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1963-09-05 RGM
The regular monthly meeting q5 the Town Board, Town of Wappinger, was held in the Town Hall, on Thursday evening, September 5, 1963 Present: Town Board, Richard H. Linge, Supervisor, Malcolm Hait & George Robinson, Councilmen, Vincnet Francese & William Bulger, Justices of the Peace, Town Attorney -Judson Williams, Town Engineer -Charles Maneri, Building & Zoning Inspector -Joseph Ludewig, Town Clerk -Helen L. Travis. The meeting was called to order at 8 P. M. by Richard H. Linge, Supervisor. The minutes of the meeting of August 1963 were read. Motion was made by Justice of Peace, Vincent Francese and seconded by Justice of Peace Bulger that the minutes be accepted as read. Motion carried The bills for the month of August Qere read. Motion made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Councilman Robinson that the bills be paid. Motion carried GENERAL FUND WARRANT SHEET ATTACHED $14,917.17 HIGHWAY FUND ITEM #1 Mid Hudson Oil Dompany--Gas & Oil $197.71 Dutchess Quarry & Supply Co., Inc.--Kotal Mix 591.15 New York Telephone Co. --Service 12.20 Acme Tank & Truck Corp.=Welding Manhole Cover 16.00 817.06 MACHINERY FUND ITEM #3 Midway Gas & Service Station --Repairs totruck Contractors Machinery Corp.--Scarfire Teeth Urey Hardward Co. --Supplies $ 12.50 21.23 6.57 40/30 339 340 Vincent Francese, Justicexof the Peace submitted the following report. for the month of August 1963. (1) Fifty five motor vehicle and traffic cases showing fines collected in the amount of $550.00 (2) Seven Civil cases closed showing filing costs of $14.00. (3) One criminal action handled which was not cleared $6.00 is being held by me in the official bank acoount on civil cases which were not closed furing the month of August. William Bulger, Justice of the Peace submitted the following report for the momth of August 1963 (1) Five motor vehicle and traffic eases showing fines collected in the amount of $40.00. (2) Two civil cases closed showing filing costs of $4.50. (3) One criminal action handled during the month of August. $9.50 is being held by me in the official bank account on civil cases which were not closed during the month. The ]hollowing report was submitted by the Building Inspector for the momth of August 1963. We issued permits for: 15 New residents 3 Residence additions 8 Residence Garages 2 Residence Porches 28 Total permits issued Representing a value of: Fees collected and turned over to the Town Clerk $252,050.00 $270.00 Travelled 377 miles on building inspection and zoning problems. A letter was read from Pop Warner Football Association, Wappingers District asking for help in organizing this group, and also for help in procuring funds. This matter was laid on the table for a later date to be taken up at Budget Time. A Notice of Public Hearing to be held on September 30, 1963 on the Pettfmon of the Resort Bus Line, Inc., was read. The resignation of Kenneth M. Thornton as Chairman of the Board of Assessors was read. Motion was made by Councilman Hait and Councilman Robinson that this resignation be accepted. Motion carried. A letter was received from RobEtt F. Winne, stating that the time within which Mr. Shapiro could have appealed his case has elapsed and that he had received no notice of appeal. The Town Board asked the Building Inspector, Mr. Ludewig to call upon Mr. Shapiro and tell him that he should be out of business by Oct.. 3, 1963, and that he.should also inspect other Salvage Yards and report violtations so that the Town can go ahead further with these yards. Supervisor Linge stated he had been contacted by Mayor Furnari about help on the Recreation Field in the Village of Wappingers Falls. Mr. Weinberg chairman of the Recreation Committee will appoint two members to meet with the Village Board to discuss this matter. 34.1_ 42 A motion was made by"ebuncilman Hait and seconded by Councilman Robinson that Joseph Fulton be appointed Chairman of the Board of Assessors to fill the unexpired term of Kennth M. Thornton. Motion carried. The question of change in salary was discussed and it was de- cided to leave it the same as he is getting now. A letter of resignation was read from Russell Eagan as Custodian of Voting Machines was read. Mr. Eagan stated that this was due to bad health. A motion was made by Justice of Peace Bulger and seconded bV Councilman Robinson that the resignation of Russell Eagan as Custodian of Voting Machines be accepted with regrett. Motion carried Russell Eagan then suggested that Fred. Snowden be appointed in his place. A recommendation was made by the Town Board that Fred. Snowden be appointed Custodian of Voting Machines to replace Russell Eagan. Mrs. Terry Arkell brought to the attention of the Town Board that two meetings had been scheduled for the 12th of September. Mrs. Travis explained that she was sorry this had happened and that it was her fault. It was decided that the hall upstairs could probably be acquired for one of the meetings. Mrs. Arkell stated that the Recreation Commission 2as having aspeaker that night and that she didn't see how they could go hpstairs. Mr. Brannen stated that the Democratic Committee would be willing to go upstairs to hold their caucus. Michael Mirras asked to speak. He spoke asking the Town to Con- sider raising the Justice of Peaces and Town Clerks salay in the New Budget. Mr. Brannan asked if any action had been taken on the resignation of Mr. Thornton from the Planning Board. He also k)i suggested that the Board hold individual hearings on the Buget in the different district. He also ahked the Justice of Peace what kind of Civil Cases were handled by the Court. Mr. Francese stated they were 3rd Degree cases. Mr. William Ryan asked is many Criminal Action Cases were held and what they mostly repesented. Grover Roth : Stated that signs were being placed on Hopewell Road. He asked t&' -Board if pressure could be put on the County Board of Health by the Town in reference to the sewerage problem in Orchard Homes. The Board instructed the Town Clerk to write to Mr. Scorlick asking him what hade been done about this matter Knud Clausen invited the Town Board and Candidates for election to attend the Taxpayers Association meeting on Wedneday, Oct. 2nd, 1963 at the Wappingers Falls Junior High School. Mr. Ryan spoke asking why no report had been given on the Civic Committee and could we have a report at the next meetin4. Charles Smith, Trustee of Slper Willen Ambulance and John Sloper pouglas Deppe, Hugh 0*Brien and Leo Ritter explained the Ambulance Service in the Township and surrounding areas and asked the Town to help support this. Mr. Ryan suggested that the Town appoint a committee to look into this matter at once. 34 344 Supervisor Linge stated that if they would let him know when they wished to meet with this committee that he would have a committee on this at this time. Motion was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Justice of Peace Bulger that the meeting adjourn. Signed Town Clerk WARRANT To , Riehar-d ..Hr___l,inge , Supervisor Town of .WW appins, er_ , County of Du6ch.esss , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of ----WeepInger , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the -.5_____ -day of AilipsalkSeptemktfol9..._64 in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claimas hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. NAME OF CLAIMANT 20-4 .fii].iamaon Laws U..�.�^k-Cr: 2011 Main St., E. i eeheater ©, N.x, AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT OTHER INFORMATION 15 _ 1 7 ;Rapp _ CTS -.mown Law Other Exp. ie U. Y. State Bldg. Conference, Inca, Put. 20---2aarge S. Phillips,Jr, Robinson Lane, W. F. 207 S. 3E. .e.... -208 " " et 208 --Thi Cnmrholl Pr�•� _2IC I/ a at 211 Yt, J, Brooker Ca. 74-76 Cannon St. . Termikatexpse$a�isr_Y_ 212 'Air c,,'..*eys, M. Gordo Harrier 713 Mionn i a R. (n., Tee* 251 Main St. m,!7F.F sl©, N. Y. 214 41. & S. R. New 215 Norma Clark Hughsonville, N.Y. 10.0C — sing Rd/ other Bx,P• 410_0( Parke p .e€ Mewing Becker Property Playgrounds fithe r r - Town Hall. 1Service-Town HAll 14 a " _nle9T, t— nc�p Town Hall 1;0(,H- Pup_ Stati©nsbry Election 47.-0 oth.r L7I'}'- 117.40Own Hall Pur. Fur.& Town ;Hall 7 _ 9s.»h1r Fix. Titre r ifl,4' 'frown Hall Other Exp. Print. & Ad. 2.61 All Dept. Election Master Election 2217 'vel?= gam. LL.:armei'rc, Hopewell Rd. Wa _ Ft'_ls , F _W. - Desk -Bu ld . Insp . Table+sa frir Offir•ec Estimate Fossa Public Hea',4ng Re -arranging Election Distrietc ctai'1 ' Re -arranging Election Ri str i ntst In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of this day of , 19 [SEAL) Town Clerk 1OOSWILLIAMSON LAW SOON CO.. ROCHESTER. N.T. WARRANT To Ris harxL..H.._. Lingo, , Supervisor Town of Wapp_inger , County of Dtrtchese , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Itappinge.r , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 5_ _day of Heptember__________, 19 win the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. 718 NAME OF CLAIMANT AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT -Mr=. Edward- 37.50 -Erleetien Stoneykill Rd. Other Districts Wapp, . Pallas N. Y., E ,. OTHER INFORMATION ]?vim r 4...L a 11,,AJ 1Ca; t,ivaa 219 rover Churchill 2.33 Hughsonville, N. Y. 73 -s D -1.t, r, ^ 79.70 Exp, Ass. Attending a'►'4.7 of P. De Garmo Hills of Town Peace School 1 Ter. 22 F. Pnvwden Myers Corners Rd. Wapp. Pallo, L Y. Diddell Rd. ni cq Ardmore Dr. Wapp• Fella, H. 4n Mac Par*a.nd Rd. Wapp. Pallas/T.?. 225 John C. Goeble, Pye Lane, Wapp _ Fa 1 7 sa , _ Y 226 F,pss ri77e pie 24 Kinry Road. Poughkeepsie,. N.y. 227 Terry Pilac+ieaa,r Q De Garmo Hills Rd Wapp. Flair 31,50 �1cction Other ZE'llkkl N IS Park & Fl. Ether Exp. 228—F a R'1tler Ardmore Dr. 229 Robert Maar Printers 7.00 6, HamsppISt-. n Pu e, In Witness Whereof; have hereunto' set my nan an ane Seal of the Town of this day of . 19 s.a.aatyl.uy il�n:l.i�si Districts 11 N N V:k 1'Jcau.:Cb mon e -arranging Election Other Exp. I Districts E1 N [SEAL] Town Clerk IOOSWILLIAMEON LAW BOON CO.. ROCHESTER. N. T. To Richard H, Lifge WARRANT , Supervisor Town of Wappinge.r , County of 11utehees- , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Wa-ppinger , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the 5 day of'eptember , 103 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the followingclaimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. NAME OF CLAIMANT 230 ..Awight Robbins. Dutchess Terr, Wasp, Falls _ N, Y, (AMOUNT FUND OR !ALLOWED ACCOUNT OTHER INFORMATION 4,50 Police Con. Constable Duty etc. comp. Planning Bd. Assessors 232 Kenneth M. Thornton 28.00 .other Park & 2n Glean R. Scofield 3600 Playground other Exp. Fishkill, N. Y. 234 Donald ?_ Williams 24 _ftp Broad St. U'a1�ki 71_ Y 235 : comer L. EF11 c �QQ Mac Farland Rd. SAP 'P? t ls-,? Y__ 236 William Hoffert 54.00 29 Beret Place, Beacon, N. 1, 237 Richard Price 36,00 Chelsea, L Y. a a is :Dep. Sheriff, Soak Dance a u u a a u a u a 238 Eggleston . Office L3/81 Tawn Hall Supplies Equipment Co., Inc. 41 Market St. Other Poughkeepsie, N.Y.. Exp. Re -Val. 239 American Air Surveys. 7.985.25 & Napa. _ Inc. 907 Penn Ave. Pittsburgh, 22, Pa. Down Hall 240 R. J. Brooker Co. 13.64 yther Exp. Supplies Down Hall 241 Sinclair Ref. Co_ 15.41 Nght_ ptn_ Woven Nall 155 East 44th St. New York 1 g e w v 242 "lie Valuations Ma., -Znc285- olden 411 In with ss ''V h eo Malt lfferefilitaiset y an o ;e eal of e ownof-- _ this 5 day of 5,400.)0 Town Clerk u to I005WILLIAMION LAW 5005 CO., sOCNuTt0. N.T. WARRANT To Richard H. Mince Town of Wappinger , Supervisor , County of Datdieta , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Wsppingar , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the ...... .___-day of September , 19._63, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. NAME OF CLAIMANT AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT OTHER INFORMATION 243 Helen L, avie, Pet, :1,32,33 Town :Hall Petty Cash Cash Other Exp 1Yy cvd F. P . -Lb iv. w 313 .34 and anct the Seal. of the Town of. , 19 43 (SEAL] Town Clerk iarsw'„ t4YYON L4* allow Co ROCK INN SR N.T.