1963-06-06 RGM305
The regular momthly meeting of the Town Board, Town of Wappinger
was held on Thursday evening, June 6, 1963 at the Town Hall
Mill St., Wappingers Falls, N. Y.
Present: -Supervisor -Richard H. Linge, Justices of the Peace -William
Bulger & Vincent Francese, Councilman -Malcolm Hait & George Robinson,
Town Engineer, Charles Maneri, Superintendent of Highway -Kenneth
Croshier, Town Attorney -Judson Williams and Town Clerk, Helen L.
The meeting was opened at 8 P. M. by Supervisor Richard H. Linge.
The minutes of the May meeting were read. Motion was made by
Councilman Hait and seconded by Councilman Robinson that the
minutes be accepted as read. Motion carried
The bills for the month of May were read. Motion was made by
Justice of Peace Bulger and seconded by Councilman Hait that
the bills be paid. Motion carried.
Spoor Lasher Co., Inc. ---Road Oil $11,410.80
Ben Kebler--General Repairs 72.00
Dutchess Quarry & Supply Co --Coal Patch 622.65
Leemac Sand & Stone Corp. --Gravel 313.75
Dave Alexander --General Repairs 30.00
New York Telephone Co --Service 12.1B
Midway Gas & Service Company --Repairs to truck 11.50
Acme Tank & Truck Co. --Repairs to ruck 23.50
H. 0. Penn Machine Co. --Parts & repairs to grader 391.21
Mack Truck, Inc. --Parts for truck 9.99
Mewkills Garage --Supplies 2.45
Row -Rutledge --Supplies 5.50
Conttactor Machinery Corp.-Scarfire teeth 21.23
Service Lumber Co. --Supplies 2.03
Sinclair Refining Co. --Fuel Oil 77.00
Contractors Machinery Corp. --Tractor $-6-393.00
Central Hudson Gas & Elec. Corp. --Service
Brighton Steel Corp., Inc. --Calcium Chloride
Town Clerk & Tax Collector, Helen L. Travis reported taxes had been
turned over to the Co -Treasurer and were found to be all in order.
Motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Justice of
Peace Francese that the Town Clerk be given a vot of praise for
the work done this year for collecting over $400,000.00 worth
of taxes. Motion carried
Building Inspector, Joseph Ludewig, reported as follows: -
48 Building permits issued --Total value of permits $606,405.00 -
Fees collected and turned over to Town Clerk $672.00 He re-
ported he had investigated several complaints on junk yard
and trailer parks.
Justice of Peace, William J. Bulger, reported -9 Motor vehicle
& traffic cases showing a total of $65.00 fines collected. Two
civil cases closed showing $3.00 collected. One criminal action
Justice of Peace -Vincent S. Francese-reported 28 7fiehicle & traffic
cases were closed showing a total of $290.00 in fines collected.
One Criminal action closed showing no ;monies collected. Two
Civil actions closed showing $4.50 collected for filing fees.
Fines & fees forwarded to State Department of Audit & Control
Letter was read from Veterans of World War 1 of the United States
Army asking for $200.00 to pay for a meeting place.
Motion was made by Justice of the Peace -William Bulger and
seconded by Councilman Robinson that the Town Clerk write a
letter stating this would be considered for the budget next
year. We could not do anything this year because it is not
in the budget. Motion carried
A letter was read from Thau & Leshin, Attorneys enclosing
petition of Resort Bus Line, Inc. for authority to operate
an Omnibus in the Town over certain Streets. Motion was made
by Councilman Hait and seconded by Justice of Peace Francese
that the Town Clerk write a letter to theses people stating that
no consent was necessary as we have no laws in the Town governing
this. Motion carried
Town Clerk reported that starting July 1, 1963 the fees for
Chattle Mortgages and Conditional Sales would be reaised from
$.50 to $1.50 and $.50 more if receipt is requested.
Motion was made by Justice of Peace Bulger and seconded by
Justice of Peace Francese that a feee of $1.66 be charged
at the time of issuance of license for certificate of mar-
riage license, and $2.00 when a request is made for a cert-
ificate in connection with marriages heretofore indexed and
recorded. Motion carried
Letter was read from County Superintendent of Highways, Edgar
Petrovits, advising that the Drake*s Drawbridge was totally
unsafe for public use and that the bridge should be closed.
Superintendent of Highways, Kenneth Croshier, reported that
he had already closed the bridge.
Letter was read from Fleetwood Homeowner's Ass. about the
Franton Corporation.Supervisor Linge advised the group
that nothing could be done at the present time because we
had not received- the approved minutes of the zoning and
planning board.
Joseph Kearns spoke about conditions of roads in Fleetwood.
The following resolution was made by Justice of Peace Bulger
and seconded by Justice of Peace Francese and carried.
RESOLVED: that the sum of $15,000.00 be trans-
ferred from the General Fund unexpended balances of prior
years to the 1963 General Fund Budget item "reappraisals
and tax maps.
A letter was received from Association of Towns explaining
School for Highway Superintendent to be conducted by the Town
& County officers Training School of Cornell University, Ithaca,
N. Y. Mr. Croshier stated he did not wish to attend this year.
A motion was made by Councilman Hait & Seconded by Councilman
Robinson that Robert Winne, Attorney be appointed to act as
Attorney in the matter of the Saul Shapiro -Town of Wappinger
Case. Motion carried
A card of thanks was received from Kenneth Thoonton for card
received during his illness.
The date of the next meeting will be July llth, 1963 instead
of July 4, 1963. A special ;meeting will be called just as
soon as we receive the Town Maps back from the printer.
The Board instructed the Town Clerk to contact the Demoncratic
Committe ahking for list of Inspectors of Election.
Motion was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Council-
man Hait that Justice of the Peace William Bulger be given
permission to attend a School at Cornell University from
August 11, 1963 to August 17, 1963. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Justice of Peace Bulger and seconded by
Justice of Peace Francese that the deed from, Frederick R.
Linehan & Helen Linehan to the Town of Wappinger foo a 10
foot strip of land be accepted. Motion carried.
Upon motion of Councilman Robinson, seconded by Justice of
Peace Bulger that the following resolution was unanimously
RESOLVED that the election districts of the Town be
redesignated and redefined as follows:
District No.1
BEGINNING at a point marking the intersection of the northerly
boundary of Myers Corners Road with the Easterly line of. U.S. Route
9 and running from thence along the northerly boundary of Myers
Corners Road to a point in the vicinity of the junction of Spook
Hill Road (formerly Park Lane) and Myers Corners Road which said point
is the intersection of the easterly boundary of the Oakwood Knolls
development and the northerly boundary line of Myers Corners Road;
thence in a straight line northlerly to a point on the southerly side
of Widmer Road which said point is the intersection of the westerly
line of Riccobono's land and the southerly side of Widmer Road;
thence westerly along the existing electinn district boundary line
crossing Widmer Road and New Hackensack Road and running along the
northerly boundary line of lands of Riccobono and Lands of Cook and
the southerly boundary line of the Quiet Acres development to a point
in Wappingers Creek marking the boundary line between Town of Wap-
pinger and Town of Poughkeepsie; thence southwesterly through the
Wappinger Creek along the said boundary line between Town of Wappinger
and Town of Poughkeepsie to the point where the extension northwesterly
of the northerly boundary line of Franklin Street would intersect said
Town boundary line; thence southwesterly and southerly along the said
extension and along the said northerly boundary line of Franklin Street,
and the Easterly boundary line of Clapp Avenue to the northerly bound-
ary line of Prospect Street; thence along the northerly boundary line
of Prospect Street to and across Remsen Avenue and continuing in a
straight line to the easterly sidi of U.S. Route 9; thence southerly
along the easterly boundary line of U. S. Route 9 to the point and place
of beginning; said lands comprising election district No. 1
District No. 2
BEGINNING at a point in the Wappingers Creek marking the boundary
line between the Town of Wappinger and the Town of Poughkeepsie, said
point being the southwesterlyrcorner of election district No.1 and
running thence southwesterly through the Wappingers Creek along the
said boundary line between the Town of Wappinger and the Town of
Poughkeepsie to a point marking the intersection of the southwesterly
boundary line of the Village of Wappingers Falls and the said boundary
line of the said Town of Wappinger and Tawnrof Poughkeepsie; thence
southeasterly along the southwesterly boundary line of the Village of
Wappingers Falls to the point on the easterly side of New York Route
9D marking the intersection of the southwesterly boundary line of the
Village of Wappingers Falls and the Easterly boundary line of said
Route 9D; thence southerly along the easterly boundary line of said
Route 9D to its intersection with the northerly line of Middlebush
Road; thence easterly along the northerly boundary line of Middlebush
Road to its intersection with the easterly line of U.S. Route 9;
thence northerly along the easterly boundary line of U.S.Route 9 to
a point marking the interesection of the extension easterly of the
northerly boundary line of Prospect Street with the easterly bound-
ary line of U.S.Route 9; thence westerly along said extension and
the northerly side of Prospect Street to the intersection of the
northerly side of Prospect Street and the easterly sie of Clapp
Avenue; thence northerly and westerly along the easterly sideof
Clapp Avenue and the northerly sie of Franklin Street and the ex-
tension westerly of the northerly side of Franklin Street tothepoint
of beginning; said lands comprising election district No. 2
District No. 3
BEGINNING at a point in Wappingers Creek on the boundary line
between the Town of Wappinger and the Town of Poughkeepsie, said point
marking the northwesterly corner of election district No.1, and run-
ning thence easterly along the northerly boundary line of voting
District No. 1 to the intersection of the westerly line of lands of
Riccobono and the southerly line of Widmer Road; running thence south-
erly along the easterly boundary line of election district No.1 to
a point on the northerly boundary line of Myers Corners Road being
the intersection of the easterly boundary line of the Oakwood Knolls
development and the northerly line of Myers Corners Road; thence
easterly along the northerly boundary line of Myers Corners Road to
the easterly boundary line of New York Route 376; thence southerly
and easterly along the easterly and northerly boundary line of said
Route 376 to a point on Sprout Creek marking the boundary line be-
tween the Town of Wappinger and the Town of East Fishkill; thence
northerly and easterly along &wcilimu Creek, the said boundary line
between the Town of Wappinger and Town of East Fishkill, to a point
marking the instersection of the boundary lines between the Town of
Wappinger, Town of LaGrange and Town of East Fishkill; thence westerly
along the boundary line between the Town of Wappinger and the Town of
LaGrange to a point in Wappingers Creek marking the intersection of the
boundary line between the Town of Wappiinger, the Town of Poughkeepsie
and the Town of LaGrange; thence southwesterly along the boundary line
between theTown of Wappinger and the Town of Poughkeepsie and through
Wappingers Creek to the point or place of Igeginning; said lands com-
prising election district No. 3.
District No. 4
BEGINNING at a ppint in the Wappingers Creek on the boundary
line between the Town of Poughkeepsie and the Town of Wappinger
said point being the wouthwesterly corner of election district No.
2 and running thence southwesterly through Wappingers Creek and the
Hudson River along the northwesterly boundary line of the Town of
Wappinger to a point in the Hudson River on said boundary line mark-
ing the intersection of southwesterly line of Wheeler Hill Road
as extended northwesterly in a straight line and the said northwesterly
boundary line of the Town of Wappinger; thence woutheasterly along
the said extension and along the said southwesterly side of Wheeler
Hill Road to the int4rsection of the westerly side of Reeves By-pass,
also known as Old Post Road with the southwesterly side of Wheeler
Hill Road; thence southerly along the westerly boundary line of Reeves
by-pass across New York Route 9D and continuing along the southerly
and southwesterly boundary line of Stonekill Road to the boundary line
between the Town of Wappinger and the Town of Fishkill,; thence
easterly along said boundary line between the Town of Wappinger and
the Town mof Fishkill to the eaterly boundary line of U.S.Route 9;
thence northerly along said easterly boundary line of said Route 9 to
its intersection with the northerly side of Myers Cofsners Road;
thence westerly crossing said Route 9 and along the northerly bound-
ary line of Middlebush Road to its intersection with the easterly
line of said N.Y. Route 9D; thence north&rly along the easterly
boundary line of said Route 9D to its intersection with the southerly
boundary line of the Village of Wappingers Falls; thence north-
westerly crossing said Route 9D and along the southwesterly boundary
line of the Village of Wappingers Falls to the point or place of
beginning; said lands comprising election district No.4
District No.5
BEGINNING at a ppint in the Hudson River marking the inter-
section of the westerly boundary line of the County of Dutchess and
the southerly boundary line of the Town of Wappinger and running
thence easterly along the southerly boundary line of the Town of
Wappinger to the southwesterly boundary line of Stonekill Road;
thence northwesterly along the southwesterly boundary line of Stone -
kill Road and the southerly and westerly boundary line of Reeves by-
pass and the southwesterly boundary line of Wheeler Hill Road and along
and extension thereof northwesterly to a point in the Hudson River
marking the most westerly corner of elction district No. 4; thence
southwesterly through the Hudson River and along the boundary line
that constitutes the northerly boundary of the Town of Wappinger and
the westerly boundary line of both the Town of Wappinger and the
County of Dutchess to the point or place of beginning;, said lands
comprising election district No. 5.
District No.6
BEGINNING at a point on the boundary line between the Town of
Wappinger and the Town of Fishkill where said boundary line inter-
sects the easterly boundary line of U.S. Route 9 and running thence
easterly along the said boundary line between the said Town of Wappinger
and Town of Fishkilll to a point in Sprout Creek marking the inter-
section of the boundary lines of Town of Wappinger, Town of Fishkill
and Town of East Fishkill; thence running northerly along Sprout
Creek and the boundary linw between Town of Wappinger andTown of
East Fishkill to the northerly -boundary line of Dutchess County
Route 28 or Old Hopewell Road (also known as Wappingers RoadO;
thence westerly along the northerly boundary line of said Route 28
to the easterly boundary line of Spook Hill Road (formerly Park Lane);
thence northerly along the easterly boundary line of Spook Hill Road
and to its intersection with the northerly boundary line of Myers
Corners Road; thence westerly along the northerly boundary of Myers
Corners Road to its intersection with the easterly boundary line of
U. S. Route9; thence southerly crossing Myers Corners Road and along
the easterly boundary line of said Route 9 to the point or place of
beginning; said lands comprising election district No. 6.
District No.7
BEGINNING at a point on the boundary line between the Town of
Wappinger and Town of East Fishkill at the point where the northerly
boundary line of Dmtchess County Route 28, Old Hopewell Road, (also
known as Wappingers Road) intersects said %own boundary line and
running thence nDrtherly along Sprout Creek, the boundary line between
Town of Wappinger and Town of East Fishkill to its intersection with
the northerly side of New York Route 376; thence westerly along the
northerly boundary line of said Route 376 to its intersection with
the northerly side of Myers Corners Road; thence westerly along the
northerly boundary line of Myers Corners Road to the point where the
easterly boundary line of Oakwood Knolls Development intersects the
northerly boundary line of Myers Corners Road; thence southerly to
and along the easterly boundary line of Spook Hill Road(formerly
Park Lane) to its intersection with the northerly boundary line of
Dutchess County Route 28, Old Hopewel Road (also known as Wappingers
Road); thence easterly along the northerly boundary line of said
Route 28 to the point or place of beginning; said lands comprising
election district No. 7.
Dave Alexander presented the voads in Quiet Acres , HmkxxEl Helen
Drive, Barbara Drive and Cindy Lane, for acceptance by the Town.
The following resolution was prsented by Councilman Hait and se-
conded by Councilman Robinson:
RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Town Engineer
and the Town Superintendent of Highways, It is hereby determined that
limankxactrinixdommampimmyckx Helen Drive, Barbara Drive and Cindy Lane in
the Quiet Acres Development previously deeded to the Town have
been completed in accordance with the Town Specifications and
thereby setting the date for the beginning of one year grace
Motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Justice of
Peace Bulger that the meeting adjourn.
Town Clerk
To Richard H. Linge
Town of WapPinger
Wasp inger
, Supervisor
County of Dutchess , New York.
The following claims, having bees presented to the Town Board of the Town of
, and duly audited and •allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
_? day of June , 1J3 , in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
W & S.D. News
11 r/ 11 11 11
0 11 0 II 1/
Adv. All
International Busines390.00
Mach. Corp.=
112 'A. J. Brooker Co.
74-76 Cannon St.
Poughkeepsie. N.Y.
.113 " "
" 11
114 William Bulger
1&5 DT. Y. Tel. CQ.
116 "
Town Hall
73.10 "
Down Hall
_ 90 _olther E-
.7. of P.
3.00 off. Exp.
Town Hall
_wilt. Heat.
28.73 t1
117 State Insurance Fund 457.89ansuranoe
199 Church St. Liability
New York 7, N, Y.
118 ileseph E. Ludewig,
Pl. Board
26.08 off. Exp.
Pat. Ob.
119 Reichardt Flag Shop 72.90 Kern. Dav
120 Church St.
Poughkeepsie. N.Y.
120 Frederick P. Clark 333.33 Comp. of
41 Fremd Ave.
Rve. N. Y.
Pl. Constilt.
121 Eggleston Office Eg. 5.01 Office Ecruiv+. Supplies
41 N. Market St.
Poughkeepsie. N.Y.
Legal Notice -Bids for
,State Comp
Notice of Public Hearii
3 salvage desks for
re -appraisal ;office
2 chairs
Service -Town Hall
Service -Ass. Office
Fred. Weidle
N 11
Zoning Bd.
7.75off. Exp, Supplies
123 Wapp. Cent. School 24.00 c. Comm. Gvm Clagses
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of
this day of ; 19
Town Clerk
To -itikinex•-114.-eherrd---ii. Mime- , Supervisor
Town of wappif#er , County of Dutchewe , New York.
The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the
Et .day of _June , 19_6,3., in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and
a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized
and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as
hereinafter stated:
124 Matthew Bender & Co. 10.00
Albany, 1., N.
12-S j41
ials, Inc.
Routh 6, Baldwin P.
New York
J. of P.
off. Exp.
Signs Etc.
411 4,Q1P 2
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town o
this 6 day of June
1-n-cier ,
• Town Clerk