04/10/1958193 A regular meeting of the Town Board,Totivn of Wappinger was held in the Town Hall on Thursday Evening April 1011958 Present Edward R.Scofield Supervisor, Justices of the Peace Joseph F.Kelly and Edward B.Beatty,Supt.of Highway Virgil Knight and Councilmen Emory J. Hager and Harold J.Ilewkill Meeting called to order by Supervisor Scofield at 7:30 P.I,4. Minutes of previo us meeting read and approved as read. General Fund Machinery Fund Warrant No -4 From Claim 11o.61 to Claim No.81� Inclusive 61 Helen Travis ---- Service Deputy Town Clerk -------- 44.00 62 Williamson Law Book Co.- Fee Books :,Town Clerk -------- 37.65 6.3 Virgil might Supt of Highway Salary Earch 15 - - ------ 208.33 i i 64 Ralph P.Sinsabaugh-Treas.lTapp.Lodge F.& A.M. 671 --------- 150.00 Bond No -3 Rent January -February and Ijarch --------- 2000.00 65 VictorL.Bracone Qr.L'Iaster-V of F.W.No.5913 Maintenance -------- 50.00 66 New York Telephone Co. Service Town hall -------- 17.10 67 Edith H.Booth Town Clerk Salary I'Jarch -- ----- 183.34 68 Virgil Knight - Supt.of Highway Salary Itlarch 31 --- ----- 208.33 69 The Campbell Press - Printing Assessors --------- 37.50 70 Social Security Fund -Town Share Jan.:=Feb.-March -------- 227.16 71 Edward R.Scofield Supr. Salary Jan.Feb.14arch -------. 375.00 72 Dwight Robbins Service Town Hall -------- 5.00 73 Dwight Robbins Dog Service -------- 2.00 74 Edith H.Booth - Town Clerk Expenses 18.88 75 Edith H.Booth- Registrar of Vital Statistics 1957 -------- 30.00 76 Marilyn Silvestri- Service Town Board -------- 20.00 77 Joseph F.Kelly - Expenses Ton Board -------- 6.00 78 C.H.G.:P .E.Corp. - Service Town Hall & Store House ------- 14.60 79 Hamilton Oil Service - Oil Town Hall -------- 51.51 80 Joseph F.Kelly - justice of Peace Salary March 58 -------- 133.34 81 EdiRrard B.Beatty n n n rr u n -------- 50.00 82 Emory J.Hager - Councilmans Salary u " -----_--- 25.00 83 Harold J .11ev&ill rr n n it -------- 25.00 84 James J.Lyons Attorney ------- 50.00 1969.77 Machinery Fund March 14th. -- National Bank of Wappingers Falls Bond No -4 -------- 2000.00 Interest -------- 50.00 National Bank of Wappingers Bond No -3 --------- 2000.00 Interest -------- 100.00 National Bank of b°Tappingers Falls Bond No.2 -------- 2000.00 Interest -------- 150.00 Sinclair Refining Co. Fuel Oil ------- 91.70 Hack Truck Inc. ---- Repairs ------ 59-40 Hudson River Sales Corp. it ------- 51.76 M dliray Gas L Service Station Repairs ------ 30.50 J.E.Andrews Co. ------- Supplies 1 ..05 Acme Tank L Truck Corp. ----- Repairs ------- 90.00 Heyers Hardware ----- Supplies 4.70 Abbott °-_ Abbott ----- it ------- 7.65 Charles E.Mewkill ----- Kerosene ------- 2„20 Victor Sanko ------ Repairs ------ 18.10 $6670.06 IM .... Highwa_ Fund_- Dutchess Quarry R Supply Co.-- Black top mix Fishkill,Builders Supply Corp. 3/4 Stone Louis Doughty - Gravel Ellwin Smith ------- Gravel Dave Alexander ------ Service Sinclair Refining Co. ----- Gas Miscellaneous Fund 1h, rch 1st to lurch 15th. -- Snow °. Ice Removal 11a.rch 16th.to 11,arch 31st. -- 11 Eleanor B.1,2orton ----- Sign Painting New York Telephone Co. --- Service Garage ------ 232.19 ------- 229.25 -- ---- 85.00 ------- '38.50 -------- 20.00 ----- 179.11 831.08 ------- 912.80 ------ 1:L.6.40 ------- 1.00 2105.85 mu"t,iu" main Ly ) uu6e BeuLty seuonded by uouueiimali. Wewxiii that bills ue paid. Caxri ed 1 r.Herbe ct LaFo 'ge presentee a petition from tele resiue,,ts uz Suu6n Fuoier Huu6u Road. Supt.Yuuignt volunteered to iiivesi,igaLe co.udi iious applying to uhe pe ti Zion . x.eii Tnori7tosi made several inquirius about plans for Oedar Hiil road for 19b6 Letters received crow Chaiaea,Hugusunvii.ie & Nuw Hacke,isack Fire Compat,iea for a referendum on Bingo Votion made by Couilclllilan lewkill seconded ;y Juage Eeliy tnat the Town Clerx be autnorizea to noia a, nearing o„ Bingo at the Town Hail April 29th.at ,7 -.bo P.iu. Car.c•iGd Bius were received for prices on washed stone or gravel from F.J. elito Sand & Gravel Iuu .and Spoor-Laaner Co. Futi.on made uy Councilman Yewxiil seconded by Juage Beatty tnat the bids be rejected ana sine Town Clerk be authorized to advertize for new bids. Carriea Yotiou made by Juage Beu 6ty seconded by Councilman Vewkiil that ire as muct, as Lio bids were received for oil for the Tow -Li roads at i,nis weetiug,tne Town Clerk be authorized to again Advertize for vias for oilfor the `Down itoads Carried bAotion made--- Dy Councilman Hager seconded by Judge Beatty that the meeting adjourn. Yotion carried. moo► J . Hage r Acting Secretary