1964-02-06 RGM11,
The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board, Town of Wappinger
was held on Thursday evening, February 6th, 1964., in the Town Hall,
Mill Street.
Present: -Deputy Supervisor -Malcolm ;Hait, Councilman -George Robinson,
Justices of the Peace -William J. Bulger & Vincent Francese, Town
Attorney -Judson Williams, Town Engineer -Charles Maneri, Superin-
tendent of Highways -Robert Lawson, Building Inspector -Joseph Lude-
wig, Town Clerk -Helen L. Travis.
The meeting was opened at 8 P. M. by BeputyiSupeBkiberd4Make.�.
Deputy Supervisor Hait stated that the Board had received copies of
the minutes of the January 7t4 and 9th meetings and what was their
pleasure on same.
Motion was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Justice of
the Peace Bulger that the minutes be accepted. Motion carried
The bills for the monthid/of January were read.
Motion was made by justice of the Peace Bulger and seconded by Justice
of the Peace Francese that the bills be paid. Motion carried.
WARRANT SHEET #3 attached $4,834.87
WARRANT SHEET #2 $885.83
The following report was submitted by the Building Inspector Joseph
2 Single Family Redidence
1 Sewage Disposal Plant
'1 Commercial (Retail Store)
4 Total Permits Issued for a value of $70,000.00
Fees collected and turned over to Town Cler $66.50
Miles traveled on building inspection and man4n4 business
273 miles
Justice of the Peace Bulger subiitted the following report.
Motor veh. 21 $170.00
Civil 7 11.00
Criminal 1
Total 29
k \ l'')7777
As of January 31st 1964, I hold $4.50 in fees for civil cases pending
The following report was bubmitted by Justice of the Peace Francese.
The following is a report of actions handled by me during the
month of January 1964 in my official capacity as Justice of the Peace.
(1) Seventeen motor vehicle cases showing $230.00 collected in fines,
kiwi with one warrant being issued on a motor vehicle case.
(2) Emght civil cases showing $17.50 collected in fees and filing
(3) There were no criminal actions handled by me during themonth
of January 1964.
I have forwarded a total of $247.50 to the State Department of Audit
and Control.
I am holding $9.00 in my official bank account for civil cases which
were not closed *During the month.
A letter was read from David M. Koffsky giving a report on his and
Mr. Claussens attendance at the meeting with representatives from the
Town and Village of Fishkill, the,Towb of East Fishkill and the Village
of Wappingers Falls to discuss the formation of a joint facility for
refuse disposal.
Letter was read from Joseph E. Ludwig, Building Inspector astking for
permission to attend the Eastern States Building Officials Association
Meeting in New York City at the Hotel New Yorker on February 20 &
Motion was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Justice of the
Peace FrancesSthat Mr. Ludwirig be allowed to attend this convention.
Motion carred.
A letter of resignation was read from Mr. Arthur Weinberg resigning
as Recreation Chairman' and also from the Recreation Commission.
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Bulger and seconded. by
Illite of the Peace Francese4 Arthur Weinbergs resignation be
accepted with regret, as Mr. Weinberg did a wonderful job on this
committee,. Motion carried
iii 1
JLAI A letter was read from H. 0. Penn Machinery Company, Inc., stating that
they had, in appreciation for the Town contributing to their success
and progress,that they have provided a scholarship at Clarkson College
of Technology, Pottdam, N. Y., for financial assistance to worthy
and qualified applicants who desire to pursue study in their Engin-
eering or Construction Equipment Distribution courses, and wbuld
apprieciate the Town inviting any young man whom they know to make
Letters were received from Kenneth Blom and Mrs. Melvin A. Engel-
man asking bbout Sanitation service in the Township.
About 18 people appeared to speak about this matter. Mr. Blom
and Mrs. Engelman spoke about Sanitation situation. Attorney
Williams spOke on the situation and told how it could be taken
care of.
Steve Guarino apeke on the Sanitation situation.
Deputy Supervisor Hait appointed the following committee to work
with the Town Board, to be called Sanitary Refuse Committee, -
Mrs. Melvin Engelman, Mr. Axel Blom„ Mr. Gerard Schuerer and
Mr. Steve Guarino.
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Francese and seconded by
Justice of the Peace Bulger that the fel.lowing people be appointed
to this committee.
Letter was received from Sol. Gilbert & Harry Gilbert, Mrs. Martin
Brundage, Charles Crawford, and one letter with the following names
signed to it Florence L. Shook, Frances L. Dederer, William E.
Dederer, Edwin C. Dederer in reference to re-zoming of Route 9D.
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Bulger and seconded by
Councilman Robinson that these letters be turned over to the
Planning Board for their attention. Motion carried.
Letter was received from Mrs. Wilma Young submitting her resignation
from the Recreation Committe effective February 6, 1964.
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Bulger and seconded by
Justice of the Peace Francese that Mrs. Youngs resignation from
the Recreation Committee.)4.--
Motion carried
Letters of Resignation were received from the following members
of the Recreation Committee; to take effect Ebbruary 6, 1964:
Thomas M. Regan, Theresa P. Arkell, Charles Wood, Hugh J.
Maueer, Kenneth J. Jennings.
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Bulger and seconded by
Councilman Robinson that the above resignations be accepted.
Motion carried.
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Francese and seconded
by Justice of the Peace Bulger that the following appointments
be made to the Receeation Committee: Kenneth J. Jennings --
Term of 1 year, Thomas M. Reagan for a term of 2 years, Charles
Wood for a term of three years, Hugh J. Maurer for a term of
four years, Theresa Arkell for a term of five years, Freder;ick
Linehan for a tdrm of 1 year. Terms to
terminate as follows:
Motion carried
Kenneth J. Jennings --May lst, 1964
Thomas M. Reagan May lst, 1965
Charles Wood May 1st, 1966
Hugh J. Maurer --May 1st, 1967
Theresa Arkell May lst, 1968.
Frederick Linehan ---May 1st, 1964
rive year leases were submitted by the Wappingers Lodge #671
F. & A. M. for the following: North side of the Ground Floor
Mill Street for $720.00 to be paid in 4 equal installments of
$180.00 each.
South side of Ground Floor, Mill Street for $600.00 to be paid
in 4 equal installments of $150.00 each.
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Bulger and seconded by
Councilman Robinson that the Supervisor be empowered to sign
these leases. Motion carried.
Upon motion of Justice of the Peace Bulger, seconded by
Councilman Robinson and unanimous vote, a public hearing on the
following proposed amendments to the Town of Wappinger Zoning
Ordinance was ordered for March 4, 1964, at 71:30 o"clock in the
evening, at the Town Hall
BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDAINED by the Town Board of the Town of
Wppinger, Dutchess County, New York, in pursuance of the authority
conferred by Article16 of the Town Law of the State of New York,
and also in pursuance of Article 9 of the Town Law to the extent
applicalbe as follows:
Section 1. The Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance adopted
January 29, 1963, as amended, is hereby futhber amended by rezoning
from R-20, One Family Residential District, to RD -20, Optional Dwell-
ing Residential District, the following tract of land:
Lands owned by Lena Rende bounded on the
north by Hopewell Junction Road(County
Highway 28), on the east by Indian Ridge
Developement, on the south by lands now or
formerly owned by Card and on the west by
lands now or formerly owned by Irving, having
approximately 373 feet frontage on said
Hopewell Junction Road, a depth of approxi-
mately 1716 feet and containing approximately
6.629 acres of land.
Section 2. The zoning map of Town of Wappinger,
adopted by the Town Board January 29, 1963, and being a part of
the aforesaid Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance, as amended,
is hereby fuper amended in conformity with the foregoing.
Section 3. This amendment shall become effective
immediately upon adoption, posting and pblication as prescribed
by Town Law.
BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDAINED by the Town Board of the
Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, in pursuance of the
authority conferred by Article 16 of the Town Law of the State of
New York, and also in pursuance of Article 9 of the Town Law to the
extent applicable as fellows:
Section 1. The Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance
adopted January 29, 1963, as amended, is hereby further amended by
rezoning the following tract of land from R-40, One Family resid-
ential District, to BB, Local Business District:
Lands now owned by Rocco Ranieri, Jr.,
and Vito Vintimiglia, lying on the easterly
s side of New York Route 9D, in the vicinity
of Old State Road, and being more particularly
bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the easterly road
line of said New York Route 9D, said point
being distant south 371? 11' west 55.73 feet
from an angle point in said road line, and
said point being the northwest corner of the
herein described parcel; thence leaving said
road line and along the lands now or formerly
of Popula south 521549' east 774. 55 feet to a
point; thence along lands now or formerly of
Central Hudson Gas and Electric Corporation,
south 490' west 409.75 feet to a point;
thence along the lands now or formerly of
Popula north 52049' west 675.9 feet to the
above mentioned road line; thence along the
above mentioned road line nortW33°14' east
123.63 feet and north 37°11' et 276.37 feet
to the point or place of nginning, containing
6.68 acres more or less.
Section 2. The zoning map of Town of Wappinger,
adopted by the Town Board January 29, 1963, and being a part of
the aforesaid Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance, as amended is
hereby further amended in conformity with the foregoing.
Section 3. Tlis amendment shall become effective immediately
upon adoption, posting and plication as prescribed by Town Law.
BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDAINED by the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger, Dutchess County, Ne g York, in pursuance of the authority
conferred by Articltl6 of the Town Law of the State of New York, and
also in pur suance of Article 9 of the Town Law to the extent app-
licable as follows:
Section 1. The Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance adopted
January 29, 1963, as amended, is hereby futther amended by rezoning
from R40, One Family Residential District, to 613General Business, the
followingTract of land:
Land fronting on New York Route 9D bounded and
described as follows:
Beginning at a point approximately 200 feet
south of the northerly junction of said Route
9 D and Old State Road, said point of beginn-
ing being the point of intertsection of the
present boundary line between R-40 and R-20
zoned lands with the westerly line of said
Route 9D, thence westerly along said boundary
line to a point, which is 300 feet distant from
the said westerly line of said Route 9D measur-
ed at right angles thereto, thence southerly
along a line parallel with the said westerly
line of said Route 9D and 300 feet distant
therefrom to the ,present boundary line between
RD -40 and R-40 zoned lands in the vicinity of
the southerly junction of Old State Road and
said Route 9D, thence easterly and southerly
along the said boundary line between RD -40 and
R-40 zoned lands and along the present boundary
line between R-20 and R-40 zoned lands crossing
said Route 9D to a point northerly of Stoney -
kill Road and distant 300 feet from the easterly
side of said Route 9D measured at right angles
wilahrithe,etktaceyneitheflyaaiongut line parallel
with the easterly side of said Route 9D and dis-
tant 300 feet therefrom to the present bound-
ary line between R-40 and R-20 zoned lands
first described above, thence westerly along
said last mentioned boundary line to the
westerly side of said Route 9D and the point of
AL 9
Section 2, The Town of Wappinger Zoiing Ordinance adopted
January 29, 1963, as amended, is hereby futher amended by rezoning
the following tract of land from R-40, Obb Falpily Residential District
to R-20, One Family Residential District:
All tif the land now zoned R-40 lying west of
New York Route 9D and southerly, westerly or northerly of
Old State Road except such portion thereof as may
be included in the lands descirbed in Section 1 hereof.
Section 3. The Zoning map of Town of Wappinger, adopted by the
Town Board January 29, 1963, and being a part of the aforesaid Town
of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance, as amended, is hereby futther amended
in conformity with the foregoing.
Section 4. This amendment shall become effective immediately
upon adoption, posting and publication as prescribed by Town Law.
BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDAINED by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess County, New York, in pursuance of the authority conferred by
Articl 16 of the Town Law of the State of New YorvA and also in pur-
suance of Article 9 of the Town Law to the extent applicable as follows:
Section 1. Item 17 of Permitted Principal Uses in Residential
Districts, as contained in Section 421 of Town of Wappinger Zoning
Ordinance, adopted January 29, 1963, is hereby rescind8d in its en-
tirety and the following substiuted therefor:
"17. Riding Academies*, veterinarian"s office and
animal hospita16* stables* and dog kennels*, only in
R-40 Districts and only whenriocated on 10 or more
acres of land
Section 2. This amendment shall become effective immediately
upon adoption, posting and publication as prescribed by Town Law.
BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDANNED by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess County, New York, in pursuance of the authority conferred by
Article 16 of the Town Law of the State of New York, and also in pur-
suance of Article 9 of the Town Law to the extent applicable as
Section 1. Item 1 of Permitted Principal Uses in AL Air-
port Industry Districts, as cont ained in Section 423 of Town of Wapp-
inger Zoning Ordinance, adopted January 29, 1963, is hereby amended
by #inserting in the first sentence of said item 1 following the word
"hotels", the word, -"motels,".
Section 2. This'amendment shall become effective immediately
upon adoption, posting and publication as prescribed by Town Law.
BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDAINED by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess County, New York, in pursuance of the authority conferred by
Article 16 of the Town Laof the State of New York, and also in pur-
suance of Article 9 of the Town Law to the extent applicable as
Section 1. The Town of Wapppinger Zoning Ordinance, adopted
Janua;ry 29, 1963, is hereby amendSd by rescinding all of Section 437
of said Ordinance and substituting therefor the following:
"437. Expiration of Special Permits
A special permit heretofore or heee-
after issued shall be deemed to authorize
only the particular use or uses specified
in the permit and shall have no expiration
date, except that such permit shall auto-
matically expire ifsaid use or uses shall
cease for more than twelve(12) consecu-
tive months for any reason."
Section 2. The Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance, adopted
January 29, 1963, is hereby amended by inserting in the
first sentence of Section 531 of said Ordinance immediately prior
to the phrase" shall be guilty of a misdemeanor" the following:
"or who fails to comply with ant1condition or
safeguard attached to a special permit issued
under Section 435.02 hereof,"
Section 3. The amendments contained in Section 1 and Section
2 of this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon adoption,
posting and pbblication as prescribed by Town Law.
Upon motion of Councilman Robinson and seconded by Justice of the
Peace Bulger, and unanimous vote, attlebproposed amendment to the
Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinace, which appears below, was ordered
referred to the Dutchess County Planning Board for action before
setting a date for a public hearing."
BE IT RESOVED AND ORDAINED by the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger, Dutchess County, New YoriA, in pursuance of the authority
conferred by Articl 16 of the Town Law of the State of New York, and
also in pursuance of Article 9 of the Town Law to the e ex nt applicable
as follows:
Sectionl. The Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance adoptdd January
29, 1963, as amended, is hereby further amended by rezoning Parcel 1
and Parcel 2 descrbied below from GB, General Business, to LB, Local
Business District, and rezoning Parcel 3 described below, from RD -20,
Optional Dwelling. Residential District, to LB, Local Business District,
said parcels of land being situate in the general area of Route 376 and
Maloney Road and being more particularly described as follows:
Parcel 1:
BEGINNING AT a point on the westerly side of
Route 376, marking the southerly boundary line of
lands now owned by Cochran, Patrick and Lavery,
and running thence northerly along the westerly
boundary line of Route 376 to a point approximately
230 feet northerly of the junction of Maloney Road
and said Route 376; thence westerly at right angles
to the westerly line of Route 376 approximately
280 feet to the Wappingers Creek; thence southerly
along the Wappingers Ereek to a point marking the
southerly boundary line of lands owned by Cochran,
Patrick and Lavery; thence easterly approximately
200 feet along the said southerly boundary line of
lands of Cochran, Patrick and Lavery to the point or
place of beginning.
Parcel 2
BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of
Route 376 marking the division line between the
lands of Cochran, Patric and aivery on the north and
the County of Dutchess on the south, and runing
thence easterly along the said division line 615
feet; thence northerly through the lands of Cochran,
Patric&and Lavery and at right angles to the said
division line, a distance of approximately 1000 feet
to the southerly boundary line of MalonefRoad;
thence along the southerly Boundary line of Maloney
Road and the easterly boundary line of Route 376 to
the point or place ob beginning.
BEGINNING at a poift4 on the easterly road line
of said Route 376, said point being the northwest
corner of the within described parcel and being also
the southeast corner of lands now or formerly of
Cochran, Patric and Lavery; thecne south 70°340' 20"
east 155 feet to a point; thence along lands now or
formerly of Cochran, Patrick and Lvery south 104?32'
10" west 329123 feet to the northerly side of
Malon3y Road; thence westerly along the northerly
side of Maloney Road 281.10 feet and along the east-
erly sie of said Route 376 312.06 feet to the
point or place of beginning, containing 1.63 acres
of land, said parcel beg land now owned by Merlin
D. and Mary Odegaard.
Section 2. The Zoning map of Town of Wappinger, adopted
by the Town Board, January 29, 1963, and being a part of the
aforesaid Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance, as amended, is
hereby further amended in conformity with the foregoing.
Section 3. This amendment shall become effective
immediately upon adoption, posting and pbblication as prescribed
by Town Law.
The following bid was received for bituminous material from
SpooreLasher Company, Inc.
Tar -item 74, 73 and 73A $.265 per gallon/
Latex Bituminous Material. .225 pee §allon.
Base Conditioner. .205 per gallon
Motion was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Justice
of the Peace Francese that the bid for bituminous material
of Spoor-Lasher Company, Inc., be accepted. Motion carried.
The following bids were received for Gasoline:
Sinclair Refin4ng Company-- 13.3
MidHudson 081 Company, Inc. --.14c
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Bulger and seconded by
Justice of Francese that the lowest bid from Sinclair Refining
Company of 13.34 be accepted. Motion carried.
The following bids were received for fuel oil
Mid Hudson Ski Company --12.2 pergallon
Sinclair Refining Company --14.44 per gallong
Motion was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Justice
of the Peace Bulger that the lowest bid of $12.2 per gallon
from the Mid Hudson Oil Company for fuel oil be accepted.
Motion carried.
A petition was received for uezoning property of Charles
Card. Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Bulger and
seconded by Councilman Robinson that this be turned over to
the Planning Board for consideration and study. Motion carried
The Town Clerk was instructed to write to the Traffic Commission
in Albany asking if a trafic light couldxmatbe placed at the
corner of Route 9D and the Hopewell Road at the four corners
and also at the intdrsection of route 9 and the Hopewell
A petition was received from Daniel J. Hannigan and Helene M.
Hainigan for re -zoning of their property, but Mr. Hannigan was
present and asked that this be laid over until after the hearing
on March 4, 1964. Motion was made by Justice of Peace Bulger
and seconded by Councilman Hait that phis be laid over until a
later date. Motion carried.
Mrs. Arkell of the recreation Commission gave a report on their
The Town Clerk was instructed to write letters to Hon. J. Ernest
Wharton, Member of U. S.11..,..iinta4-i-see-s, Hon. Jacob K. Javits,
U. S. Senator and Hon. Kenneth B. Keating, U. S. Senator, asking
them to take steps to urge the U. S. Federal Aviation Agency to re-
tain a manned communication station at the Dutchess County Ai4-
The following resolution was made by Justice of Peace Bulger
and seconded by Councilman Robinson and unanimously carried.
RESOLVED, that Harbor Hills Road, South Court and Corbin
Street are hereby accepted as public roads, conditionalupon
furnishing to the Town of a deed in form acceptable to the
Town Attorney in -the sum of $1000.00 to be held.by the Town
to guarantee the completion by Snug Harbor Realty Corp. of
the following road improvements:- Black Top ditch on South
Court and Black top ditch on Corbin Street.. Upon complet-
ion such sum will be returned to Snug Harbor Realty Corp.,
however ig such improvements are not completed to the sat-
isfaction of -the Town Highway Superintendent prior to
June 30, 1964 the Town may utilize such portion of the
sum of $100q00 to pay cost of completing same.,1 /
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace, Bulger and seconded
by Councilman Hait that the meeting adj§onrn.
Motion carried
Town Clerk
Toi RICRQRD H. LINGE , Supervisor
Town of , County of , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
WAPPINGER , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
.. day of February , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
18 I Joseph E. Ludewicr,
Eldg. Insp.
27.30 $13.65
Zoning Bd of
Appeals $13.6
Town Hall
396.4S Pur. Fur.
_E44 1 eR ton Of f OA pirr
41 N. Market St. ' & Fixtures
Poughkeepsie. N.Y.1'
25 V(
Agency, Inc.
26 V( Pile Beaseley 21m.
27 I Verner Christensen
28 The Campbell Press
/ Gladys Timbo,
29 EmanximkxRxxftxxicat
30 1/ New York Telephone Co
32. / W & S. D. News
33 Dept. of Water
34 Bertha Recchia
Assessors Office Fur.
Bldg, Insp. Furls,
ASSPRAOrR ()ffi r.
63.07 Off- & other Supplies
5_4 ye 44 44
25.0' Bond
Ass. Office
20.l'.other Exp.
Bond -Silvestri
Printing &
67.2 dv. all Den, Printing
3-92 f- & Other Supplies
19.70 Town Hall
flight., Heat
nt . & Adv.
7.26 All Dept- regal Notirp-Tax_ ('oll.
...Town Hall,
Supply 3.081:4ht, Heat Service --Town Hall
56..09 AASPSROrS MilPaggl-nPr & J
of f . & Other
22x Ealummixrnamtiazoxx2xxF
Service -Assessor & Bldg.
"--Tnwn Hall
Verner Christensen
12.50 off. & Other Books, Assessors
In Witness Whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of
this day of 19
Town Clerk
Town of
Richard H. Linge2
, Supervisor
, County of Du tches s , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
Wapp inger , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
..... . _...day of February , 19...§.4., in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
37 / Brighton Steel 34.00 Signs & Signs
Rt. 52 Signals
Hopewell Jct. , M. Y.
38 i( Dave
39V R.
The Campbell Press
Parks &
Alexander 1_05.00 /Playground; Recreation
F. D. Wapp. Fall
Valuation Assoc.11800.0) Re-Valuatim Re -Valuation
285 Golden Hill St.
Bridgeport, Conn.
41 1 The Beaseley Agency
and Tqx
R9.;5 mickmxxXxpx Linge-Envelopp
$ixStlx Forms for Bulding Insp.
Adv. all
1847_21 Aiall TAnhilify Cove
XX ic4399144x
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of WAPPINGER
6 February 19.
this day of
1005WILLIANSON LAW 1001 CO.. 10CN111110. N.Y.
• Highway
To RICHARD H. LINGE , Supervisor
Town of WAPPINGER , County of DUTCHESS , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
WAPPINGER , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
3_rx__6__day of February , 19.64_, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
5 &
Telephone Service
Mewkills Garage
Hughsonville, N. Y.
Iv/Highway Func
12.45 Item #1
43.90 Fund, Item
9 Hudson River Sales 76.60 Fund Item
Corp. 44 Manchester V #3
toad, Pough]k�.ps e, N_S7
Route 52
109.55'' ,"
Steel Co. , Oln►c240.00 Snow
Junction.N.Y, ` Item
Telephone Service
Repairs & Supplies
Repairs & Su2plies
& Calcium Chloride
12 Acme Tank & Truck Corgi 68_OCMachinery
Rt.9, R. D. 1, Fund
qappgarc Pa11s_N_V_
13 :ontractors Machinery
Zarp . Akkartyxitmakx2d.
3747 Boston Post Rd.
3ronx 66, N. Y.
Jfam #1
Fund, Item
28_24 _Machinery
Fund Item
15 Hardward Co. 21,62 Machinery
Shopping Plaza
Falls, N -Y,
Wapp -
16 Midway Gas & Service
Albany Post Rd.
aapp. Falls, N. Y.
17 Aid -Hudson Oil Co.
Repair -Snow Plow
32.50OMachinery Repairs & Su2plies
Fund Item
244.42 Highway, Item
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of
this 6 day of February.__ ......... , 19 64
Town Clerk