1963-02-14 RGM'2 lib The regular meeting of the Town Board, Town of WapPinger was held on Thursday evening, February 14th, 19633, in the Town Hall, Mill Street. Dep. & Councilman Present: -Malcolm Hait, Supervisor, George Rob inson, Council- man, Vincent Francese, Justice of the Peace, Charles Maneri, Town Engineer, Kenneth Croshier, Highway Superintendent, Judson Williams, Town Attorney, Helen L. Travis, Town Clerk. The meeting was called to order at 8 P. M. by Malcolm Hait, Deputy Supervisor. The minutes of the January meeting were read. Motion was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Justice of the Peace Francese that the minutes be approved as read. Motion carried The bills for the month of January were read. Motion was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Justice of Peace Francese that the bills be paid. Motion carried GENERAL FUND WARRANT SHEET ATTACHED $8,611.67 HIGHWAY FUND ITEM #1 Mid Hudson Oil Co., Inc --Gas & Motor Oil New York Telephone Co. --Telephone Bill Sinclair Refining Co. --Fuel oil MACHINERY ITEM #3 Brighton Steel Co., Inc --Parts J & S. Hydraulic Jack Repair, Inc. -Repair Jacks $ 545.61 13.15 180.80 739.56 $ 3.60 30.75 261 MACHINERY ITEM 43 Mewkill*s Garage= ---Supplies--. Capital Highway Material, Inc.=Cross Chains Acme Tank & Truck Corp.= --Storage for tnucks " - Repairs John G. Gauthier --Chain Saw Urey Hardward Co. --Supplies Knights Garage --Truck Inspection H. O. Penn Machinery Co.-x2xxxkParts & repairs $ 51.95 252.47 30.00 21.00 237.15 16.87 3.00 309.53 956.32 SNOW & MISCELLANEOUS ITEM *4 Brighton Steel Co., Inc.-- Rock salt & CalciumChloride- $340.85 Central Hudson Gas & Elec. Co --Electric Bill 60.99 Leemac Sand & Stone Corp. --Sand 1033.00 1434.84 A letter was read from the Citizens Scholarship Foundationn of the Wappingers Central School Districk, asking the Town Board to designate the week of March 24 to March 30th as Scholarship Week in the Town. . Motion was made by Justice of the Peace Francese and seconded by Councilman Robinson that the week of March 24 to March 30th, 1963 be designated as Scholarship week. Motion Carried' A letter was read from the Fleetwood Ass. discussing Ronsue Drive- Mr. Maneri agreed to see Mr. Gallo about the situation. and Superintendent of Highways Croshier is to see about caution signs. A letter was read from the Quiet Acres Civic Association, Inc., 268 stating they were very much pleased in the way the Town Board had handled the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Koehler spoke for the Association stating they were fully behind the people on the Junk Yard Ordinance and the Sewerage system. Councilman Robinson offered the following resolution, seconded by Justice of the Peace,. Vincent S. Francese: "Whereas, ;in 1953 responsibility for Drake*s Drawbridge at New Hamb#rg, New York, was by state Statute transferred from the State to local authorities, and Whereas, Governor Dewey in a memorandum signed by him at the time said statete was approved stated that the bridge would be reconstructed by the State of New York before the effective date of the transfer, and Whereas, said bridge was not so reconstructed by the State prior to the efdective date of said statute and Whereas, said bridge is now posted as unsafe for loads in excess of 10 tonw, and Whereas, said restriction seriously affects the oper- ation of fire mutual aid system, and Whereas, said bridge is not now, and cannot be used by school buses because of uncertainty as to its condition, Now, Therefor, Be it RESOLVED that the Town Board, of Town of Wappinger, New York hereby records its opinion that the State of New York has an obligation to all of the people of this area to reconstruct Drake"s Drawbridge at State and/or Federal expense and be it further 269 RESOLVED that the Town Clerk transmit a copy of this resolution to the Governor of the State of New York, and to Senator Hatfield and Assemblyman Pomeroy for their information and guidance." A roll cal vote haveing been taken, the vote was recorded as follow: Councilman Hait Voting Aye Councilman Robinson Voting Aye Justice of the Peace Rrancese Voting Aye The Deputy Supervisor thereupcjn declared that the fore- going resolution had been duly adopted. Kenneth Thonrton, Building Inspector reported that 7 building permits had been issued during January amounting to $1,430,00 with fees of $369.00. Mr. Winne presented a letter to the Board presenting the pro- blems of the assessors office and asking for an appointment with the Board about the appointment of another assessor. Mr. Hait stated that they would meet with the assessors at a special meeting on next Thursday evening at 7:30 P. M. Knud Clausen stated he was very much in favor ;of naming whom Mr. Winne recommended. Louis Clausen appearing in behalf ;of the Wappingers Taxpayers Association, stated that the Association wished to ask the following questions -1 -What are the qualifications for the pos- itions of Justice of the Peaceand Assessor in the Town. Attorney Williams read the qualifications for both positions. 270 2. -What is the legal lapse of time for either office to be filled in case a vacancy exists. Mr. Williams answered None Mr. Clausen then stated that in the interest of the Town the Taxpayers Association wishhd to go on record as asking the Town Board to fill the existing vacancires as soon as bpssible with men having the bist qualifications for these jobs. Mr. Patrick Ferrante of Fleetwood Manor requested the Town Board to consider an ordinance considering the muzzling or leashing of dogs. Mr. Hait stated that being there was so much disention about this that the Board would set a date at the next meeting for an open hearing on this matter. Knud Clausen asked about Junk Yard Ordinance. Mr. Hait stated that a date would be set for the hearing on this ordinance at the special meeting on next Thursaday night. Louis Clausen asked if the Board had received a letter from the Wappinger Lodge F. & A. M. about the purchase of the building. Mr. Hait said this had been received and was under consideration. Louis Clausen asked about the Erwin Plan and if this Road 4 was to be Widmer Road and if it would be completed next year. Mr. Maneri and Mr4. Croshier are to mproceed with this matter as soon as possible. Motion was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Justice of the Peace Francese that the meeting adjoann. Signed Town Clerk WARRANT To Richard Hk_Linga , Supervisor Town of WaRRIngAr , County of DUIaheas , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the WappinEer 14 day of February 19..6.3.., in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM No. 8 NAME OF CLAIMANT ITinnell Library 9 Sinclair Ref. Co. re O. box 694 Poughkeepsie,N.Y. 10 -)utchess Pet. Co. Fobt of Main St. Poughkeepsie,N.Y. 11 Jelen L. Travis, Petty Cash 12 'hester Satz Co, Poughkeepsie,N. Y. AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT OTHER INFORMATION 1000.0( Library Public Library Town Hall 52.62Rep. Light Fuel Oil e LC • 44.304 Repairs to Furnace Town Hall 16.0other ExD. Petty Cash Assessors 8.59off. & other Supplies pApommou Purch. of .13 Scott Business Mch. 118.35Fur. & Eau Service, Inc. 739 Main St. Pok.N.Y. 1 Market St. Poughkeepsie.N.Y. 15 J.J. Brooker Co. 2 cannon t. Poughkeepsie,N.y. 16 he Beasley To Hall PArp_ Purch, Fur. 6 4! Fur. Insurance Agency,INO217.80)ire & Lia. Printing & 7.00 adv. all Dept. 11 17 iappingers Southern I./titaness mews 18 19 20 It 15.00 Dept. of Water Supply 3.01 Marine Midland Bank 75.00 21 Vhe Beasley Agency,Inc60.00 ni.90 Town Hall Repair. Lt rown Hall I Rentals insurance Bonds Assessors Office & other Exp. . Adding Machihe for Sup. Bookkeeper, Coat Rack Insurance Junk Yard Ordinance He. Oommtsainn Town Hall Assessors Office Jan. Feb. & March Bonds Exnenavl 1 in Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of this day of ........ ......... , 19 [SEAL] Town Clerk 1005WILLIAMSON LAW NOOK CO.. ROCHESTER. W.Y. WARRANT To Riehard..H.--.T,inge , Supervisor Town of Wnip1ngar , County of 13 tohe-aa , New York. The following claims, having been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger , and duly audited and allowed at a meeting thereof held on the .--U.__-day of February , 19_63, in the amounts hereinafter respectively specified, and a certificate thereof having been duly filed in my office as Town Clerk, you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the following claimants the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter stated: CLAIM NAME OF CLAIMANT No. 23 2. 25 W, & S. D, Nowa 26 Wapp, Central Sohool Be Ceiba 279 Main St, Polio H. Y. Tel. Co. 27 Stanley Rief 28 Vinoent Franse.ae 29 Dept, of Taxation & AMOUNT FUND OR ALLOWED ACCOUNT OTHER INFORMATION J. of Po 6.50 Off. Ern. Sunplies Town Hall 25.3© repair, Lt. Serviee Tint. & Ad. 4073 All Dept, Public Hearing 36.00 Ree. Como Exp, Ass, 67.58 of Town J. of Po 5.00 )ff. �. Planning 6,2500) Beard, B Expenses Stamps l� * f► Ans;, if~�'r�3"ttslla Town' 3.20 o, Gwh ci 67 8 In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the Town of.... apii . this 14- day of February , 1943. [SEAL] Town Clerk 1OO5WILLIAMRON LAW ROOK CO.. ROCKIITRR. N.Y.