A regular meeting of the Town Board,Town of Wappinger,was held in the Town
Hall on July 5th.1956
Present Supervisor Edward R.Scofield,Justices Joseph F.Kelly and Edward B.
Beatty,Councilmen Harold Mewkill and Emory J.Hager,Superintendent of Highway
Virgil Knight and Attorney James J.Lyons,and acting Town Engineer Edward, Petrovits
Meeting called to order by Supervisor Scofield at 700 P.LT.,o'clock.
Minutes of previous meeting readd and approved as read.
General Fund
Warrant No .7 From Claim 115 to Claim N6,136 inclusive--------- t, 1,690.16
Hir, hway Fund
June 1 — 15 ----- General Repairs ---- 944.40
June 15 — 30 ----- General Repairs 1,024.40
Rosner Mit.Ssnd L Stone Co. --Stone 514-00
Louis Doughty Gravel 28:00
lansdell Co.Inc. Road Oil 576.00
Sinclair Refining Co. Gas 199.80
TJ,a.chinery Fund
Sinclair Refining Co.
11idway Gas L. Service Station
Heyers Hardware
Rodgers Co.Inc.
Christensen—tinge Lumber Co.
Homer R.Holden
Vinces Oil Service
11ack 116tor Truck Corp.
1 97.80
Miscellaneous Fund
Solvay Process Div. --- Calcium Chloride 432.00
IT.Y. Telephone Co. Service Garage 17.00
439 .00
1tTotion made by Judge Beatty seconded by Councilman Mewkill that the bills
be paid. Carried
Motion made by Councilman Mewkill seconded by Judge Beatty that the bid
of Ralph C.Herman Company for a new 4 yd. Mack Dump Truck at a net cost of
$8933.75 be accepted and that the Supervisor be authorized to enter into
a contract for the purchase of the same. Carried
Ibtion made by Judge Beatty seconded by Councilman I!Iewkill that the Town
accept on recommendation of Superintendent of Highways Virgil Knight
Apple Blossom Lane and Pine Ridge Drive from the Swartouti*ille Road to the
intersection of Locust Drive. Carried . Deed and easements on file
with Town.
Lotion made by Judge Beatty seconded by Councilman Mewkill that the
attached Resolutiom pertaining to Peter Drive be approved. Carried
Lotion made by Judge Kelly seconded by Councilman Mewkill that the meeting
adjourn, 'Carried
Emory J.Hager
Town Clerk.
A regular meeting of the Board of Health,Tovm of Wappinger was held in
th., Town Hall on Thursday Evening July 5,1956
Present Supervisor Edward R.Scofield,Supt.of Highway Virgil Knight,
Justices Joseph F.Kelly L Edward B.Beatty,Councilman Emory J.Hager and
Harold IvIewkill and Town Attorney James J.Lyons,L, Health Officer Dr.Wm.E.Garlick
Meeting called to order by Supervisor Scofield at 8 o'clock P.D.I.
Health officer reported 5 cases of Measles and five cases of Chicken Pox.
also complaint of Dr.Raab Eck Drive -- Drainage.
Meeting adjourned
Town Clerk.