1958-12-04A regular meeting of the Town Board Town of Wappinger was held in the Town Hall on Thursday evening December 4,19 58 supervisor, Present Edward R. Scofield, Counc lman. Harold J.Mewkill,Attorney James J.Lyons Town Engineer Edgar M.Petrovits,Justice of Peace Edward B.Beatty,Councilman Emory J.Hager and Town Clerk Edith H.Booth. Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Scofield at 7:30 P.AR. t3nutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. General Fund Warrant No.12 from Claim No.261 to Claim No,280 -inclusive 261 Hamilton Oil Service -- Oil Town Hall -------------.--- 1958 23.36 -_ �r�.nO 262 Russell Eagan-Voteing Machine Custodian ,Salary n u n _-y-^ 150.00 263 264 n n Louis Berinat° ______--_ Virgil Knight-Supt.of Highway salary Nov -15 ------ 208.33 265 Association of Towns,State of New York Dues 1959 --------- 02.00 266 Marilyn E.Fiore Service Town Board --- r ---- 20 .00 20.33 267 Edith II.Booth - Town Clerks Salary November ----------- 29 -- 183.33 208.33 268 Virgil Knight -Supt -of Highway,Salary November 269 New York Telephone Co. Service Town Hall �___�.___ .00 215�00 270 Dwight Robbins -- Dog Service --------^ 41.00 271 Dwight Robbins -- Service Town Hall ------ 272 Wappingers Lodge No.671 F.&.A.M. Rent Town Hall, Oct.Nov.Dec.150.00 Ralph P.Sinsabaugh Treas. - 273 Joseph F.Kelly - Justice of Peace Salary November 133.33 274 Edward B.Beatty to 11 25.00 275 Emory J.Hager -- Councilmans Salary 25.00 276 Harold J.Mewkill It St " 50.00 277 �. Attorneys Salary James J.L,yons Y 278 Winfield S.Beasley - 11 months salary & expenses 1958 1.745-080 279 C.H.G.?r E.Corp. Service Town Shed & Garage --------- 2.53 280 J.C.Stripple --- Supplies _______ r� 32511.01 Machinery Fund Sinclair Refining Co. -- Fuel Oil ---------- 71.50 Service Lumber Co. ----- Supplies --------- 17.54 ck Trucks Inc. -------- Repairs -------- 60.25 Acme Tank & Truck Corp. ---- It -------- 1s 32.50 18.75 H.O.Penn _____- Machinery Co. ---- " 6.75 Shaker Travis & Guinn ----- -------- "--------- 2.00 Victor Sanko ---- Edward H.Ehrbar------- Cab for payloader--------- 350.00 I;iidway Gas & Service Station Repairs --------- _ 15.45 $ 574.74 213 Yrs.helizlec ruse„ueu t'eLL1,ziK:; concerniii6 ner d."o t.;.i.cLli.,ea t,aa ►keen i,iciuo uy Une Toiox1 GlU.V.& 6 i,�x .-dison critized the: date of dudget hearing. Lr.Tom LA-iYin spoke on -une aabe of the ITtec ling anry several otnet matters in rets rence to the budget.j rs I: act"illan spoke on the date of the uiee:ting. T r. Ryan smoke on trio aerie iii unE Lilt -Lutes which ne clain;ea was October �bist.iiLstea(c of une ?A%fticn now appeared in the rilani tes he asxea wno made the motion,the Lotion was made by Counc- ., t;.L Id`ewkill anr: seconded uy Councilr;iun Ka er at the public ne�rlg, Bela un the e,4t11. , Cie also inquired about, proceedings lir respect to uudget and adoption cj,e.reol. I, r.Bison expre;ssea appreciation of the work done by lsur.gnight on the highways.1_r.Ilenzler also expreasea appreciation for work on Lne Town road. birs .Bootn expresses her apology to kre .Henzler for speaking as sne aid ruir.Fos,t addressee tine , oard on Gne excellent work done on the io'nier souse „oaa axia pointed out tnat a di ben would nave to tie extended in order to carry the water Lo une pipe. iu:r.Brocker complained aoout dust in wont of nis nome ori /ark sane, ne said the roaa naa uui:.L scrapua Cour Limes aria %,,alcium chloride LANG had oe.en appliedbut mere were lye, cars crossed ParxAin a live hour period . ,_r.Nussbickel spoke about Lne a-raixiaoe runnirsg Ilito his driveway, i,.elcnael mirras spo.Ke auouu i iie roads xLe would like inspected pine -Ridge ucCuilough,.helyea. and Thompson Terrace. Lirs .Henzler kelt tnat srLe iaas aeniea tier democratic rights in the meeting concerning tike budget. i.he Town board expressed their regrets concerning a misunaerstanding ion the nate of the „udget heaviiig. 'he supervisor stated that both the . - 0lst.& 24th, were mentioned. the Down board finally decided and advertized that a nearing woula be neldon October 24,i968 at 4P.Y,this motion had been ujade by ,Ounciiman vaewkili seconded by Councilman gager in the meeting or uctober Stn. the nearing was neid, au une aavertizea time and proof' of publication is ori =ile irk LnE'• 'ovjxl clerks office . The supervisor stated that a public hearing in the suture would be held in tine evexiing ,v otion maue uy .,ounciltriari ,lager seconded by ouage beatty tnat .Lwight iftbhns be appointed dog enumerator for the year 1959 Motion harried Highway Fund Nov.1 - 15 --- General repairs ------------- 680.44 Elwin Smith --- Gravel ------------- 210.00 Ben Kebler --- Service 176.00 Dutchess Quarry & Supply Corp. --- Road Mix -------------- 159.85 Ken Smith Machinery Co. ----------- Pipe -------------- 943.40 Sinclair Refining Co. --------- Gas -------------- 158.50 $ 2328.15' Miecellaneous Fund November 15 —29 ---- Miscellaneous Services --- -- 712.80 Brighton Steele Co. ---- Road Salt -------- 150.00 Leemac Sand & Stone Co. -- Sand ---- 82.00 New York Telephone Co. -- Service Town Garage ------ 12.0 957.20 .lotion made by Judge Beatty seconded by Councilman Mewkill that bills be paid. Motion carried 215 Charles Card appeared before the board and presented the following resolution Resolved that Charles D.& Margaret J.Card having completed the construction of a macadam swale along the southerly line of Card Road,in accordance with his previous written agreement with the Township,now.9on recommendation of Virgil Knight,Town Superintendent of Highways,the said Charles D.& Margaret Card be and they hereby are released of and from all further liability under the terms of said previous written agreement. Motion made by Judge Beatty seconded by Councilman Hager that the resolution be approved. Motion carried Resolved that the Town Board accept that portion of the following described roads viz.McCullough Terrace,Thornton Terrace,Pine Ridge Drive,Relyea Terrace and part of U.J.Terrace and Thompson Terrace as public highways of th e Town of Wappinger such portions being more fully described in a deed from Michael Mirras and others to the Town of Wappinger dated May 14,ol957 Town Engineer reported that the highway superintendent had approved acceptance of these roads Motion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Councilman Mewkill that the resolution be approved . Motion Carried Town Engineer reported that the highway superintendent would like to discuss certain items with the Atty.for Chauncey Gold regarding Panoram Acres. Mr.George Brocker appeared and registered his complaint regarding the dust on Park Lane. The attached resolution was presented and on notion by Judge Beatty seconded by Councilman Mewkill it was adopted. Motion made by Judge Beatty seconded by Councilman Hager that the purchase of a tape recorder be tabled Motion carried Motion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Councilman Mewkill that meeting adjourn. Motion carried