2012-06-25 RGMTown of Wappinger 20MiddlebushRoad
Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
Town Board Meeting townofwappinger.us
Agenda ~ Christine Fulton
Monday, June 25, 2012 7:30 PM Town Hall
I. Call to Order
II. Salute to the Flag
III. Adoption of Agenda
IV. Minutes Approval
Monday, June 11, 2012
V. Correspondence Log
2012-188. Resolution Authorizing the Acceptance of the Correspondence Log
VI. Public Portion
VII. Discussions
A. Summer Playground Program update
B. Roberts Road Pump Station update - Gutzler
C. Outdoor Wood Boilers and Regulations
VIII. Public Hearings
IX. Resolutions
2012-189. Resolution Authorizing Refund of Unused Escrow for Pizza/Deli 2059
Route 9D Site Plan (Account 12-3249)
2012-190. Resolution Authorizing Refund of Unused Escrow for Wappinger
Gardens, LLC Site Plan (Account 10-3201)
2012-191. Resolution Authorizing Town Professionals to Commence Work
Associated with the Construction of a 12 Inch Water Main to New
York City's Shaft 6B Site Located in Chelsea Subject to Permissive
2012-192. Resolution Authorizing Entering into a Stipulation of Discontinuance
and Execution of Grant of Permanent Easement for Stormwater
Drainage Purposes in Connection with Litigation Commenced Against
Mazochi and Howe
2012-193. Resolution Authorizing the Cost of Engineering and' Design Studies for
Improvements to the United Wappinger Water District, in and for the
Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, at a Maximum
Estimated Cost of $10,000.00 and Authorizing the Issuance of Up to
$10,000 Bonds of Said Town to Pay the Cost Thereof.
2012-194. Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Inter -Governmental
Agreement Between the City of New York and the Town of Wappinger
for the Construction of a Water Supply and Distribution System
2012-195. Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Transfer of Funds Between
Budget Line Items to Cover Lease Payments for a New Police Patrol
2012-196. Resolution Appointing Seasonal Employees for Buildings and Grounds
2012-197. Resolution Introducing Local Law No._ of the Year x',012, "Amending
the Code of the Town of Wappinger by Adding a New Chapter 185
Entitled `Property Maintenance"'
X. Items for Special Consideration
XI. New Business
XII. Executive Session
XIII. Town Board Review of Vouchers
2012-198. Resolution Authorizing Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of
Claim Audited by Town Board
2012-199. Resolution Authorizing Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of
Claim Audited by Town Board
2012-200. Resolution Authorizing Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of
Claim Audited by Town Board
XIV. Adjournment
Town of Wappinger Page I Printed 6120/2012
Town of Wappinger 20 Middlebush Road
Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
j Town Board Meeting townofwappinger.us
V., ' Minutes — Christine Fulton
r - ,
:....... ��.,. 845-297-5771
Monday, June 25, 2012 7:30 PM Town Hall
I. Call to Order
ei �1 IM a
Barbara Gutzler
1 Town of Wapp n
i Supervisor
k Present !
William Beale
1, Town of Wappinger
Present j ....
Vincent Bettina
I Town of Wappinger
Absent ..............
Ismay Czarniecki
1 Town of Wappinger
i Councilwoman ------ --
i Present I _ _
Michael Kuzmicz
I Town of Wappinger
Graham Foster
Town of Wappinger
; Highway Superintendent
;Present ,
.. .........
Al Roberts
Town of Wappinger
Attorney to the Tow . ...............
... . ..................
Bob Gra
I Town of Wappinger
Engineer to the Town
' Present ;
David Stolman
i Town of Wappinger
! Town Planner
Supervisor Gutzler noted that Councilman Bettina was absent do to a death in the family
II. Salute to the Flag
III. Adoption of Agenda
Motion To: Adopt the agenda
IV. Minutes Approval
Monday, June 11, 2012
.. "te.trtt- alb
.,. a.
.., ...:%.
�o m o;
�r .r J
No/Nay ..,
Absent ...
® Accepted
Barbara Gutzler
Voter 1
– ®
_ ❑
1 ❑
m B
I Voter
13 Accepted as Amended
_ _
_ -.._ ._ __.._
i _
❑ Tabled
Ismay ieckiii
.. ....
....... -................._....
.....❑.--. .........p,._......_.
❑ .......................................
Michael Kuzmicz
i Seconder
Motion To: Amend the minutes to read that the July and August meetings are July 9th and
August 13th
ABSN': Virieiit Bettina
rt -
Councilwomen Czarniecki made a motion to amend the minutes to read that the July and August
meetings are July 9th and August 13th
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Town Board Meeting Minutes June 25, 2012
Motion To: Adopt the Minutes as Amended
V. Correspondence Log
RESOLUTION: 2012-188
Resolution Authorizing the Acceptance of the Correspondence Log
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the letters and communications
itemized on the attached Correspondence Log are hereby accepted and placed on file in the
Office of the Town Clerk.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
' `Yes/Aye
No -/Nay
Adopted as Amended
Barbara Gutzler
Voter ...
_ .....
William Beale
i Initiator
Vincent Bettina
Michael Kuzmicz
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 25, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
A. Public Portion
Motion To: Open the Floor
A. Public Comment
The first resident to speak was Gary Lindstrom. He questioned why the town was leasing
a police vehicle rather than purchasing it and what the mileage rate and cut off was before extra
payment are required in the lease. He added it didn't make sense to lease. Supervisor Gutzler
stated that they will make payments but at the end of the fourth year it can be purchased for one
dollar. Councilman Beale added that because of the budget and the 2% tax cap, Sergeant Begor
recommended it be purchased this way to spread out the cost and after four years the town will
own it for a dollar.
Mr. Lindstrom then stated that for the last several meetings the Town Board meeting notice are
not showing up in the Poughkeepsie Journal. Councilman Beale stated that it is on them. The
government calendar is established in the beginning of the year and is put in their government
calendar. He added that he happened to get a "tweet" stating that the Town of Marlboro along
with other towns. He then "Tweeted" back to the Poughkeepsie Journal "don't forget about the
Town of Wappinger" and they resent the "Tweet" to include the Town of Wappinger. At least
for this meeting it will be corrected and he hoped it will correct the future notification.
Councilman Czamiecki stated that a request should be made to the Poughkeepsie Journal
requiring them to make a greater effort for notification. Discussion continued. Supervisor Gutzler
stated that she will send out a reminder.
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Town Board Meeting Minutes June 25, 2012
Motion To: Close the Floor
VII. Discussions
A. Summer Playground Program update
Supervisor Gutzler stated that Mark Price, Recreation Director, was at the meeting to
update the board on summer camp and Steve Frazier, Buildings and Grounds Supervisor, had an
item to discuss regarding to the program. Mr. Price stated that the basketball, fishing and tennis
camps are doing well with about 21 kids per session. The Summer Play ground registration has
started without Quiet Acers and as of last week Castle point only had 14 kids.1be decision was
made with the help of Supervisor Gutzler and Ralph Holt to close that camp. He spoke to the
families and they, for the most part transfer to another camp. Camp started today but because of
the weather they had to cancel. There are 182 kids at the two locations, Martz Field and Spook
Hill. Supervisor Gutzler requested that toward the end of the summer Mark give the board a
summary of the camps. So they can see if increasing the cost affected the registration.
Councilman Beale question what the process was for determining if camps are open for the day.
Mr. Price stated that it is up to the weather. If he sees that it looks like it will clear during the day
the camp will remain open. Councilman Beale questioned if the town ever had an option to
remain open on rainy days. Have there ever been indoor opportunities. He added that residents
have complained that when they register for camp and it rains they have to leave work to pick the
child up. He suggested that in the future they look at how to keep up the level of interest in the
program and what can be done when it rains. Councilwoman Czarniecki stated that the camps are
not a day care it is an enrichment program and when they are in the program it is with the
understanding that it is subject to weather. Councilman Beale questioned when the camps are
closed if the councilors still get paid. Mr. Price stated he believed that they did not get paid if
camp is closed completely. Councilman Beale added that last year there were some issues with
the cell phones. He just wanted to mention it and hoped that there isn't an issue this year.
Discussion continued.
Mr. Frazier stated that there were some of the bleachers out at Robinson Lane that are
need of repair. He doesn't have a budget line to repair them. He added that he 'could repair all of
the bleachers for about $800. Supervisor Gutzler stated that she would talk to the accountant and
see if there was a line they can transfer the funds from to cover the cost. Councilman Beale
added that in the mean time if there are hazardous conditions on bleachers those bleachers cannot
be utilized. He added that he thought there was something said a while back about backs on the
backs of the bleachers. Discussion continued.
B. Roberts Road Pump Station update - Gutzler
Bob Gray, Engineer to the Town, updated the board on the pump station. He stated that they are
looking into eliminating the pump station and are looking into gravity fed lines. He will update
the board as to the findings.
C. Outdoor Wood Boilers and Regulations
Supervisor Gutzler stated that there was a resident that came to the Supervisors office to
complain about outside wood boilers. She spoke to Barbara Roberti, Zoning Administrator,
about them and asked her to speak to the board. Mrs. Roberti distributed to the board the
regulations. She stated that New York State regulates the boilers and the DEC has regulation and
requirements. She informed the board of some of the regulations adding it is up to the board to
add any additional regulations. Councilman Kuzmicz questioned if she knew of any distributer in
the area that could be kept informed and made sure they advise the buyer and sellers of the
regulations. Mrs. Roberti added the DEC has outlawed a lot of the models and now there are
only a few models that can be bought. Supervisor Gutzler questioned if, given the DEC
regulation, was it necessary for towns to do anything about them. Mrs. Roberti stated that after
reading the information from the DEC. They have put a lot of controls on them so it would be up
to the board to go forward. Councilwoman Czarnecki questioned if the resident needs a permit.
Mrs. Roberti replied "absolutely". She then explained the installation of the units and the codes
that need to, be met. Al Robert, Attorney to the Town, stated that in the literature that he received
from Mrs. Roberti it stated that there were several municipalities that have outlawed them. If the
board decides to do the same they may want to consider and amortization period for the
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Town Board Meeting Minutes June 25, 2012
preexisting nonconforming ones. Over a period of years the ones that were purchase could get
amortized over the years and could not get replaces. Mrs. Roberti added that Red Hook and
Beekman have outlawed them and she has attached their local law to the board's information.
Councilman Beale questioned the reason for outlawing them. Mrs. Roberti stated that it was
mostly for the emissions and smoke. Bob Gray, Engineer to the Town, stated that the Town of
Beekman outlawed them prior to the DEC regulations that are in effect now. Councilman Beale
stated that the Town of Queensborough restricted their boilers to large parcels of land and that
might be something to look into. David Stolman, Town Planner, stated that every zoning use
that is permitted in the town is listed in the zoning law. These are not listed therefore they are
prohibited. If someone comes in regarding these they should be turned away and require a
variance. Effectively they are not permitted in the town now. Discussion continued
VIII. Resolutions
RESOLUTION: 2012-189
Resolution Authorizing Refund of Unused Escrow for Pizza/Deli 2059 Route 9D Site Plan
(Account 12-3249)
WHEREAS, on or about January 19, 2012, Elmi Berisha (hereinafter the "Applicant")
filed an application for Site Plan Approval under Application Number 12-3249; and
WHEREAS, on or about January 23, 2012, the Applicant deposited Three Thousand,
Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($3,750.00) into an escrow account with the Town of Wappinger
for payment of the fees of the Town's professionals to review the application; and
WHEREAS, the project has been withdrawn by the Applicant by letter dated April 30,
2012; and
WHEREAS, all professional fees incurred during the review of the application have
been paid and a balance of Eight Hundred Seventy -One Dollars ($871.00) remains in escrow
account number 12-3249 and Applicant has requested a refund of said unused escrow balances;
WHEREAS, the Town Accountant has audited the escrow account and has verified the
amount due to the Applicant.
1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set
forth and adopted herein.
2. The Town Board hereby authorizes a refund to the Applicant in the amount of
Eight Hundred Seventy -One Dollars ($871.00) in escrow account number 12-
3249, representing the unused escrow balance for the above project.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
Adopted as Amended
Y!W,A a
<a .
No/Nap __� Abstain
Barbara Gutzler Voter ®
__ ...... ;._
❑ p
..... _.._._. _..
William Beale ...................
i ❑
............. .'
Ismay i za iecla
, Seconder
1 ®
___ �__._ _.
❑ i ❑
_ __ ...... __.�__.
Michael Kuzmicz
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 25, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared .adopted.
RESOLUTION: 2012-190
Resolution Authorizing Refund of Unused Escrow for Wappinger Gardens, LLC Site Plan
(Account 10-3201)
WHEREAS, on or about March 24, 2010, Alexander Gellatly, Managing Member of
Wappinger Gardens, LLC, (hereinafter the "Applicant") filed an application for Site Plan
Approval under Application Number 10-3201; and
WHEREAS, on or about February 25, 2010, the Applicant deposited Fifty Two
Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($52,500.00) into an escrow account with the Town of
Wappinger for payment of the fees of the Town's professionals to review the application; and
WHEREAS, the project has been withdrawn by the Applicant by letter dated May 23,
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t, I
Town Board Meeting Minutes June 25, 2012
2012; and
WHEREAS, all professional fees incurred during the review of the application have
been paid and a balance of Twenty Three Thousand, Eight Hundred Fifty -Three and 50/100
Dollars ($23,853.50) remains in escrow account number 10-3201 and Applicant has requested a
refund of said unused escrow balances; and
WHEREAS, the Town Accountant has audited the escrow account and has verified the
amount due to the Applicant.
1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set
forth and adopted herein.
2. The Town Board hereby authorizes a refund to the Applicant in, the amount of
Twenty Three Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty -Three 50/100 Dollars ($23,853.50)
in escrow account number 10-3201, representing the unused escrow balance for
the above project.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 25, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
RESOLUTION: 2012-191
Resolution Authorizing Town Professionals to Commence Work Associated with the
Construction of a 12 Inch Water Main to New York City's Shaft 6B Site Located in
Chelsea Subject to Permissive Referendum
WHEREAS, New York City owns and its Department of Environmental Protection
(DEP) operates New York City's water -supply system, which provides, on average, 1 billion
gallons of high quality drinking water to the residents of New York City and other
municipalities; and
WHEREAS, New York City's drinking water is supplied by three (3) primary aqueducts,
one of which is the Delaware Aqueduct which passes through the Town of Wappinger
approximately 600 feet below the Hudson River; and
WHEREAS, the DEP has identified two leaks in a section of the Delaware Aqueduct and
has undertaken a project to address the leaks to assure the long term sustainability of its ability to
supply water to New York City; and
WHEREAS, the aqueduct repair project is known as the "Water for the Future" (WFF)
which involves, among other things, the construction of a bypass tunnel that will cross
underneath the Hudson River and continue through portions of the Town of Wappinger; and
WHEREAS, as a component of the WFF project, DEP will construct a new shaft on the
eastern side of the Hudson River on New York City property located in the Hamlet of Chelsea
and otherwise referred to as the "Shaft 6B" site; and
WHEREAS, the construction of the bypass tunnel and the new Shaft 6B, DEP will
require approximately 169,200 gallons of water per day commencing in the fall of 2013; and
WHEREAS, concomitantly, the Town needs to provide a source of good quality water to
the Chelsea Hamlet area, where many of the residences are located on small parcels that
currently use individual well sources that have become unreliable; and
WHEREAS, DEP proposes to contract with the Town for the construction of a 12 inch
water main utilizing the water facilities of the United Wappinger Water District (UWWD); and
WHEREAS, after the conclusion of the WFF repair project, the water train can be used
to supply water to the residents of the Chelsea Hamlet area as well as other residents of the Town
of Wappinger along the pipeline route; and
WHEREAS, the Town and DEP have entered into an Agreement in Principle (AIP),
outlining the terms and conditions pursuant to which the Town of Wappinger will construct a 12
inch water main from the point of connection with the UWWD water system located near Route
9 and Old Hopewell Road to the Chelsea Shaft 6B site; and
Town of Wappinger Page 5 Printed 7/3/2012
N9 Nay
Barbara Gutzler
Adopted as Amended
W�Iham Beale—
, Seconder I
Vincent Bettina
i_.,..._ ....._ .
_ .. _ -__..
.............. .... ....... ....... ....... ................................_...........
Voter ;
................... .......
Michael Kuzmicz
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 25, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
RESOLUTION: 2012-191
Resolution Authorizing Town Professionals to Commence Work Associated with the
Construction of a 12 Inch Water Main to New York City's Shaft 6B Site Located in
Chelsea Subject to Permissive Referendum
WHEREAS, New York City owns and its Department of Environmental Protection
(DEP) operates New York City's water -supply system, which provides, on average, 1 billion
gallons of high quality drinking water to the residents of New York City and other
municipalities; and
WHEREAS, New York City's drinking water is supplied by three (3) primary aqueducts,
one of which is the Delaware Aqueduct which passes through the Town of Wappinger
approximately 600 feet below the Hudson River; and
WHEREAS, the DEP has identified two leaks in a section of the Delaware Aqueduct and
has undertaken a project to address the leaks to assure the long term sustainability of its ability to
supply water to New York City; and
WHEREAS, the aqueduct repair project is known as the "Water for the Future" (WFF)
which involves, among other things, the construction of a bypass tunnel that will cross
underneath the Hudson River and continue through portions of the Town of Wappinger; and
WHEREAS, as a component of the WFF project, DEP will construct a new shaft on the
eastern side of the Hudson River on New York City property located in the Hamlet of Chelsea
and otherwise referred to as the "Shaft 6B" site; and
WHEREAS, the construction of the bypass tunnel and the new Shaft 6B, DEP will
require approximately 169,200 gallons of water per day commencing in the fall of 2013; and
WHEREAS, concomitantly, the Town needs to provide a source of good quality water to
the Chelsea Hamlet area, where many of the residences are located on small parcels that
currently use individual well sources that have become unreliable; and
WHEREAS, DEP proposes to contract with the Town for the construction of a 12 inch
water main utilizing the water facilities of the United Wappinger Water District (UWWD); and
WHEREAS, after the conclusion of the WFF repair project, the water train can be used
to supply water to the residents of the Chelsea Hamlet area as well as other residents of the Town
of Wappinger along the pipeline route; and
WHEREAS, the Town and DEP have entered into an Agreement in Principle (AIP),
outlining the terms and conditions pursuant to which the Town of Wappinger will construct a 12
inch water main from the point of connection with the UWWD water system located near Route
9 and Old Hopewell Road to the Chelsea Shaft 6B site; and
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Town Board Meeting Minutes June 25. 2012
WHEREAS, to complete the construction of the 12 inch water main by the fall of 2013,
work in the nature of preliminary environmental, engineering and legal studies must be
commenced immediately; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the AIP, New York City
agrees to advance up to $100,000.00 to the Town to reimburse the Town for costs it incurs for
such preliminary work.
1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set
forth and adopted herein.
2. The Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Engineer to the Town, Robert
J. Gray, and any members of his engineering firm, Morris Associates Engineering
and Consultants, the Attorney to the Town, Albert P. Roberts, and any members.
or employees of his firm, and David Stolman of Frederick P. Clark Associates,
Planning and Environmental Consultants, and any members or employees of his
firm, to immediately undertake such preliminary engineering, legal and
environmental studies as is necessary to continence construction of the 12 inch
water main above described.
3. The Town Board further authorizes and directs Robert J. Gray, or any other
engineer associated with Morris Associates, to prepare a Map, Plan and Report for
a no cost extension of UWWD to the Shaft 6B site and further directs the
Attorney to the Town, Albert P. Roberts, Attorney Douglas E., Goodfriend, the
Town's Special District Consultant and the Planner to the Town, David Stolman,
and any members or employees of his firm, to provide any required legal and
environmental studies associated and/or needed in connection with the
preparation of the Map, Plan and Report.
4. The costs incurred by the Town for the aforementioned preliminary work and the
preparation of the Map, Plan and Report shall be reimbursed by DEP in
accordance with the letter agreement dated May 17, 2012, a copy of which
attached hereto and made a part hereof.
5. This Resolution is adopted subject to Permissive Referendum, and the Town
Clerk shall give Notice of Adoption of the Resolution by providing a copy of this
Resolution with an appropriate Notice of Adoption in the official newspapers of
the Town, the Southern Dutchess News and the Poughkeepsie Journal, and, in
addition, the Town Clerk shall post or cause to be posted on the bulletin board of
her office a copy of such Resolution and Notice of Adoption and such publication
and posting shall be done within ten days of the date hereof.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
._ .. Yee/Aye
! Abstain
Adopted as Amended
Barbara Gutzler
...........® ........
❑ ........
William Beale ............................
Vincent Bettina
Seconder........... !
.................. ..........
_......... ®...........
❑ ..........
❑ ........................................._.............
_ Ismer Czarniecki
:. Voter®
❑ _
Michael Kuzmicz
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 25, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
RESOLUTION: 2012-192
Resolution Authorizing Entering into a Stipulation of Discontinuance and Execution of
Grant of Permanent Easement for Stormwater Drainage Purposes in Connection with
Litigation Commenced Against Mazochi and Howe
WHEREAS, the Town of Wappinger brought an action in State of New York, Supreme
Court, Dutchess County, against Donald A. Mazochi and Catherine A. Mazochi (hereinafter
collectively referred to as "Mazochi") and Richard J. Howe and Theresa C. Howe (hereinafter
collectively referred to as "Howe"), property owners on Adams Street, for failure to maintain the
contours on their property as required on their approved Final Plot Plans submitted in connection
with the construction of single-family residences on their respective properties located on Adams
Street in the Town of Wappinger; and
WHEREAS, the failure to maintain the approved contours on their respective properties
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Town Board Meeting Minutes June 25, 2012
has resulted in an accumulation of water or "ponding" on Adams Street, to the, detriment of the
Town and neighboring property owners; and
WHEREAS, after much deliberation and negotiation, the Town, Mazochi and Howe
have agreed to settle their differences by entering into a Stipulation of Discontinuance, which,
among other things, requires Mazochi and Howe to Grant a Permanent Easement to the Town for
the construction of stormwater facilities, if, and only if, flooding and ponding of stormwater on
Adams Street recurs, upon the terms and conditions as stated in the Stipulation of
Discontinuance, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit "A", and in accordance with the Grant of
Permanent Easement for Stormwater Drainage, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit `B".
1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set
forth and adopted herein.
2. The Town Board hereby determines, after weighing all of the facts and
circumstances surrounding this matter, that the terms and conditions set forth in
the Stipulation of Discontinuance, attached as Exhibit "A", and the terms and
conditions of the Grant of Permanent Easement for Stormwater, Drainage
Purposes, attached as Exhibit `B", are reasonable and acceptable and the Town
Board hereby agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions stated therein
3. The Town Board hereby authorizes the Attorney to the Town, Albert P. Roberts,
to execute the Stipulation of Discontinuance in the form annexed hereto, marked
and designated as Exhibit "A", by and on behalf of the Town of Wappinger and
have same filed with the Supreme Court, and the Town Board hereby agrees to be
bound by the terms and conditions stated therein.
4. As a condition of the Stipulation of Discontinuance, the Town Board hereby
agrees to accept the Grant of Permanent Easement for Stormwater Drainage
Purposes to be executed by the Defendants Mazochi and the Defendants Howe,
together with the Lopez Irrevocable Income Only Asset Trust, and to construct
the drainage facilities, if, and only if, recent changes to the contours are
insufficient to alleviate the flooding and ponding of stormwater on Adams Street.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
: a
Yes/Ar a
No/Na ,
Adopted as Amended
Barbara Gu bler
0 .
i 0
William Beale
Vincent Bettina
': ❑
0 I
Ismay Czamiecki
❑ ;
Michael Kuzmicz
; 0
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 25, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
RESOLUTION: 2012-193
Resolution Authorizing the Cost of Engineering and Design Studies for Improvements to
the United Wappinger Water District, in and for the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess
County, New York, at a Maximum Estimated Cost of $10,000.00 and Authorizing the
Issuance of Up to $10,000 Bonds of Said Town to Pay the Cost Thereof.
WHEREAS, the Town Board, by and on behalf of the United Wappinger Water District,
is desirous of making certain improvements to the United Wappinger Water District, specifically
including filtration systems for the Hilltop Wells and Atlas Wells, as well as constructing the
projects known as the Meadowood Well Loop and the Route 9 Loop; and
WHEREAS, the Town is desirous of financing the cost of the preliminary studies for the
aforementioned improvements to the United Wappinger Water District and to recapture the costs
thereof in any permanent financing if the projects are formally approved by the Town Board; and
WHEREAS, all conditions precedent to the financing of the object or purpose
hereinafter described, including compliance with the provisions of the State Environmental
Quality Review Act, have been performed; and
WHEREAS, the capital project hereinafter described has been determined to be a Type
II Action pursuant to the regulations of the New York State Department of Environmental
Conservation promulgated pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, the
implementation of which as proposed, the regulations provide will not result in any significant
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Town Board Meeting Minutes June 25, 2012
environmental effects; and
WHEREAS, it is now desired to authorize the financing thereof; NOW, THEREFORE,
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County,
New York, as follows:
Section 1. The Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Engineer to the Town,
Robert J. Gray, and any members of his engineering firm, Morris Associates Engineering and
Consultants, PLLC, and the Attorney to the Town, Albert P. Roberts, and any members or
employees of his firm, to immediately undertake such preliminary engineering, environmental
and legal studies as is necessary to authorize construction of the above mentioned improvements
to the United Wappinger Water District.
Section 2. The Town Board further authorizes and directs Robert J. Gray, or any
other engineer associated with Morris Associates, to prepare such preliminary engineering
studies as well as to prepare a Map, Plan and Report for necessary improvements to the United
Wappinger Water District, specifically including improvements necessary to interconnect the
Meadowood Wells to the United Wappinger Water District, to construct a water loop that will
connect to the recently constructed water main service in the Adams Fairacre Farms Project
located on Old Post Road in the Town of Wappinger as well as to construct the required filtration
systems to the Hilltop Wells and Atlas Wells serving the United Wappinger Water District.
Section 3. The cost of legal and engineering and design studies for improvements to
the United Wappinger Water District, in and for the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New
York, including incidental expenses related thereto, is hereby authorized at a maximum
estimated cost of $10,000.
Section 4. The plan for the financing of the aforesaid maximum estimated cost is by
the issuance of not exceeding $10,000 bonds of said Town, hereby authorized to be issued
therefor pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law.
Section 5. It is hereby determined that the period of probable usefulness of the
aforesaid specific object or purpose is five years, pursuant to subdivision 62(2nd) of paragraph a
of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law. It is hereby further determined that the maximum
maturity of the serial bonds herein authorized will not exceed five years.
Section 6. The faith and credit of said Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New
York, are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on such
bonds as the same respectively become due and payable. An annual appropriation shall be made
in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds becoming due and
payable in such year. To the extent not paid from other sources, there shall annually be levied on
all the taxable real property in said Town, a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on
such bonds as the same become due and payable.
Section 7. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to authorize
the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the
bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the Supervisor
of said Town, the chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such terms, form and contents, and
shall be sold in such manner, as may be prescribed by said Supervisor, consistent with the
provisions of the Local Finance Law.
Section 8. All other matters except as provided herein relating to the bonds herein
authorized including the date, denominations, maturities and interest payment dates, within the
limitations prescribed herein and the manner of execution of the same, including the
consolidation with other issues, and also the ability to issue bonds with substantially level or
declining annual debt service, shall be determined by the Supervisor, the chief fiscal officer of
such Town. Such bonds shall contain substantially the recital of validity clause provided for in
Section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law, and shall otherwise be in such form and contain such
recitals, in addition to those required by Section 51.00 of the Local Finance Law, as the
Supervisor shall determine consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law.
Section 9. The validity of such bonds and bond anticipation notes may be contested
only if:
1. Such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which said Town is
not authorized to expend money, or
2. The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication of
this resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or
proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the
date of such publication, or
3. Such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution.
Section 10. This resolution shall constitute a statement of official intent for purposes
of Treasury Regulations Section 1.150-2. Other than as specified in this resolution, no monies
are, or are reasonably expected to be, reserved, allocated on a long-term basis, or otherwise set
aside with respect to the permanent funding of the object or purpose described herein.
Section 11. This resolution, which takes effect immediately, shall be published in
Town of Wappinger Page 8 Printed 7/3/2012
Town Board Meeting Minutes June 25, 2012
summary form in the official newspaper of said Town for such purpose, together with a notice of
the Town Clerk in substantially the form provided in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
Barbara Gutzier
j Voter
Adopted as Amended
William Beale
i Voter
Vincent Bettina
_,.. ._-.-i
. _
Michael Kuzmicz
...... .... ...
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 25, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
RESOLUTION: 2012-194
Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Inter -Governmental Agreement Between the
City of New York and the Town of Wappinger for the Construction of a Water Supply and
Distribution System
WHEREAS, by Resolution adopted on May 15, 2012, the Town Board ratified the
Supervisor's execution of an Agreement in Principle (AIP) which AIP outlined the terms and
conditions pursuant to which the Town of Wappinger (Town) through the United Wappinger
Water District (UWWD) will construct a 12 inch water main from a point of connection with the
UWWD water system to the Chelsea Shaft 6B Site owned by the City of New York (City) and
operated through its Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); and
WHEREAS, the AIP contemplated the City and the Town entering into a formal Inter -
Governmental Agreement (IGA) specifying in greater detail the terms, conditions and
obligations of the parties which respect to the construction of the 12 inch water main to the Shaft
6B Site with the expressed understanding that upon execution of said Agreement, the Agreement
would be submitted to the City Comptroller for registration as required by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, the Supervisor, Attorney to the Town and Engineer to the Town have
negotiated the terms of an IGA, the terms of which are attached hereto, made a part hereof and
designated as Exhibit "1"; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board hereby agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions as
contained in the AIG attached as Exhibit "1" and authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute the
Agreement as evidence of the Town's obligations to be bound by the terms, conditions and
obligations stated therein.
1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set
forth and adopted herein.
2. The Town Board Members individually confirm that they have each read the IGA
attached to this Resolution as Exhibit "1", and understand the terms, conditions
and obligations of each of the parties to the IGA.
3. The Town Board hereby agrees, by and on behalf of the Town of Wappinger, that
the Town shall be bound by the terms, conditions and obligations contained in the
IGA in substantially the same form as contained in Exhibit "1" attached hereto.
4. The Town Board hereby authorizes Supervisor Barbara A. Gutzler to execute the
Agreement by and on behalf of the Town of Wappinger, evidencing the Town's
agreement to be bound by the terms, conditions and obligations'contained therein.
5. The Town Board further authorizes the Supervisor, the Attorney to the Town and
the Engineer to the Town to negotiate and modify the wording of any of the
terms, conditions or obligations contained in the IGA, provided that such
modifications are consistent with the terms and conditions as stated in the AIP.
6. It is the intention of the Town Board that the IGA be executed as quickly as
possible and forwarded to the City for execution and registering with the City
Comptroller as quickly as possible.
Town of Wappinger Page 9 Printed 7/3/2012
Town Board Meeting Minutes June 25, 2012
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 25, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
RESOLUTION: 2012-195
Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Transfer of Funds Between Budget Line Items to
Cover Lease Payments for a New Police Patrol Car SUV
WHEREAS, during the 2012 budget review and approval process conducted by the
Town Board in the fall of 2011, the Town Board Members contemplated the purchase and/or
lease of an additional patrol vehicle for use by the Town of Wappinger's Sheriff Patrol; and
WHEREAS, the Town leased a new police patrol car SUV pursuant to lease agreement
requiring four equal annual lease payments of $11,307.46, with the first payment due May 17,
2012; and
WHEREAS, it was discovered that the cost of leasing this patrol SUV was inadvertently
assigned a line item in the 2012 budget and in order to make the payment required, the sum of
$11, 500.00 was transferred from budget line item B3120.400 Vandalism Patrol/Contractual
Expenses to budget line item B3120.200 Vandalism Patrol/Equipment in order to meet the lease
payment due date.
1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set
forth and adopted herein.
2. The Town Board ratifies and confirms the, actions taken by the Accountant to the
Town and Supervisor to the Town in transferring the sum of $11, 500.00 from
budget line item B3120.400 Vandalism Patrol/Contractual Expenses to budget
line item B3120.200 Vandalism Patrol/Equipment.
3. The Town Board also confirms the Town's leasing of the police patrol car SUV
and ratifies the lease thereof as being in the best interests of the public health,
safety and welfare of the residents of the Town of Wappinger.
4. The Town Board further ratifies and confirms the actions of the Town Accountant
and Town Supervisor in making the first payment due on the lease in the amount
of $11, 307.46 which was paid on May 18, 2012.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
x. •.
+ v xx +.use nx x�r xxw.vx. -
Adopted as Amended
No/Nay l
as Amended
Barbara Gutzler
❑ i
William Beale
❑ i
Vmcent Bettina
❑ j
Ismay Czamiecki
❑ .._... _.....�..-..
. ._...® ....
Michael Kuzm
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 25, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
RESOLUTION: 2012-195
Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Transfer of Funds Between Budget Line Items to
Cover Lease Payments for a New Police Patrol Car SUV
WHEREAS, during the 2012 budget review and approval process conducted by the
Town Board in the fall of 2011, the Town Board Members contemplated the purchase and/or
lease of an additional patrol vehicle for use by the Town of Wappinger's Sheriff Patrol; and
WHEREAS, the Town leased a new police patrol car SUV pursuant to lease agreement
requiring four equal annual lease payments of $11,307.46, with the first payment due May 17,
2012; and
WHEREAS, it was discovered that the cost of leasing this patrol SUV was inadvertently
assigned a line item in the 2012 budget and in order to make the payment required, the sum of
$11, 500.00 was transferred from budget line item B3120.400 Vandalism Patrol/Contractual
Expenses to budget line item B3120.200 Vandalism Patrol/Equipment in order to meet the lease
payment due date.
1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set
forth and adopted herein.
2. The Town Board ratifies and confirms the, actions taken by the Accountant to the
Town and Supervisor to the Town in transferring the sum of $11, 500.00 from
budget line item B3120.400 Vandalism Patrol/Contractual Expenses to budget
line item B3120.200 Vandalism Patrol/Equipment.
3. The Town Board also confirms the Town's leasing of the police patrol car SUV
and ratifies the lease thereof as being in the best interests of the public health,
safety and welfare of the residents of the Town of Wappinger.
4. The Town Board further ratifies and confirms the actions of the Town Accountant
and Town Supervisor in making the first payment due on the lease in the amount
of $11, 307.46 which was paid on May 18, 2012.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 25, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
Town of Wappinger Page 10 Printed 7/3/2012
x. •.
9a a'.
M„ay.n w
No/Nay Abstain Absent
Adopted as Amended
Barbara Gutzler
I Voter
O f
W�Iltam Beale
Vipmt Bettina
Ismay Czamieclu
j Seconder
j_ _.. .® _
❑ I
Michael Kuzmicz
i Voter
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 25, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
Town of Wappinger Page 10 Printed 7/3/2012
Town Board Meeting Minutes June 25, 2012
Motion To: Amend Resolution 2012-195, the Third Whereas to read "was inadvertently not
assigned a line item in the 2012 budget".
RESOLUTION: 2012-196
Resolution Appointing Seasonal Employees for Buildings and Grounds Department
WHEREAS, the Town of Wappinger has a need for seasonal laborers in the Buildings
and Grounds Department for ground and maintenance work; and
WHEREAS, the Town has hired the following seasonal laborers for the Buildings and
Grounds Department:
A. James Harris;
B. Aaron Morgetistein; and
C. Ryan White.
1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set
forth and adopted herein.
2. The Town Board hereby confirms the appointment of James Harris as a seasonal
laborer in the Buildings and Grounds Department with his term of employment
beginning on June 12, 2012 and ending on August 24, 2012 at an hourly rate of
$9.00, with benefits as offered by the Town.
3. The Town Board hereby confirms the appointment of Aaron Morgenstein as a
seasonal laborer in the Buildings and Grounds Department with his term of
employment beginning June 12, 2012 and ending on August 24 2012 at an hourly
rate of $9.00, with benefits as offered by the Town.
4. The Town Board hereby confirms the appointment of Ryan White as a seasonal
laborer in the Buildings and Grounds Department with his term of employment
beginning June 12, 2012 and ending December 7, 2012 at an hourly rate of
$11.88, with benefits as offered by the Town.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 25, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
RESOLUTION: 2012-197
Resolution Introducing Local Law No._ of the Year 2012, "Amending the Code of the
Town of Wappinger by Adding a New Chapter 185 Entitled `Property` Maintenance"'
WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the Town Board that property owners who
fail to maintain their property create adverse conditions that affect the general health, safety and
welfare of the public by reducing the quality of life, adversely impacting property values and
facilitating the creation of blighted neighborhoods; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has determined that in order to protect and promote the
public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Town of Wappinger, to prevent blight
within the Town and to prohibit the proliferation thereof, it is necessary to establish standards for
the exterior maintenance of property, yards and any buildings or structures thereon; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has determined that it is in the best interest of the citizens
Town of Wappinger Page 11 Printed 7/3/2012
Barbara Gutzler
Adopted as Amended
William Beale
Vincent Bettina
❑ ....
Michael Kuzm1cZ
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 25, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
RESOLUTION: 2012-197
Resolution Introducing Local Law No._ of the Year 2012, "Amending the Code of the
Town of Wappinger by Adding a New Chapter 185 Entitled `Property` Maintenance"'
WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the Town Board that property owners who
fail to maintain their property create adverse conditions that affect the general health, safety and
welfare of the public by reducing the quality of life, adversely impacting property values and
facilitating the creation of blighted neighborhoods; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has determined that in order to protect and promote the
public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Town of Wappinger, to prevent blight
within the Town and to prohibit the proliferation thereof, it is necessary to establish standards for
the exterior maintenance of property, yards and any buildings or structures thereon; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has determined that it is in the best interest of the citizens
Town of Wappinger Page 11 Printed 7/3/2012
Town Board Meeting Minutes June 25, 2012
of the Town of Wappinger to adopt this Local Law which will authorize the Town through its
Code Enforcement Officials to enter onto the property containing the offending condition, in
accordance with the provisions of this Local Law, and to remove the same when the property
owner fails or neglects to cure the violation therefore preventing blighted neighborhoods and
promoting the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Town of Wappinger; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has determined that the Proposed Action is an Unlisted
action pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law and Part 617 NYCRR
(commonly known as "SEQRA') and pursuant to Local Law No. 6 of 1992 (the Town's
Environmental Quality Review Law); and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has determined that the proposed Local Law is an action
for which there are no other Involved Agencies and the Town Board is therefore, by default,
Lead Agency for this action.
1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set
forth and adopted herein.
2. The Town Board hereby introduces for consideration of its adoption proposed
Local Law No. of the Year 2012 in the form annexed hereto.
3. The Town Board has caused to be prepared a Short Form EAF and has reviewed
the proposed action pursuant thereto and hereby determines that the proposed
action will not have a significant impact on the environment and hereby makes a
Negative Declaration of Significance with respect to the proposed amendments to
the Zoning Code.
4. The Town Board hereby schedules a Public Hearing regarding the proposed
adoption of the annexed Local Law No. of 2012 for 7:30 P.M., on the 13th
day of August 2012, to be held at Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers
Falls, New York, and the Town Clerk is directed to post a Notice of Public
Hearing in the form annexed hereto in the Town's official newspapers, the
Southern Dutchess News and Poughkeepsie Journal, not less than ten (10) days
prior to said public hearing date.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 25, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
IX. Items for Special Consideration
A. Councilman Beale
Councilman Beale stated that the Wappinger Greenway has hired someone to maintain the trails.
He questioned how the person is being paid. Supervisor Gutzler stated that she will get the
answer for Councilman Beale
B. Councilman Kuzmicz
Councilman Kuzmicz wanted to remind ever one that Community Day is Saturday. Supervisor
Gutzler added that there will be more family friendly offerings that are somewhat less expensive.
The parade starts at 11:00am and fireworks in the evening.
Town of Wappinger Page 12 Printed 7/3/2012
Town Board Meeting Minutes June 25, 2012
X. Executive Session
Motion To: go into Executive Session for Contract Negotiations
Motion To: Come out of Executive Session
XI. Town Board Review of Vouchers
RESOLUTION: 2012-198
Resolution Authorizing Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of Claim Audited by
Town Board
The following claims have been duly audited and allowed by the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger, New York (the "Town"), and you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each
claimant the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter set forth:
Claim Packet: 2012 -HH
CAMO Pollution
CAMO Pollution
Central Hudson
N & S Supply
Poughkeepsie Jrnl
Royal Carting
Southern Dtc News
West Payment Center
West Payment Center
Legion Fireworks
Coffee Systems
Ruge's Parts Center
Arkel Motors
NY Tech Supply
Thalle Industries
Hudson Riv
Zee Medical
Zee Medical
Reserve Account
Jimi V's Automotive
Wells Fargo
Ralph Holt
Big Top Portable
Town of Wappinger Page 13 Printed 7/3/2012
Town Board Meeting Minutes June 25, 2012
Stormwater Mgmnt $875.00
Stormwater Mgmnt $300.00
Stormwater Mgmnt
Stormwater Mgmnt $25.00
Great Amer Leasing $580.50
$38,304.00 1 $2,710.93 $12.191.66 1 $325.00
CAMO Pollution
CAMO Pollution
Central Hudson
CAMO Pollution
N & S Supply
Central Hudson
N & S Supply
Poughkeepsie Jrnl
Royal Carting
Poughkeepsie Jrnl
Southern Dtc News
Royal Carting
West Payment Center
Southern Dtc News
West Payment Center
West Payment Center
Legion Fireworks
West Payment Center
Legion Fireworks
Coffee Systems
Coffee Systems
Ruge's Parts Center
Arkel Motors
NY Tech Supply
Thalle Industries
Hudson Riv Truck/Trailer
Zee Medical
Zee Medical
Reserve Account
Jimi V's Automotive
Wells Fargo
Ralph Holt
Big Top Portable Toilets
Stormwater Mgmnt
Stormwater Mgmnt
Stormwater Mgmnt
Stormwater Mgmnt
Great Amer Leasing
CAMO Pollution
CAMO Pollution
Central Hudson
N & S Supply
Poughkeepsie Jrnl
Royal Carting
Southern Dtc News
West Payment Center
West Payment Center
Legion Fireworks
Coffee Systems
Ruge's Parts Center 1 $94.00
6 -
Town of Wappinger Page 14 Printed 7/3/2012
T -j
Town Board Meeting Minutes June 25, 2012
27 1
I, Christine Fulton, Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, hereby certify that the vouchers
listed above were audited by a majority of the Town Board at the public meeting June 25, 2012,
and allowed to the claimants the amount opposite his/her name. The Town Supervisor is hereby
authorized to submit such claims to the Accounting Department for payment.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
Arkel Motors
. B� ��9, .� k»..:
NY Tech Supply
Thalle Industries.
Hudson Riv
Voter i
Zee Medical
Adopted as Amended
Zee Medical
_.. .........
Reserve Account
Jimi V's Automotive
Wells Fargo
❑ _._
Ralph Holt
Big Top Portable
Stormwater Mgmnt
Stormwater Mgmnt
Stormwater Mgmnt
Stormwater Mgmnt
Great Amer Leasing
1 $34,688.00 $450.00
27 1
I, Christine Fulton, Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, hereby certify that the vouchers
listed above were audited by a majority of the Town Board at the public meeting June 25, 2012,
and allowed to the claimants the amount opposite his/her name. The Town Supervisor is hereby
authorized to submit such claims to the Accounting Department for payment.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 25, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
RESOLUTION: 2012-199
Resolution Authorizing Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of Claim Audited by
Town Board
The following claims have been duly audited and allowed by the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger, New York (the "Town"), and you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each
claimant the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter set forth:
Claim Packet: 2012-11
•� � tett' .
�. � �° uMG � 8+.
. B� ��9, .� k»..:
CAMO Pollution '
No/Nay Abstain
T Barbara Guizier
Voter i
❑ ^^❑
Central Hudson
Adopted as Amended
.... ............
William Beale
...... ...
_.. .........
..... .. }'............. ....
Vincent Bettina
_. °
❑ _._
!_Voter_ ___ I _
_ !M__
Michael Kuzmicz
Seconder i0
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 25, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
RESOLUTION: 2012-199
Resolution Authorizing Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of Claim Audited by
Town Board
The following claims have been duly audited and allowed by the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger, New York (the "Town"), and you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each
claimant the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter set forth:
Claim Packet: 2012-11
CAMO Pollution '
CAMO Pollution
Central Hudson
Central Hudson
Marshall & Sterling
Marshall & Sterling
Home Depot
Signal Graphics
Town of Wappinger Page 15 Printed 7/3/2012
Town Board Meeting Minutes June 25, 2012
DC Sheriff
CAMO Pollution
Central Hudson
Sedore & Company
Marshall &Sterling
Marshall & Sterling
Rosemary's Flower
Home Depot
Signal Graphics
DC Sheriff
Sedore & Company
Rosemary's Flower
Chambers Tractor
Frederick Clark
Frederick Clark
Frederick Clark
Frederick Clark
Frederick Clark
Justice Court Fund
Frederick Clark
Frederick Clark
Donald Magill
Verizon Wireless
Frederick Clark
Crown Trophy
Inter City Tire
B. Rome/Too Blue
Justice Court Fund
Donald Magill
Verizon Wireless
Crown Trophy
Inter City Tire
B. Rome/Too Blue
1 $32,125.06
1 $4,842.29 1$589.00
CAMO Pollution
CAMO Pollution
Central Hudson
Central Hudson
Marshall &Sterling
Marshall & Sterling
Home Depot
Signal Graphics
DC Sheriff
Sedore & Company
Rosemary's Flower
Chambers Tractor
Frederick Clark
Frederick Clark
Frederick Clark
Frederick Clark
Justice Court Fund
Donald Magill
Verizon Wireless
Crown Trophy
Inter City Tire
B. Rome/Too Blue
Vendor Board
CAMO Pollution $130.00
CAMO Pollution $384.34
Central Hudson
$90,041.34 $24,775.70
Town of Wappinger Page 16 Printed 7/3/2012
Town Board Meeting Minutes June 25, 2012
I, Christine Fulton, Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, hereby certify that the vouchers
listed above were audited by a majority of the Town Board at the public meeting June 25, 2012,
and allowed to the claimants the amount opposite his/her name. The Town Supervisor is hereby
authorized to submit such claims to the Accounting Department for payment.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
�_ x
Central Hudson
_ ,�,WOOD
. w
Marshall & Sterling
Marshall & Sterling
Home Depot
i ❑
Signal Graphics
DC Sheriff
Sedore & Company
Rosemary's Flower
is ay Czamiecki
�_ �.
Chambers Tractor
Michael kuzmicz
❑ ❑
Frederick Clark
Frederick Clark
Frederick Clark
Frederick Clark
Justice Court Fund
Donald Magill
Verizon Wireless
Crown Trophy
Inter City Tire
B. Rome/Too Blue
I, Christine Fulton, Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, hereby certify that the vouchers
listed above were audited by a majority of the Town Board at the public meeting June 25, 2012,
and allowed to the claimants the amount opposite his/her name. The Town Supervisor is hereby
authorized to submit such claims to the Accounting Department for payment.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
�_ x
_ ,�,WOOD
. w
❑ ❑Barbara
i ❑
Adopted as Amended
William Beale
p ❑
Vincent Bettina
is ay Czamiecki
�_ �.
Michael kuzmicz
___..® __ ._
❑ ❑
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 25, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
RESOLUTION: 2012-200
Resolution Authorizing Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of Claim Audited by
Town Board
The following claims have been duly audited and allowed by the Town Board of the Town. of
Wappinger, New York (the "Town"), and you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each
claimant the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter set forth:
Claim Packet: 2012 -JJ
Town of Wappinger Page 17 Printed 7/3/2012
Town Board Meeting
CAMO Pollution
MVP Gold
CAMO Pollution
West Payment Center
Central Hudson
West Payment Center
Central Hudson
Al Roberts
Marshall & Sterling
Al Roberts
Home Depot
Al Roberts
Signal Graphics
June 25, 2012
MVP Gold
West Payment Center
West Payment Center
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
$3,158.19 $16.50
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
American Red Cross
Chambers Tractor
Bostwick Sales
Craig Bova
Don Seifts
Village of
Alice Fennell
International Code
Snap On Tools
Poland Springs
WB Mason
Inter City Tire
Tifco Industries
Jonathan Kruk
Jason Stro el
$19,659.36 1 $16.50
CAMO Pollution
CAMO Pollution
Central Hudson
Central Hudson
Marshall & Sterling
Home Depot
Signal Graphics
MVP Gold
West Payment Center
West Payment Center
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
HNC (Cider HWN SU (Wapp.
Mill Loop) (Water Ext United)
Town of Wappinger Page 18 Printed 7/3/2012
Town Board -Meeting Minutes June 25, 2012
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
AI Roberts
Al Roberts $5,578.03
Al Roberts
Al Roberts $33.00
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts $33.00
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
American Red Cross
Chambers Tractor Sales
Bostwick Sales
Craig Bova
Don Seifts
Village of Wappingers
Alice Fennell
International Code Cncl
Snap On Tools
Poland Springs
WB Mason
Inter City Tire
Tifco Industries
Jonathan Kruk
Jason Stroppel
Totals $33.00 $5,578.03 $324.02 $291.02
CAMO Pollution
CAMO Pollution
Central Hudson
Central Hudson
Marshall & Sterling
Home Depot
Signal Graphics
MVP Gold
West Payment Center
West Payment Center
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
American Red Cross
Chambers Tractor
Bostwick Sales
Craig Bova
Don Seifts
Town of Wappinger Page 19 Printed 7/3/2012
Town Board Meeting Minutes June 25, 2012
Village of
Alice Fennell
International Code
Snap On Tools
Poland Springs
WB Mason
Inter City Tire
Tifco Industries
Jonathan Kruk
Jason Stroppel
CAMO Pollution
CAMO Pollution
Central Hudson
Central Hudson
Marshall & Sterling
Home Depot
Signal Graphics
MVP Gold
West Payment Center
West Payment Center
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
AI Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
Al Roberts
American Red Cross
Chambers Tractor
Bostwick Sales
Craig Bova
Don Seifts
Village of
Alice Fennell
International Code
Snap On Tools
Board Hold
Town of Wappinger Page 20 Printed 7/3/2012
Town Board Meeting Minutes June 25, 2012
1 Poland Springs $163.46
WB Mason
Inter City Tire
Tifco Industries
Jonathan Kruk
Jason Stroppel
$51,520.46 $31,075.14 1 $5,660.53
6 38 2
I, Christine Fulton, Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, hereby certify that the vouchers
listed above were audited by a majority of the Town Board at the public meeting June 25, 2012,
and allowed to the claimants the amount opposite his/her name. The Town Supervisor is hereby
authorized to submit such claims to the Accounting Department for payment.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
_ _ _.
No/Na� Abstain Absent
Adopted as Amended
Barbara Gutzler
___...__....__.._._ _
Voter __.. ___.
___® . _ ._.
. .......... ...
. > ._. �........ _
0...._ ....
William Beale
Vincent Bettina
i Voter
Ismay Czarniecld
Voter !
Michael Kuzmicz r SeconderY
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
June 25, 2012
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
XII. Adjournment
11ne meeting adjourned at 9:59 YM
Christine Fulton
Town Clerk
Town of Wappinger Page 21 Printed 7/3/2012