.7 to account #B9730.6 in order to eliminate the overdraft
and imburse said account, and in order to ratify and confirm
the previously unauthorized. appropriation.
RESOLVED, that the, sum of $2,550.00 be and the same ishereby
appropriated to account #B9730.6 and that said sum is hereby trans-
ferred thereto from account #B9710.7.
Seconded by Mr. Holt.
Roll Call .-Vote :• 5 Ayes
Mr. Saland asked that in the future the Board be furnished with
the request for transfer prior to the meeting.
The following Ordinance was introduced by COUNCILMAN CLAUSEN
who moved its adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess Countyv New York,;pursuant to the authority conferred by
the laws of the State of New lOrk as follows:
Section I: Section 421, Subdivision 3, is hereby amended
to read as follows
"Section 421
3. Farm use, farm produce stand*, zoological farm
or park*, zoo*, game farm*, nursery* and green house*, as
defined in this Ordinance, provided that no unenclosed
storage of manure, or :odor: or ;dust producing substance
shall be permitted within one hundred (100) feet of any
street or residential property line."
Section 2: This ordinance shall take effect immediately
upon adoption, posting and publication as prescribed by Town Law.
Seconded by: Councilman Saland
The following ordinance was introduced by COUNCILMAN CLAUSEN
Who' th&ied =its adop=tion:
- "BE'IT RESOLVED by the Town Board:Of-the Town of Wappinger,-
Dutchess County,`New York, pursuant to theaia.thorityconferred
by the laws -of the State of New York as follows:'
Section' 1: = The Town of Wappinger Zoning Map adopted -January
29, 1963, as amended from time to time is hereby further amended
by re -zoning the"following parcel of land from BB -2 to RD -20:
Premises of Livio and Louisa Burgazzoli, Lot 5.1,
Block 3, Town of Wappinger; Tax Map #68; and Lot 6,
Block 3, Tax Map #68.
Section 2: This ordinance shall take effect immediately
upon adoption, posting and publication as prescribed by Town Law.
Seconded by: Councilman Saland
MR. CLAUSEN moved that both the Ordinance Amending Section 421,
Subdivision 3 of"the•Tdwn of Wappinger-Zoning Ordinance, and -.the
Burgazzoli rezoning be referred' to the Diitchess:County Department
of Planning and the" Town of Wappinger Planning Board for' their
review and recommendation. =
Seconded by Mr. Saland.
Motion Unanimously Carried]
The following letters were received:
Town Board
Town of Wappinger
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, N.Y.
August- 19,= 1972--
Re: Kent Road Drainage Problem
As per your request my office has made a study of the Kent
Road drainage problem and submit herewith an estimate of the
proposed drainage relief line:
625 if. of pipe Ca1'$20/ft.
6 I.B. "s $500 ea.
Construction Cast'
Contingencies 30%
- 3,000
TOTAL COST $ 20,150
I am enclosing three (3) copies of the proposed project.
Please contact me . for _any questions. _or -clarifications.=
Very -truly yours,
s/ Rudolph E. Lapar, P.'E..
September 6, 1972
Town Board
Town of Wappinger
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls; N.Y.
e:- Helen Drive.: Drainage Problem
As per .your -.request my 'office_ has studied the drainage
problem on Helen Drive in Quiet Acres subdivision.
Our investigation has concluded that the existing Town
storm drainage on the westerly line of Aviaz's property is
inadequate to handle the expected runoff.
If there are any questions pertaining to this matter,
feel free to contact me.
Very truly yours,
s/, RudolphrE. I,apar, P:E.
Mr. Diehl stated that these are .two -of -the :projects :that are
proposed, and are now under study by the Engineers to the Town.
A petition was received from residents of Pye Lane,,=Vorndran Drive,
Deer Run,area regarding their: complaint of water .conditions at the
July meeting and. -since they had!_heard.rnothing:as to this matter,
requested to be placed on the agenda to again discuss this.problem.
Mr. Lapar _reported that,. first, he: and Mr_.. Horton had gone out to
this area to -investigate ,sand also had discussed the problem, if
there is - a problem;_• -with Miss -Pike; -.basically to see if there is a
violation• of -the_ soil .mining •ordinance,. to determine .there was not.
some of that land has been used,: top- soiltwas. used for the said
properties down below- for: the residents.- that , are- compl.a ining about
the situation. The probiem.at:presenrt is, that there is a preliminary
design for a subdivision behind these :properties..:..He.has noted on
these plans that drainage easements would be required, to: take care
of the -runoff now being experienced. The_t.solution: -is the develop-
ment of the properties above the existing homes. The water is:
coming off private property, it's nota Town created problem;
and was determined that it was not a violation of the mining
MR. SALAND moved that Miss Pike, Zoning Administrator, be requested
to submit a report to the Town Board on the existence of any
possible violation of the removal of top soil from the land in
the immediate area, and further request thedeterminationof
ownership of the property in question from which the water is
being drained; and further, that the Town Highway Superintendent,
Engineer to the Town and Attorney to the Town report back to the
Board as to their finding and also what steps could be taken to
alleviate the swamp off Pye Lane.
Seconded by Mr. Holt.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mr. Horton answered by stating there was one drain that would
solve it, it would have to have drainage above it. Where these
homesare, was originally a swamp, and the water dra ins into a
holding basin. Now the holding basin is filled but still you,
have water draining from the hill, so, untill you put drainage
above it to Catch that water you will'continue'to have the problem.
There -was some discussion from the floor with regard to their
Mr. Lapar 'reported' that he and Miss Pike had investigated the
Swenson property with regard to Mr. Swenson's request to remove'
some piles of dirt. He said that the fill Miss Pike identified
as being that in the request, was, some four years ago, put on
to hold the waters of the Wappingers Creek from flooding that
lower portion of that land. To his knowledge, Mr. Swenson has'
still not complied with his original soil mining permit in regard
to`final grade and final map.
MR. SALAND moved that Mr. Carl Swenson's request to remove severral
piles -of dirt from' his property be denied based on Mr. Lapar`s
Seconded by Mr. Jensen.
Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays
(Mr. Diehl having been called to the phone caused the 4-0 Vote
of business
at the time of this single action. He returned for the next order,)
A petition having been received by Mr. Herbert Stenger for an
exemption to Local Law #2, 1967, the matter was placed before the
Board again for their consideration (White Gates).
MR. CLAUSEN moved to hold a Public Hearing on the application of
Herbert Stenger for an exemption to Local Law #2, 1967 for White
Gates, on October 10, 1972, at 7:30 P.M. EDST, at the Town Hall,
Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, New York to hear all interested
Seconded by Mr. Holt.
Motion Unanimously Carried
(This motion stands as amended by motion of Mr. Clausen).
MR. HOLT moved for a recess, seconded by Mr. Saland and carried.
Meeting recessed at 10:26 P.M.
Supervisor Diehl called the meeting back to order at 10:40 P.M.
All Board members again present.
Mr. Diehl noted that the purpose of the recess was in regard to
negotiations with the XYZ Corp. for a price for their building
and property on Myers Corners Road. As of tonight they have
accepted the figure of $300,000 for the building and property
they originally were asking $350,000.00 for.
MR. DIEHL moved to instruct the Attorney to the Town to prepare
the necessary bonding resolution and make preparations to put the
proposition to purchase the building and property up to the voters
at a Town referendum to be held November 7, 1972.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
A report was received from Miss Pike, Zoning Administrator, regard-
ing the complaint of Mr. & Mrs. Best against Mrs. George VandeCarr
} /
harboring dogs. Miss Pike's report indicated that Mrs. VandeCarr
had provided her with evidence proving that the VandeCarr's kennel
is classified legally non -conforming, therefore her findings were
that in operating the kennel, the VandeCarrs are not in violation
of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance.
Mr. Diehl directed that Miss Pike's report be forwarded to Mr. &
Mrs. Best and Mrs. VandeCarr.
Mr. Jensen commented that the Town of Wappinger made the New York
Times Sunday, topic: Visual Pollution -about pulling down the signs
that are violating the various zoning laws along Route 9.
Mr. Saland wished to recommend to the Board that they appoint to
the Narcotics Guidance Council Al Roberts, a young attorney, who
has expressed an interest in sitting on that Council. It was so
noted that there were no vacancies at present on this Council.
MR. SALAND moved that Al Roberts name by considered as a member
of the Narcotics Guidance Council at the first availability.
Seconded by Mr. Holt.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mr. Clausen brought up the matter of the right hand lanes at
Myers Corners Road, Old Hopewell Road and New Hackensack Road.
The County has been addressed previously to pave these proposed
lanes. He requested Mr. Rappleyea to contact the County Highway
Department in order to bring the County to Wappinger to complete
these projects.
Mr. Saland, mentioned that, on several occasions he had requested
copies, similar to the reports the Supervisor's Office submitted
to the Board on March 13th relating to unexpended balances. With
budget time coming up, he would again request another report like
that be submitted for the next Regular Meeting.
It was brought to the attention of the Board by Mr. Saland, that
the next regular monthly meeting falls on the date established as
a holiday for commemoration of Columbus Day.
MR. CLAUSEN moved that the date for the October Regular Monthly
meeting be changed from the 9th of October to October 10, 1972 at
8:00 P.M; and further, amend a previous motion setting the date
for the Stenger Public Hearing from 7:30 October 9th to 7:30 P.M.
October 10, 1972.
Seconded by Mr. Holt.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mr. Eck, being recognized by the Chair, brought up stabilization
of assessments, and asked if the Board had taken his suggestions
into consideration. Mr. Diehl stated that the Board had not
arrived at any decisions on Mr. Ecks' recommendations, but would
offer a motion at this time.
MR. DIEHL moved to the effect that the Town request of the recent
Board who served as a grievance board, to continue serving as a
Board to study, recommend, stabilize, equalize, the assessments
in the Town Of Wappinger and they work as_a Board or as an indivi-
dual, at no cost to the Town. Mr. Holt suggested to include in
this motion they be asked, that within 4 or 5 months, to submit
to the Town Board their recommendation as to the best proceedure
for achieving equalization of assessments. Mr. Eck argued this
was too long a time. Mr. Jensen recommended addressing the matter
to the Town Assessor first, and possibly, the Board sitwith the
Assessor to further discuss the plan of Mr. Eck's. After that it
could be ascertained if, in fact, a committee is needed to take
this type of action.
MR. JENSEN moved that the Town Board consult with the Town Assessor
and review Mr. Eck's plan for completeness and how long it might
take to incorporate said plan. There was discussion on Mr. Jensen's
motion, suggestions for amendments and reconsideration, which
resulted in it dying without a second.
MR. DIEHL moved that the Grievance Board that had worked this
year for the Town, that they, on a voluntary basis, study, recommend,
in an effort to stabilize, and equalize assessments in the. Town:of
Wappinger and forward their recommendation back to the Town Board,
either on a collective Board effort, or on an individual basis
if the whole Board did not want to do it. -
Seconded by Mr. Clausen.
Roll Call Vote:
Supervisor Diehl Aye
Councilman Clausen Aye
Councilman Holt Nay
Councilman Jensen Nay
Councilman Saland Abstain
Motion Failed
Mr. Jensen stated that he would take it upon himself to discuss
Mr. Eck's plan with the Assessor.
MR. HOLT moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Mr. Saland
and unanimously carried.
The meeting adjourned at 11:11 PM.
Elaine H. Snowden
Town Clerk
Reg. Mtg. 9/11/72
To LCIIIS" DIEHL , Supervisor
Town of W
, County of Malin , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
11APpi1Ml'i' R , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
11 day of 8sptsahsr , 19 72 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
135 i~ulins
136 AxtarCross Company
137 Theban lquipasnt
138 N 6 8 Supply Corp.
139 Orsy Hardware Caspsay
140 1Thalmsn Equipment Co.
141 jCentral Hodson Gas 6 Elec 251,96
142 'Central Hodson Gas 6 ilea 392.071
143 tral Hodson Gas 6 Eisa 96,691
144 Central Hodson Gas 6 ilea 105.471
145 William P. 1[lhana, Jr. 25.861
146ttral Hudson Gas 6 ileo 1161, 33 I
147 Urey Hardware Company I 6.23
148 Central Hudson Gas 6 EIsa !151.03
Tangs r lac,
In Witness Whereof,
this 12th day of
alt -8310,4
8.33 SS3-8130.4 8.34
883-8130.4 I
SN1-8310.4 12,93
8N2-8310,4 12,93
have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of
r .19 72
Town Clerk
To NM DEMI , Supervisor
Town of. 111111111611, County of D , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
, and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
11 day of Seer , 19 72, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, ydu are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
547 Norma O'Rourke
•lope-Willen Community
548 Ambulance Service. Inc. W50.00
67.501 61330.1
15.00 113120.4
295.00 13510.1
200.80 63510.1
139.00 61620.4
833.32 31440.4
10.00 18010.4
563.00 13510.4
411.00 13510.4
125.00 111620.4
666.66 11420.4
107.88 13310.4
500.00 31410.4
97.03 11620.4
34.60 11355.4
64.20 61110.4
34.20 11220.4
30.00 11630.4
13.00 11110.4
42.73 11110.4
the Seal
549 Susan J. Pik. 6.60
550 Arthur Waddle
551 James T. Guarino
552 Gorge Wills
553 Francis therm
554 3udol,pb S. taper, P. S.
555 Rudolph 1. Lapar, P. 1.
556 Dr. D. J. Hannigan
557 Dr. D. J. Hannigan
558 Custas Cleaning Contr.
559 Allan i. llappl yea
560 Lidy Angelo
561 Leland T. 1ookhort
562 Power 'let Pet. Dist.
563 Database County Clerk's
564 The Pendell Press
565 The Pendell Press
566 Great Sear Spring Co.
567 Vassar Brothers Hospital
568 Williamson Law Book Co.
569 Williamson Law Sock Co. 8.64
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto t my han"r1
this 12th day of Seer 19 72
of the Town of mums=
Town Clerk
To L00I9 DIANE , Supervisor
Town of NADDING*R , County of MOO= , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
, and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
lith day of September , 19 7a , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, ydu are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
570 Clifford Thorpe 95.00 83620.4
571 sgglsston Office 1quip.Co , 3.6.70 A1620.4
572 mess Co -Operative VOL: 12:85 A1110.4
573 Central sson Gas 174.18 63.620.4
574 1 Central Madsen Gas 6 Ilea 13.77 A3310.4
575 IS. and SD. Mews 12.96 A6410.4
576 9. and S.D. Hess 50.98 16410.4
577 Urea Corporation 265.03 A1620.4
579 Xerox Corporation 84.00 A1620.4
Wappingers Central $*ool
579 District 01 210.00 !Reimbursed by DCJ1CiD
A9000.8 330.98
580 Mastford Life Insurance ,316,40 19060.8 485.42
Marine Midland sank of
581 pep. Mew York(Trust Dept. 42.88 19995.3
582 A.1 Pence Co., Inc. 342.50 A7110.2
583 Beacon Distributing 37.02 87310.4
584 Seiph Viaall 339.00 A7110.4
585 Jabs T. Mowry 502.50 67110.1
586 Charlie 8.11 106.00 A7110.1
587 Georg. D. Wolf, Inc. 25.60 A7140.4
588 John Dray 761.00 A7110.4
599 ihnthony Pose 14.00 67110.1
590 *dna C. Winters 53.75 97110.1
591 N. 1. Aaailand, Ina. 21.27 67110.4
592 N. a S. Supply Co. 9.15 A7110.4
-131. a 0 M6lPIDCiaa
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set and and the Seal of the Town of ,
this l' ...._._.__..day of Sr 19 73
Town Clerk
1*1 0
To touts Dian
, Supervisor
Town of IlaPPIXKOM , County of , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
, and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
Uth day of. .1111110.11116W , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed. in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
525 1s II Supply Corp.
596 114 s $ Supply Corp
597 William J. Prod:Lake=
Ketcham Motors
330.001110anatioarnoptekents. 330.00
X I Oupply Corp. 31.64
Ory Sardosro Company 14.6/
gook J. Nmur.r 45.70
Model* S. lapar, P. X. L435.00
Sy/von Zak* Tolophono Co. 9.25
Ski Mum Thara
York tolophoso COL.
lire Span
Highway Fund Angelbrook
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of
, 19 72
this.... day of
- [SEAL]
To L.itltf*..11..,..11iAIil , Supervisor
Town of Neppinger
County of. i !*J4 , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
Msppineer , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
11 tlday of September , 191L.., in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
179 Spoor -Lather Co., Inc.
180 Capitol Highway Msterf a
181 Queen City Distributors
1821 A.J.$O. Equipment, Inc.
183 R.N. Lingo
184 Clove Eaeavators
18$ Spoor -LaMar Co., Inc.
186 I 1Rtortleki 11 Rod Al Sum
1871 Montfort Oros., Inc.
Walter Smith Welding
189 Abbott & Abbott_
190 Norbert Cole
1911 Msck Trucks, Inc.
192 O $ K Auto Supply
193 Hudson River Sales
1941 moo, Sas i Service
1951 Automotive Drake'
1961 James J. @aisley
1971 Mew York Communicational 4
820.01 025110.4
1 56;.0 0:5140.1
in W_ it th September72
this. .. day of , 19
ereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of Meppinser