1955-11-10-., .- 181 A xepiar meeting of the--Town-Beard Tdwn of Vappinger was held in. the-:Town-11all .on Joyezber 14x2 x955, Present Supervisor L'dward .R.S.cofi6ld ,:ustice: of _fle ace aos4ph ?,Kelly Councilman Harold J,yxewkill and Townµ Clerk Edith H,Booth. Meeting called to order by. Supervisor SobfIeld .at 8 o * oloek P T". . Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. General Fund Warrant Vo.9--- From Claim No.193 to Claim No.240 - -- -- -- 7,886.`/1 Highway Fund General Repairs--- Sinclair Refining Co. Gas ---------- 54.08 Y " --- Horner Mt.Sand & Stone Co.-- Sand =----- 26.25 - -- - ------ 17.50 Brighton Steel Co.Ino.--------------- Pipe --------------- 19.80 Louis Doughty --------------- Gravel ------------- 165.00 William A.Schuerman--------------- Gravel -------------- 34.00 Sinclair Refining Co. --------------- Gas -------------- 213.05 529.68 Machinery Fund Sinclair Refining Co. ------- supplies Urey Hardware Co. ------- supplies Midway Gas & Service Station-- Repairs J .E .Andrews Hardware Co .Inc . -- Supplies Mack Motor Truck Corp. ------- Repairs Victor Sanko------- Repairs Homer R.Holden------- Repairs H.A.Stein Tractor & Equipment Co.-- Parts Misoellaneous Fund. Oet.1--15 Removing Brush & trees ------------ New York Telephone Co.-- Service Town Garage ------------ 155.10 9.93 214.00 1.87 17.89 15.00 26.55 1.80 $442.14 904.80 7.50 912.30 Bridge Fond , October 15-41 ------ Bridge Repairs ----------- 954.60 Motion made by Judge Kelly seconded by Councilman rewkill that bills be paid. Carried Votion made by Judge Kelly seconded by Councilman rewkill that Dwight Robbins be appointed dog enumerator for the Town of Wappinger. Carried w 182' J lotion made by �ouncflman, i*ewkisoc®ztded- b Judge-°'e3.ly that they _ s_ e 'ovin of : 1'appinger psi. ' hese Qne :lighway-rodel.' 1. g'and and Cinder' Spreader to, 6 .ou.blo_.yard capacity -engine. dxivan.:mountpd 9%l... P.T.D Truck for a total price of $2600.00 to be delivered in ten days. lrotion carried Councilman Harold J.Mewkill was appointed by the Supervisor a committee of one in the advisability of moving the Polling Place in District #4 to new and different quarters. Motion made by Councilman iiewkill seconded by Judge Kelly that meeting adjourn. Carried. MUMJ. e,l, _!_Town ClerY. Ho Board of Health meeting was held,Health officer Dr.William B.Qarliek reported no contagious diseases and six minor complaints otherwise Town Health in good condition. Town Clerk.