2012-06-11 RGMV Town of Wappinger 20MiddlebushlRoad
? Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
r Town Board Meeting townofwappinger.us
\� Agenda — Christine Fulton
Monday, June 11, 2012 7:30 PM Town Hall
I. Call to Order
II. Salute to the Flag
III. Adoption of Agenda
IV. Public Portion
V. Minutes Approval
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Monday, June 04, 2012
VI. Correspondence Log
2012-182. Resolution Authorizing the Acceptance of the Correspondence Log
VII. Discussions
A. Cub Scout Rail Trail Project - Gutzler
B. Abandoned Homes -Gutzler
C, Property maintenance Code- Gutzler
D. Noise Ordinance - Gutzler
E. MS4Audit - Gutzler
F. July & August meetings - Gutzler
G. Buildings & Grounds
H. Committee Reports;
i, Park/Recreation
ii. Recycle Center
iii. Emergency Services
iv. Ethics Code
V, Code Enforcement
VIII. Resolutions
2012-183. Resolution Authorizing Transfer of Funds to Cover Shortfall in
Planning Board Secretary Comp Time Budget Line
2012-184. Resolution of Intent to Become Lead Agency for the United Wappinger
Water District Water Main Extension to NYCDEP
2012-185. Resolution Authorizing Town Professionals to Commence Work
Associated with the Replacement of the Roberts Road Sewage Pump
IX. Items for Special Consideration
X. New Business
XI. Town Board Review of Vouchers
2012-186, Resolution Authorizing Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of
Claim Audited by Town Board
2012-187. Resolution Authorizing Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of
Claim Audited by Town Board
XIL Adjournment
Town of Wappinger
Page I
Town of Wappinger 20 Middlebush Road
n' F Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
x Town Board Meeting townofwappinger.us
^' Minutes ^' Christine Fulton
Monday, lune 11, 2012 7:30 PM Town Hail
I. Call to Order
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m Fr:
Barbara Gutzler
. w
Town of Wappinger
yy, a
;Supervisor Present_
Welham Beale
Town of Wappinger
; Councilman
Present r
. .....
Vincent Bettina
Town of Wappinger
. ..................... ...........
t Councilman
. .... .... ...... .........
....... ....................
Ismay Czarmecki
I Town of Wappinger
Michael Kuzmicz
f Town of Wappinger_I
Present '
Graham Foster
Town of Wappinger
Highway Superindentant1
Present '
Al Roberts
Town of Wappinger
Attorney to the Town
I Present
David Stolman
Town of Wappinger
... ..............
i Town Planner
Present 1
Robert Gray
Town of Wappinger
1 Engineer to the Town
. f................................ .
' Present
II. Salute to the Flag
III. Adoption of Agenda
Motion To: Amend Agenda to Add Executive Session
Motion To: Adopt the Agenda
IV. Public Portion
Motion To: open the floor to the public
Public Comment
The first resident to speak was Joe Ennesser. He stated that since the board was talking about
abandon properties they should consider allowing the adjacent property to expand their garages
to the gas station on the corner of Route 9 and Old Hopewell Rd. That property has been
abandon for quite some time. Supervisor Bettina stated that it is a concern he has had for many
years. The company that owns the property told Councilman Bettina there was a prohibition for
having two gas stations on the corner. The owner is trying to figure out what to use the property'.
for, but hasn't been able to. Councilman Bettina added he agreed with Mr. Ennisser that it should
be looked into.
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Town Board Meeting Minutes June 11, 2012
Motion To: Close the Floor
V, Minutes Approval
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
® Accepted
Barbara Gutzler Voter ®
❑ Accepted as Amended
William Beale Seconder ®
... .......�..... ........
0 .......................__
0 .._. .
❑ Tabled
Vincent Bettina Initiator ®
Isms Czamiecki j Voter ®
Michael Kuzmicz Voter i ®
..................................... .................
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Monday, June 04, 2012
® Accepted
Barbara Gutclet
W4 4� Voter
_ .......
fi ❑ ...
..... ❑
❑ Accepted as Amended
William Beale
i ®
❑ Tabled
Vincent Bettina ................_..
...... ..... .........._..._................
..................................... .................
Michael Kuzmicz
i Voter
Monday, June 04, 2012
VI. Correspondence Log
RESOLUTION: 2012-182
Resolution Authorizing the Acceptance of the Correspondence Log
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the letters and communications
itemized on the attached Correspondence Log are hereby accepted and placed on file in the
Office of the Town Clerk.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 11, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
VII. Discussions
A. Cub Scout Rail Trail Project - Gutzier
Supervisor Gutzler introduced Mark Price, Recreation Director. He stated that they are contacted
often from several organizations in regards community services. Cub scout Pack 40 Contact
him regarding to doing community service for their pack. They decided that one of the
memorials on the Dutchess County Rail Trail was in need of attention. They choose the
memorial near Sprout Creek which is at the entrance way of Veterans Memorial Way of the Rail
Town of Wappinger Page 2 Printed 6/20/2012
Abstain AMent
® Accepted
Barbara Gutzler Voter
William Beale Seconder
❑ _ q
0 ��0 Y
❑ Accepted as Amended
---- — _ _ { _ _ _
Vincent Bettina ; Initiator
❑ ❑
❑ Tabled
_Ismay Czamiecki ..............__...._..._Voter
......._....... __........._...................................................................................._.............................._.....
❑ ❑
Michael Kuzmicz i Yoter
❑ ❑
VI. Correspondence Log
RESOLUTION: 2012-182
Resolution Authorizing the Acceptance of the Correspondence Log
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the letters and communications
itemized on the attached Correspondence Log are hereby accepted and placed on file in the
Office of the Town Clerk.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 11, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
VII. Discussions
A. Cub Scout Rail Trail Project - Gutzier
Supervisor Gutzler introduced Mark Price, Recreation Director. He stated that they are contacted
often from several organizations in regards community services. Cub scout Pack 40 Contact
him regarding to doing community service for their pack. They decided that one of the
memorials on the Dutchess County Rail Trail was in need of attention. They choose the
memorial near Sprout Creek which is at the entrance way of Veterans Memorial Way of the Rail
Town of Wappinger Page 2 Printed 6/20/2012
Town Board Meeting Minutes June 11, 2012
Trail. They have submitted a sketch of what they planned to do in that area. Councilwoman
Czarniecki asked for the Cub Scout to speak. He was too shy. They would like the town to
deliver the mulch and the soil for the scouts to complete the project. There were no abjections.
Councilman Beale stated that this is consistent with the mission of the town to beautify and
maintain the Rail Trail. He added that the county should be kept in the loop and this was another,
example of scouting directly benefiting the town. Supervisor Gutzler state that she would contact
the county and then make arrangements for getting the mulch and soil. If there are any issues
they will get back to the pack.
B. MS4 Audit - Gutzler
Supervisor Gutzler explained that MS 4 is a storm water management program. The DEC has
decided to audit Wappinger and several other towns a head of time. Walter Artus, SWMP
Coordinator, explained that he was notified by Jennifer Zunino-Smith, Storm water Specialist,
DEC, that they would be conducting an audit for the Town of Wappinger. In 2009 the town was
audited and received a satisfactory. So the next time the town should be up for an audit would
have been around 2014. He called the DEC and questioned the timing of the audit. He was told
that there was nothing in the regulation that stated it had to be every five years. Basically they
can audit when they want. They seem to be auditing the towns they audited early. His concerns
were with the impact on the budget. Supervisor Gutzler questioned the expense stating that it's
an unfunded mandate that was not budgeted for. Mr. Artus stated he believed he could get his
hours down to less than 25 hours. He is working with the town of LaGrange. In preparation for
that he may be able to use some of the same information as well as the information gathered
from the past audit. The supervisor thanked Mr. Arcus for attending and stated she was confident
that everything will go well. Discussion continued
C. Abandoned Homes-Gutz/er
Supervisor Gutzler asked Barbara Roberti, Zoning Administrator, to update the board on
the abandon properties in the town. Mrs. Roberti distributed a report to the board. She stated that
they are seeing a lot of abandon homes and unfortunately the banks are not cooperating. Some of
the homes on the list she does have contracts pending to clean up the homes. The contractors that
are going to the homes are mowing only, not weed whacking or trimming bushes. Ms. Roberti
added that some of the properties on the list are not in foreclosure. If the property is not in
foreclosure then the banks will not get involved. It becomes a problem when people leave the
area and cannot be tracked down. Supervisor Gutzler stated that she put this on the agenda
because there have been a lot phone calls. The town cannot just take a mower and mow the
properties. There are legal procedures that must be followed and the town is taking the legal
measures necessary to correct the problem. She added that the goal is not to have as many
abandon properties as they have in other municipalities. Attorney to the Town, Al Roberts stated
that many of the issues will be covered in the new law. Due process allows the town to serve the
owner. Although is sounds simple it can be involved. He explained a situation where there is no
court appointed administrator. If the board wanted to go that far they could apply to the court to
get a court appointed administrator for the purposes of the property code violations. He
explained his concerns with this process. Councilman Beale expressed his concerns with the high
grass of some of the properties and the tick deceases. Al Roberts stated that due process takes
time and it is a budgetary issue. Councilman Bettina explained a situation that occurred in
Monroe County. Stating the town doesn't have the police authority that you would think they
have. Councilwoman Czarniecki stated she has a house next to her with a long lawn. Councilman
Beale explained his concerned with the medians in the town and the gate ways looking over
grown. He questioned who is responsible for the up keep. Discussion continued.
D. Property maintenance Code- Gutzler
Attorney Al Roberts explained that he had copies of the drafted law and it should be
ready to be introduced at the next Town Board meeting.
E. Noise Ordinance - Gutzler
Supervisor Gutzler stated that there was a recent discussion regarding this issue so she
asked David Stolman , Town Planner and Barbara Robert to give any updates, they may have.
Mr. Stolman explained that he has a draft ordinance and it has to go to the DEP. It will be ready
for review by the next meeting. There is a real need to get this done quickly. Councilman Bettina
stated that he has been trying to get this done for years. He expressed his concerns. Councilman
Beale questioned how to respond to a resident that say there will be a band at the local bar and it
will be loud. Who do they call when the law enforcement agency will not enforce the code? He
hopes the new codes will solve that current situation. He questioned who has the power to tell the
establishment to turn it off and how does the town gain the authority to do that. Al Roberts
explain that it is twofold. One, the statue has to be in place and second there will have to be
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Town Board Meeting Minutes June 11, 2012
training to enforce the law. Discussion continues
F. July & August meetings - Gutzler
Supervisor Gutzler stated that she was asked to consider one meeting for the months of
July and August. She explained the options available. The board decided to meet the second
Monday of July and August. Motioned made by Councilman Bettina seconded by
Councilwoman Czarniecki all were in favor.
Motion To: Only Meet the Second Monday in July and August Cancelling the First Mondays
G. Buildings & Grounds
Motion To: Hire Ryan White
Supervisor Gutzler explained the memo that Steve Frazier submitted requesting to hire
new seasonal employees. Mr. Frazier first thanked Little League and the Sports museum for their
help with Robinson Lane and Carnwath properties. He explained that he would like to hire Ryan
White to be hired for seasonal full-time laborer at $11.88 hr. 35 hour work week that will run
through December Motioned made by Councilman Beale seconded by Councilwoman
Czarniecki all were in favor.
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Motion To: Hire Aaron Morgenstern
Steve Frazier stated that the summer laborer position will be $8 hour., 35 hour work
week, through August 20 the candidate's name he would like to submit is Aaron Morgenstern.
Motion made by Councilwoman Czarniecki seconded by Kuzmicz. All were in favor.
Motion To: Hire James Harris
The second summer laborer position will be $8 hr., 35 hour work week, through August
24'h the candidate's name he would like to submit is James Harris. Motion made by
Louncilwoman Uzarmeclu seconded by Uouncilman Kuzmicz. All were in favor.
Motion To: Award bid to R. Costa Electrical for Martz Field electrical restoration
Mr. Frazier then discussed the restoring the electrical service at Martz field. He explained
that the low bid was R. Costa Electric for the underground service Councilman Beale made a
motion to accept R. Costa Electric for $3600.00 seconded by Councilwoman Czarniecki.
Mr. Frazier stated that he did look into the video surveillance. The cost range is
about $1,000.00 to $2,000.00 per system. Supervisor Gutzler stated that she would like to
see something a Martz Field. Councilman Bettina questioned the cost of the broad band
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Town Board Meeting Minutes June 11, 2012
to run it. Mr. Frazier stated that the internet is about $50.00 a month. The video can be
monitored by anyone who wishes to log in. Supervisor Gutzler requested Councilman
Kuzmicz report on the parks and recreation activities. Councilman Kuzmicz expressed
his concerns for Martz Field. He added that by the next meeting he will be able to address
the board with an up date. Councilman Kuzmicz asked Mr. Frazier if he had any concerns
about the Chelsea boat ramp. He stated that everyday they go out there, they have to clear
something out of the way. He added that it was one of the spots that are troublesome for
them. Supervisor Gutzler stated that she wanted to bring up the monument at Martz. She
had a resident state that she was disappointed with the monument condition. Supervisor
Gutzler stated she would like to plant flower and maybe fix the nicks in the granite but
she is worried about the vandalism. Councilman Beale suggested the possibility of park
wardens. Neighbors that live near the parks that can help keep an eye on them. He added
that the Village of Wappingers Falls had them and it seemed like a good idea. The
resident could report to Steve and maybe open gates and close them, so the parks can be
open all day. He would like to consider this idea during the next budget.. Ralph Holt
stated that they did have a resident at Martz Field and Spook Hill Park to keep an eye on
the park. They were reluctant because they are afraid. When the patrol would show up the.
kids were gone. They also had a camera which was destroyed. He suggested finding a
for the cameras that they can't be reached.
H. Committee Reports;
i. Park/Recreation
The next discussion was in regards to community day. Councilman Kuzmicz asked Ralph
Holt and Mark Price give the board and update. Holt then reported on the Challenger Committee.
He explained that they wanted to start on phase II. After looking at the RFP's that came in the
committee decided to go with Clark, Patterson, Lee. The bids were $500.00 difference they felt it
was best to go with the firm that has already been working on part of the project. A motion was
made by Councilman Kuzmicz to award the RFP for the Challenger project to Clark, Patterson,
and Lee Seconded by Councilwoman Czarniecki. All were in favor. Supervisor Gutzler stated
that she and Councilwoman Czarnecki were out to watch a Challenger League game and they
were greeted very nicely and were thanked by the people for completing the field. They thanked
the parents for having the passion to bring this idea forward and the completion. Mr. Holt
encouraged all to go out and witness a game.
Mr. Holt reported on Community day. He stated that there will probably not be any rides.
Shamrock amusements that have been used for years seem to be having difficulties. He was told'
by one of the owners that they would be going out of business. He added that they couldn't
depend on them for the rides. The Committee decided that they needed to go ahead with
Community day regardless of the rides. Mr. Holt explained the activities that are planned for the
day. Mr. Price explained the venders that will be attending. He added that they will have
inflatable's that will be helping fill the fields of the rides along with some games. Councilman
Kuzmicz questioned if the rides are definitely out. Mr. Price stated that he has a list of ride
venders that he called trying to get another company to come. They were all booked.
Councilman Beale stated that when they changed the date the one question he asked was were
the ride company locked in. He added this is not a small problem. Shamrock has been a problem.
all along and hard to work with. He feels that they probably backed out because it is a one day
event. Councilman Beale added he was not happy. He feels without the rides it changes the
whole dynamics of the event. He is concerned with the retention of the residents. He offered to
help try to find a ride company. He suggested asking the Rotary club for help also. Mr. Price
stated that there has been a representative from the Rotary Club at every committee meeting.
Supervisor Gutzler stated once she was informed of the problem she suggested calling the
Rotary. Since last year they have been involved with the event. Mr. Holt stated that the town is
offering Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Councilman Beale added that now they are offering three
days as opposed to before. He has dealt with Carnies and they are difficult to deal with. He then
asked Al Roberts, Attorney to the Town, if there was any recourse now that Shamrock has
backed out of a verbal contract. Mr. Roberts stated if there was a verbal contract and you can
prove it, you can go after them for a breach of contract. Discussion continued.
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Town Board Meeting Minutes June 11, 2012
Motion To: Accept the RFP for Clark Patterson Lee
If. Recycle Center
Councilwoman Czarniecki reported on the Recycle Center Committee. She stated that she
asked Frederick Awino, Town Accountant, for the six month figures for the Recycle Center. He
will give them to her at the end of June. She can have a report in the beginning of July.
Councilman Bettina requested that Mr. Awino be at the meeting with the report.
iii. Emergency Services
Councilman Beale stated that he Councilman Bettina, and Supervisor Gutzler attended
the meeting of the Association of Supervisors and Mayors meeting at the Dutchess County 911.
He stated there are a number of changes. The county is developing a system that residents will
have the ability to receive text or emails if there is an emergency. But there will be a small cost
involves which will be needed to be discussed. He added the disaster plain is in place and he
would like to be able to have a binder for each individual that is involved. There aren't any major
changes and he would like to see something by September.
iv. Ethics Code
Supervisor Gutzler stated that she has reviewed the Ethics Codes of other towns and hope
to, have an Ethics code by Mid August.
V. Code Enforcement
Councilman Bettina stated that he would like the copy of the report the previous
Legislative aid had compiled comparing Town of Wappinger and other towns Code Fees. He
would like to have that information so he can provide the board with a report. He then asked Mr.
Foster, Highway Superintendent, where the speed traffic signal is. He would like to see it in his
area. Mr. Foster stated that it is on Brothers Road. Councilman Kuzmicz would like to keep the
signal on Brothers Road a little longer. Councilman Bettina stated that with the DEP project and
the kids driving cars that are lifting off the road. Chelsea Road is one of the worst and he would
like to see it there. He is looking to get the speed limit be reduced. He would like to get a
schedule from Sergeant Begor. Discussion continued.
VIII. Resolutions
RESOLUTION: 2012-183
Resolution Authorizing Transfer of Funds to Cover Shortfall in Planning Board Secretary
Comp Time Budget Line
WHEREAS, Fredrick Awino, Town Accountant, by email dated May 21 and May 30,
2012, respectively, to Barbara Gutzler, a copy of which is affixed hereto, requested the transfer
of funds between various line items to cover various shortfalls within the Planning Board
Secretary Comp Time budget line.
1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set
forth and adopted herein.
2. The Town Board hereby authorizes the following budget line transfers:
Amount From Line To Line
$800.00 B8015.199 Zoning Administrator B8020.199 Planning Board
Comp Time Secretary Comp Time
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Town Board Meeting Minutes June 11, 2012
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 11, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
RESOLUTION: 2012-184
Resolution of Intent to Become Lead Agency for the United Wappinger Water District
Water Main Extension to NYCDEP
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger has entered into an Agreement
in Principle with the New York City Department of Environmental Protection to prepare design
plans and specifications and a Map, Plan and Report for the United Wappinger Water District
water main extension to the NYCDEP Shaft 6 parcel on River Road; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger has engaged the services of
Morris Associates, PLLC to prepare design plans and specifications and a Map, Plan and Report
for the United Wappinger Water District water main extension to the NYCDEP Shaft 6 parcel on
River Road; and
WHEREAS, the extension of the water district and construction of the water main are
subject to compliance with the provisions of the State Environmental Quality Review Act and
the regulations promulgated thereunder at 6 NYCRR, Part 617 (SEQR); and
WHEREAS, the Proposed Action is a Type I action under the Wappinger Environmental
Quality Review (WEQR) law and a Determination of Significance has not yet been made with
respect to the Proposed Action.
1. The Part 1 of the Full Environmental Assessment Form identifies the involved
2. Part 1 of the Full Environmental Assessment Form shall be circulated to the
involved agencies together with a notification that the Town of Wappinger
intends to serve as lead agency for the SEQR review, and to request comments in
connection therewith.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
Yes/A a
NoMay Abstain
Adopted as Amended
Barbara Gutzler........._
....3 Voter i
William Beale
_ Initiator ®
Vincent Bettina
_._. ______
Voter _�...__.__- ___.._.---__..._.._...___....._...._.._..�._..._._.._�.....
_. _._ _
ay Czarniecki
Ismay ii i4
Voter ! ®
............ ............ .
............. .......
Michael KazmiCZ
Seconder I ®
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 11, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
RESOLUTION: 2012-184
Resolution of Intent to Become Lead Agency for the United Wappinger Water District
Water Main Extension to NYCDEP
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger has entered into an Agreement
in Principle with the New York City Department of Environmental Protection to prepare design
plans and specifications and a Map, Plan and Report for the United Wappinger Water District
water main extension to the NYCDEP Shaft 6 parcel on River Road; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger has engaged the services of
Morris Associates, PLLC to prepare design plans and specifications and a Map, Plan and Report
for the United Wappinger Water District water main extension to the NYCDEP Shaft 6 parcel on
River Road; and
WHEREAS, the extension of the water district and construction of the water main are
subject to compliance with the provisions of the State Environmental Quality Review Act and
the regulations promulgated thereunder at 6 NYCRR, Part 617 (SEQR); and
WHEREAS, the Proposed Action is a Type I action under the Wappinger Environmental
Quality Review (WEQR) law and a Determination of Significance has not yet been made with
respect to the Proposed Action.
1. The Part 1 of the Full Environmental Assessment Form identifies the involved
2. Part 1 of the Full Environmental Assessment Form shall be circulated to the
involved agencies together with a notification that the Town of Wappinger
intends to serve as lead agency for the SEQR review, and to request comments in
connection therewith.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
r ;
Yes/A a
No /Na Abstain
Adopted as Amended
Barbara Gutzler........._
! ❑
William Beale
Vincent Bettina
! Ini '
ttator �
� ❑
ay Czarniecki
Michael Kuzmicz
j. ..............................................,.
1 ❑
! ❑
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 11, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
RESOLUTION: 2012-185
Resolution Authorizing Town Professionals to Commence Work Associated with the
Replacement of the Roberts Road Sewage Pump Station
WHEREAS, the Roberts Road Sewage Pump Station is operated by the Town of
Wappinger and is experiencing operational difficulties; and
WHEREAS, the Engineer to the Town, Morris Associates, PLLC and the Sewer
Operator, CAMO Pollution Control, have noted that the pump station is of an obsolete design, is
over 20 years old, and is recommended to be replaced; and
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Town Board Meeting Minutes June 11, 2012
WHEREAS, the estimated total capital costs for replacement of the Roberts Road Pump
Station is $358,000; and
WHEREAS, the Proposed Action is a Type II action pursuant to Article 8 of the
Environmental Conservation Law, Part 617 NYCRR (commonly known as "SEQRA"); and
WHEREAS, the costs for replacement of the pump station will be bonded and assessed
to properties in the United Wappinger Sewer District,
1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set
forth and adopted herein.
2. The Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Engineer to the Town, Robert
J. Gray, and any members of his engineering firm, Morris Associates Engineering
and Consultants, the Attorney to the Town, Albert P. Roberts, and any members
or employees of his firm, and David Stolman of Frederick P. Clark Associates,
Planning and Environmental Consultants, and any members or employees of his
firm, to immediately undertake such engineering, legal and environmental studies
as is necessary to commence replacement of the pump station described above.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 11, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
IX. Items for Special Consideration
Councilman Beale
Councilman Beale stated he received a call From Steve Gill from Dutchess county DPW
regarding the Swartwoutville signs. He questioned if anyone had talked to him. Town Clerk,
Christine Fulton, stated she has spoke to him and gave him Councilman Beale and Councilman
Bettina's email and phone numbers. Councilman Bettina stated he did not call his house or his
cell phone and requested his information. Mrs. Fulton requested Councilman Bettina update his
information with the clerk's office to make sure they are giving residents the correct numbers.
Mr. Gill needs to discuss the signs.
Councilman Beale added that the Poughkeepsie Journal did an article on well testing and
once again the Town of Wappinger is proactive in adopting the Local Law. There were only
three towns that did it. He stated that there was a break down somewhere because on the web site
there is only minimal data because of the process. Supervisor Gutzler stated that in 2008 the
building department would send the PDF file to the County. The County then said that they
didn't have the personal to handle the information not to send it just retain it. In February they
came back and requested the data be put on a disk they provided. Supervisor Gutzler stated that
the town was not going to dedicate an employee to put the information in their format when the
County could have had it all along. Councilman Beale questioned if Bob Gray, Engineer to the
Town, had the ability to post the well test results to the town web site. Then at lease the residents
can research themselves. The residents will understand that the Town of Wappinger has been
providing the information all along. Discussion continued.
Supervisor Gutzler
Supervisor Gutzler stated that John Lawrence was before the board a few weeks ago
regarding the establishing of a Maloney Rd water district. The board was given an analyst of cost
for the project. Supervisor Gutzler stated that it is her opinion that it is not a good idea for the
Town to establish another water district, due to the prohibited expense to the Town and to the
home owner being the primary reason. She requested permission from the board to send a letter
to John Lawrence stating that the Town is unable to per sue the Maloney Road sewer district and
that it is recommended he work with the Dutchess County Water and Waste Water Authority to
Town of Wappinger Page 8 Printed 6/20/2012
,.,....I ISN' ....;....., 449P
Yes/A a
Barbara t3utzler
_.__.. _.........._..................._......_....._._..._..._X.__._.............................._..Y........................_......_...._.................
_......_._...._.......... .
( ❑
Adopted as Amended
Wilham Beale
I Seconder
0 ... .....
Vin Bettina
. __ ®
,Initiator. _ t
Michael Kuzmicz
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 11, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
IX. Items for Special Consideration
Councilman Beale
Councilman Beale stated he received a call From Steve Gill from Dutchess county DPW
regarding the Swartwoutville signs. He questioned if anyone had talked to him. Town Clerk,
Christine Fulton, stated she has spoke to him and gave him Councilman Beale and Councilman
Bettina's email and phone numbers. Councilman Bettina stated he did not call his house or his
cell phone and requested his information. Mrs. Fulton requested Councilman Bettina update his
information with the clerk's office to make sure they are giving residents the correct numbers.
Mr. Gill needs to discuss the signs.
Councilman Beale added that the Poughkeepsie Journal did an article on well testing and
once again the Town of Wappinger is proactive in adopting the Local Law. There were only
three towns that did it. He stated that there was a break down somewhere because on the web site
there is only minimal data because of the process. Supervisor Gutzler stated that in 2008 the
building department would send the PDF file to the County. The County then said that they
didn't have the personal to handle the information not to send it just retain it. In February they
came back and requested the data be put on a disk they provided. Supervisor Gutzler stated that
the town was not going to dedicate an employee to put the information in their format when the
County could have had it all along. Councilman Beale questioned if Bob Gray, Engineer to the
Town, had the ability to post the well test results to the town web site. Then at lease the residents
can research themselves. The residents will understand that the Town of Wappinger has been
providing the information all along. Discussion continued.
Supervisor Gutzler
Supervisor Gutzler stated that John Lawrence was before the board a few weeks ago
regarding the establishing of a Maloney Rd water district. The board was given an analyst of cost
for the project. Supervisor Gutzler stated that it is her opinion that it is not a good idea for the
Town to establish another water district, due to the prohibited expense to the Town and to the
home owner being the primary reason. She requested permission from the board to send a letter
to John Lawrence stating that the Town is unable to per sue the Maloney Road sewer district and
that it is recommended he work with the Dutchess County Water and Waste Water Authority to
Town of Wappinger Page 8 Printed 6/20/2012
Town Board Meeting Minutes June 11, 2012
bring water to that area. All members were supported. Councilman Beale stated that he agreed
with the decision but that the residents in that area needs to understand when they become part of
the Dutchess County Waste Water district that they are part of the Dutchess County District not
the Town of Wappinger.
X. New Business
Supervisor Gutzler
Supervisor Gutzler stated that she would like the permission to auction off the two patrol cars
that are at the Highway Garage. She would also like a separate auction for the Supervisors car.
She does not use it. She prefers to use her own vehicle. The blue book of the car is around
$10,000.00 or $11,000.00. That would come to the town. She would like to put a minimum bid
on the car to try to get good return on it. If the town doesn't get what they would like then go to
the County auction. Steve Frasier stated that the county holds an auction with a tremendous draw
and may that the town might have better exposure at the county level rather than a public notice
in the paper. Supervisor Gutzler questioned if the town would get the amount of money they are
looking for through the town. Councilman Kuzmicz questioned if the vehicle could be used in
another area of the town. He doesn't want to get rid of this one if it could be used somewhere
else. Councilman Beale stated that there is an extra car. The Impala has a lumbar issue. He added
that maybe the supervisor could talk to Sergeant Begor about selling it at a police auction.
Councilman added that he would like to see a reserve of money. Supervisor Gutzler stated that
the money they can get from the vehicle would go back to the town. Councilman Kuzmicz stated
that he is in favor of selling the vehicle if they are sure there isn't another use anywhere in the
town. Councilman Beale stated that he wanted to ensure that by auctioning this vehicle off it
does not imply that there isn't a need for a supervisor's vehicle. There have been plenty of
emergency situations that warrant a need for a vehicle. Councilman Bettina added that he feels
the idea of giving money back to the town is great but that there should be a provision for future
purchases and that the supervisor's vehicle be a small SUV.
The next item Supervisor Gutzler wanted to discuss was about the infrastructure of the
town. She spoke with Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent and Bob Gray, Engineer to the
Town, about forming a Committee. She would like it to consist of one Council person and at
least one resident with input for Mr. Foster and Mr. Gray. The committee could assess the town's
needs and report to the Town Board. Councilman Bettina volunteered to be on the committee.
XI. Executive Session
Motion To: go into executive session for the purpose of legal advise
Motion To: come out of executive session
XII. Town Board Review of Vouchers
RESOLUTION: 2012-187
Resolution Authorizing Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of Claim Audited by
Town Board
The following claims have been duly audited and allowed by the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger, New York (the "Town"), and you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each
claimant the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter set forth:
Claim Packet: 2012 -GG
Vendor I A I AM I B 11313
eral I (Ambulance) I (General
Town of Wappinger Page 9 Printed 6/20/2012
Town Board Meeting Minutes June 11, 2012
CAMO Pollution
CAMO Pollution
CAMO Pollution
CAMO Pollution
Central Hudson
$80.26 $856.73 $2,452.50
Central Hudson
Central Hudson
Platt's Locksmith
Central Hudson
Southern Dtc News
DC Planning
Corbin Excavating
George Silvestri
Platt's Locksmith
Southern Dtc News
Signal Graphics
Jimi V's Automotive
James Baisley
Corbin Excavating
Wells Fargo
George Silvestri
Coffee Systems
Big Top Portables
Bostwick Sales
Pattern For Progress
Jimi V's Automotive
Airport Vet Clinic
Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo
Snap On Tools
Big Top Portables
Big Top Portables
Pattern For Progress
Delta Dental
Airport Vet Clinic
Hopewell Auto Parts
1 $32,916.66
LC (Cameli) LD (Chelsea) LH
CAMO Pollution
CAMO Pollution
Central Hudson
$80.26 $856.73 $2,452.50
Central Hudson
Central Hudson
DC Planning Federation
Platt's Locksmith
Southern Dtc News
Signal Graphics
James Baisley
Corbin Excavating
George Silvestri
Coffee Systems
Bostwick Sales
Jimi V's Automotive
Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo
Snap On Tools
Big Top Portables
Big Top Portables
Pattern For Progress
Delta Dental
Airport Vet Clinic
Hopewell Auto Parts
$80.26 $856.73 $2,452.50
Town of Wappinger Page 10 Printed 6/20/2012
Town Board Meeting Minutes June 11, 2012
Vendor SM (Mid SU (Wapp SW WF
Point) United) (Wildwood) (Fleetwood)
CAMO Pollution $9,666.67 $55,750.00 $13,116.67
CAMO Pollution
Central Hudson
Central Hudson
Central Hudson
DC Planning Federation
Platt's Locksmith
Southern Dtc News
Signal Graphics
James Baisley
Corbin Excavating
George Silvestri
Coffee Systems
Bostwick Sales
Jimi V's Automotive
Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo
Snap On Tools
Big Top Portables
Big Top Portables
Pattern For Progress
Delta Dental
Airport Vet Clinic
Hopewell Auto Parts
CAMO Pollution
CAMO Pollution
Central Hudson
Central Hudson
Central Hudson
DC Planning Federation
Platt's Locksmith
Southern Dtc News
Signal Graphics
James Baisley
Corbin Excavating
George Silvestri
Coffee Systems
Bostwick Sales
Jimi V's Automotive
Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo
Snap On Tools
Big Top Portables
Big Top Portables
Pattern For Progress
Delta Dental
Airport Vet Clinic
Hopewell Auto Parts
I Vendor
CAMO Pollution
CAMO Pollution
Central Hudson
Central Hudson
Central Hudson
$9,666.67 $55,750.00
WH (Watch WT (Tall
Hill) Trees)
WU (Wapp
Pay Board Hold
Town ofWappinger Page 11 Printed 6/20012
Town Board Meeting Minutes June 11, 2012
DC Planning
Platt's Locksmith
Southern Dtc News
Signal Graphics
James Baisley
Corbin Excavating
George Silvestri
Coffee Systems
Bostwick Sales
Jimi V's Automotive
Cablevision $89.85
Wells Fargo $168.97
Wells Fargo $435.00
Aflac $291.30
Snap On Tools
Big Top Portables
Big Top Portables
Pattern For Progress
Delta Dental $1,705.12
Airport Vet Clinic
Hopewell Auto Pcirts
Totals $219,248.34 $11,927.81
$207,320.53 $0.00
23 0
I, Christine Fulton, Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, hereby certify that the vouchers
listed above were audited by a majority of the Town Board at the public meeting June 11, 2012,
and allowed to the claimants the amount opposite his/her name.
The Town Supervisor is hereby
authorized to submit such claims to the Accounting Department
for payment.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 11, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
RESOLUTION: 2012-186
Resolution Authorizing Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of Claim Audited by
Town Board
The following claims have been duly audited and allowed by the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger, New York (the "Town"), and you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each
claimant the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter set forth:
Claim Packet: 2012 -FF
CAMO Pollution
Barbara Gutzler
❑ i
Adopted as Amended
.. ❑
ImsCzarmeck ..
Voter ..__
.. ❑}
Michael Kuzmicz
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 11, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
RESOLUTION: 2012-186
Resolution Authorizing Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of Claim Audited by
Town Board
The following claims have been duly audited and allowed by the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger, New York (the "Town"), and you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each
claimant the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter set forth:
Claim Packet: 2012 -FF
CAMO Pollution
CAMO Pollution
Central Hudson
Town of Wappinger Page 12 Printed 6/20/2012
Town Board Meeting Minutes June 11, 2012
Central Hudson $71.08
Poughkeepsie Jrnl $57.20
Reardon Briggs $109.36
MVP $21,966.49
Milton Alley Agway $59.40
First Unum Life $263.38
Brady's Power Equip
Petty Cash -M. Price $23.17
Bostwick Sales $15.00
Momma's Towing
Momma's Towing
Staples $49.46
Staples $82.27
Sal Morello
Oriental Trading $156.49
Gellert & Klein $115.50
Gellert & Klein
Gellert & Klein $13,241.25
WB Mason
R. Costa $1,436.65
All State
Morris Associates $3,774.14
$3,437.95 $2,723.84
Morris Associates
Morris Associates
Morris Associates
Morris Associates
Jones School Supply $29.46
Sun Paint and Design $329.89
Hyde Park Roller
Local 21 Pipe Band $950.00
Crystal Cir Mechanical $330.00
Merrill Office Products $249.99
Young Colonials $900.00
Bob Angelo $750.00
Leisure Ride Bike Rent $200.00
TCD Cellular 1$450.00
Totals $45,244.23 1
$24,271.51 $2,723.84
Vendor WU (Wapp T14 (All T92 (Escrows) T96
CAMO Pollution United) State) (Escrows)
CAMO Pollution
Central Hudson
Central Hudson
Poughkeepsie JmI
Reardon Briggs
Milton Alley Agway
First Unum Life
Brady's Power Equip
Petty Cash -M. Price
Bostwick Sales
Momma's Towing
Momma's Towing
Sal Morello
Oriental Trading
Gellert & Klein
Gellert & Klein
Gellert & Klein
WB Mason
R. Costa
All State $809.28
Morris Associates $3,100.96 $13,658.60
Morris Associates $7,107.00
Morris Associates $289.80
Town of Wappinger Page 13 Printed 6/2012012
Town Board Meeting Minutes June 11, 2012
Morris Associates
Morris Associates
Jones School Supply
Sun Paint and Design
Hyde Park Roller Magic
Local 21 Pipe Band
Crystal Cir Mechanical
Merrill Office Products
Young Colonials
Bob Angelo
Leisure Ride Bike Rent
TCD Cellular
CAMO Pollution
CAMO Pollution
Central Hudson
Central Hudson
Poughkeepsie Jrnl
Reardon Briggs
Milton Alley Agway
First Unum Life
Brady's Power Equip
Petty Cash -M. Price
Bostwick Sales
Momma's Towing
Momma's Towing
Sal Morello
Oriental Trading
Gellert & Klein
Gellert & Klein
Gellert & Klein
WB Mason
R. Costa
All State
Morris Associates
Morris Associates
Morris Associates
Morris Associates
Morris Associates
Jones School Supply
Sun Paint and Design
Hyde Park Roller
Local 21 Pipe Band
Crystal Cir Mechanical
Merrill Office Products
Young Colonials
Bob Angelo
Leisure Ride Bike Rent
TCD Cellular
$3,100.96 $809.28
$15,797.60 $7,107.00
Board Hold
F$46,857.31 $55,100.68 $7,452.00
5 32 3
1, Christine Fulton, Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, hereby certify that the vouchers
listed above were audited by a majority of the Town Board at the public meeting June 11, 2012,
and allowed to the claimants the amount opposite his/her name. The Town Supervisor is hereby
authorized to submit such claims to the Accounting Department for payment.
Town of Wappinger Page 14 Printed 6/20/2012
Town Board Meeting Minutes June 11, 2012
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 11, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
XIII. Adjournment
I lie meeting adjourned at 9:46 PM.
Christine Ful on
Town Clerk
Town of Wappinger Page 15 Printed 6/20/2012
Adopted as Amended
William Beale
_ [ Initiator
I ®
Vincent Bettina
i Seconder
❑ j
❑ Tabled
Ismail Czamiecki .........................i.
❑ _._._._�......__.__O._.__
_.___._.O._ _.....
Michael Kuzmicz
I Seconder
.... ..........
❑ (
❑ '
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 11, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
XIII. Adjournment
I lie meeting adjourned at 9:46 PM.
Christine Ful on
Town Clerk
Town of Wappinger Page 15 Printed 6/20/2012