A regular meeting of the Town Board -To= of Wappinger .eras held in the To.^m
hall on Thursday Evening January 10,1957
Present Supervisor Edtrrard R.Scofield,Superintendent of Highivay Virgil Knight
Justices Joseph F.Kelly & Edlrrard B. Beat ty,Councilmen Emory J.Hager and Harold
J.1.1ewkill and Town. Clerk Edith H.Booth.
l:leeting called to order b r Supervisor Scofield at 7:30 P.^,r.
;inutes of previous meeting read and approved as read.
General Fund
;`arrant 11o. l From Claim 11o. l to Claim 110.8 inclusive 1;113 8.9 8
Hi_ iva; j Fond
Fish] -,,ill Builders Supply Corp. ----- Sand ----------- 25.00
Sinclair Refining Co. ----- Gasoline ----------- 80.28
l:7achinery Fund
Sinclair Refining 'Co. ------ Fuel Oil ______..__— 155.21
Stein Tractor & Equipment Co.– Parts -------- 18.65
Urey Hardware Co. �----- Supplies 2015
Heyers Hardirare ----- 11 -------- 14-76
Victor Sanko ----- Repairs ----_ -- 9.46
la chray Gas & Service Station "---------- 63.00
Homer R.Ilolden it ----------- 99.10 _
1,IiscelI aneous Fund
11ew York Telephone Co. ----- Service To.^m Garage ---------- "1? 11-70
Notion made by Councilman Llerrkill seconded by Judge Beatty that bills
be paid. Motion carried
,.lotion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Judge Kelly that $400.00
be appropriated to the Grinnell Library for maintenance. Motion Carried
,.lotion made by Judge Kelly seconded by Judge Beatty that the regular
I.ieeting of the To.•m Board be held the first Thursday after the first
Tuesday of each month. Lotion Carried
Notion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Councilman Maukill that the
scale of vrages for the Hi.gluray Department be as followot.
2nd.Class Operator 1.60 per hour or 12.80 per day ----- 8 hours
lst.Class Operator 1.50 per hour or 12.00 per day ----- 8 hours
Motion carried
Notion made by Judge Kelly seconded by Councilman Hager that Supervisor
Scofield be designated as delegate to attend the annual meeting of the
Association of To.rms to be held at the Hotel Statler,Buffalo,ll.Y.
beginning at 1Os00 A.1:11.,Tuesday ,February 12th. and ending Thursday
February 14th.,1957 at ltd P.11.and that any To.m Official rrho cares to
attend may do so it being a legal Twm charge. Motion carried
Motion made by Judge Beatty seconded by Councilman Lewkill that the
folloruing be appointed Constables at s?1.25 per hour .•Then so employed.
Joseph Costa, Frank H.Osterc,Fylting Scott,Tlal ter J.Altonen,D%,right L.
Robbinsand Virgil Knight. ,.lotion Carried
:lotion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Judge Felly that the
Supervisor be allowed a bookkeeper salary not to exceed ;100.00 a year.
Motion carried
otion made 1��r Judge Beatty seconded by Co;zncilran 1.11mrkill that the
Poummi-eepsie 11m- v Yorker be design-Aed as the official paper Por the
Torn of 1-Iappinger. Llotion carried
lotion made bu Judge Kelly seconded by Councilman Hager that the
Superintendent of IIigbz.Fray be empowered to purchase tires,tubes and
equipment as the occasion r.ti-ht demand price not to exceed ?1000.00
%Zilot�ion carried
iYfef"Y:,'C,t'Sr+"lief'Gti^' , �1.1'd! • -t, FF: -i //�j--M'`fwt a` ..[::.. �. p t ;•- �/y'
1.btion made bur Judge Beatty seconded Council L.,an l e °skill that the
Supervisor be er.potiM1rered to publish yearly report. Motion carried
Llotion made by Councilman : sager seconded by Judo -e Bea t'_Zat�,the I?ational
Bank of i7apL�ingers Falls, .;.Y. be designated as depose ry of ; o. "Y' i?unds
for the Toi^m of Wappin;er for the year 1957 Lotion Carried
T bry Jt1d(;0 Kell t1""?at n1P7 �1t pOb' C15
Totion made ,;, C
.. 1' ,nt n. icer in -1,.:ic To -.'.n Oa_
h� � ,-, •o.�n"teu �,1i,i ,le D�;;ell.�n� Inspector cY,c, ��ce�.r
y ,rY r o.- ;;100.00 mer 'Ear. T.10tion carried
t"! - 'ted^"'r Petrovitz
notion made }��. ColtnciIm n ;lager seconded cf, J _aZe c u
be appointed To.m Engineer at a salary of X300.00 a year. Totion carried
Supervisor Scofield a-ppointed Counc " I ='n:"Ury J.TT der De,: ut To.'m Supervisor.
Motion made by Judge Kelly seconded bur Councilman L.e1,rk' I that the Deputy
Supervisors appointrlent be a - roved b r the Torn Board. Tdotion carried
LLotion made by Judge Kelly seconded by J,, dge -'eatty that James „T.T,„rons
be appointed attorney :'cr the Tomo �7anpinger at a salary o:' X500.00
T,Iotion curried
per year.
P,Iotion Trade by Judge Kelly seconded b,r Councilman I. �Grl:ill- t'1at Russell Hyde
be appointed attendance officer Di.st.41at a s .1ar•y of M0.00 per term.
Liotion carried
Lbtion made by Council.,an T::ezrkill seconded by Judge Kelly --- Carried
Resolved that "the To:Tn Board does hereby fix the salaries file folio in-
Tozm Officers and erzployees for the year beginning Januar, 1,1957 at
the amounts respectively stated and that such salaries shall be payable
at the times respectively specified.
Tv are
S lary
Edi,rard R.Scofield --
Supervisor -----
Virgil Knight ----
Supt.of Highlray ---
Joseph F.Kelly ----
Justice of Peace ---
Edgard B.Beatt�,, ----
Justice of Peace ---
Emory J.#ager -- --
Councilman -----
Harold J.T,Iewkill ----
Counciliu n ---
Edith H.Booth ----
To,l n Cleric ----
Winfield S.Beasley ----
Chair;nan d.of Assessors1300.00
0aT4@4,f Reis ----
Edward M.Husted ----
Assessor ----
Dr.William E.Garlick ----
To;^m health Officer --
James J.Lyons ----
Torn Attorney
Edgar Petrovitz ----
Tozvm Engineer -----
Semi. T:ionthly 4
n n I:Iont'lly
u n n
n n u
u n tr
rr n tr -
” Year�,v
u u it
n u u-
n n Llonthl.yy
It n Yearly
Motion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Judge Beatty that Lbs -s J.Amelia
Baxter be appointed Deputy To-;rn Clerk. Lotion carried
Supervisor Scofield reported the follo.,ring balances as of December 31.1956
General Fund Balance ------------------- 12973.01
Highway Fund Balance Item 1-2-3-1. 15852.31
'lotion made by Judge Kelly seconded by Councilman Lle1^rkill. that meeting
adjourn. Lotion carried
� � %
To,, -m Clerk
No Board of Health ,•ras held.Health Officer reported to Tol^m Clerk no contagious
or infeutuous diseases,only a felr minor complaints,Health of To,,rn in good
Torm Clerk