1963-11-14 PHA Public Hearing was held by the Town, Board, Town of Wappinger on
Thursday evning, November 14th, 1963 at 8 P. M. for the purpose of
a hearing on the proposed amendment to the Wappingers Zoning Ord-
Present -Supervisor -Richard H. Linge, Councilmen -Malcolm Hait & George
Robinson, Justices of the Peace -William Bulger & Vincent Francese,
Town Attorney -Judson Williams, Zoning Inspector -Joseph Ludewig &
Town Clerk -Helen L. Travis
The Hearing was called to order by Richard H. Linge, Supervisor at
8 P. M.
The Town Clerk Helen L. Travis read the legal notice as posted in the
Wappingers & Southern Dutchess News and also gave affidavit that it
had been posted on Bulleting Board in Town Hall. She also reported
that notices had been sent to the Dutchess County Planning Board,
The Town of La Grange and the Town of East Fishkill.
Russell Aldrich, Attorney presented the matter for approval
Mr. Quartararo , Attorney spoke stating he was all for the apprval
of same.
Louis Claussen --spoke asking about the sewerage problem.
Nobody appeared to oppose the amendment.
Motion was made by Justice of Peace Bulger and seconded by Councilman
Hait that the following resolution be adopted. The vote was as
follows: Supervisor Linge-Aye, Councilman Hait -Aye, Councilman
Robinson -Aye, Justice of Peace -Bulger -Aye and Justice of Peace-
BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDAINED by the Town Board of the Town
of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, in pursuance of the authority
conferred by Article E rile Town of the State of New York
and also in pursuance of Article 9 of the Town Law to the extent
applicable as follows:
Section 1. The Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance adopted
January 29, 1963, is hereby amended by rezoning two certain tracts
of land from RD -20, optional Dwelling Residential, to G. B. General
Business District, said two tracts of land being situate in the
general area of Route 376 and Maloney Road and being more part-
icularly described as follows:
Parcel 1:
BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Route 376,
marking the southerly boundary line of lands now owned by Cochran
Patrick and Lavery, and runningthence northerly along the
westerly boundary line of Route 376 to a point approximately 230
feet northerly of the junction of Maloney Road and said Route
376; thence westerly at right angles to the westerly line of
Route 376 approximately 280 feet to the Wappingers Ereek; thence
southerly along the Wappingers Creek to a point marking the
southerly boundary line of lands owned by Cochran, Patrick and
Lavery; thence easterly approximately 200 feet along the said
southerly boundary line of lands of Cochran, Patrick and Lavery
to the point or place of beginning.
Parcel 2
BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Route 376
marking the division line between the lands of Cochran, Patrick
and Lavery on the north and the Coukty of Dutchess on the south,
and running thence easterlyalong the said division line 615 feet-
thence northerly through the lands of Cochran, Patrick and
Lavery and at right angles to the said division line, a distance
of approximately 1000 feet to the southerly boundary line of
Maloney Road; thence along the southerly boundary line of Maloney
Road and the easterly boundary line of Route 376 to the point or
place of beginning.
Section 2. The zoning map of Town of Wappinger adopted by
the Town Board January 29, 1963, and being a part of the aforesaid
Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended in conformity with
the foregoing.
Section 3. This amendment shall become effective immediately
upon adoption, posting and publication as prescribed by Town Law.
Motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Justice of Peace
Francese that the following resolution be referred to the Town
Planning Board and the Dutchess County Planning Board for study
and report. Motion carried
BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDAINED by the Town Board of the Town
of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, in pursuance of the au-
thority conferred by Article 16 of the Town Law of the State of
New York, and also 1inpursuance of Article 9 of the Town Law to the
extent applicable as follows:
Section 1. The Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance adopted
January 29, 1963, is hereby amended by rezoning two certain tracts
of land from BB. Gneral Business, to LB. Local Business said two tracts
of land being situate in the general area of Route 376 and Maloney
Road and being more particularly described as follo2s:
Parcel 1:
BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Route 376
marking the southerly boundary line of lands now owned by Cochran,
Patrick and Lavery, and running thence northerly along the westerly
boundary line of Route 376 to a point approximately 230 feet north-
erly of the junction of Maloney Road and said Route 376; thence
westerly at right angles to the westerly line of Route 376 approx-
imately 280 feet to the Wappingers Creek; thence southerly along
the Wappingers Creek to a point marking the southerly boundary
line of lands owned by Cochran, Patrick and Lavery; thence easterly
approximately 200 feet along the said southerly boundary line of
lands of Cochran, Patrick and Lavery to the point or place of
Parcel 2:
BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Route 376 marking
the division line between the lands of Cochran,Patrick and Lavery
on the north and the County of Dutchess on the south, and running
thence easterly along the said division line 615 feet; thence nor-
therly through the lands of Cochran, Patrick and Lavery and at
right angles to the said division line, a distance of approximately
100o feet to the southerly boundary line of Maloney Road; thence
along the southerly boundary line of Maloney Road and the easterly
boundary line of Route 376 to the point or place of beginning.
Section 2. The zoning map of Town of Wappinger adopted by
the Town Board, January 29, 1963, and being a part of the afore-
said Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance is bereby amended in con-
formity with the foregoing.
Section 3. This amendment shall become effective im-
mediately upon Adoption, posting and publication as prescribed by
Town Law.
Moticbn Made by Councilman ;Hait and seconded by Councilm Robinson that
the Hearing adjourn.
Town Clerk