1957-12-26185 A final meeting of the Town Board ,Town of Wappinger was held in the Town Hall on Thursday Evening December 26,1957 Present Supr.Edward R.Scofield,Supt.of Highway Virgil Knight,Justices Joseph F.Kelly and Edward B. Beatty, Councilman Harold G.Mewkill,James J.L,vons attorney, Edgar M.Petrovitz,Town Engineer and Town Clerk Edith H.Booth. Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Scofield at 7;30 P.M. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. Motion made by Councilman Mewkill seconded by Judge Kelly that bills be paid. Motion Carried T.Liscellaneous Fund December 1 - 14 Ice and Snow Removal -------------- --- $ 971.20 11otion made by Judge Kelly seconded by Councilman Mewkill that $20&0.00 be transferred from General Fund Surplus to Miscellaneous Fund. Motion Carried T:Iotion made by Judge Beatty seconded by Judge Kelly that the collectors ,ond for $0000 be approved Motion Carried Motion made by Council -man Mewkill seconded ��)y Judge Beatty that the Sup.:;rvisors Highway Bond for $2.0000 be approved Motion Carried 4. Motion made b,,r Judge Kelly Seconded by Councilman I'fewkill that the Supervisors Public Official Bond for 512000 be approved Motion Carried Motion made bJustice Kelly seconded by Councilman Mewkill that the Assessors be empowered to purchase a filing Cabinet and cards in an effort oor�anize a card system of the assessments and other details of property within the boundaries of the Township. Motion carried Supervisor Scofield reported that all salaries and Town bills that are due are paid in full. General Fund { Warrant No -13 From Claim No.294 to Claim N0.316 inclusive 291 1 C.H.G.&.E.Corp. Service Garage --------- 3.80 295 Wappingers Lodge No.671 FRz A.M. Rent Town Hall-Oct.-Nov.4 Ralph P.Sinsabaugh Treasurer Dec.150.00 296 Virgil Knight,Supt.of Highway Salary Dec -15 -------------- 191.66 297 Assn of Towns State of New York Dues 1958 ------------- 82.00 298 Winfield S.Beasley,Assessors Salary & Expenses 1957 -------- 1894.96 299 Edward M.Husted +t a rr a rr-------- 1560.00 300 Stanley Ries " It " It "-------- 1040.00 301 Dwight Robbins - Multiple Dwelling Inspector Salary 1957 --- 100.00 302 Emory J.Hager -Councilman's Salary Dec.1957--------- 25.00 303 Edgar T,4.Petrovitz- Town Engineer Salary ---------- 300.00 304 R.T�I.Hunter P.M. Stamps Collector ----------- 60.00 305 New York Telephone Co.,Service Town Hall ----------- 15.75 306 11ildred J.Rogers Services Assessors 1957 ---------- 75.00 307 Edith H.Booth Town Clerks Salary Dec -1957 ---------- 183.34 308 Hamilton Oil Service Fuel Oil Town Hall ------------ 16.69 309 Edward R.Scofield Supr. Salary Oct.-;Nov.-Dec.1957 ---------- 375.00 310 r► it it it Expenses "----------- 69.03 311 Evelyn S.Carlson Supr's Bookkeeper Salary "-------- 25,00 312 Joseph F.Kelly Justice of Peace Salary " rt ----------- 133.34 313 Edward B.Beatty ° " it It u n 50.00 314 Harold J.Mewkill Councilmans Salary 25.00 315 James J.4yons -Attorneys Salary 41.63 316 Transfer to Miscellaneous Fund ------.----- 2000 .00 Motion made by Councilman Mewkill seconded by Judge Kelly that bills be paid. Motion Carried T.Liscellaneous Fund December 1 - 14 Ice and Snow Removal -------------- --- $ 971.20 11otion made by Judge Kelly seconded by Councilman Mewkill that $20&0.00 be transferred from General Fund Surplus to Miscellaneous Fund. Motion Carried T:Iotion made by Judge Beatty seconded by Judge Kelly that the collectors ,ond for $0000 be approved Motion Carried Motion made by Council -man Mewkill seconded ��)y Judge Beatty that the Sup.:;rvisors Highway Bond for $2.0000 be approved Motion Carried 4. Motion made b,,r Judge Kelly Seconded by Councilman I'fewkill that the Supervisors Public Official Bond for 512000 be approved Motion Carried Motion made bJustice Kelly seconded by Councilman Mewkill that the Assessors be empowered to purchase a filing Cabinet and cards in an effort oor�anize a card system of the assessments and other details of property within the boundaries of the Township. Motion carried Supervisor Scofield reported that all salaries and Town bills that are due are paid in full. IM Motion made by Judge Beatty seconded by Judge Kelly Resolved that the following roads, viz: Theresa Blvd.(half way),Dorothy Lgne Brannan Place,U J Terrace,Pi..ne Ridge Drive,Relyea Terrace,Thompson Terrace Thornton Terrace and McCullough Terrace,all of which have been offered to the TIPWT� as public highways thereof at this meeting,and all of which are more fully described in the maps presented with such offer,be accepted as public highways of this Towns hip, such acceptance to become effective as to any or all of said roads,or any portion of any of .them only when such roads,road,or portion thereof be finished and completed in accordance with the present specifications of the Town Superintendent of Highways and meet with his approval, applying the standards of such present specifications, with the exception that the requireme7,-, of eight houses to the mile shall he waived,and a good and sufficient deed or deeds shall be delivered to the Town PqpNhg such roads,road or portion thereof so approved and any easements in connection therewith deemed necessary by said Tovan Superintendent,and be it further Resolved,that the foregoing provisions of this resolution to the contrary notwithstanding this acceptance shall never become effective as to any of said roadsor portions thereof not completed and acceptable to the Town Superintendent on or before the lst.day of January 2959 11otion made by Judge Kelly seconded by Councilman Llewkill that meeting adjourn. Motion carried wo-, �a/ Town Clerk December 31,1957 As of the above date Supervisor Scofield reported the final expenses 317 Virgil Knight- Supt.of Highway Salary Dec.31,1957------------- 191.66 318 Social Security Fund Toi^m Share 219.23 Supervisor Scofield reported the following balances General Fund -------------------- 10.,648-36 Highway Fund -- Item 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 ----------- 16,915.50 Town Clerk