1958-07-22Canvass of Votes Town Ordinance on Allowing Bingo Town of Warjoinger - July 22, 1959 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, being the inspectors of election at the SpPecial Town Election above mentioned, DO CERTIFY AS FOLLOWS: That for said election there were printed the following official ballots (numbered consequetively from No. 1 to No. 1000) 1,000 That at said election the following ballots were dulyissued to voters: No. 1 through No. *'o go That the votes cast were as follows: Yes N o �c Ballots blank U Ballots void _ Total ballots cast o That at the close of the polls tkere were remaining in our hands ballots. No, gf through No,. 1000 ZD Total ballots 1,000 IAT WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our- hands this 22nd ,day of July, 1958. ATTEST: � * -� C�)'Vfl