APRIL 8, 1968
1. Supervisor call meeting to order
2. Roll Call
J 3. Accept Minutes mot cal t, 75fec‘s 11lc..cciN
/4. Reports of Officers
4B1dg. Insp. Justices Supervisor
)Bills: Gen. Fund Highway Oakwood Knolls RFSD
111668,40 ( $17. qo c al 1.Sq 305:44o
5. Communications & Reports
/a. Post 576 Realty Corp. requests rezoning R-20 to HBT
/b. Opala (Vince Dangler) requests reduced bond
/c. Memo from Egan on County mosquito program
id. Attrny John Reed request Oakwood Water District
convey to Yeomans 20.01 easement.
2 petitions on name change of "Old Fowierhouse Rd."
Oakwood Knolls Civic Asscn. request discussion
on status of roads in Oakwood.
/g. status of litigation
ig- spec ..y t 6 ch]O
se ac. 1hiwch
Amherst Lane residents request
of road bond.
/h. Mrs. T. Leach
and drainage,
�i. J. Incoronato
A. 2 recreation members
attend meeting.
(k. letter from F. Lafko re:
/4.c - Corr. U k,csta 1rc-lce
6. Reports of Committees:
request status
Ardmore Hills.
re: Fleetwood
and plans for road
permission to
Landfill ;
Dog Ordinance
CATV recommendation on rates & appointment
Mr. Fuimarello requests discussion with Board
Town drainage r committee report
Wildwood ditch,"- Special Committee report
7. Resolution: , 1.a,40
1. Rt: 9 -re -zoning-
Establishment o
3 /5, c �c-kc J.
Res f
8. Unfinished Business:
a petty cash fund for Town Clerk
o-- e. _ 2.F s ,14
J Mr. Diehl re: Drainage between New Rt.9 & Old Rt. 9
9. New Business:
Bids Highway
Vacancy - Zoning Bd. of Appeals (Jason Morse resignation)
10. Adjournment
The Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger was
held Monday, April 8, 1968, at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers
Falls, N.Y.
The meeting was opened for public discussion at 8 P.M.
Supervisor Diehl called the meeting to order at 8:42 P.M.
Louis Diehl, Supervisor
Louis Clausen, Councilman
G. Donald Finnan, Councilman
Leonce Heady, Councilman
James Mills, Jr, Councilman
Elaine Snowden, Town Clerk
Others Present:
Allan Rappleyea, Attorney to the Town
Mr. Diehl called for a minute of silence in memory and respect for
Dr. Martin Luther King.
The Board had received copies of the minutes of the Regular Meeting,
March 11, S secials, March 18, 20 and 25. Mr. Finnan noted the error
of names in the March 11 meeting, page 39 of the 1968 Minute Book.
The committee appointed to the Wildwood ditch problem was Mr. Finnan
and Mr. Mills, not Mr. Heady. Mr. Clausen asked that spelling be
checked and corrected.
Mr. Finnan moved that the minutes as submitted by the Town Clerk be
and they are hereby approved, as corrected, .Seconded by Mr. Mills.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Reports from the Building Inspector, Justices and Supervisor were
received . Mr. Mills moved they be ordered received and placed on
file. ,'Seconded by Mr. Finnan.
The following bills were presented:
Motion Unanimously Carried
Highway: $ 1,817.90
Rockingham: 305.40
Mr. Clausen moved the bills be paid, subject to audit. Seconded by
Mr. Finnan.
Motion Unanimously Carried
A petition from Post 576 Realty Corp., requesting a re -zoning of
their property from R-20 to HB -1 was received.
Mr. Diehl moved the petition be referred to the Planning Board for
review and recommendation. Seconded by Mr. Clausen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mr. Julius M. Gerzof, Attorney for Vincent Dangler (Opalo Realty
Corp.) requested a reduction of Mr. Danglers' performance bond
(from $53,000 to $14,000.)
Mr. Diehl moved the request be referred to the Planning Board,
Mr. Ludewig, and Mr. Lapar. Seconded by Mr. Mills.
Motion Unanimously Carried
A memo from Mr* William Egan and a letter from David C. Schoentag,
both in relatiOn to the County Mosquito Control program, were
MR. DIEHL moved that the Town of Wappinger give their complete coop-
eration to the County Mosquito Program and not attempt any control
program of their own. Seconded by Mr. Mills.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mr. John Reed, Attorney for William W. and Sandra L. Yeomans,
requested that the Oakwood Knolls Water District convey to his
clients an unused easement of 20.01 ft. which runs through their
Mr. Diehl moved to refer this request to Mr. Lapar fiora report
from him. Seconded by Mr. Clgausen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Two petitions were received from residents of the former Old Fowler -
house Rd., one requesting the name of this road be changed to "Blue-
bird Rd." the other requesting the name "Old Post Rd." (as the new
road signs now indicate) 1e kept.
MR. FINNAN moved it be referred to the Highway Committee (Messrs.
Clausen and Finnan) for investigation and recommendation. Seconded
by Mr. Mills.
Motion Unanimously Carried
A letter from Jack G. Peace, President of Oakwood Knolls Civic Assoc.
was received, requesting discussion concerning: a. the present
condition of the deVelopment roads, b. the Town's legal position on
ownership of these roads, c. the Towns' plans for repair and main-
tenance of said roads this spring; and what, if any, d. plans exist-
ing for the eventual total rebuilding of said roads.
Mr. Diehl reported that the Highway Committee and Mr. Rappleyea are
all looking into this problem. Mr. Peace was asked if he had any
specific questions he wished to ask. The one main question was,
does the Town own those roads in Oakwood Knolls. Mr. Rappleyea
gave a brief resume of the situations leading up to the present
status. Mr. Peace then queried if there were any plans to at least
put a sealer on the road to help preserve what was there. It was
the combined feeling of both Mr. Peace and Mr. Diehl that continual
patching was a waste. Discussion followed along these lines and
culminated in Mr. Peace's request that one of the members of the
Oakwood Civic Association be allowed to help the Board Committee
in studying this problem.
A letter was received from Richard Lowery, Amherst Lane, requesting
information on the status of litigation on the road bond.
Mr. Diehl reported that Mr. Rappleyea had prepared and issued a
summons to the builder and Bonding Company and legal action started.
There was no way of knowing, however, when it will come into court.
A letter was received from Mrs. Thomas Leach, requesting discussion
on the status and plans for the drainage and roads in the Ardmore
Hills Development. Mr. Diehl commented that this area was under
consideration with the Town drainage program, and asked if there
were any specific questions they wished answered. Mr. Leach re-
marked that there had been several starts on these roads but he
understood they were bottlenecked around an easement of Mr. Ecks'.
Had this been resolved? Mr. Eck attempted to defend himself re-
garding the easement problem. There seemed to be a difference of
opinion as to where the easement drainage is or should be. Mr.
Clausen confronted him with a few pertinent questions - has he
offered this easement to the Town without conditions - what is his
proposition - what would his provisions be. Mr. Finnan, among other
things asked him what easement exists, dating back to 1955 who
owned the property at the end of Eck Road and if it wasn't true
that what Mr. Eck wanted was for the Town to pipe, at considerable
extra cost, to the Town, through this vacant land at the end of Eck
Road. Discussion ended in a temporary stalemate.
A letter was received from Joseph Incoronato with reference to
the Fleetwood Sewer Corp. non-compliance with a State directive
and a request that the Town enact a law which would either suspend,
or place into escrow, the charges to the customers of a private
sewer or water plant which has been cited to be in violation of
State or County laws. Mr. Incoronato was permitted to preface his
letter with a short dissertation, enlarging on findings of the State
Board of Health, and lack of enforcement of their directive. In
summation, requesting the Board to give active and positive considera-
tion to such a law that would either put the funds due to the plant
in escrow, or completely suspend the rate structure.
Mr. Diehl mentioned that he had spoken to Jack Hill regarding the
non-compliance of the operators of this sewer plant and Mr. Hill
had provided a report forthwith. Mr. Diehl referred it to the
Health and Safety Committee and asked Mr. Rappleyea to check to see
what way the Town can move.
Mr. Incoronato asked that this matter be placed on the May agenda for
a report.
Mr. Hugh J. Maurer and Mr. George Schlathaus requested permission
to attend the annual New York State Recreation and Park Conference
to be held at the Concord Hotel Kiameshe Lake April 21st thru 24th.
MR. MILLS moved that permission be granted Messrs. Maurer and Schlat-
haus, to attend this conference, and that their legitimate expenses
be town charges. Seconded by Mr. Finnan.
Motion Unanimously Carried
The following letter was received:
April 1, 1968
Town Board,
Town of Wappinger,
Wappingers Falls, N.Y.
Immediately following the defeat of the Town's proposed sanitary
landfill project, by public referendum last year, a proposal was
suggested to Mr. Joseph Fulton, former Town Supervisor, whereby
a site at the Dutchess County Airport could be used to solve the
problem of refuse disposal that was plaguing Town of Wappinger and
neighboring communities.
Dutchess County Aviation, Inc., was willing to operate this facility
at cost if it would be considered a pilot project, which, if it
proved to be feasible and hazard free, judging from a aeronautical
standpoint as well as public health, could readily be expanded to
serve a greater population or another community beset by the prob-
lem of refuse disposal.
Due to renewed interest in the past week by the Town of Wappinger
to solve this pressing problem, I resubmit Dutchess County Aviation,
Inc., offer to the present administration of the Town of Wappinger.
I feel assured that with the knowledge gained during the past twenty
year, in the earth moving and land development operation, the offi-
cials, County officials, insurance companies, the Manager of the Air-
port, we can operate this needed facility in a manner compatible to
the community as well as compatible to the primary function of Dutchess
County Airport, and that is the operation of aircraft from the Airport
for the overall public's benefit under the most hazard free conditions
possible. The F.A.A. and the County Board of Health have given their
Dutchess County Aviation, Inc., is willing to sit down with the
officials of the Town of Wappinger, on this emergency situation,
this week, so that both parties can reduce to writing a proposal
that would result in an actual operation of refuse disposal in less
than thirty days, instead of appropriating more money for further
studies resulting in theoretical ideas, on how to eliminate the
present municipaly operated projects, that have caused hazards through-
out the county and have been a nucleus for political bickering, pub-
lic frustration, that force our elected officials to consider spend-
ing millions of dollars on facilities that have proven to be unsuccess-
ful in the past.
I respectfully await your actions, and stand ready to co-operate
in the solution of this #1 community problem before the warm weather
Respectfully yours,
s/ Fred J. Lafko
Dutchess County Aviation, Inc.,
Fred J. Lafko, Vice President.
Mr. Diehl reported that the Board and Mr. Lapar had met with Mr.
Lafko and they are proceeding to go further with him in setting up
a time limit - how long such an operation would last and with speci-
fic specifications (cost, etc.) before any fCirther steps can be taken.
The Clerk read a resolution concerning a landfill site at the
Dutchess County Airport.
Rules were suspended to permit a question from Mr. Cortellino as to
whether this site was on the east or west side of Route 376.
Mr, Clausen responded that it was the west side. It was also
asked if the Town had entertained the idea of inviting other
municipalities to participate.
Mr. Lafko asked that the resolution be read again, then asked if
the Town was allowing up to $1,000.00 rent in negotiating with the
County. He then reiterated the proposal he previously made to the
Board for lease of the airport property - for use as a landfill site -
that Dutchess County Aviation Inc. re -offers to the town, and any
other town that is interested, this property, at the rate of $1.00
per year. There was further discussion regarding the Towns' action
without authorization from the County, and a question was asked as
to how the town could negotiate with the County and Dutchess. County
Aviation on the same property. Mr. Rappleyea clarified that the
resolution before the Board simply authorized the Supervisor to
ask the County if they would consider negotiating. Mr. Rappleyea
asked Mr. Lafko if he was willing to assist the town by cooperating,
if the County of Dutchess will go ahead if Mr. Lafko says yes - Mr.
Lafko's answer was evasive. Rules resumed.
The following resolution was offered by Mr. Clausen, who moved its
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger has
examined a proposed land fill site at the Dutchess County Airport,
NOW, THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the
Town of Wappinger is hereby authorized and directed to enter into
negotiations with the County of Dutchess concerning the leasing
of a proposed land fill site for an annual rental not to exceed the
sum of $1,000.00 per year, which said land fill site would be opera-
ted by the Town of Wappinger and such other municipalities that may
be willing to enter into a joint land fill operation.
Seconded by: Councilman Mills
Supervisor Diehl Ave
Councilman Clausen Ave
Councilman Finnan Ave
Councilman Heady Ave
Councilman Mills Ave
Resolution Duly Adopted
Mr. Clausen asked for a report from Mr. Rappleyea on the Ardmore
drainage discussion (upstairs with Mr. Eck over prior discussion
on it in the meeting). Mr. Rappleyea said that he and Mr. Eck
went over some of the maps and Mr. Eck pointed out to him the
proposal that would be to take and pipe several road areas into
one road area and then run it from that area from the road through
a drainage ditch (he wasn't sure if there was an easement or not)
and pipe it down that ditch in the direction toward a pond, or his
house. (Mr. Eck said toward the pond) and Mr. Ecks proposal was
to run it along Eck Road (which is now an open ditch) which would
be another 650' of pipe, and, for a $1.00 he would give an easement
to the town to dump it at the end of Eck Road, but that it would
require this additional 650'.
Mr. Clausen questioned Mr. Horton that if Mr. Eck gave the Town an
easement and he (Horton) did it the way he would like to see it done,
would it save the town the installation of the additional 650' of
pipe, and Mr. Horton replied in the affirmative. Mr. Finnan asked
Mr. Eck if he would benefit by the additional pipe, if he owned the
property at the end of Eck Road, and if it wouldn't enhance his
The Board went back to the discussion on Fleetwood.
Mr. Incoronato directed two questions to Mr. Rappleyea - first -
he said that he had received a notice from Fleetwood Water Works
reflecting a rate increase which they say was approved by'the Public
Service Commission. He wanted to know if P.S.C. makes a formal
announcement prior to the rate increase - Mr. Rappleyea said he
believed there was provision in the Public Service law which re-
quires them to give public notice in newspapers serving the area
so many days prior to the action of the institution of the rate.
Mr. Incoronato's second question was that after 6 years of opera-
tion they were requesting an escrow account - where they want the
minimum charge for the quarter in advance - is this compatible
with P.S.C. policy. Mr. Rappleyea wasn't sure of the answer,
but indicated to Mr. Incoronato that he would investigate and give
him an answer. There was a short discussion regarding the avail-
ability of the Public Service Commissions records to the Town or
the public.
Mr. Diehl stated that Mayor Furnari had requested the Board take
action on the Village Lake tax exemption. Mr. Rappleyea commented
that the law says that by written agreement, the Town can exempt
park lands within the Town, belonging to a Village, and he will
prepare written agreement with a resolution authorizing the execu-
tion of that agreement with the Village of Wappingers. Referred to
A letter was received from Harold J. Swier, suggesting points to
consider regarding a dog ordinance. Mr. Heady reported for the
committee appointed to study a dog ordinance. He said that the
committee had met with Messrs. Jack Hamilton, Clayton Davis and
Jack Peace, (the citizens appointed) and that they had come up
with an ordinance, which was not a leash law, and one of the ques-
tions that came up was where the SPCA fits into the dog ordinance.
The SPCA would only handle injured dogs, the other problems would
have to be handled by the Towns Dog Warden. The proposed ordinance
was read by the Clerk.
MR. CLAUSEN moved this proposed Ordinance be referred to the Attor-
ney to be put in resolution or Ordinance form for a public hearing.
Seconded by Mr. Heady.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mr. Ed Valentine, Chairman of the CATV Committee, reported that
there is a limit of 150' on an installation of the CATV Co.. This
150' limitation is due to the fact that the Bell Telephone distri-
butes the signal at a certain amplitude and when using RG 58 or 59
cable, the signal to be of a usable amplitude is limited by that
cable loss to 150'. This is a standard procedure used to the TV
distribution Co.
The CATV Committee recommends that the distance limit of 150' from
the main cable, be adopted and amended into the CATV agreement.
Mr. Fuimarello asked if the 150' restriction was part of the con-
tract. Mr. Rappleyea answered that it was not written in specifi-
Mr. Fuimarello asked also if there couldn't be written in the agree-
ment some stipulation as to maximums or what the charges should be.
Mr. Blair, from Highway Displays, said he didn't feel these should
be anything written in the agreement regarding charges (for installa-
tion beyond the 150' drop). He pointed out that Highway Displays
would furnish materials, at cost for anyone who wanted to do it
themselves, but did not prefer to do it themselves, he believed that
it would be unfair to the local business men in the area (referring
to electricians, TV men, etc.). Mr. Fuimarello's contention was
that he ( or others in similar positions) had no guide when quoted
figures for the extended installation, all he was asking for was
an interpretation of the installation fees beyond the 150' drop.
There was further discussion about the misleading advertising put
out by the CATV Co. and it was suggested that it be amended to give
a definite picture to the public.
Mr. John Scow placed his objection before the Board regarding the
CATV Co. going across his land to string line for cablevision.
MR. HEADY moved that the Town Board accept the recommendation of
the CATV Committee to amend the agreement with Highway Displays
so that the distance limit be set at 150' from the main cable to
the end of the aerial drop. Seconded by Mr. Mills.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Rules suspended.
Mr. Cortellino questioned where the 150' started from - the pole
or the cable. This ilicited considerable discussion.
Rules resumed.
Mr. Heady withdrew his motion and Mr. Mills withdrew his second.
Motion on CATV Committee recommendation withdrawn, and referred
back to CATV Committee for further clarification.
Mr. Valentine was asked for the CATV Committee's recommendation
regarding the suggested appointment of Walter Evans as a member of
this committee. Mr. Valentine said it was the CATV Committees'
recommendation that the Board make this appointment.
MR. MILLS moved that the appointment of Walter Evans -to the CATV
Committee be reaffirmed. Seconded by Mr. Heady.
Motion Unanimously Carried.
The Supervisor called for a ten minute recess at 11:04 P.M.
Meeting called back to order at 11:15 P.M.
Mr. Mills, reporting for the Health & Safety Committee, on the Town
drainage problems, inclusive of the Wildwood ditch problem, stated
that Messrs. Lapars & Hortons report had been completely gone over,
and it looked as if it was, in effect, a complete Town problem.
They do not believe it wise to do it on a piecemeal basis, first
they don't think it would even be accomplished on this basis, and
second inflation would probably cost more money in the long run.
MR. MILLS moved that the Attorney to the Town commence proceedings
for the preparation of a Bond Resolution covering $454,000.00 for
drainage improvements in the Town of Wappinger, and including the
safety condition of Wildwood Forest (Sect. I), as being agreed to
by the Engineer to the Town & Highway Supt. in relation to the
letter by the Health Dept, the areas to be included are Dennis and
Gary Roads, Wendy Drive, Russ Place, Wildwood Drive, Wildwood ditch,
Helen Drive, Maloney Road, Wheeler Hill Road, Fleetwood Manor
Subdivision, Fowlerhouse Road, Orchard homes, Brannan Road, Apple -
blossom Lane, Peters Road, Fenmore & Cady Lane, Ardmore. Seconded
by Mr. Finnan.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Rules suspended to permit discussion from the floor on the Town
Drainage Problems, and more specifically, the Wildwood ditch.
Rules resumed.
Special Committee Report on Wildwood Ditch included in discussion
with Town drainage report.
Resolution for Rezoning Amendment, Route 9 tabled.
The following resolution was proposed by Mr. Mills who moved its
WHEREAS, the Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger has numerous
requests for the expenditure of small amounts of cash for postage,
supplies, and miscellaneous items, for various departments of the
Town of Wappinger,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby
authorized and directed to establish a petty cash fund in the sum
of $50.00 for the use of said Town Clerk.
Seconded by: Councilman Heady
Roll Call Vote:
Supervisor Diehl Ave
Councilman Clausen Ave
Councilman Finnan Ave
Councilman Heady Ave
Councilman Mills Ave
Resolution Duly Adopted
Mr. Clausen went back to the Wildwood ditch problem, commenting
that he felt the Town was basically in violation as far as the
County Health Dept. was concerned by not having a barrier of some
type by the ditch. He felt, that, with time lapse even if the
Bond Resolution passed, something should be considered more immed-
eately. Mr. Milts daid he and Mr. Finnan would talk to.Mr. Lapar
and Mr. Horton for a:_recommended solution.
Alow ,
The following resolution was offered by Mr. Mills who moved
its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Town of Wappinger has heretofore made application
to the Commissioner of the Federal Water Pollution Control Adminis-
tration, acting in behalf of the United States of America, for a
grant to aid in defraying the cost of construction of Sewage
Treatment Works at the Rockingham Farms Sewer District facilities,
such work to include additions to an existing secondary treatment
plant for the purpose of converting the same to tertiary treatment,
WHEREAS, the Town of Wappinger is in receipt of written
notice from the New York State Department of Health and from the
Commissioner of the Federal Water Pollution Control Administra-
tion of an offer of Federal grant for the project in amount of
$3,520.00, and
WHEREAS, obtaining regulations require that such offer be
formally accepted by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger and
that written acceptance of such offer be made by an authorized
representative of the Town of Wappinger, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger has examined
and duly considered the aforesaid Federal grant offer and deems it
to be in the public interest and to the public benefit to accept the
same upon the terms and conditions contained therein, and to author-
ize the Supervisor of the Town of Wappinger to execute and deliver
to proper authorities formal written acceptance of said offer,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town
of Wappinger as follows:
1. That the construction of sewage treatment works
at the Rockingham Farms Sewer District facilities,
such construction to include additions to an existing
secondary treatment plant for the purpose of converting
the same to tertiary treatment is essential to and is
in the best interests of the Town of Wappinger;
2. That the terms and conditions of the Federal
grant offer dated January 17, 1968 and bearing
project No. WPC -NY -340 are hereby declared to
be satisfactory and acceptable to this Town Board;
3. That Louis D. Diehl, Supervisor of the Town of
Wappinger be and he hereby is authorized and directed
to execute and deliver to the Commissioner of the
Federal Water Pollution Control Administration
written acceptance of the aforesaid offer of Federal
grant and to execute and deliver all other and further
papers and documents pertaining thereto as may be
required by proper authorities;
4. That certified copies of this resolution shallbe
included as a part of the acceptance papers to be
executed and delivered by the Supervisor of the Town
of Wappinger to the Commissioner of the Federal
Water Pollution Control Administration;
5. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
Seconded by: Mr. Clausen
Roll Call Vote:
Supervisor Diehl Aye
Councilman Clausen Aye
Councilman Finnan Aye
Councilman Heady Ave
Councilman Mills Aye
Resolution Duly Adopted
The Application submitted by Kenneth Bray and Jack Leibowitz
Sept. 5, 1967, for Special Permit for the excavation of a portion
of the former Parkhurst Farm, located on Robinson Lane, preparatory
to the establishment of a lake and a development site, was brought
up by the Board for action.
MR. MILLS moved that the Bray -Leibowitz application for Special
Permit to excavate be denied, as the site plan shows some excava-
tion will be within 50' of the adjoining property not the 200'
as is required by Town Zoning Ordinance. Seconded by Mr. Clausen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mr. Diehl brought up the drainage problem between the new Route 9
and old Route 9. It appears still to be unresolved, as.there are
still flooding problems, particularly in the_vicinity of Myers
Corners Rd. Mr. Diehl requested the Town Clerk to invite Mr.
Sinacori, District Engineer, New York State Highway Dept. inform-
ing him the conditions still exist, and it appears that action has
been taken, and request some answer as to what action is contemplated.
Rules suspended for Mrs. Weber to suggest that in writing to Mr.
Sinacori, the various other problem spots - Greenfly Swamp, Black-
smith Property, Myers Corners & Old Route 9, South and vicinty of
MacFatlane Rd. be included.
Rules resumed.
Mr. Finnan, referring to a letter received from Mr. Petrovits,
(answering an inquiry regarding Myers Corners and All Angels Rd.)
asked Mr. Diehl if he had contacted Mr. Petrovits since receiving
the letter. Mr. Finnan believed that this intersection warranted
more control than the County was now providing. He wanted to know
if it was possible to get statistics of accidents at this inter-
section for a six month period. It was suggested that the County
Executive be contacted, to further efforts for stricter control
at these roads. Mr. Diehl said he would look into the matter
Bids for Calcium Chloride for the Highway Dept. were received and
opened April 3, 1968. Two bids were received - Brighton Steel and
Package Pavement.
Bids were:
Package Pavement Brighton Steel
Price per ton picked up 47.50 45.00
Price per ton delivered
(less than 12 ton lots) 50.00 50.00
Price per ton delivered
(12 to 20 ton lots) 44.00 41.00
The Highway Superintendent recommends the bid for Calcium Chloride
be awarded to Brighton Steel Co. as low bidder.
MR. MILLS moved the Board accept the Highway Superintenddent's
recommendation and award the bid for Calcium Chloride to Brighton
Appointment to fill a vacancy on the Zoning Board of Appeals
(vacated by the resignation of Jason Morse) was tabled.
MR. MILLS moved that the attorney prepare a resolution for the
purchase of 3 acres of land, on Pye Lane and Montfort Rd. for
recreational purposes, sale price to be $8,000.00. Seconded by
Mr. Clausen.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Rules suspended to permit a question regarding Route 9 rezoning
and a question on speed laws.
Rules resumed.
Mr. Mills moved the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Mr. Heady.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Meeting adjourned at 12:05 A.M.
alikt 3_(.41AJAAA,
Elaine H. Snowden,
Town Clerk
To 1t91.1i.E_._Djebj. , Supervisor
Town of Wapp.inge- , County of Du tche s s , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
, and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
Wapp incjer
_S day of ApIil , 19.6.8__, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
Rudolph Lapar 750.00' 604
Quinn & Reilly 1600. 1308
Sloper-Willen Amb. 1373.67 1209,121C -
Franc is
209,121EFrancis Sherow 110.00 506
Allan Rappleyea
Et. 500.00 611. 130si
Joseph Ludewiq 25.03 1408
Martin Leskow 52.66 1208
Joseph Gutmann 14.70 1408
Madelyn Marcojohn 1119.89 810
Elaine Snowden 116.81 704
Eggleston Off.Equip
41 N.Market St. Pok. 672.31 1408.811.707.808.509
Eggleston Off _Equip_ 176_ R11 1dfR
Thomas A.Lewis
Smithtown Rd_ pr 1 RR 505
W. &S. D. News
20E.Main St. W. F. 7.35 1307
W.&S.D. New 2117_1; Ain
Eentral Hudson G&E
P.O.Box 312, Pok, 95,35 508
NY Tel, co. 226 508
RH Linge, Inc. I 69.77 509
Rnx i'1 W Falls
Great Bear Spring Co
56 Colnnie st_ 5.0h 505
Albany, NY 12207
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of
this 8th day of Apr.i1. , 19_.48
Town Clerk
To IQuia_Diehl , Supervisor
Town of Wappinger , County of Dutchess , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
, and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
thlay of April , 19..6.8_, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
Ulster Electric Sup,
224 572-4 Broadway 8.63 509
Kingston, NY
blue cross
225 80 Lexington Ave.NY 131.59 609, 1307
Chester Satz Co.
226 53 Market St. Pok, 9,10 509
Popper Electric Co.
227 8 W.Main St. W.F. 26.1:, 508
Beasley Agency
228 Imperial Plaza W.F. 10.0(' 607
229 Custom Clng.Contr. 125.00 509
Dutchess Cty.Clerk
22 Market St. Pok. 1,0( 808
231 Dutchess Cty.Clerk 12,0( 808
Acme Law Book Co.
232 Amityville. L.I.N.Y. 20.0( 710
thief Electronics
233 12-14 N.Bridae St. 21,2C 509
Williamson Law Book co.
234 2011 Main St.E, 60,9' 509
Rochester, NY
Xerox Corp.
235 P.O. Box 2487 128.82 509,505
Church St.Station
Ny 10008
Richard G. Barger
236 New HaokAnRark Rd 12,0( 236.808
The Reporter Co.Inc.
237 Walton, N.Y. 305.8! 1308
238 Prentice -Hall Inc.
P.O. Box 21X
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 14,3( 808
Williams Press, Inc.
239 (1q N.Rw=r
Albany, NY 12201 8.5M 710
N&S Supply Corp,
240 RT.9 Fishkill NY 1.85 509
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of Wapp.inger
this 8th day of April , 19 68
Town Clerk
To Lon i C. Diehl
, Supervisor
Town of Wappinger , County of .Dut.chess. , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
8 day of April , .....in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
Wiccopee Garden Hse.
241 Fishkill Hook Rd. 135.00 1002
Hopewell Junc. NY
242 Robert Hanna 312.55 508
Spook Hill Rd.W.F.
Pendell Press
243 Main St. Beacon 2405j 509
244 Pendell Press 7.4q 710
Highland Hosp.
245 Dplavan AVP, Bparnn q_0 71.0
246 Central Hudson 253.E4 RFSD
Winsmith Div. of UMC
247 Industries
P.O. Box 14305
St.Louis Mo. 63178 30.95 RFSD
248 N&S.SupplyCorp. 20.61, RFSD
Axton -Cross Corp.
249 Shelton, Conn. 19.50
Electra Supply Co.In:.
250 331 Mill St. Pok. 66.0E
Acme Tank&Truck Corp
251 Rt.9 W.F.
252 Flygt Corp.
AmpliA Pl_
Stamford, Conn,
Flygt Corp.
253 Amelia Pl.Stamford 600.0
254 R. H. Linqe Inc. 10.1
255 Axton -Cross Co. 22.7
256 N&S. Supp ly Corp. 4.2
257 N&S Supply Cop. 9.7
258 N&S Supply Corp. 3.2
259 Central Hudson 245.81
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of
this day of , 19
Town Clerk