1964-06-04 PHA public hearing was scheduled for Thursday, June 4, 1964 on the re -zoning of the Card Property. PRESENT: Supeorisor-Riihard H. Linge, Councilmen -George Robinson Wilmer Ifill, Justices of the Peace=. William Bulger and Vincnent Francese, Town Attorney -Judson Williams, Town Engineer -Charles Maneri, Town Superintendent of Highways -Robert Lawson, Town Clerk -Helen L. Travis. Supervisor Linge called the hearing to order, asking the people who were interested to please come to the front of the room. Therebeing about 300 people present, non e of them would move. They could not go on with the hearing on time so it was held over to a later date. The regular Town Board meeting, was held in the Town Hall, Mill Street, on Thursday, June 4, 1964. Present:=Supervisor-Richard H. Linge, Councilmen -Wilmer Ifill & George Robineon, Justices of the Peace -Vincent Francese & William Bulger, Town Attorney, Judson Williams, Town Engineer - Charles Maneri, Town Superintendent of Highways -Robert Lawson, Town Clerk-Helee L. Travis. Supervisbr Linge called the meeting to order at 8:45 P. M. but there being Out 300 people preeett the meeting was trams- ferred to the Wappingers Junior High School Auditorium.. Supervisor Linge called the meeting to order at 9:15 P. M. in the Auditorium of the School. Super*isor Linge stated that being there was so many people there who were interested in the re -valuation matter that he would dispense with all other business until later. Many questions were asked of Mr. Linge and the Board members. The group asked Supervisor Linge if he would demand a meeting of the Town Board and Town Assessors so that questions could be answered by them. Superilisor Linge stated he could not order the assessors to do anything as they were an absolute different department and were not under his jurisdiction, but that a letter would be sent to them asking them to meet, and if they accepted the date and time and place of the meeting would be advertised. After a lengthy discussion the meeting was closed at 11 P. M. It being so late Supervisor Linge stated that all other business would be held over until another meeting night with the ex8eption of payment of bills. Mttion was made by Justcbce of the Peace Francese and seconded by CouncilmanaRobinson that the bills for the month of May be paid GENERAL FUND WARRANT SHEET NO.7--$3,470.69 HIGHWAY FUND WARRANT SHETT # 6--$11,895.74 SIGNED TOWN CLERK 67 68 A Special meeting of the Town Board, Town of Wappinger was held on Thursday evening, June 25, 1964, in the Town Hall, Mill Street, Prsent:-Supervisor-Richard H. Linge, Councilmen -Wilmer Ifill and George Robinson, Justice of the Peace -William Bulger and Vincent Brancese, Building Inspector -Joseph Ludewig, Town Attorney -Judson Williams, Town Engineer -Charles Maneri, Superintendent of Highways - Robert Lawson, Deptty Town Clerk -Agnes Grosenbeck. Superviso4 Linge called the meeting to order at 8 P. M. Supertisor Linge stated all members had received copies of the May meeting, what was their pleasure on same. Motion made by Justice of the Peace Bulger and seconded by Coun- cilman Robinson that the minutes be accepted. Motion carried A letter was read from State Traffic Commission, in reference to speed limitm in the Edgehill Manor Development. The Town requested the Town Clerk to send a letter to the Edgehill Manor Civic Association informing them of the letter received. Memorandums were read from the Planning Board on the Re -zoning V of Wheeler Hill Road and B. S. i9ing Land. Motion was made by Justice of Peace Francese and seconded by Justice of draw up an Peace Bulger that Attorney Williams be directed to cc acc4Qr-amendment for a public hearing on the Irving and Wheeler Hill re=zoning. Motion carried. A letter was read from the State of New York, Department of Public Works in answer to our letter asking for directional signs. A letter was read from the Board of Commissioners of the New Hack- 4nsack Fire District pointing out hhe confusion created by existing similar sounding street names within the distr±ct. Justice of the Peace Francese recommended that the re -naming of Streets be given to the Planning Board. Mr. Ludwig stated that the County is looking into this name problem. Motion was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Justice of the Peace Bulger the this matter of changing names be given to the Planning Board and that they have a reply within three months. Motion carried. To P;CVADD Hit k N Town of WARRANT . , Supervisor WAPPIIIGER, County of DUTCHESS , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of 4�il1Ap11ii , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the .. $4..day of JVNI , 19...4 in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM NAME OF CLAIMANT 166k Joseph E. Ludewig 167" Robert Boice Paper 40 Cottage St. Ppughkeepsie. N AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT OTHER INFORMATION Building 37.Insp. Off, Mileage Assessors .37. 0 off. & Supplies other Exp. 1681/ N. Y. Tel. Company - 33.41 r 169v " " " 171" Eagleston Office Etzyt�. 41.70 Co., Inc. 41 N. Mark Poughkeepsie,N.Y. 19.2 170r Verner Christensen 16.4 172" Campbell Press 37.29 173" R. H. Linde, Super. 25.0C 174e- Sloper-Millen Comm- 500.0C unity Ambulance Mac Perlane Ad.,M. P.k 1754.N. Y. State limp. Ret. System, Albany, I.N. . 1761 Capital Highways Ma erials, Inc. Rte. 6, Baldwin Pl. N.Y.C. Ole -1.;•0 177n « « i / 178"' )Edson Valley Blue- print Co. -24 Aced St.-Poughkeepsie,N.Y 179t.' Brighton Steel Co. xr. 04, nopeweii a L Y. Town Hall Lght. etc. « Assessors off. other Ext. K vrinting 6 Adv. all Dept. Supervisor off. Exp. Slopes Mi en Amb. Acct. m. x. state Met. Syst. j'✓ ra fic 55.10 Signs & Signals Service -Town Hall & Court " --Assess. & Bldg.In. Mileage Supplies 12.33 Print. & M. /3.9C All Dept. IN « .38.50 Signs & signals 180✓ " « -‹*0•0! " " *'runt. 6 181vThe Letter Shop ' 15.0C Adv. all. 2J4 main st. Pox. N. X. Dept. Recreation Dept, Stamps May Service Contribution Signs « Highway Dept. Signs « Highwa7 Dept. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of this day of ...... .................... 19 [SEAL] Town Clerk IOCSWILLI LAW 1001 AO.. ROCA W. r To -RICZ i:.H....=8 - WARRANT , Supervisor Town of W)PPINQEB , County of a iM $ , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the , 1%41...., in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and hiving been duly fireB in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as *OPPUGNS of certificate thereo and directed to pay hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. NAME OF CLAIMANT y. Inc. 103 Beeohee-C . 74-76 Cannon St. M AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT Insurance OTHER INFORMATION Town Hall Fur_ !r Fix_ Fur_ i Ftx. & supplies 68 00 113.13 Off. Exp. Chair r. & Fix. $56.70 Off. Exp. Buplies TOwn itt. z On tiff_ 'lamp. Recording Bond Enaction All Angels* load. 1 � 1f rie MQl e i Theresa Blvd. 190 ✓ Albino Medio 15.00 ✓ Hopewell Jat.N Y. / 440 Peters M. Hopewell 192 ✓ Robert G rurndle - 13.00 Pine Ridge Dr. IV IP, / - j,5.0Q • Carmine Dr. *_ 1.7 1110 • • District 06 • V'- 53 Remsen� . . • • • • to to of • *6 46 *6 I PV In Witnes i ILM fails h feuIito set my hand and the Seal of the Town of , this day of , 19 [SEAL] Town Clerk 100SWILIJAW.M LAW 100{ CO.. beton is LT. WARRANT To .AtC$ARD... IL—L1 s , Supervisor Town of W&PP i*R , County of =Telma , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of NARP,ZNGSAR , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the ...4._...day of .' , 1964_, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. NAME OF CLAIMANT 196 Vietter4 an Ynj a*. 5 Adams St.. W_ 197 K heather Mertrf Py. Lane, N. P. 19A ✓ M►: i t i a nler. Ardmore Dr. K *- 194 ✓.Mary am Diddell M. N. Znn eta 24 Ardmore Dr. 2011/ .Eileen Farrell t o ayk N a a Chelsea, N. Y. f 2n2 Mary Dir /IF 10 " a a Chelsea, N. Y. 39,00 4Chelsea, N. Y. 202 ' Cornelia ar sr - 5 Chelsea, N. Y. 20& V damn. T.4 ahiprmv+r. Aughsonville, N. Y. 206 Lana Eustad Stonykill .. Rd. 207'l Cathetine Loop •Nughsonville, N. Y. 208 ✓ 3rov*r Churghilj, Nughsonville, N. Y 209 M..�c._Nomel t Diddell Rd. 1,7 210'�*Laine N. Snowden 15.00 " a a a*3 Myers Corners Rd. W. B„ a a 211 '✓ ;rank P. Yeom+ ti' j,2„ r Diddell Rd. N. Y. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of this day of , 19 (AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT 1 / =lection OTHER INFORMATION N a a *7 a N " a a a a•r a N a " 1�w N •7 Jr y or alpa as a �S 0Q " of a N a a N a a a a N • log O of 0* a [SEAL] Town Clerk - IOOOMIA W BOOM 110.110011 BBBB *.t. To WARRANT ' , Supervisor Town of WAPP.77/3ER , County of -a,,1.-lb otroAtilwall , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of ...ZAP , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 4 day of MEM , 19.44, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. NAME OF CLAIMANT 212hint"1'.erg► Spring Street, 213vl y-Le--Esy, Park Ave. 1w -P. 214- i2.t1 . Park Ave. err-- iieZr"1 i, Remsve. 217 Helen. L-. Travis �v AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT OTHER INFORMATION r Election t , t1LL_.�'omp. of District *1 " " Dismal iv/ 13.00 " 1//v 12.40-04 e - Mileage Election " " Assessors " *1 3*701121 -41144 Mileage In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of this day of , 19 [SEAL] Town Clerk 10051m Li W DOOR CO.. OOCH . N.1 WARRANT HIGHWAY To ,RICIIAB.12.. ..-. I , Supervisor Town of WAPPINGER , County of DUTCHESS , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of WAPPINGER , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 4 ....... _...day of Tr./1 , 19..64., in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM NAME OF CLAIMANT I AMOUNT FUND OR OTHER INFORMATION No. ALLOWED ACCOUNT 1 95 Spnnr-r,ashPr 10.664 74 Item #$ General Repairs 96 Mewkills Garage 39.35 Item #3 97 N. Y. Tel. Company 12.85 " #1 98 Hu ann R; v r Sa 1 PS Co_ 281 ., 71-) 4#3 tepair of Machinery 99 Contractors Mach. Co 48.59 II #3 Purchase of Toos 7,00 Brighton Steeel Co. 91.00 " 4#4 Miscellaneous 101. _ TTrPy Hardward Cr 4.19 II #3 u2 Dave Alexander 200.80 " #1 General Repairs Inl SonrlyPar SPY 7l r'P Sta _ X52.20 " 0 4achinerfs Repairs ,11.895.33 In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of W EI ICZ E., this 4. day of LT.UNFL , 19..x.. [SEAM .-Towa-61erk _„___IMWILLIANIWW LAW WM GO. aOQypfwT+ ...,