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1967-07-06 RGM
AGENDA - TOWN BOARD JULY 6, 1967 1. Supervisor call meeting to order 2. Roll Call 3. Accept minutes () auucjam'••t.aJ i 1dC hct J�e ?, lJ uutc�ecJ� , 4. Reports of Officers I Justices Supervisor Bldg. Insp. Bills -- General Fund: 6 Highway: S go? -0. �. 5. Petitions & Communications a. Mr. Bisom b. Permission requested by Mr. Knud Clausen to attend Asscn.of Twns meeting July 10, 11, 12 in Ithaca c. Permission requested by Justices to attend Justice training sessions - July 23 thru 29th at St. Lawrence University,. Canton Aug. 13th thru 19th at State University College, Fredonia A. John Reed re: Change of name for Wildwood II & 2A tee. Quinn & Reilly re: information needed from H. Supt. for litigation on Wildwood I if. Quinn & Reilly re: Request to appeal decisions on Metzger v. Christensen - Stein v. Christensen ,g. Quinn & Reilly re: decision on Thurman v. Snowden ,-h. Quinn & Reilly re: Twn Highway improvement & reconstruction program ,i. Quinn & Reilly re: Tall Trees, Subdivision Bond Zoltan J. Kiss re: Dumping near Chelsea Pumping Station +�c • Planning Board re: Recreation Deeds �1. Rudolph Lapar Memo on roof repair .m. Charles Cortellino re: money spent on non -accepted Rds n. Verner Christensen re: Resolution relating to the Taxation of Municipally owned property etc. presented at Con. Convention o. Beaton Cable re; Petition for Perthit_torprovide_CATV Service tp! Wappingers Falls Chamber of Commerce xe: request action on "non -conforming use" for small businesses 'q. Abutting property owners on Daisy Lane re: Carl Swenson property 6. Reports of Committees —1-i—Year Road Program ✓Completion of Ropm upstairs Spray Program 7. Resolutions Subdivision Rds Road Program 8. Unfinished Business /Policy of Board on Recreation Land Deeds - Mr. Fulton ✓Beechwood Circle - Mr. Clem Beck j9. New Business Spook Hollow Roads & Drainage - Mr. Fulton 10. Adiournment Roll Call 3, Fulton - t' ,Bulger -P L.,Clausen- A v,Francese- P L Diehl- P The Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger was held on Thursday, July 6, 1967, at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, New York. The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 7:46 P.M.. Members Present: (answering Roll Call) Absent: Joseph H. Fulton, Supervisor William Bulger, Justice of the Peace Vincent Francese, Justice of the Peace Louis Diehl, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Louis Clausen, Councilman Others Present: Joseph Quinn, Attorney to the Town Rudolph Lapar, Engineer to the Town Joseph Ludewig, Building Inspector Knud Clausen, Highway Superintendent Mr. Fulton recommended the acceptance of the minutes be deferred. Reports were received from the Justices of the Peace, Building Inspector and Supervisor. The Supervisor ordered them received and placed on file. Bills were presented in the following total amounts: General Fund $15,216.66 Highway 5,887..25' Mr. Bulger made the motion that the bills be paid subject to audit. Seconded by Mr. Francese. Unanimously carried. Mr. Bisom'requested -to address the Board. Before he spokeahe asked that the letter from the Wappinger Falls Chamber of Commerce be read. The Clerk read the following letter: July 3, 1967 Town Board' Mill Street Wappingers Falls, N.Y. Gentlemen: This letter is to bring to your attention the plight that the small businessman ha.s been put to. in our Town. There have been numerous requestOs for expansion by small businessmen who were placed in the category of "non—conforming use1 automatically when the zoning laws were effected. The result of the Town Board's inaction on this matter has created not only a financial burden but it has created and is continuing to create health hazards by not granting the relief necessary. We are strongly advocating Belief before Labor Day and early fall so that the Town as well as the people concerned can end this growing blight that neither the general public nor the Town profit by. We trust that you will give this situation the immediate attehtion that is long overdue. •Respectfully, 's/ Harold J. Myers; Secr. Mr. Fulton recommended -that Mr: Myers'. letter be answered and advise him that the 'Board acknowledges receipt of it, and appropriate action is forthcoming. Mr. Bisom first commented on the absence of one of the councilman then entered into his discussion on non—conforming small business, beginning with the fact that for the past several years it appears to him that small businesses have been getting a "sleigh ride". He believes the Town Board is going on the wrong track, that the Planning Board is an arm of the Town Board and the Town Board should contact them and tell them "this is what we want and go ahead". He recapitulated the past meetings between the Planning Board and the Town Board, the inaction of both, the fact that the Town Board had been in favor of relief — 4 to 1, and then he demanded that the Planning Board come out with it. Mr. Fulton commented on Mr. Bisom's reference to the "vote" of the Board, saying that the problem is one of how to implement it and still maintain the effectiveness of the Town's total Planning Ordinances. Mr. Bisom retorted that, when Planning and Zoning are in effect, sometimes, when there is rapid growth,,in a town or county, certain laws get antiquated and have to be changed. He maintained that every non—conforming business should be on its own merits, "There are about 30 of us, how long do we have to wait?" He recommended again thatthe.Town Board 99 to the Planning Board meeting Monday, and tell them. Mr. Fulton then said that the Board accepts Mr. Bisom's criticism and will work toward the relief that is sought. He then pointed out, when Mr. Bisom wouldn't accept this answer, that if there was a hardship in the case, there are already mechanics in the Zoning Board of Appeals to cope with it, that there is relief in the present statutes. Permission was requested by Mr. K. Clausen to attend the Association of Towns meeting for Highway Superintendents at Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. July IOth, Ilth and 12th. Mr. Bulger moved that Mr. K. Clausen be granted permission to attend the Association of Towns meeting at Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. the IOth, 11th and 12th of July 1967, and than his legitimate expenses be paid by the Town. Seconded by Mr. Francese. Unanimously Carried. Permission was requested by Mr. Bulger and Mr. Francese to attend training sessions at either St. Lawrence University, Carlton, N.Y. July 23 thru 29 or State University College, Fredonia, N.Y. August 1st thru 19th. Mr. Fulton moved that permission be granted to,Mr. Bulger and Mr. Francese to attend either the training session at St. Lawrence University in July 61; ';'w� or State University College in August, and their legitimate expenses be paid by the Town. Seconded by Mr. Clausen. Unanimously Carried. A letter was received from John M. Reed, representing Malcolm Cornet|, Inc., requesting the Town Board authorize the change in names of VVi|dwmod Forest, Section l[ & Wildwood Forest Section II—A to Cornell Estates Section [ and ll, (respectively). Mr. Quinn, when asked for his opinion, noted that the Town Board had neither the power nor the authority to do anything about the tequest. Both maps are on file in the County Clerk's Office and the only way they can change them is to refile, in some fashion. Messrs. Reed and Corne)|'s request referred to counsel for answer. A request was received from Quinn & Reilly, attorneys to the Town, to appeal the decisions on the proceedings of Metzger et al v. Christensen & Stein et all v. Chris/ensen. It is their opinion, with all due respect to special term, that the decisions are erroneous and should be taken up upon appeal to the Appellate Division. Mr. Bulger made a motion that counsel be instructed to appeal the decisions in Mmtzgei- et o| v. Christensen, and Stein et al v. Christensen. Seconded by Mr. Froncese: Unanimously Carried. Thm'Eoard had received copies'lf Mr, Quinn's letter regarding the Thurman v. Snowden mandamus proceedings, stating that the Appellate Division unan— imously reversed the judgement entered upon Mr. Justice Hawkins decision and dismissed the proceedings on the merit. Mr. Francese commented that he thinks the Attorney to the TOwn deserves a word of thanks from the Board for bringing forth such an appeal. He also thought that Mr. Judson"Wi||ioms^ who drafted the Zoning Ordinance of this Town, should also be complimented publicly by this Board. Copies of two letters from Quinn & Reilly were received (addressed to Mr. K. Clausen & Continental Insurance Co. respectively) regarding institution of action 'on the Bond for Tall Trees Section II. Mr. Fulton asked if there was anything new on this. Mr. Knud Clausen said "nothing", and Mr. Quinn noted that he had had no reply from either the Bonding Co. -or principal and that they are preparing to go on with litigation. Rules suspended to permit Mr. Heydmon to ask about the Bond situation on Beechwood Circle. Mr. Quinn replied that no action had been taken as yet. Rules resumed. A letter was received from Mr. Zoltan J. Kiss, calling the Board's attention to o dumping situation near the Chelsea Pumping Station. Mr. Diehl said he also had had reports of this dumping (and also of Baxter— town Road) saying of course each spot has to be cleaned up, but at this point he would ask the Supervisor to arrange to have a constable patrol these areas, on some basis, for the next 2 or 3 weeks to see if these conditions can be corrected, then when the parties that are dumping are apprehended, something can be done in the line of cleaning up. Mr. K. Clausen asked about the Town's responsibility when people are dumping on private land, admitting that the Highway Dept. had been dumping stumps on this property. He had been trying to push it all back to keep the appearance as neat as possible, since it is apparent other people are also dumping here now too, but it still is private land. The point he was try— ing to get across was if he were dumping stumps, etc. from the roads with permission, and other people started to dump in the same areas, was it the town's responsibility to cover it and keep it respectable. Mr. Diehl didn't feel people had the right at any time to just go along the roads and dump and Mr. Quinn answered Mr. Clausen's question, to a point, that there were civil actions that could be taken by the property owners. Mr. Bulger mentioned the Village and Town laws would also apply. Rules were suspended to allow discussion with Mr. Eugene Sheppard who resides near this property in question. Mr. Sheppard said he had been attempting to keep people from;dumping here, and also trying to identify those that were, without too much success. He was in no position to make use of the various avenues of law. Rules resumed. Mr, Diehl made a motion to empower the Supervisor to put a flexible con— stable patrol on the road, at the Supervisor's discretion, for the next 4 weeks, until the Boards next monthly meeting, and particularly concept— rate on the Chelsea and Ketchamtown Road area where we've had complaints and in the meantime if any other complaints come into the Town Clerk's office, she can so inform you that you may expand the patrol and let's clear up the people who are doing it, and then clean up the mess afterwards. Seconded by Mr. Bulger. Unanimously Carried. Mr. Bulger suggested it might be wise that the constable talk with Mr. Sheppard and with the adjacent property owners. The following letter from the Planning Board was read: June 27, 1967 Town Board Town of Wappinger Town Hall — Mill Street Wappingers Falls, N.Y. ` It has been brought to the Planning Board's attention that there has been some confusion in |000tiong certain deeds for recreation lands, and other documents, relating to subdivisions which have been approved and are presently inglor\ous stages of construction. Said deeds and documents were to be received by the Town Board prior to authorizing the Planning Board Chairman to sign the subdivision plats. It was the Planning Board's understanding that this was the Town Board's policy. Henceforth, in order to prevent the reoccurrence of this problem in the future, it will be the policy of the Planning Board that the Chairman will not sign any subdivision plats until written notification is received from the Town Board stating that the deeds, bonds, and other documents required, have been duly received and are on file with the Town Board's records. Yours very truly, s/A.W. Vandewinckel, Chairman Town of Wnppinger Planning Board Mr. Bulgers' reaction was one of reservot\on. His comment was that because the Town Board is not always fully aware of the detailed requirements which have been agreed to between the Planning Board and the developer in question, how would the Town Board know this deed represents the piece of property which the Planning Board has the intentions of accepting. Mr. Diehl said that when these things happen, the Planning Board should so notify the ToWn Board that such and such is. coming before the Board, so that we know exactly what they are thinking; and we're following.the right direction. The Clerk was directed to send this communication to the Planning Board, i.e. the recommendation that they communicate' with the Town Board on what wi | | be coming before them, and also, the Town Board would appreciate having n map of the subdivision for their perusal at that particular time. Mr. Bulger recommended that all prepared deeds, maps and "what have you" be referred to the Engineer to the Town and to counsel to tho Town for their inspectionv to -see that it meets the intents and requirements of the Planning Board, before the Town Board takes an' action. The following memo was received: MEMO TO: Town Board, Town of Wopp|nger FROM: Rudolph E. Lapar, Engineer to the Town DATE: June 15x 1967 SUBJECT: Town Hall Roof Gentlemen: Total The roof of the Town Hall was repaired as per bid specifications. Base -Bid $ 1,480.00 Additional work recommended for payment a. Two new drain outlets with necessary 'leader pipes & elbows $ 112.00 b. Repair and -replacing new wood and metal in gutters $ 253.20 $ 1,845.20 , It is further recommended that the contractor, H. Mannain, be paid $I,845.20. The contractor will be required to furnish a I5—year guarantee bond at the time of receipt of payment. REL:sJp Mr. Cortellino's letter was deferred temporarily, as he was not present at this point. A letter was received from Mr. Christensen, Chairman of the Board of Assess— ors, regarding a Resolution being presented to the Constitutional Convention from the N.Y. State Conference of Mayors. The resolution Mr. Christensen refers to, relating to "The Taxation of Municipally Owned Property Held For Public Use and Benefit (attached to letter), he feels should be objected to by the Town Board as unjust and damaging to the tax structure of any town where this could be applied. He recommends the Town Board send letters to Delegates, State Senator, Assemblymen, and Executives of the Association of Towns. Mr. Diehl said he had spoken to Mr. Christensen regarding this, and having received a detailed explanation, would personally be definitely against it, and would certainly follow Mr. Christensen's recommendation. Mr. Francese had also spoken to Mr. Christensen on this and would be in favor of making a motion on this Resolution, to forward same to at least the members of the Constitutional Convention. Mr. Diehl said he would like to make that in form of a motion. Mr. Francese said the Town Board should go on record, along with Mr. Diehl's motion to draft a resolution similar to the one attached to Mr. Christen— sen's letter. Mr. Fulton moved it be referred to counsel for re—drafting. Seconded by Mr. Francese. Unanimously Carried. A letter was received from Harry C. Calhoun, General Manager of Beacon Cable Corp. requesting the Board to consider introducing the necessary legislation for a public hearing to be held in connection with their request for a permit to provide CATV service in the Town of Wappinger. Mr. Francese moved to direct the Attorney to the Town to draft up a resol— ution to hold a Public Hearing for Beacon Cable Corp.. Seconded brMr. Diehl. Unanimously Carried. A letter was received from Messrs. Clifton L. Harding, Eugene D. Gough, Santo A. LoGuidice, Mattlor S. Lin, William Bentley, Paul W. Myers and James C. Mosier, all abutting property owners on Daisy Lane, Quiet Acres. The Super— visor ordered the letter received and placed on file. The Clerk reminded the -Board -that tonight -Was -the date set to receive the re— ports from the two citizens committees (Local Law #2 on water systems and the 11 year road program). Both committees had been contacted prior to the meeting. The committee on the Water Law was not prepared` to present anything to the Board, the committee on the road program hoped to have someting in by tonight. Neither of the committees was presentv nor had submitted anything. Mr. Fulton asked that both committees be contacted and asked them to please expedite their reports. There's a time element involved — the target date for advancing these plans to the public. Mr. Francese reported that the Engineer to the Town has contacted sub—contractors and has made certain recommendations on renovations on the 3rd floor room, quotes should be coming in within the next few days, and the rest of the Board will be advised of the situation when there is any information. Mr. Bulger reported on the possibility of the Town purchasing and operating some type of misting device for the control of mosquitoes. He had some estimates and without going into detoi|^ outlined that, the purchase of the device, a truck from which it would be operated, manpower and maintoinence and operation expenses would be over $14^000°00 for the year. With an operation period of about 6 months it wothld mean that we 'would have capital equipment alone -of $8'500 a year, with only n years benefit. Storage prob|ems of equipment and chemicals, difficulty in obtaining manpower on o'6 month basis. So on this basis he feels that the Board should investigate the possibility of operations of this type of a program through contract. He commented that he had also been in contact with the County Health Dept. and learned that the county spray program encompasses not only the use of a spraying device to kill off mosquitoes, but they are interested in permanent control of the mosquito. It will be relatively difficult for the county to really control mosquitoes, but on the other hand they are concerned that if the Town of Wappinger sprays and they spray, and there are complaints from people who don't want their property sprayed, that because of the possible conflict they would not spray in the Town of Wappingers The door has, however, been Left open. The town could work in cooperot�on with the county on a long range program but with more Study whether or not it would be beneficial to the type of service we would want to supply to the Town on a short range basis, is quite open a question. He is in the process of determining the cost to go on a contract basis to spray the swamps merely to suppress -the problem and will report as soon s possible. Mr. Fulton asked Mr. Knud Clausen what the status of 'the roads were in Spook Hollow Estates, off Henry Road. Mr. K. Clausen said he hadn't been in there since early this spring. He will go in, investigate and report back. 6 2v4 Mr. Fulton asked that, due to the fact that they are expecting to put the roads in very shortly, would Mr. Clausen evaluate the situation. Mr, Fulton asked a member of the audience what his purpose was for asking for a suspension of the rules. Ronald Lafko said that he and members of the audience would like discussion on Item 5q of the Agenda (letter from abutting property owners on Daisy Lane, Quiet Acres). The Board saw fit not to sus— pend the rules. Mr. Fulton stated that this letter had been received by the Board and ordered placed on file, but felt a few remarks on the subject would be appropriate, however, at this time. He first stated that this Town Board is now under a court order of restraint. The legal remedies are in the hands of the Attorneys to the Town. The court order was received last night, the Board has met in executive session prior to this open meeting and are all in com— plete agreement that there will be no discussion on this subject, however, this meeting will be adjourned until tomorrow night for various reasons of which all Town Board members are aware. Beechwood Circle: Mr. Clem Beck directed aletter to the Board regarding "winter maintainence" of Beechwood Circle requesting withdrawal of his request to have this subject on the agenda of the July meeting. The Clerk read the following letter: July 3, 1967 Town of Wappinger Town Hall Mill Street Wappingers Falls, N.Y. Attn: Messrs. W.J. Bulger and V.S. Frinre5e Gentlemen: This will acknowledge your letter received in this office on June 26, 1967. In the first place, we would advise that we are also concerned for traffic safety on the above protect. However, the volume and intensity of traffic on this project have made maintenance of traffic extremely difficult. It appears that most of the difficulties mentioned in your letter will be all— eviated soon. We have instructed our field engineers to notify.the proper authorities of any changes in traffic patterns. We have been informed that all fire companies and ambulance services have been so advised in the past. It is our understanding that June 23, I967,.was the last day of regular sessions at the schools in the area and it is our observation that traffic- on Myers Corners Road has reduced considerably since schools closed. - The contract plans call for a traffic signal to be placed at the Myers Corners Road intersection and this signal will be placed as soon as possible. Work is progressing on the final alignment at both Myers Corners Road and Old Hopewell Road intersections. While we regret the inconvenience to the travelling public, we know of ���� ^"- �x� no way of building this project without some inconvenience, but we will attempt to keep this at a minimum. Route 9 traffic has been placed on 24 feet of con— crete pavement on an alignment which is considerably safer than the original Route 9. We appreciate your concern for this project and assure you of ours. Very truly yoursv s/ C.J. Lyman Sr. Supervising Engineer Mr° Bulger's only comment was that the reply was not to the point, and doesn't really answer the letter that he and Judge Francese sent. Mr. Fulton reported that he had been in negotiations with the N.Y, Telephone Co~ and they have, to this date, provided him with information that he had asked for and although it is verbal, he is optimistic, something should be heard regarding it within a week or two. Mr. Bulger :"since we have been advised that we are under a restraining order in regards to proceedings concerning a suspension of o permit to operate a nat— ural resource mining enterprise for the removal of gravel on the lands of Carl Swenson, since this restraining order deprives this Board of the power to act on matters which it certainly, in my opinion, should act, l would therefore, move that counsel be directed to take immediately all necessary action to either have this order vacated, or litigate the matter to o successful cohc|usion. Seconded by Mr. Francese. Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes. Motion made by Mr. Bulger, seconded by Mr. Diehl and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting until 10:00 P.M. July 7th, 1967. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M.. L'-cfl^k' Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk WARRANT To Joseph--H.__F_ut-tori , Supervisor Town of Wappinger , County of butches& , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of app -roger , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the ---6.1.h.-day of -.1uJy , 1967--_-, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. NAME OF CLAIMANT '407 Albino Medi Pine Ridae Dr.. 408 409 410 411 412 413 ;414 AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT 2:2:7 Hi1Md_, W.F. Imelda M, Eyons VanVnnrhtie Tarr_, W.F_ Paul Franzoni Rosewood Dr., W.F. Carrs tfrlve, W.F. i nighGi Iderskrew.F Joseph De Nagy 2 Fleetwood or_ Catherinesn Loop snrnr t testi '415 Pauline Egan Diddell Rd., W. .. 416 Beatrice Helmeyer Diddeli Rd., W.F. i417 Adelaide Corbin Diddell Rd.. W.F. 418 I Jean Schmidt Diddeil Rd., W.F' IEileen Farrell 24.00 86eisee 420 I Cornelia Greer Cheylsea ice Chelsea ,422 Elizabeth Hammond Chelsea 423 Bernice Mills 7 Brian P1., W.F. 424 Roberta Wood 8 Daisy Lane, W.F. 425 Lorraine Ciccone 6 Daisy Lane, W.F. 426 Jenny Olsen 10 Russ P i . W.F. 427 Emma Kisher Kent Rd., W.F. OTHER INFORMATION 19.00 T.8.- Elections "A" 19.00 19.00 19.00 24.00 19.00 10.1r 19.00 19.00 19.00 T.B.- Elections "A" T.B.- Elections "A" T.8.- Elections "A" T.B.- Elections "A" T.8.- Elections "A" T.B.- Elections "A" T.B. Elections "A" T.B.-Elertj4 140 "A" T.B. Electi,ns "A" 419 421 428 Edith Barbara 93 Ardmore Dr_, W.F_ /429 Eileen Fay 1 Fenmore Dr. WJ- 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this day of [SEAL] T.8. Electins Rlect ins T.B. Elections T.B. Electilns T.B. Electi1ns T.B. Electins T.B. Electilrns T.B. Electins T.B. Electi ns T.8. Etecti s T.B. Elect4ns T.B. "4" "A" "A" "A" "A" "A" "A" "A" "A" "A" "A" "A" and the Seal of the Town of ,19 Town Clerk -2 - WARRANT To Joseph H. Fp) t , Supervisor Town of Wapp i nger , County of Dutchess , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Wapp1nger , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 6th day of Ju 1 ta , 19__6a., in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM NAME OF CLAIMANT AMOUNT FUND OR No. ALLOWED ACCOUNT /430 Marion Siudzinski 10 Fenmore Drive, W.F. / 431 Johanna Rinck All AnoeIs Rd.. W.F. /432 I Almeida Kupris Myers Corn. Rd., W.F. /433 Mary Kelley Pye Lane, W.F. /114 Mary Egan 4 Brothers Rd., W.F. /435 I Alma Berinato 11 Prospect St., W.F. 436 1 George Dick 39 Spring St., W.F. /437 I Rose Fitzpatrick 11 Clapp Ave., W.F. / 438 I Charles Grosenbeck 1 Dutchess Ave., W.F. 439 Catherine tie Ronde 7 Trabucco Pl., W.F. /440 Eileen Welt 7 Park Ave., W.F. 441 Viola Brown 10m Spring St., W.F. 442 Patricia Dugan 38M Liss Rd., W.F. Ruth Peace 3 Pattie Pl., W.F. 444 Melva Laffin Widmer Rd., W.F. 445 1 Chester Miller 62 Robert Lane, W.F. 446 Maureen Porter 51 Robert Lane,W.F. 447 Clara Nissan 5 Pattie Pi, W.F. 448 I Herold Myers 93 South Ave., W.F. 449 1 Margaret Fredericks 53 nommen Ave. W.F. 450 'Mary Sidote 1 Adams St., W.F. 451 Joan Yeaple 6 Carmine St., W.F. ,452 Vera Hamilton Old Troy Rd., W.F. X443 OTHER INFORMATION 19.00 T.B. Elect Vans "A" 19.00 T.B. Electipns "A" 19.00 T.B. Elect i,ns "A" 24.00 T.B. Electi,ns "A" 19.001 T.B. Elect ians "A" 18.001 T.B. Elect4 ns "A" 18.001 T.B. Electi)ns "A" 18.001 T.8. Electiks "A" 23.001 T.B. ElectiIns "A" 19.001 T.B. Electijns "A" 24.001 T.B. ElectiJns "A" 19.001T.B. Electiks "A" 19.00 T.B. Electi,ns "A" 8.00 T.B. Electins "A" 24.00 T.B. Electiins "A" 8.00 T.B. Electilm "A" 19.00 T.B. Electins "A" 6.00 T.B. E lett ins "A" 19.00 T.B. Electiins "A" 19.00 T.B. Electins "A" 19.00 T.B. Elections "A" 24.00 T.B. Electins "A" 24.00 T.B. Elections "A" In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of this day of , 19 Town Clerk [SEAL] WARRANT To Joseph H, Fulton , Supervisor Town of Wappincger -3- , County of Lluiclaess , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Wapp inge r , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 6th day of Ju i y , 19.67._, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. NAME OF CLAIMANT AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT /453 Helen Tompkins Hughsonv i 1l e 454 Jean Re 1 yea MariorviIle Rd. W.F. '455 Norma Clerk P.0 .Box 418. Huahsonv.i 116 /456 Hatti Hannigan Myers Corners Rd.. W.F. 457 Pauline Brannen Rte. 376, W.F. 7458 Florence Bisulk All Angels Rd., W.F. 1,459 Marjorie Steele Rte. 376. W.F. ,460 Beatrice Roe 25 DeGermo Hi .I .I s w461 Sylvia Gorin 13 Liss Rd., W.F. 1462 June Schnorr 12 0sGern© Hills Rd.,W.F. 19.00 463 June Scelzo Rt.2 Box 298 Hooe. Junct. 464 AssocaHogrkService of 465 Rudolph Leper OTHER INFORMATION 19.00 T.B.-Electi5ns "A" 19.00 T.B.-Eiecti›ns "A" 19.0C T.B..-Elections "A" 19.00 19.00 19.00 24.00 T.B.}-Elects s TA" T.B.-Elects s "A" T.B.-Elects s "A" T.B.-Elects s "A" "A" "A" .,W.F- 24 -on T•B8.-Elects 19.00 T.B.-Elect T.B.—Electi "A" 141.82 750.00 /466 Valley Tree Service 960.00 j467 x468 469 gralgAti ft:41,11019 10.00 J470 Axes, Pough. 7.50 J471 New York Telephone 472 Vince *s Oi 1 Service J 473 J474 Herold Mannain c/o Gallo Painting, 30 Market St. 1845.20 Ed H i nz+pann 9.00 475 Wit SI.;i;FJr. R¢R Elecr�c Inc. Ri. , W. . Custom Cleaning Contract. 105.00 In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this day of 001 )0 36 of Eng. & Exp. Recreation "E" Imp. of P&P Permanent I ovemen is TB-TH"A"Antals TB-TH "A" ntals TB-TH "D pears 209.83 TB-TH "D" 23.99 TB-TH "D" 4.95 TB-TH "0" pairs 24.25 TB-TH "0" irs TB-TH "E" and the Seal of the Town [SEAL] , 19 of Town Clerk WARRANT To Joseph H. Fulton Town of Wappinger , Supervisor , County of DU cheer: , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 6th day of July , 1962____, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. ‘1176 J 477 478 `(479 /481 /482 7483 484 /485 „/486 487 j488 /489 `490 At91 492 493 494 ✓495 /496 J 497 J 498 NAME OF CLAIMANT Inwood Music Studio Frances Frisina Poughkeepsie Newspapers Eppi:tg8Pf%?ckson St } W.&S.D. News 20 E. Main St., W.F. AMOUNT ALLOWED 7.20 1.70 14.04 4440 IN/ " " 0144 It " " Messrs. Quinn & Reilly " A.J. Brooker Co. Edward Thompson Co. Xerox Corp. Box 2487 Church St. Stat Verner Christensen 16.53 49.78 I 55.101 8.741 500.0 I 2,200.04 10.51 3.04 96.9+ gn I 27.80 70 1Nes i CeRdbr-5Y; t ABougons h. 18.00 Capitol Highway Materialif 517.95 Excelsior Beacon Corp. Schumons A&N Store Beatrice &slyer fbpewe l I Rd. W.F. Lary Pettit Monfort Rd., W.F. " " Big Scot George Wolf, Inc. 387 Milt St. Pough. A-1 Fence Co. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto this day of [SEAL] 41.90 35.00 40.24 23.00 18.00 162.42 38.45 1450..00 5,-/,8(i set my hand and the Seal of the Town of , 19 FUND OR ACCOUNT OTHER INFORMATION T5-TH "E" C then T8 -Elections "C"" other TB-Printin &Advtsg. TB-Printin d Advtsg. all dept's. TB- Printila & Advtsg. +_ g. all dept's. ""SO I " " It „ TB- Serv. + atty & esp. of litg. TB- Serv. oft atty d exp. of litg. f8-" TH iftr$2 65s •87 4 Just ice of the Peace "C" Towr, Clerk Off. & other Assessors Assessors Public Public Public 4" Off. & others Safely- Traffic "A" Road Safeky-€xsrnining Board uefense Purposes Safety- Examini Board Defense Purposes i'A" P&P leAn P&P l'A" P&P fisi. (Field Day) /*C" Recreation 'C" Recreation Recreation Recreation Recreation Recreation signs Town Clerk • WARRANT To Joseph H. Fulton Town of. 6th Wappjnger , Supervisor , County of Dutchess , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Wapp i nger , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the day of Ju lY , 1967.._, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM NAME OF CLAIMANT No. 499 4oi ,j502 ./503 /504 )105 507 JJ J 50B X510 j511 /512 /513 bJS14 V315 v516 ,A17d Hudson Valley Building L23 RamboutAve . Beacon Ale r5nugum Corp ochran Hill PQuah Mowry Landscaping Cady Lane, W.F. "The lnsites" c/o Rog.r Aiggins, 14 S. Ave. W.F. Marist College Press Marist College, Pough. ainiSI , tribdeeconCo. Red Oaks Mill Hobby Writer Red Oaks Mills, Pough. Stoper-Willen Community Mmbu l ance Service. 1 nc, Richard Barger AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT Hamilton 70 West Ceder St.tions Pouoh Joseph Gutmann Joseph Ludeewwig Av� . Tains Associates Axton Cross Co. Shelton, Conn. EIyy� Corporation Melia P1., Stamford, Conn Flygt Corporation Flygt Corporation E.C.C. Shaker Trawls &Qu i nn 483 Man St., Pough. 237.00 50.00 400.00 50.00 Recreation Recreation Recreation Youth "B" 7.00 Youth 31.87 33.16 1,125.01 129.0( Youth "8" "8" Youth "8" Misc. Misc.- OTHER INFORMATION "C" Purchase of Equip. "D" -Patriotic Observ. "E" Imp. of P&P ce Service -1,000.00 Equip.- 125.00 ps b Desc. PT- Bldg. In 27. • + BI -"C" $13. Zoning Adm. 816.75_ I2,113.4)( 52.00 $13.95 P.T. "C" Plinning Bd. Consultants Oakwood Kno Is 225.00 Oakwood Knol is 225.00 225 16. Oakwood Knol s Oakwood Knolls Oakwood Knots Oakwood Knols In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of this day of , 19 [SEAL] Town Clerk