1958-07-22Canvass of Votes
Town Ordinance on Allowing Bingo
Town of Warjoinger - July 22, 1959
WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, being the inspectors of election at the
SpPecial Town Election above mentioned, DO CERTIFY AS FOLLOWS:
That for said election there were printed the
following official ballots (numbered consequetively
from No. 1 to No. 1000) 1,000
That at said election the following ballots were
dulyissued to voters: No. 1 through No. *'o go
That the votes cast were as follows:
N o �c
Ballots blank U
Ballots void _
Total ballots cast o
That at the close of the polls tkere were
remaining in our hands ballots. No, gf
through No,. 1000
Total ballots 1,000
IAT WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our- hands this 22nd
,day of July, 1958.
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