No Board of Health meeting was held November 8,1956. Health Officer
reported to clerk no infectuous or contagious diseases,Town health
in good condition.
A regular meeting of the Town Board,Town of Wappinger was held in the
Town Hall on Thursday Evening December 6,1956
Present Edward R.Scof ield,Supervisor,Virgil Knight,Supt.of Highway
Justices Joseph F.Kelly and Edward B.Beatty,Councilmen Emory J.Hager Fz
Harold J.Iriewkill,Atty.James J.Lyons,Town Engineer Edgar Petrovits and
Tmvn Clerk Ediji H.Boo th.
Meeting called to order by Supervisor Scofield at 700 P.M.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read.
General Fund
17arrant No.12 From Claim No.235 to Claim No,961 inclusive ----_$ 3$1P;08
—Highway Fund
General Repairs Nov -15 — 50 ----- —_----------- 825.60
Louis Doughty ----------- Gravel --------------- 1140.00
:Tilliam Schuerman------------ Gravel --------------- 146.00
Sinclair Refining Co. ------- Gas -------------- 514.32
�Machiner�r Fund.
Edward E.Ehrbar Inc.----- Parts for Galion Grader ---------_ 768.81
'� 't 11" ----- Mechanics time on Galion Grader ---- 550.56
Sinclair Refining Co.---- Motor & Fuel Oil ---- 175.90
R.H.Linge Inc. ---- Supplies ------------- 114.814
Homer R.Holden Repairs -- Repairs ----------- 22.55
Mack Hotor Truck Corp -- it ------ — ----- 22.82
Leonard Hausch ----- It 11.50
Victor Sanko------- it 11.00
Shaker Travis & Quinn --- it -------- -- 30.60
Midway Gas :°- Service Station—Tires ----- 263.00
H.o.Penn Machinery Co. -- Repairs -------- --_ _11.00
Miscellaneous Fund
New York Telephone Co. -----_ Service Garage ----------- $11.65
Bridge Fund
Bridge Repairs November 1 — 15 ---------------------- 3914.140
Dave Alexander ---------- Service —Shovel ------------ 100.00
I,Iotion nade by Justice Kelly seconded by Justice Beatty that bills be paid.
Lotion Carried
I.Iotion !lode by Justice Kelly seconded bzr Justice Beatty
Resolved that the proposed road in the Shaeffer developenent,rLuming westerly
about 300 feet from the Old Post Road,be accepted as a Town High?ray of the
To; n of Wappinger,effective upon compliance with all of the follovring requirements
(M) The deliverer to the Town of Wappinger of a good and sufficient warranty deed.
(2) Zhe delivery of a survey map of said road.
(3) The delivery to the Town of Wappinger of a performance L-ond in the
penal sum of $2000.00 conditioned upon completion of said road by the Contractor
in accordance frith the specifications of the Town Superintendent of Highitrays.
Motion Carried
Motion made by Justi.ve Beatty seconded by Councilman MaZ kill that meeting
adjourn. Motion Carried
Town Clerk
No Board of Health meeting was held.
-� - --
Tm m Clerk.
A final meeting of the Town Board,Tov n of Wappinger was held in the Town
Hall on December 27,1956
Present Supervisor Ectsrard R.Scofield,Justices of the Peace Joseph F.Kelly
and Ed,,�rard B. leatty,Councilmen Emory J.Hager and Harold J.IJewkill,Ja'es J.4 -ons
Attorney and Edith H.Booth,Town Clerk.
M, eting was called to order by Supervisor Scofield at 700 P.11.
Lanutes of previous meeting read and approved as read.
General Fund
Warrant No.13 From Claim No.261 to Claim No.280 Inclusive ------- $5879.83
L1iscellaneous Fund
Snow and Ice Removal December 1 - 15 ----------------------- 933.90
Snow,Ice and Branch Removal December 16 - 31 ---------------------- 964.40
x,189 8.30
Motion made by Justice Kelly seconded by Justice Beatty that )ills be paid.
Motion carried.
Motion made by Councilman Mewkill seconded by Justice Kelly that Supervisor
Scofield transfer $3000.from General Surplus Fund to Uiscellaneous Fund
Motion carried
Lotion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Justice Kelly that the
Collectors Bond for $50000. be approved L"otion carried
Motion made by Justice Beatty seconded by Councilman Mewkill that the
Supervisors Highway Bond for '10000. be approved. Motion carried
Motion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Justice Beatty that the .
Supervisors Public Official Bond for $12000 be approved. Motion Carried
Motion made by Councilman Mewkill seconded by Justice Kelly that the
Assessors be empowered to purchase a filing! --.cabinet and cards in an effort
to organize a card Trstem of the assessments and other details of property
within the boundaries of"the Township. Motion Carried
Motion made by Councilman Mewkill seconded by Judge Beath --that meeting
Adjourn. Motion carried
Town Clerk.