A regalar meeting of the Taman Board Town of-Wappinger wras held in the
Town Hall on Thurs dlt
daft . easing -July 7 195 -at 700_P.M.
Present Supervisor Edward 1.4c6field.94mrintendent of _RL&W4r Virgil
Bni joit,Justices James J,Lyons and -Edward B.Beatty,Councilmen Emory J.
Hager.and- _Harold J.Mswkill and Town C1erk,Edith H.Booth
Meeting called'to order by Supervisor Scofield at'o'clock P.M.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read.
General Fund
Warrant No.5 From Claim Nos.120 to 139 inclusive --- X508.32
June 15- 30---- General Repairs ----- _974.40
The lens_ dell, Com�parW Inc. -- Road oil - --- 1870.00
Charles E.Me k ll. -- Kerosene ------- 2.00
Vinoenta oil'Service Kerosene ----- 14.52
Fisblsil.l. Builders SuPP3v Corp.-;- Gravel '17.50
Homer Mt.Sarid & Stone Co.Inc., Gravel ---- 148.75
Sinclair Refining Co. Gas ------ 105.76
Machinery F'mtid
Sinclair Refining Co. Fuel -Oil 80.11
Victor Sanko Repairs == --- 43.03
Wappingers Hardware Supplies =----- -5-00
Homer R. -Holden ---- Repairs ----- 13945
Ken Smith Machinery Co.Inc.- Parts ------- 4,10-
$ 272.09
June 1 -- 15 Cutting Brush and trees ------ 772.70
New York Telephone Co. -- Service Torun Garage ---- 8.10
$ 780.80
ibtion made by Justice Beatty seconded by Councilman Miankill that
bills be paid. Motion carried.
Motion made by Justice frons seconded by Councilman MsiddL1 that
meeting adjourn, ', Carried.
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A regular meeting of the Bo&rd:` Df , Health,Taran of Wappinger,was
held -in the-ToWn Hall. on JWt r 7,1955 at 700 o'clock P U
,Supr.Ldward Tf:scofield Supt of Higbway Virgil Knight
Justices James J.Lyons & Bdward'B.Beatty Councilmen Emory J.
Hager and Harold J. d11,Health officer Dr.William E.Garlick
arid- Town Clerk ,Edith A.Bocth
Meeting was :called- to Ordei, -by--Supervisor Scofield.
ooeo pith ous disseeases,To i�bes t.&cAVROA ORoWN ous
Meeting adjourned
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