1965-12-09 RGMX20
The Regular monthly meeting of the Town Board, Town of Wappinger, was held
on Thursday Evening, December 9, 1965, in the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers
Falls, New York.
George Robinson - Councilman
William Bulger - Justice of the Peace
Elaine H. Snowden - Town Clerk
Louis Diehl - Councilman
Vincent S. Francese - Justice of the Peace
Richard H. Linge Supervisor
Others Present:
Vincent C. Kelley - Engineer for the Town Joseph E. Ludewig - Building Inspector
Harold H. Reilly - Attorney for the Town
The meeting was opened by Deputy Supervisor Robinson at 8 o'clock PM.
Mr. Robinson Advised the Board of their receipt of the minutes.
Mr. Bulger moved that the minutes of the meetings of this Board held on the
4th day of November, and the two Public Hearings, held on the 28th day of Oct.
and 1st day of Nov., 1965, as submitted by the Town Clerk be and they hereby
are approved. Seconded by Mr. Francese and adopted unanimously.
The following Bills were read:
General Fund:
$ 5,681.00
$ 15,106.60
Motion was made by Mr. Francese that bills be paid, subject to audit. Seconded by
Mr. Bulger.
The following Reports were Read:
The following is a report of activities handled by me during the month of
November, 1965.
Type Number Fines & fees collected
Motor vehicle 69 5900.00
Criminal 3
A total of $900.00 has been forwarded to the State Dept. of Audit and Control.
I em holding a total of $100.00 in a pending motor vehicle Case.
1 Criminal warrant was issued during the month.
Respectfully submitted,
William J. Bulger
Justice of the Peace
The following is a report of activities handled by me during the month of
November, 1965, as Justice of the Peace:
(1) 16 motor vehicle cases showing $315.00 collected in fines.
(2) 6 civil cases handled showing $13.00 collected in fees and filing costs.
(3) 1 Criminal case handled.
A total of $328.00 has been forwarded to the State Dept. of Audit and Control.
$215.00 is being held in my official bank account on pending motor vehicle
and criminal cases.
Respectfully submitted,
Vincent S. Francese
Justice of the Peace
The following is the Building Inspectors Report for the Month of November, 1965.
Building Permits issued for:
40 Single Family Dwellings
6 Residence Additions
1 Residence Garage
1 Commercial Garage Addition
1 4 -Unit Office Building
1 Other
50 Total Permits Issued for November
Total Value of Construction $872,700.00
Total Amount of Fees Collected and
turned over to the Town Clerk $ 827.00
Miles traveled on Zoning and Building
Inspection by the Building Inspector 233
Miles traveled on Building Inspection
by the Deputy Building Inspector (2 months) 713
During the month of November, Certificates of Occupancy were issued for 12
Single Family Dwellings.
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph E. Ludewig
Building and Zoning Inspector
Motion for approval of these reports was made by Mr. Diehl, seconded by Mr.
Robinson. Motion Carried
A letter was received from Mayor Furnari, informing the Board that the State
is to install a Traffic Light at the intersection of Rte 9 and New Hackensack Rd.
Mr. Diehl extended Thanks to the Mayor for his cooperation on this situation, and
requested that the Mayor be reminded that the Town Board would like .to see the
Vacant Gas Station blocked off to prevent traffic from cutting across asa short
While on the subject of New Hackensack Rd., Mr. Bulger made reference to a
trench that had been dugacross this road,°"5�
just Northwest of Village Line.
Temporary maintenance of this excavation is unsatisfactory, and suggests County
Highway Dept. should be communicated with on this condition.
Mr. Bulger made the motion that the County Highway Dept. be notified of the
existing condition, and that they take the necessary steps to properly maintain
the Road. Seconded by Mr. Francese.
Motion Carried
Mr. Rifkin addressed Board with suggestion that White Line and signs be placed
where traffic should stop. Mr. Francese replied that this was a normal function
of the N. Y. State Highway Dept.
A letter was received from the Wappingers Falls Chamber of Commerce, request-
ing a contribution from the Town for Christmas Street Lighting in the Village of
Wappingers Falls.
A motion was made by Mr. Diehl, seconded by Mr. Francese, that the Town
donate $100.00 to the Chamber of Commerce, towards the Christmas Lighting.
Motion Carried
A letter was received from Mr. Allan Rappleyea, Attorney for Mt. View Coach
bus service for
Lines, asking the Board for a resolution supporting/an application by this line,
for operating authority to service South Wappinger Falls, and Fishkiil from
A motion was made by Mr. Diehl, in the belief that a bus line to South
Wappingers Falls, and Fishkitl would prove an asset to the Town of Wappinger,
that the Town Board go on record as being in favor of an extended bus line,
specifying, however, that there be at least 2 or 3 pick-ups and stops in the
Town of Wappinger, and subject to other requirements and Francises. Seconded
by Mr. Bulger.
Motion Carried
Mr. Worona, who represents Pizzuto Bus lines, addressed the Board, opposing
the Boards' motion, pointing out Poughkeepsie Common Council had rejected this
Mt. View Coach Line application, and it was his opinion that it was not good
judgement of the Town to encourage a route for this Bus Line, as he felt their
qualifications were not satisfactory.
A letter was received from the N.Y. State Dept. of Public Works, indicat-
ing a desire to discuss a settlement with a State Right of Way Agent, for Town
Property on Myers Corners Road. A second letter was received from the State
with an offer of $2,150.00 for the 1.89 acres of Town owned land on Myers Corners
Road, which the State wishes to acquire for re-routing Rte 9. This matter was
referred to Attorney Reilly for consideration.
A letter was read, as a point of interest, from Hollis S. Ingraham, M.D.
Commissioner of Health, to Mr. Worona, concerning Oakwood Knolls Sewerage Treat-
ment Plant.
A letter was received from the Recreation Commission, asking the Board
to take into consideration their recommendation of Mr. Daniel V. Constantini
to the commission. Appointment to fill the vacancy left by Mr. A. Wienburg.
A motion was made by Mr. Francese, seconded by Mr. Bulger, approving the
Recreation Commission's recommendation by appointriing Mr. Constantini to the
Recreation Commission, with term beginning immediately and extending to 1970.
Motion Carried
A letter was received from the Association of Towns stating the dates for
the Annual Meeting has been set for February 7,8,9 - 1966.
A motion was made by Mr. Francese, seconded by Mr. Bulger, that the Town
Board be put on record as approving expenses for any Officer of the Town of
Wappinger who wished to attend the Association of Towns Meeting.
Motion Carried
Upon motion made by Mr. Diehl, seconded by Mr. Bulger, a Public Hearing
was directed to be held on the following proposed amendment to the Town of
Wappinger Zoning Ordinance, such hearing to be held in the Town Hall, Town of
Wappinger, Mill Street, at 8:00 P.M. on January 13, 1966.
BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED,by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess County, New York, in pursuance of the authority conferred by Article
16 of the Town Law of the State of New York and also in pursuance of Article
9 of the Town Law to the extent applicable as follows:
Section 1. The Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance, adopted January 29th,
1963, is hereby amended by re -zoning the following tract of land from RD -40,
"One -family residential, and R-20, "One -family residential", to R-40 "One -family
Which said real property is generally bounded and described as follows, to wit:
All that certain premises, lots, lands, and real property situate in the
Town of Wappinger, Outchess County, New York, which same is generally bounded
and described as follows:
Baginning at the most northerly point of the southerly abutment of the New
York Central railroad bridge, over the Wappingers Creek at New Hamburg and running
from thence easterly and southerly along the shore line of said abutment
and thence northeasterly along southeasterly shore line of the Wappingers Creek
to the point which is at right angles to Creek Road in range of the junction of
the southwesterly side of Mariorville Road and the Easterly side of Creek Road,
running from thence to the said junction of road lines, thence southeasterly a-
long the southwesterly side of Marlorville Road approximately 1302 feet, thence
northeasterly still along said Marlorville Road approximately 110 feet, thence
southeasterly stili along said southwesterly side of Marlorville Road 680 feet
more or less to the northeasterly corner of lands of the Willis Reese Estate,
thence southwesterly along the southeasterly boundary line of the lands of the
said Willis Reese Estate approximately 1400 feet to its Junction with the nbrth-
easterly side of New Hamburg Road, thence in a straight line crossing said New
Hamburg Road to the northeasterly corner of other lands of said Willis Reese,
thence southwesterly along the southeast boundary line of lands of said Reese
and lands of New York City Congregational Church Association approximately 2200
feet to lands now or formerly of Lilyan Berger, thence northwesterly along
boundary of said lands of New York City Congregational Church Association approx-
imately 2000 feet to its junction with the northwesterly side of Wheeler Hill
Road, thence southwesterly along said Wheeler Hill Road for approximately 1100
feet to junction with northwesterly boundary of lands of Edward Kompass, thence
southeasterly in a straight'iine along boundary of said lands of Kompass, land
of Douglas Hamilton, lands of Lawrence Kanter for a distance of approximately
2150 feet to the southeasterly boundary line of lands of said Kanter, thence 4.
southwesterly along the said Kanter lands approximately 675 feet to the lands
of Edward Kellenberg, thence southeasterly along said land of Kellenberg approx-
imately 1150 feet thence 675 feet southwesterly along the southeasterly boundary
of lands of said Kellenberg to northwesterly boundary of lands of Berard Scheuer
thence southeasterly along northwesterly boundary of lands of said Scheuer for
approximately 475 feet, thence -southwesterly along the southeasterly line of
Gerard Scheuer; thence northwesterly along the northeasterly side of Wheeler Hill
Road approximately 2600 feet to the northwest corner of land of Begg; thence
crossing Wheeler Hill Road and along the westerly boundary of the lands of Wendell
354.36 feet; thence further along the lands of Wendell to the right of way of
the New York Central Railroad; thence northerly along said right of way of the
New York Central Railroad to the point or place of beginning.
EXCEPTING AND RESERVING, from the above-described parcel or parcels of land
the subject of this application for re -zoning, lands which are not intended to
be re -zoned, to wit, premises, parcels, lots or tracts of land situate on the
southeasterly side of Old Troy Road, (Wheeler Hill Road), containing approximately
55.368 acres of land, having a frontage on said Old Troy Road ( Wheeler Hili Road)
of approximately 1136 feet, a rear line of approximately 1213 feet, and north-
easterly and southwesterly boundary lines of approximately 2095 feet and 2147
feet restively, said parcel being lands now or formerly of Lilyan Berger, Brook -
hollow Builders, Inc., or their successors or assigns.
Section 2. The zoning Map of the Town of Wappinger, adopted by the Town
Board, January 29, 1963, and being a part of the official said Town of Wappinger
Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended in conformity with the foregoing.
Section 3. The Amendment shall beoome effective immediately upon adoption,
posting and publishing as prescribed by Town Law.
Upon Roll Call, the Vote was Taken as follows:
Deputy Supervisor Robinson
Justice of the Peace Bulger
Justice of the Peace Francese
Councilman Diehl
Voting: Aye
Voting: Aye
Voting: Aye
Voting: Aye
A letter was received from Mr. Schatz requesting the Board to look into
the conditions of acceptance by the Planning Board of Ye Olde Apple Orchard.
This letter was referred to the Attorney for the Town, with the recommendation
that, if he finds any illegalities, he should notify the Supervisor immediately
so that a Special Meeting may be called.
A petition for the amendment of the Zoning Ordinance on the property of
Beatrice Irving was received. A motion was made by Mr. Francese, seconded by
Mr. Bulger, to refer this petition to the Planning Board for their recommendation.
Motion Carried Unanimously
Two letters were received from Mayor Furnari, thanking the Town of Wappinger
for action and consideration taken in reference to the duplication of taxes
pertaining to Highway expenditures and in the conditioning and resurfacing of
Adams Street.
Mr. Bulger stated that, due to the increased number of trials scheduled
before him, he has reserved the Town Hall on Tuesday nights for this purpose,
but discovered difficulty in finding open evenings, thus citing the need to
establish a policy in regard to the use of the Town Building for purposes other
than Town Government. This matter was requested brought up at the next meeting.
O.s Ta .tht- rvwr"t e_t_
Mr. Bulger also suggested to the Board to consider a change
hQ- v - °p -e ;0;1
' .•r :.��- 1r in which t . ----e to surety.
'Usually many small matters are left unfinished at the end of the period and
calling a bond is expensive and drawn out. If a bond of, say 550,000, is called
for,.were 90% bond and 10% cash required, cash could be held by the Town to be
used for corrections, avoiding last minute hassling. A change in Road Specs
may be required, and perhaps the Engineer and Attorney could cooperate in pre-
paring an amendment incorporating everything, except the actual percentage
of cash to bond, which the Town Board would have to decide.
On behalf of himself and Mr. Diehl, Mr. Bulger then thanked the members
of the various civic associations of the Town and their officers who appeared
at various meetings and, through their cooperation, the committee was able to
determine that the study prepared by Adler and Brenner for a large Sewer District
in the area was relatively acceptable. This was a rather raw survey and it
would seem that the people need more facts. The way we can get these facts is
to apply for an interest-free loan from the Federal Housing Administration.
If a district isn't established in five years, there is no cost tp the Town.
If district is established, cost of loan would be born by the district itself.
The amount of the loan would be determined by the scope and review of the
study. Mr. Kelley interjected that loans are also available for public
works for preparation of engineering plans and specifications through the
stages up to, and including, bidding, so you could follow this along on
loan up to the bidding, without obligation, to construction. One of the
requirements is that the intent to construct is there.
The study included Quiet Acres, Wildwood, Lake Oniad, Oakwood Knolls, and
the lands in-between. One of the things that this detailed study should
determine is whether or not Mr. Lafko's installation should be purchased
in whole or in part.
Mr. Worona interposed with the suggestion that the Board adopt a resolution,
to show intent to form a sewer district, to be sent to Washington. The
Board replied there would be a Special Meeting on the 30th, at which time
such matters could be reviewed. Action on the resolution was deferred.
: Mr. Francese brought Myers Corners Road up for discussion, noting its
hazardous condition and proposed the Highway Superintendent not plow this
road in its present condition. A legal opinion was asked of Mr. Reilly as
to whether or not the Town can hold the County responsible if Town equip-
ment is damaged. Mr. Reilly said it would be difficult to prove this.
Mr. Diehl said he felt not plowing would create an even more hazardous
situation. Town Clerk was requested to direct a letter to Mr. Petrovits,
County Highway Superintendent, on conditions, with a copy to Central
Hudson Gas & Electric Corp.
The Board was addressed from -the floor on whether any conclusion had
been reached regarding plowing of Oakwood. Mr. Reilly replied that Mr.
Ritter had agreed to sign a waiver permitting the Town to plow without
jeopardizing the bond and the Town can charge the developer.
Mr. Diehl, referring to newspaper article on Dorothy Heights, which
inferred that the Town objects to Village action, stated he was present
and had no objections to the Village action. However, the developer didn't
recognize the Town, thus he feels the Town can't be legally wrong to block
this road. Mr. Reilly stated the developer was supposed to have gotten
consent from both municipalities and suggested action be deferred until an
answer to his letter to Audit and Control on the Town's position be received.
A motion was made by Mr. Francese, seconded by Mr. Bulger, that the
date for auditing the Town's accounts be set for Thursday, December 30, 1965,
at 8:00 P.M. in the Town Hall, Mill Street, Town of Wappinger.
Motion Carried Unanimously
A motion was made by Mr. Bulger, seconded by Mr. Francese, to appoint
Susan Pike for a three-month probationary period as .Secretary to the Building
Inspector. Motion Carried Unanimously
Mr. Diehl asked that, in the future, when jobs are open, a 15 -day advance
notice be published, with a description of the job open.
A motion was made by Mr. Francese, seconded by Mr. Diehl, that Peter
Rennet be appointed Dog Enumerator for the Town of Wappinger.
Motion Carried Unanimously
A letter was received from Mr. Fulton on his resignation from the Board
of Assessors.
Mr. Robinson mentioned the absence of Supervisor Linge, stating that
Mr. Linge and Supervisor -Elect Fulton were attending a meeting of the County
Water Board in Poughkeepsie.
Mr. Leon Leff, Kretch Circle, Wappingers falls, addressed the Board
asking what police protection the Town had. He mentioned a prowler had chased
his little girl into the garage about 3 or 4 weeks ago (on a Saturday). He
called the Sheriff and the State Police, neither of whom responded until the
following day. The Town Clerk was instructed to write the Commander of the
Fishkill Barracks and Sheriff Quinlan, pointing out Mr. Leff's problems and
requesting that they each send representatives at a future date to discuss
adequate protection.
Mrs. Arkell addressed the Board, asking about the developments of the
Oakwood Knolls Sewer District. Mr. Diehl replied that the Town was given an
Order by the Dutchess County Health Department, through the New York State
Health Department, to take over the sewer plant. At this point, the Clerk
was instructed to read communications from the County Health Department and
a letter from the New York State Health Department, with attached Permit to
Discharge. Mr. Bulger said the Board was notified that, if the Town didn't
take over the operation, the plant would cease to operate, and felt it was
in the best interests of the Town if the Town ran the Treatment Plant. On
the Board's direction, Mr. Kelley hired Robert Hankin, a licensed operator,
on a temporary basis, with salary based on $8,000/year. When the impediments
are removed, this will be charged to the residents.
Mr. Brannen asked the Board what the status of Oakwood Knolls -Section II
is at present. Mr. Vandewinckel, Chairman of the Planning Board, replied
that Section II has not been approved. Mr. Bulger added that Oakwood Knolls -
Section II, having been refused approval by the Planning Board, is in the
process of litigation against the Town to reverse the decision.
A motion was made by Mr. Bulger, seconded by Mr. Diehl, that the meeting
be adjourned 10:12 P.M.
Motion Carried Unanimously
Town Clerk
To R. H. Linge
, Supervisor
Town of Wappinger , County of Dutcheas , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
__ tb__day of D cO r , 19.15., in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
5511' George E. Wortman
_.552v Marine
$ 8.00 Dog Warden
Midland Ntl. $ 30.51 Tawe Hall, Other Exp.
Midland Bank $ 10.13 Supervisor, Other Expp
554 ✓ Lafayette Radio 8 5.00 J. P. Off i__e Exp
ccs~ Assoc. Hosot. Servie $ 94.02 Blue Cross. Blue Shield
5 `/ to r -Killen Ambula ce $667.58 Ambulance Service
5 6 S pe $
557 ,, Harold H. Reilly, Esq , $1,045.00 Attorney Fees & litagation
558P Stanley G. Hone $ 22.0) Elections, other exp.
559V Barger & Russ $ 25.0) Elections- Other Exp.
560v Hughsonville Fire Co. 8 50.30 Elections- Other Exp.
5611' Chelsea Fire Dist_
-S6 V st - Rpe Grange-#902-4SA,.^_
563/Village of Wappinger 850.03
564 /Village of WFappinger $50.0)
565 &✓New Hackensack Pharm*cy $50.00
566 New Hackensack Fire Co $50.30
567 t.' J. Ludewig, Bidg. Insp . $23.30
568%, Jos. Gutmann
569 Jos. Gutmann
570 /Harold McMullen
5714, Joan Marie Yeapie
572.✓Eileen Masterson
573 'Margaret Fredericka
041 $lata ntber F.xi+_
$action:- Other%xn.
Election s- Other Exp.
Electis- Other Exp.
Electi s - Other
Bidg. Insp. Other
$36.90 Bldg. Insp. Other
$34.40 Bldg. Insp.- Other
$56.50 Elections- Comp of
$24„00 Election -Comp. of
$24.00 Electione**Comp. of
$56.50 Electiops-Comp. of
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of
this day of
, 19
.d u..
Town Clerk
R. H. Linge
To , Supervisor
Town of Wappinger , County of Dutchess New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
9day of December , 19 65 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
574 /Mary A. Sidote $56.5c Elections- Comp. of Officials
573 V(Paul J. Yeaple $61.5Ct Elections- Comp. of officials
576 Nancy Taranto $50.0 Elections- Comp. of Officals
517 k Helen Tompkins S33...5d lections-Comp. of Officials
578 V W. & S.D. News $12.5 Printing 1 Advertising all dept.
579%/ W. & S.D. News $107. PrinOicl 6 Advertising
580 t W.& S.D. News $10.2 Printing 67 Advertising
581 W. & S.D. Newp
sp, 4/W. & S.D. News $ 8.9 Printing & Advertising
583 / Petty Cash- Town Clett $8.9 Town Hall Other Exp.
584 / New System Window Co, $15.0s Town Hall -Other Exp.
585 V Williamson Law Book CD $25. 7 Town Clerk- Office Exp.
586 V Williamson Law Book C3. S6444
587 'Edward Thompson Co_
588 v Vincent S. Francese $ 1.2
589 /McCombs $64.
590 4/ The Campbell Press $ 8.0
591 4/ Credit Bureau of Pougl. $48.96
592' Saintom
593 -/Saintomas Venetian Blind $*
594 R. J. Brooker Co. $ 3.8
J. P. Office Exo.
J. P. Office Exp.
Town Clerk -Office Exp.
Town Clerk -Office Exp.
Assessors office & other Exp.
5954/R. J. Brooker Co. $6.8
596 7' Eggleston Office Equi?. $2
00 Town hall Improvement
Town C1
03 Bld
p. - Office Exp.
rk- Office Exp.
. Insp.-Off. Suppl.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of
this day of , 19
Town Clerk
10D5WILLIAMSON LAW COOR CO.. 'feminism. N.Y.
To R. H. Linge
, Supervisor
Town of Wappinger Count
County of Du tches s , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
, and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
9 ttuay of December , 19 65 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
596 ►' Eggleston
59614 Eggleston
597 4 Eggleston
OfficeEQui . $64.86
OfficeEquii . $35.i9
OfficeEQuii . $195100
cent Kellen
601 Elting T. Scott
602 `Elting T.
603,4 Dep. William C. Lit4
60 n_ William C. Litt
605 7mid Hudson Oil Co -
Assessoa Office Expt.
Town Cl rk Office Exp.
Town 411 -Furniture & Suppl.
Engineering Services
Atty. lees & Li4igation
$ 7.0
$ 4.041)
606 " Bottini Fuel Oil $93.8
607 vitNew York Telephone $103.5
608 Maurer Conditioning Corp. $.3.69
609 ✓/ Central
Hudson Gas &h. $28.7
Town Clnstable
Town 4nstable
Town Constable
Town 411 -?EI• Heat
Town Ha.l-Repairs-light & Heat.
Town 411 -Repairs, LighteWne
& Light
Hall -Rep,, light, heat, etc.
Town H41-Rep.,light, heat, Etc.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of
this day of , 19
Town Clerk
H, L INGE , Supervisor
Town of WAPP Luta , County of DUTCHESS , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
and duly audited and allowed at 'a meeting thereof held on the
30thday of_ DECEMBER , 19.6.5___, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
610'l New York Telephone Co
6111,/"New System Window Cl. Co. 15.00
612/ Assoc. Hospital Service
613 ✓MECO (finer. Photocopy
sluff asnt--Ca =1
614 V Verner Christensen
615 V Prentice -Hall, Inc.
616 Petty Cash - Town Clerk
617 4. J. Brooker Company
618 /Great Bear Spring Co.
619 ,/ 8ottini Fuel Oil Co.,
620 ✓Ctottini Fuel Oil Co.,
621 48ottini Fuel Oil Co.,
622 ✓Irving Mond. M.O.
623•/!Charles Friedman M.O.
624 !/Vassar Bros. Hospital
625 r Agnes M. Grosenbeck
626 /Slow -Willen Cum,
fain,, i r;:e &Irv.,
627 ✓esker, Voorhis & Co.,
628 1/rHero l d H, Rei l l y
629x/1Vincent C. Kelley
630 ,/black Electric, Inc.
631 ✓f0ave Alexander
3.15 I
5.00 I
Inca 108.02
Inc.! 39.50
632 " 111 iam J. Fredrickson
b33 v tapitol Highway Materials
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto se
this 30th day of DECEMBER
Town Hell Repairs 4 Light
Town Hall - )ther Expenses
Town Hall - [nsurance
Town Clerk - Office & Other Expense
Assessors - Mice 4 Other Expense
Assessors - ffice IG Other Expense
Tarn Clerk-lOffice 4 Other Expense
Toon Clerk -(Office i Other Expense
Town Hall - 1.i ght, Telephone, Etc.
Town Hall - wirs, Heat
Town Hell - lepairs, Heat
Town Hell - epairs, Heat
Justice of Pace - Other Expense
Justice of Peace - Other Expense
Justice of Pace - Other Expense
Town Clerk -(Office 4 Other Expense
Misc. - AmhuI• Service
Board of
Atty. Fees &JLitigetion
Engineering ervices
Recreations 1
Recreations 1
793.50 Recreation 1
47,.70 General Fund - Traffic WAPP INGER
my hand and the Seal of the Town of
19 65
Town Clerk
To Richard. ._Ji.___I,inge. , Supervisor
Town of W,AREINGER , County of DI/TC -DESS
New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
WAPPINGER , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
30 tbay of December , 19 65 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
634 Char1 PR .T. annni Any) $1 5_nC. Justice of _Peace — Other Expense
In Witness -Whereof, T. have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of WAPPINGER
this 3 CP' day ot—b_eC i r- , 19.(c1.7
Town Clerk