1965-09-09 PHA'public hearing was held by the Town Board, Town of Wappinger, on Thursday
September 9, 1965, in the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, N. Y.
Present: -Deputy Supervisor -George Robinson, Justice of Peace -Vincent S
Francese, Justice of the Peace William J. Bulger, Councilman Louis
Diehl, Attorney for the Town-HaroMI H. Reilly, Engineer for the Town
Vioeemt Kelley, Building Inspector -Joseph Ludewig, Highway Superin-
tendent -Robert Lawson, Town Clerk -Helen L. Travis,
The hearing was opened at 7:30 P. M. by Deputy Supervisor George Robinson
Town Clerk -Helen L. Travis presented Notice of Publication and notice of
Attorney Russell E. Aldrich reported on Hearing. He asked that the
Hearing after having been opened and after hearing any persons appear-
ing in reference thereto, be adjourned to the next regular meeting of
the Town Board.
The following resolution was made by Justice of the Peace Bulger
and seconded by Justice of the Peace Francese:
RESOLVED, that the public hearing of the Town Board of the Town
of Wappinger, scheduled for the 9th day of September, 1965 at 7:s0 o'clock
P. M., to consider the establishment of the Oakwood Knolls Water District,
pursuant to Article l2 -A of the Town Law of the State of New York as
provided for by order of the Town Board made the 5th day of August 1965,
after the opening of said public hearing, and hearing persons appearing
in reference thereto, be adjourned to the next regular meeting of the
Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, to be held on the 7th day of
October, 1965.
The following vote was taken:
Justice of tisk' Peace Bulger --Aye
Councilman Diehl --Aye
Deputy Supervisor Robinson --Aye
Justice of the Peace Francese--Aye
The following resolution was made by Justice of the Peace Bulger and
seconded by Justice of the Peace Francese:
RESOLVED, that the Town Attorney, duly appointed to represent
the Township in the matter of the Oakwood Knolls Sewer District, be
directed to prepare and secure the execution of an amendment of the
written contract made the 2nd day of April 1965, between Ritter Con-
struction Corp., Oakwood Water Works Corporation and Mark Ritter, as
Sellers, and the Town of Wappinger, as Purchaser, which same provided
for the sale and transfer of said sewer and water facilities to two
2 9
separate special districts to be established, to wit, the Oakwood Knolls
Sewer District and the Oakwood Knolls Water District, and to provide that
conveyance of the sewer facilities shall be made separate from the con-
veyance of the water facilities because of the establishment of the Oakwood
Knolls Sewer District, and payment be made therefor within sixty(60) days
of the date of this resolution, or such other time as may be agreed upon,
but not less than said sixty (60 ) days, and that the conyract, as it
provides for the transfer of both sewer and water facilities at the same
time, shall be modified to permit the separate transfer and payment therefor,
and except as herein provided, said contract shall be ratified and affirmed,
and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Wappinger or the
Deptuty Supervisor of the Town of Wappinger, are hereby authorized to
execut, acknowledge and deliver said amendment to said contract, after
the execution of the same by the Seller.
The following vote was taken:
Justice of the Peace Bulger --Aye
Justice of the Peace Francese--Aye
Councilman Diehl --Aye
Deputy Supervisor Robinson --Aye
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Bulger and seconded by Councilman
Riehl that the Hearing be closed.
Town Clerk
The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board, Town of Wappinger was held
on Thursday evening, September 9, 1965, in the Town Hall, Mill Street,
Wappingers Falls, N. Y.
Present: -Deputy Supervisor -George Rbbinson, Councilman -Louis Diehl, Justice
of the Peace -William J. Bulger, Justice of the Peace --Vincent S. Franceses,
Engineer for Town -Harold H. Rielly, Building Inspector --Joseph E. Ludewig,
Highway Superintendent -Robert Lawson, Town Clerk --Helen L. Travis
The meeting was opened at 8 P. M. by Deputy Supervisor George S. Robinson
Cou®cilman Dieh/
the group wouifl obseye
a minute
memory of Mrs. Knud Clausen, wife of Mr. Knud Clausen
of silence
and, Mr. Louis
Clausen who have both worked with the Town Board on different commjtteesA. • t✓
The f&blowing resolution was made by o e-► f?}ei - and seconded by
Just+ . -o ---tl_ . -Peace- Bulger :
RESOLVED, that the members of the Town Board, Town of Wappinger, wish
to express their sympathy to the Clausen family, in the passing of their
wife and mother, Marie Clausen and that the group observe a minute
of silence in her memory.
A minute of silence was held in memory of Mrs. Clausen.
The following bills were presented.
Highway $11,575.88
General $6,691.66
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Francese and seconded by Justice of
the Peace Bulger that the above bills be paid subject to audit.
Motion carried
The following reports were presented.
The following is a report of the activities handled by me during the
month of August, 1965
Type Number
Motor vehicle 40
Civil 1
Criminal 0
fines $ fees collected
A total of $362.00 has been forwarded to the State DepartmenT of Audit
and Control.
I am holding $160.00 in pending motor vehicle cases and $45.00 in a
pending criminal case. William J. Bulger
Following is a report of activities handled by me during the month of
August , 1965 as Justice of the Peace
(1) 31 motor vehicle cases shwoing $460.00 collected in fines and
forfeited bonds, with one defendent being remanded to the Dutchess County
Jail in liew►of payment of $25.00 fine.
(2) 2 motor vehicle case warrants issued.
(3) sf civil cases handled showing $10.keollected in fees and filing
A total of $470.00 has been forwarded to the State Dept. of Audit and
$295.00 is feeing held in my official bank account on 5 pending motor
vehicle and criminal cases. Vincent S. Francese
Building Inspectorus report for the month of August 1965.
Building permits issued for:
39 Single Family Residences
4 Residence Additions
2 Residence Garages
3 Other
48 Total Permits Issued for August
Total Value of Construction $687,980.00
Total Amount of Fees Collected &
Turned over to Town Clerk 695.00
Miles Traveld on Zoning & Building
Inspection by Building Inspector 216
Miles Traveled on Building Inspection
by Deptuy Building Inspector 368
During the month of August, Certificates of Occupancey were
issued for 32 Single Family Residences. Joseph E. Ludewig
Motion was made by Councilman Diehl and seconded by Deputy Supervisor
Robinson that the above reports be accepted. Motion carried
A letter was read from the Attorney for Town, Harold Rielly in reference
to proposed lighting of intersections in the Town of Wappinger
The Town Board deckided to make a study of the lights first and then take
it up with the County as according to Mr. Riellys letter the County may
be responsible for the cost of some of them.
Town Clerk reported she had written to New York State Department of Public
Works asking for a sign at the junction of Rt. 9D and Chelsea Road. An
answer had been received from them stating that they would erect the sign
as soon as pos3lible.
A letter was read from the Chelsea Fire District stating that they would
like to have the lighting increased in front of the firehouse.
Motion was made by Councilman Diehl and seconded by Justice of the Peace
Francese that the Town Clerk contact the Central Hudson Gas & Electric
Corporation about the installtion of a new mercury light in fronttgf
the firehouse. Motion carried
A motion was read from the State of New York Public Service Commission on
a Petition of Edge Hill Manor, Inc. to transfer its water work and system
to Hill Top Water -Works, Corp. and of the latter Company to issue certain
A letter was received from the Wildwood Forest Civic Association asking about
information on the drainage problem in Wildwood Ditch and also about the
matter of sewerage rates which Mr. Lafko states were set by the Town
A letter of resignation was read from Thomas E. Logan, Jr. from the
Planning Board.
Motion was made by Justice of Peace Bulger and seconded by Justice of
the Peace Francese that a letter be written to Thomas E. Logan, Jr.
thanking him for the fine work he hada done on the Planning Board.
Motion carried
Justice of the Peace Bulger broght up the matter of erecting signs on
the roads entering into the Town. The one that are now there are
so small that you would not see them unless you know they were there.
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Bulger and seconded by Councilman
Diehl that the Town Attorney check into this matter as to whether
signs can be erected and that Superintendent of Highways check roads
whss$- signs -"—Motion carried
Engineer Kelly reported that he had said at the last meeting that
he would try and come to some agreement and arrangements with con-
tractors and developers at Wildwood. He state that things looked quite
good and that they had not closed the door on him.
Wildwood asked about the question of rates of L & A. Sewerage. Attorney
Rielly was asked if he would look into this matter.
A letker was read from Malcolm Cornell, Inc., asking to be on the Agenda
to present Road Bond and other necessary requirements for Section #2,=
Wildwood Forest.
Attorney John Reed, representing Malcolm Cornell, Inc., presented Bonds
and Agreement for Section #2 of Wildwod Forest, Inc.
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Bulger and seconded by Justice of
the Peace Frances that the Supervisor or Deputy Supervisor be authorized
to sign the congract agreement between Theodosia Karas, party of the
first part, David Alexander, Fred. J. Lafko, party of the second part,
David Alexander, Fred. J. Lafko, doing business as Atlas Water , party
of the third part, L. & A. Filtration Corp., party of the fourth part, and
the Town of Wappinger, party of the fifth part and Sky View Developement Corp.,
party of the sixth part. The following vote was taken Justice of Peace Bulger -
Aye, Councilman Diehl --Aye, Deputy Supervisor Robinson --Aye, Justice of the
Peace Francese--Aye.
The following resolution was proposed by Justice of the Peace Bulger and seconded
by Councilman Diehl
WHEREAS, an application has been received by this Board from MALCOLM
CORNELL, INC., requesting that the proposed streets known as Heartstone
Drive, Quarry Drive and Storm Road and located in Oteal estate subdivision
area in the Town of Wapping; Outohess County, New York, known as "Wildwood
be accepted as and for public streets in the Town of Wappinger,
Forest Sec. 1/and a parcel of land more particularly described in a deed of
dedication submitted herewith be accepted as a recreation area by the Town
of Wappinger,
WHEREAS* the Planning Board of the Town of Wappinger duly approved the
said subdivision by a resolution adopted August 26, 1965 subject to certain
conditions to be performed by the applicant, and
WHEREAS, by a resolution adopted by the Planning Board of the Town of
Wappinger on August 30* 1965 the said subdivision map was approved subject
to the posting of performance bonds in lieu of the completion of the r�~~
quirements specified in the Plannning Board resolution of August 26, 1965,
it is hereby,
RESOLVED, that this Board does hereby accept the proposed streets
known as Heartstone Drive,Olarry Drive and Storm Road, and the deed ded-
ication of the parcel to be used as a recreation area, and it is further
RESOLVED* that the said streets shall hereafter be pbblic streets
in the Town of Wappinger, known as Heartstone Drive, 4parry Drive and
Storm Road, subject to the following condition:
FIRST That MALCOLM CORNELL INC. furnish to the Town Board
of the Town of Wappinger a performance bond in the amount of $55^000°00
approved by the said Town Board, and by the Town Attorney and by the Sup
erintandent of Highways of the Town of Wappinger as to amount, form, suff-
iciency of surety and manner of execution, insuring satisfactory completion
of the aforesaid streets in said subdivision in accordance with the current
minimum standard requirements for establishing roads in the said Town of
Wappinger and in accordance with current specifications provided by the
Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Wappinger and further insuring
installation and completion of the storm water daainange system for said
subdivision, the plan for which has been heretofore approved by the
Town Superintendent of Highways and the Town Engineer, said work and im-
provements being subject to the final approval of the Town Superintendent
of Highways and the Town Engineer of the Town of Wappinger, and further
insuring compliance with the conditions set forth in the resolution
of the Plannihg Board of the Town of Wappinger dated August 26, 1966.
SECOND That MALCOLM CORNELL, INC~ furnish to the Town Board
of the Town of Wappinger performance bonds in the amount of $9*000.00
and $l,OOO"OO approved by the said Town Board, and by the Town Attorney
and by the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Wappinger as to
amount, form, sufficidecy of surety and manner of execution, insuring
compliance with the Planning Board resolution s of August 26, 1965 -
August 30^ 1965x satisfactory correction of the defects in the storm
sewer trunk line and outfall ditch of the Wildwood Forest Section 1
subdivision as defined in the engineer's report sumitted to and approved
by the Town Engineer said correction to be subject to the final approval
satisfaction of the Town Engineer and the Town Superintendent of Highways.
THIRD That the Town of Wappinger assumes no responsibility
for maintenance and repair, including the removal of snow, of and from
said streets until the performance of the conditions mentioned in the
aforementioned bond has been completed.
FOURTH That a full covenant and warranty deed of dedication
and the grant of storm sewer drainage easements be deaiwsred to the Town
of Wappinger and to the approval by the Town Attorney as to the adequacy
substance and form of such instruments and that such instruments are
accepted subject to an examination of title to the premises or rights
conveyed thereby by the Town Attorney.
FIFTH That an attorney's cerificate of title insuring title
in said road shall be delivered and accepted by the Town Board.
SIXTH Execution and performance of a certain contract entered
into by the Town of WappingerTheodosia Karas, David Alexander, Fred Lafko,
David Alexander Fred bafko dowing business as Atlas Water Company, L & A.
Filtration Corp. and Sky View Development Corp.
The following vote was taken --Justice of the Peace--Bulger--Aye Counoi1man--
Oieh6-Ave» Deputy /Supervisor -Robinson --Aye, Justice of the Peace--
Attorney Reid thanked the Board for the time given them on these matter.
Engineer Kelly brought up the matter of Adams Street, installation of
sewerage and paving of Street. Engineer Kelly stated cost would be
$8600. for the entire job. The Village owns 600/ and the Town owns 200 foot
therefore the Town Share would be $2980.00° The Town asked the Highway
guperintmndent to check his budget to see if we had enough money to take
care of this.
Engineer Kelly presented names for maintenance and operator of Oakwood
Knolls Sewage System. He had received 3 proposals.
The following proposals were presented:
Environmental Control Consultants, Inc.-- $620°00 Monthly or $7440. Yearly"
Hankin Associates, Inc° --$700°O0 Monthly
San9tary Science & Laboratories, Inc. --$9608.00 based on a twoyear basis.
The Board agreed to review these contracts. Councilman Diehl asked if
this shouldn't be put out to bid. Attorney Rielly is to check this and
report at the later date.
Engineer Kelly reported that he had been working on the establishment
of a larger sewer district and that he would like the Board to appro-
priate $1500.0O for the hiring of licensed engineer to do the work.
That he would also work with them and that he would like two members
of the Board appointed to be available for meetings on the project,
also a member of the Wildwood Civic Association, Oakwood Knolls Civic
Association and Quiet Acres Civic Association.
. o wcl Mute by Just/t.c 0c�hc-nacc
The following resolution was made by Justice of the Peace Bulger
and seconded by Justiceof the Peace Francese:
RESOLVED, that the Town of Wappinger retain licensed engineers,
Adler & Brenner Engineering Consultants to undertake, formulate,
and deliver to the Town Board, not later than the regular meeting
to be held October 7, 1965, a study and proposal for the the est-
ablishment of a sewer district covering areas of the town, now
included in the L & A. Filtration Copp., franchise area and other
adjacent areas as the engineers determine may be economically served,
which same are to be capable of developement into a single sewer
district, and that the Supiervisor, or such other town officer as may be
designated, be authorized to pay to said engineers for such proposal
and plan, a sum not to exceed $1500.00"
The following vote was taken Justice of the Peace Bulger -`Aye, Couno-
ilman Diehl --Aye, Deputy Supervisor Robiqon--Aye, Justice of the
Engineer for the Town Kelly asked that a committee be formed to help
assist this committee.
Deputy Supervisor Robinson appointed Councilman Diehl and Justice of
the Peace Bulger to work on this committee.
Deputy Supervisor Robinson advised that the Resplution of the Oakwood Knolls
Water System would be laid over until a later date.
A discussion was brought up by Councilman Diehl in reference to the matter
of the Village being taxed by the Town for certain items. This was dis-
cussed. llae&ice of the Peace Francese stated he had been working on this
for some time. Deputy Supervisor Robinson appointed Justice of the Peace
Francese and Councilman Diehl to look into the matter.
Mayor Peter Fanned appeared before the Board asking the Town to help in
obtaining Federal & State Aid in making the lower creek section into a
recreational area.
The Board was very much in favor of this and Justice of the Peace Francese
and Councilman Diehl are to work on this committee with the Village.
Councilman Diehl brought up the matter of speeding in the Town of Wappinger.
He suggested we contact the Motor Vehicle Department on this matter. It
was suggested that we look into the matter more thoroughly and make a
survey of same. Charles Cortellino and Councilman Diehl offered to work
on this committee.
Jaitice of the Peace Bulger suggested that the other Townships be contacted
in reference the dispostion of sewerage in the Wappingers Drainage Basin.
The following Townbhips were suggested, Town of Fishkill, Beekman, Pough-
keepsie, Hyde Park, Pleasant Valley, La Grange.
Motion was made by Justice of Peace Francese and seconded by Councilman
Diehl that these Township be notified and asked to meet for a meeting
to see if something could be done on the matter of the disposition of
sewerage. Justice of the Peace Bulger is to take care of this matter.
Motion carried
Motion was made by Justice of the Peade Bulger and seconded by Justice of
the Peace Francese that the following Resolution be accepted.
RESOLVED THAT Collector of Tax be required to enclose,with the statement
whowing the amoun$ of tax due, a summary of the adopted municipal budget
and an explanation of the computation of the tax rate.
Motion carried
A report was given that there was low limbs hanging over road which in-
terferred with school buses. Deputy Supervisor Robinson asked the sup-
intendent of Highways to cover all roads and tee that all limbs were cut.
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Bulger and seconded by Justice of
the Peace Francese that the following election inaspectors be appointed
in the new Districts.
Viola Brown 10 Spring St. -Wappingers Falls, N. Y.
Norris De Ronde 8 Trabucco P1. u u u u
Charles Grosenbeck 1 Dutchess Ave. " II II II
Mrs. Roger Ciarfella 26 Spring St. " u !I u
Harold Mac Mullen 9 Academy St. " II II I'
Paul Yeaple 6 Carmine Dr. u 11 u
Joseph Zagursky Pattie Place " u u u
Martha Oberle Robert Lane " u u u
John Wutledge New Hackensack Rd. u u
Donna Marsh Gold Road " u u u
Deborah Kinkade Harbor Hill Rd. " " II U
John Helmeyer Didell Rd. [I II II
Elaine Snowden Myers Corners Rd. " " " u
Marjorie Steele Rte. 376 " u u u
Ethel Relyea 24 Ardmore Drive V " " u
Emma Fisher Kent Road " " u u
Eleanor Morton Pye Lane " " II II
Mary Kelley Pye Lane " " " "
BeatriceBalyer Hopewell Road " " " u
Joseph Incoronato 14 Ronsue Drive " is " I'
Marie Migliore Theresa Blvd. " " " "
Robert Gruendle Pine Ridge Drive " u u
Emma Gildersleeve Ketchamtown Rd. " " "
Barbara Jensen Osborn Hill Rd. " " u "
Joan House Hughsonville, N. Y.
Elizabeth Schofield Wheeiter Hill Rd. Wappingers Falls, N. Y.
Elizabeth Hammond Chelsea, N. Y.
Mary Price " " "
Patricia Dugan Liss Road Wappingers Falls, N. Y.
Eileen Weit Park Ave.
Alma Berinato Prospect St.
Rose Fitzpatrick Clapp Ave.
Margaret Fredericks Remsen Ave.
Victoria Lopez Adams St.
Wilma Young Dorothy Heights "
5 Roberta Wood Daisy Lane Wappingers Falls, N. Y.
Ethel Michelson 11 ii II II : ii
6 Pauline Eagan Diddell Road II II ii
Adelaide Corbin II II 1 II II
7 Coert Van Vorhis All Angels Rd. II it ii
Hattie Hannigan Myers Corners Rd.
L 8 Virginia Keeler Spook Hill Rd. II II
Eileen Faye Fenmore Drive ii 11
kilie 9 Mary Egan Brothers Rd. If 11 II
Almeida Kurpis Myers Corners Rd. pi II
10 June Scalzo Pine Ridge Dr. is II
E. Anne Hormuth Partners Rd. ii if
11 Mrs. Albino Medio Pine Ridge Dr. li it
Helen Bechtold Peters Rd. II II
12 George Liberman, Jr. Hughsonville, N. Y.
Catherine Loop ii 11 11
13 Norma Clark 11
Helen Tompkins Marlorville Rd. -Wappingers Falls, N. Y.
14 Eileen Farrell Chelsea, N. Y.
Cornelia Greer 11 11
Motion carried
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Bulger and seconded by Councilman Diehl
that the meeting adjourn.
Motion carried
Town Clerk
To , Supervisor
Town of Wappingar , County of DMtchess , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
, and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
day of
a certificate thereof
and directed to pay
hereinafter stated:
352 47
, 19 � Sin the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
aving been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
Excelsior -Beacon Corp. 29 96
382 Main St.
Beacon, N. Y.
Town Hall
Other Exp.
Blue Cross
vice of New York, 80 Lex-
ington Ave.New York.10016
154 1' Cent. Hud. Gas & Elec.
355 ✓ "
167 Joseph E. Ludewia.
358 '' Joseph Gutmann
Co. 76.59
44 11 11 It 11 7.60
1 a•5�0
364' Eggleston Office Equip. 132.81
Co., Inc., 41 New
Market St., Poughkeepsie,
11 II 11 11 it
359 y tiosenh E. L udewi a?
360 `' DaveAl exander
New Hackensack Rd.
W. F.
,,,3,61 ✓
362P/ Wolf's Sport Shop
387 Mill St.
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
363 William Frederickson?
Maloney Road,
Wappingers Falls,N.Y.
Town Hall
Heat, El ec .
/1 fi 11
Fire Extinguishers
Towns Share
Service -Town Hall -Court Room
Bldg. Insp.
Off. Ext.
u "
Park & Play
--Buldq Insp.
ASsessors Office
Mi lease gilg►st
EYnensee to New Ynrk City
Recreation Comhission
Assess.Off. Exp.
$42.00 Furniture
Town Clk. Off.
Exp. 9.00
P1. Bd. Off.
Exp. $81.81
Parks & Play.
365 V Rood Garden Supplies 100.011 Recreation
584 South Road,
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of
this day of , 19
Town Clerk
Richard H. Li n9e,
, Supervisor
Town of Wappi nger , County of Dutchess , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
, and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
9 day of September , 19 65 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
366 `" Morris Schreiber,
3671/Richard Alexander
368 American Pholtocopy Equip.
Go. 2100 W. Dempster St.
Evanston, I11.
369 f
V it it it
371 VW & S. D. News, 20 E. Mair
ti 11
372 / tt
373 1' Wappingers & Southern
-Dutchess News
374 ✓'Williamson Law Book Co.
2011 Main St., East
Rochester, N. Y. 14609
375 / Slope r»Wi11en Comnwnity Amb.
iervice, ioc.
376 ✓Louis Deihl
11 11 11 11
Park & PLay.
Comp. of Emp
Park & Play.
Town Hall
Other Exp.
ti tt
ti Ii
Prt. & Adv.
A11 Dept.
11 11
11 t
Town Clerk
)ff. Exp.
Work for Recreation
Block Dance
Copy Paper
Repairing Machine
State Comp. Examination
Anmd. Zoning Ordinance
200 Booklets
Cash Book
667.58 Blue Cross
Service -August 1965
Blue Shield
4.50 Counsiiman Exp. to Washington, D. C.
Off. Exp.
173.00 Assess. off. Trip to School
Bertha R. Recchia.
. 9 or Jog
379 /;New System Windo Cl. Co.
F. v. iox Ii6y, rough.
r --38u vassar tiros. nosp.
381 ✓ ielen L. Travis, Petty
Town Hall
i. of P. Off.
Town Hall
Off. Exp.
382 ✓ jan michaels' floors, inc 196.00 Town Hall
Window Cleaning
brood Tests
Petty Cash
Floor covering for offices
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of
this day of , 19
Town Clerk
1OO9MILLIAMSON LA, t00111 CO.. .00N=!TIA. IL T.
To Richard H. Linge , Supervisor
Town of
, County of Dutchess , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
Wop$ingeC , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
9 day of.__.Rtlker , 19__.65., in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
383 "Hudson Aviation Services, 151.20
Inc., Box 1605, Pok.N.Y.
184 V R. J. Brooker Company
74-76 Cannon St.
386 ✓ Mrs. Joan Jahniae
6 Beatty Road, W. F.
387 ✓ Vincent C. Kelley,
388 ✓ I roi H. Rpj 1 ly
V005 Jerome—Ave.,
dye . -t0452
391 ✓ New York Tel. Company
392 Mrs. Patricia Dugan
Liss toad, w, r.
393 ,Mrs. Cynthia Buckley
/ Myers Corners Rd. W. F.
394 "' Mrs. June Scalao,
Hopewell Jct.,N.Y.
395 ✓Mrs. Beatrice W. Balver
.Hopewell Rd., W. F.
396 /Mrs. Marie Migliore,
/ rneresa ulvd., W. F.
397 /Mrs. Donna H. Marsh,
God Reed, W. F.
In Witness Whereof, I have ereunt
this IV day of
)1. Baird Off.
28.50 Town Hall
Lght.. Heat
.. _--,?tndaw Enve 1 opes
Trip to Washington
Repairing Typewriter
Comp.of Emp.
Service of
Service cif
ft, Fob
Town Hall
R. l ght.
+romp. or
,II 11
11 11
Working on Books
August 1965
Service & Installation
Election Books
my hand and the Seal of the Town of
, 19_(�r,.3
Town Clerk