1967-05-25 PH5 7 5 A Public Hearing on CATV was held on May 25, 1967, at the Town Hall, Mill St,, Wappingers Falls, N.Y.. The Supervisor called the Hearing to order at 8:27 P.M.. Present: Joseph H. Fulton, Supervisor William Bulger, Justice of the Peace Vincent Francese, Justice of the Peace Louis Clausen, Councilman Louis Diehl, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk The Clerk read the following notice of Public Hearing: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON'APPLICATIOW BY HIGHWAY DISPLAYS, INC. FOR A PERMIT TO USE THE STREETS, HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC PLACES OF THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER FOR INSTALLATION AND OPERATION OF A COM- MUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION SYSTEM PUR- SUANT TO THE TERMS OF A PROPOSED AGREE- MENT RELATING THERETO. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Highway Displays, Inc. has heretofore made applic- ation to the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger seeking to obtain a permit to use the streets, highways and public places of the Town, exclusive of the area of the Town sLtuate within the corporate limits of the Village of Wappingers Falls, for the pur- pose of installing, operating and maintaining a community antenna television system to furnish television service to the residents of the Town by means of a moister antenna cable system, pursuant to the provisions of a proposed agreement relating to the issuance and granting of said permit. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger will conduct a public hearing upon the aforesaid application and the proposed agreement relating thereto at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, on the 25th day of May, 1967, at 8:00 o'clock P.M., E.D.S.T., on such day, at which time all parties interested will be heard. NOTICE IS" FURTHER 'GIVEN that a copy of the proposed agreement relating to the iss- uance and granting of the subject permit is on file in the offi4e of the Town Clerk and may be examined in that office by members of the public during regular business hours. Dated: May 4, 1967 Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. Affidavits of Publication and Posting, duly sworn and notarized were offered for the record. The Supervisor asked if there were any persons present who wished to speak against the proposed agreement. Mr. Louis Eck, Eck Drive, asked if Highway Displays, Inc. was the only company applying for the contract. Mr. Fulton informed him that this company was the only one applyling at this time. Mr. Felix Timbo, Mill St., said he was representing himself and asked if the company in question had any other operations. Mr. Schwartz replied in the affirmative stating that they would be delivering in a week or two. (He is President of Highway Displays) Mr. Gus Tullo, a resident of the Town inquired about the rates. Mr. Alan Rappalyea then introduced himself as the attorney representing Highway Dis- plays and commenced to explain the operation, offering to answer any questions the 57:6 residents may have. He continued, stating that this company submitted a proposal to the Town, subject to Public Hearing. They operated from Poughkeepsie and were in outdoor display business for many years. They were commencing 2 cable T.V. in Hyde Park and Highland and would be operating them in a week or two. He explained CATV --it is a lead-in connection from a master brought in by telephone cable and transmitted by wire to the home. The signal would be stronger than that brought in through air. One channel, probably #12, would be reserved for a local channel. The charge would be $5.00 per month for the first set and an additional $1.50 for the second set, $IrOO for the 3rd set. The installation charge would be $20. He felt the company had a superior system, more expensive than some, better splicing and better reception. They would have a central location so that even the fringe areas of the Town of Wappinger would receive the signal. Installation by the home inspected and approved by Highway Displays. Mr. Timbo questioned the $6.50 charge if the owner made the installation. He under- stood the initial 35.00 monthly charge but did not understand why the $1.50 charge for the second set should be perpetual. _ Mr. Rappalyea explained the reason for the charge is a maintenance fee and even though the owner rriay install his own, the company is responsible for any, leakage or troub.le. .This Is based on experience of trouble they know they will have. Mr. Eck wanted to be assureed that the installation charge of $20 would be re- funded if there was a leakage, problem that couldn't be solved. Mr. Rappalyea replied "yes, the installation fee would be returned as once the set is hooked up it is guaranteed. Mr. Dan Sabia asked if there was any protection for the non -user and if they can't find the troubles will you give neighbor free service. Mr. Rappalyea said if there is any trouble and the home owner,for instance, won't allow a check into this, the Company has the right to cut him off as we have pro- vided for this in our contract to the Town Board. We will provide an expert for this in our contract to the Town Board. We will provide an expert for this area at no expense to the Town to find any trouble and if the problem can't be found we will provide free service. Mr. Gus Tullo wanted to know where the antenna would be located. Mr. Rappalyea said they have options on two pieces of probperty but they are not at liberty to say where at this time. Also he went on to say they have 12 Channels plus FM. Channel 12 they are reserving for a local channel, plus an FM hook-up which their initial charge will be $5.00 and no monthly maintenance fee. Mr. John Burns asked if the FM's (local) would be affected on the same frequency. The company representative explained the Town Board will appoint a committee to look into any problems concerning radiation, etc.,and they will handle it. 57: Mr. A. Napoleon noted the difference in the Beacon rate of $1.00 as opposed to the rete of $1.50 for Highway Displays and are the prices competitive. He also wondered if the rates could be raised once set. The answer to this was no. Mr. Napoleon asked about reimbursements on a percentage basis. The general summary of the percentage basis was the Town Board has waived the per— centage and it will be decucted from the consumers bill. Mr. Napoleon asked about reimbursements on a percentage basis. The general summary of the percentage basis was the Town Board has waived the per— centage and it will be deducted from the consumers bill. Mr. Napoleon asked if Highway Displays would be coming into the village. The reply was the village can be served and a clause is provided in the contract for this. Louis Eck: How many CATV's in Dutchess County? Discussion again about the rates being competitive. In Dutchess County the CATV's rates run from approximately $4.75 to $5.00. In the future there might be a rate system set up by the Public Service Commission. Mr. Eck asked about the rates going up. Mr. Quinn submitted an example about rates: If this applicant for the Town of Wappinger goes to, for instance, Hyde Park and charges less, then they must adjust the Town of Wappinger rates to conform with the rate of Hyde Park. Mr. Tullo wanted to know if there is anything in the contract that provides number of service personnel on hand in the event of amplifier failure or etc.. The answer was no but they must provide a workable service and they -must rely on the N.Y. Telephone Company for repairs and service. Highway Displays does not have a specific amount of men employed for this at present and the New York Telephone Company is responsible for maintenance. Mr. S. Mucci asked if the Company was prepared to operate at a loss for 10 years. Mr. Rappalyea said they felt they were well enough capitalized to absorb any losses. Mr. Sam Mucci inquired about the Empire State Antenna moving and will it affect this area on reception. Answer: No. Don McChesney wanted an estimate of when the installation in homes would be. Answer: About 6 months, according to area. Mr. Fulton took this moment to refer to Paragraph 24. Louis Eck: How many can come in. Mr. Fulton said it was up to the Telephone Company. Mr. Bulger asked if there would be any problems in regards to zoning in installing equipment. The answer was that they will meet any zoning requirements. A question was asked of Mr. Rappalyea if they were going to guarantee the rates per customer or per set. Mr. Mucci wondered if it would be beneficial for the first subscribers to be offered special rates. 5 1a As a closing question Mr. F. Lafko referred to the tower being erected by the Tel— ephone Company and if a special use permit was required and will it be over 200' above ground. Hearing closed at 9:32 P.M. adakilKAA Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk