1966-11-14 SPM3-38 A Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger was held on November 14, 1966, at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, New York. Present: Joseph H. Fulton, Supervisor William J. Bulger, Justice of the Peace Vincent S. Francese, Justice of the Peace Others Present: Louis Clausen, Councilman Louis Diehl, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Harold Reilly, Attorney for the :Town Knud Clausen, Superintendent of Highways The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Fulton at 10:33 P.M. Mr. Fulton: The purpose of this meeting is to adopt the annual budget. Summary of all Funds: General Fund; from the previous figure of $43,376.00 - has now been reduced to $38,956.00. Part -Town; from the previous figure of $10,067.00 - has now been reduced to $67.00. Highway Fund (Item I); from the previous figure of $170,643.00 has now been reduced to $160,643.00 Mr. Fulton: The rate in the village or "Part -Town" last year was $1.13 - is now up $.22 which is $1.35. In tyle Town last year, the rate was $9.59 and the rate is now up $1.49 -1 total rate in the-Town_now is,$11.08, per thousand: assessed val4uation. Mr. Francese: We should point out what has been cut from the preliminary budget - the tentative tax rate on the preliminary budget showed that the Town tax rate would have been approximately $12.02, in the Village approximately $1.50. Mr. Bulger proposed the following Resolution for adoption: RESOLUTION OF TOWN BOARD ADOPTING BUDGET WITH AMENDMENTS WHEREAS, this Town Board has met at the time and place specified in notice of public hearing on•the.preliminary budget and heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the preliminary budget be amended by making the following changes therein: That the appropriation for Printing and Advertising, ( all departments) be reduced from $2,100 to $1,600. • That the appropriation for Services of Attorneys and Expenses of Litigatidn be reduced from $12,000 to $11,500. That the appropriation for Annual Audit and Examin ation be reduced from $1,500 to $1,000. That the appropriation for Supervisor Salary be reduced from $4,500 to $4,050. That the appropriation for Justices of the Peace Salaries be reduced from $6,000 to $5.400. That the appropriation for Councilmen Salaries be reduced from $3,000 to $2.700. That the appropriation for Town Clerk Salary be reduced from $6,200 to $5,580. That the appropriation for Receiver of Taxes be reduced from $1,000 to $900. That the appropriation for Superintendent of Highways Salary be reduced from $8.500 to $7.650. That the appropriation for Public Safety in the amount of $10.000 be rejected. That the appropriation for Item I in the estimated revenues for unexpended balance for highways be increased from $5,000 to $15.000. AND BE ET FURTHER RESOLVED, that such preliminary budget as hereinbe- fore amended be and hereby is adopted as the annual budget of this Town fot the fiscal year beginning on the 1st day of January, 1967, and that such budget as so adopted be entered in detail in the minutes of the proceedings of this Town Board, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of this Town shall prepare and certify, in duplicate, copies of said annual budget as adopted by this Town Board, together with the assessment rolls for benefir improvements, if any, adopted pursuant to Section 202-a, Subdivision 2, of the Town Law and deliver one copy thereof to the Supervisor of this Town to be presented by him to the Board of Supervisors of this County. 1Seconded by Mr. Francese. Mr. Diehl: Before voting, I would like to state that although a previous commitment by myself that salaries should not be increased - Officials have been working under increased workload, therefore I vote yes. Motion Unanimously Carried. Motion made by Mr. Francese, seconded by Mr. Clausen, to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 11:03. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk • ANNUAL BUDGET POR TTOWN OP WAPPINGER SE POR THE YEAR 19 67 GENERAL FUND — APPROPBL& GENERAL GOVEBNIEENT Town Board: Town Hall and Offices : a. Rentals (Board Room, Offices, Elections, etc.) b. Compensation of employees (Total before deductions) c. Purchase of furniture and equipment d. Repairs, light, heat, telephone and water e. Other expenses Elections: a. Compensation of election officials (incl. mileage) b. Compensation of custodians of voting machines c. Other expenses d. Voting machines, purchase and repair Insurance: a. Compensation insurance b. Official bonds and undertakings c. Fire and liability d. Other Dues for membership in Association of Towns Printing and advertising (all departments) Services of attorneys and ezperises of litigation Services of engineer and expenses Annual audit and examination Publicity fund Employees' Retirement System (Town share) Payment to State for Social Security (Town share) Total Town Board Supervisor: a. Salary (Total before deductions) b. Compensation of employees c. Office and other expenses Total Supervisor Justices of the Peace: a. Salaries (Total before deductions) b. Compensation of employees e. Office and other expenses Total Justices of the Peace Councilmen: a. Salaries (Total before deductions) b. Office and other expenses Total Councilmen Town Clerk: a. Salary (Total before deductions) b. Compensation of employees c. Office and other expenses Total Town Clerk Amount carried forward B22-1 Williamson Law Book Co., Rochester, N. Y. Mat4ah Wtir $ 1731.00 ` fir$ -36'..00"60 [�,Nm 2100 10500.00 3100.00 10,500.00 1200_00 --640,00 3600,00 1500.00 1000,_00 5500.00 1000_00 150.00 --91 nn ng Ilio.°° 11 14 sear. 10,.500.00 —Wile -415i ova '' x000.00 3000_00 7 Wie yosO,011 '0 4000_00 1000.00 40/04"11 1800.00 3.50.00 752Clat '5iBA 170co► 50 ,4-0 , 7(m• °O -00 OO- 11,50n_n0 t=o 1�49rD0 0 at . t ,, 68 113f•� GIUMULL VUND — £PPSOPSLTIONS GENUAL GOVIRNMINT (continued) Amount carried forward Ammon: a. Salaries (Total before deductions) b. Compensation of employees c. Office and other expenses Total Assessors *eosiver ad Taxes or Tax Collator: a. Salaryn(Total before deductions) b. Compefsation of employees c. Office and other expenses Totat Receiver or Tax Collector ■ �Mlsess�: a. Salary (Total before deductio b. Compensation of eployees c. Office and other expenses Total Town Attorney !lbredW i e: Superintendent of Highways a. Salary- (Total before deductions) b. Compefosation of employees c. Offiee and other expenses TotallifiiicalNithear Superintendent of Hwys Tows OeseplriII : a. Salary- (Total before deductions) b. Compensation of employees c. Office and other expenses Total Town Comptroller (Note: Towns including incorporated villages must segregate appropriations for Zoning Commissions, Boards of Appeals and Planning Boards, u provided under separate section for PART -TOWN FUNDS; towns not including incor- porated villages list such appropriations immediately following hereto) Zonis Oi■udssion: a. Compensation of employees (Total before deductions) b. Office and other expenses Total Zoning Commission Board of appeals : a. Compensation of employees (Total before deductions) b. Office and other expenses Total Board of Appeals Planning Board: a. Compensation of employees (Total before deductions) b. Office and other expenses Total Planning Board TOTAL — GENERAL GOVERNMENT 113, (oxo. o' . a 0 a 8400.00 6200.00 2500.00 17,100.00 qQe0 - oc 50000 600.00 c -oao� 2100-:-8 0 fig.," ..558 . $0 ICU 3 7c . Qv PUBLIC SAFETY Polio*, Constables and Deputy Sheriffs : a. Compensation (Total before deductions) b. Mileage and other expenses c. Purchase of equipment Total Police, Constables and Deputy Sheriffs Lock -Up : a. Compensation of employees (Total before deductions) b. Other expenses Total Lock-up Traffic: a. Signs and signals b. Highway lighting Dog Warden: a. Compensation (Total before deductions) b. Other expenses Total Dog Warden Forest Fires : a. Compensation of fire wardens and laborers b. Other expenses c. Total Forest Fires (Note: Towns including incorporated villages must segregate appropriations for Inspection Costs and Examining Boards, as provided under separate sec- tion for PART -TOWN FUNDS; towns not including incorporated villages list such appropriations immediately following hereto) Inspection Costs : a. Building inspection b. Plumbing inspection c, Electrical inspection Total Inspeetio, Costs Examining Boards: a. Plumbers b. Electricians c. Heating and ventilating Total Examining Boards 1200.00 50.00 1250.00 3000.00 2000.00 5000.00 400_00 400.00 Fire Fighting Expenses paid from General Fund Civil Defense Purposes 500.00 TOTAL — PUBLIC SAFETY Williamson Law Book Co., Rochester, N. Y. $ 7150.00 EDUCATION Attendance Officer: a. Compensation (Total before deductions) b. Other expenses Total Attendance Officer Town Historian: a. Compensation (Total before deductions) b. Other expenses Total Town Historian Town Library: a. Compensation of employees (Total before deductions) b. Other employees c.- Payments to other libraries Total Town Library TOTAL — EDUCATION SANITATION Incinerator, Disposal Plant, Town Dump: a. Compensation of employees (Total before deductions) b. Purchase of equipment c. Purchase of land and buildings d. Contract for removal of garbage e. Other expenses TOTAL — SANITATION RECREATION Parks and Playgrounds: a. Compensation of employees (Total before deductions) b. Other expenses c. Purchase of equipment d. Patriotic observances (Memorial Day, etc.) Total Parks and Playgrounds e . Improvement of parks & playgrnds Youth Agency: a. 51$1r b. p..-..1r.prLLfwidb dz. Total Youth Agency TOTAL — RECREATION WELFARE Salary of Welfare Officer (Total before deductions) Office and other expenses Home Relief (Including Veterans) Burials TOTAL — WELFARE ENTERPRISES a. Cemeteries b. Airports c. Docks d. Parking Fields e. Feasability _Studies TOTAL -- ENTERPRISES 100.00 50_00 150.00 2800_Q0 14, 2-5e:ee it, ,coo. /So .a po.a' 3O6rO0 r,roeL 4%50.00$ 7,–oa. a 11, 100.00 * 41,300.00 _4,000.00 4,000.00 MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS AND INTEREST Redemption of Debt (Principal paid from General Fund Only) Notes: a. Tax anticipation notes b. Revenue anticipation notes c. Budget notes d. Capital notes e. Bond anticipation notes f. Deferred payment notes Total Principal on Notes Bonds (Give title of each issue) : a. b. Total Principal on Bonds Interest on Debt (Paid from General Fund only) : Interest on notes (Total) Interest on bonds (Give title of each issue) : a. b. ...... Total Interest on Bonds Total — Notes and Bonds TOTAL — MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS AND INTEREST CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS Nature of Improvements: a. 0. d. $ 2900.00 40n0.00 TOTAL — CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS $ 6900.00 MISCELLANEOUS a. Veterans Organizations for Rooms 450.00 b . Judgments and settlements C. Other payments (describe) : d'. Qf Towns 13nnA0 ulance Sev 1 2:-MaeNE�US ¥ 20.25Q.0 CONTRIBUTIONS TO CAPITAL RESERVE FUNDS •Reserve for Tax Stabilization Reserve for Repairs (Specify) : Reserve for Bonded Debt Reserve for,Workmen's Compensation Insurance TOTAL — CONTRIBUTIONS TO CAPITAL RESERVE FUNDS CONTINGENT PURPOSES TOTAL — FOR CONTINGENT PURPOSES 1322-3 Williamson Law Book Co., Rochester, N. Y. $ 9900.00 GSNI PAL FUND — ESTIMATED State Aid : a. Per capita b. For home relief c. For burials d. For welfare administration e. Mortgage tax f. Youth bureaus g. Plane for improvements h. Franchise tax adjustment i. Other _..._ Total state aid Federal aid Interest and penalties on taxes (exclusive of fees) Licenses and permits : a. Dog licenses (received from county) b. Other licenses and permits (town sources) Total licenses and permits Fines, penalties and forfeitures Departmental earnings : a. Rent of town owned property b. Fees of town clerk c. Fees of. justices of the peace d. Fees of assessors e. Fees of tax collector or receiver of taxes f. Fees of constables or police officers g. Fees of town library h. Fees of parks and playgroundk i. Fees of airports j. Fees of cemgteries k. Ambulance Service 1. m. Total departmental earnings Welfare refunds, Sale of town property Donations and contributions Interest on deposits Other General Find receipts : a. b. Unexpended balance TOTAL GENERAL FUND — ESTIMATED REVENUES GENERAL FUND — SUMMARY Appropriations: GENERAL GOVERNMENT PUBLIC SAFETY EDUCATION SANITATION RECREATION WELFARE ENTERPRISES MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS AND INTEREST CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS MISCELLANEOUS CONTRIBUTIONS TO CAPITAL RESERVE FUNDS FOR CONTINGENT PURPOSES TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS — GENERAL FUND TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES — GENERAL FUND AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAXES FOR GENERAL FUND 56.168.00 75,()00.00 10.0.00 400.00 1 anfj_.00 $ 133,968.00 2,000.00 1215_Q0 1 n0 a 2400_110 2, 000.00 t)- 396.. °° 1800 0'0 40,000.00 S40„,.000.00 $ 2-nfl 662. u u 11,01 k4•1(,°. / Lo, 374 -1 S.LU.UV _2,150.00 150.00 41 . 'ono. G6 . - . 20,2-50 . _9,00C). 00 00* 0 0 64" 00 00 SZa, $1887-682-.-0-0 MOW W $43,760,00 PART -TOWN FUNDS — APPROPRIATIONS (For use only in Towns containing one or more Incorporated Villages) fling agg4iiiitration Zo a. Compensation of eloployees (Total before deductions) b. Office and other expenses Total Zoning Commission Library Board of Appeals: a. Compensation of employees (Total before deductions) b. Office and other expenses Total Board of Appeals $ 7500.00 5S0_00 A 8050.00 10,000.00 100.00 Planning Board: a. Compensation of employees b. Office and other expenses C• Planning Consultant _8, . 8 Total Planning Board sp ca,m464.50.4wki,6 *„. bupection oats: Building Inspector a. Building Inspection salary b. Plumbing Inspection Deputy & Secy. Salary e. Brewroulisiyadok Office Expenses Total Inspection Costs ImuWmixtiOn* Miscellaneous a.)Exesteist A. Retirement b.31114avi4ians b. Insurance e.)1RXttavanscbekuniiistins c. Social Security Total Examining Boardsd. Hospitalization e. Compensation Con tingena..NA–anfi T-Lrfarnr-LutT-TOWN FUNDS APPROPRIATIONS 100.00 2,000.00 $,I0,450. 3700.00 46nn_no 6S(1_00 6000.00 1500.00 5013_ 00 $ 8950.-00 1000.00 500.00 Dt..J.00 3300.00 $50,350.00 PART -TOWN rum - ESTIMATED REVENUES a. Building Permits 500000 b. Planning Sub–fees 600.00 c. d. Unexpended Balance 150.00 TOTAL PART -TOWN ESTIMATED REVENUES Per Cap .Aid 44, bii • nn ( 50283.00 ) AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAXES FOR PART -TOWN FUNDS $ 67.00 HEALTH FUND — APPROPRIATIONS Board of Health: a. Salary of Health Officer (Total before deductions) b. Other health expenses c. Compensation of nurses Total Board of Health Registrar of Vital_ Statistics : a. Compensation (Total before deductions) b. Other expenses c. Fees of physicians Total Registrar of Vital Statistics TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS — HEALTH FUND TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES — HEALTH FUND AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAXES FOR HEALTH FUND 1322-4 Williamson Law Book Co., Rochester, N. Y. • HIGHWAY FUND • Highway_Fund (Item I) — Appropriations: General repairs, including sluices and culverts Special improvements, including sluices and culverts Redemption of notes, principal only _Redemption- of bonds, principal only Interest on bonds and notes Transferred to Ten Year Improvement Program TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues: State aid Other sources Unexpended balance TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (Item I) Bridge Fund (Item II) — Appropriations : Labor, equipment rental, repairs and maintenance -of bridges Materials for repair and maintenance of bridges Construction of new bridges Redemption of notes, principal only Interest on notes TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues: Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (Item II ) Machinery Fund (Item III) — Appropriations: Purchase of machinery, tools and equipment Repair of machinery, tools and equipment Storage of machinery, tools and equipment Repairs or pay of operator on machinery rented to county or village Gasoline or oil for machinery rented to county or village Redemption of notes, principal only Redemption of bonds, principal only Interest on bonds and notes TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Part Town Estimated Revenues : Rental of machinery, Ten Year Highway Program Rental of machinery, other municipalities Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES /In CrIrtei :? "0.0.00 $x.00 4357.00 1000_00 /5000.00 1500-0Q 1Snn_no 1000.00 1300_00 td,35-7 ° t :.? u Lo, 64'3, e ...�.:.3-.-00 4000_00 1 log. 00 $ 77nn 00 7400.00 15,000.00 400.00 50.00 * 22,400.00 450.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (Item III) $. 21,1:460 00 HIGHWAY FUND Snow and Miscellaneous Fund (Item IV) — Appropriations: Part Town Salary of Town Superintendent (Total before deductions) Expenses of Town Superintendent Salary and expenses of Deputy Town Superintendent Removing obstructions caused by snow Cutting and removing noxious weeds and brush Other miscellaneous purposes Redemption of notes, principal only Redemption of bonds, principal only Interest on bonds and notes TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues: Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 20,000.00 5500.00 6400.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (Item I V ) 1800.00 500.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (Items II, III & IV) Ten Year Town Highway Program — Appropriations : Salaries and wages Materials and supplies Machinery and equipment rentals Contracts with county or independent contractors Other direct improvement costs Principal on notes Interest on notes TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues: State Aid, Chapter 824, Laws of 1950 Transfers from Other Projects Miscellaneous revenues ...._ .. _... _........ _.._ .... Unexpended balance TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR TEN YEAR TOWN HIGHWAY PROGRAM B22-5 Williamson Law Book Co., Rochester, N. Y. 47 31,900.00 2300.00 29,600.00 8190.00 1 31 boo. 00 2.1,;19etft $14,14 ." SUMMARY OF TOTAL TAXES TO BE RAISED — ALL FUNDS GENERAL FUND PART -TOWN FUNDS HEALTH FUMY HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM I) HIGHWAY FUND (ITEMS TEN YEAR TOWN HIGHWAY PROGRAM Highway I & III & IV Part Town Funds SPECIAL DISTRICTS (from separate schedules)Cki QA.0 et_tker‘cl.ciz. ckl \Azar\ U-A,L QLL LT L,e‘u- TOTAL — SPECIAL DISTRICTS TOTAL — ALL FUNDS $ (0 5-0 5", 0-0 to .3 $7.ei gAgo aucsgy 1:7 gd..cio g A'7, 81C° 3G36, 7a.0 6 State of New York ss County of ...... 41.1 -4./t -ti -c- . 1 . , 1aL j , .,.. &,„ea,,ALit.,.., Town Clerk of the Towi of .... DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the foregoing with the annual budget of the Town of , duly adopted by the Town Board of said Town on the 1L1 d:,:, of .. 100Q. . s.. ...... , 19X0.6, and entered in detail in the minutes of the proceedings, of said Board, and that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of said annual budget and the whole thr-ee.4. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said Town, this 1----14‘ day of .. (SEAL) .,1942(e. Town Clerk