1966-06-09 RGMThe Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger was
held on Thursday evening, June 9, 1966 at the Town Hall, Mill Street,
Wappingers Falls, N.Y. The meeting was opened by Supervisor Fulton
and Boy Scout Troop 27, 8:05 P.M.
Open discussion from the floor held.
Meeting called to order by Supervisor Fulton 8:45 P.M.
Joseph H. Fulton -
William J. Bulger -
Vincent S. Francese
Elaine H. Snowden -
Absent: None
Others Present:
Supervisor Louis C.Clausen - Councilman
Justice of the Peace Louis D. Diehl - Councilman
- Justice of the Peace
Town Clerlj
Joseph D. Quinn - Attorney Joseph Ludewig - Bldg. Inspector
Vincent D. Kelley - Engineer Knud Clausen - Supt. Highways
The minutes of the Adjourned Public Hearing of April 26, 1966, and the
minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 5, 1966, as submitted by the Town
Clerk be and they are hereby accepted on Motion of Mr. Bulger, seconded
by Mr. Francese.
Bills presented in following total amounts:
General Fund: $7097.26
Highway: $20183.52.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mr. Diehl made a motion, seconded by Mr. Bulger, that the bills be paid,
subject to Audit.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Clerk read May reports of the Justices of the Peace:
During the month of May, 1966, I disposed of the following cases in
Justice Court:
Type Number
motor vehicle
Fines & fees collected
A total of $390.50 has been forwarded to the State Department of
Audit and Control.
I am holding $50.00 in two pending criminal cases, and $100.00
on a pending motor vehicle case.
Respectfully submitted,
A motion was made by Mr. Clausen seconded by Mr. Francese to accept
Mr. Bulger's report. Upon roll call, the vote was as follows:
Joseph H. Fulton - Voting: aye
William J. Bulger - Voting: abstain
Louis C. Clausen - Voting aye
Louis D. Diehl - Voting: aye
Vincent S. Francese - Voting: aye
Justice of the Peace Vincent Francese's monthly report was read as
Town Board
Town of Wappinger
Wappingers Falls, N.Y.
During the month of May, 1966, the activities listed below were handled
in Justice Court:
(1) 12 motor vehicle cases handled showing $120.00 collected
in fines.
(2) 11 civil cases handled showing $24.00 collected in fees_:
and filing costs.
(3) 3 criminal cases handled showing no monies collected.
(4) A total of $144.00 has been forwarded to the State Department
of Audit and Control.
Respectfully submitted,
Mr. Bulger made a motion seconded by Mr. Clausen to accept Mr. Francese's
monthly report. Upon roll call, the vote was as follows:
Joseph H. Fulton - Voting: aye
William J. Bulger - Voting: aye
Louis C. Clausen - Voting: aye
Louis D.Diehl - Voting: aye
Vincent S. Francese - Voting: abstain
Mr. Ludewig, Building Inspector's report was read as follows:
MONTH OF MAY.2 , 1966
11 18 Unit Apartment Buildings
7 Single Family Dwellings
3 Swimming Pools
1 Sewer Plant
8 Residence Additions
1 Residence Repairs
1 Masonic Temple
32 Total Permits Issued For May
Value of Construction $1,971.975.00
Fees collected and Turned over to the Town Clerk 1,093.50
Miles2Traveldd on Building Inspection by Bldg. Insp. 191
Miles Traveled on Building Inspection by Deputy Building
Inspector 322
During the month of May, Certificates of Occupancy were issued for
nine (9) Single Family Dwellings.
Respectfully submitted,
Mr. Bulger made the motion, seconded by Mr. Blausen to accept the
the Building Inspector's Report.
Action Unanimously Carried
The Supervisor's Report was read as follows:
Fees of Town Clerk for April
Interest Fees (late taxes)
Per Capita Assistance
Per Capita Assistance
Fund or Account
Highway Fund
General Fund
Amount Received
Amount Expended
$ 10,562.99
Signed: Joseph H. Fulton, Supervisor
A motion was made by Mr. Clausen, seconded by Mr. Francese, to accept
the Supervisor's Report. Upon roll call, the vote was as follows:
Joseph H. Fulton - Voting: abstain
William J. Bulger - Voting: aye
Louis C. Clausen - Voting: aye
Louis D. Diehl - Voting: eye
Vincent S. Francese - Voting: aye
Clerk read a petition for re -zoning from Mr. Huseey(on file with agenda+]
Motion was made by Mr. Bulger, seconded by Mr. Francese, to refer this
to counsel and in turn to be referred to the Planning Board when counsel
obtains proper information.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Clerk read a petition from Mr. Gindele, requesting the Town take over
his road. Mr. Bulger made the motion, seconded by Mr. Diehl, to refer
this to the Highway Superintendent and counsel. (on file with agenda)
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mr. Clausen made a motion that the question of the Old Hunt Club Road
be referred to the Highway Superintendent and Counsel to determine
its status. Seconded by Mr. Diehl.
Clerk read a letter from the Planning Board regarding the Irving
petition for re -zoning. Mr. Clausen made a motion that the Town Board
accept the recommendation of the Planning Board.
Motion failed for lack of a second.
Mr. Fulton made a motion seconded by Mr. Bulger that a Public Hearing
be held.
Mr. Fulton: I say this because of previous discussion on the philosophy
of non -conforming businesses. My personal view is in favor of allowing
them to exist. We can decide then what the final disposition would be.
Mr. Quinn stated that he would prefer to see the Town Board schedule
a Public Hearing on this matter.
Mr. Bulger said that the motion should specify a date.
Messrs. Fulton and Clausen withdrew their motions.
Mr. Francese made a motion seconded by Mr. Diehl, that a Public Hearing
be held on the application for re -zoning of property owned by Miss
Irving, on July 7, 1966 at 8:45 P.M.
Motion unanimously carried
Mr. Clausen made a motion, seconded by Mr. Francese, that the Town
Clerk, Superintendent of Highways, three assessors, and Justice of
the Peace Bulger be given permission to attend training courses.
Motion carried - Bulger abstain
Clerk read a memo from Mr. L'Archevesque asking approval for payment
of printing a booklet for prospective home buyers. The request was re-
ferred back to Mr. L'Archevesque for an estimate of cost and a draft
of the booklet for review by the Board.
A request for air conditiming in the Assessor's office and Building In•
spector's Office was returned for an estimate of the cost, and whether
the funds would come from the Assessor's budget or the Town Hall fund.
i Clerk stated that a request had been made by the committeemen of Dist. #5
to change ther011ing place from Site Planners, Inc, on New Hackensack
Road to Ketcham High School.
Mr. Clausen made a motion seconded by Mr.
place of Dist. #5 to Ketcham High School.
Bulger, to move the polling
Motion carried - unanimously
Mr. Francese made a motion, seconded by Mr. Diehl, that a committee con-
sisting of Messrs. Bulger and Clausen be formed to straighten out any
problems with polling sites.
Motion unanimously carried.
Clerk read a letter from Mr. Eggerton, Arlington Legion Post #1302,
requesting a donation for flags put on Veteran's graves in the New Hack-
ensack Reformed Church Cemetery.
Mr. Bulger moved that the Town Cler1 address the Post advising them that
the Town will reisbusse them for the flags used in decorating Veteran's
graves in the New Hackensack Reformed Church Cemetery, seconded by Mr. Diehl.
Motion unanimously carried
Clerk stated that she had received lette*a of Approval from New York
State Dept. of Health of Collection Systems for Rockingham Farms Sewer
District, Edgehill Section III and Scenic Apartments.
Clerk read a letter from the Planning Board regarding action they had
taken on a Subdivision application by requiring additional land for
widening Monfort Road.
Mr. Fulton: We have to act rapidly to put out bids for the maintenance
and operation of these Sewer Plants.
Mr. Quinn: Rockingham Plant will be for some time, operating on a minimal
basis, and I would say it would be perfectly appropriate for this Board
to consider appointing a licensed operator on a month to month basis for
a short time, so that you can contract for a licensed operator. Cost
would be minimal, and would not be within the bidding statute.
Mr. Diehl: I would like to commend the Planning Board for obtaining extra
land on Montfort Road.
Mr. Quinn: I would 114 to suggest, before there is any final decision on
the amount of land required, that approval of the Highway Superintendent
and Engineer to the Town be obtained on the quantity and description.
Nr, Mehl made a motion to address a letter to the Planning Board commending
them for their foresight and suggesting that they discuss this with the
Highway Superintendent. Seconded by Mr. Bulger.
Motion unanimously carried
Clerk read a letter from the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding interpret-
ation of Zoning Ordinance on Non -Conformity.
Mr. Fulton: The Planning Board ref Erred this to us, and we referred it to
the Zoning Board of appeals.
Mr. Diehl: I don't think we can accept a blanket order. Each one is an
individual case.
Mr. Fulton: Let's refer this to counsel and he can give us a general idea
as to what we can do, we want to try to create a liberal policy.
Mr. Clausen: I would request that any amendment be based on our in-
cluding the Intent of the Town Development Plan.
Motion made by Mr. Bulger, seconded by Mr. Clausen to suspend the rules.
Motion unanimously carried
Mr. Steinhaus: Before you take any action, I wish you would consult
again with the Planning Board. I feel something has been lost.
Motion made by Mr. Bulger, seconded by Mr. Clausen to re -adopt the rules.
Motion unanimously carried
Clerk read a letter from Mr. Szabronski commending the Town on its
Ambulance Service.
10 minute recess called - 9:45 P.M.
Meeting re -convened - 9:58 P.M.
The following resolution appointing Gladys Timbo as Permanent Clerk
was prop°sed by Mr. Clausen as follows:
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger did on March
10, 1966 take action appointing Gladys Timbo to the position of clerk
to the assessors of the Town of Wappinger for a probationary term of
three months, and
WHEREAS, the said appointee has completed said probationary term
and successfully qualified by Civil Service examination for permanent
appointment to the said position,
RESOLVED, that the said Gladys Timbo be and she hereby is per-
manently appointed to the position of clerk to the assessors of the
Town of Wappinger at a salary of $3500.00 payable in equal semi-monthly
Resolution seconded by Mr. Bulger. Roll call was taken as follows:
Joseph H. Fulton - voting: aye
Vincent S. Francese - voting: aye
Louis D. Diehl - voting: aye
Louis C. Clausen - voting: aye
William J. Bulger - voting: aye
Resolution from Central Hudson Gas and Electric on modifications to
three lighting districts was referred to Messrs. Diehl, Clausen and
Bulger for further investigation. They are to check it out on Sunday,
June 12, and report back at next meeting. They were to contact Mr.
Ganci, and ask him to accompany them. This came about as a result of
questions raised as to what authority Central Hudson has to mike these
changes. Mr. L'Archevesque explained that they are probably giving the
area a better balance of lighting and the new lights might be more
Mr. Bulger asked Mr. L'Archevesque about new lighting plans, and he said
that he hoped to have it by the next meeting.
Mr. Bulger: We need an agreement on intersection lights at County High-
way. I don't think we have a right to pay the bill or to do this. I
don't likekto see these tagged on our bill.
Clerk read a letter from the Planning Board; Re: Reduction of bond on
Wildwood Forest Section II.
Quinn: There are two matters involving these two sections of Wildwood.
In that connection, Mr. Reed has tendered certain instruments to counsel
that deal with Section II, but because of certain action, I would like it
to come to your next meeting to approve that bond reduction. You have
another letter indicating that this approval of Section IIA is subject
to the developer posting a bond in the amount of $32,000. We prepared
a resolution approving this bond, and accepting the instrument to dedi-
cation, subject to final completion of the road to the satisfaction of
the Highway Superintendent. I would prefer tre refer the bond reduction
until the next meeting. A fair amount of the work coveted by the bond
(75,000) has been completed. A developer has the right to apply for re-
duction of this bond.
Mr. Kelley: The bond in Section II was set at $55,000. The reduction
is effectively from $55,000 to $43,000.
Mr. Clausen moved suspension of the rules, seconded by Mr. Bulger.
Motion unanimously carried
Mr. Reed: From what has been said, the $43,000 is still a great deal
more than required to complete the balance of the work. The only other
question I have is, the bonding company would like a resolution reduc-
ing the other bond.
Mr. Quinn: I don't see how re can reduce the bond tonight. There are
some areas that should be covered. Was there any problem with the
bonding company?
Mr. Reed: No problem to my knowledge. Would it be possible to have a
copy of that resolution at the next meeting? The bonding company would
like a copy of the reduction resolution.
Mr. Reed was assured he could have this at the next meeting.
Mr. Fulton: Counsel advises us that they have a legal right to with-
draw a portion of the bond.
Mr. Quinn: It is my understanding that in September, 1965, when the
$75,000 bond was posted, there was a problem. It was contemplated
initially that 90 or more lots would go in at once. They only sub.
mitted a plot of 49 lots. The bond figure was still at $75,000.
Mr. Diehl: I an in accord with Mr. Cortellino in not reducing the
bond. We have so many problems in the past that have cost us money.
I think this is an assurance that the work will be done, and quickly.
Mr. Quinn: I am afraid we lose track of the fact that we operate under
some sets of statutes and one is the Highway Law. The Superintendent
of Highways if given the right and prerogative to make a decision
on the application of a reduction in the bond. You must also keep in
mind that the amount of the bond was approximately $20 or $25,000 too
high because the developer withdrew a part of the development. If you
refuse the application, I think that the developer has some redress in
the courts.
Reduction in bond referred to next meeting.
Mr. Knud Clausen, Superintendent of Highways, recommended acceptance of
the $32,000 bond on Section ZIA, Wildwood Forest.
Mr. Bulger asked for an explanation of the area involved.
Rules suspended on motion of Mr. Clausen, seconded by Mr. Bulger,
Motion unanimously carried.
Mr. Reed explained what area is being covered by tie bond for the bene-
fit of Mr. Bulger. He also stated that their deadline for approval of
plans runs out June 15th.
After further discussion between Messrs. Reed, Bulger, Kelley and Quinn,
Mr. Claused moved adoption of the rules, seconded by Mr. Diehl.
Motion unanimously carried.
Mr. Clausen made a motion to accept the following Resolution (Resolution
on the acceptance of the $32,000 bond) seconded by Mr. Francese as
WHEREAS, an application has been received by this Board from Malcolm
Cornell, Inc. requesting that the proposed streets and partially con-
structed propsed streets known as Split Tree Drive and Anvil Court,
located in a real estate subdivision, in the Town of Wappinger, Dut-
chess County, New York, known as "Wildwood Forest, Section 2, filed
sap no. 3349, and Section 2A" be accepted as and for public streets
in the Town of Wappinger, and
WHEREAS, the said Malcolm Cornell, Inc. has tendered to this Board a
deed conveying and dedicating the said proposed streets to the Town of
Wappinger as and for public streets, and
WHEREAS, Malcolm Cornell, Inc. has made provision for the construction
1 44
and installation of a storm watitr'drainage system with the apper-
taining drainage ditches and pipes, in the aforesaid subdivision, and
WHEREAS, Malcolm Cornell, Inc. has tendered and offered to the Town
of Wappinger a grant of storm water drainage easments to be used in
connection with the aforesaid drainage system, it is hereby
RESOLVED, that this Board does hereby accept the proposed streets
known as Split Tree Drive and Anvil Court and the deed dedicating
the same, and it is further
RESOLVED, that the said streets shall hereafter be public streets
in the Town of Wappinger known as Split Tree Drive and Anvil Court,
and it is further
RESOLVED, that this Board does hereby accept dedication of the afore-
said streets and roads and the grant of easments in the aforementioned
residential subdivision, subject to the following terms and conditions.
FIRST: That Malcolm Cornell, Inc. furnish to the Town Board of
the Town of Wappinger a performace bond in the amount of $32,000.00
approved by the said Town Board, and by the Town Attorney and by the
Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Wappinger as to amount, form,
sufficiency of surety and manner of execution, insuring satisfactory
completion of the aforesaid streets in said subdivision in accordance
with the current minimum standard requirements for establishing roads
in the said Town of Wappinger and in accordance with current specifi-
cations provided by the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of
Wappinger and further insuring installation and completion of the
storm water drainage system for said subdivision, the plan for which
has been heretofore approved by the Town Superintendent of Highways
and the Town Engineer, said work and improvements being subject to
the final approval of the Town Superintendent of Highways and the
Town Engineer of the Town of Wappinger, and further insuring com-
pliance with the conditions set forth in the resolution of the Plann-
ing Board of the Town of Wappinger giving final approval to the said
subdivision plat.
SECOND: That the Town of Wappinger assumes no responsibility
for maintenance and repair, including the removal of snow, of and from
said streets until the performance of the conditions mentioned in the
aforementioned bond has been completed.
THIRD: That a full covenant and warranty deed of dedication
and the grant of storm sewer drainage easments be delivered to the
Town of Wappinger subject to the approval by the Town Attorney as to
the adequacy, substance and form of such instruments and that such
instruments are accepted subject to an examination of title to the
premises or rights conveyed thereby by the Town Attorney.
FOURTH: That an attorney's certificate of title insuring
title in said road shall be delivered and accepted by the Town Board.
The above resolution seconded by Justice of the Peace Vincent S. Fran-
cese. Upon roll call, the vote was taken as follows:
Joseph H. Fulton - voting:aye
Vincent S. Francese - voting: aye
William J. Bulger - voting: aye
Louis D. Diehl - voting: aye
Louis C. Clausen - voting: aye
Mr. Quinn requested a motion to approve the $10,000 Rider #1 Bond.
Mr, Bulger asked why Mr. Cornell was the Principal instead of Lafko.
Mr. Claused moved suspension of the rules, seconded by Mr. Diehl.
Motion unanimously carried,
Mr. Steinhaus explained that one of the conditions imposed by the
Planning Board was the Mr. Cornell rectify the drainage through the
Karas Estate.
Mr. Bulger made a motion to readopt the rules and was seconded by
Mr. Diehl.
Motion unanimously carried
Mr. Diehl made a motion, seconded by Mr. Bulger to accept the $10,000
Rider #1 bond.
Motion unanimously carried
Mr. Kelley's report on Wildwood Forest Roads was received, and tabled
until the adjourned meeting on June 16th.
Mr. Bulger: Wasn't there a report from the Superintendent and En-
gineer on Kent Road?
Mr. Knud Clausen: We went out threre - we will eliminate that curve
as soon as we get the deed. The attorneys are in the process of
drawing up the deed now.
Mr. Kelley: I would like to make reference to rights of way on Spook
Hill Road. We lase having problems of time delay in mapping the amount
of land and acquisition of property. There is a $4500.00 item in
in the budget for mapping and property acquisition. Can we get to
this money since it is in the General Fund rather than Highway?
Mr. Quinn: That is the proper place for it. We must make an attempt
to reach an agreement on price. These acquisitions must come back
to the Town Board.
Mr. Bulger: Tell us what roads you want mapped out at our next meet-
ing, and we will make a resolution - after you have conferred with
Knud Clausen in detail.
Fulton: Has the 11 year road program from the Engineer been received
by the Highway Superintendent?
Mr. Knud Clausen: Yes and I recommended it.
Mr. Bulger: It's about time we started thinking about the fact that
we are losing the services of Mr. Kelley on August 1st, and we should
be getting a replacement of somewhere near equal ability. Along these
lines, I would suggest that we authorize the Supervisor to advertise
in the proper professional journals to see if there are people who are
interested in coming to work for us as Engineer to the Town. I would
ask that he confer with Mr. Kelley as to the proper qualifications
and insert these in the advertisements and elicit replies as soon as
possible. This motion made by Mr. Bulger and seconded by Mr. L.Clausen.
Motion unanimously carried
Mr. Bulger: Where are we going on Mr. Kelley's road program?
Mr. Kelley: It was left for the manner of payment to be investigated
more thoroughly.
Mr. Fulton: Action tabled on the 11 year road program for further
Mr. Fulton quoted from an article in Reader's Digest regarding a
movement in the country for ringing bells on the 4th of July. Village
has already adopted a resolution in favor of this. I would like to
appoint someone to promote this. Can we authorize the Town Clerk to
make a list of churches and send them a letter. Will you all make
some suggestions next week about bells. This was moved by Mr. Fulton
and seconded by Mr. Diehl.
Motion unanimously carried
Mr. Clausen: I think we should acknowledge the letter from Mr. Groen-
wegen, and I suggest we set a date for someone from the Beasley Agency
to come before us.
Mr. Clausen: There is a problem on Stonykill Road where a party has
been using his property as a duping place for cars. I move that we
refer this to counsel and the building inspector to see that positive
action be taken if possible. Seconded by Mr. Didhl.
Motion unanimously carried
There was considerable discussion of Dorothy Heights being used as a
thoroughfare by the developers.
The following letters were read by the clerk: from Mrs. Clearwater
The Town Board, Town of Wappinger, Mill St.
At a meeting of the town board last fall, held to determine the status
of the Dorothy Heights Road, the residents were assured that the road
would be maintained as a dead-end road and that trucks not delivering
to houses on the road would be kept from our road. We were assured
that the Imperial Towers site plans called for no use of Dorothy Heights
That was in the fall when construction on the high-rise apartments had
stopped for the winter. Now that work has started up again, we have
workmen and trucks on our road - trucks far over the established
weight limit. I do hope that we are not going to have to wait until
fall to have action.
There is now a road into the construction site. I can see no reason,
for the use of Dorothy Heights in any way except by actual residents.
Even today, Sunday, several passenger cars went through, using the
road as an entrance to Imperial Towers.
Trucks owned by David Alexander use the road as entrance and exit.
A truck owned by Louis Deniele of Millbrook also uses the road regularly.
Workmen enter and exit by the road. Most of them come after 7:00 A.M.
when I leave for school. There is one licensed 5989DC which I meet
every morning on my way out. There is another car - license 8901DU
when enters at around 7:30 A.M. and exits regularly about 4:30 P.M.
a jeep, 2G 1533, travels back and forth. There are several cars
whose license plates are so dirty that they are illegible. I have
called in this information but trucks and cars are still using the
road for access and exit.
Traffic in June last year was not too heavy, but when we returned from
vacation in July, truck traffic was constant - huge trailer trucks
which ran cars off the road. Children were far from safe. A deputy
was finally posted to eliminate the problem. As soon as the drivers
learned of his hours, they regulated their exit and entrance to times
that he was not on duty. Please do not let this happen again this year.
NOW is the time to stop this traffic. Please make the road what is has
been and should be - a residential street with access only for actual
residents of the street. Please don't let the company and its employ-
ees refuse to abide by the decision of the town board and its lawyer.
Very truly yours,
s/Mrs. Miller Clearwater
Mr. Diehl: I move that this Board notify the Superintendent of High-
ways to take measures to immediately block the road as a "dead end".
Motion seconded by Mr. Clausen.
No vote taken
Mr. Clausen moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of discussion
from those directly affected, seconded by Mr. Bulger.
Motion unanimously carried
Mr. and Mrs. Zak sope about the heavy traffic and trucks that use the
road as a thoroughfare.
Mr. Clausen moved readoption of the rules.
Mr. Diehl seconded this mo tion.
Motion unanimously carried
Mr. Diehl: I would like to amend my motion to so state the Superinten-
dent be directed to make repairs to Dorothy Heights so as to alleviate
unsafe conditions caused by use of heavy trucks on this sub -standard
road and to take any steps necessary to achieve this. This motion was
seconddd by Mr. Clausen.
Motion unanimously carried
Mr. Clausen: People from Oakwood Knolls ask that the Town Board members
and Mr. Quinn meet with them primarily on the subject of sewer problems.
They asked if we could use the Town Hall. I would like to move a date
for this meeting (executive) June 23, at 8:00 P.M. Motion seconded by
Mr. Francese.
Motion unsnimously carried
Mr. Clausen: I think it would be a good idea to ask the director of the
County Planning Board to meet with the people in the Town of Wappinger.
I have a letter advising of this be sent leaving the date open. This
was seconded by Mr. Diehl.
Motion unanimously carried.
Mr. Bulger: Since the Planning Board is interviewing applicants as our
consultant, might it not be a good idea to wait?
Clerk read letter from Recreation Commission commending Knud Clausen for
his commendable work on Maartz Field.
Referring to an award presented to Mr. Diehl by the Jaycees. Mr. Clausen
said "I and the Board congratulate you on your outstanding work in the
Mr. Fulton -read a thank you note from Mrs. Maarts.
Mr. Clausen: Program on dedication for the Park was very appropriate
all who participated should be congratulated, everything was fine.
Mr. Fulton read the following letter from William Egan:
Dear Supervisor Fulton:
Gross deficiencies in the conduct of the Assessors Office have at last
been made public. In an article in the Wappinger and Southern Dutchess
News on May 12, 1966, Mr. Verner Christensen, Chairman of the Board of
Assessors, said of Assessors Martin Leskow and Howard Walker "neither
assessor is qualified and not putting the proper time into the process
of establishing the new assessment roll." He also said that they are
not doing their share of the work and did not attend assessors school
to learn more about their duties.
The Democratic Committee has not always agreed with Mr. Christensen on
certain assessing matters, but we have never questioned his sincerity,
integrity or his willingness for hard work. In Mr. Christensen's pub-
lic statements, he has not sought personal publicity. So the serious-
ness of the situation is apparent by the fact that he felt it necessary
to meke a public statement in this matter.
We regret, Mr. Supervisor, that you, as a former assessor, have not seen
feet to inform the public of this problem earlier, leaving it to Mr.
Christensen do do so. But remedy is at handl You and your fellow Re-
publican Board members saw fit to keep the Board of Assessors a political
office by defeating the nomination of a well qualified Democrat for
the vacant post in January; further, it was you who nominated Mr. Leskow
to replace you. It was you, as head of the Republican ticket in November
who chose Howard Walker as your running mate. Thus, a* these men were
your choice, we ask you to offer Assessors Leskow and Walker the oppoa-
tunity to resign; failing this, to investigate the Assessors office
with full disclosure of all facts, which must lead to the resignation
of these men. Surely, Mr. Supervisor, there are qualified men in the
Town of Wappinger willing to fill this post until the November elections,
when the Democrats will again offer qualified assessor candidates. We
hope the Republicans will do better than Mr. Walker and Mr. Leskow.
One other fact stands out: The Assessors office is no place for politics.
The Democratic Party in Wapper has always supported a change to a single,
full time, civil service qualified assessor. You and your party, Mr.
Fulton „have always opposed this. This shocking situation at the Assess-
or's Office, which could very quickly lead to lower Equalization Rate
and hence higher taxes, should convince even the most skeptical of the
need for civil service qualified assessors. This is an opportunity
for you Mr. Supervisor, to take the lead and establish such an office now.
This problem coming so soon after the 1964 reappraisal problems, should
convince anyone of the need. We cannot go on from one disaster to
another; it is time for a change.
Sincerely yours,
s/William J. Egan, Democratic Chairman
I would like this letter to become a part of the official minutes of the
next meeting of the Town Board. Thank you.
Mr. Fulton said he had no further comment.
A letter was read from Mr. John Hollick Sucich Place as follows:
Town of Wappinger Falls, c/o Clerk or Secretary of the Board of Super-
visors, Town Hall, Wappingers Falls, New York.
I respectfully ask that this letter be read at your town meeting, June
9, 1966. I am writing this letter in hopes that, at your meeting to-
morrow night, you gentlemen can give me, and the others affected in our
neighborhood, satisfaction to our problem. To put it briefly, permit
me to explain. I purchased a home at the corner of Suchich Road and
Hopewell Road in November of 1960. Two years later another was con-
structed across the street in a vacant lot by a Mr. Joseph De Luca.
Everything appears fine, until I am confronted with the knowledge that
Mr. De Luca has installed his septic field and tanks in front of his
house a distance of not more than 60' from my well, and but 40' from
his own well. As a home owner and a taxpayer, I did exactly what you
or any other person in such a situation would do. I complained to the
local building inspector. Let me remind you that this was over 3 years
ago. Since then I have been "buck passed" from local officials, to the
county Health officials for this entire time. Everyone agrees that this
is a flagrant violation of health and zoning laws, but nobody wants to
enforce such laws. I now as informed by Mr. Ludwick, Town Building In
spector, that the problem of who will enforce our zoning and health
codes is in your hands. Gentlemen, I find it hard to believe that a
taxpayer has to go thru this abuse to simply get a clear violation
corrected. If you care to come to our neighborhood some day, you can
smell for yourself, because I have reason to believe that the installed
septic tank is below minimum capacity, and consequently it overflows
to the surface at times. In conclusion, I have reluctantly decided that
if I can get no satisfaction in the near future, I feel that certainly
the State Department of Health can at least tell us who is to blame for
this lax enforcement of health codes. Respectfully yours,
s/John J. Hollick
Mr. Quinnr:Prior to Mr. Ludewig's term of office, the De Luca people
built a house and the Dutchess County Health Dept. now confirms the
fact that De Luca disregarded plot plan requirements` t location of
sseptic tank, sewage facilities, etc. A certificate of Qccupancy was
issued. It was within the province of the Health Dept. to confirm
this water supply system. Later the then building inspector received
notice from the Health Dept. that installations were improperly located.
He did nothing to revoke the C.O. I asked if there was dangerof immediate
pollution. I don't think that, since we have no protf of pollution, Mr.
Ludewig has a right to revoke a C.O. issued years ago.
Mr. Bulger: We were advised that the premises are now vacant. Has the
Health Dept. done anything about a hazard?
Mr. Quinn: I asked them to inspect the premises and pass it on to the
Town Board.
Mr. Ludewig: It probably was a violation of the Health Dept. It isn't
a violation of any Town of Wappinger Ordinance or rule.
Mr. Bulger: May I suggest that the Board direct a letter to the Health
Dept. reminding them of your request and asking for a speedy reply, with
a copy of the letter to the gentlement who wrote the complaining letter
to this Board and also a letter to Mr. Hollick indicating the gist of
what Mr. Quinn had to say concerning the Town's responsibility. Motion
was seconded by Mr. Diehl.
Motion unanimously carried
Residents of !quiet Acres again voice their concern about the traffic
control at Dutchess County Airport.
A motion was made by Mr. Ciigsen, seconded by Mr. Francese to send the
following letter to the Airport manager:
"In the light of the recent mid-air collision at the Dutchess County Air-
port, and the apparent lack of control of the aircraft operating in the
vicinity of this airport, the residents in the area are living in a
constant state of fear. In consideration of the safety and peace of mind
of the people living in this densely populated area in the path of de-
scending and ascending aircraft, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger
want to be assured that you, as the Airport Manager, are exercising what-
ever restrictive measures that are available to you to reduce or prevent
these safety hazards."
Motion was unanimously carried.
Mr. Clausen made a motion to adjourn the meeting to Thursday, June 16th,
1966 at 800 P.M. seconded by Mr. Bulger.
Meeting adjourned 12:40 A.M.
Unanimously carried.
Town Clerk
148 i
To Jose ph._H.__Eul.ton , Supervisor
Town of bppinge r , County of _Outclass. , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
a. day of ., une. , 194 6., in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
215 Charles Howroyd
216 I Frank N. Plotnik d/b/a "9,
217-1 Frank N. Plotnik d/b/a 222.$1
218J Lafayette Radio 6.76
Attorneys- Ex
50.0 of Litigation
222' Pon l is Crosby
223' Mid -Hudson Oil Co,
224vI Capitol Highway Materials
225v Capitol ill ghway Materials
226N, LaGrange Drum Corps
227U I. H. Linger Inc.
228' they Hardware Co. 11.18 I
R. H. Linge Inc. so4 1
Hunt 1 s Square Dee l Lumber 917,30 I
N & S Supply Co. 240.3?
they Hardware Co. Z2.041
Circle Sand & Gravel Inc. 17,501
Legal fees er
3,60 Exp. Litigati
64.53 Town Hall Heal
122.08 Traffic SSI
74.22 Traffic Signsl
100.00 'atriotic Obsee[vances
61.60 1Contingent
231 J
232 .4
• 236'
Messrs Quinn & Reilly
Vincent C. Kelley
Sloper- willen Community
Ambulance Service
11 11
11 11
11 !i
'00.00.Swrvices of Attorneys
875.00 Engineer
898.33 I Misc-Aitbulanc
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of
this q day of -_ , 19.1_6'
Cuu.A4_ �\ ��ats,...
Town Clerk
To Joseph #: -!Afton
Town of...iAippfinger , County of-_ OerLchess , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
Wapptnger , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
day of , 19. __, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a cErtificate thereiaving been duly fi1' in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
, Supervisor
237 humod v. 44;wi kerr
240-1 Joseph E. Ludewig
241The Campbell Press
242\ New System
243" Central Huds9n Gas &
dosspn 4utase n
Theresa P. Arkel l
Assessors Mileage
34.40 Offir• i other Exp.
Bldg. Insp.
Recreation &
SAO—Others -
Bldg Inspecor.
1 f �e
Town Hall i z
Town Hall
Window Cleaners 15.00 w.e
Town Hall
245 u County clerk
246 spwc
247\\' Verner Christiansen
248 a..:..,. .
249 R. J. Bruer
Elate. 30.93
Assess. Office
—480 8 Ct1,.ra
Town Hall
9.10 Royal rau
Assess. Office
'7 50 ---&Others
Insurance &
Serf tee .e6 1.a. s
Town Hall &
Bldg. Insp.
250 Eggleston Office Equip.00.. 2,27 Office
s. Offices &
252, Eggleston Office -Equip.
2S3 Petty Cash
25.06 Town Hail
18,43 `33.37 A....... Office
Town Clerk's
254 Almer1can Leainn_norri f
Goring -We Kurtz Post Patriotic
Town Hall &
145.60 Telephone
255 " New York Telephone Co.
256 William J. Fredwricksore
Maloney Rd. Fg11s. 660_00 tryti•r_
257 Doug Heady 3 flak ter'�_o
5 .. ,.
W. F.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of
this day of._.._.........
7. N
Town Clerk
To ..loseph._H..._F l .Q0 , Supervisor
Town of Wappinger , County of P tches_S , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
*Winger , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
9 day of. Aunt , 19.66__, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
258 V adv
259 U The Campbell Press
260 " Harry Straley
261\jL 3 A Blacksmith Shop
12.70 Recreation
30.00 " " Field Oaf
62.45 Recreation _'r
262""IBeacon Distributing Co 16.00
412 Main St. Beacon, H..
_2.6T\V Robert Lee Stores I 8.56
264 ‘IJon Olson So. Rd. Po'KeepJie 10.5(1
158.75 1
267\' "The Scepters" X David Bert I
Rumen Ave. W. F.
265 Oak Outdoor Furniture
266\ Harry Straley
268\' Mr. & Mrs. Merle Travis
A & P Tea Co. Rt. 9 W.F.
Table Talk Pies
27N Harry Straley 20.00
2721 Richfield Farms Fishkil1 201.80
273 1Robert Gardner 178.96
274\ lRupp.Southern Tier Freight'
Ll..rr.. inc. r. u. uox 344
Middletown, R. Y. L0940 23.10
`Lk .. 1 , ,/ . _ c.. 15.12
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of
this 9 day of
, 194.4
Town Clerk