1969-08-11 PHA Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on August 11, 1969 at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York on Local Law #2, Year 1969, entitled "A Local Law Regulating the Use of Public Sewers in the Town of Wappinger. Present: Louis Diehl, Supervisor Louis Clausen, Councilman G. Donald Finnan, Councilman Leonce Heady, Councilman James Mills, Jr. Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Others Present: Rudolph Lapar, Engineer to the Town Allan Rappleyea, Attorney to the Town William Horton, Superintendent of Highways Supervisor Diehl opened the Public Hearing at 7:30 P.M. The Clerk offered for the record, the Affidavit of Posting duly signed and notarized, and the Affidavit of Publication duly signed and notarized by Beatrice Osten, Editor -Publisher of the W&SD News. They are attached hereto and made a part thereof of the Minutes of This Hearing. Louis Eck spoke against the law. Mr. Rappleyea explained how the law works. The main thing was to get a uniform set of rates for all the districts in the Town of Wappinger; inspection charges are a cost to the Town, the districts should be paying this charge. No one else spoke for or against. MR. MILLS moved to close the Hearing, seconded by Mr. Clausen and unanimously carried. The Hearing closed at 7:47 P.M. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk DISPLAY ADVERTISING A 4, C-7 4.72745 An 20 EAST MAIN STREET NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED TOWN OF WAPPINGER LOCAL LAW NO. 2, YEAR 1969 7 — 3 724 WAPPINGERS FALLS, N.Y. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tnat there has been duly presented and introd_''ced before the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, on July 14, 1969, Local Law No. 2, of the year 1969 entitled "A Local Law Regulating the Use of Public Sewers in the Town of Wappinger." NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger will conduct a public nearing on the aforesaid proposed Local Law at the Town Hail, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, on the 11th day of August, 1969, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., EDT, an such day at which time all parties interested will be heard. • NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that copies of the aforesaid propoeed local law will be available for examination and inspection at the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Wappingar, in the Town Nall between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., EDT, on all 'business days between the date of this notice and the date of the public hearing. Dated: 'July 16, 1969 Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Dutchess County, New York 0 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AFFIDAVIT OF PUELICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wap; inter. • $gatSiCof the Town of Wappinzer, Dutchess County, New York, being duly sworn, says that=:_e is. and et the several times hereinafter was, .th ....4Q:Edttvr:Fubjis17-.i...of W. & S.D. NEWS. a ._;,e/s;:aper p_'_..:ed arc: published every Thursday in the year in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly publi:hed in the tatd newspaper for one week successively °n°e in each week commencing* on the 24th day of...J1ilY 19P, and on the followingy date' t'»zr:.after. namely on and ending on the.. d 1943.9. both days inclusive. Subscribed and sworn to before m this. �- day of, .. ; R. y of...7lPlX .. , My .commission expire ... 19i..r Notary Public lj •.. AGENDA - TOWN BOARD AUGUST 11, 1969 1. Supervisor call meeting to order 2. Roll Call )3. Accept minutes uuLAN \co,R 4. REPORTS OF OFFICERS Supervisor Town Justices Building Inspector Bills: General Fund (9%9E61 RFSD D.4-111' OKWD 310 6!52 Highway OKSD 3-3E s 5. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS a. E. Petrovits re: rescinding speed limit - old'Rte 9 south of Village. b. Ernest Hughes re: Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses request for water & sewer service from Fleetwood. c. Geo. Robinson re: Chelsea playground parking area d. Allan Rappleyea re: Scenic Apts. Inc. vs Town of W. e. Ed Valentine re: CATV agreement LC..rr eak 6. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 7. RESOLUTIONS a. Release of Bond for b. Rezoning -- LB - c. Rezoning -- PI. d. Rezoning -- LB - e. Swimming Pool Fence Midge Rd. & Kretch Circle Alpert Alpert Vorndran Ordinance 8. OLD BUSINESS a. Storm Drainage Project #2 Bids --b. Feasability Study - Wappingers Tall Trees Area ,-c. Sewerage - Chelsea Area d. Traffic Control Light: 9D & Old Hopewell Rd. 9D & Chelsea Rd. Study --Rte 9 & Scenic Garden w/N. Mesier Ave. Study --All Angels Hill Rd. & Old Hopewell Rd. Park, Hughsonville & NEW BUSINESS 10. ADJOURNMENT (and Village) (Whites Corner4) 4 2 06' The Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger was held at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, New York on August 11, 1969. Supervisor Diehl called the meeting to order at 8:15 P.M. Present: Louis Diehl, Supervisor Louis Clausen, Councilman G. Donald Finnan, Councilman Leonce Heady, Councilman James Mills, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Others Present: Allan Rappleyea, Attorney to the Town William Horton, Superintendent of Highways Rudolph Lapar, Engineer to the Town MR. MILLS moved that Item 7 - Resolutions - be taken up as the first order of business, seconded by Mr. Heady. Motion Unanimously Carried The Town Clerk presented the following ordinance amending the Zoning Map of the Town of Wappinger that had been introduced by Councilman Mills, who moved its adoption. Be• it Resolved and ordained by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, in pursuance of the author- ity conferred by the laws of the State of New York, as follows: Section 1. The Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance and Map adopted January 29, 1963, as amended from time to time, is hereby further amended by rezoning the following described parcel of land from "R-40 (Residential Zones) to LB (Local Business), said tract of land being on the west side of All Angels Hill Road and more particularly described as follows: Parcel I All that piece or parcel of land lying, being and situated on the northwesterly side of All Angels Hill Road in the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess, and State of New York more parti- cularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northwesterly bounds of All Angels Hill Road, said point of beginning being distant from the most southeasterly corner of the lands conveyed to New York State Baptist Convention by Angel Brook Acres Corp. by deed dated the 4th day of January, 1967 and recorded in the office of the Clerk of Dutchess County in Liber 1216 of deeds at page 336; along the northwesterly bounds of All Angels Hill Road and stonewall South 17 degrees - 04'-10" East 113.54 feet to the most northeasterly corner of herein described parcel, and running thence along the said northwesterly bounds of said All Angels Hill Road and a stonewall the following two courses: t4" 1.) South 17 degrees - 04' 10" East 49.44 feet to a point, 2.) South 19 degrees - 21' -40" East 450.56 feet to a point, said point being the most southeasterly corner of the premises herein described thence through the lands of the above mentioned Angel Brook Acres Corp. the following three courses and distances; 3.) South 63 degrees -07'-50" West 977.83 feet to a point. 4.) North 26 degrees -47'-10" West 495.42 feet to a point and 5.) North 63 degrees -07'-50" East 1,044.40 feet to the point an d place of beginning. Containing 11.489 acres of land, be the same more or less. Bearings refer to magnetic north per Rockingham Farms. Being a portion of the premises conveyed to. Angel Brook Acres Corp. by Jennie Locurto be deed dated the 31st day of August, 1965 and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Dutchess County in Liber 1187 of Deeds at page 553. 24 May 1968 Parcel II All that piece or parcel of land situate on the northwesterly side of All Angels Hill Road in the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess, and State of New York more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northwesterly bounds of All Angels Hill Road, said point of beginning being the most northeasterly corner of the herein described parcel, and running thence along the said northwesterly bounds of All Angels Hill Road and a stonewall in part, the following two courses: 1.) South 19 degrees -21'-40" East 180.00 feet to the end of afore- mentioned stonewall, 2.) South 19 degrees -23'-40" East 44.57 to a point, said point being the most southeasterly corner of the herein described parcel, thence the following five courses through the lands of Angel Brook Acrees Corp. 3.) South 69 degrees -48'-29" West 397.11 feet to a point, 4.) South 20 degrees -11'-31" East 11.09 feet to a point, 5.) South 66 degrees -48'-29" West 479.70 feet to a point, 6.) South 62 degrees -52'-56" West 74.97 feet to a point, said point being the most southwesterly corner of the herein described parcel and,. 7.) North 26 degrees -47'-10" West 157.14 feet to the most north- westerly corner of the herein described parcel, thence 8.) North 63 degrees -07'-50" East 977.83 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 4.047 Acres of land, Bearings refer to Magnetic North per Rockingham Farms Section 2. This amendment shall become effective upon adoption, posting and publication, as prescribed by Town Law. Seconded by: Councilman Finnan Supervisor Diehl called for discussion on the question of the adoption of the proposed amendment and discussion was held. MR. FINNAN moved to vote on the question, seconded_by Mr. Mills. Motion Unanimously Carried A roll call vote was taken on the question of the adoption of an ordinance to rezone a parcel of land from "R-40" (Residential) to LB (Local Business) on the Supervisor Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Diehl Clausen Finnan Heady Mills west side of All Angels Hill Road. Nav Nay Nay Nay Nay 422 The Chair declared the ordinance defeated. The Town Clerk presented the following ordinance amending the zoning map of the Town of Wappinger that had been introduced by COUNCILMAN MILLS, who moved its adoption. Be it Resolved and ordained by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, in pursuance of the authority conferred by the laws of the State of New York, as follows: Section 1. The Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance and Map adopted January 29, 1963, as amended from time to time, is hereby further amended by rezoning the following described parcel of land from "R-40" (Residential Zones) to "PI" (Planned Industry) said tract or parcel of land being situated in the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York, more particularly bounded and described in the Attached Schedule A. Schedule A. All that piece or parcel of land lying, being and situated in the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess, and State of New York more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point, said point being distant from the most southwesterly corner of the lands conveyed to New York State Baptist Convention by Angel Brook Acres Corp. by deed dated the 4th day of January, 1967 and recorded in the office of the Clerk of Dutchess County in Liber 1216 of deeds at page 336; South 02 degrees -20'- 15" West 861.20 feet,,and running thence through the lands of Angel Brook Acres Corp. the following eleven courses: 1) South 43 degrees -05'-10" 2) South 62 degrees -01'-50" 3) South 77 degrees -33'-30" 4) North 73 degrees -12'-40" 5) North 23 degrees -34'-40" 6) North 36 degrees -09'-30" 7) North 50 degrees -24'-50" West 1, 143,32 feet to a point West 985.06 feet to a West 427.03 feet to a West 671.63 feet to a East 1,132.54 feet to East 708.46 feet to a East 532.00 feet to a point point point a point point point 8) North 72degrees-59'-10" East 420.40 feet to a point 9) South 88 degrees -39'-20 " East 426.12 feet to a point 10) South 58 degrees -43'-00" East 277.32 feet to a point and 11) South 26 degrees -47'-10" East a total distance of 809.91 feet passing through the most northwesterly corner of a proposed shopping center at 314.49 feet to the point of beginning, Containing 83.822 Acres be the same more or less. Section 2. This amendment shall become effective upon adoption, posting and publication, as prescribed by Town Law. Seconded by: Councilman Heady Supervisor Diehl called for discussion on the question of adoption of the proposed amendment and discussion was held. Mr. Diehl directed that the following be made part of the record: August 11, 1969 Western Union Message Received Via Phone: To: Hon. Louis D. Diehl, Supervisor, Town of Wappinger New York State Historical Trust earnestly hopes any zoning changes will carefully consider historical, architectural, heritage of community so changes neither destroy nor impair your irreplace- able parts of past. Signed: William G. Tyrrell Chief Historic Site Mgm. Albany, New York MR. FINNAN moved to vote on the question, seconded by -Mr. Clausen. Motion Unanimously Carried A roll call vote was taken on the question of the adoption of an ordinance to rezone a parcel of land from "R-40" (Residential) to "PI" (Planned Industry) on the west side of All Angels Hill Road. Supervisor Diehl Nay Councilman Clausen Aye Councilman Finnan Ave Councilman Heady Aye Councilman Mills Aye The Chair declared the Ordinance Adopted. The Town Clerk presented the following ordinance amending the zoning map of the Town of Wappinger that had been introduced by MR. MILLS who moved its adoption. Be it Resolved and ordained by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, in pursuance of the authority conferred by the laws of the State of New York, as follows: 4 Section 1. The Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance and Map adopted January 29, 1963, is amended by rezoning the following described parcel of land from "R-40" (Residential) to "LB" (Local Business), said tract of land being located in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York on the east side of All Angels Road and more particularly described as follows: Parcel I Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of All Angels Hill Road, said point being the intersection of the southeasterly line of said All Angels Hill Road with the Northerly line of Rockingham Farms, Section #1, filed Map #3426, and recorded in the Dutchess County Clerks's Office and running thence along the Southeasterly line of said All Angels Hill Road, the following: North 37-16-50 East 335.31 feet to a point; thence North 28-40-40 East 133.36 feet to a point; thence North 44-23-20 East 48.32 feet to a point, said point being the intersection of the South* easterly line of said All Angels Hill Road with the Southerly line of Brown Road; thence leaving said line and running along the Southerly line of said Brown Road the following: South 86-39-10 East 90.00 feet to a point; thence South 80-01-10 East 132.74 feet to a point; thence South 73-05-00 East 403.23feet to a point; thence South 74-42-40 East 141.51 feet to a point; thence South 67-10-00 East 92.83 feet to a point; thence South. 51-20-20 East 156.49 feet to a point; thence South 73-31-50 East 60 feet more or less to a point, said point being the intersection of the Southerly line of said Brown Road with the center line of Sprout Creek; thence leaving said line and running along the centerline of said Sprout Creek, Southerly 480 feet more or less to a point, said point being the intersection of the centerline of said Sprout Creek with the Northerly line of Rockingham Farms, Section #1, thence leaving said line and running along the Northerly line of said Rockingham Farms, Section #1, the follow- ing: North 72-30-20 West 57 feet more or less to a point; thence North 72-30-20 West 305.72 feet to a point; thence North 73-09-50 West 399.51 feet to a point; thence North 73-22-50 West 268.17 feet to a point; thence North 71-46-30 West 23,84 feet to a point; thence North 71-46-30 West 102.51 feet to a point; thence North 73-22-10 West 185.76 feet to the point of beginning containing 13.72 acres of land be the same more or less. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon posting and publication as provided by Town Law. Seconded by: Mr. Clausen Supervisor Diehl called for discussion on the question of adoption of the proposed amendment, and discussion was held. MR. MILLS moved to vote on the question, seconded by Mr. Finnan. Motion Unanimously Carried A roll call vote was taken on the question of the adoption of an ordinance to rezone a parcel of land from "R-40" (Residential) to n (Local Business) on the east side of All Angels Hill Road. Supervisor Diehl Nay Councilman Clausen Nay Councilman Finnan Nay Councilman Heady Nay Councilman Mills Nav The Chair declared the Ordinance Defeated 1 I III I 111111111.11111111111111111, The following Ordinance was introduced by COUNCILMAN CLAUSEN who moved its adoption. Be it enacted and ordained by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, in pursuance of the authority conferred by the laws of the State of New York, as follows: Section I. The Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance, adopted January 29, 1963, as amended from time to time is hereby further amended to provide that the classification designated "PI (Planned Industry) pursuant to Section 423 of the Zoning Ordinance shall read as follows: PI - Planned Industry (Subject to site plan review by Planning Board. Section 440.) 1. Any industrial or manufacturing use, including fabrication, converting, processing, altering, assembly or other handling of products, the operation of which uses only electric power not generated on the site (except in emergencies), and which use normally will not cause or result in any (1) dissemina- tion of noise, vibration, excessive light, dust, smoke, gas, fumes, , odor, or other atmospheric pollutant beyond the bound- aries of the site on which the use is located; (2) menace by reason of fire, explosion, atomic or induced radiation or other physical hazard; (3) harmful discharge of waste materials; (4) unusual traffic hazards or congestion due to the type and number of vehicles associated with such use; (5) electrical, visual or physical interference with aircraft landing, take -off and other maneuvers. a. Any accessory building or use customarily incidental to a permitted use. (Signs and lighting regulated as in the LB District.) Section II. This Ordinance shall take effect upon adoption and publica- tion as provided by Town Law. Seconded by: Mr. Finnan MR. MILLS moved that a Public Hearing be set on August 25th, 1969 at 8:00 o'clock P.M. EDT, at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, N.Y. on the proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Wappinger regarding "PI" (Planned Industry.) Seconded by Mr. Clausen. Motion Unanimously Carried Mr. FINNAN moved the rules be suspended to permit questions from the floor, seconded by Mr. Clausen. Motion Unanimously Carried. Jerry Steinberg, asked what does "excessive" mean and were there any standards governing what was excessive. Mary Schmalz asked if apartments could be put on this property. Mr. Rappleyea replied they could not under the new amendment. MR. CLAUSEN moved the rules be resumed. Seconded by Mr. Mills and unanimously carried. A letter was received from Merrill S. Effron, Attorney for Gallo Brothers, Holding Corp. requesting bond #2234410 in the amount of $28,000, in connection with Midge Rd. and Kretch Circle, Fleetwood Manor, be canceled. The: Highway Superintendent recommended that the bond be released. The following resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN FINNAN, who moved its adoption. Whereas Gallo Brothers Holding Corp. had filed with the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger Bond No. 2234410 of the Continental Casualty Company in the amount of $28,000.00 covering the completion of Midge Road and Kretch Circle and, Whereas said bond was reduced to $5,600.00 on December 22, 1966 when said roads were accepted and Whereas the period has expired during which said $5,600.00 bond required repairs to said roads and no further repairs or maintenance is required by Gallo Brothers Holding Corp. Now therefore, be it resolved that said Bond No. 2234410 of Continental Casualty Company is hereby cancelled and discharged and the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return said bond to Gallo Brothers Holding Corp. Seconded by: Councilman Clausen Roll Call Vote: Supervisor Diehl Ave Councilman Clausen Ave Councilman Finnan Ave Councilman Heady Ave Councilman Mills Ave Resolution Duly Adopted The following ordinance was introduced by COUNCILMAN CLAUSEN. Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, as follows: Section I "Swimming pool," term defined. The term "swimming pool" as used in this ordinance shall mean and include any body of water or receptacle of water having a depth at any point greater than two and one-half feet and constructed, installed or maintained for swimming purposes in or above the ground. This definition shall not include natural bodies of water. Section II Fence or similar barrier surrounding swimming pool required. Every person in possession of land within the Town of Wappinger, exclusive of the incorporated Village of Wappingers Falls, either an owner, purchaser under contract, leasee, tenant, or licensee, upon which there is situated a swimming pool, shall at a]1 times maintain on the lot or premises upon which said swimming pool is located, and completely surrounding such swimming pool lot or premises, a fence or other solid structure designed to prevent small children from wandering into such swimming pool. Section III Height of, openings in fence or barrier. The fence or other structure required as provided in Section II shall be not less than four (4) feet in height with no openings, other than doors or gates, except as follows: _(a) For a fence or other solid structure whose chief covering members are constructed in a vertical direction, there shall be no opening in a horizontal direction of more than six (6) inches. (b) For a fence or other structure whose chief members are constructed in a horizontal direction, there shall be no opening in a vertical direction of more than six (6) inches. (c) A wire fence shall be of the "armored or ornamental" type with openings in the mesh not exceeding six (6) inches. (d) There shall be not more than six (6) inches from the bottom of the fence to the ground line. Section IV Gate, door around fence or barrier. Each fence or barrier around a swimming pool shall be equipped with gates or doors opening through such enclosure which shall contain a latching device which can be secured by a locking devise. Section V A violation of this ordinance shall be deemed to be a violation pursuant to the terms of the Penal Law of the State of New York and such violation shall be punishable as provided in the Penal Law of the State of New York and the Code of Criminal Procedure. Section VI This ordinance shall take effect on May 15, 1970. Seconded by: Councilman Mills MR. CLAUSEN moved that a Public Hearing on the above Swimming Pool Ordinance, be held on August 25, 1969 at 8:30 P.M. at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers,Falls, New York. Seconded by Mr. Finnan. Motion Unanimously Carried A Public Hearing having been duly held on Aug;; 11, 1969 on Local Law #2, Year 1969, regulating the use of public sewers in the Town of Wappinger, the Local Law was placed before the Board. MR. CLAUSEN moved that Local Law #2, Year 1969 a Local Law regulating the use of Public Sewers in the Town of Wappinger, be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Finnan. Motion Unanimously Carried C-P-II GS, 1 AI( VICE N7 POND HR -P -I A 1 IP4110N ANr WF -24 LAKE 0N140 A c API MAL * r Ct 14J CMF' SEA Ci7Y NEW YuHr. OELAWAHE WAVER SUPPLY 0 14o FISHKILL MEM TRUNK SEWER HR -F-2 8 -E VILLAGE FISHKIL' 6 F I S H K I L L F -F-16 W CPO?'" �` C r.„off lac K7 P • ���"'L'�L ham-, 11 11 111 111111 11111 111111 111111 1, kw AAiLLKL6AuAli ical AladAUE14♦• 1MANAI uY1111/amiLANAUENIYWW.A, V• ., us 42Ei (Text of Local Law #2, Year 1969 is attached hereto and made part hereof of the minutes of this meeting.) The following resolution was introduced by SUPERVISOR DIEHL, who moved its adoption. Whereas, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger has received numerous written requests for the installation of sewage facilities in the following described areas and Whereas, it is deemed beneficial for the future development of the following described areas to provide sewage facilities Now, therefore, be it resolved that Rudolph E. Lapar, a licensed professional engineer and Allan E. Rappleyea, attorney at law, '',are hereby authorized to conduct a preliminary study of the engineering feasibility and legal requirements respectively for the establishment of a district to be known as the South Wappinger Sewer District which general area is shown on a map contained in the Master Plan for Sewerage for the Fishkill-Wappin- gers Creek drainage basins being area W -W 24 on Plate 7, copy of which map is attached hereto and made part hereof and Be it further resolved that said Rudolph E. Lapar, licensed professional engineer and Allan E. Rappleyea are further authorized and directed to make a study of the engineering and legal_require- ments for a proposed West Wappinger Sewer District which area is set forth on the aforementioned map as area W -W 25 and HR -W-2. Seconded by: Councilman Mills Roll Call Vote: Supervisor Diehl Ave Councilman Clausen Aye Councilman Finnan Aye Councilman Heady Aye Councilman Mills Aye Resolution Duly Adopted A Resolution cancelling and discharging Bond #2229521 Continental Casualty Company was placed before the Board. The Superintendent of Highways recommended that this bond be cancelled and discharged. The following resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN HEADY who moved its adoption. Whereas, the subdivision known as "Tall Trees, Section I" and the roads and improvements therein have been accepted as complete by the Town of Wappinger and Whereas the terms of the bond of Brookhollow Builders Inc. and Continental Casualty Company being bond #2229521 have been fully complied with, now therefore Be it resolved that the obligations of Continental Casualty Company and Brookhollow Builders, Inc. pursuant to bond #2229521 are hereby cancelled and discharged and the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return said bond to Continental Casualty Company. Seconded by: Councilman Mills Roll Call Vote: Supervisor Diehl Ave Councilman Clausen Ave Councilman Finnan Ave Councilman Heady Ave Councilman Mills Ave Resolution Duly Adopted The Minutes of the July 14, 1969 Meeting were offered for acceptance. Mr. Diehl noted that on the fourth page the motion for recess was moved and seconded by Councilman Mills. It should be corrected to read "Mr. Finnan moved for a ten minute recess, seconded by Mr. Mills." MR. MILLS moved the acceptance of the Minutes of July 14, 1969, as submitted by the Town Clerk be and they hereby are approved as corrected. Seconded by Mr. Clausen. Motion Unanimously Carried The Reports from the Supervisor, Building Inspector and Town Justices for the month of July were received. MR. CLAUSEN moved the reports be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Mr. Mills. Motion Unanimously Carried Bills in the following amounts were received: General Fund $ 69,955.17 Highway Fund 21,006.44 The following letter was received: Town of Wappinger Highway Dept. Albany Post Road Wappingers Falls, N.Y. 12590 Gentlemen: OKSD $ 121.20 Fltw.S.$216.05 OKWD 30.60 Fltw.W. 15.30 RFSD 24.98 July 22, 1969 Attached is a copy of a Notice of Action recinding the speed limit on old Route 9 which was recently turned back to the Town by a resolution of the Board of Representatives. Should a speed limit be necessary, action can be started in the usual way by a Town Board resolution. Very truly yours, s/ Edgar M. Petrovits, Commissioner 430 MR. DIEHL moved this matter be referred to Allan Rapp jea, Attorney to the Town, and Mr. Horton, Highway Superintendent, for clarifica- tion. Seconded by Mr. Mills. Motion Unanimously Carried A letter was received from the Hopewell Junction Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses requesting the use of water and sewerage from the Fleetwood Water & Sewer Districts. Mr. Lapar said he would recommend that as long as their water and sewerage does not exceed the use of the total single family house, they could be considered for hook-ups. MR. FINNAN moved this request be referred to the Attorney to the District, Mr. Aldrich, and Mr. Lapar, Engineer to the Town. Seconded by Mr. Clausen. Motion Unanimously Carried A letter was received from George A. Robinson, Sec. Treas. of the Chelsea Fire District, in reference to the Chelsea School Playground which was taken over by the Towns' Recreation Commission. He requested that the parking area be finished. Mr. Diehl stated that he had spoken to Hugh J. Maurer about this problem and was assured someone would be down there some time this week and level the parking area off, and Mr. Horton will oil, and chip it. Mr. Diehl directed the following letter be placed on record: July 29, 1969 Town Board of Town of Wappinger Town Hall Mill Street Wappingers Falls, New York Re: Gentlemen: Scenic Apartments, Inc. vs. Town of Wappinger Kindly be advised that the Petitioner in the above matter has elected to discontinue its Court proceedings against the Town of Wappinger. As you are aware, the petition was filed in September, 1968 in Supreme Court,.Dutchess County and sought to review the assess- ment of the 1968 real property tax. The matter had been presented in Supre*ie Court and referred v 1111 111111111110mr.arr, to a referee for hearing. Very truly yours, s/ Allan E. Rappleyea The following letter was received: Aug. 5, 1969 Town Board Town of Wappinger Mill St. Wappingers Falls, N.Y. Gentlemen: I have recently received the communications regarding the sale of U.S. Cablevision to the Wappingers Cablevision. The following are some areas of concern, which I feel the Board should take into consideration along with negotiating the agreement and assignment: 1. Completing the new antenna exactly as planned, and to get a completion date firmed up. 2. I should like to have an appointment to examine the finished antenaes along with the engines inspection at the time of completion. 3. Keep the same working agreement as we now have in dealing with complaints that is, direct phoning to the new management, and his service organization. (I should have -both home acid office phone numbers so complaints can be negotiated quickly.) 4. No price change and same agreement for service to fire companies, etc. 5. All agreements in the original contract to remain valid. As there has yet been no request from the attorney fora committee meeting as the letter from the Town Clerk indicated there might be, I would also like to urge the other members of the CATV committee to submit any additional thoughts and com- ments regarding this transfer to the Town Board. Yours truly, s/ Edward Valentine Chairman, CATV Committee MR. CLAUSEN moved that the CATV Committee report be turned over to Mr. Rappleyea for further study, and a meeting be arranged between the CATV Committee, Town Board and the principals as soon as possible. Seconded by Mr. Heady. Motion Unanimously Carried A Petition was received from Herbert Stenger, requesting a zoning change from R-20 to HB -2 on a parcel of land located on the West Side of Rt. 9, South of, and adjacent to the Colonial Restaurant. MR. CLAUSEN moved that Mr. Stenger be advised that a legal descrip- tion be forwarded to accompany his application before the Board makes referrals to the Planning Boards. Seconded by Mr. Heady. Motion Unanimously Carried Letters were -received from Harry Raker (Rabilt Inc.) regarding, Tall Trees Water oystem; Russell Aldrich regarding Proposed Amherst Lane Storm Sewer Project; and residents of Summit Gardens (addressed to.Dutchess'County Health Dept.) regarding water. These correspond- ences were received after the close of the Agenda, so no action was taken. Mr. Mills reported on his attendance at. the July 30th meeting of "Southern Dutchess 1990." It was a jointmeeting between Beacon, East Fishkill, Town & Village of Fishkill and Town & Village of Wappinger. There was discussion on hiring a planning consultant for the six municipalities as a group - money would have to be allocated- and it would have, to be a comprehensive plan (similar to the one done 6 or 7 years ago.) Mr. Diehl asked that detailed information be sent to the. Board for their study. The following letter was received: Aug. 11, 1969 Town of Wappinger, Town Board Mill Street Wappingers Falls, N.Y. Re: Storm Sewer Projects Contract #2 Gentlemen: On August 8, 1969, bids were opened on the above captioned project. Only one bid, that of Lombardi and Son Inc., was received. I, therefore, recommend that the Projects be rebid at the earliest possible date. Very truly yours, s/ Rudolph Lapar MR. CLAUSEN movedto: accept Mr...Lapars' advice,that the single bid by: Lombardi and Son Incl be rejected and Mr. Lapar be authorized to rebid for Storm Sewer Project #2I Seconded by,Mr. Finnan. Motion Unanimously Gqivied • Mr. Diehl, in regard to Traffic Control lights, and the fact that the State has denied requests for these installations (at Rt. 9D intersecting with both Old Hopewell Rd. & Chelsea Rd.) turned over to the Highway Committee (Messrs. Clausen & Finnan) the investigating and finalizing of information for the Town of Wappinger themselves to install these traffic lights. Mr. Diehl further recommended to the Highway Committee, for study, the possibility of installing traffic lights at the intersections of Rt. 9 & Scenic Drive 'North Mesier Ave; and, All Angels Hill Rd. & Old Hopewell Rd. (Whites Corners). He recommended also that Senator Rolison be contacted in regard to several of these intersections, as the Senator was familiar.with the problem. Under new business, Mr. Heady asked the Superintendent of Highways if he had any information regarding the completbn of the west end of Myers Corners Rd.i=by:the County. Mr. Finnan also asked about the completion Of Old Hopewell Rd. Mr. Horton had no information but would check with the County. Mr. Finnan, referringto the citizens committee for the zoning study, asked if any of the other Board members had made their appointments, then, enlarging, said hewould like to submit the names of those people that had written expressing interest in filling vacancies on the Zoning and Planning Boards, as members of the study committee. These names were requested to be forwarded to the Planning Board as interested people. Mr. Diehl asked if there were any questions from the floor. Mr. Bisom continued discussion about straightening out Myers Corners Rd. Walt Cronin, Widmer Rd. asked the Board to consider a left arrow light on New Hackensack Rd. at Rt. 9, and, if the Engineer and Highway Superintendent could do something about the curve and stumps on Widmer Rd., just east of Wildwood Drive, both being ex- tremely hazardous. He also mentioned the intersection of New Hacken- sack &Widmer Rds. visibility is poor - signs and brush block view. These problems, with the exception of the arrow light, were referred to the Highway:,Superintendent. Mr. Eck asked the status of the North Wappinger Sewer Improvement. Mr. Clausen brought up the problem of school budgets being voted down, he felt the reason was predominately the cut-back in State Aid, thereby raising the local taxes thus placing a larger burden on the people. The following Resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN CLAUSEN who moved its adoption: Whereas, local school taxes on real property owners have become a very heavy burden and those on fixed incomes are finding such taxes particularly difficult and Whereas, increased costs have mandated the increase in school budgets which increases cannot be absorbed by real estate taxes, Now therefore, be it resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York hereby requests Governor Rockefeller to reconvene the New York State Legisla- ture and restore to the State of New York Budget the items of State Aid to Education which were removed by the 1969 Legisla- ture so as to decrease the impact of the increased cost of education on the local real property owner and Be it Further Resolved that the New York State Legislature is requested to seek additional areas of taxation such as an increase in the personal and Corporate income tax to ease the burden of real property owners. Seconded by: Councilman Mills Roll Call Vote: Supervisor Diehl Ave Councilman Clausen Ave Councilman Finnan Ave Councilman Heady Ave Councilman Mills Ave Resolution Duly Adopted MR. HEADY moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Mr. Mills, and unanimously carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Reg. Mtg. 8/11/69 LOCAL LAW 7 2 OF 1969 A Local. Law Regulating the Use of Public Sewers in the Town of Wappinger Alocal law regulating the use of public sewersiand drains, and the discharge of waters and wastes into the public sewer system and providing penalties for violations thereof, and pro- viding also for the collection thereof; in the sewer districts, sewer improvement areas or other Municipal Sewer Systems of the Town of Wappinger. BE IT ORDAINED and Enacted by the Town Board of the Town 1 of Wappinger, Dutchess, New York, as follows: SECTION 1 The Sanitary sewer system of the Municipality consists of lateral and truck sewers laid in streets and rights of way. The location of mese works, including the kinds, sizes and depths of pipe lines are shown on plans on file at the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger. The design of the system is based on the collection of domestic sewage only and the approval of the New York_ S :.ate Department of Health was given for the construction and use of sewers for this purpose only. No connections will rmitzbe ;• to be made, to the sanitary sewer system, which carry cr deliver other then domestic sewage or industrial wastes unless specific- ally approved by the Town Eoard . 'Domestic sewer : e co :si ts the solid and liquid wastes from toilets, sinks, lau or bathtubs, shower baths or equivalent plumbing —1— ti .i. y drainage from roofs, cellars, yards or roadways is not domestic sewage and shall not be drained into the sanitary sewer system. The best interests of the Municipal Sewer System warrant extreme care in the manner of making and laying all connections to the public sewer system. The Building Inspector, duly appointed by the Town Board, shall be the Board's authorized agent in matters falling under this local law and exercise the powers hereinafter mentioned in the name of the Town Board. He shall report to the Board upon annlications for sewer connections, shall inspect the construct- ion of such sewer connections. SECTION 2 111, DEF1NITIONS: As used in this ordinance and when applied and include. (a) "House Sewer." Any sewer or part thereof connecting, or installed for future connection, a public or private building), with the municipal sewer or public sewer and extending from the! public or street sewer to the building or house foundation wall. 1 (b) "Industrial Wastes." Any liquid, gaseous, solid or other waste substance or a combination thereof resulting from i any process of industry, manufacturing, trade or business or from the development or recovery of any natural resources. (c) "Municipal Sewer." Sewer pipe lines of the munici- crib certain.premiseS, establishments or properties ap- pearing an the general tax roll, the following terms shall mean "Municipality." Town of Wappinger or any Sewei, jis- trict, or Sewer Improvement Area therein. (e) "Part." As used in relation to the term "Sewerage -2- System": all lateral all branch or . 1 ,,,t vy ,. sewers, or b�G._c_1 sewers, a��. i.:,.cr- ceptor seers, or all truck sewers and any sewage treatment and 1 9 { disposal works, each part with necessary appurtenances including; SEWAGE pumping stations. (f) "Person." Individual, partnership, corporation, or association. { (g) "Sewage." The watar-carried human or animal wastes from residences, buildings, industrial establishments, or other places. The admixture with sewage as above defined of industrial waste or other waste as hereinafter defined, also shall be con- sidered "sewage" within the meaning of this article. (h) "Sewerage System." All sewer pipes and other appur- tenances which are used or useful in whole or in part in connec-1 tion with the collection, treatment or disposal of sewage, industrial waste and other wastes, including sewage pumping stations and sewage 'treatment and disposal works. SECTION 3 All house sewers or sewer connections shall be made and connected in accordance with this local law herein set forth and the repair, maintenance and extension of the Sammi, shall likewise conform to this local law. The entire expense of all connections from the Municipal Sewer to the house, shall be borne by the property owner. -3- 4; Inspector. SECT:ON 4 It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or c r oration (a) To place, deposit, or 'permit to bedeposited in an unsanitary manner upon public or private property within the Municipality, or in any area under the jurisdiction of said Municipality, any human or animal excrement, garbage, or other objectionable waste, except as he-ainaft r provided. (b) To construct or maintn any privy, privy vault, septic tank, cesspool, or other facility intended or used for the disPosal of sewage except hereinafter provided. (c) To uncover any portion of the public sewers or connections thereto, or to open any manhole or appurtenance of the sewerage system, except under permit signed by the Building ;4 (d) To open any highway or public ground for the purpose of making any sewer connection or to make or cause to be made any connection with the public sewer, except under permit signed by, and under the supervision of the Building Inspector and the Highway Superintendent. (e) To break or to cut or to remove any pipe sewer system; or to make or cause to be made any connection zzie said public sewers, except th ought the connect branches will be designated by the Building Inspector. tic () To discharge or cause co be discharged into anY ibic sewer, directly or indirectly, any overflow or drainage from manure nits, cesspools or other receptacles storing or constructed to re organic waste. -4- (g) To connect or cause to be connected with any public sewer, either directly or indirectly, any sediment traps, or an 010 carrying or constructed to carry hot circulating water, ! acids, germicides, grease, brewery or distillery wash water, gas- oline, naptha, benzine or similar licuid, oil, or other industri- al or trade waste, or any other substance detrimental to, or deemed by the Plumbing ins ector detrimental to, the Munic Sewers cr to the operation of the sewerage system or the sewage treatment works, unless adeauate andproner preliminary treat- ment appurtenances and apparatus are installed and maintained at the owner's expense, so that the spend water delivered to the ,!unicipal Sewers will be neutral in 'character determined by I ' the standard acid -alkalinity tests, and be free from excess sus -1 i - excess bactericidal 'e:its, as my be approved! pended matter, by the Town Board. as Steam engir.e exhaust low -off from steam olers shall not be connected to the Municipal Sewers. (h) To drain from washstands of public or pritate garages, automobile washing stations, cleaning or dyeing works, laundries: or imilar establishments where gasoline, oils or any infl materials are used or stored, unless eauipned with an Oil Separator of size and design approved by the Building Inspector. (i) To throw or to deposit, or to cause or allow to be thrown or deposited, in any fixture, vessel, receptacle, inlet opening connected directly with any pb1ic sewer, any unground tabe c:arbage, vegetable ings and the like. The use of mechanical garbage grinders producing a finely divided mass, pronerty flushed with an am amount of water, is ,-,,,_ -,- ::_4.-,A .L.;..LwC,...4 under these regulations. (j) To allow any house sewer connected with tha public -5- sewer to be also connected with any privy vault, septic tank, cesspool, or underground drain, and with any channel conveying water or filth, except such soil pipas and other plumbing works F L as shall have been duly inspected and approvad by the Building Inspector. (k) To throw or to deposit, or to cause or allow to be thrown or deposited, in any fixture, vessel, receptacle, inlet or opening connected directly with any public sewer, any ashes, _cin- ders, rags or similar waste materials or dead animals, or waste materials or any kind or character other than faeces, urine, ..ecessary toilet paper, liquid house slops, or properly ground table garbage. SECTION 5 The Town Board may at any time in its descret;'on, stop and prevent the discharge into the sewers of any substa ce deemed by it liable to injure the sewers, or to interfere with their normal operation, or to obstruct the flow, or to 1-11-1-'e-*. process o_ sewage purification; and it may, at any time in its jde scretion, sever the connection and cause the removal of any tributary sewer or drain through which such detrimental substances are discharged. SECTION 6 It shall be unlawful to make sewer connection except as follows. (a) Each building in the area served by a public sewer when connected, must be connected Separately and inde'^endent_1v }h -wi L tll e sewer through the house connection branch directiv opposite t__6, buildings or nearest in the downstream direction. Grouping of buildings on one house sewer will not be oermi tted, save by st?ecial act of and by the Town Board, and for geed reasons. -6- (b) No house connection line from the .unicinai 'Sewer to the property line shall�oY any internal diameter less ha.four (4) inches. Inside the property line the diameter of not be less than four (4) inches. must with pipe. pe shall (c) Every house sewer connecting with she '_unicipsal Sewer be either cast iron, salt -glazed vitrified earthenware pipe; bell and spigot joints or asbestos -cement house connection It must be solidly laid to a true grade and as near as possible in a straight line. All changes in direction must be mads with properly curved pipe or fittings. (d) All earthenware pipes and specials :must be of extra strength (A.S.T.:4. 200-44T) cylindrical; hard, salt -glazed, vitrified throughout, "hub and spigot" All hubs must pattern. be of sufficient diameter to receive to their full Length in the spigot end of the next following pipe or special without any chipping whatever of either, and also leave a sufficient space for bituminous joints. (e) All cast iron pipes and fittings must be sound, smooth _r.te_na_ly and cylindrical, free from cracks, sap d holes, or other defects of uniform thickness, untarred, and of the grade .s known commercially as "extra heavy". (3) Al? asbestos -cement pipe rust be of extra heavy, five (5) foot length and must conform to the curnL specifications J Sales Corporation O_ the Johns -Manville ,'iOr asbestos -cement sewer pipe for house laterals, or equal specifically approved :`, the Town Board. The greatest care must be taken to prevent p he entrance c s -_d or dirt into the house sewer or the :public sewer. 1 for vitrified pipes, shall be made with a narrow casket of dry hemp or jute, long enough to go around thethick: -7- enough to hold the pipes securely in their relative positions so that the inverts are on a line. The gasket shall be careful4 insert between the bell and spigot and well caulked with suit- able , aod metal tools. The remainder of the joint shall be filled with an approved bi,umin mixture. The compound used shall be approved by the Building Inspector and shall be of a type not affected by sewage or alkaline or acid solutions. The compound shall not run at a temperature below 200 degrees Fahrenheit, and shall have sufficient ductility at 32 degrees .,.ahrenheit to permit a siight movement of the pipe with- out cracking or beaking the adhesion of the compound to the pipe. The compound shall adhere firmly to the glazed surface of the pipe at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. The compound shall be heated in a gasoline or other suit- able furnace to a temperature slightly above that at which it can be poured rapidiy and smoothly, and it shall be kept at this temnerature until used. After the pie joint has :.an caulked, the malted comoound shall be pourea into ths joihts with the aid o a o-nt runner or gasket, in the same way that lead joints are poured. The pouring vessel shall be large enough to make one joint at a single pouring. The depth of th, compound shall he :ict ess than 3/4 inch. In case the pie joint is - t om- pletely ;11 d,the unfilled part of the joint shall be poured again with hot Material so as to form a complete watertight joint. (h) The owners shall (when in the judgment of the inctor the character of the soil reciuires) use a pr formed joint made in an approved man :.3r cfuen ard neat cement, or a -formed bituminous joint such as th, as "?-estitc", or one which in the judgm o the .7 ls; int known ' • .nspector is the ecjuai thercof. Then performed points are used, they shall be placed in the sockets in a manner and by such means as the 3uilding Insnector mav () Cast iran nipe shall be joined with lead jointing compound apnroved bythe Building The entire joint shall be filled in ane oour and thoroughlY cal,iked. I load is used, each joint in our -inch cast J -.,- --,*-).7 e.a.-- be poured with at least three rounds of lead and each joint in si::-inch oast iron with five pounds of lead. ?he itoh cases 1:.ust be P \ j arr dur'n(-7 the nine laving. hare, in the judgement of the :uilding Insectcon- ditions warrant, cast iron pipes shall be used. (k) No trench sha _ he filled. or any part pine it- ing covered until notice has 'been given to the .3uild ncT insnec- rhat the work as ready far inspection, and such inspection IL.ve-_,7 such inspection sha L be made as scan as nrac- ticable after the receipt of notice by the 1-2,uili uector and arob inspec or shall have tha nower to ani v a= proner tests to '.--he pipe or fittings, and the owner of contractor oing the work shall f=nish all necessary tools and labor cr sucb , I i. test, and shai remove anv defective material or ---__ env improperly done as the Building inspector shall direct, without exPonsa to the -_,Iunicinality. shall be ' ad ith er connect:.on with the Y.un4c-ina' ado of less than one inch fall - feet, without a written perrit signed by the in\3neeor specifyinr: the minimum grade that will be permitted. frola existing Y or T branches on the 21unicinal sewer and connecting to same, due care shall be exercised -9- prevent any c:ebris entering the Municipal sewer. (m) No sewer connection branch shall be opened, no pipe laid and no joints made except under the inspection of the Build-; ing Inspector or his duly authorized representative. All work of laving house sewers and connections shall be done in such a manner and at such times as to interfere as little as possible with public travel and convenience, and the plumber shall conduct his work as the Building Inspector may from time to time direct. (n) No earthenware pipe shall be laid at a depth less than thirty-six (36) inches. Pines laid with less depth must be extra' heavy cast iron or extra heavy asbestos cement. Ali pipes must be covered to a depth of at least one foot with fine earth, entirely free from stones and rubbish, and well and carefully rammed. . (o) Within streets and highways no pipe shall be laid at a depth less than twenty-four (24) inches without she approval of the Building Inspector. (p) Old house sewers may be used provided they are in good condition, from the building to the property line, and unproved by the Building Inspector. New pipe must be installed between the property line and the public sewer. (c) The Building Inspector shall be notified at least twent_y-four (24) hours before the beginning of any :cork upon house sewers or connections, as to the time of the 'co:-mencemen o: s r'h work. {r; No public or private building, dwelling or store will per:itted to make any connection whatsoever to sanitary sewer s• ,stem unless same has a soil line extended to a point above the roof and properly vented or otherwise vented in a manner epprovedl by the Building Inspector. In existing public or private build- ings, dwellings or stores which are not properly vented, the use of a house trap shall be optional with the property owner in all cases where such house trap has already been installed. (s) Grease traps must be installed for restaurants, hotels' 1 and a-Dartment houses, or wherever the Board or its duly author- ized agent may direct. Grease traps must be kept clean at all times at the owner's expense. The size and design of the grease trap slail be approved by the B-Lild,ing Inspector. SECTION 7 Before any sewage work or drainage be done or connected are are made to old sewerage or drainage work, when the same is to be connected with the Municipal Sewer, plans and descriptions 1 . of the p opoced work, signed bv an authorized plumbe-r-shall filedin the office of the Building inspector accompanied -y an i in or on any property or before any alterations or addit:ons application the approval of the said and uance of a permit to do the: said work. Application shall be 'upon a blank form obtained from the 2uilding inseotor and shall be signed by tha owner of the premises- his properly accredited agent, and shall state the name of the plumber who has been en- gaged by the owner to do the work. No permit shall be granted unless accompanied by a e! Town Board Resolution. 0. These plans, descriptions and specifications must con - fen:. to all the provisions of this Ordinance and to all the Les and Regulations which are or may hereafter be made ,n_ C('-,; such work, and no work may be begun until the plans have been filed,and the permit issued by the Bui ding Inspector. -11 D. No permit granted by the Building insnector shall construed to permit any interference or disturbance of any State or County or Town or Village highway pavement, as the case may be in the Municinality, or any excavation in any et, or ) 1 public place, unless the permit shall expressly so provide. No ) permit shall be granted for such interference or disturbance of shall have first obtained from the State or County rown or Village Highway Department, the case ray be, ne .14c the'-e4=o-, sc—. -,-veTenv., or for the excavation for sewer n-,- unoses in any public street or public place, unless the applicant or as in accordance with the requirements of the Highway Dapatinent having juris5.ictiOn. Any permit fee, bonding or other expense irt connection with issuance of a permit for opening any street or pavement, shall be paid by the applicant or .lumber. No permit shall be deemed to authorize anything not stated in the anplica-. tion therefor. E. The ne mit shall, during construction, be k -pt at the site of the work, and be available for the inspection by any dui. authorized agent.or agents of the Town,-, 174,.., -,,... i t f F. -;:henever, in the Opinion of the Building Inspector, any; oiumrer violates any of the provisions of this Ordinance, said Inspector shail report the same in writing to the Town Board, i the Town Board shall find that the charges are sustained, they H may revoke the Permit of such plumber. SECTION 8 No person shall construct any drain or sewer upon cr from any ises in said Munici ality, or use or nermiz any sewer drai:, to be used, without a permit from the Building ins-,.setor. No applicant or person to whom:a permit may -12- or issued, or his successors in interest, shall have the right to make .-ny claim for damages against the Municipality, or their agents, in consequence of a refusal to issue a permit, or the evocation of a permit, or of delay in acting on any application of inspecting the making of any connection, or because of the cutting''l1off of a connection under the provisions of these Regulations. . SECTION 9 The Building Inspector and other duly authorized employees of the Town Board bearing proper credentials and identification, shall be permitted to enter upon all properties at reasonable hours, for the purpose of inspection, observation, measurement, sampling, local law. and testing, in accordance with the provisions of -this j SECTION 10 Ary person who shall violate this local shall be guilty of a violation as defined in Section 55.10 of the Penal Law of the State of New Yo':-k/�and s all be subject to a fine of not :ore than $100.00 for each such violation or imorisonmen for a period not to exceed 15 days or both. Each day the vio- lation io-lation continues shall be a separate offense. SECTION 11 Appr=opriate actions at law or in eaui ty rnav be taken to ~avent,rastrain, correct or abate violations of this local and these remedies shall be in addition to the penalties lties ukc proceeding section. -1;- SECTION 12 If any clause, sentence, paragraph section or part of this local law shall be adjudged by any Court of competent jurisdic- tion to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder thereof but shall be confined in its' operation to the clause, sentence or paragraph, section or part thereof directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered. SECTION 13 This law shall take effect immediately upon adoption and as provided in the Municipal Home Rule Law. -14- WARRANT To I ia_.I?i.&hl , Supervisor Town of Wappinger , County of Dutchess , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 11th day of August , 19 69 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM NAME OF CLAIMANT AMOUNT FUND OR No. ALLOWED ACCOUNT 660 Rudolph Lapar 750.00 604, 1303 661 '+ 2700.54 662 It " 6.00 1402 663 Sloper-tdillen 1375.00 664 Robert Magdalany 665 Allan E. Yappleyea 666 '° " 200. 1308 667 Joseph Gutmann 31.3 1409 668 Custom Cleaning Contr. 125.0 509 669 James T. Guarino 205.3 901 670 W.& S.. D. News 11.3: 610 671 It It 27.30 610 672 t0 It 63.0( 610 673 Dave Alexander, Inc. 50021.1( 674 Marine Midland Nat'l Bk. 300.0( 505 675 Francis Sherow 120.0( 506 676 West Publish. Co. 27.0( 710 1209 1210 3000.00 vk 1312 500.00 6 1300 8 8 677 Martin Leskow 5.29 808 678 Richard G. Barger 8.00 808 679 The Pendell Prenp 680 New York Tel. Co. 681 Chester Sitz Co., Inc. 14.50 710 106.96 508 2.94 707 OTHER INFORMATION Storm Sewer Project Storm Sewer Project 170 Old Country Rd. Mineola, N.Y. 53' Market St. Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 682 Central Hudson G.&E. 8.10 912 In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of this 11th day of August , 19 69 [SEAL] Town Clerk Wappinger WARRANT To Lguls Diehl , Supervisor Town of tdappinger , County of Dutchess New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the _ll_th._day of Ai_gugt , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM NAME OF CLAIMANT No. 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT Hudson Valley Blueprt. 216.80 Donald Grossman 37.00 909 William J. Bulger 150.80 1208 Great Bear Spring Co. 16.50 "It" 5.00 505 Chester Satz Co., Inc. 16.50 1408 OTHER INFORMATION 29 Academy St. 704 Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Robinson Lane, WF 19 Computor Dr., E. 505 Albany, N.Y. 12205 tt tt i1 12.00 1408 690 Xerox Corp. 109.24 509 C43Sda 691 Franklin H. Slater, Inc. 197 "0 508 Hudson Valley B1dg.Mat. 17.76 1003 Dept. of Water Supply 27.46 508 6U9- 23:-i0 Blue Cross 127.04 1306- 97:94 Mewkill's Garage 8.75 1402 692 I 693 I 694 695 696 H.R. Fountain & Co.,Inc. 250.00 902 691 George Schlat$aus 41.00 1002 698 Hugh J. Maurer 51.90 1002 699 Barkers Dept. Stare 26.15 1008 700 Bill Lewandowski 75.00 1009 701 John Buckley 72.00 1002 702 Art Buckley 63.00 1002 Myers Corners Rd., .F marlorville Ka. 703 John DeCarlo 9.00 1002 R.D., WF 12,01 1661 bc., Au 704 Nat'l Educ. Assoc. 24.90 1008 Washington, DC, 20036 705 Helen's Lawn Service f 266.00 1009 McFarlane Rd., 1'T' In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of Wappinger this 11th day of Augg 1 , 19 69 tt It 53 Market St. Poughkeepsie, tl Y.U. Box 148/ 10008 Church St. Stat., N.Y., N.Y. 4/ Dutchess Turnpike, Pough. 123 Rombout Ave. Beacon, N.Y. 12508 Mesier Homestead, WF S 3 Hughsonvi1le Main St., P.O. Box 5 Pleasant Valley, N.Y. Maurer Terr. Fishkill 178 Main St., Bishkill 106 rucnam tui. Fishkill 14 Market St. Wappingers Falls, N.Y. Town Clerk [SEAL] WARRANT To Louis Diehl Town of Wappinger , Supervisor County of Dutchess , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of :lapping , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 11th day of August , 19 69 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 125 726 727 728 NAME OF CLAIMANT Mark Brarren Beatrice W. Balyer Hugh A. Ross Urey Hardware Co. Wolf's Sporting Goods it 11 11 Robert Terralavora P. & 0. Sand & Gravel Robert C. Owen Alexander Benedetto John Pray Terrence Dakin Gary Kowalsky David Kelley Hudson Valley AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT OTHER INFORMATION 40.00 1007 Lincoln Dr., Pough. RD#6 Hopewell Rd. 65.16 1001 WF 72.00 1002 Maloney Rd., 4F 23.1" 1002 14.75 1008 1253.00 1002 960.1# 1002 996.0( 1002 120.00 130.00 544.00 10.50 40.00 27.00 1002 1002 1002 1009 1002 1002 g. Mat. 390.20 1002 Red Oak Mills Hobby Cent 106.03 Div. of Denslo Ski Haus,Hamlmn Assoc. 375.00 Dave Alexander, Inc. Brighton Steel Co. Rowe Rutl2dr. Axton -Cross Co. 11 1t 387 Mill St., Pough 7 Upper Henry St., ;dF Montfort Rd., WF Marlorville Rd., Hughsonville RD#4, Hopewell Rd., WF New Hackensack Rd., Pough. Main St., Pleasant Valley Hopewell Rd., WF Pye Lane, WF 123 Rombout Ave., Beacon 1008 12 Vassar Rd.. Pouch. 1009 Route 22, Pawling 12564 880.0( 1002 146.7( 1002 Rte. 52, Hopewell Jet., 69.9 1520 159 E. Main St., WF Shelton, Conn. 06484 28.0$ 1520 28.0__ 1520 35.7( 1520 In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of Wappinger this llth day of August , 19 69 [SEAL] Town Clerk WARRANT To ....... , Supervisor Town of WappinZer , County of Dutchess , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the .. lithday of August , 19_61, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. NAME OF CLAIMANT AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT 729 Axton -Cross Co. 54.30 1520 23P ti I‘ 7-65 1519 731 si 11 7.65 1519 732 11 11 10.20 1509 733 11 ti 10.20 1509 734 11 to 10.20 1509 735 11 11 56.10 1510 736 II 11 65.10 1510 737 R.H. Linge, Inc. 19.22 1511 738 Urey Hardware 5.76 1511 OTHER INFORMATION Box 151, Wappingers Falls In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of this day of , 19 [SEAL] Town Clerk