1964-04-09 RGM4.7
The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board, Town of Wappinger
was held on Thursday evening, April 9, 1964 in the Town Hall
Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, N. Y.
Present: -Supervisor -Richard H. Linge, Councilman -George Robinson,
Justice of the Peace -Vincent Francese and William Bulger, Town
Attorney -Judson Williams, Town Engineer -Charles Maneri, Supt.
of Highways-Rhbc tsLMeaeu, Building Inspector -Joseph Ludewig,
Town Clerk -Helen L. Travis.
The meeting was opened at 8 P. M. by Richard H. Linge, Supervisor.
Supervisor Linge ad**ced Board members that they had received
copies of the minutes of the March 12 & 19 meetings and asked
them what their pleasure was on same.
Motion was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Justice
of the Peace Bulger that the minutes of the March 12 & 19 meetings
be accepted. Motion carried
The bills for the motiith of March were read.
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Bulger and seconded by
Councilman Robinson that the bills be paid. Motion carried
WARRANT SHEET #4--$4,302.37
WARRANT SHEET ##3===$4,773.37
Letter of resignation was read from Councilman Malcolm Hait, to
take effect on April 30, 1964, due to his mwi-asj out of Town.
The Town Board expressed their regrets for Mr. Haits resignation
stating that the Board will miss him for his fine co-operation
and work done on same.
The following reports were submitted
We, the Board of Assessors, wish to submit a report of our activities
for the first quarter of the year, 1964.
The office of the Assessors has been rearranged and a new filing
system inaugurated. We have had to purchase a the supplies in order
to improve the efficiency of the office and we feel that they have
been very worthwhile.
The Transferal of all map descriitions to the assessment roll in
place of the former boundary descriptions has been comp1 ed. The
roll is at the office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors being
pr4nted at the present time.
The Assessors have had forms printed for the mailing of assessment
changes to all property owners. We have the envelopes, and are
prepared to do the mailing between June 1st and June 5th.
The completion of the reappraisal is anticipated by April 15, the
date stated in the contract. Those property cards which have been
comp]1ted are being reviewed and doublEcheck1at the present time.
The mapping done by the American Air Survey, is still undergoing
review. The completion of this work has beeen delayed more than
is desirable and has been a cause of concern to the Assessors.
Chairman Christensen worked a total of four hundred and six hours
(406) and traveled approximately seven hundred and fifteen miles
(715) .
Mrs. Rechhia worked a total of four hundr4d twenty-hours(420)
and traveled seven hundred and fifty-nine miles(759).
Mr. Fulton %Forked an unspecified number of hours and did not claim
any mileage.
Mrs. TBmbo acted as our clerk and during the month of March an
additional part-time clerk was required to assist her.
Town of Wappinger Assessors
Building Inspectors report for the Month of March 1964
Building Permits issued for the following:
17 Single Family Residences
3 Garages
20 Total Permits issued for a value of ---$282,000.00
Fees collected and turned over to Town Clerk $289.50
Miles traveled on building inspection and zoning business--307 Miles
Following is a report of actions handled by me during the month
of March 1964 in my official capacity as Justice of the Peace:
(1) 17 motor vehiclEcases shaming $165.00 collected in fines.
(2) 18 civil cases showing $38.50 collected in fees and
filing costs.
(3) There were two criminal actions handled by me during the
month of March.
I have forwarded a total of $203,50 to the State Department of Audit
and Control.
I am holding $4.50 in my official bank account for civil cases whSch
were not caosed during the month. Signed Vincent S. Francese
Justice of the Peace
During the momth of March, 1964, while presiding in Justice Court,
Town of Wappinger, I heard the following cases and collected the
fees and fines listed below:
MOTOR VEHICLE 17 $400.00
I am holding 413.50 in my official bank account on pending civil
cases which were not closed during the month of March. Three
warrants were issued on motor vehicle violations. Submitted
by William J. Bulger, Justice of the Peace.
Letter was read from H. W. Scoralick, Div. of Environment,Sanitation,
in reference to Oakwood Knolls, Sewage Treatment, Town of Wappinger,
advicing Mr. Ludewiggthat sewerage treatment facilities has been
installed and placed in operation , and that it will at the present
time treat sewage from 60 house. Stating that certificates of
occupandl can be issued for 60 houses and that they had no objection
to building permits being issued for Section one only of the dev-
elopement or a total of 714, homes, but Certificates of Occupancy
notidoolAyibeuedsundil approval is received from them.
The contract of thd Sloper-Willen Ambulance was read by Attorney
Williams. Mr. Williams stated that the Board had to establish
what they were going to pay for the remainder of the year and also
the amount they were to charge and that they should authorize the
Supervisor to sign the contract with additions.
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Bulger and seconded by Coun-
cilman Robinson that Supervisor Linge be authorized to sign the
Contract with Slpper-Willen Ambulance as presented with addition.
The Town to pay $4,000.00 to Stoper-Willen Ambulance Service for
the remainder of the year,sTerm to start on May lst, 1964 and to
run do December 31, 1964. The fee to be charged by the Town of
Wappinger $15.00 per amubtlance call. This fee to be charged and
collected by the Town of Wappinger. Motion carried
Town Attorney Williams presented a cash bond for $900.00 and a
Deed from the Bash Apartments presenting Arlene Road to the Town.
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Francese and seconded by
Justice of the Peace Bulger that Arlene Road, owned by Bash Apart-
ments be aceepted la's a Town Road, subject to conditions of their
furnishing a proper executed release from the lien on an existing
mortgage. Motion carried
Attorney Williams reported that he had received a contract for the
Bisnoff property, signed by Bisnoff. He stated this must be signed
before May 22nd, 1964.
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Francese and seconded by
Justice of the Peace Bulger that the above matter by laid over
for further study by the Planning Board and Town Board,
Motion carried
The matter of the purchase of the Masonic Temple was presented.
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Francese and seconded by
Councilman Robinson that the Board start negotiations with the
Masonic Lodge to #pnchase the Brititaftg at a cost of $14,000.00
The same committee of Justice of the Peace Francese and Bulger
to work on same. Motion carried
Upon motion of Justice of the Peace Francese and seconded by
Councilman Robinson an unanimous vote, a public hearing on the
following proposed ammendments to the Town of Wappinger Zoning
Ordinance was ordered forMay 7, 1964at 8 P. M. in the evening,
at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, N. Y.
1--Proposed to rezone land in the vicinity of Maloney
Road & Route 376, said proposal being more specifically shown
P4." o
on xi3f4 of the Minutes of the I;,iLli� Town
__e�t�� ij er d r
Board Town
n of Wapppinger, held on Thunsday eyeing, t 6
1961Lin the Town Hall.
2--Pooposal to rescind IteX 17 of Permitted Principal uses
in Residential District and to substitute new Item, which is more
specifically shown on Page 19 of the minutes of the Town Board
meeting held on February 6, 1964, in the Town Hall, Wappingers
Falls, N. Y.
Mr. Murrill Effron presented form of option from the L & A
Filtration Corp. The Town Attorney stated he had gone over this
and found same to be in order.
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Francese and seconded by
Justice of the Peace Bulger that Supervisor Linge be authorized
to sign an agreement with the L. & A. Filtration Corp. fixing
rates and granting an option to the Town to purchase the fac-
ilities. Motion carried
Letter was read from the State of New York, Executive Chambers
enclosing a "Proclamation " making the month of May "Senior
Citizens Month".
Motion was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Justice of
the Peace Bulger that the Town of Wappinger proclaim the Month
of May, "Senior Ciizens Month". Motion carried
Dick Mechile of Cooper Road and Route 9 introduced William S.
Rayburn who spoke on a trailer camping park for this site, to
take care of campers coming in Trailers to the Worlds Fair.
The Board listened to the proposal and then turned the matter
over to Mr. Ludewig asking him to look into it further and to
bring in a report.
Supervisor Linge welcomed the Mayor, Peter Furnari of the Village
to the meeting.
Resignation was presented from Thomas Mc Cullough from the Planning
Board, due to his moving out of Town.
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Bulger and seconded by Justice
of the Peace Francese that the above resignation be accepted with
regrets. Motion carried.
Attorney Williams presented Petition for Consent to formation of
Dutchess Water Corp. Mr. Williams stated this had been handed
to him just before the meeting and he had not had time to look
it over. He stated he would go over it before the next meeting.
Hugh Maurer of the Recreation Committee asked what the Board was
going to do about the Map of the Reese property. Attorney Williams
stated he was sorry but he had not checked the matter thoroughly
yet but would do so immediatel?.
Helen L. Travis, Town Cleikkbrou4ht to the attention of the Board
that the large electric clock on the wall had been given by Donald
Synett and William Goulfine. The clerk was instructed to write a
letter of thanks to each of the above.
George Brannan spoke asking why this map had to be made of the
Reese property as he thought they were to leave this property
in the shape it was in.
Mrs. Theresa Arkell asked about the petition from the residents
of Mac Farland Road. Mr. Lawson stated this cannot be done this
year but would be scheduled for next year.
Mr. R. Heinne asked when the work would start on Widmer Road.
Mr. Lawson said work would start on April 13, 1964. This road
weuld be finished this year.
Attorney Williams brought to the attention of the Town Board that
there are many dangerous Town Road intersections which should have
stop signs or yield signs. Supervisor Linge asked the Highway
Superintendent to check these intersections in the course of
his work and make a report on same.
The traffic situation at the corner of Maloney Road & Route 376
was discussed. This is a State problem. The Board agreed that
the Town Clerk write to the State drawing their attention to
this matter.
The Town Clerk was instructed to write a letter to Mr. Petrovits
asking about intersection of New Hackensack Road, All Angels Road
and Route 376, stating that this a a very dangerous situtation.
Grover Roth asked about a follow up letter to the Dutchess County
Board of Health about the Orchard Homes situation
Motion was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Justice
of the Peace Bulger that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried
Town Clerk