1958-08-07A regular meeting of the Town Boar4 Town of Wappinger was held in the Town
Hall on Thursday evening August 7,1958
Present Supervisor Edward R.Scofie3.d,Supt.of Highway Virgil Knight.,Justices
Joseph F.Kelly & Edward B.Beatty,Councilmen Emory J.Hager and Harold Mswkill
James J.Tyons,attorney,Town Engineer Edgar M.Petrovits and Town Clerk
Edith H.Booth.
Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Scofield at 700 P.M.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved as read.
General Fund
Warrant No.8 from Claim No.149 to Claim No.3.69 inclusive
149 Virgil Knight- Supt.of Highway Salary July 15
150 New Fork Telephone Co.- Service Town Hall
151 Dennis & Comparq -- Book Judge Kelly
152 Williamson Law Book Co. Supplies Town Board
153 Lansing & Broas Co.Inc. --.- Printing Bingo
154 Edith H.Booth - Town Clerks Salary July
155 Virgil Knight - Supt.of Highway Salary July
156 Poughkeepsie New Yorker -- Bids Loader
157 Marilyn E.Fiore -- Service Towyn Board
158 Dept.of Water Supply -Service Town Board
159 Williamson Law Book Co. -- Books Town Clerk
160 Dwight Robbins Dog Service
161 Dwight Robbins --- Service Town Hall
162 Est.of William E.Garlick -- Salary 1957
163 Joseph F.Kelly -Justice of Peace kxpenses
164 C.H.G.&.E.Corp.- Service Town Shed & Garage
165 Joseph F.Kelly - Justice of Peace Salary July
166 Edward B .Beatty et n It u If
167 Emory J.Hager - Councilmans salary it
168 Harold J.Mewkill - it to is
169 James J.T{yons — Attorneys It
- ---------_ 208.35
------------- 15.80
-- ------- ---- 30.00
-- ------ —__ 33.1.0
----- -------- 20.65
------------- 1.83.33
------------ 5.52
------------- 20.00
------------- 6.0
--------- --- 46.70
-------- 8.00
------------- 5.00
-- _-_--- 583.30
------------- 5.00
------------ 3.80
----------- 133.33
---------- 50.00
---------- 25.00
_.__.._�.._--- 25.00
- ------ 50.00_
$ 1666.38
Iighway Puna
July 1 - 15 --- General Reepairs
Leemac Sand & Stone Corp. --- 3/8 Stone
Louis Doughty ----- Gravel
Spoor Lasher & Co.Inc. ---
Sinclair Refining Co. ---
Urey Hardware Co. -------
Road Oil
Machinery Fund
Midway Gas & Service Station -- Supplies
Miscellaneous Fund
• 385.60
• 109.00
July 16 - 31 --- Cutting brush Town Highways ----._ 1075.20
Brighton Steel Co.Inc. ---- Calcium Chloride ---------- 225.00
New York Telephone Co. --- Service Garage -_.___.. 12.40
Motion made by Judge Beatty seconded by Councilman Hager that bilis be paid.
Motion Carried
Motion made by Judge Kelly seconded by Councilman Mewkill that the Town
Superintendent recommends that the Town take over Theresa Blvd. from Cedar
Hill Road to the westerly line of Kanter provided the legal papers meet the
approval of the Town Attorney. Motion carried
Notion made by Councilman Mewkill seconded by Councilman Hager bids having
been previously solicited for a used payloader,one bid only was submitted
this bid was made by Edward Erhbar Inc.in the amount of $6,500.00 the bid
was accompanied by the required security deposit and was in all respects
in proper form. Motion carried
Motion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Councilman Mewkill due to the
enormous amount of business that a stenographer be engaged to take the
minutes of the meeting at a salary not to exceed Ten Dollars($10.00)
per night. Motion carried
A delegation from the Smithtown Road appeared before the Town Board and
presented a petition. The Superintendent of Highways and the Town Engineer
agreed to look the road over on August 8th.at 8x15 A.M. Judge Beatty agreed
to go along and represent the Town Board
A delegation from the Card developement appeared with regard to drainage
ditches. Mrs.Card and the Town Superintendent agreed to go to work on the
ditches the following week.
Vr.Louis Eck appeared before the Town Board seeking acceptance of a,portion
of the roads in Orchard Park.The Town Attorney was instructed to check the
bond and deed and recommend what action should be taken at the next meeting
William A.Br6cker Esq.appeared before the Board asking for relief from the
dust in front of his house on ParkLane . He was assured by the Town Board
that something would be done.
The Town Attorney reported that he had checked the reap of Sky Top Drive
Chelsea and found no turn around at the termination of this road.
A resolution was presented to oppose any limitation on Rail Road facilities
at'Chelsea and it was determined that the Town attorney should appear at
the Public Service Commission hearing to represent the Town.
Motion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Councilman Mewkill that meeting
Town Clerk
Motion carried