1957-08-08171 A regular meeting of the Town Board,Town of Wappinger was held at the Town Hall Thursday Evening,August 8th.1957 with the following present., Supervisor Edward R.Scofield,Justices of Peace Edward B.Beatty & Joseph F. Kelly,Councilmen Emory J.Hager & Harold J.Mewki.11,Supt.of Highway Virgil Knight,Attorney James J.Lyons and Engineer Edgar M.Pietrovits. Supervisor Scofield called the meeting to order at 700 P.M. Councilman Hager acted as Secretary in the absence of Town Clerk Booth & read the minutes of the last regular meeting which were approved as read. Mr.Michael Mirras appeared before the Board and requested than the following highways in Pine Ridge Estates,Namely,VanVoorhis Terrace,west & south from Hopewell Road to Pine Ridge Drive -Pine Ridge Drive from southerly end of VanVoorhis Terrace to east end of Dorothy Laner McCullough Terrace running 450 feet southerly from Pine Ridge Drive and Winfield Terrace running 600 feet from the east side of Pine Ridge Drive,all be accepted as public highways of the Town of Wappinger,such acceptance to become effective upon delivery to the Town of Wappinger of an easement to discharge surface and other water �._ from the catch basin on VanVoorhis Terrace and upon the lands of Montegari hying to the north of O'Connor Terrace. On motion of Justice Beatty seconded by Justice Kelly the above highways were accepted as stated above. Carried Mr.Stutman and Mr.Rundi of the Indian Ridge Development.. at Cottrell's corner,Hopewell Road appeared before the Board relative to the necessary requirements of the Town Board to establish a Water District in their development and also to inform us that a public hearing would be held at the Town Hall on Tuesday August 20th.1957 at 2 P.M.before the N.Y. Water Power and Control Commission regarding this water district. Messrs.Reynolds,Lucas and Camillaccio appeared before the Board relative to the acceptance of the Town Board of the following resolutions Resolved that Maloney Drive running approximately 300 Ft. from Maloney Road to the Town of LaGrange town line be accepted as a ublic highway of the Town of Wappinger,such acceptance to take effect upon delivery to the town of a proper deed and a surface water easement acceptable to the Town Attorney, the Town Engineer and the Superintendent of Highways. Motion made'by Justice Beatty seconded by Councilman Mewkill that the above resolution be adopted. Carried A map of Crest Haven Homes was presented to the board with a request that the house numbers as shown on the map be approved in order to facilitate better mail delivery . Motion by Councilman Mewkill seconded by Justice Kelly that the Town approve the house numbers as shown on the map. Carried Deputy Town Clerk,Mrs.J.Amelia Baxter submitted her resignation and on motion of Justice Kelly seconded by Councilman Mewkill it was accepted with regret. Carried Motion made by Justice Beatty seconded by Councilman Mewkill that Mrs.Lois Montross be appointed as Deputy Town Clerk. Carried On motion of Justice Beatty seconded by Justice Kelly and carried,the proposed Election District #6 was created; Beginning at the point of intersection of Route #9 and the Hopewell Road and including all that area to the east of Route 9 proceeding southerly to the Town line thence including all that area to the north of the town line proceeding easterly to Route #82 ,thence including the area to the west along Route 82 to the intersection of All Angels Hill Road,thence northerly along All Angels Hill Road including the area to the west of said road,to White's Gorners,thence all the area south of the Hopewell Road proceeding westerly to the point of beginning.It being understood that the center line of the road be the boundary line of the district. General Fund Warrant N6.8 From Claim No.165 to Claim N6.183 - Inclusive 165 Virgil Knight,Supt.of Highway Salary July 15 ---------- 191.70 166 Census Department of Commerce -Special Census,final payment - 75.00 167 State Insurance Fund- After Audit ------------ 89.91 168 New York Telephone Co. Service Town Hall -- 14.55 169 Helen Travis service Census ------------ 48.54 170 Stanley Ries - Assessors Salary-Jan.*Feb.-March April ------ 500.00 171 Virgil Knight- Supt.of Highway Salary July 31 ---------- 191.66 172 Dwight Robbins - Dog Service -- ------ 8.00 173 Dwight Robbins - Service Toun Hall ----- 5.00 .1 11X1.3 6 1'l z general Fund 174 Edith H.Booth- Town Clerk's S!jlary July 175 C.H.G.&.E.Corp. Tom Shed Town Garage 176 Departmdnt of Water Supply, Service Town 177; Marilyn Silvestri-- Service Town Board 178 Poughkeepsie New Yorker - Adv.Accounts 179 Joseph F.Kelly -Justice of Peace Salary 180 Edward B.Beatty " Is " " 181 Emory J.Hager Councilmans " 182 Harold J.Mewkill 183 James J.Lyons,Attorneys " Highway Fund -A.'..b �, _ l,1 o.36 183.33 3.80 Hall---___� ..:,.10;50 --- .------- 25.00 `.f._____ 3.00 July --------- 133.33 u 50.00 n --------- 25.00 Is ----------- 25.00 It ---------- 41..67 z-1 __ f -1- Louis Doughty ------------Gravel ----_— —_ 76.00 Sinclair Refining Co. ------- Gas ----------------- 82.68 Lansdell Co. ------------ Road Oil -------- ------ 824.25 Ben Kehler ---------------Tractor work ----------------- 128.00 $11.13.93 Machinery Fund Victor Sanko-------------- Repairs -----_-----_---- 7.00 Urey Hardware Co. --- --- Supplies ---------------- 1.91 Mack Tpucks Inc.--- -- Repairs ---------------- 12.78 Homer R.Holden-------- -_ it -------------- 25.85 H.A.Stein Tractor & Equipment Co.Inc. -Parts ----------- 30.85 John J.Gauthier------------------ it --------- 4.00 $ 82.39 Miscellaneous Fund July 1 to July 15th. ---- Brush & tree removal ---- 883.30 July 16 It July 31st. ---- " n a It ---- 1030.10 New York_Telephone Co. ---- Service -Garage ----- 12.20 1925.90 Motion made by Justice Kelly seconded by Councilman Memkill that bills be paid. . Carried Motion made by Councilman Mewkill seconded by Justice Beatty that meeting adjourn. Carried L� "J.Hager Acting Secretary No Board of Health Meeting was held.