A special meeting of the Town Board, Town of Wappinger was held in
the Town Hall on Monday evening, October 5th, 1959 with the following
present Supervisor, Edward R. Scofield, Justice's of the Pegce-Joseph
F. Kelly and Edward B. Beatty, Councilmen -Harold J. Mewkill & Emory
J. Hager, Superintendent of Highways Virgil Knight, Town Attorney -
James J. Lyons and the following members of the Planning Committee: -
Chairman -Eugene Conti, Kenneth Van Voorhis, Howard Winne and Kenneth
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Scofield for the purpose
of receiving a report from the Planning Committee and considering the
preliminary budget for 1960e
A preliminary report was rendered by the Planning Committee.
The preliminary, budget was thoroughly discussed and upon a motion
made by Councilman Mewkill and seconded by Justice of the Peace
Beatty and carried the following resolution was made:- Resolved
that the annual preliminary budget of the Town of Wappinger and
the several districts therein contained for the year 1960, having
been complted the same be filed in the°office of the clerk of the
Town of Wappinger where it shall be available during t}e regular
office hours of said clerk for inspection and this board hold a
hearing at a meeting to be held in the Town Hall, Village of
Wappingers Falls on the 29th day of October 1959 at 7:30 o'clock
and that said notice of hearing be published in the Poughkeepsie
New Yorker in tlxe issues thereof of the 15th day of October 1959
and the 22nd day of October 1959 respectively, at which hearing
the town board will meet and review the said preliminary budget
and any person or persons interested may be heard in favor of, or
against all or any of the items of the said preliminary budget as
i I A Motion was made b Councilman Mewkill and seconded b Councilman
ti y y
Hager that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried.
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Acting Secretary
o mss s�ridT�irEo
Supervisor's Estimate -General Town Government, Including salaries $32.315.00
Revenues General Fund $46,800.00
Supterintendent of Highways, Item #1 $47,OOQQOO
n #2 11000.00
* #3 10,000.00
".#4 123000.00
Town Clerk Expenditures $3,400.00
Registrar of Vital Statistics $37.00
Justice of the Peace -
Edgard Beatty— $630.00
Joseph F. Kelly— 1850.00
Harold J. Mewkill $360.00
Emory J. Hager 360.00
Assessors- Stanley Ries $1,580.00
Harold J. Winne X,525.00
Edward M. Husted2,100.00
Special Districts Amount to be raised -
Chelsea Dire District -- $63790.00
Hughsonville Fire District- 7,719.00
New Hacbknsack Fire District 5,2O9s00
Hughsonville Light District -1,200.00
Chelsea Light District -- 2.609.58