1966-04-07 RGM94
The Regular Meeting.of the Town Board, Town of Wappinger, was held on Thursday
evening, April 7, 1966, at_the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, New York.
Present: _
Joseph H. Fulton - Supervisor Louis C. Clausen - Councilman
William J. Bulger - Justice of the Peace Louis D. Diehl - Councilman
Vincent S. Erancese - Justice of the Peace Elaine H. Snowden - Town Clerk
Absent: None
Others Present:
Joseph D. Quinn - Attorney
Harold H. Reilly - Attorney
Vincent C. Kelley - Engineer
Knud Clausen.- Highway Superintendent
Joseph Ludewig - Building Inspector
Meeting was opened by a Salute to the Flag by Boy Scout Troop 26 - Scout Leader -
Clinton Destrich, Assistant Scoutmaster Don Parish, Scouts Billy Korber, Bobby
Korber, Michael Bacon, David Goodemote.
8:15 P.M. - Discussion from floor:
Mr. Cortellino: I have some thoughts and proposals for the Town Board's con-
sideration. When a subdivision is considered permanent, survey monuments should
be required, as there has been difficulty in determining property lines in our
area. Requiring certified plot plans be attached to deeds would be beneficial.
Public utility companies would be willing to install their lines underground,
thus making underground installation a requirement in future subdivisions. Also
a review of the parking regulations - provision for more parking spaces in busi-
ness areas included. Will there be more than one sewer district? Will they all
pay the same rates? Wants all the facts on the sewer districts.
Mr. Fulton: We will look into certified maps, utilities ,]nd parking and a
resolution will come before the Board tonight on the Adler -Brenner study. They
will continue their study on either side of Rockingham. As far as all the rates
being the same, it is almost impossible to accomplish. There will be different
sewer plants with different numbers of lots, built at different costs.
Mr. Cortellino: If there are two homes of equal value and the only differ-.
ence between them is the cost of getting rid of your sewage and you are about
to move in, you would prefer the one with the lower sewage rates.
Mrs. Schmalz commented on being in favor of permanent boundary stakes noting
that if they were solidly anchored, it would save a lot of dispute between
neighbors. Louis Eck stated.that he has been putting them in for years, but kids
have taken them out.
Al Stricker brought to the attention of the Board a litter problem on Kent
Road in the vicinity of Ye Olde Apple Orchard. The workmen eat lunch there and
throw papers beside the road. He asked if there was anything the Board could do
to keep this road a little bit more orderly, if there is a litter fine, or if
someone from the Town Board could approach the developer. Town Clerk was
instructed to address a letter to the State Police of Fishkill expressing
the problem and asking their cooperation for enforcement of applicable statutes.
Sam Manners, attorney, was present representing a committee opposed to the
purchase of property for a land fill operation for 36,000 people. .He_stated
this land purchase was never made public until months later, Also, the pro-
perty was taken in the name of Herbert Muller. It would be the sanitary land
fill. Subsequent -to the contact of December 4, a contract was agreed for the
5 participating Municipalities. We respectfully request permission to appear
before this Board and give you our point of view. It came up with sites in
the Cedar Hill and Chelsea areas and those people were heard. We are now
requesting a public hearing.
Mr. Fulton assured Mr. Manners that public hearings will be scheduled on
this, citing this committee has been working about 211 to three years and
many sites have been inspected. Mr. Bulger added that the delegates are only
required to repoet back at sufficient intervals.
Mr. Fulton: It might be good for you to know, for the sake of avoiding
secrecy, that on April 12th there will be a joint executive meeting at which
the public will not be invited. It has been called for a presentation to
members of this Board and other boards of a report by the Land -fill Committee.
After that, this Town Board, if it feels favorably inclined toward the report,
will set public hearings. From then on, it is a matter of law.
Mr. Tullo, specifically referring to New Hackensack Road, asked if there
are any regulations pertaining to the amount of shoulder clearance from the
pavement where people can walk. Knud Clausen replied he had no -knowledge of
any such provision. Two feet is required for a shoulder. Mr. Tullo said he
was referring to the area between Fernbrook Farm and Quiet Acres and the
delicatessen. People have tried to walk it but the brush forces them out
onto the pavement. If this could be cut back, it would help. He also ques-
tioned why excess surface has been scraped up on Quiet Acres. Is there some
reason? If there work planned? Mr. Knud Clausen informed him that the extra
stone pushed up by plows was being taken away. There is going to be some
work done,but he made no further comment.
Mr. Cortellino addressed a question to Mr. Kelley: Rather than cut a
ditch across a road to lay a pipe, is it possible that rather than tearing
up the surface of the road they drill under and not disturb the surface?
Mr. Kelley replied it is possible, but not usually done because of the
Mrs. Schmalz extended thanks to Knud Clausen. They called requesting -signs
on Montfort Road and they were put up the next day. She also asked whose place
it is to set speed limits in developments.
Mr. Fulton: It is almost hopeless to have the State put speed limit signs
on the development roads. Only in a first-class town.
Mr. Stricker suggested that the Supervisor get in touch with the authorities
in Albany and ask for a change of legislation for speed limits. Mr. Bulger
cited, as a point of information, that years ago when the localities had the
right to set speed limits, speed traps were numerous. As a result, the State
Traffic Commission was given practically state-wide authority to establish
speed zones. In general, this commission has the authority to establish speed
limits on highways and, in order to prevent speed traps, they have been refusing
to set speed limits. Mrs. Schmalz stated that there is a 30 -mile per hour
speed limit on DeGarmo Hills Road. It was established that these were engineers'
suggested speed signs. Mrs. Schmalz: What is the legal status of a sign of
that type? Mr. Bulger: None,
Mr. Clausen, directing himself to Mr. Fulton: I would like to, on ,my behalf
and on behalf of the Board, commend you on your action before the Board of Super-
visors on the airport extension. It was proposed to extend towards Quiet Acres,
and I feel that you were wise in protesting against that direction. I think
many -of the people will commend you for your stand against that extension. If
I interpret your stand correctly, we would like to see it relocated altogether.
I would again support you. I want that to be part of the record. •
Mr. Fulton read 43 letter from Mr Shahan, President of Edgehill Manor Civic
Association. Possibly an alternate site for location of recreation will be pre-
sented and accepted.
Mr. Diehl: I believe since this message that there has been more comment.
Mr. Clausen was upstairs and may have a few more remarks.
Mr. Knud Clausen: I was talking to Mr. Schuele this afternoon. He is will-
ing to give five acres on the south side of Pye Lane, Section ILI, in return
for two acres on the north side. I notified the Recreation Committee of this
and they don't think this is acceptable, as there is water on the Section III
piece of land.
Mr. Fulton: I spolte to the Commission. I feel that it was the place of
the Recreation Commission to recommend to the Board. I hear that the bulldozers
plan to go in in the morning to the present -site.
Mr. Clausen: Has the Board.granted permission to establish this as a recre-
ation site. We had a meeting with them. Usually they contact us and let us
know that they are going to do.
A motion was made by Mr. Bulger, seconded by Mr. Diehl, to suspend the rules.
Motion Carried Unanimously
Mrs, Schmalz: The bulldozers can't go in there. The deed has not leen
Mr. Quinn: If there is going to be a change of lands made, I wonder if
there has been an offer of dedication of the piece that the developer orig-
inally indicated, and the Planning Board found acceptable.
Mr. Fulton: We have the deed in our possession.
Mr. Bulger: We have what we consider to be a piece of property close to
the intersection of Pye Lane and Montfort Road. The deed has only very
recently been given to the Town Clerk.
Mr. Quinn: There is a question as to whether it has been accepted by the
Town. The recording has little to do with it. Is the proposal to be a sub-
stitution of a parcel of land for the one that has been offered to the Town?
Mr, Clausen: We have two acres of land. Mr. Schuele is willing to take
it back and give them five acres in exchange for that.
Mr. Steinhaus, speaking as a member of the Planning Board, seeking to
clarify the point in question stated that what is proposed is to exchange the
land given for Section II and combine it to increase the acreage of Section III.
It should come back before the Planning Board.
Mr, Quinn: Even if this Section II recreation area is designated in the
filed plot, that is not an active acceptance of the Town. If it is to. be
yielded by the Town in exchange for a larger piece, there should be a formal
resolution, making the exchange and releasing the developer.
Mr. Bulger: Since this seems to be an involved question which affects a
good number of people who are residing adjacent to the property, I suggest
that we call a hault to everything and so instruct the recreation comnission
Discussion followed on the position of the Board, the feelings of the
residents of_Edgehill, and who was entitled to use of dedicated recreation
Mr. Fulton: The title goes to ,the Town of Wappinger. We have appointed
a Recreation Commission to make use of these areas. We respect it and we
listen to their recommendations. We had a meeting not a week ago. They
presented their proposals to us and the Board had no objections to their
Mr. Diehl: Has it been establishedwhether it is, for the people in the devel-
opment or for the Town? Mr. Fulton: As long as property is in the title of
the Town of Wappinger, it is open to every member of the Town of Wappinger.
Mr. Diehl: I would like to entertain.a motion that we hold up on this and
stop operations there tomorrow..
A motion was made by Mr. Bulger, seconded by Mr. Clausen, to hold up on
this recreation area and stop operations until it can be further investigated.
Motion carried, with Mr. Fulton abstaining.
Mr. Clausen: I don't believe there was general knowledge of the problem in
Edgehill. I am appreciative ofrthe work the commission is doing. We.should
now see if the right decision has been made. If there is a better plan, we
should look for it.
Mr. Fulton called the meeting back to order at 9:50 P.M.
Mr. Fulton asked Mr. Maurer if he would make a statement on the recreation's
Mr. Maurer: The Recreation Commission has taken a stand. There is a lot of
controversy about parking, size of park. We have made study of this. There
will be a fence. There is talk of swapping property for another piece. I
spoke to the members this afternoon. This isn't quite the story. It is not
feasible for recreation. It is under water most of the time. Recreation is
for everybody in the Town. We cannot set up a recreation area for one indivi-
dual group.
Mr. Hirsch: If you have a Little League Field and parking, what other faci-
lities are you going to have for recreation?
Mr. Maurer: Slides, swings and a picnic area, as you people asked for. I
recommend that we continue right on with our project for recreation. .
Mr.,Tullo: Since the subject of recreation is up here, we understand that
six acres was deeded over to the Town in Quiet Acres by the creek. If these
people don't want you to spend it over there, we would welcome you over in our
Mr. Bulger asked .that Mr. Maurer be shown one of the questionnaires answered
by Edgehill residents.
Mr. Maurer: Little League would use field one or two nights a week for
Mr. Clausen: You say that the Little League will probably use it a couple
times a week. They will have to practice somewhere. Is there any guarantee
that you can 1promise the residents that they will use it about 2 or 3 nights
a week?
Mr. Maurer: They play at all the other fields at the same night, no prac-
tice after they start playing.
across the property line in the
Scotch pines will be planted to
Mr. Maurer also added there will be a.fence
back, but it -all can't be done in one year.
obstruct the view of this area.
Mr. Bulger called for a -ruling since the last motion was made during sus-
pension of the rules. Previous motion during suspension of the rules was
not valid.
Mr. Bulger made a motion, seconded by Mr. Clausen, to call back -the rules.
Motion Carried Unanimously
Mr. Fulton: If this field turns out to be inadequate, it will be the
sibility of the Board. We will have to face that responsibility.
A Motion was made by Mr. Diehl, seconded by Mr. Clausen, to hold up on
this recreation site and look into it further. Upon roll call, the vote
was as follows:
A motion was
Joseph H. Fulton
William J. Bulger
Louis C. Clausen
Louis D. Diehl
Vincent S. Francese
made by Mr. Fulton,
- Voting:Nay
- Voting:Nay
- Voting:Aye
- Voting:Aye
- Voting:Nay
Motion Defeated
seconded by Mr. Bulger, that the Board
accept the dedication of the two acre
recreation area, Section II, Edgehill
Manor. Motion Carried Unanimously
Mr. Bulger made the motion, seconded by Mr. Francese, that the minutes of
the Public Hearing on Beatrice Irving Property held on the 24th of February,
1966, and the Special Meeting of this Board held on the 24th of February,
1966, as submitted by the Town Clerk be and they are hereby approved.
Motion Carried Unanimously .
Mr. Bulger made the motion, seconded by Mr. Francese, that the minutes of
the Regular Meeting of this Board held on March 10, 1966 and the Special
Meeting held
and they are
on the 17th of March, 1966, as submitted by the Town Clerk be
hereby approved, with the following amendment proposed by Mr.
Motion Carried Unanimously
Minutes of March 10, 1966 Meeting, Page 73 -.delete the words
"forfeit the right if not submitted within ten days".
Mr. Clausen made the motion, seconded by Mr. Bulger, to accept the minutes
of the March 10th meeting as amended. Motion Carried Unanimously
Clerk read the following reports:
Town Board
Town of Wappinger
Wappingers Falls, N. Y.
During the month of March, 1966, I disposed ofthe following cases in
Justice Court:
Number Fines & Fees Collected
Motor Vehicle 50 $605.00
Civil 3 7.50
Criminal 4 50.00
A total of $662.50 has been forwarded to the State Department of Audit
and Control.
Respectfully submitted,
s/William J. Bulger
Justice of the Peace
A motion was made by Mr. Diehl, seconded by Mr. Clausen, to accept Mr.
Bulger's Monthly Report. Upon roll call, the vote was as follows;
Joseph H. Fulton - Voting: aye
William J. Bulger - Voting: abstain
Louis C. Clausen - Voting: aye
Louis D. Diehl - Voting: aye
Vincent S. Francese - Voting: aye
Town Board.
Town of Wappinger
Wappingers Falls, N. Y.
During the month of March, 1966, the activities listed below were
handled in Justice Court:
(1) 21 motor vehicle cases handled showing $230.00 collected
in fines.
(2) 22 civil cases handled showing $53.00 collected in fees and
filing costs.
(3) 1 criminal case handled showing no monies. collected.
(4) A total of $283.00 has been forwarded to the State Department of
Audit and Control.
Respectfully submitted,
s/Vincent S. Francese
Justice of the Peace
A motion was made by Mr. Diehl, seconded by Mr. Clausen, to accept Mr.
Francese's Monthly Report. Upon roll call, the vote was.as follows:
Joseph H. Fulton - Voting: aye
William J. Bulger - Voting: aye
Louis C. Clausen - Voting: aye
Louis D. Diehl - Voting: aye
Vincent S. Francese - Voting: abstain
Building Permits Issued for:
10 Single Family Dwellings
5 Residence Additions
3 Move Residences
1 Move Restaurant
1 8 -Unit Apartment Building
1 Swimming Pool
1 Conference Center Building
1 Retail Stores - Shopping Center
2 Others
25 Total Permits Issued for March
Value of Construction $376,015.00
Fees Collected & Turned Over to the Town Clerk 342.50
Miles Traveled on Zoning & Building Inspection
by Building Inspector 288
Miles Traveled on Building Inspection by
Deputy Building Inspector 300
During the month of March, Certificates of -Occupancy were issued
for 20 Single Family Dwellings, 1 Dentist Office, 1 Ice Cream Bar,
and 1 Real Estate Office.
Operation of a non -conforming auto junk yard, containing about 70
cars, located on the Ketchamtown Road has been discontinued. All cars
arecpresentiy being removed and the lot should be completely cleared with-
in the next few days.
Respectfully submitted,
s/Joseph E. Ludewig
Building & Zoning Inspector
Mr. Clausen made the motion, seconded by Mr. Bulger, to accept the Build-
ing Inspector's Monthly Report. Motion Carried Unanimously.
MARCH 1966
Source Amount Received
Town Clerk - taxes Highway Fund
County - snow removal ':
Town Clerk - Fees for February General Fund
Town Clerk - Int. on taxes
County - Dog Fees
State Dept. of Tax. & Finance
Tax loss on RR property " "
$ 175,314.62
Fund or Account -Amount Expended
General Fund
Highway Fund
$ 18,081.42
Total $ 23,794.19
Signed: Joseph H. Fulton, Supervisor
A motion was made by,Mr. Diehl, seconded by Mr. Clausen, to accept the
Supervisor's Monthly Report. Upon roll call, the vote was as follows:
Joseph H. Fulton - Voting: abstain
William J. Bulger - Voting: aye
Louis C. Clausen - Voting: aye
Louis D. Diehl - Voting: aye
Vincent S. Francese r Voting: aye
Mr. Francese noted approval of the last paragraph of the Building Inspector's
The following bills were read by the Town Clerk:
General Fund - $8,833.14
Highway - $3,175.05
Mr. Bulger made the motion, seconded by Mr. Francese, that the bills be
paid, subject to audit.. Motion Carried Unanimously
The petitionfromRussell Aldrich for rezoning of Beatrice Irving property
was referred to the Planning Board for recommendation.
Clerk informed the Board that Mayor Furnari had requested a member of theTown
Board to act on a committee in search of doctors for the community.
Mr. Bulger: I was talking with Dr. Golding about two weeks ago. There are about
1500 physicians who are ex -patriots from Cuba and are apparently in the Florida
area. I wrote to Senator Javits. Mr. Diehl recommended that Mr. Bulger continue
on that committee. Mr. Bulger accepted. A motion was made by Mr. Diehl, seconded
by Mr. Clausen, that Mr. Bulger represent the Town on Mayor Furnari's committee
for a doctor study. Motion -Carried Unanimously
Superintendent of Highways and Engineer for the Town have a report on Wildwood
roads. Mr. Clausen: We had a meeting with the contractors and the only thing I
can report is that there is a difficult situation in Wildwood. We have got to
have more drainage and some percentage of that road rebuilt. I would like the
Engineer to report on the drainage. The problem is not very easy to overcome.
I could_in no way accept the road in the condition it is in. We will have to work
with the contractor to get things settled. I would not set any time limit. If
the Town will pay a part.and the contractors a part, then we.can get that settled
at the same time. Will the Board let us go ahead and try to make an arrangement
and then bring it back in to the Board.
Mr. Kelley: Our prob_ems to date have been surface, which are solvable. The
problems we are faced with are subsurface and, because of the existing conditions,
a number which are not changeable. We have what we condider to be a difficult
problem which is not resoluble immddiately. As Mr. Clausen said, we are going
to have to take some time and then come back. The bond ran out in the latter
part of March, but this is not the time to call it.
Mr. Bulger: We should ask for a report in two months and see how they are
A motion was made by Mr. Clausen, seconded by.Mr. Francese, that the
Highway Superintendent and Engineer report back,in two months on the road
conditions in Wildwood, Motion Carried Unanimously
Mr. K. Calusen asked the Board's opinion of the open ditch in Wildwood
Forest. Mr. Bulger made a motion that the Highway Superintendent and the
Town Engineer and the Counsel to the Town investigate what proposals can
be worked out. Seconded by Mr. Diehl. Motion Carried Unanimously.
A motion was made by Mr. Bulger, seconded by Mr. Clausen, to suspend the
rules. Motion Carried Unanimously
Mr. Cortetlino asked the Board to attend the meeting of the Wildwood
Civic Association at the Woronock House at 8:00 P.M.,on Monday, April 11.
Mr. Bulger moved readoption of the rules, seconded by Mr. Francese.
Motion Carried Unanimously
Mr. Knud Clausen presented a report and canvas of bids received by him:
Mr. Bulger made a motion, seconded by Mr. Francese, to award the bid on
Bituminous Concrete to Spoor-Lasher, $7.15/ton - Hot Mix, $7.05/ton -
Cold Mix. Motion Carried Unanimously
to Ken
Bulger made a motion, seconded by Mr. Diehl, that the bid be awarded
Smith Machinery Co., Inc., at a cost of $4,498.14, for a Roller.
Motion Carried Unanimously
Clausen stated that we made $2,500 - price was $6,985 - the State
buys them in bulk, each Town is allowed the purchase of one of these
specific rollers.
Mr. Bulger made a motion, seconded by Mr. Francese, that the bid for
a Tractor -Mower be awarded to Ketcham's Garage at a cost of $2,600.00.
Motion Carried Unanimously
There were no bids received on Concrete Pipe.
Mr. Knud Clausen: Engineer Kelley has submitted an Eleven -Year Road
Program - a very good report. The Board can reject or adopt it, but we
must have a decision because if there is no action on it, we don't know
where we stand. I recommend the Board consider it.
Mr. Quinn: What your Board might do is receive the report and make a
study of it. Mr. Diehl: If all the.members go over this and study it
before the next meeting, then we can move forward with it. Mr. Kelley:
I recommend referring a copy of this report to the Town Attorney for study
and discussion with a bonding company. ,•
A motion was made by Mr. Bulger, seconded by Mr. Clausen, to refer the
Road Program report to the attorneys for study.
Motion Carried Unanimously
Clerk was instructed to.forward a copy of the Rodd Program to the attorneys.
Mr. K. Clausen: We would like to get started on Spook Hill Road but rho land
has been acquired and Widmer Road requires atenth of an acre of land from
Mr. Shapiro. I have to have it. Our lawyer advised me to contact Mr. Shapiro.
Mr. Shapiro wanted to know where the stakes are so that he can see it. He wants
$1,000 for that piece of land. Mr. Quinn stated that there are certain provi-
sions of the highway law which offer a benefit to the town, suggesting,they be
looked into further.ri .
Mr. Diehl presented a report on police protection. A motion was made by Mr.
Bulger, seconded by Mr. Francese, that the report be accepted. (On file in the
Town Clerk's office). Motion Carried Unanimously
A resolution for a feasibility study by Adler -Brenner was presented. Mr.
Bulger: Have they given any indication of when this might be completed? It
might be valuable for our planned.meeting of the 26th.
Mr. Fulton: It was my understanding that they were ready at any time to
provide a preliminary report. We can write a letter and advise them that we
are having this meeting on the 26th.
The following resolution was proposed by Mr. Bulger, seconded by Mr, Diehl:
RESOLVED, that the Town of Wappinger retain licensed engineers, Adler -
Brenner, Engineering Consultants, to undertake, formulate, and deliver to the
Town Board, a_study and proposal for the formulation and expansion of a sewer
district covering areas of the Town now included in the proposed Rockingham
Farms district, and other adjacent areas as the engineers determine may be
economically served, which same are to be capable of development into a single
sewer district, and that the Supervisor of the Town of Wappinger be and he is
hereby authorized to pay,such engineers for such proposal and plan, a sum not
to exceed $1,000.00.
The following vote was taken:
Joseph H. Fulton - Supervisor Aye
William.J. Bulger - Justice of the Peace Aye
Vincent S. Francese - Justice of the Peace Aye
Louis C. Clausen - Councilman Aye
Louis Diehl - Councilman Aye
Clerk read a letter from Mr. Schoentag in reply to a letter from the Board
on the possible appointment of Mr. Fulton to the Airport Committee. (Letter
on file in Town Clerk's Office).
Clerk read a letter from Fred G. Hamilton concerning Zoning.
Mr. Fulton read a letter from Mr. Schmalz regarding Planning Board actions.
Mr. Fulton: In view of this letter, we have an answer from our attorneys,
directed to Mr. Vandewinckel. Clerk read opinion letter from Quinn & Reilly.
A motion was made by Mr. Clausen, seconded by Mr. Bulger, to suspend the
rules. Motion Carried Unanimously
Mrs. Keeler: (With reference to the opinion letter) I had consulted a
lawyer and he stated that Section 276.4 is valid.
Mrs Quinn: There is no question of validity of 276 of the Town Law. Your
advice that this is a valid law is correct. It has no application to this
A motion was made by Mc. Bulger, seconded by Mr. Clausen, to readopt the
rules. Motion Carried Unanimously
Mr. Clausen: The Planning Board is contemplating hiring a consultant. It
might be of help to the Planning Board if a Citizens Committee were formed.
-A motion was made by Mr. Clausen that a Citizens Committee be formed to study
the subdivision laws. Mr. Bulger requested this be held over until next
meeting. Mr. Clausen.withdrew his motion.
Mr. Bulger: I have a communication from one of our citizens the -secre-
tary of the Walther League of Our Savior Lutheran Church in Fishkill. They
would like permission to beautify the cemetery on Route 9 and Myers Corners
Road, Mr. Reilly stated that the Town Board's permission was not really
needed. Mr. Bulger then asked what he should tell these people.
Mr. K. Clausen: that cemetery belongs to the Methodist Church and the
Church has given Spoor-Lasher permission to put up their sign.
Mr. Diehl: The first time I heard this mentioned was by Mr. Cortellino.
I think it would be appropriate if you appointed one member of the Board to
meet with a representative of Wildwood Civic Association, Methodist Church,
and Our Savior Lutheran Church, and straighten it out.
A motion was made by Mr. Bulger, seconded by Mr. Francese, to appoint
Messrs. Clausen and Diehl a committee to look into the cemetery situation.
Motion Carried Unanimously
Clerk was instructed to write a letter of reply to Miss Jensen.
A motion was made by Mr. Bulger, seconded by Mr. Clausen, to adjourn the
meeting. Motion Carried Unanimously
Meeting adjourned 11:30 P.M.
Town Clerk
To Joseph H. Fulton
, Supervisor
Town of Wsppings r , County of Outths s , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
7th day ofApril , 19.66___, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
A15 Associated HaspitalServi 95.96
F. W. Dodge Company
1116 330 W. 42ndSt. N.Y.
117 Popper Electric Co.
8 W. Main St. W. F.
.,118 I Varner Christensen
v119 I The Beasley Agency, Inc.
7120 1 Harry Straley
I Barbara Clausen
v121 Widmer Rd. W.F.
IBottini Fuel Oil Co.Inc
21 Alexander Blue Pk.
✓123 1 Susan Pit.
✓124 Edward Tion Co.
339 Gold St. Brooklyn
Avis Rent -a -Car
"125 35 Cannon St. PK
Avis Rent -a -Car
P.O.Box 201Garden City
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Post15913 Wapp.Falls
1Great Bear Spring C.
!Thomas Rogers
12 E. Main St.
Paul Stich
S l ops-Wi 1 l en Come.Amb.
District #1
Wappinger Central School
Vassar Brothers tbsoital
a1 ei Building
New York Telephone Co.
The Camabell Pry
The Cappbell Press
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto
this 7th -day of Apra 1
Insurance -other
40.00 Officeiother Dow Bldg cost Calculator
3.00 T.B. Repairs Light chain replaced
25.60 Officeiother Mileage
T.B Insurance
10.00 OfficialBonds Bond -Constable
60,00 Doo Warden
60.00 Salaries
!Girls tip_ Proarms
18.76 Tao Hell -D,
Planning Bd. I
5.00 Postage
Bd. of Appeal
25.00 Office$Other McKinney Law Book
piss. Expanse) Assoc. of Towns
2124 Assoc.ofTowns Nesting N.Y.C.
17.45 Msoc.ofTowns Assoc. of Trios MeetingNsY.C.
50.00 Organization
5.00 1 Town Hall -d. IWIter Cooler rental Febt
2.00 1 Town Hall... Snow removal -sidewalk
30.00 Salaries
Boys Basketball Program
898.34 Misc. Ambulate Service
Other Expanses Use of Jr. High Gym
Justice of
r I Peace- c. Blood Alcohol Test
16.32 Other Exp.
32.00 Town hall e 1 Hiahwer Vo4KNIrs
set my hand and the Seal of the Town of.'
_ ..Moi; I• n �V :Aif.]a�L1{..s.
Town Clerk
To _Joseph H. Ant tpn
, Supervisor
Town of Wappinger , County of MOW , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
_1th day of APO! , 19 66 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
American Legion Misc. Maint.
X138 Post 427. Wappingers Fall' 200.00 of Met. Org. Maintenance of Rooms
Taw of Wapp
20.59 Noc.COMM*
15.00 Taw Ha11-Other Exp. Window Cleaning
Dept. of ems,„ Ates to i s ea mina r i xtures
40.010 Highwaysjerw in Highway Dept. office
Torn Board
Annual Audit i Examination for 1965
2'mC: Mi lesge-Del Swam Court order
Highways VI" Extending duct work in Town
T•a.>�"A nal' Revisions & alterations gar*se
to heat. i Vent. systeesTo T.H.
deceit. or nIgnways
eormipoJP Materials for Town garage
Highways f?, to Materials for Taws Garage
Sept. of
112:Si Highways( + Ho for Town Garage
Central Hudson
New System Window
140 Stead Cp-
Robert . Hanna
v144 Spook Hilt Id., Wapp.Fa1 l s
George C. Carr
V142 25 Lewis Anne. Pough.N.Y. 600.
'- Anal, Cresbv
Meurer Coad. Corp/ 2.
✓144 Rt. 9, Fishkill, N.Y.
Joseph f.. PI SI, enc.
1-145 15-17 Rose St. ro igh.N.Y 3*
R. H. Lingo, Inc.
'146 Dox 151., Hopp. Falls N.4
Montfort Oros. Inc.
`"147 Elm St.,Fisliki t 1, M.Y.
Central Valley Concrete
148 Corp.Rt.9,l Pp• N.Y.
Lighting of Reese Park
1/149 Odta % i Mei 11 v
✓s 10 Veterans P1. Ya►.Fa11s
Wippingsrs i Southern
"151 Dress News
Wappingers & Southern
152 Notches. News /
Wappingers & Southern
/153 Dutcliss* News
Wipptagers & Seethe'*
v154 D News
Wappingers & Southern
V155 Dutchess News
Wipptwgers & Southern
.4(156 press News
Eggleston Office Eq.ip.Co,
✓157 41 Now Market St. Pau*. 29.33
'158 " . 9.45 Other E r 4ffiee supplies
Eggleston Mice
199\ Ngdtp ant Co. Inc. 165.87
/160 I Co b's 12.57 Off' exp. office Supplies
In Witness Whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of WIPPIVIVC
day of April19 66
this ,
Town Clerk
Torn Bard
Snnv. ofy
Tian hoard
'www Mall 101
Town Sward
Mint. & Adv.
Tern Sward
Print. & Adv.
Torn Board
Pr1at4 & Adv.
Torn Board
Print. & Adv.
Toren Board
Print. & fir.
Tow Board
Privet. i Adv.
Torn H.11 Ofc.
Other Exp.
Eggleston Office Egaip.Co.
Repairs i Alteratialac La
Legal Notice
Legal Notice
Legal Neale*
Legal Notice
Legal Notice
Leg.! Mottos
Office Equip. f Supplies
To _Joao*. KO. Ail UR , Supervisor
Town of ii444119or , County of DistChell$ New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
WIIPPInger , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
.7.th day of APWI 1 , 19 66, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
Town Dowd
Vincent C. UM/ 875.00 Derv. of En"
Etkerd /odium mac..lisps
Miser Id. v. Fal lseN. so.00 e Description Labor for floplacing 1611
lespec. Costs
30.00 other &et Kibler
E. Ludowia 28.80 ether Exp. Nilsaas
y Cash , Tow Clerk
Elaine 11. Snowdon 10.76 Ofc. & Inbar Exp.
11 1•I
1 1
I%beech Ditsean
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of iftritiOalr
this day of 11 , 1966
Town Clerk