1963-01-29 RGM245. Meeting of the Town Board of Town of Wappinger was held on January 29, 1963 at the Wappingers Central Junior High School Cafeteria. The purpose of the meeting was a public hearing for the proposed Zoning Ordinance. The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p. m. by Supervisor Linge. Town Board members present were: Richard H. Linge, Supervisor, George Robinson, Councilman, Vincent Frances, Justice of the Peace, Malcom I Hait, Councilman, Judson C. Williams, Town Attorney, Helen L. Travis, Town Clerk Members of the Town Planning Board present: Eugene Conte, Eugen Schuele, Kenneth Thornton, Mrs. Arthur Bisom, Willmer Ifill Thomas Graham, Madeline Evans. Consultant: Frederick Wiedle Helen L. Travis, Town Clerk read letters from the following: Russell Aldrich for Dr. Hannigan, Frank H. McEnaney, Florence Graff, Henrietta Osten, Normington Schofield for Orchard Home Developement. Mr. Williams stated that notice of the hearing being held tonight has been published ten days before in the Wappingers & Southern Dutchess News. Notice has been given to the Clerks of the County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger, Town of Poughkeepsie, Town of LaGrange, Town of Fiihkill Town of East Fishkill and the Town edross the river. . Notice also given to the Dutchess County Planning Board. Mr. Wiedle then discussed the major changes in the zoning map. First A1 -Vicinity of the Dutchess County Airport; Second, X A 246 Myers Corner -reduction in size of business area that was original*y proposed on the zoning map; Third, Change from residence to industrial - land approximately 3,000 feet wes t of Myers Corners Intersection on Myers Corners Road; fourth, change R40 from Planned Industry to RIO area - land approximately mid -way from the Town line of Fishkill and Hughsonville on Route 9D. A Question -answer -comment period follows: Charles Crawford, Chelsea Door Co., 9D at corner of Old State Road. Did not approve the change from Industry to R40 on Route 9D. He conducts business there; there is dog kennet across the road; he and his father own ;most of this land. He feels that the land there would not be sOitable for residential. Len Own. Feels the same as Mr. Crawford. Mrs. B. Otis, Town of Poughkeepsie, Would like to know the boundaries of Al. (Mr. Wiedle proceeded to outline the boundaries on the zoning map and to state where they were.) Frank H. McEnaney. Feels that no one knows what the meeting is all about. Feels that if the Swenson land is GB, his land should also be BB instead of WO. Feels that the people should haue a month to study this zoning ordinance after proposed changes are made. Does not think it is fair or democratic to rush through. Raymond J. Badami, attorney for Lafko and Alexander. Understands the proposed zoning has R20 in New Hackensack Road area. Feels that a lessening in polution should be the main consideration of the Board. Feels that businessman should be induced to build central sewerage system. Feels that some revisions have not been examined befpre tis evening. Asked if any other recommend- ations were made by the Planning Board and/or the Planning Consultant that are not constituted as revisions this evening. Mr. Wiedle stated that the zoi±ng ordinance and the map as presented some weeks ato was the map Frederick Clark Assoc. recommended after working approximately two years with the Town Board and the Plann ing Board and as many citizens as they could reach. Many recommendations were brought up=not all are shown on the map or in the ordinance. Mr. Badami. Did anyone ever recommend that the RD20 area in New Hackensack Road be extended? Mr. Williams. This is not a cross examination. Mr. Conte -stated that it is difficult to get a zoning ordinance and keep everyone happ;y. It has been worked on for two years and we have had numerous meetings. The ordinance has been on file in the Town Hall. Anyone could go in and study it. M. McEnaney -- Feels a reasonable time should elapse before accepting. Feels it should not be accepted tonight David Koffsky=Quiet Acres=(reply to Mr. Mc Enanay) Feels that R20 will pay more taxes and that the R20 zoning is a more uniform- ily zoned area. He agrees that central sewer will have to come sooner or later. He has a petition with almost 180 names asking to keep it R20.' He feels that the property owners were considered and that an equipable decision was ma#e by the Town Board. Louis Clausen -Widmer Road. Asked Mr. Linge to Please read the regulations concerning junk yards. Mr. Wiedle read them. Mr. 247 248 Clausen asked if annoperator is only temporaily licensed and the gmdinance is adopted and the yard is in an R20 area, can he be licensed? Mr. Williams said it would be non -conforming and may be continued but must follow limitations. It would be entitled to a license. Mr. Clausen asked if an operator is licensed after the ordinance goes into effect, must he comply to ordinance at the time of licensing? Mr. Williams=no, there is a three -year grace period. Mr. Clausen -Who enforces? Mr. Williams- The Town appoints someone. 'Mr. Clausen -Would 1 ike to have a person or persons who can enforce. Asked if there are any stated regulations covering Town Zoning Ordinance. Mrs. Williams -Any question s would be answered by a court. Mr. Clausen -If we have zoning in effect and there is a complaint of zoning, will the ordinance stand up or do we go by what the state says? Does the Town have the authority to enforce? Mr. Wiedle - Everything in the ordinanc is enforceable by the Town. Dave Necomb - Has been at hearings and feels that the Town Board has bent backward to help citizens. Mrs. David Koffsky - Fe&ls that small land owners have a right to be considered. They do not watt to live in an Industrial area or in a sewer system area. They want to live in an area that stays the same as when they bought their homes. Williams H. Pearse - Mentioned the letter reai,by the Town Clerk from this firm ( Mr. N. Schofield) and asked that, since ithas not been answered, does it mean it has been denied? If not, answered tonight, will ;it be answered later? If so, when? Mr. Wiedle-letter will be considered with other comments heard tonight. Kenneth Hilmar, Hopewell Road - Feels there should be a correction on the map. He thinks that on Hopewell Road from Mc Farland to Park the line should be changed because it goes through peoples property. It was stated that a deed is more restrictive and superceeds zoning. Don M. Tucker -Quiet Acres - For and in favor of the Town Board passing the zoning ordinance as presented this evening. Gene Creighton -Sydney Lane - Recommends adoption of the zoning ordinance as it stands. Williams Albrecht, Quiet Acres -Asked why the change around the airport property. Answer = The Airpors Commission asked for it They suggested it and we agreed. Question - By the words @buildings under const4uction now" does this mean just a building permit? Mr. Williams -construction must be started and must be completed within two years. Gus Tullow- Concerning the airport property, how will this prevent someone from buillding houses in this area? Mr. Wiedle - does not allow residential development in it unless special permit is given by the Planning Board who will make sure it is not right in area near the take off and landing field. Jane Tucker -Qiiet Acres -For the proposed zoiling Fred. Schubert - Would like deminsions in the commercial area on Myers Corners area Mr. Wiedle gave them. Mr. Schubert also asked Does storage of wrecked cars constitute a junk yard? Mr. Parsons answered "Yes" Mr. Schubert asked, Can you live on the same property as a junk yard? Answer - no new residence would be allowed to be erected for living. 249 X50 Robert 8. Center = Anderson, Esq. for Deer Hill Conference and Retreat Stated that the Deer Hill property falls half in an R20 area and the back half in a RD 40 acra. Have no argument with the zoning ordinance but hopes it will not mean that future moves will be non -conforming. See letter and map on file. Asks assurance that zoning will not act against the present or future conference center. Stephany Campbell - Would like to compliment the Town Board and the Planning Board on an excellent job. H. Frederick Koehler, Quiet Acres - Stateed lengthily that they concur with the Town Board 100/ and hope the zoning ordinance will be passed. Harold N. Marenburg - seconds Mr. Koehler Florence Graff - Asked if Myers Corners and All Angels Hill intersection is zoned residential. Answer -yips. Question - Where is the change to Industrial area approximately 3000 feet west of Myers Corners intersection located? Answer - At the proposed Edwards Laboratories, Question -Is That all his land? Answer - Yes. Question - Is a person such as an electrician plumber or is not any small sign real estate agent allowed to put up a sign if there other outward appearances of bus88ess? Answer - A is permitted (See Page 16 in ordinance) Ray Campbell - urges speedy passing of the zoning ordinance. Morris Laffin - If zoning goes into effect, will a violation be forgotten or mist they settle with the Town Ordinance. Mr. williams Junk yards will have to comply with the junk yard ordinance and also the zoning ordinance within three years. Question - Must th 261 they comply with both ordinances? Answer - Yes Louis Clausen- Discussed last question William Ryan, Myers Corners Road - On behalf of the Democratic Raryy of Town of Wappinger, he urged the passing of the zoning ordinance. Requested that personel be appointed to see that grievances be taken care of immediately. Urged the setting up of an Industrial Development Committee to bring in Industry so that we can be relieved of some of the tax burden. Moan Mc Clernon - It was obvious that before the Planning Board started no planning had been done. Feels that we need planning and is for the proposed zoning ordinance. JohnZwynenburg, Quiet Acres -In favor of the ordinance. Also stated that Mr. Badami previously stated that RD20 would help induce central water and sewerage but he, Mr. Zwtbebbyrg , feels tgat, since this already exists, RD20 would not induce. Thinks zoning is very necessary. Fred. J. Lafko - addressed residents of Quiet Acres and asked them if they are all happy in Quiet Acres. Stated that he helped them to get what they are proud of. Mr. Lafko aksed at what point zoning changed its mind? Mr. Wiedle feels that no minds were changed and that the ordinance is as good now as when first proposed. Mr. lafko aksked if the Planning Board feels that RD 20 would be detrimental to Quiet Acres. Mr. Wiedle- No. Mr. Conte -map reflects feelings of the people of the Town of Wappinger. Stated the Mr. Wiedle is just a technician reflecting what the people want. Mr. Conte stated that the majority of the people in Mr. Lafko*s area do not favor RD20. Fred Koehler - stated that they were not here tonight to only hear their own problem but to encourage the passing of zoning. David Koffsky - Whate kind of planning is it when you place sewerage system in someone*s back yeard when the apartment house which it serves is across the road. Lou Clausen - What is proceedure in ammendment if adopted? Mr. Williams - Any proposed amendment is agreed on by Town Board and then mpublished in the newspaper. Then a hearing and after that the Town Board decides. Mr. Williams stated that a Zoning Board of Appeals may grant variances. MxxxCiammalumMkAtxixxioximaragxximobixammmuimmximitmatimpkgftxxMx. WaabliamsxmAxpxpxmpms nixamaxlmaxtxisxaigxaadxmxxbpxgmmxxBmaxiimmAx t lunixpitictiakKisiximcirkzxmalcapipmxxxx2kintxmclunuchigxambatitgxxickair t knx2mmom$maxiXdaaitmzxxMxx Mr. Clausen - What specific qualifications does the Plannin g Board have as far as specifications for a fence around a junk yard? Feels we should put in minamum-requiremenst before the ordinanc is passed. Mr. Knud-Clausen (father) -Feels that there whould be requirements specified to beautify Wappinger. Mr. Linge-The Planning Board intends to take up the matter o f the type of fence to be specified. Mr. Ryan -Should say any kind of fence that will cover a junk yard. Also feels that we should look into having a sewer system of our own. - Mr. Conte - We are almost ready to talk to a consultant on this matter. Mr. Hait - A survey is being looked into. Mr. Badami - stated that if someone from,the Dutchess County Public Health Department is present, he suggests that he talk about this. Emory Scorlick from the Dut. Co. Pub. Health Dept. , stated thatthe State pays the cost of sewerage survey. The Town Board then knows details and will mae the decision. Question; To what extent is State A id given? Anwwer - The survey goes as far as starting the system. The meeting was recessed at 11 P. M. for 15 minutes. The meeting was called to order again at 11:15 P. M. by Sup- ervisor Richard H. Linge. Motion was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Councilman Hait that the following Town of Wappinger, Zoning Ordinance be adopted as of January 29th, 1963. Motion carried 253 254 ,offers #ialr7ir9f. 00.543±14 Alals':04c;944-114 e, tcibe trona rPat,f,9-M_ ,,s1340r.„..Osam. seannttressi. eanh With not' ;ripre,.,4 sh4460 deemed thhe ilosie;*4atiOnS.1:hiachigO8tTudiss0 hind tinrnent-, iintirtiction,liiroupti tea rotoin4.:.tiniritif,idines;,lbeenty 4arai;;•taa41tikaalf46,:ma14.- i11,9F44E7,estab4 ifshntents, end.; etbres, -.trades-nr of: any kind :nat4efetti,Minetted .snall. not be deemed telie-iiorne•OOCutations. HosPitalt,„Pniels'otherv4sespecified, the terin 'be;deemedlo sanitarium,'"and any other •place• for the diagnosis, ireatnient;€Or'.othei'care'of human ailments,;:. but not including those. for api, ittPtic.; drlit,iiqiiir,,insane or feeble-minded , •:Patients.,.The,terrn sliaIltiot „include: a rest flied*" all4c;,;a0Faing OscenitChne: '; - • . ' ' ' ...liotelikbnilditigno:fitainOgroomsintended br designed Mibe:Sied,,,' !Mitt ire. used, rented or h1re ,out tb., be occupied . for. '''...#1,414084:44330PCS* tael*asc.4. where only . a .gStteral ;kitchen_ and • din4ng;; toothare the b dbigiir4iran Junk area �f loupe;.with or -with - :Out 'Seed. for thi" rage, outside ,of,;- a , notnphttelyr.tonclintetl;',buildingi' of- used and disnatjled: materials, :InCluding;' but' not';'' linii*terialii;41?.'*18teHimilsa71451-1411;11170ciunbIlrdy:. ilehinibii,--.,:tMtiarts-thernal,.. with or :Without'', dininantling, 'pailing' satrap sale f oz xnorewrecked or,b �k n-vehies, or the major. parts o itnirkaidie-02416114velli*-;;Ii*ef'4';;*: KPOsi.4AllkaPliell;"; Shall -niaas thekep- ingofjiye" f);:or,,nio'fb; 000 over .thtr.n.gen Lading-Spacei*yOff,street SPaceaVail- able for 'Me:loading unloading- Of goods, .. not leasIliatiffifinefileerwide,fortyfeetiong, and fourteen; feet Aligh,t`if covered in any manner ,);„ ',and having direct • unable; access Ma,* ',rreatiptcept;. that :Where one such- ' ltiading,•„igutne....;has;;been .,provided, any ad-; ditiOnak; 'loading -Space lying alongside,,;con-. t'Oot .'separated 'from 'Such first.. ',need.; not be wider LotA P4411' Of, land, notdivided by, Streets, .4evOrteci:;;_or . to be devoted to 'a particular MM..or occupied or to.; be oc- cupled by and its- . accessory together ,Nyith such open spaces ' • as .,are7residred under.the,provisions of this -•Or1innce, and 1avingits pancipal frontage on ; . tarbet,,, or OM:such. Odler'..ineans of "access. as jdeemed In- 'accordance With ..the provisions , of law to be adequate' as wnondition of the issuance of a building permit for a . building,. or ..buildingS. on such. Lot,: lot' -- of which,atH-least",, ,twq' adjacent, sideneinkaliit for a • total ;•;•. distance.. Of,. 50 feet or more on streets or' public,pcis4kMe other lot lot." The :totaFliorizontal, area ,-'4iidett4itbtitat boundaries. • ' Lor DpIu The minimum horizontal dis- tance' neasured '1b:tbeigenIrection 'of the ••••• ;. ho,-.*Idth of a. lot measured depth." -; Theproperty llnes bounding 4Lot1n!,.,Pronp,In the case lot rabattiag, ratting.:•thfi-mit. the street; in the case kpoi-e-of;:thisrdinabe; ;MOO the ''.,•11010...fakiraPf;ail;'-allY;;;treq4PC3414 as' the10 lihe ' front1ot1ine. T'' 4,d4oh; is .;;;geneMilliir*kOnliej;die. front -1�0I; If' t1e1 ei4Ut:t thnitft 644(0y:feet in .41.0401P ktliel4of...notnesi • 10,1fnejhattie deirnik4naiaUeI torTh front line not, -.--14.46:A10r 3, 'feet .164g, farhest fombe. frann'• of o, ground. ° rot �atuee�.traflng.purko � regardless rA s�made' for suc�`li•gcr-- Home Bark! ouae Ti; fattaa" for eacii`uniG pn an autamohile Iss, eStiaee cog vgnieat' to each unit "nand pirovidfngfodgtng; with oz aritbout meals and:otherintddena•l; services' for;a, transient ientelee ,Aum i mobile 'Court "m at court s}tslk i loth he deemed be a [tinsel. Non-Coaforniiag ►ase A use of a build ' rag or' of land that does not conform. to clue regulations- as- to use' in the , distriM'; in which •it is sftuateciy,'which use fill at the time this ordinanceor amend menta therein became eifecrlva ' ' Nursery Day' A place building or strut tura specifically designed'to provrl~de'ca*' N.,or esrructten for,: *.or snore ehildreit' under six years of egg. x Nursery Schools, tame as I Nurse day Y Nursing I%me See 'Cortvalescetit Homs ; • Official Map• A map,";.adopted„by the, - ;'.Town Board, sbowiag'streers, bigrie4Yeraud.: parks' dy” laid ":" out adopted and arta by. raw' Drainage' systema: 'may Also be shown oa this mqp • Parking Art An off streetarea„con taieleg _dne'or morespaces;; with passageways and :d . parkingriveways apturtenaat,. thereto..fn general. there shall beanaverage of about three hundred and'fifty°(350} square.... ;feet of: parking” area ,per parking apace . w" Parking Space:, An off-street space avail able for "'the parking of one motor 'vehicle on a 'transient • basis and having :a width`, of trine (9),feet, and an. area lof Aiotless .;than one hundred' ninety' (190) square feet" 'exd`usive"of passageways ,and driveways; `appurenaurth'ereto and giviagaccessttieretoti, and, having direct usuable access to a street tlting'fbule `See definitonof'Boarding . Sign. Any movable or' permanPp*iy'.fixed device for visual communication, which is used tifor.: the purpose of: bringing the 'sub devices ?:On&beryehi ary.. „subjecc,'trogt , U°n¢ sappiica „ m y , structures Sign. ,Advertising• Any sign vet;tlsing the sale' of goods the performance ofser� 4ice, or he name sad location oY a "proms prigtor•not `Iocated:on the Iot upon WOttie mPYed.11Ilioaids.signaodvebeeYsr,y skids vetitces, or�{in athei ways moarafilei,^ and similar • signs,: shall be' included fir the termadgertisiug sign.'• 'r Sign Size The area which rdsukta by tiplying'•"the, • outside dimensions ofya not including the "cal,, ` horizon ,diagonal supports, may' affix the sign`ti m'the, ground or in a stractureor Mill tilft: • Wber`e,tbe sign• consists ooliitaiitilst.tosq or symbols attached to or,,paidted building, the area !lien be. considered to be tbah,- of the small iiK rectangle hlcli encompasses all'of!ie' letters or aymbo1s , Story Tbat portion of a huildiag inoistaett betwee iu, the surface of4,4k floors,; alad the surfacefthe 9 floo:<' aexr above{ •there be nP floor Above [i;" thenAbe' ce betty, een`t a floor and fhb ceiling /I A; basemenf'shell be counted as a sorry' if [Tie` ceiling fs more tlaa five feetabove''a the clever,- !atom which ,tile •he" of,tthe bu lding4ismeasured. or if, it'%.LS for business purposes'or for dwe1lfng purposes y by, other than -a janitor or watchman" Sorry, ,Half. A: story'., ?th at least; No opposite . e„xterior sides; meeting d sloping • roof • tot• -more [hair" two fest above the floor Of suchsmry • StreetE'.A way an,:existing State,. county or Town Ilighwa}yi oreh • updn a subdivision plata ova TowntPlanning Board, as prn�ided by la; iyoronalllatd47,••4edrOc rtfedinxhgOfcif •�3ice of the Cotarcy.Cfanderic,r r Stabta, Prf accessei ,not for a 'Frog • vidg'loc S'ccucture PPordagn [ 'not limited to .,.e Ism fl'yourfat Home•.l - boarding or sou fined; elsewh overnight accommo offered for [`ramie sation Usable Open Space• portion 01 the':' ground •area of a h s -available and accessible ta'al cgcu,"lients�of a dwell ing unit or dwelling unita on said rot for outdoor recreation y which area 1st* devoted mo driVewagys or,parkinmg, spaces' ke at least 255 feeta int "minimudimension„ and "bas no. mo `10" percent off its area algr re than S percent. Use Thespecfffetiiiipose for which land' water, or a building or stricture is de ' signed arranged intended or for which it• is or iiieY opcupiedor maintained r Use Accessory A use which is;custo t marily indden ' talgand'subordinateto theprin-, CVO'' use of a lot water area cir'a•build- ing, ;and located on the °same lot or water area therewith x , Utility, Pablict electric unit substationtt municipal pomp stations+,0r waterWtower a'. minticipal ga_rage,,firehouse telephone Bub- Utility Private• APumis,"or w li house andother! buildings ,-accessory,.�toi ev of us ;eain ;'building , preises m,nott including a guest; houses orr"on.accessoryi u iding.as other-` wise provided in said Ordinance. z Yard An'openTapace`onte'same-lot with a building or group of buildings -which open space: lies' between the-' buil`ding or group of buildings- and e- nrest lot line autl is„ unoccupied end uoobstructedfrom theground. upward, except as maybe specifically author , ized in t is3'Ordinance' In asurlag,a;: pard : as hereinafter �ppravide the line of buildup shall be' deemed m ttteaafa line parallel to the nearCestS" lotxine, drawn from a point of a building or the point of group 3of buildings_ nearest to such lot line, ands,. the "measurement shallrbs�ea�ght angles from. the line,.,ggo the u g ,as: defined herein,; x0 the st lot ,rine Yard, Front. ; full of tlieilot and lyin ietviceemt . front;lot .- 444441d building Yard, RearA yiat extendlit i,',ceosa the Mull width of;die to gaud.lying#beetreenfthe rear••..rine of the lat.( the Seirentline -;- • 61 the<building. Side A yard a the for and the .tie ing find extending, the rear„yard,-orr•inthe absence] v of _such yards ; m the' f. nt. an ` Iine, 48 .01 case, may be ARTICLE 111. TSTABLISHNENf OF DISTRICTS �-- • :ton 300 Classeao o.the foll�w tsar -40 Ane I atttify' eslc]ential �tstrict"y D-40' Optiott'ak1n8 Resideaiial bis - !'••• Rt 20 Onef ere Iy IteeidetWai Dlstiict RD -20 Optional DweilingliesldentialDis trict R 15 Ona Family item ential Diatricc• - LB Local. Business Dist" ` GB .General' Business ' AL Airport Tndustt Pt Planned Industry i)t's T;1 General IndttetoDistrict g Where districts are•;referred-to 55 "more restrictive”, or., 5 less.sestricuve `` 4the, designation shall'refer tt"gg"', the oz'�der in which' tits districts arenamedaabo thefirstnamed -: beingther§noai;reatpi"c_t"r� el�and,solon ex ceprwe ber.otherwise incl cats d in tbisO disance " _.--. 32001`Distt-04'7Lvu,,,,ar3 nded,to follow streets, right susses • 'nor lot,u lines or boneit$ict1sr thereto w unties clary lines Are fixed shown"on,alu 7�.olni�'g map 320 62,1n c�tnsubdivided�PreF +a 'district bona ��yyivides c�:m f apy'such bounder• • tis idi-7.131Pated by dimensions map shaA be determined sem$ map scale showg_ereon . Ute, use, of 320;03 :•Where[ such .boundaries Gated as approximately%Uaw"3eigth`eproperty.; -ifnesaaf'parks, or,shbther Iarge public hold;;,r roes^, u�s aU be cOnstruedtic'ber such lw es as established as of the date of'adoptitin-oi this Ordigance., 32004, Were district bo»ridarfes ,are soak indicated that they approxfinately foIIogr t o edge of -lakes, ponds reservoirs or hydras of water the. ,mean ,high wain ' thereofr i.coestrued m e clava district bouniaries except 'xha4, the eg70 Mations of xhe moattestrictive,district optt the• -ed` a `of such a body of water shat apply" •to the,;,ataear4pvithfn the„ tttean Ovate bodlo of rater th reof k 320 05 Aa'y` boundary' extendieg into . theti pIiudsdn 'iliyer ,os. °other .bodies of watep: borper ,7TX£fown shall", be cleaned ., • extend lo' the boutglO 444 Torie:PVlesa 'm:jroads. 4. $20,06':' dtmensioas m' or fro; or • railroads spoor on the zo_i ing map shall, "be taltea from the edge of t'he right-of-way ' 'such meals o „ral1raads„ unless, otherwise usiionedar`described on tlieZoningMa 'l.4boundaries parallel inroads. isii er paiailel iaiasd ceaterlines' of these or one half she• right if ayF width °of -these roads, *chewer i greatest, . plus .!th+ tninitnum t d 1depth. nes • a:.ilie district 'within' which the road'. •12-e• le3dt et bo ateen4ar.Sfle•i tq tuxair t atrounds,si he considered,pathileico and.' "`iinmsioned frn'eircke;; gf 65 zad'iys` r Willed -MindItie,Onteritiiiii. of - u darytshall be. a distance `ciixlefcligl m the'm41-1 aired iny.the district !l°:Illeasurements shownnto e�inter sof+ two or, ore' Toads shall beg i tersectionfof the center•'" d yoi xhese'roads wetting ti Imes with the! strabe considered perpendicular. v 'y 'REC TIONS, Elcle shaU applk, lished'ip Section! egulations ' besierected,, move enlarged, nor sh(ll'aad signed, or ar•"^'. "say it ce fse .00rthi" !c such building or'land nferpretiug.and applying this Ordinance;,, - >e regui [pens eoatainad herein are de clared *be the •minimum requiretnents.fora _ the proteeaon :lher',publfc 4 a1th, morals,:', safety - cel on cvenience, .and' general"' _,welfare This Ortinance sbali,not be- deem , ed %tui sfi@ct, 'in any manner whatsoever anyteaeements a cpvenants or., ther agree meSTS, et}veen,partiee, proyiclads �-towaver,; • ihait wherethfs O , posesta•greaten- +.restric oa up4ogr'$�isee,of' buildfn'gs, or ..',land, of `upon the ,erection, construction;' estaliIia enr`a loving • alteration or • en • largeme0 � gr ' n are imposed aby other , rdinances rules,; regulations, 1 licenses certificates or, other aiithori - ztons oiy esements t ants ,:pi greernents he' -provisions "cfrs Ordi Hance hallprevail.. - Entail it• herein!, atter provided,•the;follov¢ing general.,regn• - lations eiiagltapply• i rSection 43 "0 '-GetleraT Re ons 1, ° 265 aiionsit idldrng Eaer.r..j buit&ng, lAilecated' r".91r * 1° :11.4 -041'911. 4 44. **43p,o'fIci4i, *sewi*re thiskOpdinande»_ rflo.F,Shanone lot O(Property, each lot ieetiliiperinetnente otthis Ondir: ane =-0- 4P4 eipewsp,ee.for Every 7sittor!.-0n-,iyithaqi,;or,-at4epenp-ursfloacse, �f'comhtIitheprbv1s1ons of these be ftiduddLanypar(' 4_eeittliscirislis,,,, id!? a 44,2,rocilir,OPeti ?Mane L ,;(ithildeied as. a ILarg, i*Litoif:01,A7Fiy„ other a: i� partof :4 cliiik 140; kn..., ,•,-4n sucht4:0... Ifilit'' ' 9,. ts =Of this 0;01-11iiiii*.ki'li°:;iii.t,44,.,:,14'! "ftr''' ,es„ to ,'TheToEpP4F).4PP,i,7. ,v.,.... ar4this -. eul#, ,14,16,Cr or perce4i peculiar 9f'fri:egli1ai bi4Pe' pertil ce1:4 e,,,P..OttndPPfillP Me-.reqdlneetente oc,' ,..,,,, g.tie,,,, 4,..,, ,,„ • ...,,up.."*4'urictpr.;.1Tits,*,guiiiect te, -. -**--00,4,,esiiti=iiii.fiveme(::: a''"bv;41ivh14 is inim 7 ' be,...::14i( tt:,:'1::::-7e,, itithe:rit:'04a::.447:: '''----"'''nr,4,... 4„..ereiurdi F. faun "`smt=r-'e; shall be ater.'''"" '-ei.f: CO* 'de' -...'-4. 'iMAdcli, rear it:°di...neg:.47 el v41'c'ir''9!- ittoPe , itteaft` '' ''''liabitsble ' E"1"P"S 9fani mot ei,J ' du is,..1g4ifFre._,1,14..,., =,--::-,:`,,, imillite,,,,470441,,,,vos 1050e._6,144,4e-- fc,971111d:ei rer:, od:"..., 1, ' 't=.'aiaiiaVer:4p0107not fin'67P'OclIP';' ' 04*0Q.'''' eon 74ed,". nicig31:9190; " WCI*"-tWiF4tlinothe and ' ic.aiiiiI ...tithadfige.Fs au poim4!t t44c-ff- ' 4470, -(1,1 '.9,4Iyi-naftaienierrei; -:,,,:h7dps''Neri4-'' it aSectio11430!' ''''''''....'1"--R'h.'..r----ai'e- t:?:11t:fiir.4atell9rrib4:uldiii7 Et1,4134rifileii 'thet' S411cttt,:,!t ilsc*.: a .442Y1,4tr; el:dt.,:,- - 4:7. 43:11;a4hr:haVe te'14Id°,A71"/.,a--w'I--, of 19ew, 4t4rglitill. ai"` ilaie CtitPie- Ii444)1" 1 -posted .-i. . -0.4;la$-Vli heTown i3tt,,, ciprl S.:Said 4v.,,, ki.e'•„1:s.4itic.;r:sr,,.1, ''' of record, . ty onemnei*P et„bedidary regi4a;6rI:t-iThrani :4::7,..tree:p04:rictio7._ .1 ore eatofflsuinCI:Ltheg: more rend t6 . 6ri for ti*reS/tend in araf;4.- ei .M.•ik veXijoes n jp, iSififontigifOus-i;, 1... 41*cttiof ots re -44.5 might -be ..ti'.?ieceSsailf;kalialf he; ',ttn nI let 0 Pardel:teiitiatte sinegte dernibie -Joe parce1,-:.1vhcreupen issued,' hoPlinly,(pr such cOhilinod lutsor Aisreela; even:6040, theiP4tetal ..12e less in . - area than_ reonirodliyTihis.t irdinance for the dtrtccht wbich the He; Jn the cale-Of.-:- conti,ghous -4Couir6cOly a-. munaipal corPjtjon tbr.Vf1forelt5tire OPP of fOls.nrcilf)44.0:411014t4,prii'aiTels oici."in44:::nierinesf.that;they4Oay cOmittt'- with '-ine-'.0'.fcBtitefnetna''et-thta Para In ne.:c.ase'stialltIiii-builieng",lieltaed aliypnriieee'iiheritiirtai,interdeilandper=""`' hiittee this each loot that.ifiottiePared )31'4"1664 exIi- trig at tliOateeteddptiOn of dital)Pfintifige, is less didn't iereqUireltilqiinuin Width te- IF iliati-icfOthin Whichltlies;.eaeli • stJe yard nta be reduced b) one (fl inch Biniildriy, for .eickleorihatluch a lot_ or parcel is 'leas thatthe requiredminimum lot • dein theregin red rear 4-e,rOna yo,",be, redUced;.;,, (0 iiitii:q4*.'.*4'sba...144 „:r.4144or ear 'yard: be ie4s' than. fie feet.(6),• 1. ' 1 or the litkPtiSe,oCreitefint.and,Oinalriltigr taar0--ahalt" 4;91,4400.44:0(1P!1*.,*td1".....tbe4m.P0`?41 of subdiyiaion.plibend per;euaefitisentitio'281: • wflI igil4d!-0h!tk.i404,444-4f4.i444014. tructures.ovidedjaYitne:14#0getaiae Of 1 le iS-,,shoWn thelsiihdiviiiorf plat thall be oqua1to of.grs#tcF, thskthe,Orinitted mini= r. mum -"aree,ittsachdistc*. t4ndtfiat there ahall, het ..be a greateraversg,ederinty Of:Population,- sr cover .91:land with.liuildings per- imitteir in :such dilidet,-.:and Itirther'pronded 1titaL nu:lot shall have teas than .the„ minimum required forints in the, .' teist reatriciiveliendebtial•diatridPor the deter:Mined single OsitilaPelbtlitt under, ore an aaattii)jelat:nteltf:.*Ogla!tireilYhdalea ,.".. ct. tcift5estsiestisi;:oe Planr take pIaceat the mniturn rot aii.eand dimensions theneXilisaleatrictiVedistrict,,. pre.videil Mit public cir"continintityiner.. andsewer tacjlftjes: 'Systeinai..Meeting ' the re=,',4 quiretrienta ffealikand )ie vdopepat expenseTat LciiiMoseel.t thati, Onno area,shalrthe.ie,Allgrii ytt,10(444„4 end., dimensions be less tbac.thoseieserlbied I•iiiefeestrenrfatifie and4itia1dietrie. ;: I tlantiirig„lioarti"' shall Y,Fc,i; ten: reportapcianaiy5jsoLsuch e,'•Yeiftt544liaiRFIFFFed daiy.:aadionfaed.engineecialteentedbyibe...4 Statericeiv.VoCk.;Ilie:egeRfattitr4yerage, • .thi"a,.reptit;t14 ',be rev lei4ed'.'fianadeqiiaCy hy the :1Own!,sErigineer.,Af.ter receiving in:T4he. aaiiii0inanneh. sit required • stilistfy.teob-00141e,4.,:". i,;-31.?Me=*064.0.11iirc44.-"Odic16001,0it)? on ibF"144F.Aida c90)'Ottlta:FTit' enall, 6e:riffled h• -i fit .t he ...Itijen,Clerk.41JpOnihe Kling Itireitid,",,, 1z1aivii1-.'tlir4ttiee. thitotiritiairg: die .4-4prdcd mo 1catfunsS1)ai recorded as° -rspfrt!yedb) the a'd;'ififeap .46 ,!ti:4y.pifjie:Aitiiirei 1, 4 roananc mince eo,V.?inAg 44s611444telgseSrC4iitetlIefitAblit itnoiratt:tit: fh4f,Miiifilledicintee are' park, v.q.ik'pf,OW1?-0tfrii,itecr iifthis.Ordinince. ttia& nay be*, parlieVor:liored eneidepe-:haceliory' gSiete,er?accessory.'1 yark-piSryidea Met no nor t; c0nneetiart-there7 t1ISuchtrai1r Is ared. -- 10$"!:eVer,a. p,erni:it. may be. granted ktbc.,Iinartrof Appeals Permitting the use of . tent orT9bne*rile eS a teniporaryd.ciI1ing or .2 a.-teriod tif eke year during' the .;Ooaattotcioir" era permitted cekidembil use on thc same lot. Such permit maybe renewed • for not :mere- than two 'additional -6' month periods. . (pen the issuance of a Certificatenf . ucciipanaY for the house under 'con - .4: struction, m"aCcurcience 'with Section' 520 of the'Specie! 'perinit Shall be, r .r411: Yards, - yard Improvernents, Bonding ProjeetiOns, Setharke, and Courts 4I9.1dt Terraces, and Pordies, .' A , paved -terrace, unroofed and without walls. parapets . Other: forms of enclosure,: shall not be considered in determination of yard size or totcoverage. Such terrace may have anopen 'guard railing not over four (9) feet high, and ;44all not project inio any yard to "a point • eluser than five -(5.„feet from any lot line. Any two-nOry,.or any enploied, porch, or I hayIng-r.a..rilof andPaidec' nee ;,closed, :shall 'he 'consiiiered PPebreti of thehuliding 1nriat the r determine:den or the., size uf aa -dor amoii,:. n tOf lot coveragei - • -.I/profit-Ting -Architeciiiin.Featuees 0 lorizontal). ,.. The space in any required tiOstrocted,rexcept ary.pro3ection 'otthe Window, -• c!:.! ,t-ccursea co'rn". ice;otheparcbi(iliashresnrcsuchfeatures • bot oecttoPtan aisy;Falo: .-''''.919'.61'Prifieding.teatiires:Vov.e tile Beef !"1-eYP011ie :height. of. this ordi7. fiance. not apply to Church sPires..belr- 104; and domes not ified) 4 --for, hinininc,.e.ceopancy; .nar Chlinneys, Ventilators. water tanks,_7bulk.:, heads. television Antennae or .similar features, and ineceisary mechanical .appur, oarried above the roof ". : .eiceet..- as .stich may be spectfically level, *dined- by °diet provisiens, of. this twee. 'Such *tut et, however, shall such height as fe' necessary to aFroMplish. the.- pi.Mpciae they are intendeh, forcorfliceS. used • may ,estendl.alieVe."lhe.rouri level .- not more than, five (51 feet; 111.04. -.Fire Escapes. Open fire escapes may extenctinm any required yard not more than siX (61,- feet, provided, however, that such escpe shall not ,be closer than four (4) feet at any point to an' lot line. Wills. and . Fences: The yard re,. qtifrements. sof• this Ordinance shall not be "„ 'deemed se. prohibli,any necessary retaining wall, nor to prohibit any fence or wall, pro- d that in any residence district no fence orwaIl shall . exceed'' six (6) -feet ir height, :rneasered abbve the adjoining finished grade,,,, '..except Where- approved by the Board of Appeals. , - ,419.06 Corner Lots. 'On a cornerlot in any residence district, there_ shall be provided a side yard on thelide,street equal indepth • to the re:tared. front yard on said side street. One rear yard shall be provided on: each corner lot,, and the owner shall elect which „yard Aside rear:yard. , . xtmg tbilestcei ai;igrea of r g�ttI�st t% sratghiY.l ne o tibig.satd stree[f,rfgfiri ay line's att=:potnts4*bi�c�li;;r'e',[hiity.(39 rdfs"tati 49il tte<Pofut• o!"; ntersec to red ng':„said tstteet' right -of way; Te;heght of three (3 fee shall bet meatsure5'' above the;mad surface at tihe': -nearest edge eof yroad travelled way This paragraph shall not apply to existing trees.i '. provided .that "" rra3iches are c1$ser than Six (6) feet to'fheground. :t °414.08 Ez eptton for' Eiitsting Alignment of Buildings , If a onone , side; of ,, a street Within , a' given' block, and: within `150`'feet of any 1pot, there Is, a pronounced utiiforrI ,ty' of altgnment,Of the frontsof-existin puildings ."and of', the' depth_',of.' front:yard* greater"or less than the depths specified in the .Schedule.-, of. Regulations, a " front yard shall 'be reqirIn connection with . any ,'new builhing litrit shall ,conform as nearly • ,as practic thl with', biose existing, on the: adjacent lots except that no .'such build-, king shall be required to set back m frothe ' street's distance greater -than 50 ,feet i unlessrequired in Sec_ tion 422. i 415 ; GenerslAtegulatione Pertaining to I ccessory.Bulldtngs x sat• y ''• 415.01 , AccessoryBuilding„Attached ' to 'd . ivtafn Buildhtg. if "any' accessory"building Is. attached rata main building, ,including,, (a. attachment 'by as of a breeze -way pr f t- a roof passageway; it shalrpe onsider r ed u a%t ?of the main b iding and: shall', t' comply' in all respects to'the requlrements 1 of this .Ordinance appltcable'•to '"the main ', building „i Ail ,others accessoey.bttiidings shall comply to, therrequirementsfor such buildings ,lir the : Schedule of Regulatiotia :415.02 Dwaellings 1n Accessory 'Build i tags . Any accessory betlding'on the same` ' lot 'with.a.main restdepcefbuidingshallnot be used for resfdeace ;purposes , 'eikcept • %for• domestic 'employees of; the owners or'; tenants of, the main.buUding,, and who ;ane i 4:emploiig 4n the' prendaes,;;pfnviding-sura: " ac,puUdtri_sttalk contain no l;iti• •;asski;ckew1 facilities i 416'.',Non-Conforming Uses and BBUUdings , 416 0\ ,Cbnt1nuing'~E`xisting Uses.aExcepr, otherwise wW.l eed in this oii, lila adaW,ldiy-YPe n !i i,'q ; ?d;oi bpfldti*s i'-t*e "time• of the' adoption of this' ;cordinance ' maybe: oli#nited,.=iltheughkstich,i •, use does not conform to the standards spec, . fled by'thfs Ordinance for the=nine to whiehi •slurp-.:faail-or buticlitig, is `Ideated.`sSaid,uses' ' = 'shall be deemed non -conforming uses i ,•1', 410:P r 'Nonr6ogfortidngi'pisetofltand�s Where no;butlding I +involved v theanoa4on forming use *Cling may *continued; pro ydded, however ' a.: That m such nonconforming use of :land shall: Soienlarged-or,;increased„ npr .,'Sheltie beenended'to occupy a greater area •of)anhatd than toccupied by'sttcirnse, at thea tipecttle of thefadoptfeaiof thisOrdthanca,-uitless ,,sifically sUowed'by other sprovislons In this brdtoance b ,That no sttc<t� non -conform - ing use of .•.lang gbe mgyedin tynttleorfapu[toaaypther portion ,of 411a ;let or:parcel bf landg cdipidd, by such eta-"cosdorming ulna, ih"efimeof the adoptionof this, Ordinance ' c:---- That if .such nog-eonformicg:use of land, or any portion thereof •ceases' for= any '-reasea for_ any conttnuouspertodofMere Man - thirty (341j}.days. orischanged to a c inforn h g ,,, any future use,of the -land ,shallbe in .cconformlty:wlth.the prortstons of:thfsOcdi- nance; • . d. That no non -conforming use of land shall be. changed to-another.non-eonfortnjjg_ use,' unless, it, is a similar ordessnon-con forming use as Ldete.rrnined.hy the Zoning 'board, of Appeals.. ' i 416.03 Non,Confornhitig .Use of Buildings i : 416.031 A buildtnior a structure, Meuse of . which does not conform totheusereguladons i for'the.districte in',whtcfEIt Wait -toiled. shall iHsot-be enlarged: or:extend"ed' unless' the use, therein is•.changed to`, a cont`orminguse :('Also` see Seciion•416.Oa "r; ' • '} f,a, glthar aqaded > e man estLyauntie v ' si ed f£i• such use 'Ile the tlme.of theadih option of is., 41b 033 Ano -conformingusrot a build' g may, be'changed only to i nairitsimiter'', r;.'less non -conformity as tiererminedbyti* rd of'oppeals r 416034- .If any ton -conforming ose of ;a •'building ,ceases for, any reason, for a con ttnuous apeti od of more than ;one iYear., or, is' tic a conforming use, or if ,tie ' building in..or on such ,use is con' ducted or aintained an s weed,any distance' whatever, for. any reason n any future :use of surd bufldingr shall bele In conformity:, with the standard's specified by this Ordi_, nance for: the districtin which Such build-; ing is located.. .410;085 If any , building in which any non_ ,conforming use is cot-elmaintained:: ucted' pr maintained::"is hereafter removed. the subSequent-use of the land;ort.whlch such,beilding:,as located, and lhe, subsequent use of any rspDui on shall be.,in conformity wkh- edfied\bythis lordlnance for w ldingthere the standards = the district int which;such building' or•land is located.' r-, 41d 04 Non CottfoRYnitj A4titer� Than tJse' 1 A' biildingrthat.is confotmfngt• n.use'but which does not conform to the'lieight,:.yard.' land coverage parking or Loading Space re-' .guirements of this brdlnance shall not tie, xonsidered<ta tiikiten_confMaing#flti*.41ie . sneadigg' �f.,Sectlon - 41b 03 =150, permit Shill:, tie Issuedthatwll3 result in thedncrerase of any psuch non. conformity r �. 41605 ,.testoration; o1 Damaged Buildings .'. 11 any, building legaUy..non coaforming'1n use shall,.,.be.destrpy6d by -any .means,";;it'; maybe repairedor' recohstructed Ito -the same ,size and on, the same -location or at the location -specified",for new buildings in ilia' :district in. which uch use Is,1ocated. Tepairs o reconstruction efcr; such, non ;;� conforming- use shall be ..cdinpleted)wfthinae two•years of the,date onwhlcht*itdestruction, occurred ''` 416.06 s,. No-Confot-mirtg Uses Subject;to .,Additional,Requiretnents w '.k �riorder,to *ring"about the-graquit con" 4formance : of'. various incompatible tiles :to the requirements _ of this :Or 1nance, the" following,requfremenis are established '' 416'061 "Non-Confoctning Signs * „ �' Regardless of any other'pmviaionatttiis' Ordinance,, every sign,,which after„the i 4�-adoptionof,this' Ordinance,'may�exist'as'a.; non -conforming rusnye in-adistrict shall `be 1 discontinued and removed, sot, clhangea, conform' to thexstandards oflsaid distrlct-; .Ydildn.a period '91 40.1 years from the date ' of tbi's'Odinance. 916 062w Junk Yards '” In addition to the requirements set forth In the" Towa s Ordinance' re atin'junk. °yards;ebittled "An Ordinance Llcenaing:; and Regulating the Activities'and Business of Dealers;.„in SecQ'nd;iiand Materials, Junk andi Used 'Auto Parts -adopted December =29 1960 everyjunkyat'Cwhich aftertheadoptlon'', of this Ordinance' ,may exist es a n on -con u farmingivae inany,;district BhaU wfthin,a,,, ii: iet`iod .three 7tears„from they date of this a Ordinance, comply. with ,iile•-following :re- , gutrements a. The junk yard shai'1'be_entice1y: surrounded by,'a fenge at,leastseven feet hlghr ibiit riot:liigher;:tlipn,tenliiii:and eveigreen:., landscaping both of WliiclisliallIntlinproVed by; the Planning Baird. as,adegpate to provldo.:” reasonable protection to the,, value ofi_the; „adjoining residential piopeety ;The, Mice 40,1811,be- set ,back ac least fifty eetSrom all,4 sereets.atid property. lines. , ' b 'The yards betweee;heience*the'. undaries of the lot shall.:be used only' for., :landscaping sad for: driveways located et; places de'aignatedcby the' Planning' Board.•' ndacapfpgMshalit.F'be ,grovlded aroundtiall.4 ,�m des of she junk •yard. shall.be specifically;, approved by- ilia' Planning'Board, shall be l sufBciettt to screen the Junk.:y3 d and fence; `from surrounding "Propertiies •. and, shall: TY- s crom�st+prlatartly of plantingof the evergreen '. prfety , c The he`igtit' of materials stored`" ,•'•-withiti'the fenced area shalt not ,bezgreater ✓than ane -toot less thantheheightofthefence. • d .. No reskletttlal .' use:',. shall - be,' :permitted'°=asf.a' sttezused 'for =aa Junk yard; e. " Only one':s`tgn shall•• bepertiiitted facing ,each public, street. Signs sballx;be.' located fn the. front yard, shall be no.larger;' than 20 square',tieet,tn area,,; and, shall be°no:r higher:than f. Useof a junk yard shall he Walked MK the storage of materials for salvagepurposes.. not including unbaled,paper or rags, or any anther materials wjtichwouhd be a nuisance be- causeof dust, odor, or fire haaard.?Use.of a^ Junk yard forthedumpingofgar.6ageorsefiise shall sot be',pertaftted. Burning of any ;ma-; rteriels within', the funk yard;;shail n9;',:-*;; permitted unless the ',place of burnine ts,. moreithan 300 feecirorkany,boundary01 the`i ,Property on which the Junk yard isolocated; Such burning shall take place `only during'the ".liditrs of `I0 00 to !1;00 P.M Monday through Friday. ” ? ;416:97-Coinpleiion"+of Btaldirrgs ilnder Eoit • struction Any bu1ding the'coastrucUon'ofavhteihas ,,, been started.lat,4411 befo40e..e*rii,e,0**4 ot:thls Ocdinance,or of an amendnientthereio, and ,the -ground stgry framework of which„ in a{ ' %chiding she <seconditier, of beants pas been. a compMlfed'w t1 Th one year afuer the adoption of , this Ordinance or; amendment, shereto, -may •,, tie completed and -used, in accordance with . 'plans on file. with the; Zoning'lnspector, pre, proshaate t a nstrectionIs diligently e Building- ig, compfetedit within two: years of the adoption, of this ,y • Ordinance„.; 416.08 Existing Special UsesDeemedCon-'t forming Any use lawfullyexlsting"at the ,bite 'of the 4 adoption • of `.These ' Regulations, or of any. .amendment thereto;, in the district' in which„' such,use,iss`classtfiedherein. as a special' ',use .shall, without further actrion,-'Ahe deemed robe a conforming vee in such /one, 417 Ktirilmum`Dwelling Unit Siie No ,hullding in any District, used for resit dence'purposes:;and erected. or createdby., alteration,' subsequent to the,adoption of this Ordlnagce, shall have ,a usahle, tloor=arclt -iess.than 6B0 q ft , Such ttsSbIS floor a'r'ea', §hall include • all floor area used for human occupancy within the' exterior al{s i -o1 the lauilding huts hallnotincludcripcnporrbcs' or jireee'' ways Itasements ,n unittfta 444E4: or. untinlslied "attic' space. tt iz San 257 258 ' 61,1and'ailit tlie heigTgs; opl. spaces 4e providod'contigu44*,, 34, M-colnie4.0 bulitiingsAhrargi ofIn bff 4444a ispaceXoadxng spatauc. iin,0-"ibievf•t4ittesiii:414ict tOritte'd-lcir the Vet -tint district's 'olthisTirdi ,.. , adding or ,'OrefilseS; Shill be ',used,' Cand,riaboliditieOr grouP".e.iihrlY4ins; part Of;,a',.,bullding or "Strurfore, 'shill lig ereCied,,cOnsitmeted;OplirgWillere4, ,„• - ranged or designed in be; used, in whole or in part, except for one Of .ifie4ok .. . 40.- T•set .furth below.. = Doly•'Irtofe .usos.speofieauy. listed as kein*.pFrn*tecl intik. specific ' destrici'Stiall -he ,.. permitted 'in • dist district. ', •;:is, use,or Series of tisei'Manked with ,. .„,.,.. . .;',•. . . . an asterisk (t)' Is Subject to the additional 'Standards and procedure set fOrtlifneo.' „e, tion430 for uses requiring special pertnits. ' •', - • --' ; ' - '• • • ' • .' - : ' '' • ”' . , ...., , .- . . . . . . .. .. , .. . . ..,e1ParrPsei •hf,Rilidential , -t"[•, . single-famtlyv dwelling, per lot, • to.include mobile homes or house trail -4 is it, • • • •".; 1h, • ndre 'fainilyidvfellineineny et,:= in an/ RP;72t): Pis - mai ;#enie4igwor addition there,: Orrlic ntitaber, ,P,P14:4.4"zi)4FOP'',Park. ,414,4c=1,941.0 3,POrPlitt.07=4 friar:WAR:46 i 4:1411414ct*I.Ini;".'..4 p;Otlie"istrict igidr40,444.:P.44ing.OF rnobile et.qtFtpref. -7,40P ite,..,-ilsear'fOr=1;or more litid,A11,...peritilited"o11ehome Shill Oriftgqatiii,r6ii**=' tion7.440).91 this Ordi- tiCTyreflisll'.be located "..; hi getairmiletiti'ef Sec 4612_,Z-•-"01:01=itP Pfs.7" af,i4Alensiej:Kne -'grettier L-Pap1044FOrsi4r1i-:4O11- _ hajjbe community ',water and ,,;sbetremitrentents tate Ma1th okortipeit paflpfig fqjuirtineiits 904ice and any Other eiti7mite9f *ti Ordinance are ' ==. ' „pempecelFFFounding dedr4r*d.,.ts rectestiop nhalicraitSlof the -• rliffe"fiinent;.,="and each SOnt5UOO.- ?dt!tin ft, shall rnents 01.the 'RD -40 -, irdshall'-•!*.:-.6f, :a :depth strienire prnen4iticheyee.ii,,great-'., ther #trucnire ,)r4 sversge, of the 01.141;1„:,r9Once,i stand, 48.1414,- 00:104113this dkr4.9FAListIPI*fqiii peed.withiti. one tleie ,allystreet- irher place of4-worship* C Itg.,,Tf.• ,brfFYu'4euzP.'" .gloisiostitLetraritableinStit,o:tiOns*.. :itT‘nitiffons".' for t1te. Zrt 4PUt0* P9fFdiilg1400e-ti Convenston,et `=lati1lt.-4rior.,M4he:adoptiOn OrtitiS.Ortlinanee') and 1:baying ,sA;lissOle;fleor apea of not Iess 11jen?'4:11Q05q-tt4:' igrOn4)(449:i0enge.* *fr. us as-permftzed tirO*140 elPhcye0n1;:in4, peddiked-frOifi -such; ConyerAittihill-flifY! tifalq?;:P?9.r.rert-:*,00•4,. „Of;irrier'="pAkkop,risipierenens:Thkell_..2 thls bodi, ind.;',"AiartichialZ'schciolsS - -= 15 liospitilti, riers1iig.I':5cotivaje,scetit 6-.35akr,turseir.'"Or':.-p .17; '-,Pging acadernies,t.itiOles,!4=ind dog in.: • :'...avbei'licated=kull(rorrnorn 4and.',„ 18.Privitte-Ctitapi'forseaSOntif'residende".,''',• • ?'4t00,011401)00,446i0.4iiles'..friclitT4" as toprent hazard o the pt1IC nd !LW': , ' b.. gas' lipoiter ,;titatiOns;;ihilrbe'.located - On -a Site p) Iessthan 1 acre Inarea and havlpg -. ditneneieit 4". e : „I0,d0044;W:' in There ...shallr'= sAtable fencing k•the.putiiic,:;,and enO4h-landicOpin7g,:andnien!-' Ing'-• to elSectively screen •".-thej-itbLstation• .,- from • SurrOim,clinOCOPOrty.'•••)'ird 1,,,tf, the. di41riciAn: which • -In ..'indditidnthete shall -Re'adgirlY4te ' r.fde: inSinienanre;,; Ser, • . vice, or oilier. YeliileStitriii`isi'aSse 'lees than"twb ,parking spaces. -d. 1inor kciictutfee; telephone 'or 1lhc poles; OrifinilSr mein,' Shall 'not - he .SubjeCt-lo•'thosn•regula- • • • ;.-••t"-"••'' and ,..- • 4r,rip . tlk; proceSsine„rol.,such . " Permitted Accessory ;Uses inResidemial -Districts ; „- a. _Office' or studio! of a physician, dentist, artist, engineer, surveyor, • lawyer,public .accountani, -realestate, insur- ance or other broker, when 'c'onduCted in a dwelling by the inhibitaM,thered, with no More than two - non resident ernplyees, .subject 'the,,psrkingAequirements "Sec- „ . ' tion costOMaryhome occuption, as de- fined herein. -- .0.= keepingof not more 'than 2 non- transient roomers or. boarders =in any dwell- .= d. . Private garage for.: motor vehicles, - Rot -to ,.inclucle.,.ipore,.,t4n one .cornmercial- lieeriped vehicle.'.• , 7 .Off-ittiet,parking areas. Parish house, rectory. church school g.; 'Signs,, not exceeding 3 square.; feet in area, pertaining., to a use permitted in the including or lease or rent signs. hot excluding advertising signs. Signs ' ..pertaioing;topany,perMitted_ non-residential Use.* the same lot; 'hut not exceeding two . signs. with a total area of 36 square feet. ,Signe shall *non -Moving.: and, if lighted, sIiaIl beniiif,flashIng and shielded. • - • ,, h. Gate houses, guest 'houses, caretaker's cottages, or '==siniilar .'accessory 'uses to a residential estete use., 1.:,Private greenhOuses, fallout sh,elters, SwiiriMing pools; and other accessory sings or uses . customarily incident to a per - knitted ., 1.1C1. :,ODE:'(xf al h'S.1:Gt gtherwiaemd cats cueii Pl`tif lite - .•. t Area'b (Square Feet) Per Dwelling . ; , . , , Lot Width c Lot Depth 4. Front Yard' 5. Side Yards, Each: Main Building :Accessory Building 6. Rear Yard:. Main Building Accessory Building 7. Maximum Height: Mala Building" -Stories Feet Accessory Building,Stories Feet 'F k tea, 1 .. 40,000 - itn? 2000tr, <15,000 wwcy, i .. , 45 t j00 85 ' 150 125 :100 50a/ 35a/ ,.35 8 Maximum Building Coverage • fAU Bt ldings) - ' 20K 25% 309 9. Required Off-Streat Parking ,Spaces ': 25a/ .20a/';,, 15 10a/ „ 10a/ :. s, .. _ 5 50a/,- 10a/ ` 30 10a/ . • / : 5 2-1/2 , 2-1/2 .,. - 2-12. 35 - 85 S5 ,/. 1-1/2 1-1/2,.. 1-i/2 ` One.. for, each dwelling unit or mobile home, plus one,space for each roomer or bear/r,', For ..Other uses and hdditional requirements see Section 450.1 'On streets viitla less 'than a 50'oot-right-of'way, the Front' Yard setback shall be measured from the: ,, center' line of the existing roadway and - 25 feet'shall be added to therequired.front yard, Setback.. -On r• _ streets,of unknown -,rights of waythe same-procedur e-ahall a followed, except that -measurements shall be taken fromthe.genter line of the e:tisting roadway,' "In all RD Districts this Height limit maybe increased one foot for each additional foot' that therMinimum' Yard proposed exceeds its minimum requirement.,',' _ • -a/ in'an RD Disttriet the. yards fot' other -then a one family dwelling shallbe at leasrthose of the.R114,0 ", District b/ See Section 412" for permitting sine.* lot !ilia'.-• 'c/' Within any District,, no' part of any or'othentatructure housing aprincipal use, shall be erected on any part of the lot whicti''.has a lot width' less than the distance specified, • ,. AND Section"423 SCHEDULE OF BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY L3ISTRICT USES No building or ,premises , shall be:, used, -and 'no building or' group of ,buildingso or part of a building er ' structure shall- be 'erected constructed,;: enlarged, altered `arranged. or, designed'to be used; in whole ' or in part, except ,for one or mofe..of:the'uses set' forth`lbeloatabn}y those uses listed as being, permitted .in a. specific ‘district., shall be permitted j i that district ' In addition, a use marked' with an aterisk' (* ,<. ..is ,subject ,to the standards: and procedures set,fprtii in Section 490. Where indicated, Me, _ uses in a district are subject to approval of site plans'by-the=Planning•Board;•'.`. , , • DISTRICT '' PERMITTED PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED' ACCESSORY USES • LB - 1 All uses as permitted,+and regulated in a.. An accessoryuses =Local Business- Sub to site an a asD permitted' and ( � Pl P do all Residence Districts ,' � regulated in all Residence Districts.:. proval by Planning Board. See Section,440). -.,_g. Stores -:and -shops foix ,He conduct of h. Signs pertaining'to a ',permitted Use con • 4'" where aw 0 signs are' M - taurants and, other places serving food' and displayed„ procidedsuch1gnsdo not face any .,,beverageei. professional and uslnesa-cef-::lot":line of any adjoining;lot In a -residence faces 4nd establishments for th*pe merdor- zone if within' 50 feet of said lot. Signs shall,, ance-of various personal services - -not exceed 3' -sq. t ft... for each linear foot 3 -Governments* 5ididings-and uses '" •' of building frontage, ,-ori a maximum total .,,'. " c.4 Preparation,,processing or' manufacture. area of. 100,sq.,ft., and 'shall not ''project ;. of : goods ;or ;prpducts; for retail q; sale, on - into . any street.. Free , standing or-tempor- { -` the premises : skch as bakinay laundry ., ary ,signs shall :,not, exceed 25 sq,, ft. in 1 dry -cleaning only w"bere incidental to -the y area . and shall be located at, yard.setback -, preparation or ,handling' of articles to, be lines. " • . 1.......• ., ., sold ^primarily at retail-enithe•preinises c..:Exterior- spot lig)iting or•otherillumi- a'. ar#or to the performing.,ef' a .service pri-nation of buildings,. signs or grounds, ex- • . marily_ for residents ,pf the.neigbborhood rept, that all 'light solrces shall' be shaded ¢1 'provided; that tw,,,more -than 25.' percent so:,"that they'shall not -be' visible'!freit the , of the . floor area- Occupied by any es--,:-'-' streepor adjacent residetkaf lots.'* tablishment ehall,be devoted to such uses.d.' Parking area and loading space for,motor -` 5 Places. of am'ueeetent Ory[recreation-(ex yeliii7cles` pertafning'te . the'pertnitte2F use.:";� .rept a-drige-in=theatre) t.1, -•.`.7-e. Any other : acces'sory' �bufldiiig' 14 4'+u'se' .6 Publin,utility-strictures seiw1ilg'the focal` customarily incidental to a permitted use. area.";- +. 1_7.,. -Motor vebicle,'Sales,-repair.--and services±, s.,)1"I1?:; - ,. , (not including', storage -af ' jiiniced cars "or`" - , { _; . ' : •, ' automobile parts)*.: - ' 8. Casollne filling stations; • " GB 1. Ail 'main uses as permitted end' reg a. 'All ..accessoryuses' •as General. Business (Subject to site plan ap- lated in LB Districts: Per mitt proyal by Planning Board. See Section 440.)es reeulated in the LB District. - WtiOiesale and storage businesa.,.Building_- material storage'alid'.supply. Building: plumb- .. _ • ._ ., 14,electrical and simllar, contractOt'a es 2. Transportationaesin nates!.', 3. Laundry and dry cleaningestanllsbments., „..4., Radio.•.teleyision-and ',other,.,electnonic transmission :structures.. _ 5. Drive-in theaters.' 6. -Motels and tourist houses: 259 26U 1 All ',44,,,17. -.44..,,,,,,,..,..., -r, -,,....x Planned lndus iiiae usesas,permittedand reg a. Any acc try (Subject to'. site plan, re -',United in the GB and; -g1 Districts artly.. incident view bji PIanning Board. Section 440.), 2. Any industrial or ^'manufacturing rise, and' light including fabr_ icatjon', converting. process trier;) nig; altering,assembly oe other handling of pz�, the: operation other ;handling uses, - only, electric . power, mi/`'generated ton; the _"site , electric .�. „, c i',,Use.;'normally`-w111-not-.arms a or. reaiilt -in.`r any (1) diaeeminatibn of mise vI6 esaory building' pr use custom_ aI to a=permitted use. (Signs i° g' regulated as in the LB Dis- ssory"building or ''use custom - t to ,s permitted use. (Signs regulated' as in :the LB Dis- general Industry(Subject to site plan approval bl' Planning Board,: See Section A40,) - Airport Industry (Subjecrte site plan approval by Platuting Board. See Section 440,) (except sin emergencies) and which -44 excesafve. ,lf ration odor. or ". other atmoappltertic polli tatitbe and theboundarje8 'of the `site -which 'the Use:ia;"locatedd;- .(2) tiionace `by reason of fire, explosion;` atomic *orinducedrediation other;:physical'hazard;.:(3),har'mfuJ'dis=;'' charge of waste materials 4 .unusual-trgf- ic- hazards Pr:co 41188 ngpstYon due Zo, the Type and number.;of, 'Tvehicles' asiiociatq'd;' with : such''use;''(Sp-eletxi`ll .. ,'idanel:or"'ph'ei al interferehce`wYth''-alr¢raft3Lnditi° lc c take=off -,and'.other maiieavers.' 1. Ail main uses as permitted and regu.. a AnyFryacce latedinahe;P1'District. ' arily "incfdan 2. Electric power plant. and "Iighiing" 3 Fuelstorage depot. trier.) f.' genera 'manure tune+, ,gravel sad processings :' 5. Junk yaidst 1.> Business' and professional offices, r, a) Any acces trial or, manufacturingg-uses -transportation ;,,incidental to a terminals, wliolsale andstora8ebueiness(not b)', Signs„ e to include building, '-plumbing, ejectrical` or regulated In other similar contractors establishments)', gov-'ernmentaj buildings `and'usea, water'sup- ply and sewage.; dieposal -fac lities, .public .r. -.- utility' -substations;:alas- regujated✓"in.,re8, denial districts),'eiitraction-et.'etone;,.clay, sand and, gravel, or other natural resources ' from the ground?(as„regulated in;;reaiden- ” tial districts),. iotels, restaurants, farina and farm uses, parfiks?reservations'"and rec- reation faciiitiesi provided>tliat.any and all. such.uses, except municipal alrporte, sbaij :.;w a:::=meet, the, �uirements-'of - Sections 430 and 440 of this,`Ordinpnce, and:furtlier, [hat,the`', -,nature of;; the;.: use" is',."such that''normally,= will not 'cause'or. result...in ... `', " .. �' a) disseminatfdn' gf';no`Ise; • vfbrati0n,;r,eR- .. cessive Ilgtit;. diist,.sinoke,,'gas, tutees; odor, 1 or .other.'atmospkeric pollutant beyond the boundaries, of'tbe • site'bti which tte us0 is limited; b),..menace a[omi �'" reasont;of fireE t eicplo&lon, °.<'� s,or, induced;, radiation;aoi other Phys-, icaf'hazard c) :ha[ 1 dischar f r. ; �? ge of- waste material;, > r, d) '. unusual.:traffic ; hazards,: or'>. -Congestion due:"ib rhe type and; number of vehicles essociated'with,'suchguse; " i;,r.- e) electricai,'visual or' physical1nferference t•wIth aircraft: 'landing,,[ate-off,•' and' other :':' ',maneuvers.: 2, Municipal . airports., (except :no .sit8 s sory' building oruse cliatomaiily peitni - se. xierior lig and'parking, as BB Distr eta," -rppcova ntequinedr,ata.khraiett^deeoioh'.440.)• 3,- di' 40.4J1f4ti .lt�w'?,.$ �..428'$:';-e. i 'sGY 3G1t+t5?' 1 y'ti',,i c i c d 1. So aYt [rau,.4.4:_k .:"iia,4iiiiin-e:tiiiiiottrifitio'Oor liasAgterritned - '- ' ' - ' '''' '-' '' -- "- ' ' .' • '-' '"'', '''""- , ,,- .,36 ' , :•''..' . -,. ,„50...j.,.;;_., iiii:eilf Otilli:fiAigtoore.tavi0 lits been corn- -tear Yarcr!s* ' '' "I Pliediiili,' he shall isinethepenniii for which. , ' ' - " . ' - . - • - -, , ,,...,..5, „ ,.., . lippl.cation, has. been, made. The Zoning In - Max. Height: Stories 2-1/2 - - 2.4./2 . .,. .. 45 „ .. .• ,....: „ .45--„,:, , ,spector shall .attach such conditions and safe - Feet 35- • 35 guards to the been recom - -,.." ' - ''' - '''.- ' ' - ''''. - '' "1:- ' '''1: 7 'I 'Mended by the Planning-.13oaid'in its report. Max. coverage*** , . 50ct '. ' .' ';',, ', .. 45% '').•,-lf the Planning'.1doard ' Shall, make a, finding I.• .. , ,.„._ ,.. „ , , . , .' :JA' 'BuildinKez . - .-. 30% ' '. ''.-40$ - ' . 29$ that -Any, of the applicable requirethemehaVe . . . . ,, ---, „, ,1 noi. ,been:. 'met, .,the, Zoning -Inspector ..'shill Required Off -Street • •• .., , - ,,,-, . • - ' , .... . • Parking and . . - . --; -,, ' • ' . . , ., deny, the' Issuance -.9f a permit - for: which Loading Space - , .. - (As ,. Required ' By , • Section 4501' ' . .. ,.,',. • '. ' the application has been made:, ,*..',,-.. if.,,,the . • ,." . , Zoning„in Inspector receives vno report from , . v the :planning - l3ciard within- . the .prescribed. *Where parking Is located 'between 'a building,Tand' the road, the -front yard ellell'be-atz :period,. the„Zoning Inspector,shall least n feet, deep and access across any street frontage be liriiited to i•eienartite , '''.. time , . ., .,,,, , , , ,, . . , - 14,take * action ,.. [bout- reference to such a ' entrance a separate exit drive. ,1 . - , . .. ---,repott., ,,,,..,1 ..; - .. ...1..3, :,- ^ %i., 4'.,•'`. ,..,' . • . , . . . . .,..., , , . Where., adjacent . torve'..lor in a 'Residence District,- there shall be r*.y*rd at least14#...,„,,i't!.,.4,36,.4.7,tpe.!irst..1.-11:io, el:sir!' ;*.of,oair..g.!_ln - . , pec . , ..._ . _ .. . . , . wide as required in the adjacent Residence District. ' ' - .• ,,' ”, . - ' ' ' ' i '' :'-' : i•:'•'.. If MI, Zoning-. Inspector ',after , conaidera ,,.. , -. ,;tionl..oil.the . report ,ef the Planning Board, , '-, 4.1,11igher coierage ' may be approved by planning Board. 4tiApProvingaite plan under ..issuest the:. permit applied for, Any person, „ . • ' ',-Seetion 440., - ' „ _ . '. . • . . - .'': '' :' ' ' ••••! Naiggrieirect'by said aotionAis, in case Zon- .. . a/ Within, any. Distriot,.ns part of any building or otheretoct4rehousing a:principal ' ',Jag •InaPeCtdi. denies ,,,permit,”: the applicant,shall have the Fight the'isstimice•of such. like phall' *.eractea on any part of the lot which has a lot width less than the distance:- . . '..,to .1..istiel.'-ille '. Board- Of, Appeals -.entertain, ." ... - . ... . ,,, ... ..,, _ .. nsider , and.determine. such, matter, specified: . . ., , . • • .;,:tatcl Me decision and action,of the Zoning d/ :These requirements nigy .be varied .Or red' &ea' in.connection with .a,,pnrciiiiief the" site plan by thePlatining Board where the aixe _and/or shape' of axisting lots tnty„'' wit:rant.11sPeriiinte_yur'3.FleVieyved. ,...T',,,, as ,. provided?5,..2.i..in ,.. ... or require it,' and where it is necessary to secure an improved eite.layOut. • , . ,. ., be 37. „gig:dation of.,SPecial'Permite• - - - • aA'il------1,. ---'''-W^ZiViiii fiii-'lise 'W'.' -- A.' 'iat. ' 1 ' hmll ' be tiAAin A '...•,--. 4,-....a,,T.,_Toca on.. e n _ e „ : , ., - ..„. - spec.-• pertn.t- p-......, . .---e-c to , ---- . . ,.- nature and IntenditY of theepetaitionshriol Pad 4: ,,a0tIliiiite. only the. particular use or..uses Section i4i*'1100‘-'Raquiringf.pecial,Permits. i '' in, or conducted412,04 fiec. ii0.41N16:if.6.6...e ....-kii...ee': ' .,,13p,,F„'• specified the permit, , permit, and.. shall 'expire 1, Procedure and'RegulatiOns"..:;„ ......, ,, ' ,.:...,,of..t4ie site in relationvit, anddie to, ation of ,.. ',z,"..,,g.stild Use or uses shall cease•for'More • _ All use's Aisfectr-iiitibleat to additional : ,... the site with respect streets 'giving,acceSs,.. :-tlise..ksfep,ei(!z) Months, for any:reason- A : • A., to it, are such 'thet. it will. be harmony with ,-1'.1, • approPriate. and orderly development 6!-,.',Ofo.tlittl''.49949,9fid ' . standards are declared to possess character- ,...„. ogi$Ciel.'pertnit shall be issued for the length lades ofsuchunique and 'distinct form that -..; the . " by iiii7Plipiiiim ' Board, each sifCifin use_shall,be considered as an 'A.-; the -district inWhicii it Is located. '''''-::-."'-'' ' '-',.:':'-'" but-lit"-nci ,Casi''ittr.•;miore Man title.. years. fildiyititial case,. and they shall conform, bin - •;'.,, ,,, ' -434..013- The location. iiito;Wirgt441047.9f r -1 ':' before' renewing a:" '513iciii permit, the ton - Jot be *meted,. to the fellOWing general re- .-buildinia. -Walla" and •fenceS.''and;tbaYnatare' . 'ing,inspecicii.„.ehalr determine that carnpli- . . ..,,q1dretrkents id' well as the pertinent' specific .."!:."'and extant of dle.laadanP148 on the site are-' .an'ce With :the"Oriiinal requirements for the ' reqpirements.,- . ,. - , ,,,. .. „ such -.Met the use Will.•'not• bintiat di -.411!F.7;,„, f..special -perin.M.4ire ,'being iorniilied with. -.. .. , . , . ..., ,. , ,,._-`" , courage thO.opeqp0iita-deinil4inent enduse! ' .-. 438. ".Existing Violations 431. „General Provisions : ' ' ' '. The special uses for which csnformenne to ,. --at adjacent land and buildings '' .' .1.- -,.' • ' -,; .:'[:.'1,/ti :perrnit1.Shalf be issuettfor - a special' 14.013.OPeratitnis.inconiteetion.With:wiy . use for a property upon which there Is an additioW standards is required by thisOi-di ' .' nance shall be deemed to be permitted uses . special use will not bemoreehleCtithril31 ,e tn.' i ,'''-eitiitting violation of this Ordinance. ' . --, in their respective_ chstriets, subject to the nearby PraPardCa. by reaionefnoise.'innl!a.. ' ' ..-• ' 439. indiVidull' Standards for Each Special „ vibration or fleshing of lights, than would'he' ....,Use satisfaction of the requirements and stand-.. ards set forth 'therein, in addition. to all Other ..- ',. :die operations__.,.._,nLaa_Y"-Per?Tdtted use 3i!t-F0'7,-.' -,.... '..,,aper.itil-Use,•Latiall. conform -in 'eli're- requireinents of this Ordinance:: iitilting a aPec.4....4-P-Pftn_ ft.,,,,',',,j,__., , .'-,,-.1.,__,., - , - -. ,..,..': , '-,.•;., 1404.m, to, ill the, regulations .o(thin -Ordi- : .: .432.. . Application for a 3pecial- Permit. ..,--1 434.014 c..Parring ar!a:aiTf..•-Ywfk..,f2"FAu'll,5.''. ,i,.-naFice.'11.4,itAitif#ctilitijy; to those regulations „Application..for a etecial-,'Permit , $hall be „ .„ .ppize, for rhe particular use, properly in"1”1.1.1 ',V; bi.,die,•Pebadida (4',":Regattitinns. for the"On-- 'made, • in writing, to the Zoning Inapector. ' ,-',-aritt' suitably, ticKeenedIrCilnAdinlning-. ',rani', Ing district ',Iii Which the.:special Use, is ... 433: Required 'Plan ,,:. . . . - . ' , ,,' . - •'. dentialn'aear and tl* .!trance a. 11°P _'-q_ __,t drives ,. .."1'focatet);`,-,eitciipt.;,t./tat' the regulations in the A plan for the. proposed:development of a ,.'shall belaid out so 55 to achieve Ip',41/IT i:f'f.,1011.0iiiiit, pg.tagtapiii, : s•han, apply when site for a perniiited special use shall be,aub- SafetY?',...4 ..,;..,•:- :-.... '. ' .,,, . • .....,„ „... ,,,,-',•..' ,.4 ,i,ttre liiPreftestrictive."-: The Board 01 Appeals mined to the Zoning. Inspector with an ' ,.1 . The ,,Planning Elnerd'rnaf:tetil,,elencla,d- .:11.1 ‘._ air,. reduce the 'stecia1'. side nireak yard application for a Special permit. , The alari ditiOnal.:conditiOne " and safeguards 4-4101i:er414--, 07i. 4•110 InuniniParagraPba shall be drawn to some convenient scale, ane : ..fipfil.,peiirlit as aia,ircealifIrYl'e'51-,. ' '..',....in'thOlte.;Ogees adiere-,the property line is shallshowthe location of all buildings, park- • c'N'T*14-c444'7140,414 4u 1414! stand- adjacent to .;Perinineetly . open ,land, such 1 ' • - ' - - - - ' ' . . • • rards and requirements. . ,' - ,' , -'''''.- - -.Pas the Dutehess. Cininty1kirport„Oonierva- ing areae, traffic access and circulation : .434.02., Public 4 -leafing -, , '''....- I '- : . - I ' '„': t)kur, 401; or; Wateralietcpeoperty,-lint to no drives, open 'space*, landscaping. .„ ,:,,the, plamiini-Boir4-; before iny'Aipproyd Li iesa than. IO% of sugliepedial requirements ,44 special features, and any other pertinent in- I ._given to any site plan. a hallgi4eptibliencitice • . . r.,_. , - rovidetl'in the Schedule of Regulations for formation, including such information about '.1 and hold a publicbearing ontbeProPdaeg 14° - ' he districtnwhich O-'-'' ' tetletermine and provide Mr die enfOrCeinent , 1 . ''' • -plan in the same manner as required by law ....,', , ,,,.,..'...... w ... 1 cfted. ;:neighliqring''-iitroPerties ' aa -may beneceaagry4.39 01. ,;Additional. Requirements for 1 • for the a P PinY_al.'nf'Shbiliiiisioti.Pitifit;':Sucli .- '. '., . ,T,'• , - -- _ • . Ex- . . .. , . .i.,,,. .... -','ititotion.-'..ur•Neitiral Resources From tlie of,riiie Ordinance. ‘ ' • . , • , • .•• . .. hearing Shall. be for thepurpope,of.obtaining , ..,,,,Groasd 434; ReferralofAppliCeticur M Planning additional for of poard •,.:-. ' ''''.., '49.011 'ThekTown, ar&•may permit .....Board - , , • ' ' ”. `.-','• ,.'"," iii reSieWhig..a site.plan,'anal-316111e con- Iiii444e',',4-1.,:.altez,,fe the excavation of iWith therequired rriaP anti Nati, *di& refer-: •: 1 red to the 'Planning' Board by the Zoning' in- '. , ''''' proVel of .enlitliidaion plats. ' ..- • ', _.".,-."....•,." :sistent, Witli:PlaiiiiingldOerdprocedurefOrep.,...:N-„„ii40.af..z00004,,toi,,comiisietoal purposes, sta4dirds.,, , ., -, . • „ .:-...- , ',. ::,,,,,7...-....- 434:03, ,...Measuiertient, of '', Performance ', 7t,,-prOililed7..thai such eiteaVation,er anY'oper- - lition;licestiabilf thereto; Will not be detri- :' Each application. for,e,permitinvolying a. use inibjett to additional standards, together ..• . - ..,,:inentat in - the appropriate and orderly de- spector within five (5) &Ye:of-the. date of .,,,, : "The. Planning Board Itteirelt!, ii!9Plaari.t' ,,,,",.i*loterient--S1 any ;district'.'in , which it is ' application for a report thereon, which report .7-'I 'f:,.:,pycinc. such evidence as 4-deeMPA4c4.47444:Y: ' '..,:iiiiii,fed;4:, 'or :.: ix*** the -value 'thereof, and,... within forty-five '(-45Ydayief'theePplicatioe, '''' '''''-ol'° . ''•81,'-‘4‘ -,, than be rendered to the Zoning : leepector',,. .,..t.6.,de-thrioii.,0410.,.0..;pr,07,.*.prep000,k, :.,;,.subject.t-ti'itfie.,-excivi0Ori' Standar& in this ' dace. No action be takeM4 the" Zoning - . -1 ..,,,f4iiiiikbOvis,„,Andinspii144t.mgi:tposertll.tbs-- til ; 7. 1 '' Willreg099!bfY Pi9f9Fitt.;9.tfie it, „,..artla,r4 set i...,section..,:.,•.,..,:i7.1,;;.. . ,7 „: .,.., :. .. , '' ' ' ''.'s89:052:,,iAliteXeavatione'•and. kir. other 4.) .. • ' Inspector regarding the isaManCeof the Permit . _ . •cA' mv.m. .,.. applied :for ' until the Planning aciat11- has .i Boarctinal obtain the expense i''OnliiiiiicCortlanOe. witliplenti approved by .. 41'.-.:,.1:L.:;;che_4.9`".-" i-"'. 'pkiatioiiii' accessory 'therein' !hall be made - ,-.. 0,..0 . , ... , rendered its report. ' ' . ' ' ' '- ., of the apptiOttnt,-*pAyOrc,tAily*Feofihe I 1.. amount 'Of such . expense shag fai,a 041dt0n ,,,..i. the fa*. Baia, • The Town Board.may re- . ..-,;,-,:o ,i, s 434.01 . Planning Board Repor4Donsidera7, i . .6f„.fiwthil..,,,,aosoerligoi;,50hi.70010#10. .• 7 2 '''. tet,„:piligii5110tipii:iegtiegi'lo the Planning 15 1'V, .; Z...•-• ' •=,"° - tions and Scope .. , - ''''• .' '- ,, ' allaarmgi. may racammend,,ma'.iysa„cca a.',; iiiiii,:a.pokiivi;.- At .:me440icotf-seapeose,'"E.,.139:011, '',1'," -No -e*Caiation;;;ShallThe 'closer ..'..,'"1::g i'; ::°::" i ' The tosii:.Mayr,Wtwre.'N)P99PFlatP.;',.trautr! .,'L:14;iiti for. a report, similar . to' that re...-. The Planning Board, 'afteru,_PtiSIPPP......°O.1n4-1 ''..,i14.•inataiiadmi; laabdidab*ant4.000:_641V„.?",i'qtiried ': li; leottoo-434-.-of'ibil','Oiclinance. r ;II' '''' 'It tirg3jtioL° the. following conditions and atandarciii. have i, ''[.;,:eitiOnatlientitionear,orpeoeinarodingoti. 4Patriilente7;d;01P947, -.-4''-''ibizi•.:30'14f'io, ahY.."stree,iine• or 'Other permit, provided that it shall find ilittettli of , ' pt.effect,OcOp4.#409._Pf '1::litIPetty'-'-gai;.'"abd no ,"excitvation . below the .. been met: ..,.. - • ' , ,any•Manhintp."-or.IdeviceSilead'ta.PFPY,e#1, the grade pt. ; a-.'etreet or pi.Operiy.:iiiie .shall •._ Ocrutt;aceglinliaf --, Vit!...411a '4FT.Ft %beelelettheii".4420' feet thereof. Nn'exca-: :. fettri.liat. :ad "nbi.95,4'.''':-Ar q0 , es !,,,-,..,..,. inl,Plitill'beCIOSertheir:33a--feet.-to the established.**. El , , ;4; , .rinitarlj, ;line .: of; fteetdeliO,,2onirig.'pis-.k., .Rotutdultwria*Alarl .. . _. . , 261 h ig, of`siich'resourc a'sliing. separating; ater`lal e proposed ex to enrAceed•000 cubic yards; --' .mance bond,•.{sha11 be' divir-13oatd. in, an atnoust' determined, by the 8oard.? eMfo to- approved plans and > ons The.To14rgoard ea aalt a i',�ttu Umit for such, : 1 tva years�,:,except„in cavation operations,” awed or extended E'P�rocedure s94Standards for 4pptove1-�Reg14red.''.i if any building,permit'a,! its Aft.approval as:.,. of Re ons,:^ '; use shall be and -ea. sh%all' be :carried, •out "tvtih such`approvedtsite 'i te, Plan Approval "Zoning inspect?r. esiiaila4.tq"fhatie . <; retb u,fQta Permitted Fiat permit„,and` ha1fbeac,'. :the following"finformatfon: apcant s entire holding; 'in area+mao showiingairl3Mert es, asCe'ets saad.'ea"smn_ents' within h edi *' property .A Fapggr;a hW411,11'9- _f pfgperty coorao intesyals, refernced to -the ernmeui:"approved'-local; 1 "ed site�:pliot r slowing', ed..use ,and "height of all �i'arking, and tiii0::;1. access, and: egress:drives,i or,acoiage if 'any. : ok all existing or proposed 'site iweinetits.. ,including, drains. culverts, i lIs;and:;feeces, deacriipiion of `r uppl_yi;and of:,sewage dis- A `such,: facilities; iota- .r, Lsfel location. and pro=. aof `buffer areas,; location' ' ting facilities;'. nd-;the ., rea:;proposedfoo:retail, and.buildipg areas pro'-r,i .: of uses App'fication-tQ Planning ;,1 Secii•on 434.); nsidered is pproval ,y x"E proposed site pian of ;.1 develomen helannit}g' Board shall take 4ato 'consideratlotttherequirements of the Town,evelopme Plan 'adopted by said Boar mat the Ofifctal.Id5Q,,as it may,'be;0 ghe.r�,uo ard. The, Planning ., . consider..; tile` roposed” `.accessorydings�on relation io..one:another: Ititaiioii'.w gi-,ide site,;,hetgbtyand:. f buildings, .provielea'.,of'Moff=street'. space, ; the; 'PrOviiiiinenf "geetkir 450 'FMFI'l#POCISiff: P6PdigtWO§Yall,:cf,44 py• , 454_ "' an • aadee Pantile! • „:,. - , , 44,4 ra•Ofetteional,:oftice or Itont•opz• iPile • • 4 residential'. ,zotte4if an`liecesSary use. ' 7 4 touilaeoetipoittt4 house', ; • ' •:..atittOe. for eachfguesi sleeping rcipm,-.44 • : • • '!-•'•"-r"""•'' I spacalor'etictCOSidentlai Unit' - .454.05 ilOspttaii 0040*, or, convalescent home.'• <4.4:06 ' pburrii, .otliii0placi of Worship; 'the:a*, anditneitin,'Itilifetie , '14Fe • #8-130.1*Y=1," ": • - . 4 iPiOi'fi.r.,404: '4°.c•i3a.;*c P*44:#?ei4i0friggi •bitiainefai , • . • • -; sPe9i foi tacks RefrOcis 6,14!: s!•14,(14aces 'of *11041:1 kfliesfOrii41Y,l,' - '" e :;of=i4er'e.P. •••,,' • • :.,:;3.•04• - .611- " h,„ 'srece•.' forted',, eatcoh-,;200.,,,e911;sere;:ok3,F4.7.: t,* 0.‘41• 1110 : ne'eiriPlOYed; , • • . ' teat dilpp • '••7' • .. • . - • .• - • 4444.0911e, 0.,;„.r.T.4.-c.p. io.ps,•6ct.:.46e0-..tfe'oar.,tofnichri.t,labgit4,,i.,ati,r.aiiarore• gyp • • 454ao Wholesale, etoraioa, otiten b44a11,141°F, 4", „ s • , • • 4, 454.1I OffiCe*bdSinClieet-profeaslonal :r , • , , r'Y : • " - : tatOifite.ar'lainta • . f fficesiof., a ,given.,ten, oyi: far- aa-Cii74titr'so'iiiire4leet7."61;1105-ii of _ , - - office, , • ;13, Funeral " parior or:-."10d0ratidne eitagalintent.„, , 1:iersotte.,,wprxt. r ' -L"--4.4.14"Garake or AutOmobilerepair:#1194`.%*7-:744,04.eaSt1P,dpa , „ • - ` -sone ,-Avor , • " -• venienigi ,off-str laaar,-,-wa., en 010. Altaltinicigrf.• 4 • , • "° `,'`uri'ect 40,`r154,15 iteasOnable",.,and, aliPi`OPFliktCP• 7 -!?5,cePt.-4„,s _ ;ftl, , scrag, -Paii4O1 =74.114e4ent.g stritOir!! puidlit.10;ontigs;,p0,, wous.*:,*.tpn ?farIfitiCiOsliall tee' -wick case Wiry- APP°11:14*.lieh 'di Zang' topo :;„ pai!iiig needs of Pooh auch ace., • ria-irm" ' cgc44ifeAti*C1 ittiV#.41191?$,4e**PicT ::,,Eraine#MidiniitabliOaletlineiMA : a4i.4 'Onelair in fa*FiL.eitiFiciOint'.0tie' l'ii`e0iisarito7aikddiliffeancmi 0 dile - ,° . 454.10 Where LW° K arm diffe0-4•oeo‘' ,•Or, adjiains-,;;laircla.-,44:. mrti14.4.4. „Olt! ;:,• orr.or on a single lot,,,,,the ,tOtal .analtint of , d`,ki,danc,eitnitr,,a,n: cf hi, nolT,413- ..„ ,.;,...0,tiriting fadilitiesIn bp'proicided shall be:14e ,.,1:„;.,,,giiii4:-.;7 7 . 4445,-,4040it,, , .ri.? 4 q1,0 0 0 die 'recit4e4POO410,4-eeok in.divickud ,';i7ii;;;;-,rliZi'ML tOqix:Oildeii;r;,iitli'414 , , '7, : ''' :Appeals may apprdye, ;be lc* 4Se. elPfl#14 ; ‘inaneuVeriaifitia:, -4,0*..8.448;tee?-1411 • '' .,,. .. space. 4y p,aa or .Tore istablirayiraantl: e •".. -",i5z,..,,`. opo,oitisiv,04 joiii ,,,,,00,1`•9 Ifgr, , st ',',.. nee., On • the lot,.•,, eacept :•tliat; ' Me' foercl of . '..1,0,,, Tri)Addir40, ou'iodarptoi.* *.iiNsf 0 .8,- -sam-e or on contiguoui tits, .thetot , . ty.i,' 44-11461•447,Plinilitiait'f -`4..,;••W .•••.,, ;„4'•t•4-''. .. ;iPaCen- rego4recli6i'--4#41SEPSPIedni'44PO4•4.••__ ' tilt rnitiffililaralt64*Fttio:48r at -,,•:,. . finds tinit' din, ,aili.nniiy, in -:linflinniOn4- *iii ,10iiii'"),:iidWilirfasilitiiiii.q*Ii,e:Ir - , .. sub:ma/04W maal ilialqaat of the. require- , . seryei. :.!.'" Ftaitiiiiitgarliiiiit4rpal, '': . 'Plants hy reae9A Of.:,*47`41.;40-in thellrOebl`e /,' ,forASOedifiereirur, 'entree:94, ;,4seit- jr, :,,- ;.•. dine iifinaid,MaM,,,, ase,,,hi_ PS* Oaticor eMPioYeee ,:- reserVid,it'alliiniellOiheseneilimf :r: amoog SticM',"Ostehlish,MIsmai, ',and provided ,,,,-,44*J,,`•,,t;r4.,:in..04-iiiii,or, - ,-.66,47th,— . 040. 4PPc0,0,0 `Pic* inTiO Cie illeirbeautO- — MicklatidilieesiVeleept.; .,-:" ' ' ' •','!`.,,,matically terinbia0d WORIfieitertojea4O4. -a acCidici iii,tiiii tMvii Ai OtibliC'pair 'of , YiNch '4,P4oe, ,kegillititt)iff:44*v* _ _ the operation -40MY POo4-,e5te4f040:0 .4. • 4 ;:`,5•7.bf(-:Sirefe..f;Adinefiiii 455i taYinir Lonitin.r Of. c5F-..li,f,de ". -igig4ileat.loidirlg. and MOM , Parking r &V Ciii6Vial 14:::,‘0118 94141110Fer: :,,T*;Etit4=idi of**14x44-4g sire Flr ihnip•he',1476.Y.Oicl; 4i7orofidid-2414iipy,o; - • •:,11 • ,;•._ or, pretniiii Me s Mod' Fcir :add, ser01* iiiApp r.,'1 dr both int,-slifif Idtif.-••,•"; Alio, di-P.48'6'81r Of • -'' x .., tinp4aliditioii,tit'ip, a,,',4 !,„,pricb 4peeln• .R4 ir•rfilc.•44••94,14"±:-9."„f 6:°•,1*, -i-1 'NO-..., feeii4iiii.)nr,41i3:;ft.19,1113;0*, F.e°,0b, ? 04* 9ff4Eri*'; P.4.04Pg',V.0-es C.'°'e'l°c•ge-a .,,:i :"°'12i:eiCeit Vacf0',"844irilieci'Zim"""" 1.-4;P"''',..tt 4 on iiirj 1-ot ivitbiu4.500•4eet ot 'the: Biiil-dlni - ',45011: f raki.iiogeigkipidanesti „ rae 7,'-f*°.* 11.6"*.,Riiiilelite''' bi: itii,Fr/' &ii`jtfie )34.:f5.,i rle..44•104;,,t44`,.tOff - ' ' to'',' -,P - rt' gotaiditifforlin' (9:t1"5.?thernin'k:4.6" nesifit 6NVide: P.4114,!libeErkp;et!oe.44, -c..h' •••77.', .i.ei*Atiill' qr P°E1.1°Itg-10:-' - '43616- !--14/.4-.....,-•;7' '-'it'•'• ... `;'"`1" lik., • i..,":",w ••'-'2.2-- ' pitigai;FanO,rn" addiii •-•• 4,,c*Cgai ce r, inti diereg trelee 10. IN;ST*TION AMY EN4' , , :noi,,,shall"Isso4`A arankor approvep iiiii,%119e04:4pPetifieSte,l, or other:;-' arcroi, construction,,4-ea•l: entargerueni4or4 of atik. otfdar'anyaaeaf 'Oat *OPI`ile:OC lie*M1P0P444:11o:.4'' 41:Le•- 1#014.ffi011k• Of Oli•;Oic4141.4c•••ii.4.Yi. Ranh -.perlitit...;isanai,. certgfgate, or Other I anthorizationw Issued., granted or approved, '„violatioo.Lof . the ,OroNdsions of . this Ordi4,' Ranee, shali"he outland VOid anctof no effect. Withoot„ the tieuesaicy-nt prodeedings or - Of thereefii•ancis any • • work' Undertiken Pse•-eitabliShedWursuant.. anr.permit, litense, , :bp „certificate, or : outhorization;.., shelf -be tiriiawitil, and no adtion Tba.. ctik, oifirer 4,i:i!iii.10P-e•'" t4244*P.,i31041)Ort4tIg to aeLf.PA ,•. - "!'501r*VInliSafitg4nt„,40iiii4Obi41444 by. theiZintina -hiSpector,, in acCordence: With the '00,VisiOne of ,thi#,OrdinitriCe. , • , $eptioo ro*firi No "building„br ' ,atiticture shill• be erected; ' conatinctat4,ealti, tied, iiruCtiirally,:, altered -Or Moved a permit". therefor has ' „ned-*'' .00 'ZOning Inspector. Except UpOn- 'autliorliatioti of .the Board of i 4OPeals,. no,bukidthaperinit.or pert:ilia/ice of: 1.ocoupaney' shall iii":Isatted 141, . where ..saictereetitin`,'„einistraction;-eniarae, ' : atidititill, 4lieratinn,•Or_ninying tbereqf VieilspiOn of anY of the proviiionli . .this-OrdinatiCe.:" `No hitilding shall •• ,be uai:linied 'actions',021 am.subjept4p,i4ditiopafitanderdaiiid/Or site iien'alljprpvag :(SOef9r,nd, tY• .t.lielira'aeduret set birth in section 43gand/Or Seetion 44#7.,**:, Fe • .••.. ',7 -There. '401 he" inhu44ii:1-7i4k n9Ple'0; ,."110041-0413p..,414.::dir41•11648,'"..Pf. m .bUilt_upoli.;the-eXact *end loci- :" tiOnpaihr./4e fc,,r, bondikgand icoespery tnild41:15 ihn' linen ' aliet*S the,votitti, i40' intended nee of 'each of•_.f0111, _.0.47114i4eite,.31*g' ifaitittlut.T•4e;.;" acconimodate;rand•; 4404 other4tifo*POOP•,w41-.0134r4 fhe ! inCtieiglibdringlotallia0n4Y •neceihirY4 46,:detariruide Ant proiiide. /Or the enforceMent. Of ,Such , plan; lePeotor-',,',411,,,a.f00414,9eeehti*:.on-ibie'144,4 relginale the loCatiokand of.the lop, re .an acquit inryey, 7inicl„,tbe!..•16r14-alf 'bi.•atakad aut grOOn42,befdrti.:LoaliStroOtiOn Sti4:t•ed..;,- .. 513.;i•"!''.1-,"..4/11:,41411;:perifill '0141 vOid iff aoliejekiOtiee'le Pot startOti*Itlitil .r000r.4.1,-.- or.. is', not .-comPleteC thf,, Yiarf 9f 't4e' (14.ta ": •:11944. n;:7 ,turvfrii`a•periiiie.44beenfAulYgrantiti, die ,.,',Udnittrintiotilif.*Iii4Aaa bean started baiore tilie)",eifeticiae"!'data; or an,.••• "iitnendniank, tbetheto,jtatid the . vound .atory';: • tha- second'. 4,4hin o.Pe a0,9friine• Rft .49s,r,d1b;'. tianOe foiaii*P,O ° ;.,•COMpierecl WaccOrdancieiWith7.plaris on file' :,-!,;,24;1111.".1rigil=1;r117,9141;:iclu4',' it WiriTlefeel' Within Ordiriance or, 44n, .`iniendirieht. ..thereto.,r.-- If any of the 're- 4iiiimneot,s_.,shall „not :•• have 'newt • ':•-withia,-;:lthil,Piee.f:-Mbecl',:,Fe„690* • • the.. -`'btafilflile.r.,,PF,,traflokie$T; a're j..0.18041110.0 :for ' e.. ;0'04 .Otir=r;_, .,C99.*Pc7 tiOp. 84u. be. in nontoranty!afith Tha.-proyi7',.„„; Mons „ • ,. ,..515,„C;Mbelialyer.,tbe ToWnaEoard.l•ti!roso., •publinbairing pa a 'a AtAdt4res-faugh.k..119,-:-'1xiiiding. 9t. i'le:•arOted;.•aulargad: or .41, far the ' `'.'_afeetion„'ItinliVintaiiit`,•4•4,alteriticoM Pfkany, occuissitcy toppp.or,;4Pt ":•" sinindified...;-.11.... 2134 • 114/ ny rant'' yry ttbe 13 ortlas Width Mzcurpsfancestor on liar to sucbland or iiufiiling generally to landrbuIldipgs t apply»s hood and have, nor resultedfrq applicant subsequett7to cneteofadopciohof"' Che, regulation or ryegy1atioons appealed from, i; ywhecher,InviolationofOwl) isionsfherein r. or�not. rs a l mrB, That forr3reasons `uIl findings pf'tthhe and the aforesaid clr stances or coo =cion are such [fat theViar r cicalae appljca04%4-1001'690 tio0 of this tirddinana'e would deer ye the appliCalf of t • reasonable use of. such lana rrbuilding and rthe granting ofrthe' adju[stmelandorbuiidingenc''is,necessary;; •for tt'e'reasonable use'°of tti*,; and, that the . adjustment as granted;,h the Boa$ i'the? .11.1.Iwp i1l accomplish s , C. ThategrntingfMe a ),LsTIOPYIC .': Abe in hacmongwith the.general purposea'and.. intent of this Ordinance,antllI: not be in '. '' jurloto the'[tceighborrhoo ,ebxothemvisn;., detrimental to, ° eolid el+ft.9are 545 ) Go cases where' Mite Bo uthontzea tbetissuance of afixt' 11atng rmtc ccupancy ppeermit un'debove•,'„ powers it sh3I1 bee the d'ur �p Boart may be' required to protect safety morals, and genezal 546 Appeals How Take 5161 All appeals and. app�lic •Boar fiAppealla',shall )x�v akepi?Ynxthe pp ma peescribedin Section,"?69ofttlfe,�Town'_... SdLaw and within such" time 7di ba11:bd ppre- YY rul ie Ail such appeals and a atioons shall. be-fn'.wriciag''' onbforms Pte cribed` by �4 oard - and<':each appeal .orOplication shall. 1riar set fortlh the" circumstances of the case Every4appeal' or applications shall refer" to;, pacific; provision !o1 the ordinance 'm .lvedant7;; shall6.,'exactly'' set.fgrt6;, a'sitte, ase tnayrbe,, tile- faterpretation that <is m*tdt ,detalis oftile adjustment that is' ' lied %r, end ae g upda foF whl`cl[ it is h claimed''tbat',the?same:,shouidegranced or - for whichaa special permit' is,sought. xision e, Board of Appeals shall, 3v 1n -accordance= tit" andard",' • forms a� do � ed"by the ,Boa �nd' aball full set forth rhe„circunstanees of the'case�and the iindin ,an•whichrth' a ion based. n _,3_•_'` - intlyor on.of time t s -• d iney,flrOM time to cline, ontgwp;motion on petition, or on recomniettdtion4fthelanaing$oard or'y Zoning' BoardofAppeals,amend;supplemgnt, ”` or.repeal he;�re'gulaiions; and on provisis of Ordfnan_ce¢,in Ilia .manner,provided' ,'602 Vsucch p Everysopos*' amenament or -- Xchange;;;,Wherber:,fnitf'ated; by the; Town.Board or 'hYpetl"tion,tSba11 ,referred to the:Plan- ning;,Board for "report diereonbeforethe '.li�;;hearing.,Orovided;,by;,the'Town Law; In su ro- �'r"ecommending;:the pdoptioh of,any � p 1' posed,ataendlhenti.'the;Planning'Board shall state, its reasons"for: such recommendation, desc g. a9y".. descrlliiti `;,�""' `;con"dttion .;than it believes makes the atiiebdment.aavisab1e,.andspecifi- ' cagyy setting ciih'.the: manner in'wlicb,inits opinYoti;'the°artiea�dmenrvvodldTie in"har'inony.. with -the 'comprehensive:-plen of lead -use for the Town;,>and ;t,ould. bean furtherance of •the •purposes;setkfoeth',;:,in' "Section 100 of.,this Ordipance xecomtnending the •rejection ., or:,revtsioa`xofcanyproposed amendment, the i Planning. -Board•. shall s similarly, state its reasons.:. 603. Noi•.amendment of this Ordinance, of whatever nature,,;'tbat:has; not been approved • �:by;the Elatiniag'yBoard;',; shall be adopted, .. except, ,by` at;least, it, two-thirdsvote of the Town .;Board; `;pcodied`, that failure on the Part -4f the Pranni'ng•.`Edard' xo. reportto' the. Towns'Board . tis • reco`mmendations on ''any, iroposed`:;amendment ',initiated by.proposed? resolution' or, amendment of the Town Board I,yithin forty=five'S(45) days after' initiation of proceedings'therefor shall be deenied'to be -approval thereof unless such proceedings', have theretofore been terminated. 604 County Planning Board Referral At least thirty • (30) days before- the date ,ot theap5blic. hearing'required by law,, the h Toiyn comply with the provisions of Article 12=B, Sections 239-1 and 139-m of the General Municipal Law ;as +amended, , and' refer to the County Planning Board certain ppepoaed .amendments or changes to..this • Ordinance ARTICLE VIIMISOELLANEfOUS secion', 700, Separability Clause • fr,r• ally section sub section, sentence, clause, phrase orotherpartofthisOrdinance Ys, fgr, any reason=-�he1drby,-any..,,court of jueisdiction t6 !elnvalld, such decisions shall not affect the validity of die remaining gory tion of this'Ordinance,::TbeTownBoard'here- j?y rdeciares 44.ati40.thOd have 'passed .this Ordinance and ach sect%th subsectio en,.sen-. J.j oi;. irreePettive of',theiact that anyone; or. , more sections sub sections sentences, ciausea'�phrases or other parts be declared X701.,;SbortaTitlel , OrQ3a at tEe aha I,be ludo 'n as, and may appinger toning nance� y ;" D2-Effeetit�e Date,. hfa70rdinance aball take effect im- tn'ediately upon adopcfon publication, and posting, ' as' prov, ided,,'by the ,Town Law. 2 6 5 Motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Councilman Robinson that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried Signed Town Clerk