1964-11-12 RGM143
The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board Town of Wappinger
was held in the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, N. Y.
on Thursday evening, November 12, 1964.
Present: -Supervisor -Richard H. Linge, Councilmen --George Robinson
& Wilmer Ifill, Justices of the Peace -William Bulger and Vincent
Francese, Superintendent of Highways -Robert Lawson, Town Attor-
ney --Judson Williams, Town Engineer -Charles Maneri, Building
Inspector -Joseph Ludewig, Town ClerlF-Helen L.Travis
The meeting was opened at 8 P. M. by Supervisor -Richard H. Linge
Supervisor Linge advised the Board that they had received copies
of the following minutes: -Regular meeting -October 8, Special
meeting Oct. 9, Special Meeting Oct. 11, Special Meeting Oct.
22, Public Hearing Oct. 22, Public Hearing Oct. 29, Special
Meeting Nov. 2nd.
The Town Clerk presented the following corrections:
Minutes of Special Meeting Nov. 2, 1964 stated Attorney Williams
was present, this was an error Attorney Williams was not present
at this meeting.
In the minutes of the Special Meeting of Oct. 29 the resolution
stated unanimously carried on the Resolution for acceptance
of Brookhollow Builders, Inc. It should have read a vote was taken
as follows:
Supervisor -Richard H. Linge--Aye
Councilman --George Robinson --Aye
Councilman --Wilmer Ifill--Aye
Justice of the Peace --Vincent Francese--Aye
Justice of the Peace --William Bulger --Aye
Supervisor Linge asked the Board what their pleasure was on these
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Francese and seconded by
Councilman George Robinson that the minutes of the above meetings
with corrections be accepted. Motion carried
Supervisor Linge advised the Board they had received copies of
Warrant Sheets for General Fund --$4723.73, Highway Fund $14,411.04
What was their pleasure on same.
Motion was made by Councilman Ifill and seconded by Justice of
Peace Bulger that the bills for the month of October be paid.
Motion carried
Town Clerk reported she had received reports from Justices of
the peace Vincent Francese and William Bulger and Building
Inspector Joseph Ludewig.
Town Clerk read reports from Justice of Peace Francese and
Justice of Peace Bulger.
During the month of October 1964 while presiding in Justice
£ourt, Town of Wappinger, I heard the following cases and
collected the fees and fines listed below:
Motor vehicle 33 $410.00
Civil 1 12.50
Criminal 8
I am holding $225.00 in my official bank account on pending
motor vehicle cases and $25.00 on pending criminal actions.
Signed -William J. Bulger
Following is a report of actions handled by me during the
monde of October, 1964 in my official capacity as Justice
of the Peace:
(1) 16 motor vehicle cases closed showing $240.00 collected
in fines.
(2) 8 civil cases handled showing $20.50 collected in fees.
(3) 7 criminal cases handled during the month.
(4) 6 criminal warrants issued.
I have forwarded a total of $260.50 to the State Depar-
tment of Audit and Control. Signed Vincent S. Francese
Motion was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Coun-
cilman Ifill that these reports be accepted as read.
Motion carried
A letter was read from people in Henry Drive, in the Town of
Wappinger, asking Boad to take the required action to establish
a 30 mile per hour minimum speed limt in Henry Drive.
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Francese and seconded
by Justice of the Peace Bulger that the Town Clerk send a copy
of this petition to the State Traffic Commission for study.
Motion carried
A letter of Resignation was read from Attorney Judson C. Williams
to take effect on November 30th, 1964.
Motion was made by Justide of the Peace Bulger and seconded by
Councilman Iffil that we place upon the minutes the thanks of
the Board for the job that Attorney Williams had done for the
Town. Motion carried
A letter was read from the Town of Fishkill asking the Town of
Wappinger to contemplate an ordinance prohibiting through
trucking on Osborn Hill Road the same as they were contem-
plating doing.
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Bulger and seconded by
Councilman Ifill that the Town Clerk contact Mrs. Maynard,
Town Clerk, Town of Fishkill akking her for a copy of the
ordinance they plan on using, so that the Board could look
over same and then they will consider it. Motion carried
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Bulger and seconded by
Councilman Ifill that the Town Clerk write a follow up letter
to the one sent by the Supervisor to the Town of Poughkeepsie,
in reference to the Water District. Motion carried
Letter of recommendation was read from the Planning Board con-
taining the following recommendations:
Mr. Logan moved that section 421 item 17 of the Town of
Wappinger Zoning Ordinance be a mended as follows:
Riding academies*, stables*, dog kennels*, and veterinarians*
only when located on ten(10) or more acres of land.
Upon motion of Councilman Robinson and seconded by Justice of
the Peace Francese a public hearing was set fatxx on the following
proposed amendment to the Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance
on December 10, 1964 at 7:30 P. M. in the evening, at the
Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, N. Y.
That Section 421, item 17 of the Town of Wappinger Zoning
Ordinance by amended to read,
riding academies*, stables*, dog kennels*, and
veterinarians*, only whenniocated on ten (10) or more
acres of land.
Letter of recommendation '&as read from the Planning Board in
reference to application of re -zoning of Daniel J. Hannigan &
Helene M. Hannigan property.
Mr. Joseph Zagursky, of the Oakwood Civic Association spoke
asking that the Oakwood Sewerage Hearing be postponed until
the next meeting.
Motion was made by Supervisor Linge and seconded by Justice of
the Peace Bulger that the Oakwood Sewerage Hearing be postponed
until the next Meeting, December 3, 1964. Motion carried
Town Clerk announced that the Dog enumerator should be appointed
at this meeting.
Motion was made by Councilman Ifill and seconded by Justice of
the Peace Bulger that Dwight Robbins be appointed Dog enumerator
with the understanding that he must have it completed and in to
the Town Clerk by January 10, 1965. Motion carried
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Francese and seconded
by Justice of the Peace Bulger that the Town Clerk write a letter
to the Village Board asking if all the legal work had been com-
pletted for the annexation and if the annexation was completed/
if so could the Town please have a copy of same to place on
file. Motion carried.
They also spoke about the responsibility of the New Hackensack
Fire-Departement in this annexation area.
Town Clerk brought up the matter of the Convetion of the Assoc-
ation of Towns to be held in New York City on February 8, 9 &
10th, 1965.
Motion was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Councilman
Ifill that all members of the Town Board and officers be given
permission and urged to attend this convention. Motion carried.
Attorney Williams spoke stating that the sale of the Town
Hall property would be closed the middle of next week and that
arrangements had been made with Wappingers Savings Bank for the
parking arrangmentsxmcd to be the same as they had with the
Masonic Ledge.
Justice of the Peace Francese gave a report on the Commercial
and Industrial Committe and presented brochures which they
had. prepared.
Attorney Williams presented the Proposed Ordinance on the
Opening of Public Streets. The Board thought they would like
a little more time to go over this ordinance more thoroughly.
Motion was made by Councilman Ifill and seconded by Justice
of the Peace Bulger that the motions on the Acceptance of
Fleetwood Water District and Fleetwood Sewer District, made
by they in the Special meeting of October 22nd, 1964 be
rescinded. Motion carried
Motion was_ made by Councilman Ifill and seconded by Justice
of the Peace Bulter, that the following Resolution be
RESOLVED that all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land
situate in the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess, State
of New York and more accurately bounded and described as follows:
BEGINNING At a point in the northwesterly line of Osborne
Road, said point being the most easterly corner of lot now or
formerly of Du Bois, said point being the intersection of the
northwesterly line of Osborne Hill Road with the southwesterly
line of Fleetwood Drive now being constructed in Fleetwood Manor
subdivision; thence along the southwesterly lihe of Fleetwood
Drive along lands now or formerly of Du Bois and now or formerly
of Kretch on the next three courses north 4 02' 10" West 18,00'
to a point, North 43049'10" West 239.31' to a point and North
48 42' 10" West 97.0' to a point, said point being the northeast
'a$ner of lands of Kretch; t1ebce akkabg ti abdrt4west kid cif
labels df_l tc2 South 51 3 5a" West 269.41' to a point; thence
along the southwesterly line of lands of Kretch and DuBois on
@ nex4 three courses South 38 27'10" East 320.44 to a point;
North 51 32'50" East 160.37 to a point, and South 35 36'50"
East 198.10' to a point in the northwest line of Osborne Hill Road;
thence along the northwest line of Osborne Hill Road, South 51(546'
10" West 250.90' to a point, said point being the most easterly
point of lands of Scofield; thence along lands of Scofield on
the next three courses North 39, 24' West 95.48 ' to a point;
thence South 52 39'0" West 200.24' to a point; and South 37 12"0"
East 23.0' to a point, said point being the northeast corner of
lands of Kretch, thence along the northwesterly line of lands of
Kretch and lands now orfomerly of Piana on the next two courses
d 0
South 67 09' West 349.86' to a point, and South 66 44'30" West
937.79' along a stonewall to a stonewall corner, said point being
in the line of lands now or formerly of the State of New York_;,
thence along a stonewall makring the line between lands of the
herein described parcel on the East and lands of the State of New
a '
York on the West on the next six courses North 1:04:30" West_
309.37 to a point; thence North 13 56'40a West 836.02; to a point
thence North 11 56'40" West 156.83' to a point; thenceNRrth 18°
49,'30" West 103.48' to a point; thence North 14 03'40" West
686.05' to a point; thence North 16 11'30" West 151.63' to a
point; thence along the line between lands of the herein described
parcel on the South and lands now or formerly of Couwenberg on the
North, South 73 58'20" East 944.09' to a point in the line of
lands now or formerly of Taylor; thence along the line of lands
now or formerly of Taylor on the next two courses South 1'33'
West 115.41 ' to a point; thence South 70 49' 40" East 302.87'
to'a point in a stonewall; thence still along the southerly line
of lands of Taylor and also lands now or formerly of Walker as
marked by a stonewall South 86 11' 30" East 321.05' to a stonewall
corner; thence along the stonewall marking the easterly line of
lands of Walker on the next two courses North 2154' 10" East
245.75' to a point, and North 20 25' 30" East 279.64'to an angle
point in said stonewall, said point being in the line of lands
noWbr formerly of Texeira;' thence along the southeasterly line.
of lands of Texeira on the next three courses along a stonewell
North 4426' 30" East 194.25' to a point; thence North 4622' 10
LAS' /a(o,C'%OA PainiT-;7-79 GA-Fdf-7 'F1° -o31- '1
East 236.52 to a point in the westerly line of Ketcham Town Road;
thence along the westerly line of Ketch Town Road South 3955.'
40" East 202.29' to a point; thence South 40°01' 10_" East 10.32'
to the most northerly corner of lands of Schrieber; thence along
the northerly line of lands of Schreiber South 44d,40'10" West
175.91' to the westerly line of Schreiber; thence along the
westerly line of lands of Schreiber South 28`05' East 125.0' to
a point; said point being the northwest corner of lands now or
formerly of Papula; thence along the westerly line of lands of
Papula South 2805' 0" East 198.83' to a point; said point being
the southwest corner of lands of Papula; thence along a portion
of his southerly line North 72'45' 50" East 10.0' to a point,
said point being the northwest corner of lands of Avignone;
thence along the line of his lands and lands of Feroldi as marked
by a fence, South 17 14' 10" East 417.42' to a fence corner;
North' 72 45'
thence along the southerly line of lands of Ferotdtkaxxmaxkedxx
1,-15(e as t: , Zeitt.t.711 lflo ?a 'p dili't in ttlziel. 1i44a al fi ei oaf c . Ls:kq « Town
0'4=14 , ., c70:bdlel,944440matespeisofvSKdm Town Road on the
next four courses South 9 49' 10" East 84.14' to a point, South
7 00'20" East 184.70' to a point; thence South 0 22'30" West
53.31' to a point; thence South 15 02' 30" West 31.90' to a point,
said point being the intersection of the westerly line of Ketcham
Town Road with the northwesterly line of Osborne Hill Road;
thence along the northwesterly line of Osborne Hill Road on the
remaining courses and distances South 29t52'10" West 65.26' to
a point, South 35c36',O" West 276.82' to a point, south 39 18'
30" West 186.83' to a point and South 43 51'West 50.0' to the
point of beginning.
WHEREAS, the improvements proposed consist of the
construction and maintenance of a water system, to serve the said
district, including distributing mains from the Water Company's
pumphouse to the perimter of the proposed public water district
and throughout the entire water district, and also includes house
meters for 62 dwellings, service mains from the street -d4 -t' buti_n-g
addntional dwellings, service mains from the street distributing
mains to the curb lines, including curble cocks, with all necessary
easements and appurtenances pertaining thereto, including a keti
to the pumphouse, and also a master meter and fire hydrants, in
accordance with the certain plans made a part of such petition and
now on file in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town odf
Wappingers, and
WHEREAS, the maximum amount proposed to be expended for the im
improvement as stated in said petition is the sum of $93,000.00
which maximum amount includes the water system, water mains,
distributing pipes, master meter, house meters and hydrants -
to be installed; it is hereby
ORDERED, that a meeting of the Town Board of the said
Town of Wappinger shall be held at the Town Office, Mill Street,
Wappingers Falls, New York, on the 10th Day of December, 1964
at 8:30 B'clock P. M. on that day to consider the said petition aad
to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof, concerning
the same and for such other action on the part of said Town Board
with relation to the said petition as may be required by law or
proper in the premises.
The Board voted as follows:
Supervisor --Richard H. Linge--Aye
Councilman --George Robinson --Aye
Councilman --Wilmer Ifill--Aye
Justice of the Peace --William Bulger --Aye
Justice of the Peace--Vincnet Francese--Aye
The following petition was submitted for the establishment
of a Sewer District in the said Town of Wappinger, County
of Dutchess, State of New York, to )6 be Bounded and described
as follows;
All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the
Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess, State0of New York and more
accurately described as 6t1lows:
BEGINNING at a point in the northwesterly line of
Osborn Road, said point being the most easterly corner of lot now
or formerly of Du Bois, said point being the intersection of the
northwesterly line of Osborne Hill Road with the southwesterly
line of Fleetwood Drive now being constructed in Fleetwood Manor
Subdivision; thence along the southwesterly line of Flsletwood
Drive along lands now or formerly of Du Bois and now or formerly
of Kretch on the next three courses North 4202'10" West 180.00'
to a point, North 43 49'10" West 239.31' to a point and North
4842'10" West 97.0; to a point, said point being the northeast
corner of lands of Ketch; thence along the northwest line of
lands of Ketch South 51 32'50" West 269.41 to a point; thence
along the southwesterly line of lands of Kretch and DuBois on
the next three courses South 38 27'10" East 320.44' to a point;
North 51`32'50" East 160.37' to a point, and South 35°36'50"
East 198.101
to a point in the northwest line of Osborne Hill Road;
thence alohg the northwest line of Osborne Hill Road South 51 46'
10" West 250.90' to a point, said point being the most easterly
point of lands of Scofield; thence along lands of Scofield on
the next three courses North 37624' West 95.48' to a point;
thence South 52`39"0" West 200.24' to a point; and South g7 12' 0
East 23.0 to a point, said point being the northeast coener of
lands of Kretch; thence along the northwesterly line of lands of
Kretch and lands now or formerly of Piana on the next two courses
South 67 09' West 349.86' to a point, and South 66x44'30" West
97.79' along a stonewall to a stonewall corner, said point being
in the line of lands now or formerly of the State of New York;
thence along a stonewall marking the line between lands of the
herein described parcel on the East and lands of the State of New
York on the West on the next six courses North 14 04'30" West
309.37' to a point; thence North 13°56'40" West 836.02' to a point;
thence North 11"56'40" West 151(.83' to a point; thence North 184"'
4930" West 103.48' to a point; thence North 1403'40" West
686.05 to a point; thence North 16 11'30" West 151.63 to a
point; thence along the line between lands of the herein described
parcel on the South and lands now or formerly of Cowwenberg on the
North, South 73 58'20" East 944.09'to a point in the line of
lands now or formerly of Taylor; thence along the line of lands
now or formerly of Taylor on the next two courses Wouth 8'33'
West 115.41' to a point; thence South 70 49'40" East 302.87'
to a point in a stonewall; thence still along the southerly line
of lands of Taylor and also lands now or formerly of Walker as
marked by a stonewall South 8d:11" 30" East 321.05' to a stonewall
corner; thence along the stonewall I marking the easterly line of
lands of Walker on the next two courses North 21o54'10" East
245,75' to a point, and North 20`25'30" East 279.64' to an angle
point in said stonewall, said point being in the line of lands
now or formerly of Texeira; thence along the southeasterly line of
lands of Texeira on the next three courses along a stonewall
North 44°26'30" East 194.25' to a point; thence North. 46022'10".
East 126/0' to a point; ihEhee along a fence North 47'03'440"
East 236.52' to a point in the westerly line of Ketcham Town Road;
thence along the westerly line of Ketcham Town Road South 39x55'
40" East 202.29' to a point; thence South 46701'10" East 10.32'".
To TN L iv/ psi "fro /Y T L � Y �'v (` ti �' or LA it, c; s o T/y c t L f4 -Lor 6
to the ,g§t northolrly • ne of lands of Schreiber South 44`'40' 10" West
175.91to the westerly line of Schreiber; thence along the
westerly line of lands of Schreiber South 05' East 125.0' to
a point, said point being the northwest corner of lands now or
formerly of Papula; thence along the westerly line of lands of
Papula South 2805'0" East 198.83 to a point; said point being
the southwest corner of lands of Papula; thence along a portion
of his southerly line North 72°45'50" East 10.0'to a point,
said point being the northwest corner of lands of Avignone;
thence along the line of his lands and lands of Feroldi as marked
by a fence, South 17 14'10" East 417.42' to a fence corner;
thence along the southerly line of lands of Feroldi North 72°45'
50" East 208.71' to a point in the westerly line of Ketcham Town
Road; thence along the westerly line of Ketcham TownRoad on the
next fourccourses South 9t49'10" East 84.14' to a point, South
7 00'20" East 184.70' to a point; thence South 0 22'30" West
53.31'to a point; thence South 15c02'30" West 31.90' to a point,
said point being the intersection of the westerly line of Ketcham
Town Road with the northwesterly line of Osborne Hill Road;
thence along the northwesterly line of Osborne Hill Road on the
remaining courses and distances South 29 52'10" West 65.06' to
a point, South 35''36"0" West 276.82' to a point, South 39'18'
30" West 186.83' to a point and South 43C51, West 50.0' to the
point of beginning.
WHEREAS, the improvements proposed consist of the
erection, construction and maintenance of a sewerage system to
serve the said district, including main and lateral sewers,
pumping stations and appurtenances thereto, and also including
the acquisition of rights of way therfor, in accordance with
certain plans made a part of such petition and now on file in the
office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, and
WHERAS, the maximum amoun# proposed to be expended
the improvement as stated in said petition is the sum of
$123,000.00, it is herby
ORDERED, that a meeting of the Town Board of the said
Town of Wappinger shall be held at the Town Office, Mill Street,
Wappingers Falls, New York,on the 10th day of December 1964,
at 8:30 o'clockP. M. on that day to consider the said petition and
to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof, concerning
the same and for such other action on the part of said Town Board
with relation to said petition as may be required by law or
proper in the premises.
Motion was made by Councilman Ifill and seconded by Justice of the
Peace Bulger that the above petition be accepted. The Board voted
as follows:
Suffiervisor—Richard H. Linge--Aye
Councilman—George Robinson --Aye
Councilman --Wilmer Ifill--Aye
Justice of the Peace --William Bulger --Aye
Justice of the Peace --Vincent Francese--Aye
Supervisor Linge introduced Councilman elect Louis Diehl who
will replace Councilman Iffill at the January meeCing.
Arthur Bisom spoke suggesting that we have one man to cover the
position of Highway Superintendent and Town Engineer.
Hugo Musto suggested that we write another letter to Traffic
Commision about speeding on the Myers Corners Road and fixing
of same.
Ernie Vitavius-spoke about Daisy Lane asking if Amiedwould
write to Lafko and Alexander asking them to work on Daisy Lane.
Also asked if Cornell Homes was going to remove the Model
Home. Mr. Ludwig stated same had been removed.
William Eagan asked if sign could be replaced on Diddd&1 Road.
He also asked for a yield sign on Diddell Road.
He also stated that sign on Myers Corners Road and Montfort
Woods Road had been knicked down.
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Bulger and seconded
by Councilman Robinson that the meeting adjourn.
Motion carried
Town Clerk
To - >l!: -1211011 , Supervisor
Town of , County of , New York.
rl iyalim ili`Y
latiriie following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
, and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
ificate thy! been duly in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
339 Icd inGratvu
Myers Corners Md.
espy. ralLOOl. s.
II marinaty
!Market Stripet.,
wapp. r*Lla,a.x.
rtey excavating
Hopewell Jct. Md.
wapp. Finis ,R.s.
343 Hughaonvilie Vire
110i*trict—L. Collier
ghaOnvilie, 11. Y.
Coup. of
wr i.. Vat -r
17 50.00
344 V � w' Vii ii•A10i*1411 1 .1.1411. /.Ijk►
343V" v111age OY wepptngeta " 1
346 Valla.
330 of
352 L. ien L. Tr.vi.
393 �' Id■ae.lIvy l.,Tfsii j
56 Colonie it.
111ny 7, ii. i.
« «
nus U. a se
w w
• kW; to Lvo—,vr.0 awl i « twourt
i..00Y 'V
in et.
1. Va11.,m.x.
rem Hall
DC. oz Maces.
"--1luilcliny ia,wr.l ,, L.
. 33 0t14, . � h1. if&
Insurance addition to
IL. . • ad %Mirage
Wst* i Coater
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of
this day of , 19
Town Clerk
To NICNARD..B._.. LII Z , Supervisor
Town of WAPPINGER , County of e01+ 4'4a 8 , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
WAPPIHGER_ , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
of• Hhavi , 1964_._, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof ng been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
art. & adv.
'l &93 all Dep*.
337/ " " N
ern News 1'own Hall
�laahines Corp.
0_ Sox -3,368
Arlington Br., 53
74-76 Cannon 8t.
361 ✓ N
36"/ N
qhm camphell Press
3;s ✓ . "
mortice of Public Hearing
" N
Recreation Committee
VTown Hall
a.69‘5ff. Rep.$2.25 supplies
Bldg_ _1 11
0 herrn Hall
other Exp.
reps Lght.
Prt. & Adv.
-\417_50 /All Dept- Bill Heads
" Special session Court
s/ 259 Main $t. "Pok.1. r.
368 ✓ Eggleston Office
NguP• Coo, Inc.
41 Naw Market St,
• Pok.
36Qt N " N
• Helm's
370 ✓ Ra Hxpress, Inc_
P. Q. 10x 268
,--sOo. o0
ity Ambulance Ser—
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand
this day of
f. Htp.
N " N
Town Hall
-45.62 other lxp. Supplies
" N
>reeeeeore Freight on Mans
Off. Exp.
Ambulance October 1964
and the Seal of the Town of
Town Clerk
To iilCalkall.IL_ MOS , Supervisor
Town of NAPPIIIICLUt. , County of .IIUTCHZ$.8 , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
WAPPINGER , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
_12_...day of ...... 1964__, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
3721TVaaser Brom. Bompi*.a _00 Off. Zxp. ch
7. of P.
69 Walnut St.
Wtainfnrd, eonn.e69n4
Toner for Madh.
paper for Photo Mach.
i� 9 Acadnsy-8t. -tion Off.
onvil le, x. Y..
3791/ Bernice Kills,
)tiddlebush Pid.
'app. PA111101.v
380 ✓ Norma Clark
Rughsoavi l ls,1. Y
381 1/ arov.r ahpmb411
960 Ocean Street.
aa�i ce cliurifi Y ✓
382 Cathesine Z p
. Hughsonvi l le,
386 sthel O. llalyea
24 Ardmore Dr.
Wappingers Palls
ere i0lI.w.P.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of
this day of , 19
Town Clerk
To =CURB -ZINGS , Supervisor
Town of _WantIblaga , County of Dinviuggs. , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
WAPPMER , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
1,2 day of ........ , 19.44., in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
Theresa Blvd N
Pine Ridge Drive
3.9j__Jklhl yin Mabel in.,
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In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of
this day of , 19
Town Clerk
To RTA.---- , Supervisor
Town of WAPP ER , County of DIMNESS , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
, and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
12 day of NOMPATA-.._ , 18"14..., in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
408 b'' Attie allinnigan
ar Myers Corners Rd.
Myers Corns rr Rd,
Were Corners Rd, /.
412 ✓ Ma len e, Maim 11,
Didell lld. 114 T,
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In Witnhisblitarne4111 live hereunto
this_ /,.; _day of November
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deter *Sp.
1l$$OC. of Dues
eal of the Town of
Wap4 inger
Town Clerk
� h
To RICHARD_-gY--LI14IG3 , Supervisor
Town of-_........11A2PINGR , County of DUTCHFSS , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
, and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
imus -.day of, 19...64 in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thertillItneen duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
423—v- Wapp _ Lodge *671
F. & A. M. Ralph
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of WAPPINGER----.,
this -----25.-..---_.-day of -Nov ember ....- ., 1964. --
Town Clerk