MAY 8, 1972
1. Supervisor call the Meeting to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Accept Minutes
Supervisors Town Justices
Mr. Logan, Assessors Report
Building Inspector
Gen. Fund: Highway:
a. Frank Newman re: recycling project
'b. Request by R. W. Young to use 7 Voting Machines July 12th
c. Arthur Totten, Sr. Rezoning Request - Rte9
d. ;Planning Board re: recreation land in Ye Olde Apple Orchard
e,. Resignation of Gordon Hirt received - member zoning Bd. of App('als
f. Regional Meeting for Local Officials May 24th -Camelot Inn
g. Referrals from Dutchess County Dept. of Planning: Atlantic
Richfield - Guarino - and Schuele
h. Peddlers License Application: Neil Herschkowitz
i. Recreation Comm. re: recommendations for Expired terms of
Maurer and Beahan.
j. Martin Leskow re: dedication of Private Road (Leskow Circle)
Mr. Saland: Concept of Installment Taxes
MTS Corp. for Exemption-LL#2 '67
Amendment of 412.02 Section Zoning'Ordinance
Koslarek Peddlers License application
D. Alsdorf - Colors and Emblem for Town
Vacancy - Town Historian
The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of
Wapping er was held on May 8, 1972, at the Town Hall, Mill Street,
Wappingers Falls, New York.
Supervisor Diehl called the meeting to order at 8:22 P.M.
Louis Diehl, Supervisor
Louis Clausen, Councilman
Harry Holt,. Councilman
Leif Jensen, Councilman
Stephen Saland, Councilman
Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk
Others Present:
William Horton, Superintendent of Highways
Allan Rappleyea, Attorney to the Town
The minutes of the April 10, 1972 Regular Monthly Meeting, April
26, 1972 and May 1, 1972 Special Meetings having been previously
sent to the Town Board members, were now placed before them for
their approval.
MR. HOLT moved the minutes of the April 10, 1972 Regular Monthly
Meeting, the April 26, 1972 and May 1, 1972 Special Meetings, as
submitted by the Town Clerk be and they are hereby approved.
Seconded by Mr. Jensen.
Motion Unaimously Carried
Reports for the month of April were received from the Supervisor,
Building Inspector and Town Justices.
MR. CLAUSEN moved the reports from the Supervisor, Building Inspec-
tor and Town Justices for the month of April be accepted and placed
on file.
Seconded by Mr. Holt.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mr. Holt had a question on the Supervisor's report concerning the
refund for overpayment to the Hartford Insurance Company of New
York State Disability.Benefits of ,$4,464.87.
Mr.,Egan explained that it went back.over:several years. After
reviewing the payments for the past several years, it was discovered
a refund was due. Mr. Diehl added that the amount paid was based on
a full amount of wages rather than a percentage of the full amount.
Mrs. Laffin had checked the book on the percentages, then called Mr.
Groenwegen .fox assistance. Mr. Saland voiced concern over the
laxity of the Supervisor's office to allow an error to go undetect-
ed for such a length of time. Mr. Clausen defended the Supervisor's
office by expressing an opinion that the Insurance Agent was at
fault, and observed that all Councilmen, if they have a question on
finances, should go directly to the source for an answer, as the
financial records are open to them at all times. Mr. Saland had a
further question, this on an item of income-Per,Capita State Aide,
how was this figure derived at? Mr. Egan gave a generalized explana-
tion, in part indicating the quarterly payments were equal. This
raised another question from Mr. Saland, assuming the figure listed
on the_xeport was correct, the total payment for the year would be
roughly $95,000, why then a figure of $85,000 in anticipated reven-
ues in the 1972 budget? Mr. Diehl responded that the budget figures
were just estimates of what was anticipated, there was no firm set
figure, and they try to achieve the closest estimate as possible
without over anticipating income. Mr. Saland pointed out that the
figure of the last payment in December showed the same amount as
was received in April. Mr. Egan defended this years estimate (per
capita) with the statement that they were informed by the State that
there would be a 10% cut in state revenue. As it happened there was
no cut. Mr. Saland asked that if it was a written notification,
could he see it.
Thomas Logan, Town Assessor, reported to the Board what he had done
so far this year. The taxable status date was May 1st and the roll
will probably show about a 1O% increase in value. There have been
changes in assessment of_between 2,500 to 3,500 properties. Basic-
ally, these changes have come about through the tremendous increase
1 21
in property value which has occurred between 1968 to present. If
the School Board, Town Board and County Board will hold the line on
spending to last years level, there should be an overall 10% decrease
in taxes per thousand of assessed valuation. The largest problem
all assessors are faced with is the State Board of Equalization.
So far Wappinger has been fortunate, its equalization was raised a
point to 37%, the only municipality in Dutchess County to get a -
raise. This was largely due to good assessment practices back in
the period of 1966-1967 and 1968, because the sample used was 1968;
when the 1970 sample is used, however, it will, not show properties
assessed at 35, 36 or 37 percent, it will show properties which have
sold at a much higher price than they are assessed for. Probably
the largest increase has come in land values , half acre lots are
selling at $6,500 to $7,000. Various regulations that the Planning
Board has put in, and Ordinances that the Town Board has passed,
have forced the cost of these lots up, and when these lots go up,
existing lots go up. The upsetting fact is that the Town just can't
get any more money out of the various industrial and commercial land,
these_.properties are assessed up to the limit. Therefore, the average
home owner, in a few years, will be paying $1,500 to $1,600 in taxes.
Mr. Logan felt that the people have to recognize, if they want to
keep the Town in the State it is now, no more development, and with
no more commercial, industrial, or apartments, the public has to be
aware of what they are really doing to themselves. If the Town is
to be kept semi rural, or nice suburban, it's going to cost them a
lot of money. The Board has so far followed the public's Vishes, the
decision has to be made by the public, if they want this Town to be
a Scarsdale, it's going to costa lot of money. If the tax rate is
to be kept down, there have to be some ratables. He stressed, however,
that this should be brought to the publics attention as to exactly
what the situation is, and make the decision based on this knowledge.
A short discussion following on how to disseminate this information
to the taxpayer.
Bills received for payment are as follows:
General Fund$13,571.00
Highway Fund 13,888.22
OKWD 136.96
Flt.WD 120.88
RFSD 548.31
MR. CLAUSEN moved the bills be paid, subject to audit.
Seconded by Mr. Jensen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mr. Frank Newman, Coordinator of the Scout Troops in Wappinger,
that have been working on a weekly recycling project out of the
Imperial Plaza, requested to speak before the Board regarding assist-
ance for this project.
Mr. Newman first described the operation that the Scout Troops had
undertaken, citing the magnitude of the project, and the distribution
of profits realized. Assistance in trucking had been given by the
854th Engineering Battalion Reserve. The problem that faced the
project was transportation for seven weeks (Saturdays only) due to
the Reserves going on maneuvers from June 10th to July 29th. Mr.
Newman felt the project would be doomed to extinction if there was
a cessation of operations for this length of time. Station wagons
and pickups were not capable of handling the amount of recyclable
materials received, thus he was requesting assistance from the Town
in the form of the Highway Trucks. The payment received for the glass,
etc. was not enough to make it a profitable enough venture to hire
trucks, and what profits were received were divided up amongst the
participating Scout Troops.
Mr. Horton stated that it was, unfortunately, a bad time of year for
him to consent to tying a truck up, as he intends to put his men
on overtime - if the weather breaks - to work Saturdays, and in this
case will need every available truck. He didn't want to promise a
truck then have to renege if he needed it. The roads have priority.
Mr.'Clausen commented that he could appreciate Mr. Hoton's position,
_but he felt this recycling project had equal importance to the Town.
It would be a shame for this program to have a lapse. He thinks that
there are times that the Town can do a little bit more than we're
called upon to do.
MR. CLAUSEN moved that with the Town Highway Superintendent's coopera-
tion, the Town make available a truck and driver to the Scouts for
the seven Saturdays (June 10th through July 29th) providing the Town
trucks were not needed. In the event a Town Highway truck could not
be utilized for any reason, the Town will guarantee and pay for a
truck for the Scouts.
Seconded by Mr. Holt.
Motion Unanimously Carried
A letter was received from Dr. Young, Superintendent of the Wappingers
Central School District, requesting the use'of seven voting machines
for their Budget Vote on July 12, 1972.
MR. HOLT moved that Roy C. Ketcham, and Wappingers Junior High School
in the Wappingers Central School District, be granted permission to
use seven of the Town's voting machines, under the Supervision of
the Town of Wappinger Voting Machine Custodians, on July 12, 1972.
Seconded by Mr. Saland.
Motion Unanimously Carried
A rezoning request was received from Arthur Totten,Sr. to rezone
his property on new Route 9 from R-20 to HB -1.
MR. CLAUSEN moved that Mr. Totten's rezoning request be forwarded
to the Dutchess County Department of Planning and the Town of
Wappinger Planning Board for their reYiew and recommendation.
Seconded by Mr. Holt.
Motion Unanimously Carried
A letter was received from the Plannning Board regarding recreation
like to know
land in Ye Olde Apple Orchard. They would/whether or not the Town
is willing to accept the land offered for recreation.- Mr. Rappleyea,
having spoken on this subject with the Recreation Commission, comment-
ed that the Commission would be willing to accept it provided the
developers stake and grade the site (which has been done) however,
the particular land involved is a parcel that was originally part
of the subdivision which was proposed for use by the residents as
recreation area. It contains a body of water, which in addition,
invades a number of proposed lots, so the Town would be assuming a
responsibility in taking over this- as a recreation site. It -was his
suggestion that pending on the outcome of a Planning Board Public
Hearing on final approval of this subdivision, the Board would then
accept or not accept this parcel.
Mr. Diehl -recommended that the Recreation Committee (Messrs. Clausen
and Jensen) meet in the near future with the Recreation Commission,
and get their feelings and proposals, so that the Town Board and
Recreation Commission -would act together on this.
Mrs. Snowden informed .the Board that she had received the resigna-
tion, of Gordon Hirt, from, the Zoning Board of Appeals.
MR. DIEHL, on behalf of the Board, moved to accept Mr. Hirt's
resignation, with regret.
Seconded by Mr. Holt.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Notification for .a regional meeting of the New York State Office
for Local Government was received.
MR. CLAUSEN moved that any Town official that would like to attend,
be granted permission, and that any legitimate expense be a Town
Seconded by Mr. Holt.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Three recommendations on rezoning requests were received from the
Dutchess County Department of Planning, Atlantic Richfield, Roy
Guarino and Eugene Schuele.
MR. CLAUSEN moved these recommedations be received and placed on
file. -
Seconded by Mr. Jensen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Ari application was received from Neil Herschkowitz'for ,a Hawking
and Peddling License. The application has been referred to the
Dutchess County Sheriff's Department and returned indicating no
criminal record on file. -
MR. HOLT moved to approve the application and grant Neil Herschkowitz
a license for Hawking and Peddling in the Town of Wappinger.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen -
Motion Unanimously Carried
.The terms of office of two members of the Recreation Commission
expired May 1st. A letter was received from the Commission
recommending the reappointment of these two members.
MR. CLAUSEN .moved the recommendation of the Recreation Commission
be accepted.and.that Hugh J. Maurer and Jean Beahan both be re-
appointed as members.. of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission,
each for terms of five years which terms shall expire the 1st day
of May, 1977.
Seconded by Mr. Jensen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
The next matter on the Agenda was a request from Martin Leskow
seeking acceptance by the Town of a private road known as Leskow
Circle. Mr. Leskow first asked for a few minutes to confer with
his attorney, and later withdrew his request.
Rudolph E. Lapar had placed with each Board member and the Town
Clerk a copy of a Map, Plan and Report for the formation of a
Central Wappinger Water Improvement Area.
MR. SALAND moved that Rudolph E. Lapar's P.E. Map, Plan and Report
for the formation of a Central Wappinger Water Improvement Area be
placed on file with the Town Clerk.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
The following letter was read:
May 8, 1972
Mr. Louis Diehl, Supervisor
Tpwn of Wappinger
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, New York
Dear Mr. Diehl:
At a special meeting of the Board of Trustees held May 3,
1972, primarily held to discuss the possibility of joint municipal
action in considering a consolidation of Town and Village facilities,
was unanimously agreed that such a move, if mutually accepted,
could prove most advantageous and beneficial to both municipalities
in efficiency, financially, and in providing community facilities
for young and old, in addition to the provision of personnel and
service office and department accomodations, In the -face of rising
prices, it behooves all municipal officials to give every considera-
tion possible in the direction of saving taxpayers' dollars.
Therefore, we would like to request that the Town of Wappinger,
through its Building Committee and authorization of the Town Board,
conduct a study with a Committee of our Village Board for the
purpose of exploring various avenues for a joint Town and Village
Presently there is a 22 acre Village site conveniently located
with available municipal services which provides an excellent
possibility for a joint Town and Village set of facilities.
We sincerely would appreciate your full cooperation and
assistance in considering this request. Thank you very kindly.
Please advise.
s/ Peter C. Furnari, Mayor
Village of Wappingers Falls
MR. DIEHL moved that this matter be referred to the Building
Committee (Messrs. Jensen and Clausen), to recognize the letter
from the Village, and further, that this committee investigate the
offer of Mr. Eugen Schuele in selling the building on Myers Corners
Road presently occupied by IBM; to visit these premises, investigate
the financial aspects of both avenues, and return a recommendation
to the Board.
Seconded by Mr. Saland.
The following letter was received:
Mr. Louis D. Diehl, Supervisor
Town of Wappinger
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, New York
Dear Mr. Diehl:
As per your
of the agreement
Hannigan and Mr.
Motion Unanimously Carried
May 8, 1972
Problem on the Property -Charles Wilson
request on May 7, the following is my recollection
reached by yourself, Mr. Richard Linge, Dr. Daniel
Peter Anagnos on January 28, 1972:
1'2 r
1. The County of Dutchess will put a catch basin near the
stone wall adjacent to the Wilson property and pipe
surface water from Osborne Hill Road to that point.
2. The County of Dutchess shall also place piping (approximately
30" diameter) from that point along the western boundary
of the Wilson property across Kretch Circle to a point
in an existing watercourse. This project will be reimbursed
by the Town of Wappinger to a.maximum cost of $3,000.
This part of the project will include approximately 300
feet of pipe, 2 catch basins and a headwall.
Very truly yours,
s/ Rudolph E. Lapar
Mr. Diehl commented that the County is preparing to do some work
there, and there is the question how the Town might participate
in this work, in correcting a problem in this area in regard to
MR. DIEHL moved this matter;be referred to Mr. Horton, who in turn,
with Mr. Lapar can report back to the Board and recommend what
proceedure to follow.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mr. Incoronato, being recognized by the Chair, stated that the
problem (referring to Wilson) is that the County, when it erected
its drainage (stormdrains) from Osborne Hill brought a storm drain
some 50 or 60 feet outside of ,Jerry's Restaurant running in a
westerly direction, and they terminated there. He doesn't feel
this is the Town's responsibility, he thinks Mr. Horton should
look into it and see that the County exercises its proper.respon-
sibility. The County should be compelled to continue that pipe to
a proper easement drainage.
Mr. Diehl commented, that he had been with C. J. Wells of New York
State Department of Transportation who had told him he was in a
position, and willing to, open up the channel in the Green Fly
Swamp, which, he claims, has been blocked by nature, and possibly
by unknown persons, so that the swamp will return to its normal
height . _ Mr. Diehl, at this time, referred this matter to Mr.
Rappleyea for him to take steps in regard to getting releases from
owners of property in this area, so that the State Transportation
Department can open this channel.
Under Committee Reports, Mr. Saland had nothing to report on Tax
Installment payments, due to schedule conflicts he had been unable to
set a .meeting with Senator J. Rolison. He hoped to have a report
ready for the July Regular Meeting.
Mrs. Alsdorf gave a progress report on selecting an emblem for the
official Town Seal. It had been brought to her attention that the
Waterfall seal that had been used by the now non-existent National
Bank of Wappingers Falls might make a suitable emblem rather than
the originally suggested waterfall with farmer idea. After some
investigation into the legality of using the waterfall as am emblem,
and finding no obstacles to date, Mrs. Alsdorf recommended the Town
adopt the waterfall for the Town Seal, pending the final approval
of using the bank's dye.
Mr. Diehl felt it would be appropriate tonight if the Board does
agree, presuming the dye on the seal is available through Mr. Travis,
and final permission for the Town to use it is given by Marine -
Midland Bank, he thinks it would expedite the work of the Historian
if the Board granted her permission subject to these stipulations to
go forward with this as the Town Seal.
MR. HOLT moved that the Town adopt the Waterfall, as depicted on the
original seal of the old National Bank of Wappingers Falls, as the
official seal for the Town of Wappinger, conditioned on final per-
mission from the Marine Midland Bank.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mr. Diehl further recommended that the Historian also be instructed
to order the flag. A decision should be reached as to the number of
flags needed and empower Mrs. Alsdorf to order them. Mrs. Alsdorf
felt three flags would suffice - one for the Town Hall, one for the
County Office Building and one to be used for parades. Mr. Clausen
suggested size and price be established before ordering any quantity.
Mr. Holt commented that due to the fact that the emblem should be
2 9 ..
mounted on the center blue section it might be premature in moving
the purchase of the flag until there is clearance on the availability
of the emblem. Mr. Diehl recommendedreferralto the Miscellaneous
Committee (Mr. Holt) to investigate size and price of -these flags
andreport his findings to the Board.
MR. HOLT moved the colors of Orange, Blue and Red, be adopted as the
Town colors, and to be arranged in the flag -as Orange next to the
Staff; Blue, center; and Red outer end.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
MR. CLAUSEN moved the adoption of the Order in the Matter of the
Establishment of the Central Wappinger Water Improvement Area in
the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, pursuant to Article
12c of the Town Law, seconded by Mr. Saland and unanimously carried.
The Order, in its entirety, is attached hereto and made part hereof
of the minutes of this meeting.
A Public Hearing having been duly held on April 7, 1972, upon the
request of MTS Corp., for an exemption of Local Law -#2, 1967, Affida-
vits of Posting and Publication having been submitted for the record
at the time of the hearing., and all persons desiring to be heard at
that time were heard, the matter was now placed before the Board for
their consideration.
MR. HOLT moved that MTS Corp. be granted an exemption from Local Law,
#2 of 1967 for the purpose of drilling wells to serve and supply their
apartment complex,.known as Rolling Ridge Estates, with water.
Seconded by Mr. Jensen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
At this point in the meeting, Mr. Leskow withdrew his request.
A letter was received from N. F. L'Estrange requesting permission to
hook up to the Rockingham Farms Sewer District (property located on
the north-east corner of Beatty Road and Pye Lani).
MR. DIEHL moved that since, at this time, Mr. Quinn and Mr. Kelley,
Attorney and Engineer to the District, are in the midst of preparing
a new approach to the Rockingham District which should be submitted
within the next ten days to two weeks, and subject to their new
approach, the matter of Mr. L'Estranges request to.hook into the
Rockingham Farms Sewer District be tabled and act on it in the future.
Seconded by Mr. Holt.
Motion Unanimously Carried
A Public Hearing having been duly held on April 7, 1972, on the
Amendment of Section 412.02 of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance,
Affidavits of Posting and Publication having been submitted for the
record at the hearing, and all persons desiring to be _heard at that
time were heard, the matter was placed before the Board for their
The following Resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN CLAUSEN who
moved its adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDAINED by the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger, putchess County, New York, pursuant to laws of the State
of New York, that the Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance adopted
January 29, 1963, as amended from time to time, it is hereby further
amended as follows:
Section 1.
Section 412.02 is hereby amended to read as_follows:
"Section 412.02 Subject to the approval of the Planning
Board in its subdivision review, development in any RD -40
or R-40 districts may take place at the minimum lot size and
dimensions permitted in the next less restrictive district,
provided that public or community water and sewer facilities
systems, meeting the requirements of the Dutchess County Depart-
ment of Health and the New York State Department -of Health are
provided by the developer at no expense to the Town, except that
in no area shall these minimum lot sizes and dimensions be less
than those prescribed in the least restrictive residential district.
Before taking action on such a development, the Planning Board shall
obtain, at the applicant's expense, a written report and analysis
of such public water and sewer facilities, prepared by a duly auth-
orized engineer as licensed by the State of New York. The extent
and coverage of this report shall be reviewed -for adequacy by the
Town's Engineer. After receiving such report and analysis, there
shall be a public hearing, in the same manner as required by law
in subdivision review."
Section 2.
This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption,
posting and publication, as provided by Town Law.
Seconded by: Councilman Jensen
Roll Call Vote:
Supervisor Diehl Aye
Councilman Clausen Aye
Councilman Holt Nay
Councilman Jensen Aye
Councilman Saland Aye
Resolution Duly Adopted
1 30
At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger held
at the Town Hall in the Village of Wappingers Falls, Dutchess
County, New York, on the day of , 1972.
1. Louis D. Diehl, Supervisor
2. Louis Clausen, Councilman
3. Harry Holt, Councilman
4. Leif Jensen, Councilman
5. Steven Saland, Councilman
Absent: None
WHEREAS a map, plan, and report have been prepared in such
manner and in such detail as has heretofore been determined by
the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger relating to the establish-
ment of a proposed Water Improvement Area to be knnwn as the
Central Wappinger Water Improvement Area in the Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess County, New York, pursuant to Article 12c of the Town
Law, and
WHEREAS said map, plan, and report have been duly filed in
the Clerk's office of the Town of Wappinger for public inspec-
tion, and
WHEREAS said map, plan, and report were prepared by Rudolph
E. LaPar, a competent engineer, duly licensed by the State of
New York, showing the boundaries of the proposed Improvement
Area and a general plan for the water system, and
WHEREAS the improvements proposed as set forth in said plan
and report consist of water supply, water storage facilities,
water mains, pumping stations and associated facilities located in
the Town of Wappinger, and
WHEREAS the improvement will provide for the central area of
the Town of Wappinger, and said lands in the Town of Wappinger are
bounded and described generally as follows:
Beginning at a point on the southerly side of
State Route 376, said point being the southeast corner
of the intersection of State Route 376 and DeGarmo Hills
Road; thence easterly along the southern line of
Route 376, said line also being the northern line of
Lot 1, Block 4, Tax Map 20, 745± feet to a point, said
point being the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 4, Tax
Map 20; thence leaving Route 376 and around the westerly,
southerly and easterly lines of Lot 2, Block 4, Tax Map 20,
1,415± feet to a point, said point being the southwest cor-
ner of Lot 1, Block 1, Tax Map 21; thence along the southern
and easterly lines of Lot 1, Block 1, Tax Map 21 and the
southerly line of Lot 2, Block 1, Tax Map 21 and the souther-
ly and easterly line of Lot 3, Block 1, Tax Map 21, 902±
feet to a point on the southern side of Route 376, said
point also being the northeast corner of Lot 3, Block 1,
Tax Map 21, thence along the southern side of Route 376,
161± feet to a point on the east side of Joel Place; thence
southerly along the east side of Joel Place 316± feet to a
point, said point being the southwest corner of Lot 4.4,
Block 1, Tax Map 21; thence northeasterly along the easter-
ly lines of lots 4.4 and 4.3, Block 1, Tax Map 21, 430±
feet to a point, said point being the northeast corner of
Lot 4.3, Block 1, Tax Map 21; thence northwesterly along
the northerly line of Lot 4.3, Block 1, Tax Map 21, 200±
feet to a point on the easterly side of Route 376; said
point also being the northwest corner of Lot 4.3, Block 1,
Tax Map 21; thence northerly along the easterly line of
Route 376, 210± feet to point, said point being the south-
west corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Tax Map 21; thence along the
southern and easterly lines of Lot 5, Block 1, Tax Map 21,
300± feet to a point on the southerly line of Top O'Hill
Road, said point also being the northeast corner of Lot 5,
Block 1, Tax Map 21; thence crossing Top O'Hill Road and
southeasterly along the northern line of Top O'Hill Road
405± feet to a point, said point being the southwest cor-
ner of Lot 4.1.1, Block 1, Tax Map 21; thence northeasterly
209± feet to a point, said point being the northwest corner
of Lot 4.1.1, Block 1, Tax Map 21; thence clockwise along the
northern and eastern lines of Lot 19, Block 1, Tax Map 16,
11,055± feet to a point, said point being the northerly
most corner of Lot 85, Block 1, Tax Map 22; thence along
the easterly and southerly lines of Lot 85, Block 1, Tax
Map 22, 2,960± feet to a point, said point being the south-
east corner of Lot 88, Block 1, Tax Map 22; thence along the
southerly lines of Lots 88, 89, 90 and 91, Block 1, Tax
Map 22 and the easterly line of Lot 92, Block 1, Tax Map 22,850±
feet to a point on the northern side of Meyers Corners Road;
said point being the southeast corner of Lot 92, Block 1,
Tax Map 22; thence crossing Meyers Corners Road, 50± feet
to a point, said point being the southeast corner of the
intersection of Meyers Corners Road and Montford Road,
said point also being the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 1,
Tax Map 24; thence along the northern and eastern lines of
Lots 1 and 23 and the eastern lines of Lots 22, 21, 20,
Block 1, Tax Map 24, 1,534± feet to a point on the northerly
line of Lot 13.1, Block 1, Tax Map 24; thence around the
northerly and easterly lines 3,690± feet to a point, said
point being along the center line of Sprout Creek; thence
southerly along the center line of Sprout Creek 8,800± feet
to a point, said point being the southeast corner of Lot
3.385, Block 1, Tax Map 46; thence westerly along the
northerly line of Lot 1.1 and Lot 4 and along the westerly
line of Lot 1.1, Block 1, Tax Map 64, 3,620± feet to a
point on+the northerly side of Old Hopewell Road (County
Route 28); said point also being the southeasterly corner
of Lot 3.91, Block 1, Tax Map 46; thence westerly along the
northern line of County Route 28, 1,000± feet to a point,
said point being the southeast corner of Lot 4, Block 1,
Tax Map 46; thence leaving Route 28 and along the easterly
line of Lot 4, the easterly, northerly and westerly line of
Lot 6 and the westerly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Tax Map 46,
930± feet to a point on the northerly line of County
Route 28; said point also being the southwest corner of
Lot 5, Block 1, Tax Map 46; thence westerly along the
northern line of County Route 28, 360± feet to a point, said
point being the southeast corner of Lot 2.1, Block 1, Tax
Map 47; thence leaving Route 28 and in a northerly direction
along the easterly lines of Lots 2.1 and 3, Block 1, Tax
Map 47, 1,880± feet to a point, said point being the north-
east corner of Lot 3, Block 1, Tax Map 47; thence along the
northerly, easterly or westerly line of Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and
8, Block 1, Tax Map 47, 4,025± feet, to a point, said point
being the northeast corner of Lot 8, Block 1, Tax Map 47;
thence along the northerly and westerly lines of Lot 8 and
the generally westerly lines of Lot 7 and 6, Block 1, Tax
Map 47, 2,430± feet to a point on the northerly side of
County Route 28, said point also being the southwest corner
of Lot 6, Block 1, Tax Map 47; thence crossing County
Route 28 and continuing in a clockwise direction around
the northern, eastern, southern and western lines of Lot 1,
Block 1, Tax Map 63, 7,300± feet to a point on the easterly
side of Cedar Hill Road, said point also being the northwest
corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Tax Map 63; thence crossing Cedar
Hill Road and along the southern and western lines of Lot 84,
Block 1, Tax Map 62, 3,480± feet to a point, said poiftt being
the southwest corner of Lot 74, Block 1, Tax Map 62; thence
along the easterly and northerly lines of the portion of
Lot 73, Block. 1, Tax Map 62, known as A2, 320± feet to a
point on the easterly side of Eck Road; thence westerly
across Eck Road and along the northerly line of Lot 15,
Block 1, Tax Map 62, 230± feet to a point on the easterly
line of Lot 13, Block 1, Tax Map 62, said point also being
the northwest corner of Lot 15, Block 1, Tax Map 62;
thence along the easterly line of Lot 13, the southern
lines of Lots 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, the eastern lines of
Lots 3 and 4 and the southern lines of Lots 7, 6 and 5,
Block 1, Tax Map 62, 1,920± feet to the eastern side of
McFarland Road; thence crossing McFarland Road continuing
in a southerly and westerly direction along the westerly
and northerly boundaries of McFarland Road, 1,180± feet to
a point, said point being the southeast corner of Lot 16.1,
Block 1, Tax Map 60; thence leaving McFarland Road and
along the generally westerly boundary of Lot 16.2, Block 1,
Tax Map 60, 2,200± feet to County Route 28, said point also
being the northwest corner of Lot 16.2, Block 1, Tax Map 60;
thence easterly along the southern side of County Route 28
and crossing McFarland Road, 1,740± feet to a point, said
point being the northwest corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Tax
Map 62; thence in a northerly direction crossing County
Route 28 and along the easterly side of Losee Road, 510±
feet to a point, said point being the northwest corner of
Lot 6, Block 1, Tax Map 49; thence in a northeasterly
direction along northerly lines of Lot 6, Block 1, Tax
Map 49, 990± feet to a point, said point being the south-
west corner of Lot 35, Block 1, Tax Map 50; thence norther-
ly along the westerly line of Lot 35, Block 1, Tax Map 50,
2,450± feet to a point, said point being the northwest
corner of Lot 35, Block 1, Tax Map 50; thence along the
northerly line of Lot 35, Block 1, Tax Map 50, 720± feet
to a point, said point being the southwest corner of Lot 10,
Block 1, Tax Map 50; thence northerly along the westerly
line of Lot 10, Block 1, Tax Map 50, 1,300± feet to a point
on the southerly side of Meyers Corners Road, said point
also being the northwest corner of Lot 10, Block 1, Tax
Map 50; thence easterly along the southern side of Meyers
Corners Road 920± feet to a point, thence in a northerly
direction crossing Meyers Corners Road along the western
and northern boundaries of Lot 15, Block 1, Tax Map 51;
the northern and eastern boundaries of Lot 5 and the
eastern boundary of Lot 6, Block 1, Tax Map 51, 6,860±
feet to a point on the northern side of Meyers Corners
Road, said point also being the southwest corner of Lot 7,
Block 1, Tax Map 51; thence easterly along the northern
line of Meyers Corners Road 1,270± feet to a point, said
point being the southeast corner of Lot 6.1, Block 1, Tax
Map 43; thence around the western, northern and eastern
boundaries of Lot 5, Block 1, Tax Map 43, and across Meyers
Corners Road 3,090± feet to a point, said point being the
northwest corner of Lot 12, Block 6, Tax Map 44; thence
southerly along the westerly line of Lot 12, Block 6, Tax
Map 44, 1,760± feet to a point, said point being the
southerly most point of Lot 12, Block 6, Tax Map 44;
thence easterly along the southerly line of Lot 35, Block 1,
Tax Map 29, and the northerly line of Lot 34, Block 1,
Tax Map 29, 2,965± feet to a point on the western side of
All Angels Hill Road, said point also being the southeast
corner of Lot 36, Block 1, Tax Map 29; thence along the
western side of All Angels Hill Road, crossing All Angels
Hill Road and along the northern line of Lot 30, Block 1,
Tax Map 29, 650± feet to a point, said point being the
northeast corner of Lot 30, Block 1, Tax Map 29; thence
in a generally northerly direction along the property line
of Lot 28.1, Block 1, Tax Map 29, and twice touching All
Angels Hill Road, 5,840± feet to a point, said point being
the southwest corner of Lot 3, Block 1, Tax Map 29; thence
northerly along the westerly line of Lot 3, Block 1, Tax
Map 29, 655± feet to a point, said point being the south-
east corner of Lot 4.2, Block 1, Tax Map 29; thence along
the southern and western boundaries of Lot 4.2, Block 1,
Tax Map 29, 325± feet to a point on the south side of
Meyers Corners Road, said point also being the northwest
corner of Lot 4.2, Block 1, Tax Map 23; thence westerly
along the southern side of Meyers Corners Road, 144± feet
to a point, said point being the northwest corner of Lot 5,
Block 1, Tax Map 29; thence northerly crossing Meyers Cor-
ners Road and along the westerly line of Lot 8, Block 5,
Tax Map 30, 270± feet to a point on the southerly line of
Lot 7, Block 5, Tax Map 30; thence westerly along the
southern line of Lot 7, Block 5, Tax Map 30 and northerly
along the westerly lines of Lots 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2,
Block 5, Tax Map 30, 980± feet to a point, said point being
the westerly most corner of Lot 2, Block 5, Tax Map 30;
thence northwesterly along the northerly line of Lot 23,
Block 1, Tax Map 31, 420± feet to a point, said point being
the northerly most point on Lot 23, Block 1, Tax Map 31; thence:
in a clockwise direction around Lot 29.1, Block 1, Tax Map 31,
6,280± feet to a point, said point being the northeast cor-
ner of Lot 29.1, Block 1, Tax Map 31; thence easterly along
the northern boundary of Lot 22, Block 1, Tax Map 31 and
Lot 18.1, Block 6, Tax Map 20, 2,720± feet to the westerly
side of DeGarmo Hills Road; said point also being the north-
east corner of Lot 18.1, Block 6, Tax Map 20; thence crossing
DeGarmo Hills Road and along the easterly side of DeGarmo
Hills Road, northerly 300± feet to the point or place of
WHEREAS, the maximum amount proposed to be expended for said
improvement is $3,200,000.00 and the proposed method of financing
to be employed consists of the issuance of serial bonds of said
Town pursuant to the Local Finance Law, to mature in annual
installments over a period not exceeding forty years payable in
the first instance by assessments levied upon the several lots or
parcels of land within the benefited area hereinbefore described in
just proportion to the amount of benefit which the improvements shall
confer upon such lots or parcels; and
1 3o F.
WHEREAS, it is now desired to call a public hearing pursuant
to Section 209Q, Subdivision 3, of the Town Law;
ORDERED by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess
County, New York, as follows:
Section 1. A meeting of the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, shall be held in the
Roy C. Ketcham High School, Meyers Corners Road, Town of
Wappinger '.:_ , in said Town on the 1st day of June, 1972, at
8:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time, to hold a public hearing on
the aforesaid proposed improvements and the plan, report, and
map prepared and filed in connection therewith at which all
persons interested in the subject thereof may be heard concerning
the same, and to take such action thereon as is required or
authorized by law.
Section 2. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed
to give notice of such public hearing by publishing a copy of
this order once in the Wappingers and Southern Dutchess News,
th.e official newspaper, and by posting a copy hereof upon the
bulletin board of her office, such publication and posting to be
made not less than ten (10) nor more than twenty (20) days before
the date set herein for said public hearing.
Section 3. This Order shall ta. effect
The following 'Resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN CLAUSEN who
moved its adoption:
RESOLVED that the amendment to Section 412.02 of the Town of
Wappinger Zoning Ordinance, adopted at this meeting, is not applicable
to those valid subdivision plats which have already received pre-
liminary Planning Board approval as of May 8, 1972.
Seconded by: Mr. Jensen
Roll Call Vote :
Supervisor Diehl Aye
Councilman Clausen Aye
Councilman Holt Nay
Councilman Jensen Aye
Councilman Saland Aye
Resolution Duly Adopted
Mr. Holt commented that, although he had seconded' the motion to
refer the zoning amendment to the Planning Board for their considera-
tion, other developments have come into'the picture since that time.
The Planning Board has under consideration the subject of cluster
zoning which he feels would have the opposite effect of this resolu-
tion. He urged the Planning Board to consider the impact of this
resolution along with their considerations of cluster, this is why
he didn't wish to see this passed at this time. Mr. Saland still
felt this should be considered in tandaim with cluster but there is
no sense delaying what Councilman Clausen is offering, although
ideally it would be better to tie it in with cluster zoning. Mr.
Clausen rema4rked that in no way is he against cluster zoning, and
if and when the Planning Board does come up with a recommendation
he thinks the Board will go along with it. This amendment is just
an interim measure because as the Town is quickly growing he can
forsee R-40 reduced to R-20 etc. it's just a measureto give the
Planning Board a little time to come up with cluster zoning.
The following Resolution was introduced by COUNCILMAN CLAUSEN who
moved its adoption:
BE IT -RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess County, New York, pursuant to the authority conferred
by the laws of the State of New York as follows:
Section 1. The Town of Wappinger Zoning Map adopted January
29, 1963, as amended from time to time is hereby further amended
by rezoning the following described parcel of land so that said
parcel of land is hereafter zoned in its entirety to LB (Local
Business), said tract or parcel of land being situated in the
Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York, nore
particularly bounded and described as follows:
Lot 7.1, Block 5, Town of Wappinger
Map #65
Section 2. This ordinance shall become effective immediately
upon adoption, posting and publication as provided by Town Law.
Seconded by: Mr. Jensen
MR. CLAUSEN moved that a Public Hearing be held on June 12, 1972
at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, New
York on the rezoning petition of Roy Guarino and Lawrence Pereira,
at which time all persons interested may be heard.
Seconded by Mr. Jensen.
Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes Mr. Saland---Abstain
The Town Historian position, vacated by Mrs. Alsdorf, was brought
before the Board for recommendations for appointment.
MR. HOLT moved that Virginia Ferris be appointed to fill the unex-
pired term as Town Historian.
Seconded by Mr. Clausen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
The Peddlers License application of Joan and John Kozlarek was again
placed before the Board.
MR. DIEHL moved to approve the application and grant Joh?). Kozlarek
a license for Hawking and Peddling in the Town of Wappinger.
Seconded by Mr. Holt.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Under unfinished business Mr. William Berg asked the Board what has
happened to the Bond for Alexander, for his soil mining on New Hack-
ensack and Widmer Roads. He asked also if Mr. Alexander was going to
take care of his property - regrade and replace the fence. He read
an excerpt from a letter by Mr. Ludewig to Mr. Alexander dated 1968
which indicated Alexander, at that time, was put on notice of violation
of the permit. Mr. Diehl asked Mr. Rappleyea if he would exert every
avenue in investigating these facts to see that the problem is corrected.
Mr. Diehl gave a report in response to Mr. Holt's request of last
month for answers to some budget and financial questions. In essence,
he said that the budget preparation was at guesstimates of anticipated
revenues. The budget had been prepared on conservative estimates,
and by taking this position the Town is in a sound financial condition.
Mr. Holt commented that he appreciated all the work that went into
Mr. Diehl's report, but he felt however, that it skirted the specifics
that he addressed last meeting, namely, as of budget time the Board
was told that the two General Funds included a total of $117,000.
Upon examination of a report dated 3/13/72, the same two General
Funds had an unexpended balance of $219,000, a difference of $102,000
more at the end of last year than what the Board had to work with at
budget time. His question still remains, how did we get ,,- $102,000
more in that month of December, where did it come from? He still
respectfully requested a little more information. He, also, wishes
to be as realistic as possible when the budget is made at the end of
1972, hence, his comments are meant to be constructive toward that
end. He still would like to see an answer on the $102,000. Mr.
Saland also took issue on several comments made by Mr. Diehl regarding
the budget. He said that Mr. Diehl, being the Chief Fiscal Officer,
the Board must rely on him. Only three months into the new budget
with a surplus of $100,000 over the projected balances and probably
accumulating more, it is his hope that the Town would not continue
to take excessive amounts from the people just to use that money at
a later date to reduce the taxes. He would like a report each month,
along with the recapitulation of accounts, similar to the report
given to the Board March 13th (statement of bank balances). Mr.
Diehl agreed to this and further stated that it was his plan to
appoint a budget committee early in the year to work on the '73 budget.
Mr. Diehl, under new business, recognized Mr. Mills who asked
whether the cost of Mr. Chazen's proposed corrections at the Land-
fill site would be reflected as a rate increase to the people who
dump in the Landfill. Mr. Diehl stated that the Board of Health
has ordered the Board of Governors to correct existing problems
at the Landfill. To correct them, an engineer's services are
required, so, the answer to Mr. Mills' question is yes. Mr. Mills
suggested then that nobody be allowed in the Landfill free. From
what he can gather there are at least 400 people using the landfill
Saturdays for nothing, and he further understands that Dutchess
County is also dumping in there free. He doesn't remember anything
from when he was on the Board that they said the County could dump
in there free. He suggested that Mr. Diehl go back to the Board of
Governors and set up some sort of a rule that everybody that goes
into the Landfill pay. Mr. Diehl replied that there had been discus-
sion amongst the Governors of the Landfill regarding this exact same
problem - the charges on private cars. There was a little further
discussion about seeking a person to manage the Landfill operation
(on site supervision) and Mr. Saland asked if the Town Board would
be advised of the choice prior to appointment. This let into a
short colloquy on the drainage problems at the Landfill site.
Mr. Diehl recognized Mr. Eck, who asked about articles he had read in
the papers regarding a new Town Hall. Mr. Diehl informed him that
the question had arisen earlier in the meeting. Mr. Eck said if the
Town could pick up the 23 acres and building for around $300,000
they shouldn't hesitate, they shouldn't let this go by.
Mr. Clausen brought up the subject of the informal hearing that the
Town Board held with residents of the Fleetwood Water District, and
the problems they were heaving with their wells. The Board, had,
at that time, indicated to those residents attending, they would
notify, by letter, Mr. Gutmann and Mr. Lapar, that the people requested
not to go to the expense of an additional well.
MR. CLAUSEN moved that a letter be written to Mr. Gutmann and
Mr. Lapar stating that the residents did not want to go to the
expense of an additional well.
Seconded by Mr. Holt.
Motion Unanimously Carried
MR. SALAND moved that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Mr.
Holt and unanimously carried.
The meeting adjourned at 10:56 P.M.
Reg. Mtg. 5/8/72
Elaine H. Snowden
Town Clerk
, Supervisor
Town of NAPPIN Sa R , County of ' ' , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
, and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
8th MAY , 1972 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
day of
a certificate thereof
and directed to pay
hereinafter stated:
54 Pauline - E u%
SN1-8310.4 $25,00
8 50.00 881-8110.4 25.00
55 Central Hudson Gas a Elec 111.96 8111-8320.4
58 NiSSu
197,40 881-8130.4
120.88 SN2-8320.4
2.12 882-8130.4
59 Central Hudson Gas & ilea, 105.09 882-8130.4
60 N i S Supply Corp.
6.00 882-8130.2
61 Central Hudson Gas & nee: 321.30;883-8130_4
62 R. U. Linge., SSC,
63 Axton -Cross Company
64 1f & S Supply Corp.
3.45 '883-8130,4
148.50 683-8130,2
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of
this ----!9th- --- -day of 1'
Town Clerk
To LOUIS E. DIEHL , Supervisor
Town of WAPPINGER , County of Dom$ , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
WAPPINGBR , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
8th day of MAY , 19 72 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
A-1620.1 $133.00
215 Francis Sherar $ 139.00 A-1620.4 6.00
216 ,Arthur Waddle 11.50 A-3120.4
A-1440.4 166.66
217 Rudolph E. Lapar 833.32 6-1440.4 666.66
218 !forma O'Rourke
219 Susan J. Pike
220 James T. Guarino 261. A-3510.1
221 'John P. Holler 53.1 8-3620.4
222 'Louis Diehl 25. A-1920.5
223 'Custom Cleaning Contractor, 125. A-1620.4
224 )ept, of Water Supply 5.6 A-1620.4
toper-Willen Calamity
225 lance Service 2250.00 1-4540.4
226 'dna C. Winters 42.75 A-7110.1
A-1420.4 $ 375.00
227 Alan E. Rappleyea 666. 5-1470.4 291.66
228 (Stevens -Blume S iting . 2912.751 A '
229 'Chief Electronics 1 57.2411-1620.4
230 1�dson Valley Building
Naterials, Inc. 313.8711-1620.4 (Repairs)
231 1Paver Tett Petroleum Co. 54.231B-1620.4
232 IThauIas H. Huhn 9.851 A-1450.2
233 liggleston Office $quip. 25.691A-1620.4
234 Iligglestcs Office Equip. 66.3411-1620.4
235 lBgglestan Office Equip. 96.4011-1110.4
236 Eggleston Office Equip. N 47.501A-1620.4
237 R. .3. Brooker Cospany 1 4.271 A-1110.4
`'t' ' ) / / '' i y Wa inger
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of
this 9th day of Mai , 19 77
110.00 1-1330.1
8.50 H-8010.4
Town Clerk
, Supervisor
Town of NAPPING= , County of Di 4 6 h o .1 , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
WAPPING= , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
8th day of NAY , 19 72 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
238 R. J. Brooker Co. Inc. $ 437,00 A-1620.2
239 Pitney Bowes Inc.
240 W. ang S. D. Hews 734, A0-6410.4
241 N. and S.D. News 2907 86410,4
242 Moore Business lorns,Inc 140,7 Ar -1355.4
243 I Great Bear Spring Co, 30. A-1620,4
244 limmax-Corporation 232.91 A-1620,4
245 'Hartford Life Inc, Co, 1316, BA -9060.8
246 Grey Hardware Cceaanv 1 2. 1620.4
247 Hugh Maurer 87,50 A-1920,5
248 I George Schlathaus 65.50 81920.5
249 1 John Pray 252.00 1-7110.4
250 1 Ralph %nail 564,50 I A-7110,4
IA vita. y
251 Dennis Craig 130.00.x.
252 Robert Roupp 10.00_.._'„
253 Central Hudson Gas 6 Elea 8.10
254 J Csntr1 Hudson Gas & Elecj 182.10
255 'Ares tographic Co, 1132.00
256 Flew York Telt Co. 1 419.6 7
37,.81 A-1620,4
257 'George Tells
Arthur Waddle
259 Dr. D. J. Hannigan
IA -1620,4
IA -1355.4
217.33 1)**4510.1
4.00 IA -111004
1417.00 11r-3510,4
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of TAppinger ,
this 9th day of MaX. , 19 72
own Clerk
To Louis D. Diehl
Town of Wapp in.ger
8th day of MaY
a certificate thereof
and directed to pay
hereinafter stated:
, Supervisor
County of Dutchess , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
. , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
19.72 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
84 3poor-Lasher 1884. DR -5110.4
85 Lemrtlekill Rod & Gun Cluk 738.0 DR -5110.4
86' Whortlekill Rock& Gun 117.0C_ DR -5110.4
87 lutchess quarry & Supply 3672.9 DR -5110.4
88 3poor-Lasher 700.0 DR -5110.4
Z.H. Lingo 11.1 DR -5110.4
:Mester E. Gardner 33.01 DR -5110.4
OZ Jonmar Power Test 31.8 DR -5110.4
lueen City Distributors 101.1 DR -5110.4
04 Vince's Oil Ser$ise 13.3 DR -5110.4
191i !Edgerton Seles Corp. 4081.1 DR -5110.4
25 lichard G. Barger 160.0 DR -5110.4
loldak Company, Inc. 305.8 DR -5110.4
3righton Steel Co. 25,a'DR-5110.4
rhalman Equipment Co. 6.25 DR -5110.4
97 rhalman Equipment Co. 31.45 DM -5130.4
98 Jrey Hardware Company 25.57 DM- 5130.4
gg lack Trucks, Inc. 6.36 DM -5130.4
lack Trucks, Inc. 15.40 DM -5130.4
100 B6K Auto Supply 127.10 DM -5130.4
101 Midway Gas and Service 6.70 0M-5130.4
10.35 DM -5130.4
165.43 DM -5130.4
102 acme Tank and Truck
103 Ncom Tank and Truck
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of
this 9th day of MAY
, Supervisor
Town of WAPPINGER , County of DUTCHESS , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
WAPPINGER , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
8thMAY .
, 19..:...? i
day o f n the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, pit' are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
104 Walter Smith Welding 3.00 DM -5130.4
105 Cummins Metropolitan 71.14 DM -5130.4
106 Capitol Highway 19.95 DM -5130.4
107 Nathan J. Hoose & Son 49.17 DM -5130.4
108 B.F. Goodrich 810.01 DM -8130.4
109 Hudson River Sales 194.66 DS -5142.4
110 Reardon Briggs Co. Inc. 32.60 DS -5140.1
111 National Commercial Bank 438.00 DS -5140.4
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town ofAPPINGER
this 9th day of MAY
Town Clerk