1959-09-03245 A regular meeting of the Town Board, Town of Wappinger was held in the Town Hall on Thursday evening, September 3rd, 1959 Present: -Supervisor, Edward R. Scofield, Justice's of the Peace - Joseph F. Kelly & Edward B. Beatty, Councilmen Harold J. Mewkill & Emory J. Hager, Superintdndent of Highways Virgil Knight - Tamm Engineer -Charles Manieri, Attorney -James J. ivons and Deputy Town Clerk -Helen L. Travis. The meeting was called to order by Sppervisor Scofield at 7:30 P. M. The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. GENERAL FUND WARRANT NO. 9, From Claim No. 170 to Claim No. 189 Inclusive 170 -Helen L. Travis -Service & Expenses----------------------- 9.53 171 -Chester Satz Company, Inc -Assessors Field Eook----------- 7.20 172 -Richard Price -Attendance Officer -Dist. No.4-58-59------- 60.00 173 -Virgil Knight -Supt. of Highway -Salary -August 15---------V29.17 174 -Popper Electric Corp. -Service Town Hall------------------ 12,.65 175 -New York Telephone Company -Service Town Hall---------- 20.55 176 -Marilyn Fiore -Service Town Board ------------------ ----n 20.00 177 Virgil Knight -Supt. of Highway -Salary -August 31--------- 229.17 178 -Edith H. Booth -Salary -Town CaierkAugust 31st -------- --.- 183.33 179 -Central Hudson Gas & Elea. Corp. --Service Town Hall---- 34,03 180 -Joseph F. Kelly -Justice of Peace -Stamps------------- 10.00 181 -Jennie Stripple-Supplies Town Board---------------- 2,09 182 -Dwight Robbins Dog Service------------------------------ 1Q 00 183 -Dwight Robbins -Service Town Hall---------------------- 5,00 184 -Joseph F. Kelly -Justice of the Peace, Salary August -----133.33 185 Edward B. Beatty- " is " " a w ------ 50.00 186 -Emory J. Hager-Councilmens Salary, " " ----_ 30.00 187 -Harold J. Mewkill " " " ---- 30.00 188 -James J. Lyons, Attorney " " ----- 60.00 189 -Cent. Hud. G. & E. Corp.-Aervice Assessors Room --- 2.50 $1138.55 HIGHWAY FUND Item # 1 August 1st to August 15th -Payroll No. 15------------=---- $1071.20 Elwin Smith6Gravel-------------------------------------- ...._ .150.00 Lemac Sand & Gravel Corp.----..V"t"O------------------ 206.25 Dut Dutchess Quarry & Supply Corporation -Road Mix----------- 80,50 A..Yd4iE.[Y.i hrighway Vu (Cont�.,MhdA) David Alexander -Service------------------------------- 20.00 Spoor Lasher & Co#eny, Inc --------Road Oil---------- 451.50 Sinclair Refining CodLpany-Gas--- ------------------- 270.36 MACHINERY FUND Item # 3 2249.81 Sinclair Ref irAng Company -Fuel Oil----------- - 40.50 H. A. Stein Equipment Corp, -Repairs ----------------- 21.85 H. 0. Penn Company---------------------------------- 22.75 Item #4 ' 85.10 HIGHWAY FUND August 17th to August 31st -Payroll No. 16-------- 1071.20 New York Tel. Company -Service Garage----------- 12.20 lo83.40 Mr. Charles Card appeared before the Board stating that roads in his development were not ready for acceptance at this time. Mrs. Arnold J. Butler appeared before Board and asked what had been done about petition for Lights in Cameli Acres. Supervisor Scofield stated that a date would be set later for the hearing. Mr. Manieri, rported that the Town has a deed for Sky Top Drive, but that there is not room enough at the top to turn around. But no deed can be found for Caroline Drive. A letter was received from Joseph P. Carey, representing 41 property owners in the Panoram, Developement, Myers Corners Road, stating that the hardtopping on the road is being done and that it will be com- pleted by the next meeting and a deed will then be prdsented'to the Board for formal acceptance. He thanked the Board for their kind attention to this matter. Supervisor Scofield appointed a committee to look into the possibility of the Town forming a Planning Committee. The Committee to be as follows; --Eugene Conti-Hughsonville, Howard Winne -District No. 1, Kenneth Thornton -District No. 6 -Kenneth Van Voorhis District No. 3, Emory J. Hager -Chelsea. A motion was made by Justice Kelly and Seconded by Ustice Beatty that these appointments be accepted. Motion Carried. TH6 date of October 8th, 1959 at 7 P. M. was set for the Public Hearing on the Cameli Light District. Themeeting will be held at the Town Hall. ww� 243 Mr. John Mc Gregor, Chelsea Road presented a petition from the Tax— payers of the Academy Hills Section, Chelsea asking that action be taken on their road. The Board agreed to do what they could to get it in shape for the winter and then take care of the project L thorougbGy next year. The Bills for the month of August were read. A Motion was made by Councilman Mewkill and seconded by Justice Kelly that the bills be paid. Motion Carried. i A Motion was made by Councilman Hager and seconded by Councilman Mewkill that the meeting adjourn. Motion Carried, 1 Deputy Town Clerk