1967-05-25 SPM�� ��
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A Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger was held on
Thursday, May 25, 1967, at the Town Hall, Mill St., Wappingers Falls, N.Y..
Members Present: (answering roll call)
Joseph H. Fulton, Supervisor
William Bulger, Justice of the Peace
Vincent Fcancese, Justice of the Peace
Louis Clausen, Councilman
Louis Diehl, Councilman
Others Present:
Joseph Quinn, Attorney
Joseph Ludewig, Building Inspector
Rudolph Lapar, Engineer to the Town
Knud Clausen, Highway Superintendent
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 9:48 P.AA.,
Wappingers Lake -
Mr. Fulton brought up for discussion with the Board the purchase by the Vi | |oge of
Wappingers Falls of the Lake, expressly pointing out that the County, this day, had
passed a reso|/^t{on exempting the Village from taxes on it. He then asked Mr. Quinn
if he had any comment on the resolution that the Board had received from the Village.
Mr. Quinn first made note of the fact that the resolution had just today been received
by him (not this winter as was supposed) then commented on the description it contained
of the whole parcel (of which he had no way of immediately checking) which would
cause him to hesitate recommending immediate action, but if the Board desired to ex-
press their intentions of agreeing to exempt the portion of the Village Property that
lies within the Town of Wappinger that is to be devoted to Park purposesv a simple
motion would suffice now and then a more adequate resolution could be drawn up for
Mr. Bu(gsr nowIl that this Town Board agree to exempt from ad Yalorum taxes that
portion of Wappingers Lake lying within the boundaries of the Town of Wappinger and
which is devoted to recreational purposes, and which has been purchased for that pur-
pose by th, Vik|o8w pf Wappingers Fo| |s' and that counsel for the Town be instructed
to prepare the necessary documents to carry out this motion, and this motion shall
apply only to the land underneath the lake, and not the waters thereof, or any benefits
that mpy accrue from them; and this exemption Ooy be renewed oran annual basis.
Seconded by Mr. Frnncese. Unanimously Carried,
Rules were suspended to permit Mr~ Lafko to ask thd Board for q clarification of the
preceeding motion, and, if the Village will permit Town residents to use the Parkland.
He was given to understand that due to the fact that State funds were being used, the
Village has no rights of exclusion.
Rules resumed,
Mr. Quinn foresaw some possible future problems with regard to the Town's purchase of
the L & A Sewer Plant, - in connection with the Lake - if the Town would ever have any
need to place any pipes or mechanical devices in any port of this area that hos been
eoquiesed - a solution being on inclusion in the resolution by the Town Board
granting tax exemption to the Village could be conditioned upon the Town's right
to utilize some part of the Lake or creek:
Mr. Fulton commented that there had been prior discussion about o 3 year lease
with the Hu8hsonni||e Fire District, and as counsel had heard nothing from the
Fire District's Attorney, he continued to explain that o simple 3 year lease
would be drown up for this field - for recreational purposes - and the Town of
Wappinger will retain the right and ownership to any fixtures that are put on
the property. On those 2 basis oondRVOhs,, he asked if the ' ord would author-
ize him to sign this lease, as something concrete might develop be&ora the next
Mr. Diehl mode a Motion that the Supervisor be authorized to sign a 3 year lease
with the Hughsonvi | |e Fire District for a parcel of land for Town recreational
purposes. Seconded by Mr. Bu|ger. Unanimously Carried.
Mr° Fulton - on a point for consideration at the next Board meet|ng4- said he
would like to present a resolution whereby deeds to Recreational Land will be
submitted to the Board before the Board passes on acceptance of rood bonds, and
at that time, establish clear title to these Recreational Lands.
Mr. Fulton's second point was the L & A Sewage disposal District and the form-
ation of J/t/t60/t10016rWeJtleJtIVINA1/M60/00/1NVOY/041//690 the L & A Sewer
disposal treatment district* and the formation of its contributory districts
that may be involved. He commented that Adler -Brenner Associates Inc. had done
e fensobi|ity study and report on this - and that the Engineer to the Town, Rud-
olph Lopor has been in association with this firm (but he sees no conflict of
interests adding it might well be o benefit to the Town.)
Mr. Fulton mode the motion that the firm of Adler -Brenner Associates, Inc. and
in association with Mr. Rudolph Leper be named as Engineers to the formation
of these dlstricts, under Article 12C.Tnwn Low, and that the Attorneys for the
Town be directed to draw up a contrott naming the firm of Adler -Brenner, Assoc-
' io1es^ Inc. in association with Mr. Lapar as Engineers to the formation of these
districts. Seconded by Mr^.C|outen. Unanimously earfried.
Mr. Fulton said that at the next meeting he would like to present a modified
plan which involves the 11 year road pnxgran. His intentions are to bring in
o proposal for a 3 year plan which covers basically the same amount of ground.
This evoked o lengthy discussion. Mr. C|ausen's reaction was that Mr. Fulton
should have had the courtesy to consult with the Highway Superintendent before
presenting highway proposals to the Board and Mr. Knud Clausen felt the proposal
was ridiculous, it absolutely couldn't be done. Mr. Fulton, defending this prop -
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oso|' saw nothing unorthodox about his approach. Mr. Lopor, when asked for his
opin\on° said he felt it could be done, and in response to Mr. C|uusen`s question
was there anything basically wrong with the 11 year proposal was a good one - and
certainly o 3 year program would incorporate everything in that, it would be a
matter of scheduling. Mr. Quinn tried to put the point across that the Board
should work out n plan whereby o Resolution is adopted to spend "x" dollars on
the roods - put it before the voters and see if they will authorize spending this
kind of money. He again tried to point out that the || year program was on unwork-
ob|e pnogrom from the way of municipal financing. Mr. Diehl said he had mention-
ed several months ago, with respect to the || year program that perhaps a 3 or 4
year crash program might be necessary. He feels the job has to be done. He would
be in feeling with any program that is best for the Town, no matter where it came
from, it has to be worked out, and if Mr. Fulton - or anyone's- program is pest,
he is for it. (Mr. Bulger excused himself from the meeting during this discuss-
ion period). Mr. Fulton ended the discussion by saying he would present his plan
at the nex t meeting.
Mr. Diehl said he had been given a ,copy of the Town Zoning Ordinance tonight,
with a section of it, pertaining to Airport Zoning, pointed out to him. He asked
Mr. Ludewig and Mr. Wilinn if they had any opinions on it, and if so, would they
so state.
Mr. Fulton said it had also been brought to his attention (section 430 & 440) and
he was examining what happendd in a presumably similar case in Long Island.
Mr. Ludewig read the section on permitted usein an Al zone tying in the applic-
able portions to airports.
Rules were suspended to permit Mr. gck to ask Mr. Ludewig what "permitted use"
means in way of zoning, and wanted to be shown where municipalities can take
precedence over the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Lafko also probed into the uses and
prohibitions in the Al district.
Rules resumed.
Mr. Clausen asked Mr° Quinn if he had done anything on the Boards' motion, referred
to him to draw up a Resolution calling for a Public Hearing on a Zoning Ordinance
cmhngm - in effect to compel builders to put in all roads,- except the last layer
of blacktop- before any building permits are issued.
Mr. Quinn said he had done some preliminary work on it, but added that Section
280A of Town Law already provides relied!. He noted that if this was anticipated
to encompass the entire To changes would have to be made in the Zoning Ordin-
ance and Planning Board Regulations and possibly amend the road specs, in which
case a Public Hearing would.have to be held. He said he would provide the Board
with an opinion letter and supply courses of action available.
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Mr. Clausen said he had been discussing with the Dog Warden the dog problems. He
felt the dog warden should be at least reimbursed for mileage in connection with
this Job.
Mr. Francese sold he always had the ability to charge mileage and the Board should
so direct a letter to the Dog Warden to this effect.
Mr. Fulton mentioned, with the increasing number of dog complaints, there was a
possibility of a contract with the SPCA. He would check further into it.
Mr. Clausen asked to include in the letter that Mr. Straley be asked to inform
the Board of any suggestions he might have to relieve his situation. Mr.
Francese embroidered on this with a suggestion that it might be nice if the Dog
Warden would submit a monthly report of his problems - it might enlighten the
Board and the people.
Mr. Frances, after a quick conference with Mr. Reilly, believes that the Dog
Warden may be paid higher fees - the Board may rescind the fees as proposed at
the Raorganizatlono| Meeting and raise him at any time during the year. He
requested an opinion on this from Mr. Reilly, and also, follow through with the
legality of what can be done with the SPCA.
Mr. Clausen asked the Supervisor if he had any knowledge of any correspondencer
with any recommendations, from the City of New York Water supply, on the 'ss-
ibi|([y of the Town of Wappinger purchasing water from the Chelsea Water Plant.
Mr. Fulton answered no and Mr. Francese commented that several years ago he and Mr.
Burger had made inquiries to the New York City Water Supply, asking them if
there were any type of negotiations that the Town of Wappinger, at that time, and
the reply they received indicated, quite clearly, that the city had no intentions
of ever having negotiations with either the Town of Wappinger or Dutchess County.
Mr. Fulton said that the Town's best hope for water would be through the Town of
Poughkeepsie. He had been talking with Supervisor Schueler and if the Town of
Poughkeepsie can make a contract with the city of Poughkeepsie, Mr. Schueler assur-
ed him that he will give the Town of Wappinger the same deal he Will have with the
City of Poughkeepsie, He further added that as for as the Chelsea plant goes, the
water going into that plant would have to be processed, and that cost would be
prohibotive - tapping the aquaduct would be a different situation. The Town
would have the right to hook on to the pumping station, but unlikely to hook on
the aquaduct.
Mr. Clausen said that the committee working on the Local Law on water came up
with the suggestion that the Board empower the Town Clerk to write a letter to
the New York City Water Supply and ask if there was any chance of negotiating
for water, even tapping into the aquaduct or plant.
A motion was made by Mr. Clausen and seconded by Mr. Diehl to empower the Town
Clerk to write a
letter to the New York City water supply to ask if there was
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any possibility of negotiating for water. Unanimously Carried.
Mrs. Snowden asked that the Chairman of the Committee help draft the letter and
was instructed to get in touch with Thomas Armstrong.
Bids on Trucks -
One bid received, from Hudson River Sales Corp., on the Targe Dump Trucks.
The bid was for 2 FWD dump trucks, at the cost of $32,570.00.
The Highway Superintendent recommended the bid be awarded to Hudson River Sales
Corp. for 2 FWD Dump Trucks.
Mr. L. Clausen moved to accept the Highway Superintendents recommendation, and
award the Bid to Hudson River Sales Corp. for 2 FWD dump trucks at the cost of
$32,570.00. Seconded by Mr. Fulton.
Roll Call Vote:
Mr. Clausen Aye Mr. Diehl Abstain
Mr. Francese Aye Mr. Fulton Aye
Bids on Suburban Wagon -
Three bids were received for a Suburban Wagon - Mid -Hudson Chevrolet @ $2,624.00
(the non -collusion statement was not signed); Hoffman Ford @ $2,779.00; S.J. Rey-
nolds ® $2,738.71
The Highway Superintendent recommended the bid be awarded to the lowest bidder
complying with the Statute - S.J. Reynolds, for a Suburban Wagon @ $2,738.71.
Mr. Diehl moved to accept the Highway Superintendents recommendation, and award
the bid to S.J. Reynolds for a Plymouth Fury Wagon at ® $2,738.71.
Seconded by Mr. Fulton. Unanimously Carried.
Mr. Francese moved to authorize the Attorneys for the Town to prepare the necess-
ary Bond Resolution to fund the purchase for a front end loader, 2 dump trucks
and a Suburban Wagon for the Town of Wappinger Highway Dept..
Seconded by Mr. Clausen. Unanimously Carried.
A Motion was made by Mr. Clausen, seconded by Mr. Diehl and Unanimously Carried
to adjourn.
Meeting adjourned at 12:38 A.M.
Elaine H. Snowden
Town Clerk
W. and S. D.
AX 7 — 3724
Legal Notice''
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Highway Displays, Inc. has hereto-
fore madr .:ppllcatlon .to the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger
seeking to obtain a permit to use the streets, highways and public
places of the Town, exclusive of the area of the Town situate within
" the corporate limits of the Village of Wapplhgers Falls, for the pur-
pose of installing, operating and maintaining a community antenna
television system to furnish television service to the residents of the
.Town by' means of a master antenna cable system, pursuant to the pro-
Vvlsions of a proposed agreement relating to the issuance and granting
'of said permit.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of
1 , appinger will conduct a public hearing upon the aforesaid application
And the proposed agreement relating thereto at the Town Hall, MIU
jStreet, Wappingers Falls. Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New
' York, on the 25th day of May, 1967, at 8:00 o'clock P.M., E.D.S.T..
ion such day, at which time all parties Interested will be heard.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that a copy of the proposed agree.
meet relating to the issuance and granting of the subject permit is on
=file in the office of the Town 'Clerk and may be examined In that office
by members of the public during regular business hours.
bad; May 4, 1967
.Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk,
Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess County. New York,
State of New York.
County of Dutchess.
Town of Wappinger.
Pealr}Tg ()Veil of the
Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County. New Yak,
being duly sworn, says that he is, and it the several
times hereinafter was. the ...............
.. aA e.a
.... r .. Of
W. & S.D. NEWS. a newspaper printed and published
every Thursday in the year in the Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess County, New York, and that the annexed
NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for '
... PPT.... week successively...Q S ...in each week.
commencing on the... 3.101... day of..149y
19. 67and on the following dates thereafter, namely on
and ending on the.f filth day of
19.q' both days inclusive.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 1 1 day of, , ., G Ilei
Notary Public
My commission expires• :.\:W3.-..1.is . ". , .4 .1...