1955-02-03118 A regular vs#", of the - Town, bbbrd , Town of _Uppinger was held Present Supervisor Sd.ward'R'.So6fi6ld',ftpt'.+bf'Highwty Virgil Knight,Jnetice -James J.lyrone,Couttdi.lman Emory J.Hager Jesse dd H .Devoe and Town Clerk, R i'th H`:Booth. Meeting called to order by Supervisor Scofield at 8 o'olock P.17. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. .General Wand #8 -Kenneth A.Campbell -- Printing -.-- 21.00 9 Central Hudson Gas do KXotp-J.84tvice Town Hall --- 2.85 10 C.H.G.&.R.Corp. -- Hugheonville Light --- 86.74 11 " "" " " " -- Chelsea light --- 42,98 12 t' " " " " -_ Stringham Bridge ---. 3,03 13 Kenneth A .Campbell- Printing --- 4.75 14 New York Telephone Co. -Service Town Hall --- 9.40 15 Virgil Knig4t,3upt.of Highway salary,.Jan.15 --- 145.83 16 Chester Satz Co.-- Adding machine --- 64,50 17 McCombs -- Supplies Town Board --- 99,28 18 Edith H.Booth, Town Clerk Salary JanutLry --- 150.00 19 Virgil Knight 3upt.of Highway salary " 31 -- 145.84 20 James J.Lyons,Justioe of Peaoe " --- 12.-5.00 21 Edward B.Beatty " " " " " --- 50.00 22 Smory J.Hager,Counoilmans salary --- 25.00 23 Jesse H.DeVoe " --- 25.00 24 Dwight Robbins -- Dog Service --- 8.00 25 " " Service Town Hall --- 5 ko 26 C.H.G.&.E.Corp. Service Town Garage --- 6.98 27 " " " " Service Store House --- 1.90 28 Dorothy D.Odell Service Town Board --- 20.00 $1043 01 Highway rand General Repairs- Sinclair Refining Co. Gas --- 99.13 Louie Doughty --- 3a *' 25 $ 137.38 Machinery ftad Aome 'dank & Truck Corp. ------ Repairs --- 44.50 Homer R.Hol4en ------ " --- 46.85 Victor Sano -_---- " --- 29.25 Lack Motor Truok Corp. - + ----- " -- 21.17 J .Andrewe & Co .Inc . -------- Supplies --- 4.60 Elwood. H.Macy---------- Repairs --- 4.00 Sinclair Refining Cc- ---------- Fuel Oil --- * 144.67 Ralph C.Herman ---- Payment on new truck --- 984.00 $ 1278.94 liscellaneous Fund New York Telephone Co. -- Service Town Garage --- 7,90 January 1-15. -- Sanding and removing. snow --- 909.05 January 16=31 Snow remove) --- 1034.8o Abbott &Abbott ------ Supplies --- 21.71 $ '1973.46 Motion made by Councilman DeVos seconded by Justice Lyons/ that bills be paid. Carried Notion made by.Counollman Hager seconded by Justice Lyons IjAat meeting ad jonrn. ' Carried _ a Resolution by Councilman DeYoe Seconded by Councilman Hager SERIAL BOND RESOLUTION BOLD RESOLUTION OF FEBRUARY 3rd, 105f AUTHORIZING THE ISSVANCE AND SALE OF SERIAL BONDS OF TEE TOWN OF WAPPINGXR, DUTCHES 3 COUNTY, NEW YORK, IN THE A14OUNT OF $8, 000. FOR THE PURCHASE OF CERTAIN HIGHWAY MACHINERY, TO WIT: A NEW FOUR YARD DUMP TRUCK Dated: February 3rd, 1955 WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, New York, after advertisement for bids pursuant to law by a Resolu- tbn duly adopted on the 16th day of December, 1955, authorized the Town Superintendent of Highways to purchase certain highway machinery, to wit, a new four yard dump truck; at a total cost of EIGHT THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-FOUR DOLLARS ($8,984) sub- ject to the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways, and provided that Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000) of such cost was to be paid from the proceeds of obligations to be issued pur- suant to the Local Finance Law of the State of Now York, and WHEREAS, a contract of purchase for such machinery was duly entered into by the Town Superintendent of Highways, which contract has been approved by the County Superintendent of High- ways, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. Tha .specific object or purpose for which obligations are to be issued pursuant to this resolution is to finance the a of one new four yard rack dump truck. 2. The maxima cost of such machinery is Eight Thousand Mine Hundred and Eighty-four Dollars ($8,984) and the plan of financing such cost is as follows: a down payment of Nine Hun- dred eighty-four dollars ($984) by current funds in that amount to be paid from the machinery fund; the balance of the cost is to be provided by the issuance of Serial Bonds in the amount of It r Bight Thousand Dollars ($8,000) pursuant to this resolution. 3. The following determinations are hereby made: (a) The period of probable usefulness of such machinery is five (5) years. (b) The sub -division of paragraph "a" of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law which is applicable in the circ stances is sub -division 28. (c) The proposed maturity of the obligations authorized by this resolution will not be in excess of five year 4. That the Town of Mappinger shall issue its Serial Bonds in the amount of Bight Thousand Dollars ($8,000) to f such cost in accordance with the financial plan set forth above. Such Bonds shall be dated approximately as of the date of delivery of such machinery, and the power to fix and determine the exact date of such bonds is hereby delegated to the Super- visor. 5. Such Bonds shall be numbered "One" to "Four" inclusive, and shall be in the denomination of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) each, and the said Bonds shall mature in numerical order in installments in the years and amounts as follows: 1956 Two thousand dollars ($2,000); 1957 Two thousand dollars ($2,000); 1958 Two thousand dollars ($2,000); and 1959 Two thousand dollars ($2,000). The power to determine the date upon which such instal - ments shall become due and payable is hereby delegated to the Supervisor. The Bonds shall be issued in bearer form, without coupons, and shall not contain a power to convert to registered form. The said Bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding two and one half per centum (2-1/2%) per annum. -payable annually. Payments of such interest shall be evidenced by notation thereof on the Bonds at the time of payment. The Bonds shall be in sub- stantially the form of the Sample Bond annexed hereto and hereby made a part hereof. 6. The Supervisor is hereby delegated the power to prepare such Bonds and to sell the same at private sale, at not less than par and accrued interest, and at such sale to fix the interest rate to be borne by such bonds, within the limitations set forth in this resolution. The Supervisor shall deliver such Bonds to the purchaser thereof only against cash or a certified check. The proceeds of the sale of the Bonds shall be deposited in a Special Bank Account as required by Section 165.00 of the Local Finance Law. The powers delegated to the Supervisor by this resolution shall be exercised in conformity with the pro- visions of the wind Local Finance Law of the State of Now York. 7. This resolution shall take effect immediately. Mote of T4;wn Board: Absent: Supervisor Edward R. Scofield voting Aye Justice of the Peace James J. Lyons Aye Councilman Emory J. Hager " Aye Councilman Je ase H. Devoe " Aye Justice of the Peace Edward B. Beatty A nig.aq:lar . meeting' of the Board"' of 11641til town of Tappinger was "h+ Id in't`He Tbwn'Rail on Pobit Ojr 3", I955. PriA61 t Su rVibcr LdWArd R.S6 field U;t.o`f gighwhy V1rgil Xnigh$,Counctilmen Bmb� Edger &`�Jesee H.ePpe;Juetce of the Per&oe James J.Lyons,Health Officer Dr.William B.Garliek and Town Clerk Edith H.Booth. Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Scofield at 7:30 P.M. Health Offioer reported five cases of meaeles,lof chicken pox and one case of pulmonarytuberoulosis.otherwise Town health in good condition. Meeting adjourned. Town Clerk. 119= A regalar meeting of the Town Board,Town of Mappinger,was held in the Town Hall on March 3,1955. Present Supervisor Edward R.Scofield,Justices James J.Lyons and Edward B.Beatty Councilmen Emory J.Hager and Jesse H.DeVoe,Supt.of Highway Virgil Knight & Town Clerk,Edith H.Booth. Meeting was called to order by -Supervisor Scofield at 8 P.M. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. General Fund Warrant No.l from Claim No.29 to No:55 Inclusive ----$19,059.08 �igh�ea Fund Sinclair Refining Co. G" 152.50 Louis Doughty --- Gravel. 47.75 Brighton Steel Co. Road Signs ----- 22.98 General Repairs, February 15-28 7 1.38 $ 974.61 Machinery Fund National Bank of Wappingers Falls Bond#4 -1950 Mack Truk - 1500.00 Interest 25.50 National Bank of Wappingers Falls -Bond #1 Merest - - . Acme Tank & Truck Corp. Miller Clearwater J.E.Andrews Hardware Co. Mack Motor Track Corp. Homer R.Holden Midway Gas & Service Station Wappingers Hardware U Hardwar Co Repairs a Supplies Repairs a a Supplies a • W e . ---- Ben Smith Machinery Co. -- New Snow_ Plow Lift Sinala3r Refining Co. -.. Gas Ralph C.Herman Co. Payment on New Mack Truck Miscellaneous Fund 49.75 --- 5.00 18.74 --.- 3.50 --- 44.05 49.30 .55 ---- 6. oo --- 485.00 166.% $ 5, Horner Mt.Sand & Stone Co.Inc. SaW hone Co. ,r� 6.00 New York Tele p Service Town Garage Mw 7.55 Feb.l —15 Snow and Brush Removal ..--..-�.�... 2053 $7.067.10