1959-06-04230 A regular meeting of the Town Board, Town of Wappinger was held in the Town Hall on Thursday evening, June 4s 1959 Present -Supervisor, Edward R. Scofield, Justice's of the Peace, Joseph F. Kelly and Edward Beatty, Councilmen -Harold J. Mewkill and Emory J. Hager, Supt. of Highways -Virgil Knight, Town Engineer- Charles Maneri, Attorney - James J. Lyons. Supervisor Edward R. Scofield appointed Emory J. Hager Secretary for the meeting. Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Scofield at 7;30 P. 11. O'Clock. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. 124 Edward B. Beatty- n n u n u u�_N_�_50.00 i i 125 Emory J. Hager, Councilsmans Salary 30.00 i 126 Harold J. Mewrkill u ----------------------- 30,00 127 James J. Lyons, Attorney n ---------------------- 60.00 128 Marilyn Fimre, Service Town Board------- --------------- _.._------ — --- — -_ 20.00 $1,838.94 HIGHWAY FUND May 1st to May 15th -General Repairs -------- -------- --.-._.-------- _..,.__ — 1071.20 May 15th to May 29th -General Repairs ---------------------------------- .r_ 1017.60 Lemac Sand g Stone Company- Gravel-------__...__________ _._______—____— 247 *5o Sinclair Refining Company -Gasoline ------ ------- ..._--------- -------- _ 167,05 GENERAL FUND Warrant No. 6 From Claim No, 108 to Claim No, 128 inclusive 108 Virgil Knight -Supt of Highway -Salary --- 229.15 109 Veterans of Foreggn Wars Post #5913- Victor Bracone,Maintenance------- 50.00 110 The Campbell Press, Printing Town 13,50 111 The Beaseley Agency, Inc,, Fire Insurance, New Grader ------------ 195.90 112 The Beaseley Agency, Inc., 61,77 113 New York Telephone Company, Assessors Room -------------------------- 17.70 114 Virgil Knight Salary, Supt. of Highway, May 29th --------------------- 229,17 115 Edith H. Booth, Salary, May 29th -----------------.-________—______N 183.33 116 Helen Travis, Office Expense, Town 3.20 117 The Campbell Press, Memorial Day, 25,00 118 The Beaseley Agency, Pay Roll Audit---------------------.._________.._ 386.16 119 Dwight Robbins, Dog Service --------------------------------- ----- —__ 16,00 120 Dwight Robbins, Service Town Hall------------------____________—_.___ 5,00 121 M. M. Sales Cojjpany, Memorial Day Supplies____________________________ 49.71 A. L. Post 427 122 Paul Reichardt, Flags ----- ------------------------------------r_------ 50,00 A. L. Post 427 123 Joseph F. Kelly -Justice of the Peace, Salary, May----------- 133.33 124 Edward B. Beatty- n n u n u u�_N_�_50.00 i i 125 Emory J. Hager, Councilsmans Salary 30.00 i 126 Harold J. Mewrkill u ----------------------- 30,00 127 James J. Lyons, Attorney n ---------------------- 60.00 128 Marilyn Fimre, Service Town Board------- --------------- _.._------ — --- — -_ 20.00 $1,838.94 HIGHWAY FUND May 1st to May 15th -General Repairs -------- -------- --.-._.-------- _..,.__ — 1071.20 May 15th to May 29th -General Repairs ---------------------------------- .r_ 1017.60 Lemac Sand g Stone Company- Gravel-------__...__________ _._______—____— 247 *5o Sinclair Refining Company -Gasoline ------ ------- ..._--------- -------- _ 167,05 HIGHWAY FUND CONT ID Dutchess Quarry & Supply Company -Road Mix ------------------------ 357*70 Brighton Steel Company, Road Pipe ---------_-.-_______________r ____r, 49.50 2910.55 Uk CH IN FRY FUND H. 8, Penn Machiner Company -Payment of New Grader-----------.-._____ o ,979.00 Brighton Steel Company, Connecting Links -------------------- 8.30 Urey Hardware Company, Supplies __--- ------------- ..._ ____,____--- 6.53 Ken Smith Machinery Company ------ Repairs ------------------------- 21.30 Puck Trucks, Inc, Parts ------------------------r.___ ---------- — --- _,, 193.35 Acme Tank & Truck Corp.6 Repairs------------.--.______________—. 12.00 H. 0. Penn Machinery Company---------- Parts------------------- 51.68 Midway Gas & Service Station, Parts & Repairs---------- 345.45 Hudson River Sales Corp. -Road Broom..—_________—__._._— _._,. 125.00 10., 748.61 MISCELLANEOUS FUND Brighton Steel Company,:Calcium Chloride .------------------ 1283,50 New York Telephone Company -Service Garage-------..--.--__--___..__— 12.00 Alvin A. Totten-Tree'9�fork--_______._________.._—___._�___40.00 1335.50 Michael Mirras appeared before the Board relative to Town accepting balance of Dorothy Lane, Brandon Place and part of Pine Ridge Drive, without being blacktopped. Resolutiom adopted on December 26th, 1957 meeting was read to Mr. Mirras. A motion was made by Justice Kelly and seconded by Justice Beatty that the Town Board adhere to the resolution adopted on December 26th, 1957. Motion Carried, Martin Leskow appeared before the Board relative to a letter from Town Board regarding the acceptance of the road off Moccasin View Road. A Motion was made by Justice Kelly and seconded by Councilman Mewkill that the Town Board present a letter to Mr. Leskowr. Motion Carried. Mr. T. B. Hilton appeared before the Board relative to Panorama Developement. The papers were not in order. William Brocker, Park Lane appeared beddre the Board relative to drag races on Park Lane and tearing past his place. Mr. Brocker stated he had reported this to the Sherriff+s Office and the State Troopers. Recently Alexanders truck went by and wad hailed about speeding and making dust. The Law says 50 miles per hour. Mr. Brocker asked for a sign, 20 miles per hour, children at play. 231 232 A Motion was made by Justice Kelly and seconded by Couhcilman Hager that .whatever signs are allowed to be put up, be erected. Motion Carried. Normington Schofield appeared before the Board on Orahard Homes, Water Developement and asked for a letter from the Town Board stating that if the people in the district want a water District, and if the developer met all the specifications the Board would accept it. A Motion was made by Councilman Hager, seconded by Justice Beatty that a letter be -given to Orchard Homes. Motion Carried. Mr. Arthur Bisom appealed before the Board hbout flashing signal on Route 9 at Myers Corners Road. A motion was made by Justice Kelly and seconded by Councilman Hager that a follow—up letter be written to State about light. Motion Carried. M. Me Garron asked for the appointment of Frank Van Nostrand as constable at Chelsea Yacht Club. A Motion was made by Justice Kelly and seconded by Councilman Ha#er that Frank Me-Rrftrwan be appointed a Constable. Motion Carried. Supervisor Scofield reported that a meeting on planning would be held on June 25th . This meeting to either be held in the school or firehouse. A Motion was made by Justice Kelly and seconded by Councilman Mewkill that the bills be paid. Motion Carried. Motion by Justice Beaty and seconded by Councilman Mewkill that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried.