1965-07-29 PH���� ��0|^��� An informal Hearing was held on July 29th, 1965 in the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls* N. Y. Present: Supervisor -Richard H. Linge, Councilman -Louis Diehl, Councilman -George Robinson, Justice of Peace -William Bulger, Justice of the Peace-Vinceet Francese- Town Clerk -Helen L. Travis The meeting was opened at 7:30 P. M. by Richard H. Linge, Supervisor The Board decided to take the roads one by one. Brown Allee --was brought up. No one attended and no one objected Brian Place -- There was 8 objectors to this change. Mr. Feimer asked why chabge names now. Why werenmt they chOched before the people moved in. Mr. Schmaltz asked why should we change the names. He said it would be the same as changing the name of Main Street just because other Townships had a Main Street. TheLquestion was asked if it would cost anhthing to have the names changed on the deeds. David Koffsky answered saying he did not think there would be any charge. Barbara Lane People objected but stated if it was a great hindrance to the fire - company they would consider it. Daisy Court *-Daisy Lane -- This 4s really all one road. Doowuod Hil6 Road --It was suggested that there be no change. This was here before E. Fishhill Road. DOSE ROAD -- Mr. John Burn appeared stating he had no objection to changing the name of Dose Road. There were no other objections on same. Edqhill Drive Mr. Spingler presented a petition with 106 residents signatures /CA/*:W. S asking that name remain the same. A goodly number of-sme appeared at the meeting. Helen Drive No objections Henry Road Postmaster Hinzman was to check but he did not think there was both of these roads in the Township. Lake Drive ^ No one appeared for or against this change 264 .4 MONTFORT WOOD ROAD no one appeared for or against this change Peters Drive Mrs. Reinertsen attended meeting and said there was one)/ three families on this road and that she would check these to find out their feelings in the matter. 'Phyllis Drive It was suggested that this be changed to Willow Drive Pine Ridge Drive TYmra were 10 objections to changing this street name andalso a lafrter on same. Roberts Lane People objected to change. It was suggested that if any change be made it be made on Roberts Road as there are only a few house on this road. Van Voorhis Terrace There was opposition against changing this name Wildwood There was 31 objectors a§ainst changing the name of this road Supervisor Linge declared the hearing closed at 10:15 P. M. Signed Town Clerk %_.