A regular meeting of the Town Board fawn of Wappinger was held in the Town
Hall on Thursday evening January 8,.1959
Present Supervisor Edward R.Scofield,Supt.of Highway Virgil Knight,Justices
of the Peace Joseph F.Kelly and Edward B.Beatty,Attorney James J.Lyons
Councilmen Emory J.Hager and Harold J.Mewkill.Town Engineer ,Edgar M.Petrovits
and Edith H.Booth Town Clerk.
Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Scofield at 7;30 P.M.01Clock
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read
General Fund
ITarrant No.l From Claim No.l to Claim No.6 Inclusive
1 Marilyn E.Fiore
2 Dwight Robbins -----
3 Dwight Robbins ------
4 C.H.G.R.E.Corp. ------
5 R.M.Hunter,P.M. -----
6 Hamilton Oil Service ---
Service Justice of Peace
Dog Service
Service Town Hall
Service Towm Hall
Stamps Collector
Oil Town Hall
Machinery Fund
Brighton Steel Co.Inc.------- Parts
Sinclair Refining Co. ---- Fuel Oil Anti Freeze
Hudson River Sales Corp. ---- R@pairs
J.E.Andrews Hardware Co. ------ Parts
H.O.Penn Machinery Co. ----- Repairs
Shaker Travis & Quinn ----- If
Wheelers Brake Service ----- Parts
Midway Gas R Service Station ------ if
Victor Sanko ------ Repairs
Heyers Hardware ------ Supplies
Brighton Steel Corp.
Sinclair Refining Co.
Highway Fund
------ Grate
----- - Gas
Miscellaneous Fund
---- 4.00
---- 5.00
---- 16.40
---- 80.00
_--- 56.28
December 15 - 31 Snow Removal and Sanding ---------- 867.40
New York Telephone Service - Town Garage ---------- 12.00
Motion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Councilman Mewkill that bills
be paid.
Motion carried
Motion made by Judge Kelly seconded by Councilman Mewkill that the Letter
of appreciation from Ho -ward G.Winne concerning his appointment as assessor
be received and placed on file. Motion Carried
Motion made by Councilman Mewkill seconded by Judge Beatty that Dwight
Robbins be appointed Multiple Dwelling Inspector Motion carried
Motion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Judge Beatty that Edgar M.Petrovits
be appointed Engineer Town of Wappinger. Motion Carried
Motion made by Councilman Mewkill seconded by Judge Beatty that Richard Price be
appointed attendance officer Dist.##4 at a salary of $60.00 per term.
Motion carried
Tdotion mads.:: by Judge Beatty seconded by Councilman Mewkill that the Supervisor
be allowed a bookkeeper salary not to exceed',$100.00 a year Motion carried
Motion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Judge Kelly that $400. be appropriated
to the Grinnell Library for maintenance,for the year 1959 Motion carried
Motion made by Judge Kelly seconded by Councilman Mewkill that the Poughkeepsie
New Yorker be designated as the official paper for the Town of Wappinger
Motion Carried
Motion made by Councilman Hager Seconded by Judge Beatty that the Supervisor
be empowered to publish yearly report. 11otion carried
Motion made by Judge Kelly seconded by Councilman Hager that the Superintendent
of Highways be empowered to purchase tires,tubes etc. the price not to exceed
$500.00 Motion carried
Motion made by Judge Beatty Seconded by Councilman Mewkill that the following
wage scalefor highway workers be approved
Operators 1.80 per hour -- Chauffeurs 1.60 per hour —Laborers 1.50
Motion carried
11r.Arthur Bison appeared before the Town Board concerning flash light at the
intersection of Myers Corner and Route 9 .He agreed to send letter to Town
Board concerning this intersection,Town Board to forward same to Town Engineer
who would consult the State concerning this matter.
Motion made by Judge Kelly Seconded by 6ouncilman Hager that the following
be appointed as Constables. Dwight Robbins,Joseph Costa,Walter Altonen,
Frank Osterc,Elting Scott and Robert Laffin. Motion Carried
Motion made by Judge Beatty seconded by Councilman Idewkill that The First
National Bank of Poughkeepsie be designated as depositary of town funds.,
for the Town of Wappinger for the year 1959 Motion carried
Motion made by Councilman Hager Seconded by Judge Kelly that James Lyons
be appointed Town Attorney Motion carried
Motion made by Judge Kelly seconded by Councilman Mewkill that Edward Husted
be appointed chairman of the Board of Assessors Motion carried
Motion made by Judge Beatty seconded by Councilman Hager that Mrs Helen
Travis be appointed Deputy Town Clerk and Tax Collector at $1.00 per hour.
Motion carried
Supervisor Scofield appointed Councilman Emory J.Hager Deputy Town Supervisor.
Motion made by Judge Kelly seconded -by Councilman Mewkill that the Deputy
Supervisors appointment be approved by the Town Board. Motion carried
Motion made by Councilman Mewkill Seconded Judge Beatty that Edith H.Booth
be appointed registrar of Vital Statistics for the ensuing term
Motion carried
Supervisor's Highway Account Books for 1958 were audited and approved by
members of the Town Board
!Jr.1IcGa.ughran appeared before the Tovm Board in reference to a swale on Fowler
House Road.
Michael Mirras appeared before
the Town Board in reference to a tree
Motion made by Councilman Hager Seconded by Judge Beatty
------ Carried
Resolved that the Town Board does hereby fix the salaries of the Following
Town Officers and employees
for the year beginning January 1,1959 at the
amounts respectively stated
and that such salaries shall
be payable at the
time respectively specified
Salary Payable
Edward R.Scof ield ----
Supervisor ---------
1500.00 Quarterly
Virgil Knight -----
Supt.of Highway ------.-
5500.00 Semi Monthly
Joseph F.Kelly -----
Justice of Peace -----
1600.00 Monthly
Edward B.Beatty -----
Justice of Peace -----
600.00 it
Emory J. ager ------
Councilman 4----
360.00 �r I
Harold J.Mewkill ------
Councilman -----
360.00 �� !
Edith H.Booth ------
Town Clerk ------
Edward U.??usted ------
Chairman Bd.of Assessors
1800.00 July 1& Dec.2(
Stanley Ries ------
Assessor --- --
1500.00 it is it I'D
Howard J.Winne-------
Assessor -----
1500.00 it it If If
James J.Lyons-------
Town k Corney -----
720.00 Monthly
Edgar Petrovits -----
Town Engineer -----
300.00 yearly
Dwight Robbins -------
Multiple Dwelling Inspector 100.00 ►D
Motion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Judge Kelly
that meeting adjourn.
Motion made by Judge Kelly
seconded by Judge Beatty that
the �mvn Me
meetings be held the first
Thursday after the first Tuesday
of each month.
Motion carried'
0 Al
Town Clerk