1966-08-04 RGMThe Regular Meeting of the Town Board, Town of Wappinger, was held on
Thursday evening, August 4, 1966, at the Town Hall, M||| Street, Wappingers
Fa||s, New York.
Joseph H. Fulton, Supervisor Louis C. Clausen, Councilman
William J. Bulger, Justice of the Pence Louis D. Diehl, Councilman
Vincent S. Francese, Justice of the Peace Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk
Others Present:
Joseph D. Quinn, Jr. Attorney for the Town
Vincent C. Kelley, Engineer for the Town
Knud Clausen, Highway Superintendent
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Fulton at 8:05 P.M. Open
discussion was held from the floor. A five-minute recess was called at
8:30 P.M. Meeting reconvened at 8:35 P.M. All members had received copies
of June 23, 1966 adjourned meeting and July 7, 1966 regular meeting. Motion
was mode by Mr. Froncese, seconded by Mr. Diehl, to accept minutes.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Bills were presented in following total amounts:
General Funds
$ 9,151.08
Motion was made by Mr. B^|ger, seconded by Mr. Clausen that bills be paid
subjectAo audit.
Motion UnonimouS|y Carried
Building Inspectors report was read by Clerk as follows:
Building Permits Issued For:
14 Single Family Dwe| | ings
4 Swimming Pools
� Porch Additions
2 Renovate Single Family Dwe| | ings
| Residence Garage Addition
1 2 -Car Residence Garage
1 Residence Fireplace
1 Tool Shed
27 Total Permits Issued for July
Total Value of Construction $ 285,390.00
Total Fees Collected & Turned
Over to the Town Clerk 295.50
Miles Traveled on Zoning & Building
Inspection by Building Inspector 257
Miles Traveled on Building Inspection
by Deputy Building Inspector
During the month of July, Certificates of Occupancy were issued
for thirty-nine (39) single family dwellings, one (1) music store, one
(|) liquor store, one (1) 12 -unit apartment building, one (1) |8 -unit
apartment building, and two (2) 8 -unit apartment buildings.
Respectfully submitted,
s/ Joseph E. Ludewig
Building & Zoning Inspector
Received and ordered placed on file.
The following report of William J. Bulger, Justice of the Peace was read:
During the month of July, 1066, the cases indicated below were
disposed of in Justice Court when I was presiding:
Type Number of Cases Fines & Fees Collected
motor vehicle 56 $565;00
civil 2 4.50
criminal 5 100.00
Additionally, I am holding $120.00 in bail in two motor
Vehicle cases and $2,550j00 in bail in two criminal cases for a
bail totbl of $2,675.00.
I would like to call to your attention that one motor
vehicle ,case was nnm|tted from my report to you last month. That
report should have indicated a total of 29 motor vehicle cases
wre disposed of and a total of S535.08 collected in fines in
motor vehicle cases in June, 1960. These funds were submitted
to and the case reported to the New York State Dept. of Audit
and Control.
Respectfully submitted,
s/ William J. Bulger
Justice of the Peace
Received end ordered placed on file.
The following report of Vincent S. Francese, Justice of the Peace was read:
During the month of July, 1966/ the activities listed
below were '!handled in Justice Court:
(1) 18 motor vehicle cases handled showing $330.00
collected in fines.
(2) 18 civil cases handled showing $43.50 collected
in fees and riling costs.
(3) 3 criminal cases handled showing no monies co||ected.
(4) A total of $373.50 was forwarded to the State Dept.
of Audit and Control.
Respectfully submitted,
s/ Vincent S. Francese
Justice of the Peace
1 9
Received and ordered placed on file.
Building Inspectors report was read as follows:
Monthly Statement of Supervisor
July, 1966
Source Amount Received
Fees of Town Clerk (June) Gen. Fd.
Mortgage Distributuion Tax Gen. Fd.
A.)A.k carx-,\ (3Q)
Interest on 60 day
Certificates of Deposits High Fd. 388.88
Fund or Account Amount Expended
$ 645.25
$—" ,"Q ! l- 7o 1, 3S5.
47,%67, ao
General Fund
Highway Fund
Received and ordered placed on file.
Report from Chairman of Town of Wappinger Board of Assessors on
Assessment role for 1966:
Total Amount Taxable 1966--------$30,718,918,
Total Amount Taxable
Total Taxable Increase
----1965 25.539.640
1966 5,179,278
Exemption Increase
Total Taxable Increase
Exemptions 1965 753,765
Exemptions 1966 Town Increase--- 56.560
1966 Village Decrease
Total Exemptions ---1966 805,125
Very truly yours,
s/ Verner Christensen, Chairman
Town of Wappingers Assessors
Received and ordered placed on file.
Mr. Bulger: This is assessed value rather than true value?
Mr. Fulton: This is correct. I might note here that we have had a 20%
increase in taxable property. I would assume a great portion of this is
new construction.
Mr. Clausen: Commenting on grievance day, I believe there were only
something like 30 cases. The Assessor's Office should be commended on
such a low number of grievances. They have been doing a good Job.
Mr. Fulton: Before we start in correspondence, I would like a discussion
on our 10 day agenda with the 7 day modification. I would like to ask the
Board to consider now the procedure which is generally accepted in many
towns and the counties particularly. We have problems that come up that
are very serious after the 7 to 10 days. I think this needs to be a little
more flexible. Upon consent of the Board, we should allow any urgent matter
to come before the Board and be acted upon.
Mr. Clausen: I move that any issue brought before the Board that receives
unanimous consent of the Board may be acted upon. This would be considered
a waiver of the 10 and 7 day agenda agreement. Seconded by Mr. Francese.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Correspondence: The Board has received copies of an opinion letter
from Counsel on Beacon School District with respect to certain properties
in the Chelsea area in the Town of Wappinger.
Mr. Fulton: It involves the two school districts — boundary dispute
in the Chelsea area. Received and ordered placed on file.
Letter received from Milton Chazen in reference to engineering services
for the Rockingham Farms Sewer District.
Mr. Fulton: This letter outlines what he will do in the line of
services he will render as engineer to the Rockingham District.
Mr. Worona and Mr. Eck requested letter be read. Mr. Fulton stated
they could have a copy of the letter. Received and ordered placed on
Letter from Charles Cortellino --Motion made by Mr. Francese, seconded
by Mr. Clausen and unanimously carried that this letter be ordered
placed on record.
June 14, 1966
Town Board
Town of Wappinger
Mill St.
Wappingers Falls, N.Y.
Dear Sir:
The Wildwood Forest residents would like to thank Mr. Vincent
C. Kelley for his services to us, in particular, as well as to the
town. We are sure that he has extended himself on numerous occasions
beyond what was required of him due to a sense of responsibility to
his office and to the residents.
We, therefore, feel that though we regret losing his services;
we would like to give him our best wishes in his new positions.
Thank you.
s/ Charles A. Cortellino, Pres.
Wappinger Civic Association, Inc.
"Wildwood Forest Civic Association"
Mr. Fulton to Mr. Kelley: The Town Board thanks you and wishes you the
Mr. Clausen: l make o motion that the Board engage Mr. Kelley on a port -
time basis until such time as we can obtain a Town Engineer, if it is all
right with him.
Mr. Fulton: We should consider the overlapping period here.
Mr. Clausen: Amend the motion to so state that we retain Mr. Kelley's
services as o consultant on o part-time basis until such tine as the
Board sees fit to terminate his services. Seconded by Mr. Francese
Motion Unanimously Carried.
Motion mode by Mr. Clausen seconded by Mr. Frnnoese and unanimously
carried to suspend rules.
Mr. Porter, Oakwood Knolls, wished to thank Mr. Kelley especially for
services he extended in helping to clear out sewer lines in the fall.
He hoped that Mr. Kelley will stay on with the Town.
Mr. Bulger made motion, Mr. Clausen seconded to resume rules, unanimously
Copy of letter Superintendent of Highways sent to Mr. Gallo, received
and placed on file. Mr. Fulton asked if Superintendent wished to comment
on it.
Mr. N. Clausen: Mr. Gallo received my letter. There is some confusion
in the bond and he is not willing to start the construction out there until
they clear up the bond. As soon as it is cleared up, he has promised to
at6rt construction.
Mr. Diehl: l would like to speak now, not only in regard to roads in
Fleetwood, but also in Tall Trees. This afternoon l was with the Superin-
tendent of Highways at both Developments. There is absolutely nothing
being done on these roads. It was ny intent tonight to call the bonds orx
both. Therefore, in lieu of that l would like to suggest that a meeting
be set up between the developer of Tall Trees and the developer of
Fleetwood to meet with the Board and formulate some plans on getting
these roads done. l would definitely be of the opinion to call the bond
as soon as the time is up.
Mr. Quinn: There is a serious situotuion in both developments. The
Developers are indicating to the Superintendent of Highways and the Town
Board that they either will not or cannot keep up their obligations to
maintain and construct the roads. l am not so sure that action cannot
be brought upon them at the present time. I suggest a motion that this Board
sit as a committee, as a whole, to investigate both of these situations with
the purpose of obtaining information for possible legislative action with
respect to these two, or any others when circumstances such as these arise,
and further, to determine whether there is any legitimate cause for either
of these developers to state inability or unwillingness to complete roads.
We could subpoena to bring in witnesses and documents.
Mr. Bulger: I take it you feel that there is some investigating to do.
Mr. Quinn: We are faced with a pattern here with two developments, either
resistance or inability to comply to the authority. It is serious enough
to the residents to warrant an investigation. I feel it is within the power
of this Board to conduct such an investigation.
Mr. Diehl: I move that an investigation be conducted by the Town Board on
August 18, 8 p.m., to determine whether there is any legitimate cause why
either the Developer of Tall Trees or Fleetwood cannot or will not complete
the roads. Motion seconded by Mr. Bulger.
Motion Unanimously carried
Knud Clausen: Is there any legal way we can go in and relieve Tall Trees
and Fleetwood? I would like to go in and help them if I can. Those
people are suffering.
Mr. Quinn: Unless we can establish complete emergency and'complete inability
for either of the Developers to perform, the Constitution prohibits against
spending Town money to improve private property. The investigation will
give us some answers. We might be able to establish facts that will permit
you to make some improvements and charge them to the developer.
Motion made by Mr. Clausen and seconded by Mr. Bulger and carried to suspend -
Robert Campa from Hickory Hill asked if there was any way to alleviate dust.
Knud Clausen said he would like to but is prevented by the Law.
Mr. Campa: Will we be notified when action will be taken against Gallo?
Mr. Quinn: You have a right to be represented by Counsel.
Mr. Fulton asked Knud Clausen if the Town could go in there and put down
Calcium Chloride, what the actual expense would be.
Knud Clausen: $400 would cover both developments.
Mr. Quinn: If Mr. Clausen feels this will alleviate the nuisance and do away
with dust problem, have the Highway spread calcium chloride and it can be
charged back to the Developer. Motion made by Mr. Clausen and seconded by
Mr. Bulger, unanimously carried to resume rules.
Letter from Mr. Quinn on the Veterans' Administration and General Service
Administration were received and placed on file.
Mr. Fulton: Asked that they be received and ordered placed on file. For the
benefit of the public I would like to say there are some surplus lands at
Castle Point. About 49 acres. We have made contact with them.
Mr. Clausen moved the Board authorize attorney to the Town to pursue this
further and find out what additional financial arrangements are necessary,
if any. Seconded by Mr. Bulger. Motion Unanimously Carried.
Approval of revised final plans for Chelsea Ridge Apts. sewage treatment
facilities from the State of New York, Dept. of Health was received and
ordered placed on file. Letter from the State of New York Dept. of Health
in reference to Ye Olde Apple Orchard was received and ordered placed on
Opinion letter from Mr. Quinn in reference to partial exemption from real
property Taxation was received.
Mr. Fulton: We have an opinion letter on this. Recommendation was that
we not act too hastily on this. It involves some problems. We would not
have to pass on it for 90 days.
Mr. Bulger: I am under the impression that it cannot go into effect until
the rolls for 1967, certified for 1968, taxation.
Mr. Fulton: 90 days is the limitation. We have some time. I suggest we
study this more carefully.
Mr. Bulger: We ought to set a target date for reconsideration of this
Mr. Quinn: This is an amendment acted on at the very last part of the
legislature, has to do with exemption for persons=who qualify and are over
the age of 65 years. The provisions of this legislation could not be
acknowledged for year of 1967 because there is a requirement that application
for qualification be filed within 90 days. It was acted on about June 28th.
County Municipalities are unable to do anything about it this year because
of lack of time. I don't think you have to put 1t off until December.
Every large municipality in this County is going to raise questions on how
it will be carried out.
Mr. Fulton: Make a note in record that it be discussed at the next regular
Mr. Bulger: Put it on the agenda repeatedly until we come to a resolution.
Re: Beatrice Irving rezoning: Recommendation was reserved at the last
meeting. Is the Board prepared to act on this application at this time?
Motion made by Mr. Francese, seconded by Mr. Bulger, to table it until
next meeting. Motion Unanimously carried.
Re: Gloede signs:
Gerald Gloede: Mr. Mark Ritter requested I come tonight to see if I could
request permission to change an existing sign he has with a more modern sign
he has with less square footage. Sign was knocked down by a car two weeks
ago. We went to Mr. Ludewig and he referred us to you.
Mr. Fulton: Sign was in a non—conforming status. Ordinance calls for it to
be either repaired or replaced.
Mr. Ludewig: I did not refer him to the Board. I stated that the Town Board
had the power to amend the ordinance. As the ordinance stands now, I could
not issue a permit for the construction of that sign.
Mr. Gloede: As I understand that reads no one sign allowed to be more than
certain footage. Wouldn't he be allowed to erect two signs?
Mr. Ludewig: Yes.
Mr. Quinn: At the time the ordinance was enacted, there were many signs
that were larger than the Board thought should then exist. It was within
their power to limit size of their signs. Unless there was some request
for amendment which would take time, this is a matter for the Building
Inspector's Office. The Inspector has explained the ordinance. This is
almost an attempt to pursuade him through the Town Board. There was a
set period of time in which the signs could exist. That time has elapsed.
The sign was damaged. Can't replace it with the same size. Either comply
or go without sign.
Mr. Fulton: We have planning consultant. Would this be a matter of study
for him?
Mr. Ludewig: It could very well be. A committee was appointed to work on
Mr. Fulton: In the meantime it is an administrative matter to take up with
Mr. Ludewig.
Mr. Diehl: I suggest that it be referred back to the Zoning Administrator.
Re: Tall Trees: Jerry Spendley, representing residents, thanked the Board
for saving them a lot of time and giving action on roads, also asked if they
could go before Board at Aug. 18 meeting.
Mr. Quinn: It's a public meeting, but public will not be allowed a voice
unless the Board calls upon anyone to answer questions.
Mr. Spendley: I thought I could present a list to Mr. Knud Clausen in
helping correct problem areas in Tall Trees. Just to make thls very brief,
I want to thank the Board again for their action tonight.
1. Junction box for rain water on Lot #24 needs to be capped.
2. Large excavated hole to rear of, Lot #I9.
3. Large pot holes, some 12 inches deep, at corner of Bowdoin Lane
and Wheeler Hill Road.
4. Road is sinking at same spot where a.15 x 20 portion of the road
collapsed last winter. (front of Lot #31).
5. Roadway has eroded to dangerous level on Cameron Lane (front of
Lot #41,42 &43.
6. Storm sewer entrance in front of Lot #13, 6 inches above road level.
7. Improper drainage system on AmherstLand and Cameron Lane forces
rain water to lay on top of well area. Water seeps through the
ground and into the well.
8. Amherst Lane from Bowdoin Lane to Cameron Lane has eroded to
point where of the driving surface is 18 to 24 inches below
remainder of surface.
9. Drainage pipe lying in roadway obstructing traffic in front of
Lot #12.
10. Excessive holes in road, particularly in front of Lot #16 & 17.
11. Amherst Lane is in need of treatment in order for it to withstand
the abuse it will undergo this winter.
12. Bowdoin Land & Cameron Lane are due for permanent road construction.
Mr. Bulger moved that this be ordered made part of the record. Seconded
by Mr. Clausen and unanimously carried.
Petition from Fleetwood and Hickory Hill residents on water problem
received and ordered placed on file.
9:30 — 5 minute recess. Meeting recalled to order at 9:40 P.M. Board
received petition from Central Homes. Mr. Bruce Rogers associated with
Brent & Phillips, Attorneys for Central Park Homes.
Mr. Fulton: Do you understand that Oakwood Knolls Sewer District owns no
facilities and that the legality of its exestence is in litigation? There
Is a question as to what entity presently owns the Oakwood sewer system.
Mr. Quinn: Refer this matter to counsel and Dutchess County Health Dept.
for an opinion. Were we to fix a date for public hearing and take testimony
from the consulting engineers, the County Health Dept, and the Oakwood
residents, I am afraid that this Town Board would find facts tending to
indicate that it would not be in the public interest to grant an extension
at this time.
Mr. Rogers: Can we find out someone will proceed on this matter?
Mr. Francese: Motion to refer to counsel and get recommendation from
Dutchess County Health Dept. Seconded by Mr. Bulger.
Motion Unanimously Carried.
Mr. Rogers: How long before this will come up?
Mr. Fulton: Due to the circumstances, we cannot indicate time.
Mr. Bulger: We.will notify this gentleman when we hear anything on the
situation. Motion made by Mr. Clausen, seconded by Mr. Bulger to suspend
Mr. James Porter, Oakwood Knolls Civic Association, if such a meeting is
scheduled in the near future, will we be notified? Board — it will be
public hearing and published in the paper. Motion made by Mr. Bulger,
seconded by Mr. Clausen to resume the rules.
Recommendation from Planning Board on rezoning of D.C.R. Realty Corp. was
received. Recommendation was to delay its report and recommendation on
the D.C.R. Realty -Corp. & Megtam Corp. until the planning consultant
report is available.
Mr. Bulger moved to accept the recommendation of Planning Board and refrain
from acting on the application at this time.
Mr. Fulton; Rezoning could be quite likely.
Mr. Bulger: Planning Board wanted to wait for report from consultant and
I presume that we will be hearing from them in the near future. 'Amend
motion — and that we direct a letter to the Planning Board asking that
they expedite their discussions with the Planning Consultant on the Q.C.R.
Realty application, seconded by Mr. Francese. Unanimously Carried.
Mr. Fulton: We could call a special meeting so the Board could approve
the contract with Raymond & May. It could be done very quickly.
The following letter was received:
Aug. 4, 1966
Town Board
Town of Wappinger
Town Hall
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, N.Y.
An examination of the 1966 budget of the Town of Wappinger
discloses that the sum of $18,300.00 has been appropriated to account
the unexpended balance of this account if $6,516.35. It has come to
our attention that the additional sum of $4,850.00 must be appropr$ated
to this account to cover estimated expenditures for the remainder of the
year in order to prevent an overdraft and/or deficit. Such action is
made necessary by reason of the fact that costs in this division were
underestimated when the 1966 budget was preprbred.
We therefore recommend that the Town Board authorize the
transfer of the sum of $4,850.00 from account "HIGHWAY IV, CONTROL
OF ICE AND SNOW" to the above mentioned budget account in order to
* 04
provide funds for the additional appropriation required.
We submit herewith for your consideration a resolution
accomplishing this purpose.
Very truly yours,
s/ Joseph H. Fulton
Motion made by Mr. Bulger, seconded by Mr. Clausen to accept the following
resolution authorizing increase of account appropriation and the effecting
of the necessary transfer to accomplish such purpose.
RESOLVED, that the sum of $4,650.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated
and that the said sum is hereby transferred thereto from account "HIGHWAY
ITEM IV, CONTROL OF SNOW AND ICE," and it is further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Wappinger be and he
hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to make such transfer in
accordance with the provisions of this resolution, and it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby authorize, empower
and direct the Supervisor to expend said sum for the above mentioned
purpose and for not other purpose.
Roll CaII Vote — 5 ayes
Motion made by Mr. Diehl, seconded by Mr. Bulger to adopt the following
Town Board, Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess County, New York
WHEREAS, on or about the 19th of February, 1965, the New Paltz
Savings Bank forwarded to the tax collector of the Town of Wappinger,
its check in payment of the 1965 State, County and Town taxes assessed
against a parcel of land situate in the Town of Wappinger owned by
William R. Tracy and Diane Tracy, and
WHEREAS, the said check was received and deposited by the
tax collector of the Town of Wappinger, and
WHEREAS, the account of the said Tracy e.t.ux was not credited
with the payment of the tax and the tax bill was returned to the Dutchess
County Treasurer as unpaid, and
WHEREAS, the New Paltz Savings Bank, in order to protect its
security in the premises, was required to pay to the Dutchess County
Treasurer the amount of the tax imposed, together with penalty and
interest, in the total amount of $141.70, and
WHEREAS, the New Paltz Savings Bank has requested that this
Board reimburse it for the amount that it was required to pay to the
Dutchess County Treasurer, as a result of the failure of the tax collector
of the Town of Wappinger to credit the proper account, and
WHEREAS, this Board has investigated the claim of the New Paltz
Savings Bank and finds'that the same is true and accurate,
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Wappinger is
�� � s
hereby authorized and directed to issue a check drown against the general
town funds and made payable to the order of the New Peitz Savings Bank, in
satisfaction of this claim.
Roll Call Vote — 5 oyes
Mr. Fulton: We have under the Transportation Corporation Law the right
to purchase under option and the purpose of having L&A Filtration Corp.
on the agenda is that I would like the Board to authorize necessary
negotiations in order to pick up this option.
Motion made by Mr. Clausen, seconded by Mr. Bu|gor, to refer this to
counsel and get negotiations going as soon as possible. Unanimously
Codelf\cotlon of the Town Records — books.
Mr. Fulton: There is a company that will come in and put records,
ordinances, etc. in book reference form and company will update it every
Mr. Diehl: In preparation for next years' budget in case the Board
acknowledges this idea favorably, I would suggest that representatives
be called in to meet with the Board to find out the cost and be prepared
to put it on next year's budget~ l move that we have representatives
meet with the Board to find out the cost and what they will do, dote
acceptable to the Board. Seconded by Mr. Bulger. Unanimously Carried.
Mr. Clausen: Made a motion that Town Board meet with First Class Town
Committee before any action is taken on the First Class Town Report,
seconded by Mr. Fronoese. Clerk was directed to contact the Chairman
of the First Class Town Committee asking to set a date for a meeting
with the Town Board.
A bid had been received and opened for a used Road Sweeper for the Highway
Dept. by the Superintendent of Highways from Ralph C. Herman of $4^850.0O°
Mr. Knud Clausen: Only the one was received and I would like to recommend
to the Board that they accept it. The cost of a new one would be $14,000.
Mr. Bulger made a motion to accept the recommendation of the Highway Supt.
and award the bid for used road sweeper to Herman Co. for $4,850.0O,
Seconded by Mr. Froncese~ Unanimously Carried.
Bids had been received and opened for operators of Rockingham Sewer District.
Bidders submitting were Barger (Ecc) Lafko, and Kartiganer.
Mr. Quinn: All of the bids have been examined by the Town Board members
and by counsel. Noncollusion Certificates were missing. All bids must be
rejected and rebid some time in the future.
Mr. 8u/ger: On advice of Counsel, because of omissions of articles required
by general municipal law, l move that all bids be rejected. Seconded by
Mr. Diehl. Unanimously carried.
Mr. Bulger: On the basis of this action, l move that the proposed contract
for an Operator for the Rockingham Farms Sewer Dfstr\ct be resubmitted,
republished, and rebid.
Mr. Quinn: This sewer plant has got to go into operation within the next
few days. The Board should consider hV\ng any firm or individual on a
temporary basis.
Mr. Fulton: We have had a letter from Ronald Lafko stating he would •
operate the plant on a temporary basis and accept payment on the basis
of the lowest bid received. In view of the circumstances we can engage
Ronald Lofho on o temporary basis until the end of the year, then we can
set the bids up so as to become in effect January 1, l would like to
place a motion on the floor in favor of this recommendation and contract
if satisfactory-to the Town Board.
Mr. Fulton made the motion that the Boardaccept Ronald Lofho as
temporary operator of the Rockingham Sewer District until Jan. 1, 1967.
Mr. Quinn: We have got almost an emergency situation here (to Mr. Kelley)
Are there people in housesn|roady7 Mr. Kelley: Yes.
Mr. Quinn: The problem is here — this is not subject to the bidding
statute if there is an emergency situation which exists. We are
required by the permit issued by the State Health Dept. to have both o
consulting engineering firm act forthis district, and we are also
required to have o licensed operator. As far as the amounts are
concerned the bids were all competitive. People are o|| just over—
looking the filing of noncollusion certificates. We can set a date
for rebid but even if bids came in threeweeks fromnow, the problem
is you have got to get somebody who can set up. Mr. Kelley and l have
gone over this and talked to the Health Dept. There is a pressing probrem.
Schoonmnknr and Apple Orchard are getting ready to move people in: We are
not sure about Edgehill but positive no one is In Angel Brook, 10 or 12
will be ready shortly for Apple Orchard.
Mr. Clausen: l would hike lo ask the Supervisdr toomemd his motion,
instead of allowing temporary operation until Jon" 1, allow him to
operate until bids are received, to be fair to the other bidders.
�1 think we need somebody - the motion. is a good one. I don't think we
should hoye n Jon. >, deadline on it. Let the motion so state, until the
contract is signed.
Mr. Fulton: l don't know whether the operator will take it.
Mr. Diehl: Remember in the letter he stated he would take it on o
temporary basis. Board requested Mr. Fulton to amend his motion.
Mr. Fulton: I still feel Jon. 1 is o good time to start out o good
clean contract. There is a 4 month period until then. l don't think it
is unfair. The letter from Ronald Lofho offering services was read.
Mr. Fulton: The feeling I have on this - l think it is u nice offer,
it has had n lot of thought. I don't think o 4 month period is a bad
Mr. Quinn: l don't think any dotes should be set here. This is one of
the situations where o municipality is not required to state it because
of emergency. The period would end at such time as a contract is signed
with o bidder. 'You run a chance of violating Section 423.
Mr. Fulton: In view of that, I would say that is reosonob|e.
Mr. Clausen: Are you saying your amendment rends to engage Mr. Lafko as
temporary operator until bids are received and accepted, and contract is
Mr. Fulton made the motion to engage Ronald Lofko on o temporary basis,
until bids are received and accepted, end contract IS signedi Seconded
by.Mr* Umanimzbt]y
Mr. Clausen: Can we odvertlze for bids as soon as possible?
Mr. Fulton: Yes.
Motion mode by Mr. Clausen, seconded byMr. Bulger and carried to suspend
Martha Oberle: Was Mr. Lofko low bid?.
Board: No
M. Oberle: Why wouldn't it be fair to let the person who had the low bid
operate the sewer plant on the emergency circumstonces7 It would seem to
me that it would be an appropriate Jesture to approach the low bidder.
Lewis Alpert:, As oninterested party we are concerned about the sewer
system that we may eventually be fortunate to make use of as to any
decision the Town Board would make in reference to the final disposition
of the operator we might have some voice in that disposition. We are the
people who pay the rent at some time. We want to know who we pay rent to.
/ was wondering if there is any notice given to the residents of the
2 0
district as to the person selected.
Mr. Quinnt The contract is given to the lowest responsible bidder.
Kenneth Eue||, General Manager of E.C.C., l could have to the Board within
24 hours m bid for temporary operation of this particular plant. It is
not filling into the stream so it cannot be emergency for a 24 hour period.
Mr. Clausen: We appreciate your offer at this time, but it is water over
the dom. Motion made by Mr. Clausen, seconded by Mr. Francese to resume
the rules.
Prospective engineers to the Town — received 4 submittals on this.
Mr. Fulton: At the pleasure of the Board, l would recommend we table this.
Mr. Bulger: It is my understanding that we will receive copies of their
letters of application.
Mr. Clausen: Can we set up interviews?
Mr. Bulger: l would like to read the letters first.
Mr. Fulton: You will have copies of letters. In the meantime, if any of you
decide you wont an interview, contact me and l will set it up.
Mr. Diehl: Due to the fact that this hos got to come out in another
ppb|icaton, l move to table the applications for engineer to the Town
to some future date. Seconded by Mr. Clausen. Unanimously carried.
Clerk reported a request from committeemen to change the Polling Place in
District #|| from Worley Office, Route 9 to be changed to Evans School.
Mr. Reilly: All polling places in the Town have to be designated each
year by the Town Board before the 3rd Tues in Aug. according to the Board
of Elections.
Motion made by Mr. Bulger that the polling place in District #|| be moved
from Worley Office Route 9 and be established at Evans School. Seconded
by Mr. Clausen. Unanimously carried.
Mr. Francese: Made a motion that Town Board rent the two offices in Marine
Midland Bldg. at the rate of $75.0O a month, for court proceedings. Seconded
by Mr. Diehl. Mr. Diehl: And [ would like to see those offices pointed~
Motioq Unanimous.
Mr. Francese: l would also like to make mention of the fact that court
nights will be held in the new offices from now on, with the exception of
jury trials.
Mr. Diehl: l would like to report progress on the doctors committee l am
on by appointment of the Board. Through cooperation of Louis Alpert — he
has mode very good contacts in New York. We have been in contact with
Dr. Golding and Dr. Brannan. I hope within the next 30 days to set up
Mr. Fulton: Meeting with Mr. Ritter was postponed, it went from one
Saturday to another. As far as I am concerned it is at a standstill. Is
it the intentions of the Board to set up that meeting again? Board: Yes.
Mr. Quinn: The attorney general acknowledged my letter. I had conferred
and will confer again with Hollis Ingraham, N.Y. State Health Dept. In
fol.lowing this up, I followed up on the phone and it was referred from the
Attorney General to the N.Y. State Health Dept. Bogedain office, back to
the county. Now it will be referred back to N.Y. State Health Dept.,
Mr. Hollis Ingraham. Motion made by Mr. Bulger, seconded by Mr. Clausen
and carried to suspend rules.
Mr. James Porter, Oakwood Knolls: Has the Town told Mr. Ritter that they
do not wish to buy water plant?
Mr. Fulton: We told him we want to discuss sewage first and then the
water system.
Mr. Porter: We were told the Town refuses to buy water supply.
Mrs. Oberle: Any way to have Mr. Ritter stop harrassing the residents
of the development?
Mr. Fulton: It is hard for me to believe that Mr. Ritter would be in a
position to harrass in a legal fashion.
Mr. Francese: If jt is harrassment through letter, ignore it. If it is
personal, you have legal recourse.
Mrs. Oberle: Water bills were received in mail. There are a number of
people who are considerably concerned. He should not be approaching us
at all.
Motion made by Mr. Clausen, seconded by Mr. Bulger and carried to resume
Motion made by Mr. Clausen, seconded by Mr. Diehl to adjourn the meeting.
Unanimously carried.
Meeting adjourned at 10':40 P.M.
To Joseph H. Fulton
Town of Wapp I nger
, Supervisor
, County of Dutchess , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
Wapp i nger , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
4th August 66
day of , 19........, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
384" Knud Clausen 113.90 Mi sc Aseoc. of Towns
385" Eggleston Office Equip. 36.40 TB -Town Hal r -Other Exp. ( E )
386 ‘v ft ft ft
6.70 Bldg. Insp.-‘0f f ice Supl.
387.' Messrs. Quinn & Reilly 1330.00 \ Serv. of Attys & Exp. of Lit.
388N Urey Hardware Co. 3.30 -,,Town Hall- Cther Exp. (6)
389 v Eggleston Office Equip. 74.15 '\,Purch.of Fur n.(29.95 Superv.& 44.20 T.C.
390 `' Hudson Val ley Bldg.Mat. 28.03 TH- "D" Rept irs
391 Vassar Hospital 3.00 \,.1 of P. (C) Other exp.
392" Messrs. Quinn & Rel 1 I y 500.00 Serv. of Attys. & Exp. of Lit.
393'V IBM Corp. 18.00 Bldg. Insp. office & other
394 Hudson Va I I ey Bldg. Mt. 29.13 N'Town Hall - Repairs
395 E la neH. Snowden 2.25 "'Town Clerk - Petty Cash (C)
396 Dept. of Water Supply 19.97 T.B.-Town "D"
397 - W.& S.D. News 7.60 Advtg. all eept
398N Dutchess Equipment Go. 5.80 -NT.B.- Town mall "E"
399 Verner Christensen 14.70 Assess -Offs & other (Mileage)
400"' Vincent C. Ke 1 ley PE 875.00 "'Serv. of Engineer & exp.
401N Assoc. Hospital Serv. 116.44 v'T ns."0
402'.. Deputy Sher f f Wm.C.L tts 46.00 \ Recreation- "B" other exp.
403" Dave A 1 exander 840.00 v Rec.- "8" o -her exp.
404 Wappingers Shopper 92.00\- Rec. - "8" other
405V The Campbell Press 18.00 \ Rec.- "B" o -her exp.
406" Jeanne Hadden 280.00 " Rec.- "A" Comp. of Emp.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of
this day of , 19
Town Clerk
To Joseph H. Fulton
, Supervisor
Town of Wapp i nger , County of Dui -chess , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
Wapp Lnger , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
4th day of dAugust , 19 66 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
407' Nathieen Ryan
408 -IN d S Supply Corp.
409 Charles Masciola, Jr.
125.01) Recreation - "A" Comp. of Empl.
2.56)," Recreation 'B" other
125.OU1N Rec. "A" C0nip I of Emp 1 .
410'4 'American Photocopy Equip. 49.50 N'T.B.- Town Fall "D" repairs
41 1\ 1 Ar i i ngton Hobby 6 $fiopt
"The Henchman"
412° c/o Dean Van DeCarr
413 d Martin Leskow
414' Verner Christensen
415ti, E l a i ne H. Snowden
416 v'I Wi I I lam J. Bulger
417\11 "
418 NI The Campbe I 1 Press
419.1 Central Hudson G. d E.
420 The Campbell Press
421\i New York Telephone Co.
422\, David Echert"the Scepture
423 1 Wm. J. Fredrickson
424v League of Women Voters I
425\' Mid Hudson Oi I Co.
426V1 New System Window CICo.
427 \'I Harry Stra ley
428\1 Joseph E. Ludewig,Bldq.I
429`11 W. b S.D. News
59.37 \'Recreation - "B" other
50.00 `--Rec. - "B" other
5.46 \' Assess.- Offs & Other "C" (M;leage)
169.90 ti Misc. Exp 6IAssos of Towns
122.40 d al"
" f•
6.40 1 .. " 1 " ., It
19.50 `./T.H- Town BCJArd"E" other
123.83 .-TH- Town Bo rd "D"
14.00 ✓ Bldg. Insp. - Office & other
140.41 T.B. 1 -Hal 1 1.3o"
50.001 Recreat i on jB" other
1.751 \-Supery isors I_ Of s. d other
37.131 ' T . B .-ldarwTows Hal I "0" idiom
15.001 \'T.B.-TH "D"I
56.001 VPubl. Safty-I0og Warden "A"
25.701 Bldg. Insp. "C" (Mileage)
4.75N Advertig. a 1 depts.
s Gg.v'G
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of
this day of , 19
Town Clerk
To Joseph H. Fulton , Supervisor
Town of Wappinger DUTchess
, County of , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
, and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
4th day of August 19....6A, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
430 Joseph Gutmann
25.00 \131dg. insp. ^C" (Mileage)
43l' Dutchess County Clerk 5.00 \/ ASsess "C"
432V Sloper-WI 1 len Coran.Amb. 898.33 Misc. Ambu I nce Serv. .
43,/ Popper E ctricC. 556.90 T .8 .-Town Hill "C"
434\v Arne I i a Crosby 2.50 Superv. ,t,„
435"\ 01 i vett i Underwood Corp. 382.50 "si T.B .-Town H41 I "C"
436 The Campbell Press 25.50 'Planning Bd . "B"
43'\ Great Bear Spring Co. 5.00 \'T.B.-Town Hull "A"
438 Cap I ta I Newspapers 39.40 Advtsg. ell depts.
439m The New York Times 146.70 "' ••
440V Avis Rent a Car 31.68 Supervisor . • "C"
441." Roberts -Bo I ce Paper Co. 17.77 •,T.B.-ToWn H411 "E"
442 Re chardt FIag Shop 35.30 of Peace 'C"
443" South Rd. Pharmacy 45.27 -4
444 \, Hunt ' s Square Deal Lumber 51.75\, '
445" •• •• •• " 147.32N,/
446 \ Svend Fast 125.0C v
447' Mrs. Tenna Jensen 10.13 ,J
448\/ N & S Supply Corp.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of
this day of , 19
Town Clerk
To Joseph H. Fulton
, Supervisor
Town of WaP.Placter , County of autchess , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
, and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
Wapp nge r
4th August A
day of , 19 66 in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
449 New Paltz Savings Bank 141.71 (By RLsolut
Wapp nger ,
August 2,
450V Mr. Albin Carlson 167.0(1 \. (By mot ion
Tor rerurn
paid by Mr.
of the Town Boarsi,Isain of
oposed by Louis DAehl on
he Town Board, dated 7/7/66
or nail. or
SUDd !Vision tee
5rlson for All Angels Ests.)
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of
this ....... _day of
. ...... .... 19
Town Clerk