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1963-11-14 RGM
37 The regular meeting of the Town Board,Town of Wappinger was held on Thursday evening, November 14th, 1963 in the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls at 9 P. M. Present: -Supervisor -Richard H. Linge, Councilmen -Malcolm Hait and George Robinson, Justices of the Peace -William Bulger and Vincent Francese, Town Engineer -Charles Maneri, Town Superintendent of Highways -Kenneth Croshier, Buklding Inspector -Joseph H. Ludewig, Town Clerk -Helen L. Travis, Town Attorney, Judson Williams The meeting was opened at 9 P. M. by Supervisor, Richard H. Linge. Motion was made by Councilman Robinson and Seconded by Councilman Hait that we change the order of business, so that we could hear from the delegation from Swartoutville Civic Association. Motion carried Martin Leskow acted as spokesman for the Swartoutville Civic Association. He presented several matters of importance. They asked if something could be done about the parking on All Angels Road, Also if something couldn't be done about the garbage dis- posal and about the open garbage trucks, also about the junk deposited behind the Guarino property. He then read a letter that had been sent to Mr. Ludewig and also his answer. Mr. Ludwig then spoke to the group answering some of their questions. Attorney Williams: spoke to the group answering their questions. He suggested that the group meet with Mr. Ludewig to discuss the situation. 'Supervisor Linge promised to take up with Mr. Scoralick the matter of garbage dumping. The Town Clerk is to send him an official communication about same. 368 Herman Seligsen: Asked if a permit was needed for a public dumpin Supervisor Linge answered that there was nothing needed from the Town but he did not know about the State of County. The Town Board directed the Town Clerk to write to the State Troopers and the Sheriffs Office in reference to parking on All Angels Road. Knud Claussen asked if he didn't have a license for a junk dealer. The minutes of the last meeting were read. Motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Councilman Robinson that the minutes be approved as read. Motion carried. The bills for the month of October were read. Motion was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Justice of Peace Bulger that the bills be paid. Motion carri8d GENERAL FUND WARRANT SHEET ATTACHED $19,750.13 HIGHWAY FUND ITEM #1 Spoor-Lasher Co., Inc. Road Oil $8,699.10 J. & B. Parsons, Inc. Anti Freeze 45.00 Circle Sand & Gravel, Inc. Stone 463.50 Brighton Steel Co., Inc. Culvert Pipe 221.91 Dutchess Quarry & Supply Co., Inc.---Kotal Mix 404.95 Leemac Sand & Stone Corp. Stone 1212.10 New York Telephone Co. Telephone 12.00 Mid Hudson Oil Co. Gasoline 483.98 Sinclair Refining Co. Fuel Oil 42.77 11,584.31 Goodyear Service Store MACHINERY FUND ITEM #3 Tire & repairs 111.06 4-28-58-5M (7C-220) Form A.C. 143-T.H.20 Department of Audit and Control Suggested Form of Resolution For Town Highway Machinery Purchases Resolution by (Justice of Peace) ( Seconded by (J (Town Councilman) atty ittloolst *veal* Whereas, the Town Superintendent of Highways did, on the... 46 day of mory 19...61, duly recommend . the purchase of certain (machinery) (ice" (#O pursuant to the provisions of Section 142 of the Highway Law, Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that pursuant to Section 142 of the Highway Law the Town Super- intendent of Highways is hereby authorized to purchase, in accordance with the provisions of Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law, with the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways, the following: Edward. Shobor • in a f... tt iliano:.ff..:3941 for a maximum price of dovon-Hoothiod-P114)7.•• .,.,,zopllars ($...331..."0•00 ) , delivered at �k fr . iars , N. Y., and to be delivered on or about. The Town Superintendent of Highways is hereby authorized, subject to the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways, to surrender to the vendor .. .. ?'..®#.7.. * #...eringuip... ..Shovv2, 3Ei7i't* : • •ION•.. ..ink..ono. Hough .. Nadal. .. R., Ps. +G er.... 3,e2!t I -11,11-11/4122 as part payment for the above (machinery) (e ui ment) tools to be purchased. The terms of payment will be as follows: Trade-in allowance S-40080.0 .*, Check drawn on Machinery Fund 00 Check from proceeds of obligations -3;750• Total Grp A contract of purchase for the item (s) purchased shall be duly executed between the Town Super- intendent of Highways and such vendor, and when duly approved by the County Superintendent of --Highways, it shall become effective. When such contract has been duly executed and approved, the Supervisor is authorized to complete such purchase upon delivery of the item (s) purchased in accord- ance with the terms of such resolution and such contract, and to pay the above amount (s) specified to be paid by check or checks (1) by a check drawn on the Machinery Fund (Item 3) for $., (2) by a check in the amount of, drawn on the account established :from the proceeds of obligation Tvt rutritgad pursuant to the Local Finance Law to finance such purchase. Such obligations will be authorized to be issued by this Board by a separate resolution. (over) Vote of Town Board Vote of Town Board Vote of Town Board Vote of Town Board Vote of Town Board (Aye) (Aye)ii t (Aye) 3kaii (Aye) ithat (Aye) (Nay) ittnhrrdWA. deteph MeV Supervisor Ildward 131, Beatty roto m .I....$ait Justice of Peace Justice of Peace ladialeatir 1 JJustice of Peace lTown Councilman Ill• • i Iiia an (Type or write in names of Town Board members and indicate how they voted) State of New York County of ' uty:ben Town of..Ymtzemir I, $e. liit.. ...' ,hist , Town Clerk of the Town of in the County of bait , N. Y. do herebyc�Y I have compared the preceding copyof a resolution with the original thereof, duly adopted by the .Town Board of such town at a (r4J (special) meeting of such board held on , 19.61.., and that the same is a true and correct copy of such resolution and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this ....6th day of (Town_ Seal) Town Clerk of the Town of te...p1.e.:',.,1s1 N. Y. (The foregoing is a suggested form of resolution to be used at a town board meeting in connection with the purchase of town highway machinery, equipment, or tools, under Section 142 of the Highway Law. It does not have to be followed in the exact language used. If it is followed, it should be changed, where necessary, to fit the circumstances.) 369 Hud MACHINERY FUND ITEM #3 Hudson River Sales Corp. Parts 224.80 J. & B. Parsons Inc. Repairs to pickup 31.45 Urey Hardward Co. Supplies 11.07 Rowe -Rutledge Repairs to Saw 9.05 Capitol Highway Materiii, Inc. --Cross Chain 97.37 Mewkill's Garage Parts & Supplies 29.05 Midway Gas & Service Station ---Repairs to tire 5.00 H. O. Penn Machinery Co., Inc. --Repairs to grader ---- 82.82 601.67 SNOW & MISCELLANEOUS FUND ITEM # 4 Central Hudson G & E. Corp. --Electric 6.95 Brighton Steel Co., Inc. Calcium Chloride 99.00 Leemac Sand & Stone Corp. ----Sand WHORTLEKILL Rod & G8n Club 259.50 365.45 TOWN HIGHWAY PROGRAM ITEM LA Gravel $234.00 A letter was read from the County Superintendent of Highways ask- ing the Board to pass a resolution requesting the County Superin- tendent and the New York Traffic Commission to prohibit restrict and limit the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles in front of the New Hackensack Fire House on the Myers Corners Road. The following resolution was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Justice of the Peace Bulger. All voted in favor with the ex- ception of Justice of Peace Bulger who abstained from voting. RESOLVED that stopping, standing or parking of vehicles in front of the New Hackensack Fire House on Myers Corners Road is hereby prohibited. 37 A letter was read from the Southern Dutchess and Putnam# Sportsmens Association, Inc., pertaining to zoning and Mr. Linge requested that a copy of this letter be sent to each Board member. Councilman Hait asked if a letter could be sent to Mr. Petrovits asking if road signs could be errected on either end of Middlebush Road at the junction of Route 9 & 9D. Also that a letter be sent to the State asking if a comprehensive study could be made to see if a traffic light or a blinking light could be placed at the inter- section of Route 9D & Hopewell Road. Also could a study be made of the turn on Route 9D, just south of Hughsonville to see if any kind of a light or big sign could be placed eft tkthtIItendc:ofithis 1 curve in order to slow down the trafic which at the present time is deplorable. The death at this corner last week was about the fifth fatality within a short time. Also Iffa blinkkr light could be placed at the intersection of Hopewell Road and Route 9 and also Myers Corners Road at Route 376. Motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Councilman Robinson that the above letters be writte N Motion carried Attorney Williams reported he had received a deed for a road from the Bash Apartments but that he had not had a chance to look it over. The Board ordered this tabled for the next meeting. Mr. Linge asked Mr. Van De Winkel to make note that according to our records a deed must be presented at least 10 days before the meeting. Councilman Robinson on behalf of the Board of Rire Commisioners of Chelsea asked permission to use the voting machines for their annual election on December 3, 1963. Motion was made by Council- man Hait and seconded by Justice of the Peace Bulger that the Board of Fire Commissioners of Chelsea Fire District be granted permission to use the voting machines on December 3, 1963 for their annual election. The District qbo contact custodians and to take care of all expenses. Motion carried Justice of the Peace Frances reported that the Commercial and Industrial Committee wishes to report that a large food chain has purchased a 3 acre plot in the Town to build a very large store and three adjacent stores (Grand Union) Also he wished to go on record asking the Town Board to contact the State Department of Public Works asking them to consider quicker action on the relocating and redoing of Route 9 in the Town of Wappinger Ac wouth of the Village of Wappingers Falls partially in the Village and partially in the Town. Mr. Vanderwinckel asked the Board about the appointment by the Town Board of a member for the Planning Board to fill the vacancy of Kenneth Thornton. Motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Councilman Robinon that Mr. Thomas Logan be appointed a member of the Planning Board to fill ouT the term of Kenneth Thornton. Motion carried Louis Claussen asked for a report from the Committe on the new Town Hall. Mr. Diez spoke about sewerage disposal in the Town especially at Oakwood Knolls. Supervisor Linge: stated that he had contacted Mr. Scoralick and he said the matter was being taken care of and that it was not danger- ous at the present time. Mr. Ryan also apoke about the sewerage problems in the Town 371 Grover Roth -Asked if the Town knew anything about the completion of the sewerage survey at Ardmore Hills. This was discussed and the Town Clerk was instructed to write a letter to Mr. Scorlick about this matter. SA vi__ Mr. Gencen spoke about .i Shapiro junk yard stating he hoped this was going to be cleaned up according to the ordinance. He then spoke about the deplorable condition of Widmer Road and asked if something couldn't be done about it for the winter. Knud Claussen asked if a report could be geven in reference to this road. Motion was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Justice of Peace Francese that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Signed Town Clerk 373 The minutes of November 14th, 1963 are hereby amended as follows: On page 369 the Resolution should read. The following Resolution was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Justice of Peace Francese. All voted in favor of with the exception of Justice of Peace Bulger who abstained from voting. RESOLVED that the Board recommends to the County Superintendent of Highways and the New York Traffic Commission that stopping, stand- ing or parking of vehicles in front of the New Hackensack Firehouse on the Myers Corners Road be prohibited. The following reports are added to the minutes. Following is a report of actions handled by me during the month of Ocotber 1963: 1 Thirty five motor vehicle and traffic cases showing fines collected in the amount of $563.00. 2 Six civil cases closed showing filing costs of $13.00. 3 There were no criminal cases handled during the month of October. $4.00 is being held by me in the official bank account on two civil matters which were not closed during the month. Vincent S. Francese Justice of the Peace Following is a report of cases handled by me during the month of October 1963: 1 Thirty-one motor vehicle and traffic cases closed showing total fines collected in the amount of $347.00. 2 Two civil cases closed showing filing costs of $105.00 3 Two criminal cases were closed and two warrants were issued. 374 $10.50 is being held by me in the oflficial bank account for filing costs on civil cases which were not clossed during the month of October. William J. Bulger, Justice of the Peace We issued building permits for the following: 23 Skngle Family Residences 5 Residence Additions 5 Tool Sheds 2 Garages 2 Porches 37 Total Permits Issued for a value of $387,050.00 Fees collected and turned in to Town Clerk. $414.00 Travdled 337 miles on building inspection and zoning business. Joseph E. Ludewig, Building Insp. Signed Town Clerk WARRANT To Richatd_._8....Ling* , Supervisor Town of WAPPIIIGER , County of DU.TCEE&8 , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of WAPPING= , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the ._14.___day of November , 19___..6.3 in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. NAME OF CLAIMANT 7A8 gine M4atantj No.t, l I Bank 209 Lhe Campbell Press 40.0c Assessors ff. & Other Expenses I 270 I7 Attorney other Exp. /74 opper Ri.e"tri' Co_ 11 _99 Totem-_Will— AMOUNT ALLOWED FUND OR ACCOUNT Notes & Interest 272 Marine Midland Nat'l Bank Rep. Lght. s' -q . Supervisor 5 ._II.3 Qf f . & obhe Exp. 273 Lhe Lawyers Co-op PO. 6.25 ICo.-Rochester 3,N.Y. M Buffalo, 13, N. Y. xpenses Rt.52, Hopewell Junet1nn, N v_ 276 American Air Surveys, 13,321. Inc., 907 Penn Ave. I Pittsbur9h,Pa.22 277 New York Tel. Co. 278 Judson William Signs & Signals �0 Re -app. & ITax Maps 125.55 �c�nSall I RRep. Wit. etc. 8.00 Wain Att. ff. & other Evenser Hall 11. ick n„ T., .12.33 Off_ & I Supplies 53 Market St. ether exp. Boughkeepe . In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of this day of , 19 OTHER INFORMATION _Recr _, 4 en Nnta Forms Rotel_ meas Repairing _Lights Check Book Penal Law refill Burp l i ae Signa Tax Maps Service -Town Hall Rec. Deed. [SEAL] Town Clerk IOO5wuu LAW 1100111 CO.. ROAN tlTCi. L Y. WARRANT To RICA?_. ._.. U_$ , Supervisor Town of WRINGER , County of a $ , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of WAPFINGER , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 14 ----..day of Nt31_eAl11er , 191.1_, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. NAME OF CLAIMANT IAMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT Town Clk. Clerk 2o., Inc.x122x11.41 Expenses 283 Sinclair Ref_ Co 155E. 44th St, v_ 4:75 'Yawn t Hall Lght, Heat sett., 2134 iPopper Electric Co. 5..411 285. i_ V_ 70,L2n 286 iAssociation of Towne 130..00 of the State of R.Y. 91 State St. ,*lbany. " " OTHER INFORMATION Supt, l 'taxa Oil 8epairsa to lights R"pr1si nc+ Dues Assoc. Dues of Town 287 Helen C. Sowell 59.50 Election Didell Road, Comp. of Stapp. Falls,N,Y, Officials 2AA iJ 1 a; nn, R. Snr.wripp Myers Corners Road Ka Sn 289 Mary Egan 59.50 290 Coert Van Voorhis 6,A, sn All Angels Road WPI' i ngere-Es 11 i 291 Marilyn Heady. Myers Corners Rd. Waoningers Falls 292 Mary Price Chelsea, N. Y. 293 Elizabeth Hammond Chelsea, N.Y. 294 Eileen Farrell 295 Cornelia F. Greer 58.00 Chelsea, N. Y. 296 Dwight Robbins . District 03 a " el es 22. SO " "#k3 " " " Town Hall 15.00 other Exo. #5 Vaecuum Cleaner In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of this day of [SEAL] ,19 Town Clerk 1001817ILLIA.IOM LAW ROOK CO.. ROCRRRTRR. 6 WARRANT To , Supervisor Town of SSAPPINGER , County of DUTCHESS , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of WAP.PINGER , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 1114.....day of November , 19..61, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM NAME OF CLAIMANT I AMOUNT FUND OR No. ALLOWED ACCOUNT OTHER INFORMATION Election 7q7 Alpert 50.00, t, of District 06 . Fleetwood Arms Apt. Poling Pl. asbarn—BilL-Rd.--N: 7112, Bldg. Insp, 26.96 Off.. Exp, mileage ence gh- 3Q0 Chelsea Fire District 50.00 George Robingon Chelsea. N. Y. 301 New Hackensack Fire 50.00 District 302 qt. Hope Grapae 50.00 John C. Goebel, 3111/anellanMairkii.1 Cameli Dr. Wapp.Fall 1 Academy St. Wapp Falls , WY, 305 Victoria Lopes 5 Adams St, Wimp. Falls. N. Y 5 a 307 Paul Yeaple Carmine Drive Napo. Falls. N. 166 5n 1 Pye Lane, Wapp.Falls 5 .00 I 310 Sydney R. Wickham 59.50 20 Ardmore Dr, Wapp.,.—Eallsi„--N_ Y. 1 02 #7 In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of this day of , 19 [SEAL] Town Clerk 10015WILUANSON LAW NOON CO.. NOCNISTIR. N.Y. WARRANT To _____ , Supervisor • Town of *wpm= , County of =CHESS , New Y The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the , 1943_, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and 1111liTtin been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized • to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as WAPPINOER of____ a certificate there° and directed to pay hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. NAME OF CLAIMANT 1 AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT 311 Po.alie M. Di.z r9.40-4110ation 4 Ardmore Dr.W. F. 31-2----Fr1eaner-D-w-Mor-tort Pye Lane, W. F. ehnrChill 64.00 Hughsonville, N. Y. 111*---igene-Husted 64.00 StonYkill Rd. W. F. 315 -eirtherine-bzio 64:00 Hughsonville N.Y. , Hopewell Rd.. W. F. ait---Norme-elerk 22.50 HUghsonville N. Y. Lo %TOO, Park Lane, W. F. 3143---Petricia-Dwijan 23.50 320-71mer-07-B1own Spring St., W. F. Park Street, W. F. 322 Y1,4& E. Spring Stree W F. 3-23May-Hammel -381-0 Remsen Ave. W. F. 324 Louis Borinato 2.50 638-00 SOTOO Corp. Off. Election OTHER INFORMATION 11 07 *4 #4 *4 401 #4 401 #1 #1 #1, #1_ Market St., W. F. Snowden 200700 Myers Cor. M.W.F. 327 " " " 328---aWlen L. Tmav4e .33,1 ' -321 Machines Print. & • Dept. 2.4145 TOwn Hall gisarirtg-cm--Eck—_ 41 Pfemd Avt., , .Y. Conant= 046.66 • r1'Lri Hill 771 \332 -Dept. etf Water Supply 23.E.S4ht, heat azr_ Election Jult B. August offiba.T. S,..rvics-Towp *tnessVilfirftlIgkellertintgIllet my hand and the Seal of the Town of day of , 19 Town Clerk 1000W11.1.1 LAW ROOK CO.. ROCKCITIOI. To RIC WARRANT , Supervisor Town of WAP IEIER , County of DtlTCH$BB , New York. The follow'. claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of WAPPINGER , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the of....410Y.elater a certificate thereof having been and directed to pay to each of hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. 19..6.i, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as NAME OF CLAIMANT IAMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT 334 Helen A. Bechtold 57.00 Peters Rd. W. P. 335 .Albino Media 58.00 Hopewell Jct. N. Y. 33� ne}RilagenDrive. 337 Village of Wapp. rams 338 Helen L. Travis Election Comp. of Off. 11 Election 100 _0(= Rent of Poling Pla 16.24 'own Clerk ff & other ORe-App. & Tax. Maps. OTHER INFORMATION District $6 02 c s Mileage posting notices 339 Valuation Ass., Inc. 3,150 285 ©olden Hill Bt. Bridgeport 4, COnn. 342_ Von_ Der Linder 252 Main 8t. Poughkeepsie, M. 341 John A. House, Jr. Box 17, llughsonvil'le, 225_00 Perks & ?playgrounds N. Y. Election 3.00 Comp. of officials 7 01,1ti (f. _Q„ 2•45r4f 4 O„'T ((-LLQ r 6,4) 6 Y s' 5 i i • Re—appraisal Recreation Dist. *4 n In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of this__.._.f L%.___day of ... , 19 63 [SEAL] 31 C3 /6- 3 Town Clerk 1009.iLLIARMON LA. MOOR CO..