1958-11-06211 A regular meeting of the Town Board,Town of Wappinger was held in the Town Hall on Thursday evening November 6,1958 Present Supervisor Edward R.Scofield, Justices Joseph F.Kelly and Edward B. Beatty,Councilmen Emory J.Hager and Harold J.Mewkill,Supt.of Highway Virgil Knight,Town Engineer Edgar M.Petrovits,James J.Lyons Attorney and Town Clerk Edith H.Booth. Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Scofield at 7:30 P.M.o'clock Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. General Fund Warrant Noll F' om Claim No.201 to Claim No.260 Inclusive 201 Virgil Knight- Supt.of Highway Salary Oct. ------- 208.35 202 Campbell Press -- Printing Town Board ------- 33.50 203 Poughkeepsie Newspapers Inc. Advertizing Budget ----- 15.60 i 204 Edith H.Booth -- Expenses Town Clerk ---------- 23.27 205 New York Telephone Co.- Service Town Hall -------- 3.4.90 206 Richard Price -Attendance Officer Salary -------- 60.00' 207 Emory J.Hager - Expenses N.Y.C.Hearing--------- 7.71 208 Edith H.Booth - Town Clerk Salary --------- 183.33 209 Marilyn E.Fiore - Service Town Board -------- 20.00 210 Dennis Co.Inc. -- Books Town Board ------- 15.00 211 Williamson Law Book Co. -Law Books Beatty - Town Clerk --- 36.94 2L2 Virgil Knight Supt.of Highway Salary ------- 208,33 27,E Edith H.Booth - Registrar Vital Statistics skl.ary 1958 -- 32.50 214 Campbell Press -Printing Town Board --------- 6.75 215 C.H.G.&.E.Corp. Service Town Hall ------- 14.55 216 Dept.of Water Supply- Town Hall -._,__--- 7.86 217 Dwight Robbins - Dog Service ------- 6.00 218 Dwight Robbins Service Town Hall ----__._ 5.00 219 Eileen Weit Election -------- 71.28 220 Mary M.LeRoy n-_.�M._ 60.00 221 Viola R.Brown '!------- 60.00 222 May Hummel " _,._____.. 60.00 223 Alice Hemroth "-------- 20.00 224 Helen Catalano "-------- 20.00 225 Harold MacMullen It -__-_ 71.28 226 Raymond Dolan "------- 60.00 t 1 227 Margaret Fredebicka It -------- 60.00 228 Victoria Lopez It ------- 60.00 229 Alice Dederer It -------- 20.00 230 Mae Myers !r ___ .. _-_ 20.00 231 Coert B.VanVoorhis " -----'-- 74.00 232 Frank P. Yeomans "------- 60.00 233 John C.Goebel "------- 60.00 234 Maud A.Goebel "------- 28.00 235 Helen C.Howell " __...__..._ 32.00 236 Grover Churchill "-------- 71.60 237 Alfred Collier "-------- " 60.00 60.00 238 Richard Horton ------- 239 Catherine Loop "-------- 60.00 240 James J.Stacklum " -. ---- 74.80 241 Concetta Y.Todd "-------- 60.00 242 Elizabeth Hammond " ------ 60.00 $ Z182.55 21:1 Amount Forld -----2,182.55 243 gary 'rice 'glection------- 60.00 244 Robert Gruendle "-------- 73.8. 245 Harold R.Travis --- 60.00 216 Carmela Alfano-------- 60.00 247 Albino Medio " 39.00 218 Marie Marvello ---- 21.00 249 Village of Wappingers Falls Joseph W,MacDonald Treas. Rent of Polling Places Dist.No.l 100.00 Dist.No.2 250 New Hackensack Fire Co. Rent of Polling Place -- Dist.No.3 50.00 Jack H.Rutledge Treas. 251 Hughsonville Fire Co. it it 11 " - Dist.No.4 50.00 Lawrence W.Collier Treas.' 252 Chelsea Fire Dist. It is 11" - Dist 50.00 Emory J.Hager,.Treas. -No -5 253 William J.Bombardi " " " " - Dist.tto.6 50.00 254 Joseph F.Kelly - Justice of Peace Salgmy ------------- 133.33 255 Edward B.Beatty rr a n n ____.__--� 50.00 256 Emory J.Hager -- Councilmans Salary 25.00 257 Harold J.Mewkill if I It 25.00 258 James J.Lyons-- Attorneys Salary ---------- 50.00 259 Judson C.Williams - New York City Hearing ------------ 105.05 260 Jean C.Webber Town Board -_-_ ----- 50.00 323..77 Highway Fund Dutchess Quarry & Supply Corp.Inc. ----- Coal Pat ----- 259.58 Spoor Lasher & Co. -------------- Road Oil ------ 440.75 Brighton Steel Corp.Pipe --___ 125.75 Fishkill Builders Supply Corp. ---- Cement -----.- 5.15 St.Clair Refining Co. ----------- Gas ------- 211.88 $ 10 3.11 Machinery Fund Sinclair Refining Co. ------- Oil --------------- 41.40 Midway Gas & Service Station -- Repairs --------------- 1.40 J.E.Andrews Hardware Co. ----- Supplies _,,..-____--_._. 3.00 Victor Sanko Repairs ----- Repairs -------------- 12.50 Hudson River Sales Corp. ----- is ------------- 19.65 Mack Trucks Inc. ----------- "--__�_____. 103.78 _ $ 181.73 Miscellaneous Fund' Removal of Brush & Trees October 1 - 15 -- 834.40 C & C Tree Removal ---- Removal of Trees on Highway -- 175.00 New York Telephone Co. Service Town Garage -------- 12.45 102.1.85 Bridge Fund Town Bridges Repairs -- October 16 - 31 997.20 Motion made by Judge Kelly seconded by Councilman Mewkill that bills be paid. Motion carried. 213 %.'.rS .Y.tEtt'Liel' rt 5e A.,ut;u 1'dLlZiiiit;i Co11cElr111116 ner :91st: 0-LCt.Liuea l.cda-kJCell WcLuc: i)y une lovvii lilci'JS v iwr.Bison critized the date oz budget nearing. Lr.Tom LA -Rhin spoke on ting; uz-tte or the u:eu Ling an- several ot1iei matters in ret( rence to the budget.L rs Lacl'illan spoke on the date or- the meeting. Yr.'Ryan spoke oli the cLdte uppea1.°i11g i11 Lire il,lllutes which ne claimea. was October ".Lst.ilisteaci of une G4ahien novi appeared in the minutes he asixea wno made the motion,the Motion was mace by Coy le' 11 t,t, I 1,,ewkill ani: secondee oy Counci .r:ian Hager at the public neal-111g dela. U11 Lne 44itn. , 11e also 111qulreu aOouL proueedings it1 respect to ouaget and aaoptiOu i,iiert;Ul. I r.Bison expre6sea appreciation of tnc: work done by vr.Knight on the highways .1 r .11 enzle r also expresses appreciation for worx o11 the Town roan. h1re.Bootn expresses her apology to ikrs.Henzler for speaking as she aid h1r.Foskt addressee the „oard on the excellent work done on the ?oaier house `,toad aria pointed out that a di Lon would neve to ae extended in order to carry the water uo une pipe. .6:r.Brocker complained aoout aunt in front of nis house oil Ivark sane, ne saia tue roaa nae oet:-L scrapes lour Limes aria calcium chloride LANC nae oe.en appliedbut Lnere were ll/z cars crossea :VarKAin a live hour period . y-r.Vussbickel spoke about une araiiiage running into his driveway. 1iiichael jairras spoKe aoou6 Lue rocas ne wouia like inspected pine Ridge UcCuilough,itelyea and Thompson Terrace. L;rs .Henzler reit that she rias aeiiied tier damiocratic rights in the meeting concerning the budget. the Town board expressed their regrets concerning a misunderstanding on the nate of the 1,udget hearing. ;he supervisor stated that both the Olst.& 24th. were mentioned. the teown board finally decided and advertized that a nearing wouia be neldon vctober 24 ,i968 at 4PAI. this motion had been made by �otuacilman 1„,ewkili seconded by 6ouncilman Hager in the meeting or ,)ctober ytn, the nearing was nela au une aavertizea time aria proof' os publication is oil file irk une !Own .,lerks uffice . The oupervisoe stated that a public hearing in the suture would be held in The evening .,v otion mane Uy „ounci.Lmwi "ager secondea by nudge oeatty that ,jwight ftt-bij8 be appointed dog enumerator for the year 1959 biotion carried G14 t,otion maae Dy uouxiciiiiian 1,Lger seconcieu by Uounci.Lilian jqewkilltnat meeting adjourn. Diction carried Town clerk